The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, January 11, 1907, Page 4, Image 4

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7River-Stcamers-TierJ-Up by lcc DIockade inlhe Columbia'
Vawter and Hodson, However, A re Still Confident That Speaker
I ship arid the Prttldenr Chair Will FalltoTheir Lot w
"'.Vi-'-:;'r y Legislature Next Week." . . :
, Tt Is nil over but the shouting." saya
.lbs Davey camp.-' ". ' ""'" ' '!v
"It U fight to the finish and we art
r there to stay until the lest rone rings,"
Is tha eentlmant ot the Vawter con-
.. : tlnaent- -c ,- .... j ; ' j
. ' "Tha and. of tha at rife, baa' Coma,'
i sings Senator Hainea.
"Thara'a many a Blip 'twtxt tha going-
, err of tha gun and tha parting of tap
' on tha goal post," la tha max I to which
'Senator Hod no n knows by heart.
, Thta la tha summing up of tha organ
- 1 cation fight In tha Oregon leglalatura
, Mr. Urr ! retired to hla tent near
tha capltol bulldln at Salem and will
. spend tha remainder of tha time there
' until Monday nollahina- tin tha speaker's
- , gavel which ha la confident he will
- , wield for 40 daya and aoma nlghtai Ha
.'win not return to Portland again thl
' week unlesa called by hla frlenda of the
'Multnomah delegation ; and that la not
v thought ' likely to happen. His Block
; quottlon have risen from a certainty
or it before he Albany meeting with
the Wna county delegation yesterday to
'a possibility of 45 Monday. Mr. Davey
-.and-hla .friend jayh JiatUkjCincJi. and.
. that thera la no further cause for fret-
" ting or worry." v ;. r
. Liu Delegation Pledged.
" Tha allegation la made by the Davey
- pledged Itself to come to Davey In a
. body after a, , conference held - at Al
bany yesterday. Representatives Holt.
, Brown and Upmeyer, - the mambera
f ram Lion county, are reported to have
.put themselves on record - aa - being
' Davey supporters. ' Tha Umatilla tlele
i ration la with hire and only waiting
-, for -Blusher 'to- reach ..Portland from
JPndleton before making - some decided
etatemont In reaard to lta attitude.
Barrett and Steen, however.; are - both
In frequent conference with the Davey
; managers and their ultimata attitude
i 1 Carter of Benton la reported to have
'arona In with tha Linn delegation In
eupImTay.eweIo Josephine
'was alao aald to have been converted
tTOm. tn Vawter creed to that taught
"by tna ManoifcoShfy man. " -
- Vawter, on the other hand, la doubt
ful about tha fctnn county delegation.
He aaya that tha members, through
Representative . Holt, aaaured htm Juat
prior - to his departure for Portland
would atahd by him In preference to
.Davey, - and that an effort , would be
made to hold a conference with Ed
.warda of Lane and Jura htm Into tha
'; ' (fhwHal Dbipatra t Tee ' Journal.)'!
'' Hood River, Or., Jan. 11. Judge W.
X Bradshaw of the circuit court has
handed down a decision at The Dalles
In m wilt MiiluL 1K.I Lm aol.1 -t.-'
. moat . important avTr ird7lnnT15 a
county and one which, it .upheld by, the
.j . .LL.k tm - .ij v
uprama. couri, win emaoiisn a
",denr for future eaftes In Oregon.
Jesse Ncal. who Jived' at Hood River
. but died IS yeara ago, 'triad to recover
property sold by their mother, who died
the Neal heirs were Huntington ft Wil-
. son oi i n Liaiies and Frank Jieal and
A. King Wilson of Portland. Tha de
fendanta,wHOj ara - John W. ' Hlntichv
and Charles Davis of Hood River, had 4
the services ot W. H. Wllaon -of The
'Dallea and A, A. Jayno and Judge Le
Jand Henderson of this city,
i The cronrtv was sold to Hlnrlche
. and Davla bv Ura. Keal under a will
made by her husband, Jesse Keal. and
In which thS word heirs waa used in
. stead of rhlldren. . Plalntlffa tried to
i aeiaa tna win on ibib grouna, claim
ing that .tha law . of Oregon specified
, that, the children must be mentioned In
'., tha will, and' as they were not It: was
Invalid. Tha court ruled that tha In
tent of -the- executor of the will wss
ntabllshad, ' and decided In favor of
" the defendants. '..".VTJn: i-":"' ' 1
The suit . Involves 126,000, Including
'.rents and damages, and ,waa vlgoroualy
ontaated on both sides. . , .
