The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, January 13, 1907, Page 2, Image 2

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Robert Harshaw Victim of Com-
'' plication In the Chester s ;
' ' Thompson Case. ; ,
It Is Not to AdruUf of Thompson
: und Harshaw Is to B Called to
Testify 6ho Once Told Quite An
other Btory Thompson's Poetry.
T ..' (SpxUl flapaUrli to The Joeraal) . '
s Tacoma. . Wash Jan. 11. Lover plt
" ted against sweetheart tba Ufa of a
. - 'enrt mutual friend being tba i possible
, ' italic, will ba one Ojf tba probable draroaa
-'"of next waak la the, trial of Cheater
Thompson. - .- ' , '
Tola afternoon a meeaenger waa dls-
- patched to Seattle to aummon a young
i, man who la expected to Impeach the tea-
.. . timony of tba girl wbo promised. It la
; aatd. to-be bis wife. Tba proceedings
-. are taken bjr the defense ia tba faca of
the fact that the wltneaa attacked la
-not only a prominent socletyglrl of
, Seattle, but alao In aplta af tba fact that
; her testimony, whlla unfavorable ft
- , Cheater Tbompaon in lomi of ita feat-?
. urea, might be found almoat ' balanced
"between atata and defenaa If weighed In
the fineness of Juatioe. - .
Misa -Olive VosawlnVle. ..the :. young
woman ln-question, a chum of Charlotte'
v Whittlesey and an exceedingly attractive
girl, waa tha principal wltneaa on tba
''"f y fr h -talk's rebuttal and
ho gave tha moat -Important testimony
" Jet aubraltted for tha proaacutlon'a aide,
"' I . Contradictory Opinions Alleged.
Mlaa VosswWikl atated that aha flrat
- i met Cheater at tba home of ' Charlotte
.. Whittlesey flvo yean ago, when aha
called one afternoon.- She testified that
aha had seen Cheater Thompaon ' ap-
parentTy enjoying the festivities at aev.
- , oral eoclal gatherlnga up to a year and
a half ago, and aha declared that aha
bad never aeen anything peculiar in hla
conduct except bia bashfulneaa and hla
1 1 tendency to eentlmentalfem when talk
ing with girls. Bhe admitted that ha
chatted about Charlotte Whlttleaey
moat of tba time, and that ha abowed
r irer w pvvmm, pome oi wnicn werv aa
' dress, to the object of hla adoration,
: but aha declared her belief la hla gnn-
' Judge Thompson thia Afternoon atated
that an effort would be made to Impeach
' " the testimony of Misa Olive Vosswlnkle.
; ' : Robert Harshaw, tha young man with
'- whom tha young lady had bean keeping
'company, made the statement to Judge
''Thompson soon after tha shooting that
: it would be good plan for tha dafanaa
to call .Mlaa Vosswlnkle -to tha aland,
Ha atated that Miss Vosswlnkle had
made tbe atatement to him that aha be
- llaved Cheater 'waa Insane, and ' after
reading some of hla poetry said aha waa
jaura of It.- , ; . ,- ; j.
: ; League Tries to Force. Saloons
v and Theatres to Shut Up
on Sunday.
1 ?
: (FahlUhen' rveas by Specltl Leeees Wire.)
. ; . Chicago, Jan. li. With petltlona al
' 'ready pending against Mayor Dunne, to
Compel tha enforcement of the Sunday
; ' i closing law and against 1,000 saloon
' keeper to force tha auapenalon. of tha
' liquor buslneaa on tha Sabbath tha Chi
. ; eago -Sunday Closing league turned Ha
.-.t attention to tha local theater today: .
Writs of mandamua are aought. aa la
; . tha caee against tha mayor and tha aa-
, loonkeapers, attacking Sunday tnnitera.
The petltlona were filed by John Reck.
' tnger, a; prominent mnmner of the
league. Tha following theaters"? are
" made defandanta: t
.'. t ' The Majestic powers. McVlckera, tha
. . Haymarket, the Lagalle, tha Great
-. J , Northern, tha Grand Opera houae. tha
l;Carrtck. tha Criterion, tha Columbus,
T ... the Colonial, tha Chicago Opera house,
! i tba Academy of Muslo, tha Olympic and
. , th Illinois.
