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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 11, 1907)
THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, FRIDAY lSVENINP. JANUARY 11. 1807. HIGHER TAXESOfl GRAHT LANDS BBBBsBBai aastasaaaaassspBW Proper Valuation on Timber Holdings" Is Subject of Per plexity to County Assessors. - PAYS TO ASCERTAIN T- THEIR ACTUAL VALUE , 'v. -. v ",..(- " tfotephlne County Officials Ordered Immense Southern Pacific Tract Cruised That the Stnmpage Might ..C Be Learned. . - County aaaeeaore who art holding a convention In Portland ar up against the problem of flxlnjr a Juat valuation In thalr v.rlnna enuntUl On tha Brant lands of tha Southern Pacific company , in western Oregon. This company owns vary . alternate motion la a strip iO miles wld rron ths California boundary to the Columbia river, with the eacep- . tlon of tracts cold. Aa Jta company baa withdrawn tha lands from, tha mar ' k.t n4 r. tJ -u 1 1 tf nilt . firlC sscsaors srs QlmavflL.toi assume that their value is considerable and Increasing. " ' . . These lands are of divers dualities. ' adsDtabla to mlnlna. timber, fruit, agri culture ahd graxing. , A great dealaf4- ' tha timber haeneve-bn-crulaed. and 3BUChJo-th-'lanJs. bar not -evn bean surveyed. In counties where" no cruise -of timber lands has been made, tha as sessor's only choice Is to assess them Ton sn acreage-bast. It b said" that '"lUca counties ars annually losing a . great deal of money by failure to cruise these lands" and assess them on a atumpage basis, as timber values are advancing rapidly, and It IS principally ou th timber values that tha lands are available for higher assessment. ' .' W. H. Failln, assessor for Josephine ' county, who Is attending the- Portland "convention;- said r-' : : .-- Ourcounty 1jaa1iad- acruls made of the Southern Pacific timber lands, snd It hss paid well. Wa are assessing this timber at 69 cants to fl per thou sand - atumpage, in proportion to dis tance from rail snipping faculties. Within about a 10-mlle limit we- assess par thousand atumpage. and in the most distant parts of the grsnt It Is BO-t-enta." - "Soma very line timber la owned by ' the railroad . company In . Josephine county. I know of sections that will -"cruise from ZO. 000,000 to J4.000.000 feet. -We are assessing section. &. In town ship 18, range I, on a cruise of J4,0o0. ooo feet. It gtouri at 0 cents an acre, as It Is In tha southern' extremity of tha county and 29 miles from a rail road. There Is much tine timber In the northern part of the county on which ' the railroad company Is paying -at the rate of 11 valuation per thousand feet. As mining lands, it Is slmost impos sible to say what la a Just value for them, for the railroad company refuses to sel them or put a price on them." ollt Talnatioa Go TTjC -In counties where the court baa not ,., caused av cruise to ba made of railroad , timber, the assessors are trying to sa Jcur such data ea which they may base ". a true valuation. C. 8. Graves, assessor 1 for' Polk county, - found when he as ; sumed office that tha railroad lands ' wars being sssessed at little or noth- ing. it appears that ne baa enaeavorea t . as approach a true value Tor the lands;- ,. i",k. i-it-i.. he more than doublerthe r T.lotkm1i. "'rK -for assessment last year, and It is his ' Intention to double It sgaln this year. ' He said the market values of- timber and agricultural lands held by private owners are doubling, and It Is but fair rFreeliair Quickly Removes Dandruff, Btopg Falling Hair and Itching Scalp, . ' Change Graf or Faded Hair - , and Grows New Hair. ; VBY A rasa VACXAQH AT OaTOS. Sa. 