1 ! fSnecUl ntopetra te Tha Jnonml.)
' Vtakcr City. Or, An. 1L On the
prround that there ara Irregularities In tha
information filed agalnat them charging
.them with murder, W I Hard Moody, Ales
tviddowaon and Ida Brown this morning
'filed motions to quash tha charge. Prob
bly the. mot lone will, bo beard tomor
row.. 1 - . ..
' Tbeyallege that the Information ia
not in accordance with tha coda, that
they wewftled after the pnbllo an
Itouncaraent of the calling of tha grand
Jury had been made by the court, and
tha names of tha wltneaaas examined
ara not Indorsed upon It, and Brown
eta tip that ha waa called aa a wltneaa
-and without being notified of constitu
tional rights waa forced to give testi
mony, upon , which ha waa afterward
arrested. Y . , ;,
"tviddowson'a separata . contention la
'that there were persons other than the
district attorney present at tbo time the
wltneaaea were examined.' ,
Affidavits bearing out the allegations
era filed with the motions.
fjnenul Seeds! Set tie.?
: Kew Tork. Jan. 11 The United
fttates circuit Jury, considering tha "To
bacco Trust" eea, laat night returned
a verdict of acrulttal ao against tha
tnd I vld nat-daf eadawta, Kart Jonghluth
and Howard E. Toung. and a vrdlct of
guilty againat tha corporate Interests,
the McAndrewa ft Forhea company and
tha J. 8. Young company.' . .
The oorporatione were found guilty
on two counts; on Of forming an Ille
gal combination and the other of being
a monopoly.
Tha eorporatlono ware acquitted on
the count charging conaplracy. , ,vy . v
Washington. Jan. 'If. Too house pub
1M lnnd committee today heard protests
rint the preeldent'a blanket order
ittiirwln ol lands from eintry.
rr"lHv In' Aluk. whara all pros-r-.-tirg
and development ara at a stand
-X ' -
Vawter column. 'No news of - any
change haa bean brought to either Mr.
Vawter or hla frlenda and they there
fore are doubtful whether or not they
bare loat tha aupport of Linn county.
...... Davey Camp Confident.
i Davey'a frlenda now aaaert that their
candidate to-beyond air probability of
defeat and that when tha cauoua cornea
on Monday it will be found that Davey
haa nearer it votea on tha flrat ballot
than SO aa heretofore claimed.
Vawter and hi managera are In Port
land, having returned from Albany Jaat
night They will remain on the ground
to make what progreaa they may with
tha' representative as they reach tha
city from the outlying country today,
tomorrow and Sunday. Their hope la to
awing a euf detent number Into their
column to carry a winning fight into
the oaucua at Salem on Monday morn
ins-. .:' . j ' , i v -
..Senator Hainea still M' II votea, ao
hla frlenda aay, while Senator Hodson
makes tha retort courteous that thera
la atrong possibility of him and hla
frlenda knowing ot aupport due himself
which haa not bean apparent.
i Senator- Hatnvs and ' his - following
would ilka to h.avo caucua but It la
not known what tha Hodson - f oroea
think of the proposition. Senator Hod'
son aaya that no one haa been author
ised to aay whether or not ha would go
Into oaucua. . '
. There la a rumor that two mora votea
will coma to-Halnea out f Maltnomah
county before Sunday night. Who
these aenatora are is being kept dark,
but the names of Beach. Bailey and
Malarkey are whispered about. Friends
of Hoilson say that Beach will not de
Bert; that Bailey's interests are bound
up with Hodson too strongly to permit
of desertion, and - that Malarkey. will
atand out to tha and ao that tha Issue
Is much In doubt. Rumor alao predleta
that Haines may fail through filibuster
ing tactics. . Many' of hla pledges are
conditional, it La said, and ahould hla
nomination and election be delayed for
one or lwdbalfoti"yasjd"-wagun ful
lowera would awng either to Hodson
or lo snmrtlurk hersa yat to bo sprung.
Hodson denlea that there is any dark
horse being ourried down for the exhibi
tion, and Haines -takes tha stand t&at
there- Is no stall for any additional
ataeda over tha number now In the
senatorial atable.
The situation la that . Dave and
Hainea 'would, ba .favorites oa a pool
book and tha man who . would take a
whirl at tht game would put hla money
on thera on the short slda ot the'page.