-4 praoadlng tha filing of the aulta. At
..' . toroey C 1L Soelke, representing Rack
Inger, called on Mayor Iunna, with a
; demand that th latter exert hla official
, authority to close tha theaters, and met
t , , with a point-blank refusal. I.
.( Tha theater managera, who say that
, Sunday haa bean their beat - day fer
- ' ' yaara. are prepared to carry tha eaaa
, . ; ; to tha aupreme court. If neoaaaary, to
- , defeat the Sunday closing league.
! Wallowa' Tax Twenty-Two Mill.
. (bmII Witrt te The JonrnaL)
, . Enterprise, Or.. Jan..llr-At its Isst
, i session 1 tba county oourt of Wallowa
't'oounty decided te levy a tax of tf mills
. - on all taxable property to meat tha e
- . ponaes of tha county for IfOT. Tba total
5 . n In n all t . v 11 nHwtrtr lit
I Iowa .county la 5.ei7.00.
. A Joseph man paid a fin of f IfO for
soiling Honor Illegally.
With. Clothing
None but first class make end quality of Men's Suits and .
Overcoats to unload at $4.75, $7.35 and $12.85 the regular
$10.00. $15.00 and $20.00 grades. Youths" sizes af $2.85, $4.75
and $8.00, former orices $10.00, $12,00 and $15.00. . Men's
Hats, $2.00 and $3.00 grades, to unload at 75c and $1.25.
Big stock of Pants, $5.00 and $6.00 grades, to unload at
$1.45, $25 and $3.75. Underwear and Overshirts at Ont
Half nrice of their value. . . " . . , V
t - ,. .
181183 FIRST ST
PAYS 840,000 FOR
Senator Clark of Montana Buys
; Painting by Jules Breton' 1
o, ' at Fancy Price.
(Hunt Hews bf Lenfest I 4 Wire.)
Hnr Torb Jan. It. With th pur.
chase ea Friday of Jule Breton' paint
ing "Harvesting tbe Popple." for which
he paid I4O.0UO, Senator William A.
Clark, of Montana, baa added on mor
rr work of art tc th auperb eolleo-
Senator W. A. Clark.
- ' J
tlon which adorn .his mansion at Fifth
avenue and Flftyaeventb street.
Hla collection la now ranked aa tha
finest private collection In tha world
and even rivals soma of tha government
eollectlona abroad.
Thar la special publlo Interest In
It by the faet that th Montana copper
king haa planned hla mansion so that
on day of each week tha general pub
llo will be permitted to view the art
treaaurea with which ha haa surrounded
hla young and -beautiful wife.
The purchase of 'Harvesting tha Pop-
piee"' marked Senator 'Clarke formal
appearance, by the way, as an art con
noisseur who Judgea and buys hla tro
phies without tha aid f artists or
critics. The senator having conceived a
love for the fine ar.ta, madn-a apecliA
atudy of them both In thlg emitury tunl
abroad. In hla atudy 'he ha had , at
all time tha aid of Mrs. Clark. -
Mrs. Clark ia an accomplished -musician
and an amateur art collector of
note as well, and In her. Firm avenu
horn she haa a fortune In Gobelin tap
estries alone, besides costly paintings
and bronsaa from every capita,! of tha
Old world. i ' .
"Harvesting th Popples" waa sold la
1?0! for IS6.S0O. Tha 140.000 paid for
It by Senator Clark waa the "lop piic
for any painting at the Mendelssohn
hall aal on Friday. , , ;i i
' V- t- v ;
(rMlahenf Ptm by pcUl Leased Wire. I
Chelsea, Mich.. Jan. 1J. Franx p,
Glaxler, atata treasurer and president
of this village, closed down hla atova
works half an
?trMbMBr.,!SJ2w r. complately than It
this noon snd with. Marshal Bert Toung
and Deputy Sheriff Loach beaded a
gang of 100 of hla workmen, armed with
aledga hammers, .raided tha saloons of
tha village and carried out a large num
ber of alot machlnaa.
