The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, January 13, 1907, SECTION TWO, Page 16, Image 16

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Eealdenoe of Mlai
tinil))inuTwf wfi mil w
weak hu been a fculet on In Portland
real oetate clrolea Realty agents re
port numerous Inquiries ' for property,
but the general tendency of owners of
favorably situated holdings la to bold
for atlll higher prices, hence the chief
difficulty bow la for buyers to ret rea
sonable quotations, or Indeed any fixed
prloe on local realty. In thts fast Ilea
the principal cause of tba quietude of
the market. With tba exception of tba
usual amount of trading In residence
sites, and a number of sales of a spe
cial nature In the east aids business
enter, little of importance was done
oy iTwai nui svuia uunui um
week. .
Several agencies ascribe the quietude
. to tba nnf avorabla weather conditions,
but tba prevailing opinion is that tba
stiff attitude of the owners Is alone the
However,' prloea are continually . an
, the Increase, scarcely a sale being re
ported that la not accompanied with tba
' statement that tba seller made a good.
substantial profit by the transaction.
n l-rt ln-l transaction of the
week was the sale of tba Oolden"West
hotel, at the northwest corner of Sev
enth mnA IBviMtt streets ' The tmmertv
was sold to a local Investor by James
McNlcholaa for 148,000. Mr. McNlchola
agencr of Bollen, OruaaV and Hlgtey
about one month ago for 141,600. It
.. was through the same agenoy that tba
Russell Blyth ana W. B. Thomas
(0-fook lot on the east aids of Fifth
street.-just south of ths Baselwood
Cream - company's building. The
slderatlon was $13,800. If orris Kaha
41a4elphla saa the swae,i Tba
property was purchased by him a little
over one year aero for about half the
sum that be received for It . Russell
Blyth and Thomas bow own the entire
lot. having secured a halt Interest to
It by a "previous transact lorn, -
, Charles K. Henry, ths welt-known
realty agent, baa secured ths Irvtngton
residence of Councilman John Annan d.
at Bast Twenty-first and Halsey
streets. The consideration Is under
stood to have been In ths neighborhood
of f 11.104. Mr, Henry will soon occupy
the Annand residence, while Mr. . Aa-
nand Is contemplating the erection of a
handsome home on Portland Helgbta
- - The Crystal loa Storage- company
has acquired lots (, , T and (, block 114,
Hawthorne Park Addition, from the
Hawthorns aetata The price was not
given. ' These lots comprise the remain
der of tba block now occupied by tba
plant of tba Crystal lea oompany and
will be used by It as a sits for the pro
posed artificial too rink. .
Ralph B. Moody baa ' purchased
' through the agency of Russell aV Blyth
an attractive residence on Aspen street,
Willamette Heights. The consideration
waa 1 6,000. ' ,
K. I Thompson sold te H Worth aimer
. the southeast oomer of Lovejoy sad
Twenty-second streets for 11,750. .Ths
purchaser will oon struct a reeidenoe on
tba site.
O.. W. Klelser baa purchased a lot on
Franklin street, on whloh, together With
the adjoining quarter block already
; owned by him, he will erect a modern
two-story dwelling. -
number of sales of Grand avenue
a! mm
wr-t '
" ' I M-eJ L'1.' -' KK. . ' S1S I SI JM
.lulu lu. i . lj iur rfir-iLJij - i-i iir itaiA 'irr'ni mrx
.sj friei M Kf.9Ui3j llU : .VO If J tl a I'. i:'W.tWu L ,
The New Norton la, a iOO-room Xamliy iotello be bubt for. Mra. 8. .Nortoabr R. B. Lamjon at Eleventh.
E. Goodman at Lucretla and Everett
property in 'tba vicinity of Seat Salmon
street and Hawthorne avenue are known
to have boon In prooeaa of negotiation
during the week, but nothing definite
as to their eonoluslon was announced.
