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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 11, 1907)
THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, FRIDAY EVENING, JANUARY 11, 1S37. 13 CETS ANOTHER TERM MMISLHS WELL FILLED FGRf.l-NEW-eOUWTIESw OF CROOK AND WASCO '.' v. . - ';- . i . , Residents of Northern and Western Crook Will This Time Unite ' With Hood River People to Secure Desired Division- . Deschutes and Madras to Be New Names. ? WHEN-YOU SEE IT IN OUR AD IT'S SO .. That a third attempt will be mad at 'tlx coming session ot the state legists. . ture to divide Crook county - la con Junction with a mova on the part , of the Hood River taction to out off 'separate county out of the western por tion of Viaaco in a political secret which has born studiously kept tinder -cover until this morning. l"P to this time the work of arranging the detail of the intended surprise which waa expected to bo sprung suddenly at Be tern naa been carried on successfully, and It Is a foregone conclusion that there will be a determined right botn ror and against the dlvlalona contemplate! Twice before during legislative see alona an effort has been made to-cut off the northern portion of Crook coun ty, together with the southern elbow of Wasco, and make of the two a separate county. Heretofore these efforts for the moat part have been confined to , residents of southern Wasco county who wished to establish a county seat at Antelope and include In the new county the rich whest .belt of northern croon. Different Alliance Wow. The attempt to create.' this division J came very near proving successful at the last session and was defeated prln- ough the alliance of .the Crook county factions with those in inr Dalles, who were Wanting In a desperate effort to keen Hood River from secur ing a new county, in western WaacoyUo gether with the county . seat. ' Crook county gave her support to The Dalles to defeat the Hood River movement In .return for The Dulles' support againat a division of Crook. " ' '.;':'"", This year, however, there has been an entire change of' program; and one which no doubt will make. the fight long and bitter. Instead of outside in terests asking for a slice off Crook for a new county, business men and resi dents In the northern and western" por- tne division. And in order to bring sue- will lock elbows, not with The Dalles, as was done two years ago. but with the Hood River enthusiasts, led by the Hon. . lu Smith, who will ask the legisla ture to create a new county out of weatern Wasco with the county seat at the apple town. The undivided support of each will be given to the other In the attempt to gain the ends desired. : The bitterest fight will come from Crook county, where Dr. HI' P. Belknap, the Joint representative of that district. Is a resldent;of Prlneville, . the county seat. Belknap i will resist the move ment, and -will enlist all possible sup port against It. while the fight wlU be waged just aa strongly on the other side, and the other aide this year will have the advantage of combined forces. Maps, profiles snd estimates ot the taxable property of the two new coun ties, which it is proposed shall be out out of Crook, have been prepared and are ready for submission to the legls latuie. It is the Intention to call the western division Deschutes county and the northern section Madras county. The county seat of the former is framed Property Lists Greater. - v (llil Ptspatcb to The Joenul.t ' Balem, Or.. Jan. 11. The summaries of assessment Tolls filed with - the secre tary of' stats '.-show great Increase over the paat year. The valuation re ceived were: Douglas '-county, tlt.ttt,. 17t: Lincoln, $8,8S.40; Multnomah, tl80.ltl.t4t. The valuations last year were! .Douglas,- tS.677.824.BSi Lincoln, $93,454; Multnomah, tl4t,30,J58. Macklin's Assailant to Be Tried. '.; (Jeoraal Special aarvtes.t Washington. Jan. 11. The secretary of war has ordered the eourtmartlal of Corporal Knowles, tinder arrest at El Reno, charged with shooting Captain Macklln. , Sweeping Special Sale m .;. AND lilii;'! EVERY $12.50 AND $15 OVERCOAT IN THE HOUSE, TO CLOSE OUT QUICK, EACH These are finely tailored and of . first-class material,' EVERY ONE worth every cent of $12.50 to $15.00. (Great Bla We have purchased the entire . sample display- of blankets of the Oregon City Woolen Mills company. These blankets are slightly soiled from handling, but otherwise as good as when they left the looms, yet because not salable to the wholesale trade we secured the lot at 25 to 40 per cent less than wholesale cost OUR FRIENDS SHALL HAVE THE BENEFIT OF ; EVERY PENNY WE SAVED IN THIS : :f X- LARGE TRANSACTION, 'i : - -This