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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 11, 1907)
THE OREGON DAILY JOUKIJAL, PORTLAUD. FRIDAY EVENI1JQ. JANUARY 11.' 1S07. DELEGATES TALK -Tc;vD-Tc:2a- ( TOSIOHT'I AatUalMXlttS. ' n'lll... ...'...... "lb Snltas f Mt" baker ...."Old HelOelbarc'" tiraptl Vtoilmll Bmplr ..."Till Ota'' I.rrW "Harbor Minn' Star Tin Lit i la Mluuiar" iQPiioyfDEiisr At Oswego, last svenln. th ladles of the altar guild of tha Catboito ehuroh ava a nioveltr social" Soma naw ideas . in entertaining enlivened the evening. Each "person waa given a prlxa on anterlng iha hall and a ticket. Tbea tickets an titled tha holders to partici pate in tha drawing for tha principal primes, which were awarded later In tha evening. . A Rrab bag afforded con siderable amusement. Cakes wera rat Tied and home-made candles and lemon " ada served. The feature of tha evening waa Judga Hennessey, of Buffalo fame, who aang "I'm Up In tha Air About Mary," to tha delight of all present. Tha affair "waa a great success. ' At tha Paris automobile show, fully 1 76 per 'cant of tha makers showed six cylinder cars, while at tha London auto show ti makers showed six-cylinder cars.. About ii of the American mak ers are putting out alx-cyllnder cars. Tha one thing that shows most thor oughly the great gain In tha past three seasons by tha six-cylinder motor is that at tha London enow of 10S one Blx-eylinder car was shown, in 1904 four were shown, while in 11(17 there were it. This will surely be a, six-cylinder year., ;' .. - ., ; htralrl Soda! hrta Tavor Mongol 1b n Expulsion" was debated by the Boclal ista at their hall. S0 Davis street, last , night. ". George R. Thompeon, . a San .' Kranclsco Boclallat, upheld the afflrnyi itlve single-handed. Arrayed against "hlra were the united debating forces of - t ie Portland Socialists, led by -W. J.' , Tarrow. At the next meeting of the . debating society to be held Thursday, January 17, the , queatlen, "Are the Workers Robbed as Consumers?"' .will bs discussed.' . - -.L ; v ; . If. Oottsteln, wife, son and daughter of Seattle, after a short "visit with the ' family of .his brother-in-law. Will, Wolf, manager of the Outlet Clothing com- - pany, departed last night for Ban Fran cisco. - Mr. - Oottsteln shipped his auto-i mobile by steamer to Ban Francisco and 'will .spend a few months touring the stats before returning-to the north. He is one of the mniionaTrea of the souurT city.. , ,.. .: Cast Sida Conference Is Attend ' ed by Eighty Representatives '.- of the Local Push Clubs. INDORSE ORDINANCE : : OF COUNCILMAN ANNAND Firo Chief Campbell Telia What May Be Done to Improve the Fir Pro tection Service of East Bide, and Other City Officials Also Speak.- - Mrs. Jamea Tlfft will deliver an ad dress on Bernard Shaw at the meetlirg 'of the Women's club this afternoon. - A - lecture on Spain by Mrs. Weister, which , was to have been given today; was postponed until . February. Attractive tnusio has been serenced for this f t- ,,, emoon's program. .. . alts Carrie May will sing, accompanied by Frankle Rich- '. - ter, pianist, , . Twenty-eighth street, so that the north' eastern' section could be reached. !ionf.- V"?-0" -TVeughn and-Annand -spoke, .on jnany -The: following civil servlcs examlna- '.- In i Portland: - Assistant In sugar beet ' investigations. February t. salary fl,20 to 11,400 a year; chief food: and drug Inspection chemist, February 6. salary 13,000 a year. For' complete informs- -t Ion-regarding the examinations appll canta should see Z. . A. . Leigh . at the , poafof Ace. ., , ' .'