Many East Slda Sloughs Fact Be
coming Valuable Bnfldlng Sites. '
It Is estimated that by tba time the
Oregon Water Power company finishes
the fill for tba Inmaa-Poulsen company
of the alx or eight acres of sinks ad
Joining the Inman-Poulsen mill, there
will have been nearly 1,000,000 cublo
yards of dirt fills made on the east side
slnoa January 1, , ltol. Thta estimate
does not Include the trestle fill -that
the O. W. P. company is making on its
lino to the Oaks, but Is confined to the
Residence Belonging to Bartmaa
work now being dona In the way of
filling cast slda sloughs. : 1. ,
Ths Inman-Poulsen oompany has let
ths eontraot to fill the whole of the
Stephens slough, from East Seventh
street te East Third street, which It la
thought will require not leas than
1,100.000 cublo yards of material. It la
proposed to deposit ths dirt that Is
taken from ttlat part of the Brooklyn
sewer, between Bast Eleventh street and
ths river la the Stephens slough.
, . Water flows ThrougX '
Quite a stream of water flows
through this slough, which It Is pro
posed to divert Into the Brooklyn sewer.
The O. W. P. oompany Is now bringing
quantities of fill material from the
high bluffs along lta Oaks line, and
dumping It Into 'the Stephens slough.
For years te coma tba work of filling
theae low lands south of East Morrison
street will be carried on. Hundreds of
acres of valuable sites for manufac
turing and railway shops wlil be created
and Stark street.
'i 1 'ri.a" -" ' "-
li J . J IsEHsHsl Wtrf T.1Mssi 1 1 ts.Hfc.stB-1
i r i fm ri . ssu -li rs
hi that district by tneane of these fills.
The Martin flats, opposite Ross Island
and along both sides of the Oaks car
Una will no doubt be eventually filled
and become valuable sites for Industrial
enterprises. - . . -
Kay Build Oarahopa.
It is probable that tba Portland Rail
way. Light at Power company- may at
aa. early data butld Its repair and con
struction shops on the Martin flate. In
which case, 40- or 50 acres would have
to be filled to the level of the carllne.
Those flate, la their present condition,
are practically without valuer but filled
to the oar level, they are worth not leas
than 11,000 to 11,000 per acre, --Among
the dosen or more street fills
now under way or about completed cn
the east alda are the following: Urrton
avenue fill, extending for several blocks
through central East Portland; tba Mont
gomery slouch fill in Lower Albino,
Tbompgon at 195 Ererett Street.
which will take the place of the old
elevated roadway on Goldsmith street;
ttls - fill on Hawthorne avenue, from
Eaat First to East Second streets; two
small embankments on Belmont street;
on Oak street, between Eaat Water and
Eaat Sixth streets, two good slsed em
bankments are under way,
. Boadbeds is Be Tom Oat,'
- The elevated roadways oast of Grand
arenas that span Hawthorne slough will
all, no doubt, bo torn out and earth fills
take their places .within ths nsxt year
or two. The residents "of ths east alda
have learned to appreciate the differ
ence between an unsafe, rickety ele
vated roadway and a solid dirt embank
ment, and will noon vote out the old
trestle bridges and demand dirt smbank
menta The old wooden Toad ways are fast
disappearing in all parts of the elty and
are being displaced with steel bridges
and dirt embankments. There Is no
other single Improvement more Indlca-
- - a
it , 'J
t -urn fmf "4
iillll-llIEOY r,i
Overthrow of Ring Dominant In
, Washington Their AmbU
tious Objective.
Conference Held at Tacoma Last
Night, With Another Following at
State ''Capital Program of Mon
day's Piellmlnaries In Legislature
(iDeelal Dlnetek te The Journal.)
Tacoma. Wash- .Jan. 11 A oonfer-
anoe of the leadera of the movement
to organise the state senate ever the
head of the old Ankeny ring was held
at the Tacoma hdtel last night. - Thoae
who were present refuse to discuss the
affair but rumors are rife of what
transpired. Sifting; these rumors It an
peara that nothing waa dona beyond a
count of noaea and planning for the
Olympla fight. Tat the "Insurgents"
now claim a clear majority of three In
Among thoae at the conference were
R. W, Condon of Kitsap, Robert Booth
of King, E.' C Bratt of Spokane and
W. H. Paulhamua of Pierce. Mr. Con
don, Mr, Booth and Mr. Bratt went to
Olympla on the early morning train.
The Pierce county delegation went this
aftemerm.A caucus of all the senators
from ail parte of the state who hav
signed the "Insurgency" agreement will
be held at Olympla tonight.