Ionral Sjwelel STTic. 'W;'
Lansing. Mich., Jan. 11. The Repub
lican caucua last night nominated Con-
rresttman ' win m .. .. ati. -
. ' . " W
I I r- . "'
naa prevallaa-for-the
work, naat and
BTTiaRliIng- the mac.Mne operated by Bosa
- Arthur Hill, tha Saginaw millionaire,
tha machine candidate, was defeated by
tha efforts of Governor Warner, who
Charged, him .with bribery, In securing
votes. The final ballot - e caucus
Stood: 0nlth St, . Townsand it. -
Smith 'haa been In congress for tha
past Jt years. Ills success may mean
Burrows' defeat, as tha southern part
of Michigan will demand tha other sen
ator. ,..-'. . ' - .....
. 1 floarwil tpMia srvm. ;
San Pedro. CaL,.Jan. Ill The launch
Rover, with Dor Bennls, "the young
girl alleged to have been kidnaped by
Captain Hall, who later was deserted
by. his crew, haa arrived hero, 1 Hair
naa Men arreated cnarged with kidnap
Ing and held for trial at UanInega-
The long mlssltig launch Rover, after
buffeting terrific storms for many days,
passed Into the harbor In charge . of
Captain WarnelL ' With Dora Bennls
were Mrs, Emma Horton and her hus
band, tha engineer, ' All were in good
health. Warnell says that ho waa In
duced to Join Hall In an expedition to
explore alleged gold minea. Hall be
came desperately in love with tha Ben
nls girl, his actions loading thoae aboard
to believe hint insane. ' When- Manuella
Lajunta. on tha coast of Lower Califor
nia, was "reached. Hall waa put aahoro
and tha Rover started northward. The
gasoline ran short and almoat tha en
tire trip waa made with a small sail.
Dor Bennls will be returned to her
parent. She refuses " to talk. They
have mourned her as dead. '
'. ' " fStieetil nUpetrltto Tt Jonm.l
Prosser, Wash., Jan. 11. While lock
ing .up the wrtsonera last night. Jailer
Oilpln waa overpowered, bound gagged
and robbed of keya, money and a re
volver. Four prisoners walked out.'
Two were subsequently recaptured.' R.
C. Bere and Sidney. Davis, a horsathlef.
and "Kid" Parker, held for the murder
of Marahal Glover of Kennewlrk, eev
raned. Olover and three others were
killed during a gun fight while attempt
ing to arrest Parker' for torse stealing.
Parker la only IS, but a desperate char
acter. Ha haa the Jailer's gun and de
clares that he will hot be taken altva,
A posse of 100 men are chaslag him.
'. j...; jf...,- . ... :;s -. -.
Los Angelas, CaJ.. Jan. 11. John S.
Rchlrm. president of the Grand Canon
Lima ft cement company. Is under ar
rest on the charge of receiving "conces
sions- from the Santa Fa. Tht ia tha
flrat arrest -growing out -of tha grand
Jury Investigation of tha rebate evil
Other arrest a will follow. : . - v
' Tacoma. Waab., Jan. ll-O. C Hick
erson, a brskema tt years old, while
attempting to board a Northern Paclflo
freight trafh thia morning In. the half
moon yard, missed his footing and 'fell
banaath the wheels and was ground to
Hickeraon waa ' married New I
nay. Ills young wife Is"
tertoal ever tier kerearemsat.
... f .
Tb Columbia rlrer la still blocked with tco and bkTlgatlon la practically at a standstill aboTo tbo month
: of the WllUmette. Below the Willamette the Columbia widens so materially that the boats can man
' 4 :. age to keep open the channel, although mariners have to navigate with great care In order to arold col
liding with the floating fields of Ice. Colonel B. W. Roessler. United - States engineer, who returned
v from Celllo this morning, states that the npper Columbia Is practically a solid mass of Ice. - -
Smoot Will Not Be Unseated by
: . His Colleagues In Spite of .
; V ' : Popular. Demand. - v
(Special Dispatch to The Journal.)
Washington. Jan. 11.- Senator Smoot
will hold bta seat In the sonata unlaaa
before hla - next" term expiree ba does
something to' Justify expulsion. . Thera
is at present' a majority In tha aeitate
who believe he cannot be deprived of his
aaat under existing conditions, and that
In no case can he ba put out of tha aan-
ate except, by tha method of expulsion,
which require a two thirds vote.