.., , f " ,- . ... At a meeting of the Portland Academy .' of Medicine In the office of Dr. A. 3. i 0ljr lust night lr, B. B. Joeephl read th Bra paper beard Jay the new society. The 'nature ef the work of the society and. how it shoo Id be carried out waa , treated by Dr. Joseph!.- Or. Otto Blns ' wangsr will read a paper at the next meeting of the society. : . S .. . The -annual meeting - of " the Toung Women's Christian aasoelatlon win - be held at the aanoclatloa. rooms, Monday cents a plate, will be served at :10 to members who send .la their names by January 11 Free. Free. To keep our cutters and tailors busy during -January we will make you a pair of trousers or a fancy at absolutely free with every suit or overcoat order. Armstrong, the tailor. Rooms 10-11. No. 31! Washington street, . For medical use, 4 full quarts national Monogram pure rye or bourbon whiskey. packed In plain box, .expreae paid. ft. then adjourned to attend the big meet Bast Bid Department. For the first time in the history of the east aide a convention of delegates representing practically every section came together last night in the hall at .Grand avenue and East Pine street and discussed measures ' and improvements far all parts of the ' east aids. . The Business Men's club was a very u0 eessful affair. About 10 delegate were present with the officials. . Further 'than the mere significance that the east slders ' were together for oncote JIIbcubj the welfare of the east iur, cornea ins iki mat uieiv uiuuuntt, will undoubtedly be permanent and that I a permanent organisation : will be ef- zee tea ai uie next meeting wnicn naa already been called for two weeks from I last night. Thursday, January It. It is vsry possible that-all decisions (Kids by such a body will have some influence in directing favorable -legislation in be half of the east side, , ' : ."- Couaollsaen Are Fresent. : . j The property owner on that aids of the river' here, come to the conclusion that very few' things will be eoralag their way until they are aaked for, and working on this conclusion the east side convention is very likely to continue its existence. , .. . . .' . Laat night many councilman and other city officials were present, .in cluding Fire Chief Campbell, who was mendatlons that would probably be oar rled out by the city authorities for the I Improvement of the Ylre service on ths j east slds. He pointed out ths Increased , benefits that would accrue to the. east side by these -additions to the service j which have already been outlined In I this column and -the districts which! could then bo covered and the character 1 of the service each would receive. The ; chief emphasised the need of a brldgs i across the Sullivan's gulch at - Bast i topics and told of the need of help from all parts of the .city in the distribution of Improvements and the groat amount of good body of men rn any one sec tion ean dorfor that aeetlon. ' Battalion Chief HoMs spoke-of the east side tire service and added to the remark of Chief Campbell. : ; s ' : Forfeit Ballway Franchises. . A discussion followed vpon the mo Uon of J. Wood Smith of Holladay s addition to Indorse Councilman Annand's ordlnanoe calling lor a forfeiture by thai Portland Railway company of all streets that were not in use. . There waa strong opposition to the motion, but It finally csrried. .There were so many topics of Inter eat to the different communities repre sented thst an evening to each will probably have to be arranged. It was -T.,..