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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 11, 1907)
TIIi: ,0?vECO:i DAILY JOU:::.rAL". PORTLAND, FRIDAY EVENING. JANUARY 11. i: 'Ml .nO.TDAGE.OE li BIG OOIliZA I Tug : Samson Returns After . rmiie search Along the V. ' ' ' .: . ;r. ". Coast .; : ' WINDJAMMER CARRIES ONLY A FEW SAILORS Dope Are Stllf Held Out for Safety of the Missing Vessel Which Is .Supposed to Hav Drifted Far Out ' to Sea b Easterly Wind. J ' - 'Th tag Samaon. Captain Jones, la en ; ths war up th river tbla afternoon after bavin abandoned tha search for th American bark Big Bonanza, which ha wa forced to let so off Coo bay "while towing her from San Francisco . to foruana. . Although having- covered a great area of the ocean, nothing waa aeen of the mlsalng bark and the ques : tloa whether or not aha rode out the atorm become more grave. ..-' The Samson left San Francisco with the Big Bonanza attached to the big hawaer on the first of the rear. Every- thing-was t-weU-tiatU-th afternoon, of the third, when a fearful gale sprang tip and - lashed tlte sea, Into terrible waves. The tug labored with her tow until finally during the night the bits began to give and it, became necessary ' to let go the tow In order to save the tug. - The ' waves were waahlng clear over her and it was with difficulty that she managed to put Into Marshfleld for shelter and temporary repairs. Twice Immense seas flooded her and nesrly put' out, the-fires In the engine-room. The Big Bonansa had to be left to her " fate with a crew of six men on board, and when the tug pullul away-Captain .' Jones feared that it meant tb laat of the windjammer, which was then trail ing behind and pounding heavily In the ponderous seas. She waa riding high because or being lightly, ballssted, and, ,,, this led to the belief that she went on her beam ends shortly ; after having been left to her own resources. With the tug holding her bead on, there wss little danger of her- turning over, but '' it was feared that when let loose she would eon-fall rn-the-trough of tha ea' and- go over, . ' Not' receiving any word of the bark having drifted ashore. Captain ' Jones decided to go out and find her, and last Monday the tug ateamed out ol Marsh field. She reached Aatorta at t o'clock - this morning with the report that not a trace had been seen of the missing bark. Immediately" after making this . report, the tug started for Portland, to takoa-unpUeaV:::- i .. While tb bark la knowntohave been left In poor condition to battle with-the lementrthef are many who ; believe that ahe Is suit afloat and that - t eh wflj eventually work back to the Co lumbia river. - In support of this theory Is the fact that nearly ever sine the vessel was abandoned by the tug east . erly winds have prevailed. With west erly winds the bark would hardly have been able to keep clear of the ahor .'. because of having such a email crew , and probably being short of eanvaa, but . with the wind blowing offshore aha could drift before- the wind -and wait ' for a favorable wlhd to carry her back. ' This morning the wind veered around to ' the west and this will probably result .In the appearance of the bark oft the bar In a few day. ' - " The Big Bonansa Is under charter to ' load lumber for San Francisco. She -completed her first voyage In. the trade ; a few weeks ago. She was built SI " " years ago In ' Newbnrrport,- Maasaclra 1 "sett. ' - SAYS WOOD WAS WET Superintendent of Dredges Speaks Plainly to Oommisalon.' The Port of Portland eommlislon held . as uninteresting meeting yesterday af t- ernoon. the question of wood for the - dredge being about the only matter of Importance brought up aalde from' the '' regular routine, auch a paaalng upon bill and communication of ordinary 'Character, .' Superintendent Groves of the dredge : stated to the eommlsaloner that the ' fuel furnished for tha dredge Columbia . by the Banfleld-Veyeey Fuel company during the month of November- we -of . very poor quality, ana xor um reason tha amount eonaumed during the month waa much greater than ordinarily. Thla wood queatlon had been up before, but was revived becauae ef a letter received from M. C Banfield la which he assert that the wood was of good quality. . Commissioner Swlgert who attended the meeting for the first time since bis ' reelection last month, took active pa A ,ln the discussion, but no