is a bona fide sale ot superb blankets made right . here at home of Oregon's magnificent wools. , mi 11 Kit TTtv Tl TPI H Kcr&west Corner First snd Taylor The One-Price Clothing House That Always'Sells It Cheaper." -"; .,'.:'' up for Bend or Redmond, the headquar ters orner-f4helargeat-lrtlgatlon companies operating In the state, -while Madras, a town in the center of the wheat belt, is scheduled for the latter. The boundary lines of th proposed Deschutes county follow down the Ma tolea river to the Deschutes river, south to the mouth of Crooked river, east on Crooked river to a point six miles west of Prlneville, thence south to township 26 and west to the Caacades, including four tier ot townships in Klamath and Lake counties. Madras county Is to In. elude the northern halt of Crook and the southern stovepipe projection of Wasco, the southern line of the pro posed new county runulng to a point on MsKay creek five miles north of Prlneville. .. - '. Timber Interests Object, It Is stated that the effort to divide Crook county., la made not only tor business reasons, but in order that the residents now living in th northern and. western portions will not have to 80,00 ' uuui mouse a which has Just been .authorised by th county, court at Prlneville. In addition to the interior , fight which they, will have to face, the new county promoters will also have th antagonism of th timber Inlnrsls alnn? tht'Pem'hmne, who -do not look-with favor upon thri tnove. Th timber interests are enor mous, and this Is one reason why such secrecy has ' been maintained regarding the movement. - - , Within the boundaries of the pro posed Deschutes county alone, aalde from the irrigation Interests, there are 1,500.000 acres of timber land owned by corporations, representing a taxable value of approximately tli. 000,000, and taxes from thia land would necessarily be the mainstay of the new county if created. ' Hood River's fight will be promoted along the asm llnrs ajfollowed two years ago. and statistics will be pre sented showing the phenomenal, growth of the Hood River community. It di versity of interests, population, and will also recite th fact ' thst th growth of th community is such that It is detrimental to- th business Interests to be compelled to transact county busi ness at a 'point so far away aa The Dalles. . s . .... ; , . - C. S. Moore, Retiring Treasurer, 'r . Reports a Better Financial Condition Than Ever. , - SUGGESTS CHANCE IN - THE INHERlTANCEJTAXi Senator ' Gamble'' of South' Dakota, WTio Is Nominated by Republican! to Succeed Himself. CADniriO-xTAI CUT IHIUIIIIIU IHUUIII TO FARHERS Receipts for the Two Years Vrre Four Million, Sevea Hundred and Sixty Thousand Dollars, Besides the Cash Already on Hand. Charles d. Moore, retiring state trees urer. has completed hie last annual re port for the year 1806 and isos, wnicn will be presented to the legislature for consideration. In the report it Is stated by. Mr. Moore that the stste is in better financial condition at thia time than at any period in its history. There is no state debt f any kind and no interest- bearing obligation. On October 1. 104, th beginning of the period covered by the report, the treaaury held t508,189.65 caah on hand. J TThereeetpTs tor ttia two yearaemttng September so, lo. were i4.70(.4S4.s. making a total of 5,t7.74.5t Incoming money handled by the office. - The die bursementa for the same period ot time were ti.HSt.S3t.65. leaving a balance of cash on 1 hand on October 1, ltos, ot All the counties except Malheur have TPald-their share of the state tsT,thal OUR PRICES ARE ALWAYS THE LOWEST and when we Make ' , Further Reductions for our Many Agriculturists Register as '.-U.. Students for Short Course ---r-atCorvallis. SCIENTIFIC UCTURES . ON TECHNICAL SUBJECTS Practical Courses In Horticulture and Dairying and Expert Instruc tion in Cheesmaklnff Attendance Increases Annually. v . (Special Dlpatcb t Tb Journal.) Corvallls, Or., Jan. ll-About " IS farmers and ' dairymen from various counties in Oregon have arrived and registered ' as students at O. A. C. tor th , 'Tamers ; Short "Courses," which began thia week. These men are. from Union, s Morrow, Klamath. Tillamook. J Coos and other counties. atsny Lectures Olven. Lectures are given, on the following and kindred topics: ' "Bacterial . Dis eases of Domestlo Animals," by . Pro fessor E. F. Ferriot; "Orchard Loca tions and Management," by Professor C I. Lewis; "Vegetable Gardening, Lo cation and Preparation of the Boll," by Professor George Coote; Th Soli," by Dr. James Wlthycombe; "Chemical Ele ments." by Professor- A. -L -Knisely. and "Insects and Ftingi; What Are Theyt" by Professor A. B. Cordiey. The