Th machlnee were dumped Into tha
village square, where tha moulders at
tacked them, reducing them to - maaa
of debrla In a few minutea.
Glanler'a hatred of tha alot machlnaa
I aald by to waf oik-t9. be based to a
great extent to th fascination of his
son. aged St yaara, for this form, of
traMlslasn Press ky special Leased Wire.)
Canon City. Colo., Jan. 12. John E.
McGarvey, aged $2 yea re, waa hanged
at the Colorado penitentiary tonight at
1:20 o'clock for the murder of Edward
Innea, jailer at tha Meaa county Jail
In Grand Junction. McGarvey waa con
fined at tbe Grand Junction Jail on th
charge of criminally assaulting a nine-year-old
girl and ha killed Innea In or
der to eacspa.
' MeGarvey leavea a father, Barney
McGarvey. et Long Branon, N. J. Tha
father refused to answer the condemned
aon'a numerous appeal for sympathy
and assistance to carry his esse to the
higher courts.
in n
Snow of Glacial Consistency
Covers State Temperature
' Fifteen Below.
Stock on PUlna Foodlcsai and Fuel
Famine In Cities Menace Life'
' Coast Point Suffer Amid Unao
coatomed Cold and Snow. . .
'' (Special Dlaneteh te Tbe JooraaLV ' ' -
.Helena, Mont., Jan. II. Montana la.
experiencing tba worst bHssard In 10 .
' yea re, and tha aituatlon la becoming (
i alarming. . At Great Fall today tba '
I Beaton and Montana company turned i
oyer to local coal dealer 400 tona of ,
I mine run coal that waa stored at Ita
. smelters' and publlo notice waa given
' that It would be dispensed In email
r lota, but now anow la drifted ao badly :
; In tha atreets that- dellvertee- ara very
' BlOW. . ' k .
I All tha mines are belrig run at their,
ffiilr capacity but there ia a shortage--of
! care.
J Tha bllsxard followed a Chinook that
had softened tha dee? anow on the.
ground, and tha ranges : are covered
with a maaa Ilka Ice. Tha temoerature
I all day haa been at aero or below .
throughout northern Montana, and to-
Bight the mercury la still falling. It
I haa reached II below at Helen,!, '
jisnge cunuiuuna are especially oaa
In northern Montana, tha ground hav
ing been covered with snow slnca No- ,
vember, and local stockmen fear .heavy
loaaea In that aectlon unleaa a Chinook i
ahould come within 41 hours. . , i
Olaagow announcea that there la not 1
a freight train on tha Great Northern
east of that point, and paaaenger trains
1 are from ft to 60 hours late. v
. North of Chinook and north Of Qlirr
gow, . In Canada, conditions are tha
worat In many yaara and hundrede of
antelope have been seen at thoaa towns,
having been driven out by tha bad
waathar. ,
North Wind Whirl Snow Abont In
';',.-" Blinding Blast. T;. v''
Special fin tea to Tbe Jenrnal.)
Taooma. Wash.Jan, I J. Today ba
been tha coldest day of the year In
Tacoma. It btgaa anowlng at 4 a. m.
and tha ground was covered two Inches
deep at ' o'clock, when the anowlng
ceased. A south wind haa been blowing
all day. drifting tha anow In blinding
gusts through tha atreets. Numbers of
telephones are not working and traffic
has been much interfered with. Th
pill streets are very slippery and half
a dosen people have received Injuries
by falls. - Tha telephoa 'and telegraph
linee to Hot Springs ar down and high
winda have . raged all day along tha
Northern Pacific: line. In tha. Cascade
mountains but there ha bean no fall
of snow thar. , ,
River Closed at The Dalle Cross
. tng Is Mada on Ice. . .
