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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 11, 1907)
THE OREGON- DAILY JOURNAL. PORTLAND. FRIDAY EVENING,' JANUARY 11. 12C7. COMMISSION-TO THE TOWAGE 13 -SOLVE PROBLEM t As O." R. & N Company Will Not ; Improve Towboat and Pilo;t Service on Lower Columbia Navigation Committee of . Chamber of Commerce Will Ask for: Commission. , i After long consideration bf th' proh. lm of pilotage end towage service at . the Columbia rlvor bar. the O. R. A N. Co. haa decided that It will not undr- tskot!lvetilir.ricuiu'anatBro ? now regarded responsible for the dlf ' , ferentlal of 1 shilling and 3 pence per . - ton of wheat SKSlnst Portland harbor, charged by the foreign ahlpownara' as sociation. General Manager J. P. " ' O'Brfen baa recommended to the Port s', land chamber of commerce that the . . .matter l turned ocvtr to a stat. com- . mission, Thla vii on of the moat Important -.matters brought out at the annual meet ing of tha Portland chamber or com- ,mrr4. W. IX Wheelwright, chairman of ths committee on rivers, harbors and . navigation. In his report of tha year's worlc by tha committee,' aald: ' "Oh causa of the differential, and probably the principal one, was thought to be the heavy expense .of pilotage and hauling away ballast, neither of which expenaea Is Incurred In Puget sound, ' ' and another was the unsatisfactory - pilotage and 1ow L.'.Titt?! has labored Incessantly to bring about ' an abolition of ths charges and Im provement In ths service. "They have pointed out to the O. R. N. Qo. that acapable pilotage aervloe maintained at .their own coat (as far as (rain-carry-" ltvg sailing ships are concerned), would ha much leaa eximnslv than -their pres- nt freight tariff allowanrs. and that their own tugboat service wss tn great need of reform. I'i-.--'; J .-- ' Ship Captains Interviewed. ' . "Tha masters of nearly all the . ships in port at ths time wnen this work was begun, and many other maaters who ar rived with their ships later on In the -year, - have- been interviewed by- the representatives of your committee, and carefully tabulated statements of their complaints have, bean submitted to ths manager of tha. O. .It' at N. Co., who investigated many of the esses, found some of tha complaints unfounded -and others only too well Justified, and made a decided effort to Improve the service. oese. provided tha differential could not be removed, to absorb the pilotage on sailing vessels coming to this port for ths purpose of - being-loaded with ex port wheat, carried' to Portland by thorn aud deatlned to European pnt7 There has been no opportunity for a meeting cf the committee tp. consider this letter, and well consultations as t havs bad with Jifferent members Jus tify me In recommending to the board of trustees of the chamber that the next legislature be requested to estab lish a port or district (similar to that of the Port of Portland) to appoint commissioners who shall have power to lsaua bonds, levy taxes and establish a satisfactory service of towsge and Dtlotas all under one head, lor wnicn reasonable charges should be made, not exceeding the actual cost. .There la rea son to balls va that . tela sorvica, con ducted on a bualness basis, would be self-supporting, end there should be no difficulty in paetng a. bill 'that would aocomnllsn a perfect system of towage and pilotage at the mouth of ths river that owing to natural conditions, needs. ths test kind nf service Instsad of the worst, such as It now baa. But mors Important than ths service on ths bar la ths ooudUlon of the bar Itsetr. X am glad to be aoie to say that ther has been a change for ths better recently (although to a limited extent) and that th prospect , were never mors favorable than now, a new pr -hnpel havlns formed to- otdhh Ohiy partially successful." Referring to th sending of E. W. Wright as representative of the Port land chamber of commerce, the O. R. & K. Co. and thajforthern FacirteTtaTK way company to .he Paris meeting of the foreign ' ahlpowners' association, : Mr. Wheelwright said the report of Mr, . Wright confirms ths correctness of the statement that - this port's principal handicap Is the pilotage and ballast ex-, penses. . - Oomrany Will Hot Try. JL-Z-.. " Tp to a recent date "we expected from the O. R. ft N. Co. an announce ment that they would selva ths pllotsgs problem." sshI Mr, Wheelwright, "and we expected to be able to take