'I. " I. 3 ' ' VI ' ' A .1 ,'tVM Vetfelar Qalte Vies as a Beaatlful I - alaa o Kair. , ( . ., Remember, Foso kctnally grows hair, stops hair falling out. removes dandruff, , Insures a new growth of eyebrows and . eyelashes,' snd changes gray or faded hair. I don't ask you to take my word . for H- Fill out free coupon below a oil man toaay. - nuea rACXAaa coutow . ' Fill in your name snd address on dotted lines below and mall to J. F. stokes. Mgr., 6901 Foso Kldg , Cincin nati, Ohio, and by return mall you will receive prepaid a free 10 cent trial package that will delight you. (Jive full artrtrem write plainly. A-MERCIIANT- PIIILANTIIR0P1ST The largest merrhanritaa store In all the Willamette Valtry la that of Jamee Craig, lt tillverton, Oregon.. And Mr. Craig la not only a big merchant, he Is a asillanthroplat as well. He takes a genuine Interest In the welfare of his neighbors, as tlila letter will show: - Office of James Craig, General Ater- CUIUttiH. k , . Bllverton. Ore, Oct. 1. 105. JNO. J. FULTON CO Gentlemen: I would like you to send me a bunch of your pamphlets. J can Bend lots of cus tomers to our local druggist, as I am a strong believer in your cure for BrlKhfs Disease, dua to the following: The local physicians gave a young lady Mp as In curable. Her father brought a pamphlet of yours to me for my advice. I found I knew two of thnae whose names were given, via! Ex-U. 8. Sub-Treasurer nauldlng and le. Zeile, I wrote rlpauld Ing His reply waa so satisfactory that the young lady's father ordered six bottles, before she had finished two she was out driving, and today -is teachln? school in Arlaona. heartv anit- well. I have done lots of talking for you this past four years, and a good many of my customers who have been afflicted are wall. The reason that I am writing thia Is that another one wants to start tak ing the Compound and wants to read, up on your literature, yours trulv. JAMES CRAIO. Did you ever hear of anvthlna- elae. In all the world that-waa so effective that business men would go among their neighbors and urge them to take It? We solemnly declare to you that Brlght's Disease snd Dlabe-tes are now curable In about 67 per cent of all cases by Fultoh's Compound. Send for free Vv' rujun u., pyiv oun Pablu avetwei-Oakland, CaV- Get from vour druaa-l.t. nrura-lata sup p ilea Dy ujarae. woodward Drug Co,, wholesale druggists. Portland, Oregon. to place tha values of railroad lands In their proper classification. He Is at the present time assessing these lands on sn acreage basis, but has asked the county court to have a complete crulsa made of railroad timber. In order that he ntay In futnra assess it on a atump age basis. ; ENFORCE "OUT" PEHALTIES, SAYS T. G. GREEKE ExecutiveyBoard Member Says Ford-Street Bridge was Dark at Time of Johnson Tragedy. iZWhen .tha electric light company cuts out an entire circuit and leaves a part of tha city tn, darkneas It should ba soaked for It. "The night of the murder If It wss a murder of Dr. Johnson tha two lights on the Ford street bridge were out Colonel C. E. 8. Wood lives near the bridge, and he in formed me today that children told him tha bridge was dark at the time', of the tragedy. From what Colonel wood said I Inferred that the bridge lights were out a great part of tha time." Thus aaid T. G. Greene at a meeting of the street committee of the execu tlva board yesterday afternoon. Com plaint had been made that . tha lights were out In different parts of tha city and the only satisfaction the complain ants received from tha Portland Rail way, Light at Power company waa that tha storm had caused trouble with the wires.'. In av majority of Instances the "storm" referred to was only a brisk breese. Mr. Greene believed the penal ties provided in the contract should bo enforced against the company, and his opinion was shared by the other mem bers. There are X2 lights on the west I ...... ,a kA Pfl. Out, , ux.rv., ; . Tha committee recommended tha awarding 'at-contracta for street lm provaroenta as follows: Eaat Twenty-eighth street. East Stark to Belmont. Stevens Brothers, ft.llt.92; East Yamhill street. East Twentieth to Esst Twenty-third, Gleblsch Joplln, I1I..7M4; East Thirteenth street, Ma rlon to Leo, Harry Howard. tli,7t8.7t; East Twenty-fourth street,, Multnomah to Central Addition, Joplln tc Meeks, t3.i0S.0t; East Twenty - third street. East Salmon to Belmont, Joplln ft Meeks, $t.lT.l: East Twenty-seventh street. Multnomah to Wasco, Joplln Meeks, I703.3J; Gantenbeln avenue, Mor ris to north line of block 4, Harry How ard, t4,24t.0S; Fremont street, Multno mah to Central Addition, Harry Ha ward. t8.43t.t0; Fremont street. Union to Van couver - avenues, Harry Haward and Stevens Brothers,' fS.T4t.ll; Shaver 'street. Union to Williams avenues, Har ry Haward and R. J.; Vancouver avenue. Fremont to Alberta, Bechlll Brothers, f21.740.42. PUNISH ELECTION CORRUPTIONISTS Bill Providing Penalties Is Ap proved by the Multnomah . County Republican Club. ":'.