conclusion waa reached and the bill la et t be set tled. . Mr. O roves said that four barge load ef tha slabwood delivered to the dredge Columbia was waterlogged and hence could hardly be used at all. Com mlssloner Drlsooll mentioned something about installing oil-burning furnace In the dredges,. but the proposition did not seem to meet with a great deal of n ' thoslasm, . '.., The meeting was attended by Com missions PrlsotU. Willis, Peas and Swlgert, Commissioners Alnsworth, Ad ams and Wheelwright, being absent Commlasloner Swlgert waa appointed a member of the auditing committee In place of ex Commissioner Thomas, who signed at the previous meeting. ,. : TO LOAD AT LONDON Another Vessel Chartered to Bring ' '. . ... Cement. Balfour, Outhrle A Co. have laid-the French bark Le Pillar on the berth at London . for Portland. ? Sh will eora nienc loading at once and It 1 under stood that most of th cargo will con 1st of cement. The L PUler I a large earner, her register being.: ' tona- i ' Tb French' bark Cornll Bart, slso '. consigned to Balfour, . Outhrle at Co, resxhed etorla yesterday afternoon from Antwerp with a full cargo of ce ment. She made a fairly quick run, having left th Belgian port during the middle of August. - Sh I under char- 'ter to load wheat for a return cargo t Surep. ' The British ship Halewood, which hp4) bean lying Mis st Astoria for soma ttnWf n oroerea 10 proceea 10 r-ugei souna to toad wheat for th United Kingdom, ghe will h towed around.- v Worn waa receivea nere mis morning of the British ship Conway Castle hav ing ltt Antwerp yesterday for this port, and the British ship Datgomnr having started from Hamburg for Port ' land. January 7. Both bring cement, in - ! i ALONQTHE WATERFRONT ' .' JJCaptatn Bpencer will have the ateamer Charles R. Spencer hauled out on the n rm Cooet Covers m::j its. izsi Chocolate Creams Always sold 25c lb...... 11 ILslii : IjjMW, 11 Willi, WiiiiviiJiij 11 mm Hi!) Laundry Soap t tzl Tzzzy cl 15c Hat Pino Dosens of Choice.. ,.,..VJ'W TOMORROW THE Every department contributes to the sacrificeall the odds and ends, broken lines an3 small lots marked down again reduced to prices to sell them at sight. Read , - ; every word-nany of the biggest bargains are in the smallest type. ; Come, let nothing keep you away. . 1 1000, Dozen Women's 20c and 25c BLACK HOSE the best Hosiery bargains you ever saw" or heard of. of it only 13 for fegular 20c and 25c grides. I " Fast DlacK and Searriloss Heavy winter weighty plain, sott, thick, fleece-lined, ; au seamless, u sizes; every pair a mc-to. o and yomi hay to hurry il you want your ot them. Choice Think 1 VIMIIII.I Women's Muslin Underwear? Make nd mistake.' Come to 'the big sale, wheia price ar cut in reality and cut to the bottom, too. Just one lot of the many hundreds of bargains ( r All at 48c: Tea. only. 48o for 7Sc. c even $1.09 valuea, and there'-hundred of gar menta Included. Women' Gown, Skirts, Chefnlse and ,DrawerSv- made of good muslin, trimmed- with laoea, embrotd--erlea and tucking not one garment In. the en tine lot but what I the blggeat kind of a bargain at 75c, and there many 1 ones to pick from too. AQr choic .. ...; Odds and "ends lots of . Corset Covers,' worth up to 5c, v Cr Choice ............ ......... ,.,'.IuW TXRVCS Toilet Articles 2 Be bottle French's Imported Bay Run .,. .... Regulsr 10c bottle Petrolatum Jelly, special ......... 1,000 cake Williams Shaving ' Boap, cake 25o Grave Tooth Powder .. . Allen's perfumed Talcum Pow der, always 10c, cut to -ISO nickel-plated Tweeser I5c ,::sc 3c e v -sj- tiiiTs. .v . 6c PORTLTallD'S I1E17 DERM1G1T STORE Another Great Bargain Lot 3 AND 4-IN. RIBBONS worth 18c to 23c that's to At-10 a yard and every yard morrow's great bargain offer. Black. Colors and Fancies Fine all-silk Taffetas and Satins, Moirei, stripes, bordered and other novelty effects; all colors and black. Youli see at a glance they are the biggest kind of a bar gain. Remember, all 18c to 25c grades or your money dscic cnotce THE GREATEST SALE Gf WOMEN'S' SUITS )lj ' fill I ISljVl II ' I 11; Ever Held In .Portland Prices 1-3 to 1-2 v.. Do you realize what it means to you 1-3 to 1-2 price and every one this seasons latest and best style? - Garments made for the finest trade suits of elegance and distinction, exquisite creations made for the swellest New York trade and now offered to you at less than cost of making alone. . Of