(Sprtl Dlspstpb to The Joirrnal.) . I
The Dalles, Jan. llTeatardata,
Chinook wind blew and tha temperature
rose to 19 degree. The snow melted
very rapidly.- 'Tble morning the tem
perature changed to it degree above
sero, and snow haa been falling. It ap
pears now that-the people will exper
ience a severs winter, with uncommonly
cold weather and heavy enow.
Notwithstanding tha Chinook yester
day the river remains closed and per
sons crossed on the Ice this morning.
The change or temperature thla morn-
Moderntlng Now After Ten Days of
, Severe Weather. ' -
(SpeHal Dlspateb to Tbe. Joaroal.)
McMlnnvIlle. Or. Jan. 1. The cold
anap wrlch McMlnnvtlie had been expe
riencing for 10 days waa broken Friday
by tha wind changing to the southwest
Yesterday morning Tamhill was covered
wish a coat of anow, but it did not stay
long. During the cold weather ' Ice
formed aolld enough to afford akatlng,
and aa a result th college students and
others have bad fine sport. . .v.,.-,,
Not Often Such" Merr Sleighing
Days Can Be Enjoyed.
(ftprelal Dtrpeteh to The Jeanial.)
Pendleton, Or., Jan. 11, A- heavy
anew fell here all day, - Tonight the
first eloigning for eome time la being
enjoyed. The anow la two to three feet
deep at the mountain towns of eastern
Oregon.' The people here are delighted
with the Jingle of the first slelghbell
heard her. In year. .
Castle Rock's Heavy Snows.
" r"pecir Dlp tr te' Th Joaraal.l -
Castle Rock, Wash., Jan. 11 About
two Inchaa of anow fell here laat night
The thermometer today ranged about
v aesrece. 11 nai oven cmuar bii oslj
and haa snowed almost constantly sine
aoon. ..', - ..
' Klamath Falls Coldest. "
(Rperltl m.p-tcs ta Tbe J mi mil.) '
Klamath Falla, Or., Jan. 13. Tha
eoldeat weather ao far was I degree
above sero. Six-inch lea I now being
harvested from, Upper Klamath lake,
Secofaf 'Snow at Salem.
(Special Dtopttcb te The Jnornel.)
Salem, Or., Jan 11. A aecond anow
season began her at an . early hoar
thla morning, remaining on tha around
all day. Tonight the storm ' resumed,
with prospects that it , would, continue
throughout the night . . ' ,
(Sperlat fH-petrfe te The Joerael'.t ,
Pendleton, Or., Jan. 11. -James T.
Clarke and Fred Bod In were' Sentenced
to II month. lnth . penitentiary by
Judge Lean today. They real-led arrest
few weeke ego in a disreputable houae.
The officer we suddenly attacked by
tha men. Who were railroad laborers.
They beat him almost Into Insensibility.
The offloer shot Clark, who ba eln?
recovered.; . , -
" - v - - -
No article combines useful and
ornamental quality . mora than
.a handsome mirror, '. We have
.these In all .siscs and patterns
and many . varietlea of frames.
From a large ahlpment Juat re
ceived we Quote the following;
low prtcea: ,.-',.', -
Rise Ixll Plain French plate, H
Inch frame, very good value at
11.00, our price ...........704
1x10 bevel Trench mirror, ' l-inoh
carved frame, really worth, $125.
our price 95
till "bevel" French 'ml.rTor'S-rnrlr
carved rrama, really worm
our price
f 1.15
Shaped- oval and bevel plate mir
ror, 12x20 fancy' veneered frame,
'gilt " trimmed, finished elther-4n
oak or flemlah, our price,. $2.65
We wish to announce the arrival"
of a new shipment of fine Iron
ertbe for children. - -Our . stock
also contains wooden cribs and
trundle beds at prices ' to suit
every pocket book. Trundle beds,
light maple frames, varnished.
Including frame ZSxgt... ,92.67
Iron erfba Ilka above out. 10x64,-
Including aprlngs ...S6.75
Others t...$ 8, Of 10, f
Crib Mattresses
In our ahop we make to order
mattresses for these erlba of any
material desired. Prtoes aa low
as .. ..... $1.50
Recast and Unify Entire Water
Administration, Advises the 7
State Engineer -
Special . Dispatch te The Joornel.)