--, r Tha corrupt practice bill, a bill pro viding for an amendment to the regis tration law and one arranging for new representative apportionment according to the law were considered and ap proved at a meeting of the Multnomah Count Republican club held last night In the' office of Charles E. Lock wood, tha secretary. . , Tha eorrupt practice act provides for hny abuses of dishonesty practiced dur ing a political-campaign or election. Tha amendment to the registration law provides for the adoption of a card sys tem Instead of tha present ledger sys tem cf recording voters by tha county clerks. The - apportionment bill fixes tha number of state senstors and repre sentatives for each legislative district and in several Instances makes changes In the present arrangement All the bills will be presented during he early days of the session of the legislature commencing Monday next At the meeting last night It was de cided to appoint a committee of five member to make arrangements with William E. Borah, swnator-eleet from Idaho, to make an addresa In Portland at a date yet to ba determined upon. William M. Cake president of the club, will make the appointments. COLORADANS SEEK TO POISON BAD CATTLE i . "(Joaraal grwelar eve.V B.nvef. Jan. 11. Backed by th cattle-raiser of th Rocky mountain dis trict a bill ha been Introduced Into the leainlatur asking, tha government' to permit the polaon of vicious animals to protect livestock. The movement will ho extended to other states. Tho legislature would muixl th press alt h a law Ilk that of Pennsyl vania, providing that persons" damaged t tun recover lu lb civil courts, . J M-ALlEODLiENJ exclusion mi ' mmmmm aasaasBaa sasss J Foreign Affairs Committee Draft Bill to Pacify China and Remove Boycott. TO MAKE ENTRANCE OF CHINESE COOLIES EASIER Hajrea' Japanese Exclusion Heaaure f Win Hare Hearing Before Com mittee bat Will Aot Ba Seriously Considered Thls Session. (Joarnal Special Serrlca.l Washington. D. C, Jso, 11. Repre sentatives Perkins and Fassett," consti tuting the sub-committee of tha foreign affairs commute, have drafted a bill to amend the Chinese exclusion law, and will submit it to th committee. Hayes, Kahn and McKlnlay of California, learn ing of their intention. aw the members of. the committee today and after a long talk secured a promise . that the entire local question ahould ba given a h earl ngbe fore the committee reported the bill to the "house. This will bring up th Hayea Japan ese exclusion bill. although tha commit teemen gave no hope -that It would ba ConfttOSTedserlously ' at this session. They heard some things, however, which made them agree that the Pacific coaat should have a chanoa . to 'tell why the coast is so earnest on this matter. Fassett.1 whe Is reported t have been anxious to make easier th entrance of coolie labor, declared that the commu te had no thought except to mollify tha Chines by a concession and avoid any mora danger of commercial boycotts or other trade disturbances. Th bill differs from either tha Fos ter or Denby bills. It provides that all tha Chinese now her shall ba considered her lawfully, but that they must get new certificates within one year. It exempirTiankers; aCOTUnHTs7r66 keepers, editors and members of - tha learned professions, none of whom must do manual labor. The bill permit the Chines to visit In China and return, provided that in tending Immigrants shall be passed by an American consul and a representa tive of th immigration bureau before leaving China, and that th certificate granted TIy such ' Joint-atrtbortty, shaH not be reviewed In this country, parWIsIsked for brdwii Counter-Petition by His Victim's Friends Is Also Being 'ZZ:iZ.f. : Circul