up ths matter by cable with the foreign ahlp owners at their meeting in London January It. But In a letter to thla committee, da.ed January 1, from Mr. O'Brien, it Is stated that the O. R. & N. Co. has decided tn i to attempt to solve the problem, and he recommends that tha matter of towage and pilotage on tha Columbia river be placed In the hands of a state commission, who shall license snd control ths pilots and op erate ths tugboats, making for this service whatever charges may . be of view of ths Interests of the state, suits ss much SB from that of tha Inlar, deemed necessary, and. agreeing lq such I eats of Portland- ward tha south, and soundings ar now being mad., with a view to ascertain ths exact depth,- -which ws sre led to be lieve is not less than . 2 feet at low -Three Plans Ar Bat One. , - "Ths community Is fortunate in the government's selection of Its engineer. Lieutenant-Colonel Roessler, who. from ths beginning - has shown a complete grasp of the situation, as well aa ths capacity to formulate a policy and make recommendations to- tha - chief of en gineers at Washington that cannot fail to be appreciated by him and by ths congress as reasonable and practicable, Thla pnHry in to aiwtmpllah the com,. THE STOCK is new. Hirowlti was in business' only 70 days. The price we paid for it puts Us in a position to give you such values during this sale as no- other store on the. 1 .. I. ii i i ( i . Coast can duplicate the prices we ask you." ' , ... Of the Entire $37,846.74 Stock of Men's. Women's and Children s Wear ing Apparel and Shoes of Harowiu & Co.; Utica, N. Y., Bought by the UUYTED STATES UOKTHWLST CORHZR FlUST AMD iAUAOM W E GIVE you a price here and there on this vast stock and X2 have the word of the Boston Store that every ar tice Is precisely as we say it is.- If you are not satis f led when you get your pur chase home, bring it back and get your money. ; ' Thru the New York Storage Co. for $7,SOO Cash or Less Than 20c on the Dollar HAROWITZ $12.50 WORSTED SUITS. f5.T5. ipm mmm for dosens of styles in llsrowlts fin , fancy Jt5. J worsted, plain back unfinished worsteds and eaaal ' meres, in perfect aasortments. lined wltb. best wool serge, well tailored. ... '., . - pletion of the' south jetty with all pos sible dispatch and by means of continu ous work--or ss nearly continuous as the slsmsnts will permit not necessar ily to the exclusion of all other work on7 the Columbia river, but alwaya on ths principle thst the opening of a deep channel through the Columbia liver bar la of paramount Importance, and that other projects ahall not be allowed to absorb sny lsrre percentage of govern atnt appropriations, until .the . solution of this most important. ef all projects la Jn sight. This chamber has on more thsn on occasion ststed Us position; Thst ths Improvement of the upper river, ths lower liver and the ' bar . should be looked upon as a single scheme, snd thst all ths" improvements should, bs prosecuted as rapidly ss possible, snd thst the navigation committee is thor oughly In sympathy with such a declara tion, believing that tha policy of the chamber should be to labor for th largest appropriations by congress for all thrcs departments ef ths work, but st ths sam tlms convinced thst th mouth of ths Columbia river Is tot key to the entire situation, from th point OPEN. CM BIDS lOl.lORRC Contracts T for " Completion Work on Isthmus of Pan- amato Be Let. of THOUSAND FEET IS - WIDTH OF BIG DITCH Expected Offers Will Average In the j Neighborhood of One Hundred . Millions of Dollars Foreign Con tractor Barred From Competing. ' Onsraal Seeds! tames.) Washington. Jan. 11. The off to of : th isthmian canal commission In this city will be th seen of a hlstory-mak-. lnr event tomorrow, when bids will be opsned at noon for the contract for th completion of th Panama canal. - Though It has been customsry to speak of th building of th canal across ths . isthmus ths greatest undertaking of tn sina sver attempted In history, few persons have any adequate conception . or in real magnitude of th project. - Th . canal is to be 1,000 feet wide from deep water la th Caribbean sea and in th bay of Panama to certain ; points within th isthmus, where It will be narrowed to (00 feet in width, and at th deep cut on th Culebra section to S00 feet in width. Ths depth la to ' be it feet st mean low tide th entire distance. This mean a total excavation of 1I1.JS,00 cubic yards of earth. In addition to these figures It may be stated that the construction Involves XSSS.19S cubic yards of concrete ma lonry. 