. Salem, Or Jan. 12. "That a complete
code of water law be enacted providing
a definite system for -establishing and
acquiring titlea to the use of water, for
conveniently proving auch title or claim
of title In some central office where an
abstract of titles or water rights oaa be
readily ascertained, and for the protec
tion by the atata of all lights to the nse
Of water." -
This paragraph summarises the essen
tials In sll the elaborate and detailed
recommendation of State Engineer
Lewla made -. In hla report to Governor
One of the principal recommendations
Is that provision be made for a "Domee-
day 300k. to contain exnauative data
aa a stream flow, water sourcee' and
supply and tha exact legar atatua ef all
water rights whatsoever held In Oregon.
A complete exploration of the arid eeo
tlon Is urged, relative to "arid landa
! suitable for Irrigation, and their relative
elevation wun reference 10 nnwni mi
possible reservoir sites, and to deter
mine the location and extent of our
waar power resources. This explora
tion ahould Include the underground
water supply and dry farming possibilities.-
Tbe enactment of a pew state law,
accepting the provisions of the Carey
act. In harmony with proposed new leg.
lslatlon on th subject of waters, la also
recommended. .
The -report contain a paper on
'Vater Filings in Eastern Oregon and
Coat of Water Litigation," by Albert E.
Wright' A aummary la given of th fll
Inga in Umatilla, Union, Wallowa, Baker
and Malheur counties, ahowlng aotual
discharge of each stream. .
Arthur P. Btover, in "Willamette Val
ley Investigations,", discusses the prob
able value of irrigation In thla sectioo.
...... ; ... ..... v'.
(Ftrhllrters' Tress by Bpeelat Leased Wire.)
Washington. Jan. II. Interstate Com
merce Commleetonera Prouty and Lane
have Started for the weet to continue
hearings In.ths Harrlman ease In Den
ver and Beat.'Thy may-bold bear
ings at Portland, - San Franclecd' and
Los Angelas. The commissioners ate
rllned to dlscuaa tha matter. The re
port on the grain Inquiry will not be
submitted to congress until th elevator
cess 1 decided In Missouri .
11 H
- 111 ff a t B.a' i f
V. : . v.
$,.00 a week jhe stay 'Satisfactory Range - WBBK
Put a
It burns hard coal,
soft coal or wood, ' and
utilise all the heating
power of the fuel. Ordi
nary ranges ' are made
of ' cast Iron. ' . Such
ranges are fuel wasters.
becauae whan ateel 1 la,
bolted to cast Iron. i
le practically Impossible
to make tight jointa
without tha ,' use of
stove putty.
The Monarch Range
Is different. It ia con
structed - with Malleable
lronframea, to which
tti aheet steel- l-rrv'
ed not bolted. ' f
Such a v atove' may
work - well until k the
bolts become loos, or
the"-- seam -open be
tween the rivets. The
DMttT rnntrante, -tiSTrt
rlAi-r-l-.J IT. "' .
faxm.i. ' '..a 1 iJaj
ir--'-r- .. . ... V J
ens and falla out Than
V outalda air .leak In
- through ,very em
, and JolnJlhrough Int-
""Iparfectly . cloaed . open
:r:A S1.00 Cook Book FREE ;
Thla Is a real book,' not a cheap advertising circular. It la handsomely printed
on rood paper bound lnjloth, with board coverings, 144 pages. -
- If you could buy it at a bookstore It. Would cost, yon at least fl.Od.7
It oontalna --Stl receipt,- many of thera new, all simple, easy to make and In
expensive. . -. ' , : , ; ..' , '
Has practical menus for th whole year and many valuable hlnte on diet and
marketing;.'- -. ; 7'T7" Z""-'T"i ' ;"' "-J. ' .-"'..'""
Tnn ran et it without cost If you
a year,
Cut but this advertisement, mall it to tha Malleable Iron Rang Company.
Beaver Dam, Wis., and tell them WHEN (stating month If possible) you expeot
to buy and you will secure this valuable book free. As tbe edition 1 limited,
write now. .. 1 - "- r-- 1' ' t- ' , - ' :. .'V -.