atedr"-" ONE OF WASHINGTON'S CELEBRATED CASES Victim Outlived Legal Year and Day and Murder Charge Would-7f ot Xiie rp for Five r Vears-Shoot-ing Waa Result of Fend. -, , fftoeelal DtoDateh to Tb Journal.) ' Garfield, Wash., Jan. U Friends of J. E. Brown, who la now in tb waua Walla penitentiary for shooting Thomas Turnbow In 103. are circulating a pe tition to be presented to Governor Mead for Brown a parole. A counter-petition 1 also being circulated, which will ba handed to the . governor, praying that Brown be not released until ha serves out the term for which he wss sen tenced. Both men were very popular in Whitman county and both papers are being freely signed. On the morning of August ?. 1103. Brown, a prominent , Democratic poli tician, met Turnbow on the streets ef Garfield and pulled a gun and shot him. Turnbow fell to tha pavement ' and friend r picked him up and carried him to his home. Brown was taken to Col fax and. waa Jailed for nine months. He was afterward released on 13.000 bonds. -h Oattiva th Tsar and Pay. Turnbow from th day he waa shot was a helpless paralytic until death re lieved Mm. He waa paralysed from bis shoulder down, but his mind was aa bright and he talked as cheerfully a be fore he was shot, except at rare Inter val. Th last few month of hi life he spent at his father' ranch on Turn bow flat, near Palouse. .Turnbow lived 20 months and accord ing to law Brown could not be tried for, murder, the law specifying that In order to establish a charge of murder the vic tim must have died a a result of th wound inflicted by hi assailant within a year and a day. That period expired at 7 o clock a. m., August 10, not. Brown waa then sentenced to fle year at hard labor In tha penitentiary and has been there about two years. When shot . Turnhow weighed too pounds and when h died he weighed but SO pounds; his body waa shrunken until but little flesh remained. He wa cared for night snd day by his faithful wife. Mrsv Turnbow haa alnce married and llve In Garfield. - Mr Brown ha been in poor health for mujny year and live her alone. ' INDIAN HIDES TWO YEARS ' AFTER SHOOTING COUSIN Thomaa B. roster, aecVet service oper ative, ha returned from Pendleton, wher he asalated In th capture of Joe Parr, a halfbraed Indian, who shot hi cousin. 11 Parr, in 106. Parr ha been a fugitive from justice sine tha shoot ing occurred and says that b haa bean .hiding about North Yakima. Th au thorities regard Parr a on of th most dangerous criminal of his claas In th northwest. 11 1 an Id to be on of the beat revolver anota in tn country and has served tim In the pcnltenttarlea Pnrr 1 In the Umatilla county tall waiting his preliminary bearing before the United Htates commissioner. . HARDING GRANGE WANTS . AN OPEN WILLAMETTE Active steps to secur1 government ownership of the locks at Oregon City are being taken by th different organi sations- of -4 ha- Pa l rona of li usnandry. Resolutions favoring an open rlvar have !l il v ' . " ' '' Your 1 I I NEVER GUESS Experiment or take chancea of any ort. I attempt to cure only thoss diseases thst I hsve been curing for the past sixteen years, and I believe I am Justified in saying that I have learned all about them. Were I lack ing In knowledg pertaining to my specialty I would never have attained my present success, nor would I to day be recognised as tha leading spe cialist treating men's diseases. If afflicted, you can depend upon It that - th service I offer you I th service you need, snd Is servlo such caa -ba rend. red by no other physician. ' My practle la th largest because I invariably fulfill my promises. . 