course, thfisls a reason for the sacrifice---maker's odd lots and few of a kind and our. New .York buyer snappe3 Vp"tfrrot-at a-pric 4hatliauldJiuk for months. . r . . -'. , $6,981 $12,951 $14.98 40 SUITS admit it's by "farthe best and biggest bargain 'ou "havee ver seen.' JEveiy one" the handsomestnd best of this season's styles in the newest effects. Pony Coats, Prince Chaps, Blouses. Box. Eton and other styles, made of best all wool broadcloths, Venetians, cheviots in black and all colors, as well as handsome checks, mixtures and plaid effects. . Jackets silk and satin lined, Skirts are cut in the newest models all handsomely trimmed with-straps, buttons, fancy braids, etc.; best of tailoring and all perfect fitting. It's at once a, suit offer so extraordinary that every one should go tomorrow, for never at any sale were greater values tf- fered 3 'greatf lots 3" blgbargairis alT $19 up to $35 and $40 suits. , choice-. so extraordinary that every one should go tomorrow, lor $698r$12.95-and$1498 -NOTIONS At Little Prices AU our 50e Back Combs, just : -1 half price ...dC Children' 15 Hose Supporter, if) the heat , IVC Women' Boa Supporters, best 1Q 50o grade U7b 80 Kid Curlers . ....4 5o White Tape .........3 Sc paper of Pin ........,..1 10a folding; Curling Iron ...... ....6 10c shell Hair Pins ...,....tS 1.00 shell Hair lo cube Black Pins ................4 CROCKERY HousefurnisHinrf 9 iOo Oaa Llg-htsrs -...,..74 Large No. s galvanised bottom "fn I Wq-tt WnllArs, mnrtt. 1 ft ,,,,,, C I $3.98 $4.75 large Perfection Oil Heater Regular M slse cut to ....... .$3.10 Odd and ends, (So semt-porco . Jl lain Cake Dishes, special at. . . ....-Ofc Ha imitation cut glaa Berry . tr and Fruit Bowl ,,.IVC tSo Plckl Dishes 144 600 Butter Dishes 20 19c Japanes Mush Bowls' 4) T5o 4-piece Imitation cut alas 1ft TsbU aet-.:;rrrrrrrT.... 5o Water Tumbler .............2H A ONE-DAY SENSATION A BARGAIN EVENT ALMOST BEYOND BELIEF I' tBcX B elts Wor tK 35c. 50 c and up to $1. 0 O All No w 19 c Each It's to be ii clean sweep, and every one that's left, all the finest and best have been reduced againcut from their already low prices of 24c and 39c, and at those prices hundreds were sold. All go now at 19c for choice. Dozens and dof ens, of styles still to pick - . . .. . . . ... .:f..i -j t MM j ..i:M ,:i..t.- c...i ..aT- from in patent leather, velvet, kid, silks, etc beautiful styles, plain and pleated, sterling silver, gilt, jewel ser and otner novelty buckles, all colors and black, mostly small and medium sizes, all 35c up to $1 values, and the buckles alones are worth 3, 4 and 5 times the pneer ' Choice rvvrrr; : ttvtt. t.V.v.vvV.t.-. F.r -i r ww rsj w m rrrTi rTTi Tif Trr? lllil iNow forla QreatjClothlng Sale Cot Men: $12.50 Suits and Overcoats All $12.50 Values $ Or Remember, IZSS valuesthat's vhat they : were mad to sell for and that's what every one pf them is worth, ........ .98 Solid Blacks, Mixtores aiid Novelties AH new, this season's styles, for these are makers' close-out lots which we captured at less than cost of materials alone.- Msde of best all-wool materials, well made and trimmed, finest linings,' custom tailored, perfect fitting garments, and Suits and Overcoats that are worth $12.50 of any man's money. It's one of the best clothing offers ever made and you'll "acknowledge it-, too,, when . you see them. Choice, 6.98. : Meh'a $1.00 Dress Shirts nQn Just 20 doien in all. Shirts made for fine dress wear," handsome silk stripes in J all colors and all sixes. The 'best $1 Shirts you ever saw anywhere. Choice. ; - Men's 35c and 50c ; NECKTIES . In Tecks and Four-in'-Hand. made of best silks and satins; all 35c and 50c .Ties. Choice ..I7L Men's and Youths' $1.00 and $1.25 ' AQr Heavy Sweaters ..,...... .......'. UV, Men's 10c 4-ply Linen Collars, all. Ip styles, all sizes., Choic ........ Iv. Men's 35c to 50c Suspenders, .' . 1 T odd lots .... C4C ...4c 79c1 Men's 8c large Turkey-red Hand kerchiefs Men's $1.25 heavy wear, silk linisir ... Wool, Under- Men's $2 Heavy WORK PANTS C pr z No Big Profits cm GROCERIES You buy them at the same low prices at which we sell everything else. Get posted on our prices and save. GoofHeaa Rice, 5 lbs. for ...'..'.25c 10c Lima Beans, per lb' ".iW.. ...6) 3 bottles Catsup, for ............ .25 Burbank - Potatoes, sack ..-..,.f 1.15 10c Tomatoes, csn : ............... 10c can Corn, per can ..,..........8? 