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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 11, 1907)
Til" OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND. FRIDAY EVENING. JANUARY 11. 1CC7. - I 1 1 1 1 V ; V Th ird and Ankeny Streets Phone Main 414 I .X I I I I II VI IV - . l I I I I I I I I II I t I II II I I I I I I IV . ' iixx i i ii -v, w vi fsii ii.i ii i 1 i i i i i - ii ii n. r XX. X. IX XX. XX XI XX XX IJ Vjr First and Burnside Streets Phone Main 1 64! e 7 WrdnaPosiiion To offer you the best the market affords in the way of meats-And . our prices, you know, are always - the lowest. We handle only . prime stock." Quality and quan tity guaranteed.- Fine roasting-, piecesioLbeef ton, veal, pork,' ; equally low. Can- do better anywhere. " . . .r- . ... ... .. ., -... ............. ... :: I : i m TH R TWO BIO MA RICETS :'s i n - . . . - ...... . - - ' mmm They are safest you" run no risk of putting unhealthy meats into your stomach. Government inspected meats cost no more than the other kind," but the' governmenr stamp interpreted means The filghest Quality. All our meats are government -inspected. Tirade with us and note the difference in the tastefulness of our stock. ..! : ; ; ' ; ; . -SIRLOIN STEAK PER-fcB . . . .....'...i.. ....12H ; PORTERHOUSE STEAK," PER LB.V:..., . . 12c : ROLLED ROAST VEAL, PER LB...-...-.. ......10c HOULDERYEAIIITLETSPERlLB ii,1 ,.. , ftlpc. . FrRIME RIB ROAST BEEF, PER LB 171.. T. i...:i0c ROUND STEAK, PER LB . . . . . f.'. . . 5. , . . .10c SHOULDER BUTTON CHOPS, PER LB I'A , :i0c .OIN-AEAI, CTTTT.FTS,- PERiLB. 12c STEW BEEF; PER LB......V..;7.:... 5c I SHbRT RIBS BEEF, PER LB... ....Sc POT ROAST BEEF, PER LB. 'J :.JA: U. ;..8c BOILING BEEF, 1?ER LB,.. l..;....... .:.5c : SAUSAGE, PER LB I V;.'.. V : 1' .7 .'. . 1 10c LEG ROAST VEAL, PER LB... ... .. .. ..... .. 12Hc RlJHPTlOATEALTPER-LBTTTrrrr.-RIB VEAL CUTLETS, PER LB.....;..'....r..:12Hc PRIME RIB STEAK, SHORT CUT, PER LB 12c BEST-GRADE HAMS, PER Lb!. .;.........V.i.l6c ? BREAKFAST BACON, ,OUR OWN BRAND, LB . .17c 1 ; PUREJDQURjOWN3RA .... J'-uU SPECIAL PRICES GIVEN TO HOTELS AND RESTAURANTS : I. 1 " '' -1 - . . - . - V M S -v 'Ni .-',:.,-.:-,.,' - -V, TOWNSEND & VAN SCII001VHOVEN Wholesale and Retail Grocers 147 FIRST STREET 1 , tody our prlca thaa yom wlU im why en tndi'tel Immm! Ou goods to f tk klbMt ml7 Mt w UBf QOTapr1o mUXJlh TiMamt HaM Trnh Cnmmmrr Batter.. 70 u TB ruy Ottuuir Butter 604 W set our egg from tb farmor, butter from tb creaxnorlea no inlddl. men. " Crou BUckwall Luoc Oil, qt. ..654 CroM Blackwell Chow, pint. .20 H. O. Oat .iO xl can ood Paaohea of Aprtcota. . .1S4 Standard Tomatoes lOi cana Corn, Peas or String Beans.. 254 Evaporated Cream. 1 cana (or . ...1S4 l-lb. can Baked Beana .......... L . 54 1-lb. pkg. Arm and Hammer Soda.. 54 Naptha, Soap 54 . bars Babr Elephant Soap.. .....254 ilb. English Breakfast Te.;Trr.254 1 sack Gunpowder Tea .....n.254 1. sack Beat Valler Flour.. fl.OO I sack good Hard wneat jriour....Uf 1 sack Beat Hard Wheat Flour (patent) ,.f 1.16 1 bottle Worceaterahtre Sauee, ISc alss .;.... 104 1 lb. Whole Nutmegs . .4 ........ ..354 Now Crop Prunes, .7 lbs...... ..,.254 New White Honey, comb 154 1-lb, can Com Beet ...... '..IOC tt-lb. can Deviled Ham, t for r, ;...25 J . PHONE MAIN lit. ' Eaat aide delivery Tuesday and Friday, ARM C& HAMMER SObA BULK,' 3 POUNDS ........ Oo I The Marhef Basket j : Had the matter not been so serious. It would bo quits laughable bow swiftly some manufacturers of so-called pure foods sidestep when it comes to living up to the provisions of the new national pur foods law and yet keep the public from suspecting that their so-called purs foods hare been adulterated right along. ,-(-?.