Smoot's term does not expire until two
years from next March. '
A report favoring his being aroppeo
from tba rolla In soma manner baa
boon mado by ,tha senate commute on
prlvllegea and elections as a result or
a combination 'between the Democrats
and two of. tha Republican senators of
I th ROmRllttea
I tlx. on.
that committee, embracln soma of the
greatest lawyers of tha country,, are of
tha onlnlon .that Smoot could not ba
deprived of hi seat unless it could ba
shown he had committed soma crime
or had been guilty of some Improper
act since his election that would Justify
tha-senat- In-expelling -hlm. It
len positively proved that 8 moot him
self la not and never has bean a polyg-
The first voice In the senate. in-favor
of Read BmAot of L'Uh waa raised this
afternoon by Senator .Hopkins or lai
note, who said: . v
rTha Mormon church Is undergoing
a radical change for the better.. Smoot
la the apostle of a better and Jilgher
Mormonlam. HO stands xor tna saereo
thlna. in the church and against polyg
amy and kindred vices. Smoot has dona
more to stamp out the church vices than
any 1.000 men. outatoe tna cnurcn. i
dlasant wholly from tha conclusion that
polygamy la a part of the Mormon re
ligion." " - ' ' v - '- '
Hopkins said no power could sdd any
Qualification for v aenatorshlp beyond
what is prescribed lit-tho-eoooUtutlon.
J. - J.'' Fltsgerald received a telegram
from San Francisco today announcing
the death of Oscar J. Kendall. : form
erly la the government employ in Port'
land In the prosecution of the land
fraud casee. Kendall left Portland
about a month ago, and it Is said that
ha waa In the employ of Francla J,
Heney, who Is prosecuting the officials
of tha Bay City.
Kendall waa well known In Portland
and Alaska, whore ho lived for a time.
No eauao for hi death waa assigned In
the telegram, and up until a lat hour
this afternoon no further message had
bean received .from BanFranciaco.
Kendall loaves a widow..
". iSneelut Dlnatek ts Th
- Salem. Or.. Jan. 11. Willamette unl
veralty students--have watted - on the
committee that la arranging the Bryan
reception and requested . the distin
guished Nebraskan to. address th stu
dent body. Chairman Downing of tha
county central committee believes Mr.
Bryan can be prevailed upon to address
th students on. the morning Of January
t - , ,--.
:,V''f,'., 1 ( - i
. New Tork, Jan. lL E. H. Harrlman
Is ready and willing to appear tiefor
tha commerce commission when'th ln
veatlgstion Is resumed, according to a
semi-official sutement made todsy by
on of his representatives. Harrlman
Is willing to answer all queatlona con
cerning L'nlon Paelfle deals, so It will
ba unnecessary to call Rockefeller- or
Stillmati. ."' -,
' Washington.. Jan. It Th president
may modify th order dismissing col
ored troops of th Twenty-fifth infantry
by eliminating that portion prohibiting
a discharged soldier from ever obtain
ing civil employment under tha govern
ment Advisers have Informed Boose-
tys-lvelt that ha exceeded Us authority In
, ? - . ' J.
! ... - j
Private Sleuths Make Unexpect-
isJt In Intwrest of
Irate Husband.
As the result of their alleged Illicit
relations,' Jim Peters, a brakeman em
ployed on the O. R. ft N. and Mrs. Daisy
Phillips, wife -of Jim Phillips, former
captain of police of Astoria, and recent
ly manager of the defunct Parts house,
are held in the city prison awaiting a
preliminary -examination ,on statutory
charges. carrylngaanltentlaryaen--tence.
.. . .. .
An additional charge-of contributing
to the delinquency of her minor sister
will bo filed against tha woman today
by Deputy District Attorney Bert Ha
ney. The complaints alleging criminal
Intimacy were sworn to by Phillips this
morning, and ia announces his intention
of vigorously prosecuting the case.
Upon information supplied by .a pn-
vate detective agency, Detectives Burke
and Klenlln - of 'th local ' department
swooped - down On a room occupied by
th - couple In th Lewis and Clark
house, at Sixth and Gllan streets at 11
o'clock last night No tenponse- was
made te repeated demands by the offi
cers 4o open the door although, the pri
vate sleuths employed by the irate hue
band had traced the pair. to the apart
ment in queatlon and had taken a room
adjoining to gather the necessary evi
dene..-.Th delay-ln-openlng th door.
H ia alleged.-waa done to allow Peters
time to make hla escape by a rear win'
dow,;,';;; ; .,..-' -."v .--.;
J '' -.
e Y (Joeraal Speetal Servtoa.)