2 cans of Peas for . ... ............ 15 20c, String Beans, can ........... .13 10c can Cream,' two for ...........15 10c Forkand Beans, can ,...T 10c assorted Soups, can T Force, two packages for 25s) Eclipse Mush, cut to ......... 8 Grape-Nuts, two for ......25 Po?tum, package .................20 Fig Prunes, package .20 Dr. Price's Food, three for, ....?5 20c package .Buckwheat 15 JOc package Corn Starch 5 10c package i Gloss Starch ..5 Open Till lO Tomorrow Night : Monster Cleanup of Hqntlredi of Pairs ...... -r - y litfcn s ana women s Worth $3, $4 and $5 $fl .98 It's a great Odds and Ends lot one, two and three pairs of a kind, including many of our finest All to go at, choice BJLH ALL KINDS and STYLES, Including Patent Leather Every pair the finest of Dress Shoes and many trademark $3.00 and $4.00 kinds arc in the lot .. Elegant, high-class, fashionable footwear in all wanted leathers and all the best styles . The same, identical shoes that all season long have sold at $3.00 and $4.00; all sizes in the assort ment. but not in every -style -arly-coming is advisable- Pick 'em out, choose the best, select $3.00 and $4.00' shoes tomorrow at f 1.08. Send Vm Your : Mail Orders Well fill them just as satisfac torily as though you visited vour store in person. Men's $2.50 WorK Shoes All solid leather, alf well made just the thing for hard wear, and all fff CA $2.50 values ePlsOy Ladies' oOc Rubbers All sizes, for JO 1 day only, pr.OOv Misses' and ' Children's $1.50 Shoes Only a small lot though probably 100 pairs in all mak- ers' odds- and ends, fine vici kid, lace, only, patent tips M i all sizes. Remember, $1.50 values, while they last I W SHOES, Odds and Ends, Worth to $2 Hundreds of pairs in this assortment Shoes worth up to $2.00 in the lot, for Men, Women and Children; Ladies' Felt Juliets, odd lots Women's High Shoes, Men's Slip pers and Misses' and,. Children's and Infants' Shoes, all mixed lots, all bunched at, choiceT ' ' s war at th yard ot th Portland Ship building; company a soon ss room can be found for her there. Th craft will be given a general overhauling. The steam ' schooner Johan Poulsen cleared. today for. Baa J"ranclcct.wlUi 750.000 feet of ' lumber. The steamer George W. Elder sailed for Ban Pedro and way port last night The British ateamer Vermont left Pan Francisco for Portland yesterday. Bhe brings t, 100.000 feet of- oak timbers from Siberia. After discharging the steamer will proceed to Puget sound to load lumber for the orient. -Plana were submitted this morning to Messrs. Edwards and Fuller. Inspec tors of ''hulls and boilers, for the pro pos-d new ferry boat to ply between St Johns and Llnnton. According to these plsns the ferry will be SS feet In length, a trifle smaller than th boat eroeaing tha river at Sell wood. The boat will be built at Olaen' ysrd at St. Johns. Captain Evans ef th British bark Olenerlcht entertained Mr, sioben, wife of Captain Hoben, and her daughter. Miss Hoben, end Captain A. E. Perns y a at dinner yesterday at noon. Th din ner wa given ln-ne commodious quar ters of Captain Evans In, the cabin ot the ship. ., The Freneh bark Leon XIII will be st th coal bunkers this afternoon to die charge a cargo of coal from Newcaatle. New South Wales. Ths German ahlp kMnrle Ilackfeld and the British , bark iverna are ready to iav oown as son a a lo boat becomes available. ' Tt British bark Form on crossed out this morning bound for the United Kingdom. V MARINE NOTES V Atorls. lart 11. Arrived down dur ing th night and sailed at l:Z a. ra., steamer George W. Elder for Ban Pedro and way ports. Sailed at 1:11 a. m., steamers Oeorg liooml and Thomas L. Wand, for San Franclsoo. Arrived t I and left wp at is a. mM tug Ssmaon. San Franclaco, Jan. 11. 8alled at 4:S0 p. at. yesterday, British ateamer Vermont for Portland.. Astoria, Jan. 10. Arrived at 1:40 p. m., French bark Cornll Bart from Ant werp. San Pedro, Jan, 10. Sailed barken- tine Chehalls, for Astoria- Hamburg. Jan. T. Sailed, British ship Dal sonar, for Portland. . - Antwerp. Jan. Sailed, Brltlah ship Conwsy, Castle, for Portland. . St, Helens, Jfan. It. -Passed at 10:11 a. m., French ship. Leon XIII. Astoria, Jan. 11. Condition of tha bar at I a. m., moderate; wind west; weath er cloudy . . " ." - .... Bute's Balanc Is Less. Salem, Or., Jan. 11. Thr statement ot th stat. treasurer - for the six months ending December SI. 1 90S, shows a ensh