Our Regular Prices Are as
Quoted at Alleged Sales
We have 4neauTiful rocker
like the above out which we
are going to aell this week.
They are made of the finest
grained quarter -sawed . oak.
strongly built and worth $4.60.
They will seU while they last
t ....S3.00
(Continued from Pag On.) '
111; Allan A Lewi, lit; United Ststes
National, f IS; 'Marshall-Wells Hardware
company, 116; Honeyman - Hardware
company, 125; Title Guarantee at Truat
company, fit; W. P. Fuller A Co., 126;
Olds, Wortman A . King, 121; Meter A
Frank, lit; Paoifie Coaat Biscuit, com
pany, lit; Closest A Devers, 120; Jones
Cash Store, 16; Mason eVErhmsn, 15;
Llpmsn ft Wolfe, 110; Union Trust com
pany, - !2; Flalschner At Mayer, 2i;
Portland- Trust company, 120. .
At the outset the chamber of com
merce contributed 1100 per month to
th fund, the same aa did the 'Commer
cial club organization. The understand
ing waa that Tom Richardson, manager
of the - promotion . department, should
push this work ' for a period not less
than two years, Hla oontract, at 11.000
per year salary, was originally for two
years. When thst period expired th
chamber of commerce dropped Its sub
scription. The executive committee
made a new arrangement with Mr. Rich
ardson for another , year, which will
'expire June 1, 1107. - - i
The subscriptions are mad! with the
proviso that they are to be used "for
the support snd maintenance of the
promotion fund of the Commercial club
the expenditure bf such fund to be under
the supervision and control ef the ex
ecutive committee of said Commercial
club." -
, How na Waa Started. J
Tbs history Of ths Inception of this
committee is an Illustration of th
puahlng Portland spirit. The Idea of
promotion department Is said to have
originated with H. M. Cake, while be
wea president of the club.
When the fund . was ubacrlbed th
contributor were told to appoint their
own committee, and administer tha fund
aa they aaw l.t. Independent of the
board of governors or the executive
officer of the club proper. .. The aub
acTlbera named a committee, snd it was
Incorporated In ths Hub calendar aa
the "executive committee." But It haa
no part In the affaire of the club outalda
of the disbursement of the promotion
A other matter pertaining to the
Commercial club' affairs sre handled
by th board " of governor and- the
president, secretsry snd ateward. . Tha
executive committee ee at present or
ganized Is composed of ths following:
T, B., Wilcox, chairman; William M
LVdd, A. Mllla, Robert Llvlnratone.
J, Frank Wataon. L. Allen Lewla, Walter
F. Burrell, J. C Ainsworth, L ft
Flelachner. ' ", . ';
. Board f Trad Members. . -
All of these men are active membere
of the Portland chamber of commerce
end-most ef them -also are. on . th. r? I
of th board of trade. In a movement
to divorce the promotion department
from the Commercial olub and engraft
It on the chamber ef commerce theae
men would, it t aald, be the principal
faotors tf they dee! red to make any
ing at ' the oven doori
the draft door, tba aab
pan. floor, eto 'n4. i. It
takes twice -a much
fuel to keep np the fire.
'Only In thla way can
abaolutely air tight
Joints be made. ; -
There Is no stove pat
ty In a Monarch. -
Each -. of the frames
around the Oven Door,
Ash. Door, the Pouch
Feed, back of Oven, eto.
le made of Malleable
Iron, which inauree air
tight eeama. without
danger of laaia ; 1.
All tht . make ' an
economical ' lasting
range, with perfect - fire
control - range tbat
cooks well and atays
aatiafactory for a " Ufa
Uma. .
Intend buying a rang or eook atove within
G E T I T ."