; ' The Hague, Jan. .11. Three
4 hundred ara dead as the, result
of a tidal wave on th island of
Tana, on the Dutch Laat Indies.
e ' Forty were drowned on the - is-
land of Slmalu. . The. loss was
e ' great on other islands.
J " . - ';
(Jnoraal Bperlsl Serrlce.)
Seattle. Wash., .Jan.. 11. C Conley
was arreated bere today on a charge
of conducting a school for . teaching
youthful messengers . to ' use cocaine,
opium and other drug. . Several pack
ages of drugs were found end the ar
rest of a numb of druggists will
probably follow. Investigation has
disclosed fearful depravity among mes
sengers employed by that concern. -
- . Journal Special sendee.) '
Sacramento, Cat. Jan.' 11 Stanton of
Los Arceles Introduced a reeolutlon in
the assembly today calling for the Im
mediate introduction of bills. After a
heated, debate it waa lost by IS to II.
After brief sessions th assembly and
senate adjourned until Monday, when
the real work ' of the leglalatura will
begin. - '-. V '
(Jsaraal Special Service.) -' ' '
Montgomery. Ala.. Jan. 11. A hun
dred miner hsve been entornbed 'by a
cave-In at the" Schloos mines, Calhoun
county according to a telephone mes
sage Just received here. Defective tim
bering Is blamed. Oris rescue party haa
entered the nine and another Is organ!
Ing. , . - : :, : -
a ',. v y .-- ; ' r ;. $ -
(Joeraal Speetal Service.!
"Washington, D. C. Jan.- 11 Senator
Hansbrough today turned over to the
Interstate commerce epmmlaslon a num
ber of dispatches complaining of the
coal shortage In, the northwest. One
from North Dakota says there Is not a
jound of coal for sale, , -
Pastor Ikll's Sureessor Called. '
Baker City. Or, Jan. 10. The First
Presbyterian church of Baker City has
railed Rev. K. B. Busch of Corvsllls te
fill the vacancy caused by tha resigna
tion Of Rev. J. R. N. Bell. Rev. Buarh
will arrive In Baker City January 20 to
aasuaa sis AuUs aa pastor, Y
Tlgen I- rltr Determlnetl -to-Tak4
' 7' His Life" and So Tells
Y;;.r;: - His Relatives.
'' It was only by thai prompt action of
Detective Inskeep this morning that
prevented llgen Frits, proprietor of th
Royal restaurant, t4t Yamhill street
from ending bla Ufa ..bywallowlag -the
contents 6 a two-ounca bottle ot chlo
roform. - V ' ' ' '.
About T:I0 a. ra., Frits, who,, accord
ing to his wife and relative, frequently
auffere from attacks o suicidal mania,
enteaed the restaurant and after hang
lngHila overcoat oa a hook, drew a bot
tle from hie pocket and announced that
h Intndiv1 tslrtnv his llfs. nsfora
anyone could deter him - he ;'left thef
establishment and declared aa h reach.-
ed the sidewalk that he would return In'
half an hour... . ,
Fearing-that tie Intended taking 'the!
polaos) th police were notified.' Abounbe made this afternoon at 4 o'clock.
o ciock uia reaiauranc man rexurnoa, i ,
but. did -not ahow - any symptoms - of
poisoning,. Alma Mller, his stepdaugh
ter,, whom he highly regards, endeav
ored to reason with, pirn to abandon his
contemplated . raah act,, . but without
avail.- Inskeep decided to take the bot
tle of poison from Frits, by force-If
necessary Tha , melancholy, man de
clared that be did not have the bottle
and agreed to being: -searched. Jn on
ot his hip pockets a two-ounce vial of
chloroform was found and confiscated by
the detective..-. , ,.. . ..
-' (Special Dteeateb te The JeeraaL) '
Salem, Or., Jan. IL In raaponse to
an urgent appeal from the famine relief
committee of Shanghai, China, for flour
and wheat for the starving mulUtudea,
Governor Chamberlain today Issued -a
proclamation appealing toOba aaoares
ity of tha people of Oregon to come to
the relief of the Sufferers, asking them
to oontrinute food supplies and reoom
mending that organisations b formed
for' soliciting aid In the towns and cities
or the state.
The Red Cress department has charge
or contributions. '
- The -famine extends over a district
100 miles In length and 109 miles in
width on sither aide of the Orand Canal
In China, covering a total area of 40,-
009 square mllea. The crops were to
tally deatroyed by the eummer rain.