The rumors that Condon and Porta
and others of the Insurgents had de
serted to tha Ankeny-Crocker camp are
vigorously denied. Condon a presence
hero at 1& conference last night would
certainly seem to disprove the report
of his desertion. Other reports can be
as easily disposed of. say tha Insur
gents. They refuse to ao. any, boasting,
but they Insist that ths old ring will
bo startled Monday not only by the
strength of the new organisation but
by Its personnel. They laugh at tha
report that several signsrs af the agree
ment only aligned It at Crocker's re
quest, with the Intention of deserting
at tha last minute.
Senator Ralph Metoalf, chairman of
the Pleroe county delegation, said be
fore going to Olympla today: --
Thera Is no great mystery and ns
secrecy about the so-called combination
of Insurgents. It Is only ' another ln
etanoe of the movement for cleaner pol
itics and better government that la ag
itating tha nation."
Sumner Slated for President Pro
Tem and Falconer for Speaker.
' fpattat msnstek er The fearsaLl r "
Olympla, WaalL, Jan. 11. The tenth
legislature of the stats of Washington,
will convene at noon Monday.
In tha senate, Lieutenant-Governor
Charles B Coon will call to order. Rev.
F, A. Lavtolette. a local minister, will
deliver tha prayer. - After roll call by
W. J. Lyson. aecretary of tba last ses
sion. Chief Justice Hiram E. Hadley
of the supreme eourt will administer
the oath to the senators. - A resolution
will probably be-offered on the 'death
of S. S. Russell of fomeroy and Carey
I Stewart of Puyallup, senators who
iiave died stnoe tha last session. T. T,
Sumner of Snohomish will probably be
sleeted president - pre tem. Employee
of the senate will be selected and after
the appointment of ths usual commit
tees, the senate will adjourn till Tues
day. -
In tha bouse. Story Buck, chief clerk
of the last session, will call te order
and J. A. Falconer of Everett will be
elected speaker. Committees will ' be
appointed and a message will probably
be received 'from Secretary of State
Nichols that Governor Mead, after the
cloee of the last session, vetoed house
bill No. 11. by Llndsley of Spokane,
which will be submitted for action.
The governor's message will not be
presented before Tuesday and possibly
not until Wednesday.
tlve of Portland's marvelous progress
than ths fact that ever 11,000,000 has
been spent In the paat three years In
displacing theaa old wooden roadways
with substantial bridgaa and embank
Old Wooden Blocks Being Replaced
by Several Property Owners.
. The work of repairing First street by
tha Individual property holders Is un
der way. Jacob Karam has let the eon
tract for paving the east side of the
street In front of his Washington street
corner. The First National bank la
preparing to have the street in front
of the bank paved. The old wooden
blocks that wars put down on this
street soms years age are being torn
out and replaced by . small slx-lnoh
stone cubes. These stones will be laid
In cement, which - will make a practi
cally Indestructible pavement. .
Tha street railway company, will lay
the same kind of pavement on Its por
tion of First street. It will alao tear
out the old T" rails and lay heavy
groove rails from Washington te Madi
son streets.
Ths organisation of tha First Street
Improvement association soms months
sgo had for Its object the uniting of all
ths property owners on that street, that
It might be immediately repaved from
Burnalde to Madison. . Regret Is ex
pressed by soms of the owners of prop
erty along ths street that others are
acting Independently in the paving mat
ter Instead of waiting for united action.
Portkmd Firm Turns Out Orna
mental Work of High Class. .
Ths 'ornamental cartouch that N will
surmount the center of the arch over
the stage In tha festival Iran of the
new. eaat aids high school Is being
molded In clay by Sena -A Nttschke.
The piece represents an ornamental
shield, flanked on either side by a
cupld. and Is said to be tha handsomest
and most artlstlo piece of work of the
kind ever turned out In Portland. This
firm has Just finished ten ornamental
rape for the poroh columns of Dr.
Henry Waldo Coe'a elegant new resi
dence. These ornamental details are
molded la staff from ths clay.
Making m Choice.
- From ths Washington Star.
"Tou worked for my. election because
you thought ' I was ths better man,
didn't you T' said the official. 1
Nope," anxwered Farmer Coratosser;
"the less of two evils." : . .