-r I x-dtaner at -241 1 cen.Mjt some rtt of this : klni must be applied as soon as practicable. The water supply , will be discussed at the next meeting, which is of consider able Importance to some districts. Xaag Bssldsaos Sestxoyed. Th residence of W. H. Lang near Sandy crossing beyond Milwsukl was completely destroyed by fire this week. The losa Is estimated at about $3,000. Nothing whatever wss saved from the flsmes. - - - The Bellwood board of trade met last night and transacted some business and . National Wine company, Stark Portland. Ori .v Fifth and Tour eyee examined tree we are still selling eyeglasses st tl. A perfect fit guaranteed.- Matsger at Co., Jewelers and optician,-111 sixth street, ,, " ' Steamer Jessie Harklns for 'Camas, "Wasbougsl and way landings dally ex : cept Sundsy. Leaves Washington street . dock it I MB. , - i - "A Braggart's Breakdown" Is! Dr. House's subject at the First. Congrega tional church Bunday evening. All-are invited. : .. ..: , i Dr. W. I. Howard, chronto diseases, electricity and electrlo light treatment. Commonwealth building. Sixth street - Wllholt mineral water and salta K. J. WaUacr Agt 1 3d. Tel. Pan. lit. Worn an" a Exchange, 111 Tenth street, lunch 11:10 to t; business men' lunch. ! Acmo Oil Co. sells ths best safety eoal , oil and One gasoline. Phone East fit. . Dr. O. M. Wells, residence TS East Burnslde street. Phone East til. . Bl shoe sale, great bargatna , Mark Shoe Co., zl Morrison streetr , For Quality, Quantity and Quickness, to to Morris restaurant. . . ' Dr. E. C Brown, Bye-Ear. - Marqnam, lng on Grand avenue. Only a few Items I concerning the -water supply were dis cussed. -Another meeting will . be beld next Tuesdsy, a that Is tha regular meeting night now decided upon for the sessions of this organisation. -.t . W. A. Cole, who Is wanted in the seat aide Justice court, ha refused to re spond to a summons, and being tempo rarily out of the state; a subpoena can not b nerved. The American Adjust ment company has a claim against him amounting to nearly 1104. . His wife was summoned and appeared and action will be commenced astinat bar on TueeJ day if the husband does not put in an appearance ly that-time, ", -", ' " Farmers, -mechanics, railroaders, la borers rely on Dr. Thorns s' Eclectrlo , oil. Takes the sting out of cuts, burns er bruises at once. Pain cannot atay F.V.BALTES & COMPANY MAIM 105 IIIVITE YOUR luQUiniES Fon pnirjTiHG FI.JT AND CAK STREETS' ; Woodmen Hold Installation, ' Woodlawn camp No. 7TS, Woodmen of the World, and Winona circle No. (7, Women of Woodcraft, held a Joint In stallation at Woodlawn ball last Tues day evening which wss one of - the largest Installation ceremonies 'held so fsr this year on the east side. Orgsn Iser Davidson, ssslsted by Captain Kramer and the uniformed guard of ths Nomah circle, -. Installed ..the newly elected officers of the Wtnona circle. while Colonel Reldt. esststed by Captain Elliot, and the nnirorme guard or the Webfoot camp, installed the camp of ficers. Consul Commander C A. 'Am brose presided. The guards from ths Webfoot camp made a great hit Neigh bor Weoltn was called on for a few remarks and tslkeA a short time o the advantagee of Woodcraft. Councilman Vaughn waa also present and msde a llve-mlnute tslk to ths assembly, sfter which light refreshment were served and dancing began......'