Some 11.009,000 people inhabit the af
fected region. Tens of thousands must
parish unlese help la given. Thousanda
of houses have been destroyed and many
hundreds are dying from famine and
(Joaraal Sbedal Pmi.
Boston. Jan. 11. There is evidently
omeining aoing among copper flnan
oiers,- ror- today's- market -shows very
heavy advances. . There was a 0 rlae
In Tamarack, the price going aa high as
fl0 a share, while the closing yester
day wss 1140. Quincy was another of
the copper stocks that advanced rap
Idly, today's rise, amounting to II . a
share over yesterday. - Copper Range
advanoed from ISO to 110 and Osceola
roae from IKS. to lift -a-share. The
rest of the copper market was very Arm.
but the advances were not so heavy a
in m leaaers. , ... : , ' v
' (SpeHst. IMapatcb lo The Jeernal. '
Iewiston. Idaho, Jan. 11. While nlav.
fully poking redhot coals In the kltohen
stove with a pttch'soaked stick while
her mother waa at her writing deak In
a front room all unconscious of Impend
ing danger, the little 4-year-old daugh
ter of Mr. and Mrs. O. J. Trowner of
Summit, eaat of here, set fire to - the
houss yesterday and was burned to a
crisp before she could be rescued... The
house waa completely deatroyed. - The
mother, who waa alone aave for the chil
dren, succeeded In saving a' younger
child and a baby born 10 days ago.
Growth of Harlow's School.
Barlow, Or, Jan. 11. During the
holidays vacatron the schoolrooms here
were painted. tpered and furnished
with new blackboards. ' The schoolhouae
was bJbo remodeled internally, making
twe sohoolrooms Instead of one. as be-
Convention" Recommends
Change in the Law, Thus Re
ducing Dirties of Sheriff. !
A lively tilt was precipitated la the
aaaeaaora' convention this morning by
tha motion of Assessor Rice of Marlon
county to amend section 11 of the re
port of J the atate tax- commission by
providing that the assessors and not
th treasurers shall be made, tax cot
lectors. . Tba motion further provldod
that tha eeetlon aa amended should ba
recommended to the legislature for en
actment Into law. 'v
Assessor Payne of Malheur Opposed
tha amendment saying that be had all
the responsibility he wanted in proper
ly assessing property. He also urged
that -it waa an Injustice to the sheriff a
of the small counties to reduo their
aalarlea, aa would have to ,be done In
eaae the collection of taxes waa taken
from them. Mr. Payne vigorously in
sisted that tha law atand aa it 'la now.
Aaaeaaor Stogadlll of Waaco made a
strong argument againat the proposed
ehange, taking the position that' If the
collection of taxes waa taken from tha
aherlff and Ktven to either th aaaeaaor
or the treasurer, it would result in no
reduotlon of tha sheriffs' salary, but
would certainly bring about an increase
in the aaiary or tne orriciat to whose
dfflc the work was added, thus result
ing in saddling '. an additional burden
upon the people with, no corresponding
benefit to be derived.
Asaeaaora Slgler of Multnomah and
Shalton of Ollllam favored relieving the
sheriff ot the collection of taxes), both
Insisting that asaeaaora were aa a rule
batter qualified for the duty and that
the collection of taxes naturally be
longed to the aseessor'a office.
Aaaeaaora Plets of Sherman and NV
aon of Clackamas cbargVd .the conven
tion with frittering its time away In a
useless discussion of a ohang that tha
legislature will not make. - Both speak
ere urged the body to take up a sub
ject that was of real Interest to it
Asseeaor Morton of Union county re
plied to this contention by declaring that
the queatlon of who ahould collect taxes
waa ot vital interest to the assessors,
and that he, for one, would like to have
the additional harden Imposed upon him.
Assessor Payne again earn to th res
cue of the sheriffs and declared smuha
tcally againat the omaacdlatioa of that
office by depriving them ot th right
to receive the people's taxes,-
At this point Assessor Rio demanded
the previous question, which was . pift
by the chairman,. The- vote resulted in
tie. . Chairman Slgler cast the decid
ing vote in the affirmative. The effect
of the adoption - of Aaaeaaor . Rice's
amendment .means - that, tha assaasors'
convention will ask the legislature to
pass a law combining the office of tax
collector with that -of asaeaaor. . ...
The proposal to add the assessor and
elerk to the levying board, giving them
the same power on that body aa they
now- have on the board of equalisation,
was voted, down.