0 0
Oregon Statesman Assumes the
Duties of Director of Bureau
. ,of- Republics
Will Probably Make ' Structure of
t Spanish Style' of Architecture
: Wicket-sham's Case I'nder Consid
eration by Bonaparte.
(Waahlngtoa Boreas ef Toe Journal.) '
Washington, t. C, Jan. 11. John
Barrett, director ef . tha bureau of
American republios, who assumed the
duties of his office yesterday, has con
fronting him the taak of the expendi
ture of $1,000,000 for the new building
for his bureau. . Of this sum 1160,000
was appropriated by congress and .by
various. South Amerlcnn statea, with
the Intention of expending 175,000 for
the site and the remainder for the build
ing. The recent visit of Secretary Root
guth Amejrica-jtnaclhejcorigemimt
growth of Interest In reciprocal trade
between this countrv and the South
American states drew tbe attention of
Andrew Carnegie 'to the Importance of
the matter and led to his recent gift of
7SO,ooo to add to. the building fund or
the bureau. -Director
Barrett la now actively en-
gaged In having the preliminary plans
prepared- and Is iTirnnmlin Willi mil
estate men the question of selecting s
site. The building will bs placed In an
advantageous part of the city and prob
ably will be of the Spanish style ef
architecture, as typifying the Joint in
terest In it " of the Bpanlah-apeaklng
countries. " T , T ; -
Barrett will push tha . matter with
energy and will have the new building
erected at the earliest. possible data.
Believed Judge's Enemies Have Won
.. and That He Will Be Dropped.
IWashlsgtaa Vsneu ef Tee Jo rami, k
Washington, D. C, Jan. 11. It Is
stated today that early action may bs
looked for on tha part of .President
Roosevelt In the case of Judge Wlcker
sham of . Alaska. Attorney-Oeneral
Bonaparte has not passed finally on ths
report made upon Wlckeraham by Dis
trict Attorney Henry K. Hoyt of Nome,
but It Is considered doubtful If Wlck
eraham will receive - another- appoint
ment, even though Hoytsk report should
not be adverse to him.
Wlckeraham has received ' no - less
thaeu eight nomlnationa and recess ap
pointments, ona of them having been
given by President McKlnley and seven
by President Roosevelt. The senate has
failed to vote on the question of con
firmation, except on the occasion -of
Wlckersham's nomination for his first
term,' la 1100.
Tha president . still believes Wlck
eraham la a good Judge, but the ad
visability, of . continuing to - send bis
nomination to the senate Is a serious
question with him. It Is. believed the
opponents of the Judge have won and
that Prealdent Roosevelt will not send
his name in again.
Dubois Would Settle for Colrflle
Boeei1 f atlon.
- rwashragtea Bursas ef The J
.Washington, D. C, Jan. 11. Senator
Dubois ef Idaho ' today ' offered an
amendment to tbe Indian appropriation
bill providing for the payment of
11.000.000 to . Indians on ths Colvtlle
reservation In payment for - 1,600,000
acres of .land oeded by them te the gov
ernment under the agreement made May
, lll, tha reservation having been
opened to aettlement by the act of July
1, llll, and tha terms or payment pro
vided In the aot of June II, 1001.
- Civil service examinations for gov
ernment departmental service are an
nounced for March II and April IT at
Astoria Eugene, Portland and Baker
City; on April 11 at Portland, and on
April li at f enaieton.
' Hitchcock Let Contract. .'
'--- (Wssblestoa Bnrvsa ef Tbe Jeernel.t
Washington, IX C Jan. 11.-The sec
retary of the Interior today awarded a
contract te the Expanded Metal and
Corrugated Bar company of 8t Louts
for furnishing 1.100,000 of steel bars
for reinforcing the concrete In the Tie
ton project In Washington. The bid was
111,111. .
fBeant Newt ky Lenseet teased Wire.)
' Paris, Jan. 11. The suit of George
Crocker of New Tork and Ban Fran
cisco against Dr. Doyen to recover 110,-
000 paid to the specialist te cure Mrs.
Crocker of cancer, was begun la the
civil tribunal this morning. Crocksr
became dissatisfied with ths treatment
accorded his -'Wife and brought Mrs.