. - . v"' .' . Bellwood Cigar Factory. A cigar factory has been opened again at Bellwood by J. Frank V Co, on the j upper floor of an old building, and a good grade of cigars I their object The apartmenta of the Eaat 8 Ids Com mercial club are now ready for use and have been occupied. A formal opening will occur in the near future. Assist ant H- C Flxott is In charge. . . Morrison Bentley, who moved - to Portland recently from SaJem, where be had been In the real estate business. was taken 'suddenly 111 with neuralgia1 of the heart and died suddenly at his borne In Montavilla, Wednesday even-! lng, Jsnusry i, while sitting In a chair. He had not been feeling well for a few days, but had partaken of a hearty meal i that evening. He was 7S yesr old and came to Oregon from, Nebraska. He la survived by a widow and he following children: Miss Carrie Bentley of Port land. Mra Jamea Pelrce of Nebraska, David B. Bentley of Grand Ronde, Ore gon; Mrs. William Bardtck and Clsreace and Ferns Bentley of Montavilla. . , Does This Look Good to You? Ten-year aold-fllled alaaaea. nronerlv fitted. 13.60. Tomorrow (Saturday). Optical parlor open until p. m. K. V. Daviderm, optometrist, jot First street, near Taylor. - - V . wjjv - ; Men's "0veircafe and Suits I- "in '' Oar entire stock of men Ovtrcottt at greatly reduced prices hit month. This season's best style and materia! are offered in splendid assortment. By far ths best values in tht city, at tha, following special price reductions: - . .. . MenVG 10.00 Overcoats 5 8.35 Men's $ 1 3.50 Overcoats $ 9.65 Men's $15.00 Overcoats 510.85 Men's $16.50 Overcoats $13.15 Men's $18.00 Overcoats $14.15 Men's $20.00 Overcoats $14.89 Men's $23.50 Overcoats $16.85 Men's $25.00 Overcoats $ 1 8.98 Men's $28.00 Overcoats $22.89 Men's $30.00 Overcoats $24.15 Men's $35.00 Overcoats $27.65 ; Our entire atock of men' and youth' Suit and Overcoat at great reductions from the regular aelling price. All this season's up-to-date apparel, low-priced for thia sal. Handsome pattern $10 00 Sttltt on Sate tor 7.85 Each $38.00 Salft onSl for $33.10 Each $13.50 Snlta on Sala for $9.15 Each $35.00 SulU on Sale for $26.35 Each $15.00 Saita on Sale for $105 Each $ 1 5.00 Overcoata on Sale $ 1 0.65 Each $18.00 Snita on Sale for $13.85 Each $20.00 Overcoats on Sale $ 1 4.89 Each $20.00 Salts on Sale for $14.89 Each $25.00 Overcoats on Sale $ 1 8.98 Each $22.50 Salts' on Sale for $16.15 Each $30.00 Overcoats on Sale $24.15 Each $25XOi5nltajrLSalft-forl$ 18.85 Each 11 $35.00 Overcoats on Sate $37.65 Each, Great Clearance Sale m Portland's Leading Gloalt Store Every juiCcoat. costume, wrap, waist, skirt and petticoat fa oof. immense stock on sale at a wonderfully low Clearance Sale price. Worthy of special mention is this great offering of , women H and -length Evening Coat, in broadcloth; col- ' ors are champagne, white, tan, reseda and rose; fancy braid -and--laee-trtmmed; well made and finished; a tylish, ervice- able garment Jot theatre and party wear; oett P'j'j k r value ever offered at , ?s?.J U Women's Tailored Suite, atl thia season' atyles, in blouse, Eton, pony Jacket,' semi-fitting and tight-fitting effect; cheviots and of OaddothsTafr sittiph worn Wr-eta $40 and $45 Snto for g 2 6.45 aUch $35.00 Salts now for $24.85 Each r $30 and $35 SniU for $16.65 Each T - $ 1 S.50 Soiu now for $ 1 1 .45 Each S $15.00 Sciu now for $ 7.95 Each . Women' High Grade Tailored Suits, in broadcloth; green, navy, wine, brown and black, and all. the paatel shades; mad up in blouse, Eton, pony jacket, semi-fitting and tight-fitting style.. Handsome