The convention deelded to discontinue
discussion ot the tax commission's
report lna tee up other queatlon at
th'0 afternoon's session. The conven-
1 tion adiourned at noon to meet again
at I o'clock A final adjournment wUl
Oil TRAM :
Lighted Torch at ths Dralncock
T Sets the Tank on p. R. A N .
Tender Ablaze. '. "
, . ... - ..'
The fourth of the accidents of the
last week which has destroyed the use
fulness of four locomotives on ths Har
rlman lines in Oregon Occurred thia
morning between Cascade . Locks and
Wyath. An oil fire that started from
gas explosion In the tank of .the tender
burned a car of hope and a car -of lum
ber and caused " damage aggregating
nearly 14.000.. r- . r - :rr-r-.
Eaatbound freight train -Na 24
stopped about 41 miles east of Portland
to enable engine No, 171 to blow off
steam. The morning waa dark, and
when the fireman went out on the ten
der to open a drain cock on the of! tarlk
to let water out of the oil, he carried, a
torch. When, he opened the drain cock
gas oaught fir from the torch. An ex
ploslan followed and set fire to the
escaping olL The engineer started to
pull the train ahead through the fire.
It Is eald that after moving ahead about
100 feet the englnemen stopped and out
off tha angina, and ran to Wyeth, leav
ing tha bead end Of the train on fire
from the burning olL .
The trainmen succeeded In extin
guishing the flames and preventing de
struction of the entire train. A car
of hops valued at about 11.100 was to
tally destroyed, and a carload of lumber
was partially burned. Damage to equip
ment end tracks was about 11.000. En
gine No. Its waa practically uninjured.
Other aeoldenta recently were the loas
of two locomotlvee that plunged into
Bass creek canyon, and the exploding
of en engine at Junction "City. ' The
Southern Paclflo, already short of mo
tive - power, keenly feels the - loss of
thre locomotlvee at this time, as there
are a number of engines in the shops
for repairs from overwork.
''-. - ' ' "'..' '.
(Special Plsrateb to Tbe JnarnaLl '
Hainea, Or., Jan. 11. Kd Tork. whose
arrest Saturday night resulted in 'the
atabblng Of I Marshal Wooley and the
shooting of H. Wallace, has paid his
fine of $71 end costs and Is released
from enatody. Wallace-Is still In the
hospital and will not be held to answer
for euttlng the marahal until he le dis
charged from the care of the hyal
clsns. Marshal Wooley Is recovering
rspidly. ,. Y : - .... . ..
"Caar Badly Scared. ' ;
Uenrasl Special Service.!
St. Petersburg, Jan. 11. Th esar. 1a
reported to b In a state of complete
collapse. The unchecked assassination
of officials and tha ease with which
terrorists are able to reach their vic
tims has been too much for the csar'a
nervea. "Whoa nestT" la th aueatlon
on every one's llpa. .
,,. Mora Fever at Hcrantoa. Y. ..
. (joarI1, gpatei Swnee.l . -Scranton.
Pbj Jan. 11. N:na new
cases of typhoid fever, making s total
of J.0:aV era - reported. - riv-deaths
oooured today, .
Estacada . Mayor Convicted of
Sellwood Election Frauds. Is
Seeking a Different Verdict.
Surfl Ib the Statement Made In tbo
. Motion for a New Trial Filed by
Attorneys Mulr and Moody In th
Circuit Court, ' : ' YC Y
v Because Circuit Judge' Fraiter chars o
terlaed the defense put up by Attorneys
Ralph Moody and W. T. Mulr as non
sensical and absurd, J. . W. Reed, con-.
vlcted of inducing an elector to vpte
fraudulently, a penitentiary orrenae.
eraal A
lthe 1
will i il
may-secur a new trial and a reversal
of the Judgment. In such a case
famous Sellwood ' election frauds
pass into history without punishment
being meted out to a single one of those
found guilty.- ' - . ' ! ' -
The plea made by Attorneys? Mobdy
and Mulr-t-tli -trial-was that, their ,,
client, who Is mayor of Estacada -as
well aa a banker., and building con-,'
tractor, did not know that be was doing '
wrong when he committed the offense. ,'
On December 14 last, th saoond day of
thfijjrlal. Judge Fraser rebuked Attor- .
ney Moody in the following worde;. -.