Crocker beck to America, where- she
died. Mr. Crocker claims tbe serum
used by Professor Doyen was lnsf flea
clous, snd demands tbe return of the
money paid In advance.
Auction House
Cor. Alder & Park Sts.
Ws shall offer some good, substan
tial -urniture In quartered oak. Iron
beds, Brussels carpets, rugs, steal rsnge,
f:ae,. heaters, etc. Goods can be viewed
omorrow (Monday). Sale Tuesday at
10 o'clock...,, V.
On Thursday
Regular sale of furniture, carpets, eta
Bale at 10 o'clock.
. BAKER SON, Auctioneers.
January Bargains In Our
Retail Department
Last week we sdvertlsed Ixll rura.
They were all gone by Thureday even
ing. But another shipment Is now due.
This week It's linoleum. Note the prloes
0o yard for 86a quality, and Tin yard
for the kind that the "TRUST" In this
city sells for 11.10.
. : . ltl-4 Alder 8 treat.
ss i . - O
' Until February 1 I will make a snap
price on a atrlctly modern f-room cot
tage; very attractive and desirable; lo
cated within two blocks Mount Scott
carllne: will pay you to Investigate
Address . .
f R 1 13 Care Journal
Are You Interested in
Irvinglon orllolladay's
Ws have a few of tha beat homes In
these two fine - districts for sale at
prices that .will Interact you. . Modern,
desirable locations, and liberal terms If
you want It.
Don't fall to look theae up.
nm ajtd wumiorov an.
Business Corner
Tbree-jtory 3rlck building, income
nearly 10 per cent and worth$4J,00Q.'
If sold at once will take
BoIIam. Grussi & lligley
I . "128 THIRD- STREET... .
.- BUT On? TMM
Bs sure and aee ns: we have a .few of
the choloest bargains yon over heard of.
Buy now and savs money. Don't wait
until tha spring sets In; then prloea will
be much higher and less cholcs proper
ties to pick, from.
We have at the present tlms soms
that are genuine bargalaa . Owners a
little short of money.
For sale exclusively by
fl 0,000 Nice corner, t blocks' from elty
- hall, bringing 11 per cent nee half
cash, balanoe ner cent
fSaUMO- Fins quarter block, wen-lm )
proved, a diocks rrom oourinouse,
bringing 1H per cent net,
r. room, nai, Morrison, m.
Monday, Wednesday and
At Salesroom,-208 First
Street at 10AM.
The sales for ths dava mentioned af
ford large leather platform rocker, fine
oak chiffonier, fumed oak library desk
and chair, oak library table, student's
chair, a fine assortment of dressers. Iron
beds, mantel beds, mattresses, choice
bedding, rockers, chairs, dining-room
chairs, Brussela carpets, art squares.
rugs, mattinga, nsw ana seoona-nana
linoleum, new dishes and glassware,
eooklns- seta, utensils. Eclipse steel
range. Peninsular steel range, cook
stoves, four new trunss ana otner vaiu
able housekeeping effects.
NOTE In addition to furniture, etc.
we will offer for sale man'a and boys
suits, coats, pants and vesta, under
wear, shirts, caps ana rumisning gooaa
Special Sale Tuesday
At 384 Washington Street
In the Selling & Hirsch
Block, at 2 P. M.
Announcement Extraord-
-A Carload Lot
Of solid feathea Davenports, hall aeats,
sofas, McKlnley chalra, weathered oak
rockers, golden oak easy chalra, utility
eate. fumed oak parlor, dining-room and
library furniture, etc. The upholstering
Is In solid leather.' Tbe finish and de
sign perfect. All elegant and up-to-date
furnlahlnga, price ranging from 111 to
f 1(0. This entire carload lot to be
oloeed out on day mentioned at putTllo
auction sale.
NOTE In addition te the furniture
we will sell 110 pictures from renowned
srtlats. Hale by Instruction from Mr. A.
M. Beattia of Vancouver, B. O.
uJ. T. WILSON, Auctioneer.