balance of f a against balanc Of 0.47. osj July 1, BURNING OF MAJL CAR WILL CAUSE. LOIS OF TROUBLE Hundreds of Complaints and No ' End of TanglW Up Few people real lie' what a lot of trou ble and worry the burning of a car of mall such ss happened to th ear that left Portland Wedneaday night and was burned at Jefferson City entails upoa the postal employer" and "bfficts iv a well a upon the official themselves. ' Hundreds of complaints sbout letters and packages that never reached their destination will be- filed at th poat offlr and first the official will have to tnveattsate Into -the time It wa mailed. Then they 'will ' have to find out whether It wa mad up In time to go Out on th ill-fated oar that-waa re duced to ashes. Btlll further, a search will have to be msde through ths bushel of half-burned mall that waa left out or the fire, to discover if th Inst piece is there. Finally, If the mall sought for Is not found, a detailed report ot what has been done In the endeavor to discover Its whereabouts will have to be mad in triplicate on copy to be kept at th office, on to be sent to th person Inquiring fof th mall and th third to th department Most of this work come upon th postal employes and ofriclala, but In the cas of th registered mall, where check and draft were forwarded through th malt the work In a measure fall upon, th sender. All of these check end drafts, after their loss I made certain, will have to be made In duplicate and mailed again. Of course this means extra work at the banks for th clerk who ha to mak out th form and for th cashier or president who ha to rnveatla-at end certify to th correctness of the proceedings. Then th duplicate registry orders have to be made out Thla cannot be done until th department has been sat isfied that' the registered packag ha been lost . And It tskes time to satisfy the department of anything, ' especially If it means a loss to ths department Everything haa to go through a spec 1-1 fled form and tho detail and blue rib bon would drive th average man un acquainted with government methods to a hasty retreat But ef all th people who will cause trouble, the little woman who penned a violet scented missive to somebody "far sway" will be th worst There la always something In auch note - thst must be for on person alone and th little woman Is never quit sure In her mind that some big man did not a-et hold of that particular letter and read th content. .' j - REPORTS GREAT PROGRESS ON PANAMA CAHAL . Representative McKinley Con ., trasts American and French : " Methods. " ' , (Jearaal Special S-rrlse.f "Washington. Jan. ll.Repressntatlv McKinley of th Second California dis trict who had chars of th congres sional party whlcb recently - visited Panama on a tour of inspection, has written . for. the xclusiv us of .th Scrlpp News association an article tell ing his personal observation as to the progress of th work on tb canal and problem confronting' th administra tion. Ho says: s t- . Ths first thing that strike the ob servsnt visitor fit ths sharp contrast be tween the methods employed by the French of, 25 years ago and our methods of today. Two yeara of American occu pancy In the canal aone and the proarexa of -the work under Amerlcen' direction bespeak the fact thjt up-to-date meth ods hsve sdvanced the work more than 100 per cent sines the French absn doned tb .enterprise, and " force - the conclusion that while ' under French method th building ot the canal might be possibility. Under th American method It construction I a certainty. Everywhere aplendld activity and organ ised Industry la manifest If th presi dent saw , half tha activity tb eonsreo atonal canal delegation wltneased he would be more than pleased at the progress." , CITY OF ALBANY TO . HAVE PAVED STREETS V ii t ' rRpsetal DltpeH te The Jos-sal.) . Albany, Or., Jan. 11. Albany will hare paved streets. Dr. Wallace In his annual message to the city council rc. ommended the paving of First street, extending throughout the business sac tlon. In ceordano with -the rcom mendatloh of the mayor th city attor ney was Instructed to prrpar an ordi nance providing for .the1 paving nf streets. Inaugural flail at r,lHinnr k. (Josrnal SpwUI Sr,lrj Bismarck, N. !.. Inn Is. rapidly filling Hh th parts of North DaW " the Innuuftiriit bxll t tendance prnmls e.pectat lotis. Tl f '( has bcti ta!fniy .! . dtvatWM fum. la a . n.T'i- il.:... fi.