Ldw or Lower Than Those
Now Being Advertised
We have th excluaive agency for- Iron ' bed
mannfaefored by one of th besP faetorla' in
Chicago, "W'e show designs and oolors that ar
hot shown at any other store, . Some of the com
binations are old red and Vernls Martin, bronze
jrreenlthjyhlt andgold pink, bin and whit
in many combination of oolor. , r:
W aoliclt a comparison of' prices and careful
Inspection of these goods. Most people, are In
terested in low prices so w sbow the above cut
and claim It to be th best in the city for th
prlc ......., ..' ; ......93.00
ehang In -the . present arrangement.
Bo far aa can be learned, they have not
expressed themselves on the subject
Many of the members of the Commer
clal club assert that ahould the promo
tion department be taken from their or
ganization the olub would raise another
fund and continue the work.
' Regarding the suggestion that-" ttie
Portland chamber of commerce, .the
Commercial olub and tba board of trade
ahould- be amalgamated ' In one large,
commercial body, making an organisa
tion of great- numbers. It Is dented that
such a numerical result would be ob
tained. It Is said by a member of the
chamber of commerce who haa checked
the Hat that the addition of the board
of trad te Ita membership would add
but 10 new membere, aa already nearly
The Clearance Sale Is
now on, and, aa usual, -S
grand success. Peo-
pie wbo can distinguish
real leather from sub
stitutes patronize
store.. They know, that '.
we never indulge in
extravagant . statements J..- -our
claims are aun-
ported by facts. We
Sole' Agents for
celebrated Hanan St
Son Fins Shoes. The
following are a few of
ths reduced styles: - s
HAHAN'S Men's Cuitom-Mada
Bluchers, regular $8.00, now ...f.T8,
HANAN'S Men's Custom-Made Double-Sole Lace, regular .
- - $7. 50, now. . . . , . ,j . . ,,,.,t,(l.j.. ...... : t u . -f
-HAHAN'S Ladiei' Patent or Box Calf Oxfords, reguar; 1 r
$500, now ?.:... fS.50
HANAN'S Ladies' Patent Kid or Colt Lace, regular. $($.50
.now .......... ..,." ............)
And many other High-Orade Shoes, such as Borden's, Laird, Scho
ber ft Co. i, etc., etc at Clearance Sale Prices. -
Portland's Best Shoe Store. ." .
for a
Any Time
Special Sale on
These are
made . a.
all Imported - goods,
Swlfserlajid, and . thla
J T .
sale I to close out our broken
tots of I, t and t pairs wlthoat
any consideration of profit. ' Bee
our . show . window; . thsy ' are
priced aa follows. " 11
16.00 Bruaaela'Net Curtains, per
pair . . . ... . . ... . , ... ... 92.75
iyajtisii-jpoini,ourts4n .93,00
H.50 Irian Point ourUlns 93.55
18.60 Novelty curUlns... 94.48
$lt.0jBjaaeUaJL5urtaine. '
Nearly every one I interested In
keeping "warm this .weather Snd.
we have therefore brought' down
th price of the blankets to meet,'
the popular demand. 0o cotton
blankets, 46 " Inches wide,-"' two
hades gray, -with pink or blu
stripe . . .65
$1.00 ootton blanketa, light Us
-effeotar pink Of blu stripes T5
Full doable else blankets. $2.60
value, Indian coloring.,, 91.65
Medium weight, gray, ' all-wool,
regularly $1.00, now ...--.91.95
Fine gray wool.- ' doubl alsed.
very soft and warm...... 93. 75
all of the board of trad mn ar mem
bera of the chamber. Likewise, he d
clared.-the merging ef the Commarcl
olub with -the chamber would add r
more than. 100 members-to the latt
body, aa nearly all who are la elth
organisation are members of both, i
that a. general merger would not reau.
In an organization of more than 1,004
l.ioo member, tnatead of 1.100 as r
ported. . .. ., i
v Buaalaa Chief Assassinated.
St Petersburg. Jan. 11. The chief
police of Pegheatan, In th provlnoe
the earn nam and In th govrnme
of Baku, was aaaaaalnated Saturda
Th murderer e soaped and ia ballev4
to have gon aboard a vessel bound t
another port on the Caspian sea. .
sre -"
Double-Sole Patnt.fVt-
-v. -'