-"; . : As bss been stated on numerous occs slons the new law specially states that no product used in Interstate commerce or -trade shall bear a -label- that does not properly state Its' true contents. Thus we find manufacturers of pure maple sugar relabeling thetr product with ths provision that the so-called purs maple sugar, likewise Is a mixture of sane sugar. ' ; - v Bven In salt, the article that the gen rsl public thought was always too chesp to sdulterate. Is not always what It claims, to be. In fact. It's nine chances to ons that you would not buy pure salt even were It offered you by your groeera, If you did It would not he more than- one time, for the morning after buying It your language would be something like this, but only a trlfl ntronger: "What's the matter with thla salt, anywayt It won't come out of the shaker at alt. There must be some, thing wrong with It." The- fact Is, however, there Is nothing radically wrong with the aalt It's too pure, thst'a the only trouble. Pure salt maoees together snd will not four from a shaker. This Is the reason ; why manufacturers .use an adulterant. ' Just the proper adulterant and bow much of It to une'ie the question that bothers the msnufacturer moat. .-It's the reason, too, why some brands of salt sell st Mhr values tban others. As s general thing salt manufacturers adulterate their product with a sort of starch. This si-ts ss a dryer and allows the salt t pour from tho sliuker without inter, frrlng with your- temper.- If you huy some of the ordinary Jelly ..l1 In the markets you will now run nrrmi I nix-1 that reads something like ti In: ."trawherry mliture. Containing ine ouurier of arple peel, one quarter t ,,. . .(. nne ouarttr pumpkin and one (jncr Jtrnrbrry flavor." A label m h ed.irna the apple butter you al t Dio iHlit was manufnetured Out of ,1 h k but pure appl', would Is many i-'.,!nn - r"d: "Apple mixture. Menu f hm l cf pumrklu, squash, artlflclal coloring and a small percentage of ap ple." : Condensed cream will hereafter be put under the label where It properly belongs and will be known as condensed milk, for It Is not cresra at ail. Manu facturers who formerly labeled their goods as the genuine Mexican article will not be allowed to do so now. Practically all the canned Mexican fooda are either made in calirornia or Texas, snd they must bear the label of that stats and contain tbo wasjd "Style" after the name Mexlcsn. '., Handlers of Ash do not know why there has been such a great acarclty of fish of late. , There Is at this time but little fresh salmon In ' ""the - market, moatly cold storage stock being used. Some small amounts of fresh halibut are In market but the high price la keeping down the demand to smsu limits. A few days sgo there wss every promise .of . heavy run of Columbia river smelt, but the run dlaappeared about as quick as It appeared. . This resulted in the price going to It cents a pound In the retail markets. - - ,' Unless there Is a radical Changs' fn the present altuatlon all sorts of fresh meats will be very high fn the near fa-ture-Mrar or no war. Never before In the history of the local packing In dustry have supplies of all kinds been so small as at this time. 80 few hogs are coming to market that practically all sold here In the near future will be of eastern growth. Hams fend bacon will be ao high-priced within a ahort time that unlesa the altuatlon changes materially the general publio wilt have to cut them off the bill of fare. ' Eggs are going up again owing to the cold snap, During the. past week the price sdvanced to such a figure that they cannot be sold under 40 abd. 4t cents a dozen by the retail trade. Creamery butter supplies are likewise so scarce thst there is again danger of the price breaking a few more recorda. Poultry is so scarce In the local mar keta that, without the eastern dressed stock now coming It would' be too scarce to quote. . Best stuff Is selling aa blah aa 21 cents a pound In the re. tall market a, , Bilious? Feel hesvy after dinner? Tonsue cnatedt, Fitter tents? Conv rlexion willow? Liver needs waking up. loan's JU'gulets cure bilious attacks It cents at any drug store. ; . - BUTLER ci CO. ; non katjt arse i4 rnwT sr.. m uni atomsxso .; - -. - Airp ALpwm. -:r.; CHICKENS Are very scarce .in the market and have been for two weeks. Don't be fooled on cold storage stock. Come to our mr ket and yon will be able to find the ehoioeat lot of. home killed and dressed chickens you have seen for ' many months. At the right priced BUTTER We hare a big shipment ' of that Fancy Table Butter for Saturday at the low price of lOo per 1-lb. roll." THE C HIGHEST GRADES 1 OF COFFEE ROASTED s IN THE i NORTH- WEST ; AT YOUR GROCERS, v : For .Saturday FresH Dressed Chickens Ranch Eggs, do.. .'