lectures continue two weeks and embrace a course of popular subjects along lines gutted to aid horticulturists, dairymen and others engaged in horti cultural pursuits. The lectures are sup plemented with laboratory work under experts in the various-lines. i diaese-Maklng Illustrated. The two short courses this year are on dairying and agriculture, and an ex pert cheeeemaker, I B. Ziemer, has been engaged to assist during th pres ent two-weeks' coursesr Many more farmers and dairymen are expected to "enroll during the next few days. ; Cattlemen Acquitted. (Joaral Splal Servics.1 ... Omaha. Neb., Jan. 11. A. R. and A M. Modisette, cattlemen, were aoqaltted this morning on th charge of conspir acy to defraud the government out ot Its publio lands. - .. Doctors Admit county having yet a balance ot tt.t37.tO. the Orst half of this year's taxes, re maining unpaid. ' . . ' At th present time th common school fund shows - sssets of t4.1Z0, 747.61. incluslv of 71,ttt.t6 cash on hand. This shows an Increase of tl.94.979.7 In the total amount of th fund in the department for th term covered by th report. Th receipts from the Inheritance tax for the past two years amount to tJt. 481.61. It Is suggested by tb treas urer that the amount received frcyn this source could bo greatly Jnereeeod by amending -the law so that It. would include all estates of tB.000 or more. It Is estimated that such an amendment would increase the amount of revenue received by th stat to double tb present receipts. . ' Tn law requinnr Tiersonr Tinanci&ny able to contribute at leaat tit a month toward the support of Insane relatives has brought the state t5.t9S.71. while the outstanding accounts for th earns purpose are tt.141.S5. ' In his report Mr. Moor states that be Is not In .favor of the law as he does not consider it to be just., The report takes up th financial con ditions of the state and shows the dis position mad of all stat money by fund accounts kept in accordance with the law. , The segregated statement shows the stats to be in tb best finan cial condition. GRANTS PASS CITY COUNCIL IIIRiiS DOWN MAYOR .... Deadlock Over Appointment of Street Commissioner and r Night Police. ? L n U YY-S v- You may depend upon obtaining . the GREATEST BARGAINS . Ages 8 to 16 Boys Two Piece and Norfolk Suits $2:95 Values 4 . $2.65- $3.95-VaIues (0Q CT .OiJ now $5.$3.'65 Children's Russian Overcoats $2.95 Values (? f fk f $3.95' Values now .. ...liJJXf.tDLr $5.00 Values d ? 4 now ChL'd's Reefers S5c Afe 3 to S $1.50 Values now $3.95 Values now .'$2.50 Boys', Outing flannel Blouses 75c, Values cJ10W V GREAT REDUCTIONS IN BOYS': RAINCOATS AND rOVERCOATS MOVE TO Third lTca, Oak That Thry Can Do Nothing More for . . Yoor , Stomach Than Stuart's -Dyspepsia Tablets Are ' Doing Ever Day. ; of COSTS SrOTKDTCr TO TBT. Accordlnc to tb expert analysis irovemnient authorities In the United States and tireat Britain, Stuart's Dys pepsia. Tablets contain the exact ele ments provided by nature for digesting- food in the healthy stomach. ..; v Stuart's ' Dyspepsia Tablets have saved sufferers from stomach disorders millions of dollars by giving ' them. In one small to oent package, more relief than countless treatments by physi cians would bring about at II per visit Perhaps you are afflicted with dys-' pepsl or some kindred disease arising from 'a disordered digestion. It may be besdsches, heartburn. palpitation, liver trouble, insomnia, nervous de bility.' They all have their , beginning in a stomach which does not secrete the Juices' or grind th food which is taken Into It. . t It so. we org you to send for a free trial .package of Stuart's .Dyspepsia Tablets. It will cost you nothing and surely will bring us no gain unleas you I And, after using It, that- you are bene fited and feel that you need a ruii-sised package. . ' . There 1s absolutely no danger In using Stuart's Dyspepsia Tableta. Nothing Is contained - la them that has not been subjected to the closest serutlny by the government officials. - - Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets wfll di gest your - food - without-demanding a careful diet One grain of these Tab lets has power to d I (rest t.000 pralna of ordinary food. ' Tou lean be sure therefore that no matter what your oondltion, ' these little tablets taken after each meal will shortly restore your stomseh to Ita ' normal condition i and render It capable of doing Its work I unassisted. . ' Ws Withhold th names of hundreds who have written us voluntarily ex , pressing their gratitude to this simple substitute for natura - - .- i . j:.