11.700 cubic yards of cut stone and 85,1 10.0 pounds of steel. It is expected th bids for th com pletion of th canal will averag in the neighborhood of tl0O.0O0.J0O. Foreign contractors sre barred from th comps- : tit Ion. Owing to the magnitude of ths undertaking it is expected that no in dividual firm will b awarded th con tract NO on firm in tha world has ver undertaken to do all of ths differ. ' snt kinds of work Involved In ths con struction of th canal. Th government has encouraged th suggestion that con tractors who have had experience in excavation In dry rta should Join with others wh hare specialised in dredging, tn dam construction and Inv heavy work. r.nt, if several firms tr - aww-4fthe-nTi'1rtlrtri; they must be legally organised tnta single corporation to whom the contract can be let as a whole. Bidders wilt not be considered who have not avail able capital of at least $5,000,000. A certified check for $200,000 Is required with each, propoaal and a bond of $1,000,000- w.111 b required from th successful bidder. 9.75 FOR HAROWITZ $17.50 AND $20 SUITS. PA 7C Hundreds of em, all eustora tailored, maa rrom rinast Jty.imJ domeatlo woolens, black clays, Diue ateiwarp ana wssn ington serges, Jamestown worsteds. Mahoney eaasl- meres. . . A matchless assortment or single ana aouois-orssstea Suits,- worth $17.60 and $20.00. , f.95 for Harowlts IJ.IS and IS.S Boyr J-piec wool suit . taped seams. , Can't wea "em out., filses up to It years. HAFOWTT7 $10.00 WOOL SUITS, f3.76. For Harowlts fine I7.C0 and I1U Suits. In neat dark figures. In wool and fancy hard-top worsteds. 100 to . Chios from. . .. ..i " , ' $3.75 18 for Boys' Heavy Bohool Pants, ages t to It. Salvage Sale of Overcoats UTICA IS A GREAT TOWN FOR. OVERCOATS COLD Karowlts entire Ovt roost stock Ilk thisi 94.69 for Harowlts best$10.00 Melton and Kersey Overcoats; sizes 34 to 4. $7.50 tor Harowlts beat 111.00, IK.S0 and 118.00 Overcoats, in iarr mcitona. aeiseya inu HDni.nwii :in an mnvuia, euuvv knee, io tha knee, and below the knee; th best of tailoring and trimming used; alses up to SO. SIO.OO buys Harowlts best $20.00 and $22. S Overcoats. In all the newest style of make, material and finish; an lengths, all styles. Everything Is there except the price, and that's cut tn two. - , , -'.... .. ' ' Salvage Prices on Pants ; 1.25 for Harowlts $180 and $S.15 all-wool 1 hairline Trousers, fj2.45 for choice of over 1.000 pairs ; Worsted Pants, custom tailor made, ''"-their, shape. : ' . '.""" nf Harowlts fin $5.00 They fit you and bold HAT SALVAGE WITH A-VENGEANCE- CANBY AUTHORITIES THINK THIS WOMH IHSAME- Unfortunate Who" Dates Her . , Troubles From the San -; :. Francisco Fire, r' $3 Harovvitz Hats $1 Were bought from th best hatmakers In New Jersey, where all good hats com from.- We bought this stock at a prio that enables us to put a good hat on the head of every man In Oregon for ..,...... v ......... .fl.OO ';'; r; HAROWITZ SPLENDID NEW STOCK OF ;M ' Sold at prioes that make elaarano sales look siok. 43 for Harowlts fast black T5c Satin Shirts, with fin pear) buttons, doubt back and shoulders, spliced gussets, double ' cuffs, sewed with linen thread. -v "37- for Harowlts SOc -Cotton Underwarr-M-styUs. . - T for H Brow its f t.oo wool underwear, styles. '47rff Harowlts 7Sff end 1.00 Neglige Shirts. 5 for Harowlts l&e arid iOc Four-tn-Hsnd Tls. J 50c for Harowiu 76c and $1.60, all shapes,- stylish, all-silk Neckwesr.-- "7""T'"'" : 9 for Harowlts ISe and lc soiled Suspenders. ' , " X74 for Harowlts t&c and 30c extra stout Suspenders. . for Harowlts 12c and 15c fast black, seamless Sox. . tit for Harowlts 20c and 25c fancy Imported seamless Sox. .' 19 for Hnrowils S5o and 40c Boys' Underwesr. for Haoowlts SOc and 7io Boys' Warm Waists. . , Shoes Salvage Sale Prices Xarowlts tJ.000 alio stock fot msa, women . and eaildr. from which hardly a nalrwaa oldlwhsn ths crash eawa. and boughs by us for less thaa 80o on tn f i-oo. . beaves us no om- Detltlom la sbos selling. ' - 95 for-Harowlts ll.6 arM $2.00 girls' and boya school shoes In calf, kid and vici, high tops, ais up to J. Every pair " fully guaranteed. " . 1.55 for.Harowita $1.00,' $3.25 snd tS.SO ladles' dress Shoes, hand-sewed, hand turned soles, in patent, vicl, cordovan, ' . lac and blucher. & styles of toe, Cubsn heels, all widths. 