Portland Auction
Auction Sales
- Housefurnlshlngs, at 211
, - First Street
Special Notice
Our sales thls"week will begin at 1:10
Inetead of the usual I p. m. Wa make
the change In order to give our patrons
a chance to secure some of the bargain
In tbe NEW AND PERFECT Haviland
china, Austrian china, silverware, gists
ware, granlteware, eto., etc. These
f oods are from ' the WHOLESALE!
and must be sold. Bo coma early, as
ws sell TrlF.BH GOODS from half-past
1 until fo'clock, whsn we begin on fhe
furniture, of which you will always And
a good aa:. jrtmant. such ss stoves,
ranges, carpets, dressers, extension ta
bles, chairs, .rockers, pictures, bamboo
furniture In fact, a full line of , alt
kinds of furniture. Don't forget. Be
here st 1:10 sharp- Mopday Wednesday
and Friday,
OL I FORD, Auctioneer, .
Auction Sales
Can't Ycj See Prices
Going Up? Buy Now
f 5.00O One of those swell west slops
strictly, modem, colonial dwellings,
with beautiful grounds, on west slope 1
Mount Tabor. Don't tall .to see It.
$3,700 One of thoee grand, stylish, :
up-to-date, colonial resldenoee, with
beautiful grounds In Piedmont. Please '
: do come and see It,
$2, BOO Nloe acre plaos en Courtney
ave stylish t-room cottage, grounds '
decorated to - a queen's taste. AU
kinds of fruit and shrubbery-
$2, 20O Quarter block, with stylish
new, up-to-date l-room sottage; ire ,
a bungalow and a. beauty; grounds
beautifully decorated; on Clinton st,
fronting on carllne.
$1.800 8x1 00 feet Of ground, Bast
!th et. neer Clinton Kelly school,
.beautiful t-room cottage; a very
; charming; place. ;. - - '' .
$1, BOO Nloe l-room cottage. I fall
lota, fine garden, ebeloe fruit, good ii
poultry-house and yard.. ,.,-.,..
$TOO full lota. 4-roen bease, Te
nlno avenue, Bellwood. ;
$2BO for two nloe lots near Peninsula
- station., ,''''''.' A
The Dunn-Lawrence
Company- y
$9.O0O Half block, dose to business
aisiuci; uesirsmw-cor. ousinees prop
. erty,
$1, BOO 11 seres.' 10 acres under plow,
to mile from railroad station.
$3.000 0 acres, 40 aorea under
. plow, I mllea from Vancouver. .
$6,00011 eerea." ' I ' acres under
plow, 40 acres of beaver dam; run
ning water.,..-; r
$4, BOO 01 acres, II sores under plow,
well Improved place, good buildings.
$4, BOO 110 aorea, 40 acres' eleared,
balanoe heavily timbered; ood build
. Inge, ; . . ,' -
$3,00041 acres, II acres under plow,"
- balanoe easily cleared: right at small
town, oontalning church, school, store
and creamery; fine soil, running
water. Terms, 11,000 down. Will
- also exchange for city property. -
Pcarce & Mebus
Utt Washlarvon Tanoonvev, Wash,
Will buy a 10-room modern house, full
basement, furnace, gae, electrlo llglM, ,
etc, on a corner lot In the best residence,
dlstriot en- the west side. House fu.r
nlshed complete.
This nouse, -lot and furniture 'cost
110.100, but now can be bought' at this
special BARGAIN PRICE , for reasbr
we don't care to state 17,000 cash,
15,000 can stand. See us at once. .
' Mt Xumbe xoliansV Wdr.
Full Inside lot; close In and being awvil
rounded by high-class lmprovemeill.T' er
If Improved by substantial business
block er apartments, can be made a bis;
dividend payer. ' i
. r lot Second St. Main 1121.
Platting Opportunities!
10 acres near canine, aa a wnoie or
ln part te Investors,
cation to M -'-V":
Detatla on applt-
er Sherlock Bid. Paollle a43a.
This Is Only a Sample
There Are Others
10-room modern house, full basement,
I : lots,' 10x100, good barn and ohlok
bouee. lots of fruit; near carllne; 11,110.
AH , kinds ef property and business
cbaneeev Itst your property with the
Metropolitan Realty CoH
SIM Aides ,
Modern l-room house en MoMlIlea sla
near steel bridge! walking; distance, aa4
a snap at the prloe.
lss wms nr.
. New, modern, half block from aJ
full lot. 10-foot allev: terraced and) 1
graded. This will go eulok.
I0T Sberlook wldlaeT.
V '