'VARiCOCELE Under my treatment th most ag gravated cases of vsrlagVele are cured In a few days time. There Is no pain, and It la seldom necessary thst the patient be detained from hi eccupat'on. Normal circulation 1 at one reatored -throughout all -th or gans, and ths natural proceases of waate and repair are again estab lished. , If you are afflicted with va ricocele, eoneult ma at one. Da lay can but bring on aggravated condition and nervous complications that will Impair th vital function and involv th general health. ContractcdDIsorder ' In tb treatment of disorders I of fer a service such as no other phy sician can render. The remadle I mploy hav a most thorough and positive sctlon In cleansing ths mem branes o sit infection and aubdulng all Inflammation. My manner of ap plication Inaures abaolute thorough ness, and removes every possibility of relapse or a chronlo atag. My cures are not only thorough, but are -aocompllshad .In th briefest tim poaslbl. Tho DR. 1 1 JXUWCA has it TT mm Trafdeatg living out ef the olty and coming to Portland for treatment win be . , - . , , i ,, n Caaoh yen trunks direct to 3H Morrlsoa We Cure Men $10.00 In any uncomplicated case. We wiirgive a written guar antee in any case we undertake Under Absolute Guarantee No Pay Unless Cured Any man, regardless of his trouble, who desires to lead a different life than the one of lack of vitality and vigor, diseased from Blood Poison, Varicocele, prfi V any one which we treat. We will cure you and give you a written guarantee. Although this statement seems a broad statement, yet it is a proven fact that our treatment surpasses any in existence. We have been located in Portland for over 25 years and had our methods not been satisfactory, our patronage would not amount to much, but on the contrary, our patients are sending and recom mending our treatment, which stands on its own merit and efficiency. We not only abolish the disease but we build up the system so that you will be strong and able to face the world and its grind of competition. Call and see us and we shall be pleased to have a confidential talk, with you, no matter what your 'trou ble may be.1 ( ' '.; -V . " - Write if you cannot call. Z Office Hours 8 a. m. to 8:30 p. m. Sunday, 9 to 12 J ST. LOUIS sSr DISPENSARY CORNER SECOND AND YAMHILL STREETS, PORTLAND, OREGON baan adopted bjr Hardin Grant's, near Oregon City, to be sent to th members of th Ore on delegation . In cons; rasa Tb rsolutl9 follow: "B It resolved, bjr th membsr of Itardlnc Orsnt. No. HJ. P. of H., In retTUlsr seailnn ssaemblnd, that w ar haarUly la Xavor 6C Ba Bppropriattoa Family- Favorites Children love Pillsburys Best Cereal -and thrive on it. Good evepr meal, every day.A delicious, creamy : white, cereal breakfast food, granular in form. : Never gets sticky or lumpy in cooking. - -The white heart of the wheat KT m ZS OTaXT QdD nr AJTT tnt OOMWJCATHD OA You Pay When CURED Consultation Free for ESTABLISHED 25 YEARS IN PORTLAND by concrea for. th purchase of the lock at Oregon City, and that we ba ileys Oregon's delegation should us Its utmost endeavor to secure Burn sn ap propriation and take such other step ss mav 4 necessary to ecur a free and open Willamette river; and b It further ''Hasolved, That a oopy of thaa raso- BESeitos St. VATXOm, "- ' , ' . To lading pedalls. , . I TAYLOR co. ' 31 4mM f J nm .'.'- : I Mi SIX ' tL i r jj- i ' - Favorite Breakfast Food I AM NEVER IN DOUBT I am never In doubt as to what tha results from my treatment will ba Day after day for alxteen year 1 have been curing case after ease of th aeveraT diseases peculiar to men.' No caa comes to m now, tb Ilk of which I hav not treated scores ef time in tha past, and I can al ways ay definitely whether I will be able to effect a permanent car. I never hold out falae hope r make promises that I cannot fulfill, and you can rely absolutely upon any encouragement I may be able to offer you. If I promise you a cure, a Cur will follow. - WEAKNESS" - - i I .'.'; . -r I cur functional weakness In man, ' I know of no other physlolaa cur - ing this aliment. - Most doctora treat. wrongly. They give stlraulanta and tonloa. : Thas things can't cur. ""Weakness" la a symptom of pros' tatlo disorder, snd th treatment must be local. This is a truth that ' I myself revealed. I have perfected ' the only system of local treatment that cures "weakness." A fsw doo tors over the country efalra to sure by th same method, but their treat nient is -only van , imitation of tbe. genuine Taylor method. The gen uine Is here and 1 administered by its originator. Don't bop to find it lsewhera. .; Specific Blood Poison - No dangerous mineral to drlv th vlru to tb Interior, but barmleaa, blood - cleansing - rmdla . that re move the last poisonous taint 234Jl Morrison Street Cor. 2nd, Portland, Or. famished with fta rooaa tie of hnr street. . Consultation Free . " s . Gleet, . Gonorrhoea, Stricture, Blood Poison, ? Hydrocele, Lost Vitality, ; Varicocele, TCidney and All Forms Bladder Diseases, of Rectal Prostatic Trouble, Diseases, -Rheumatism. lutlona be forwarded to each member of Oregon' delegation In congress." 