...354 Best Creamery Butter, roll. ,.i .T5 Good Creamery Butter, roll. .. ..,,654 Headquarters for fresh and cured fish. COLUMBIA FISH CO. IVbere You Can Save 20 per, cent on All Vonr Purchases WE HAVE DETERMINED TO MAKE SATURDAY THE LARGEST OF ALL, PREVIOUS SALES. HERE YOU WILL FIND THE LARGEST ASSORTMENT OF CHOICE ; ; . ' BEM, MUTTON, PORK OR -VEAL :::jJ j-srtr IN TH? CITY v W::VY:: I People's fflsorW sill feery C. , , - MAIN 1412 22 Ponnds Sugar . v $1.00 Third and Ankeny. fata ft. rr. FRESH KILLED POULTRY , STRICTLT FRESH TISH, OT8TERS AND SEA FOOD is our specialty. Call on us snd you .will receive the best hi the market,'. ',- ... ,' .' v. -j ' G. C0VACH & CO. rinrt and Jeff ersoa Bta. Fhome Mala S3S. HUGH HAMMOND MILL ; : PROJECTED AT ASTORIA PMat niiHitrk e Tke Joam.1 I Astoria, Or4,Jn. 11, A real esUte 3 cans Tomatoes,' Corn, Peas and J3cin$ - s 25c ;3 pkgs: Humpty"! IJumpty, same as , i 'Force" . . . ... .25c 13 bars Soap . . . ...... 25c , 3 pkgs.' Violet Wheat.....;,.. 25c Fresh Eggs, doz . .V. . . '. 'i . f, .30c Bluing, bottle' . .. ;.V. . 5c Ammoiiia, bottle ... .'. ; ; . . . 1 .5c 2 'cakes . Sapolio . . 'I ... . . . 15c 2 large bars 1iorySoap ....... 1 5c Scotch Oats ..i... el.; :a0c 8 bars Monarch Soap . 1 ...... . 25c . Postum Cereal . . . 1 . :U . . . .20c Meats!; Meals. Sirloin Steak v . . . . . . ;12c Porterhouse Steak . .'. . . .... I2c Boiling Beef . viY..i:ivn 5c Pot Roasts .............. 6c to 7c Hamburg Steak, 2 lbs. ... . ... .15c Shoulder Steak, 3 lbs......... 25c Wienerwurst, lb . . i . . . . . . , . , . . 10c Loose Pork Sausage, 3 lbs . . . . .25c Prirrie Rolled Roasts U . . . ..V.lOc Best Eastern Hams. . ...i,17c Royal, Price's and Cream Baking Powder, labels slightly damaged, lb. ... 25c First and Taylor Sfe. Fancy Creamery Butter. , . . ; . . 60c Good Ranch Butter ..... 1 .... 50c 2 lbs. Half Cream Cheese. ..,25c Swiss Cheese -. . . ...., v,ri . .20c 3 cans - Cream . . .... . ... . . 25c 3 cans Salmon. . . .... ... , , ... .25c 8 cans Sardines ............ , 25c J 2 cans Mustard Sardines. . ...,15c' Shredded Wheat . ... . . .... . I0c Arm and Hammer. Soda. ..... . . ,5c All-orders for Albina and East Side: must be in. byX o'clock Sat urday. ' - " ' .. . i . S5io DemoEsMion jasassjaMaasjsjs OF Oljlt r.!0NARCH C0FFE AU:iaySatorday deal isaa closed today whereby the, Hammond Lumber company and the As toria Columbia railroad purchased lot acres of the -Kindred tract, adjoining the Fort Sterens reeervatloii, at the price of MO.OOO. In this connection It ts announced that ths Hammond Lum ber company contemplates building large sawmill on ths property this sum- -'-.-''1 T'T". mer . and Work will commence at an early date. Lately quite a number of pieces of water frontage has been bond' ed and a party of Portlandera attempted to bond mile of water frontage east of Young's bsy for 110,000. The desl closed by the Hammond In terests gives them a frontage of one and ft half miles In length extendtng beyond the railroad track. This, It Is said, will bs used, for lumber yards when the mill la completed. The plana are for mill that will take 1,000 men to operate. .'. . -. The Tfekevlew Examiner ts it years old a good local Pper.i-J. , KUU Sweetheart and Self. (Jml SwUi tOTtee.) Lewlsyllle, Idaho, Jan. 1L Irene Mil ler of Salt Lake City was yesterday shot by E. FCouch, principal of the publlo schools, who then killed himself. The girl was a Mormon and declined to marry, ceucn oa that aeoouoU -