'Thta charge haa been aubstaatlaled
so far aa the evidence has gone and I ".
cannot allow so nonsensical a defense
to go before' this Jury, The pica Is so
nonsensical . that . tha . court would not .
entertain ' it for a .moment. The court
would not entertain the suggestion. that
any lawyer anywhere would believe that
a man could establish a residence simply
by going somewhere and staying" over ;
night. Thia principle la so well estab
lished, not only by law, but by common
sense, that the court cannot believe, that
any each advce could be given or even
believed by a lawyer.' Y '"''-.
"Everybody knows that such a thing
is wrong. Even schoolboys who bad a .
society of their own. if other boys from
another school would come in end try -to
control- their -society, would know
enough to raise the-cry-of fraud.-It
Is a fraud on Its face, and the district
attorney has well said that if this of
fense can be Justified in this way there
would be no protection for the people ::
in administering their affair in their
own. way." . . '" . .
To ihes words. Attorney Moody took
heated exception, and after the verdict
ot guilty had been returned be an
nounced -that on account of rraser
words be would euner .secure m-wv -serval
of the judgment by ths supreme
court or a new trial. - . r
The appeal waa entered, but today"
motion for a new trial was tiled, end
an attempt will be made to win the
case for Reed In the circuit court. The
motion for a new trial alleges "Irregu
larity of the proceedings of the court"
M aaaaaaasaw-1 J ' ----- .-
.'.Tlh 10 days Anded today show si riet
lncreaae in the receipts, from, the occu
pation tea licenses for,'. Ue January '
ouarter ot I1.801 over the samefi?ertod
for the sams quarter in 10I. Today
the taxes become delinquent Deputy
City Auditor Pierce haa prepared
statement for the juarterrsU6wln.that
the total amount of the collections was -K0.100.6I
for the general fund and S.'
lOI.eO for the street repair fund. The
collections for the same quarter In 1904
were I6I.I10.6B for the general fund and "
II.I6I.S0 for tbe street repair fund.
Several thouaand dollars remain to be
collected, but tdoenee- Officers MoEach-
era and Hutchlnaon say the delinquent
Hat will not be prepared until the boMj
are checked, up. - This work wHl.not be
done for a few days, and is
completed warrants tor the arrest of
the delinquents will be issued. .-.
' A damage suit on behalf of Robert -,
ley for 110,011 is oa trial In -Judge -Oantenbeln's
; court thls -. afternoon. ,
While Robaon wae doing carpenter work
on a new house of Mra Klngsley, at
22 Cornell road, on April U. 10S a
scaffolding collapsed and Robaon was
precipitated to th ground. - On I .
waa broksm and the man was otherwise
Injured to euch an extent that he claims '
to be permanently , incapacitateq : ror
work. '-''.
Robaon alleges that the scaffolding
was put In proper shape oy tne con-.
tractor, George Smith,, but that Mrs.
Klngsley, without the . knowiedgw ot
anyone else,, carelessay drovb a buggf '
against It arid thereby rendered It un
safe. Mrs. Klngsley will try to psovs "
that the scaffolding was unaaf frsm
the first by reason of a large knot In
ona of the uprights.' ' ,-r--i -
V A meeting of the Multnomah delega
tion to the legislature wiU be held in
Judge Frasers room at the courthouse
this evening at I o'clock; to consider any '
proposed legislation which may be sua-
geatad by the people of the county. . la
meeting Is the .continuation of one held ;
a weak ago, at whlob time several prr
pod blue were called to tne Atten- .
tlon of - tba delegation. It Is expected
that a large number of people will meet
with the delegation this evening and
that tnany interesting measures Will bs
brought up and discussed. .
' MMMUBSasBawBJSssaSaaaaaaaasaHaassBaM''
. . . . t w
Salem, br., Jan. 11.-1 Governor?
4 Chamberlain issued a proclama-
4 tion today dissolving- 130 oorpor-, e
at tone wnicn nave rnnea to com- w .
4 ply with the provisions of the ,
law governing- incorporations.
4 These can be reinstated within '
4 ' two years frOm tha date of the ,
proclamation oy tne psymenr "or - -
Ha rMitilattA fa. A
Pivorro Grants Today; V k
Anna Wells was today granted a dl- .
vorce from Asa O. Wells on, the. ground
f desertion. They were married In
Tillamook in February. 1813. and hsve J
three children. Oenevieve Harris was
granted a divorce from Leonard O.
Harris on tha ground of desertion. They
were married st Astoria November 14,
lit 7, and have sa eiUXd. . . . T,-
i ' UU rsApeci, .
. , j . : ; , i '
i " ' ' r ' . ' : . ,
V' . . ., '-." v . .. f ) . ' ' -