suits, every one of them, and wonderful values, at- $42 SniU now $28.50 $50 SniU now $35 $60 SniU now $45.00 $82 Salts now $62 $98 Suits now $68.00 Costames,Wraps Bcduccd Women' Long and Three-Quarter Length Coats; In tight, aeraT and loose-fitting styles, in coverts, tweeds, cheviots, broadcloth, checks, plaids and plain colors, 6.45, S8.95,. f 10.S&Y 1S.85, f 14.S5 up. Take advantage of these low prices.! , Clearance Silk Petticoats Thousands of 1 Silk Petticoats, in all the best shades and black: deep flounces, tucked, shirred and njsited; very best-styles great special values, $8.06 Petticoats f 4.TK- $9.00 Petticoatir.f5.2S Values up to $12.50 for f0.5 Each. ' All our fine Silk-Skirt all reduced. ATI our Furs at very low prices. Misses' and Children's Garments and Kimonos snd Tea Gowns reduced. Clearance WaistBargains All our fin Silk and Lac Waist al greatly re duced price. Waists of the newest style, tailored and fancy effects, very Urge variety, great value. - $6J0 Waist.. 4.S - $16.00 Waists., .til. 95 $7J0 Waist.. fB.8B $20.00 Waists. ..14.28 $9.00 Waists. .88.88 " $22.00 Waist., .818.28 $12.50 Waist. .99.25 $30X0 Waists.. .821.28 All our fin Cotton Waists reduced. Second Floor. i 1"IT " 1 V - I7..I " . . i ' I ii J i W f 1 I II .1 i Ik T I ! 1 I I I i U J I I I 1 I I - I I i I 4 ; 1 I I J Our nano Store Is on Blath and Bumslfle. ' , ; ... Half the people et tha land live well an the extravagance of the poor. y, '' . It I an awfully hard ' thing to put a certain amount ef money In a bureau drawer. every week and let It stsr there, for some condition ts sure to arise which takes It out again; but If yon will a tree with yourself to boy somethlns; of value with It, than It goes for a fixed purpose and In spit of yourself you , aooumulat a competency. . ' . . ; An edueatloa Is th. finest Investment, you can make, for a person with an education and . good manners ha a start over th Other fellow the man behind can never overcome. , ' It I no effort to set aside $5 or M a month for a piano. Ton ' hardly know whsr th money comes from. But, aetde from the big advantage ef having a piano la the bona it Is simply good buslnssa to arrange for a piano on as reasonable a basis ae possible. We make th following atatement nearly every day: 7 W ean save yoa on kaadred dollar ea tha price ef a plana. (Now, wouldn't It be absurd to aaake . this statement If It . weren't trust) .' ' '.'-.C-'.y .', j J'v ' W aell a splendid piano, absolutely guaranteed, for aoas- la a flaer see. f e month.'. ' : Our store 1 Sixth and Burnalda, rr n IPs '7 P IhTrv'n II-: mm as: m mot Because jrou fjot beat at thosa fake sales. Our reputation of t " 7 square dealina; is knovrn for 1 yeara--- We Are Giving Up the Stores, 53-55 N. 3rd, Cor. Davis We are forcing the sale of the stock by cutting prices. We are out of many things already. The remainder consists of Men's and Youths', Suits and Overcoats $4.75, $5.85, 7 JUS and $0.85, and a lot of Hats and Pants as cheap - -as 75fr $1.00, $1.75 and $245Bear in mind these prices are cut exactly to one half of what the good merchan dise is worth -rrr?------------irzrrrrrrrrrrrT: M TOMORROW EVE, 8:15 ajaktoBT, Tmrrx ajrn cotrcm SCHUMANN e HEINK : Entire Change of Prorani : vorvzjut Vkuoss. 