-- Hend for trial package today. ' P. A. Stuart Co., TO Btuart Bldg.. Marshall. . Mioh. f so wnt stse-ackagS'fofsaJ" by J druggists tvrjwhr (SpeHal Dlspstek te Tke 'earsal.t ' Grants Pass, Or.. Jan.. 11. The new city council of Grants Pass has started out with a fight on Its hands. A ma jority of the members fail to confirm the nominations of Mayor Smith for street commissioner and night police. The mayor nominated George W. Colvlg for city attorney, J. Minor Booth fori city recorder and N. W. McGrew for city marshal. - These three nominations were satisfactory to the council, but objections were made to his nominating H. W. Zoller for street commissioner and James Swarlnger for night police. The counoll, or a majority of the coun cil, desired to retain G. W. Gllflllan, the preaent street commissioner, and turned down the nomination of James Swarln ger on the grounds- that he "Indulges In th vice that th night pollc Is sup posed to prohibit." - Mayor Smith declares that h will make th appointments anyway, whether the council confirm them or not, and Is preparing to send notices of dismissal to th present street commissioner and , night police, that th new men may be i put In. In return th counoll are con-I si daring the matter of acting- -opon- thoi ordinance that allows them the privilege 1 of "fixing the salaries of officers of , th city," and will out th salary of both , the night pollc and street commissioner down to tt per month. , MAMMOTH LEDGE FOUND ..NEAR WONDER. OREGON ' - (SDerlal tttrpetcb to Tb loaraaL) Wonder. Or., Jan. II. A few miles northwest of this camp a mammoth ledge, carrying high values In gold, ga lena, copper and lead, has been uncov ered. The ledge Is to feet wide and th values It contains are distributed regu larly through all parts of th lode. The discovery was made by W. H. Ramaey, n n old prospector of this district. Mr. Ramsey lias filed '-on several claims, and has don considerable work by tun nel on the proposition; he has also had several assays and tests mad on th quarts, both by southern Oregon assay. vrs and by metallurgists In other dis tricts. Hie quart u of a kind and character never before found in south ern Oregon, and Is almost Identical with the highest grade ores of Colorado. It Is peculiar In that It carries very high values In galena and lead. The galena alone is carried at the rat of t20 to tto a ton; besides this there Is consider able gold and copper. : CITY OF ROSEBURG IS , ' NEARLY OUT OF DEBT . (flpeelal. JDIipatck te Tke foarat.t ' Rbseburg, Or.. Jan. 11. According to th report of City Recorder A. N. Orcut the city will If continued to run. on the business basis of the past two years be on a caah basis by January I, ltOS. The report In brief: General fund- Total receipts for th year of ItOt from all sources, tlt,tf7.t7; total expenses for ' the year for which warrants war drawn on the treasurer, tt.t42.10; ex cess of receipts for the year over thr current expenses, iti.t2t.77. Of the above -expensee-t 1.760 was for Interest on bonds and 12,471 for water and lights, both of which mm were paid In cash, leaving warrants unpaid which were lasued "during the year, to the amount of $5,021.10; total general fund COY1 ILL'S Great Furniture Sale r- Offers Bigger Bargains than any other Clearance Sale in town ' 'v . .. ',y " ' - '' . ; .. - .. -' ... Look into our windows and get an idea what big reductions we make I,. . "" 1 3 184-186 f irst Street ,..', JLiL warrants outstanding at this date and not called, 4.t4. ' Th city Is nearer out ot debt than It has been for -yeere. MURPHY NOW BOSS OF EMPIRE DEMOCRACY ' (Joe nut Special servta.) Albany, N. T., Jan. II. Th prs nc her of Boaa. Charles Murphy has a slgnlflcanc not 16st on the Democrats of th stat and county. Democratic members of the legislature say that It means that Murphy la now undis puted leader of the Democratic party In th stat and that In th next Demo cratic national convention th Tam many chief will ha v a strong vole la th selection of a presidential nomine. Hughes has made the threat that, he will appeal to the people, like Folk did. If he gets Into difficulty with the Re publican machine in enacting reform laws."- ----1- - r- ' Bad tea and coffee ought not to exlati th good art so good. Schilling's Best. Was $3.50 Now $1.49 The Maker Is Sell ing Out at Cost ' ' Th last too of tils big stock of Air Tight Heaters left on his hands after - supplying th wholesale trade and to hurry them off these aatontshlngly low prices will now prevail; All U.S0 Air-Tights now.. ...... 1.49 All tt.tO Alr-Ttghts now........22 25 rAll tt.00 Alr-Tlghts now. .......Ja 50 All 15. to Alr-Tlghts now...,...Ja.T5 '., raotory sad alssrcom 271 First Street , Between Madison Snd Jefferson Btreeta - Open front a. in. to t p. m.' ' V