8lil )'ln Trust IVMmtl. (Journal tierlal Sflc.. J.i'ti 1 111. J. 11, 11. Manchester 11 t;t.: 1 r t;.n th msv of th i TRANSFORTA-nO?;. (WW 1) SiionrJLiri3 a Uror(PAcino Trains to the East Dai!y--d Tkint(a Paiiaua K.auJ tjartol iws s-w, ,u, tm Otr.ha. CkMam. Sp.S"l wwt alMpina-nri .ilr kimu Utr. "' eaaltcalcs mi Inai w Vm ' Uara. Awwk (i r "wTal fat ' H.alnfto. dir. :80 t F" yririrr uk g.r w.ii. w.lla. LWntoifc Piiui 4'AImm p. Vrr,tJf,l',"r Pnlntt. d.fl. f KM Ha :0asj atla.rv Ripma for tk Cast P""tit.toB. d.tir 1:11 rw t-.sassi PTjdni. mm:, for .it . 2lnt kPtwm Blag sod Portlaad. d.iw ...".T1s ai !: cm.rjMnu ritrh Division ror Aiia mo4 rr points oiMtli wtt " tor fhnca ..d Nort. Bari tfw RmmIo, . dork. We " ?P Dsi.,, gatanla.. !.. An ao . at., tietpt SniMl.y. - TAimrix bivcb gotrrg. Oajtoa. Cltj and X.mhm rtoet .. MMHn Balk .Ml MntM. tiM. ert. a. St. d.ily. sw tth,f). arrlv. 1-& p. m. .Ur. asiasl saaa.. - BWArw MrTBB bwtti. Var Lrwtatn. IdalM. aad wf tats tntm Blparla. Wuh.. itnun Simkiae d Lwto, tn tear t-40 a. si. nr ipM .rrlTil Trala N"r It d.Ilt .t.. i.hi.r a' a s- m. imt rl1. TIckM Ofrlr. third n4 W.rtlaftaa sta. - TWhim Mats Til. C. W. .TINOFR. nt TV AfSSt. ST. Il.llini.r n 1 -t t lncfo. Wall. W.lla. EASTvu SOUTH K Calo Depots. feve. Antra, roruaae and Ba maw .... in aipr.M Uiuvm Mir 'at bmm .tiUuaa a rvrtUad aad saa -' , ' fraaclMo; cuqiwctloo. at a.a fr.Dol.ce foe all aoinU 1 r-r OrwliDd Eiptms Trains for all local Mint. Snath- . i Bicnawnto. B.B rraoclM ' I aad pslata K.M aad Buata. "TlSi t:IOsi Hornin tr.l. rooaMt. a Wmlbora dallr - Bandar wltk Moant Aasd . ' and Sllnrtoa keal....!T.. HMm ; Curtas GiD. pa s)nTr ronnKts at Woodbara acd r . .. , A1D.B SUIT, Bun- , . dar. with train, for votnts" tou aad .. a, aio.Dr-LD.aoa Dr.acaws.. "i:wr. -"- Corwllla puMicw T Mpia Blmid.a mwiih 4:10 pa !0:M .a romt Oror. auwasw.... Ill 1:00 .at 4ani rarMt Oror. pamaaw.... IISrMpa 1:0 sa Dally. HTlly .nvpt Bandar. EFTERHON.rfTRStCT sTATIOrt. - for Dallas and taursMuUta point, d.lly. " f. a. a- and 4: IB f. Bb Anlrs FottUad 10:1 a. a. aa Za p. aw . ror tim. aad ear f Orttn sanarba tiaat apply at City TVrk.t Offlra, a atattoa. Tlrkrt. to luim point, and Rnreaaf f.nna. OiIm. HonolnlS aad Otty Ttrkt Office eonwr Tnlrd as Waa. t.tna afrw-t. Phoa. al.l Til. C. W. STTNOBTL . Wai. MrtrtTBBAT. Ctty Tlrka4 Ipit dm. Ph. Aa Astoria & Columbia River Railroad Ca Oslo ISST. , Art's. Car larKra, Rain In. Clats. i k.nle. WMtport. CUitoa, As- a i torla. W.rrratoa. 'Ut.1. M.aiaioBd. fort stareoa, Oaar- : kart Fark. riailiM t.'SOaai U:Hssi AitorU aad fimabora. exsraaa . J - 1 1 WttA a S. aH mam i. All trains dally. I J. CL MA TO. 0. f. (fla . A., Astoria. 0. ) CA. rriWABTC ConimmlU AawiV MB Aklar atrML rboaa Mala ua. -0r-SPICE5.Ao : coffee,teA4 DAinnopovDEri, FlaXTCa'anj EXTRACTS tooluhPutihr. HiMslFI&Ycr, CmftiJ S'h, CtasorAllt Pricn aossCTaDmns v PORTLAND, OrTZGOM. GIGIi UHlDAGIIli PosIUtpIt er T CARTERS tneaB Aitlic ruia. 1 Tber Also wlleTB D tress trom Drspe psta, I ir?iTTo: dijMtloa ana Too Beany bun A perfect ma adj tor Ontaem, Bans, I a a IVER PIUS. DrowBtDosa, Bad Taata 1 la tb Koctn. Ooat TocfO.raialaOBifl. TORPID UTXR. TtLBT recnlkXa U Bowels. Pnret YetWaW. smpiiL skallccse. snares. Genuins Must Etaar Fao-Simila Signature IEFUJE XUBXTITUTEX. tins. ivi::2Lov;'s sc3Ti::::a syh:? m Kw d by KMMnaa of MKhm for ttwtr cnlirtr-o wlill ttln. f'r o" Kifiy T-. fc It mim tha ohii-l. fi'ue t 871" au- .11 pain, rrir-a WUiiV auibfcj au4 M U rwnirrr,r,lrr,,'"a TwriTi-riva rtrwra A warn w. Hiar i lite c IZff SUMSIT. 1V IQIoCBen -wsvll 1 ir 4 CARTERS I IVER )M1