92.00, 914(0, 91.00 SKATS SEl-LINO AT BHKRMAJf CIAT M CSIO STORE SIXTH AND MORRISON. STAR THEATRE Weak af Jaaaarr V. Pkcna V.hi S4. TUB AIXEN STOCfC COHPANY t-&3B.N13 "THI IITTU MLSISTtk." Mads rim b, MIm UrnmOm Aeiaa. ' Watlana TJr. Tkendaa, Sarnrears ss-1 Budaja at 2 0; prWi lot aa 20c. Sr-rr fmtmg at S:15; prices 10e. SO see SOa. E. r. Mta Car an HcuniaM a, The Grand . Xmvneeliaale ' Vaadanila. -- m irrrn TSJO, Oa the ttaae. Oaaa, Jt VeDeaald. . , sts aad Oaaelaaa aad Haaees. Tales Karraa. asta Kami aTaff. casslaaaee. . Collection Facilities We specially call your atten tion to the fact that all . our collections are sent . , ; direct, and ; returns t . mad promptly. ' With an extensive list of cor respondents and desirable . . connection at the large 1 commercial centers. . We have exceptional facilities., for. -making; collection 'throughout th Pacific - Coast and Inter mountain states. '. ' : WE REMIT PROMPTLY. ON - THE DAY OP PAYMENT. 2 per cent interest allowed on ' daily balances of banks or . individuals whose sc-'-. ---counts may war; ,. . ' rant it. .-. OREGON TRUST & SAVINGS pANK Sixth and Washington ts.x NOTICE TO OUR FRIENDS AND CUSTOMERS Our machinery was badly burned, but we . hope to have the principal part of it in shape within a week. In the meantime we will manufacture our goods in other establish ments kindly offered us. We shall begin ; turning out goods within a day or two, and few orders will be delayed over two or three days, v CLOSSET & DEVERS. 1tS sa Ttia. FfafTM TK.efra Waaalastae IU( umiij imi TOSTGnT ST :is tr ixjca. . TOMOBBOW MIGHT. -7-r-' Sreelal-Prtca Matlaae Satat4ar. . eesrse Mnalral fossT Sii I'SaS, ths staT or sotTr' 1 mttf Girls Catch r Mnate Hl Vaa. Smla PrVaa taarar Sanr, MO, tl t balfear,, me, SOet Illa7, See, Sfta Mann srinaa. soe to ilw. mXM now aaurac ai Twin. ftk as TV HV1A TV . mm. Waaalastae iUVUUfc ,Mal. 1 eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee STAIQERSJIOECo, UP-TO-DATE RELIABLE FOOTWEAR - aaa 292 Washington Street, Just East of Fifth f a a a aaaa a a a a AAeiAAAAA-vAeaaaaaaaaaaAAA-aaavaaa a r fvvvtief teeett if f f f ereff eef r?f ef f if ff ff f f f ? f fTT Tm.. Wad. Mlrtita. Jam. lS-la . Oaentaaa 0(m vea Batafalat ts Aaaa Hald'S Mna1cal-OaaMe Beetass. THE LITTLE DUCHESS wminrn mw. Si. so. il.nO: Maobt fl .00. lac sue; uauarr. soe. xoe. ' taste aalHag fa easBvaawet at tkaatre. Oaks Rink Tonight Ladles' Nlsht '- BetrlnnlnsT Sunder Prof. Harri son will leap the gsp on roller i akate. .. . .. - " !... n..tu ene Mate 1S0T. V Mvr IllCaUC Oroeoe TbMtra Oa Iam - Onrn U Baaar, Manaa-K TkS Tar-Tani i Baker Theatre afe Osaay. lata a-a acrraa. ' ttkaard MaaaffM-a Crat Soetaas, I "OtD HEIDZX.BSa.M a avxat aaanllfal plar ef MmVwt Mr ta) rh nlS world. Production anaiai!. Dlraatlaa Mr. loha SahiDalla. Matte aatore. Krataf ericas. XV. S3. S-V: Mat, 1M. SSa, ' Baat Wk-"Uanr aall. I3ta aa4 . Cmalai TttaiM ' Urn Morrlaaav tifut luisjt HtUIlt Mlltoa W. Baaaiaa. Maaaear. P Urine fnlT fair Rarllo Baatara Be4 IuBlal AU Tkla Wk Tint vTlaM la Partlaiwl. ... v Ta Oreat --1l"a rWoatdr, "TIILT OI.SOB." WltS A4slaM BarUa aa "Tlllr." Malta Wad. aad Sat. S-rnUr ICnirlr fill. a. Vast Attra Mas .-"at unaala Cn LeYRIC THEATRE wzxx Bioivvrvs jivhsbt v. Orta Malotrarastls gutnaa, -. "IIAHCOn LIGHTS" ST a'flra wl front 14 S. . ts 14 t. Saata c. fee r.4 g jii,ii a: 1. ' 1 YOUR GLASSES DO TKXr mt If tkrre to tX arTLI rlrat. M a salt th.ra a a bra arc st roe, wa St re BX AcTlT. Vnnf aspvrtaae, Trr sar.aaarr art. a tide apparata an tka rqra kavw. ImI( nabllns a I aarrarflr a tr aaaM, r aw aalt vofk.ko ant .rr facility raa t Kha frkuXs f aprctal laaaaa are all at 7-.r H paaal Sara, aarirln s -ri'- a-t ra aMH with Maar laaa jllBt. A sals, k faa (teaaa III, aaarl Stl VfunseJI OpttcctJ Co. s v t .