2.15 for all Harowlts 18.00 to 13.S0 fin dress Shoos, swell liners, sua uniBiivu. niau tuy. uien. uiwiuw . uu hnrls s shoe tn fit yniir fast 1 ares 2.ftri for choice of Harowlts finest $4.00 and $5.00 Shoe, all th newest shapes; 173 pairs to pick from: every Jstyle,v all. widths, all leathers; ar fully gus ran teed. MEN'S 'SHOES -THAT FIT THE -FEET . AT SALVAGE . . - '' PRICES. ' , .... Harowlts mad a specialty of $4.00 Shoes, sold Botalag' slssj a had avery style la th.mi every pate of tasna la ha&a saada, w.U UluUA, foot-fitUnr. Ws sail 'em all for $2.50. You can sav $1.60; do so; it might com In bandy later on. . 0O odd pairs Kan's Shoes, worta $4.00 and SS-00 par pair, la au auea, at, pair ......... ...... ....'. $i.oo pey l po nally-JaVills3sdfw-- nft ' I Babbras, 76 aad fiM rzades, foe JtC Read This ; Fur Salvage 92.SO for Harowlts $. $7.60, $. $10 and IIS Ladles Fur sets. oousreiies ana stales, iu amereai ainas 01 xurs, sua ana nun lined; all go at $3.50,. . , ... ,v . . . SALVAGE OF HAROWITZ SELECT STOCICT; Ladies5 Muslin Underwear Sold at Fries that th Boatoa Stor Vo Oompetitloa la - - alasua vaorwar. 90 for -lad lea' fin Nainsook Gowns, short sleeves and low neck, lace trimmed. Karowlts price, $2.00. t 91.49 for Dior elaborate Gowns in round and squar yokes. inmmsa n vmurutuerjr naa mc-, mnfwui ,uu . e.Sv values, . , . 23 for Harowlts' 60c Nainsook Corset Covers, trimmed In lac . and small tucks. ,. , . 494 for a better grade of mor elaboratoly trimmed Corset Cov ers, lac and fin tucks. Harowlts 85c values. " ' Corset Covers, full fronts, with clusters of tucks, lac trimmed: regular 40e; special ........ .............a......... , 23 Ladies' fin Nainsook Corset Covers, French out, elaborately trimmed -with laoe; regular 7 Sc. for ., 494 Ladles' fin Nainsook Corset Covers, lac trimmed, regular $1.26 "alu; spoclsJ't.TV.. -. m rriT773t Corset Covers trimmed - with Valenciennes lace d glng. regu lar - 50c; speeiat iT.'.;'zv:7.T:v.'ii'f".';:7r..'. ...i9 Ladles' fin Muslin Drawers with hemstitched ruffles, fancy lar trimmed; a -variety of styles; regular 40a, for ,.,......23) Ladles' fine Muslin Drawers,' trimmed In clusters of tucks and fancy lac edging; regular 75 grade, for .... ...... ,,43 Fancy Muslin Drawers with fid lac flounce; regular $1.00 grade, for ,. ...,65d Ladies' fine Muslin Gowns, In slipover stylo, with fancy lac in sertion yokes, lace trimmed rlesvea; regular $1.60. for. ...894 Extra six Gowns tn fin muslin; regular $1.75, for... .. .Sl.OO CASTOR I A Tor Infant and Children. Tb KIni Yea K3ra Always Esught Bears th v Cifcxatur of (gpecl.l DltiMich to The JaeraaL) Canby, Or., Jan. 11. A young woman who is believed to be Insans is being held by th authorities - her pending examination by tno county ofrtclala. Sh gives here nam as Christina in Hnger and talks Incoherently of tha San Francisco fire, saying shs lost all her property there. In reply to questions sns says-sha has .been st Seattle and Portland looking for work... Sh went from Portland to Mount Angel and says ths people there advised her to come to Canby. Th woman wears an I max of St. Joseph and the Infant Jesus on her breaat and siys that is all the prop. erty ahe possesses and thst it will gain admission- for her to th homes of all good catholic families. At first the officers believed her to b th woman who mysteriously dlssp- pearea irora ner noma near Woodburn a few days ago, but sh declares sli hss never been msrrled nor has she ever been In Woodburn Sh gave th names of parties In San Franclaco who sh declared would furnish her with money snd transportation to that CTTy, Th authorities have telegrjphej but have received no word .. . It is believed th loss of property in in can rrsncisco etssstsr has unbal anced her mind, aa sh breaks down and weeps whenever questioned about tbat oatastropb, -; - ...-.-r---f PORTAGE ROAD WILL HAVE NEW STEAMER 'RperUI DLpateb to Th Joarnal.) ' Ralem, Or.. Jan. 1L Sunerlntendent Steel Smith of the portage railway at Celllo has filed his report Amona- otber things it says that th Open River association' will ' have a new steamer for th lower Columbia completed an. I th stesmer Relief repaired and In oper ation by March 1. . Th upenaes fur the month of December were $746.17. of which $71.40 should have been la th November report, and th earnings were i:t0.15. Superintendent Smith, assisted by three men, takes csr of sll th business of th road. ! I 1 . . . ' Who AVanta to D Recrdr? ' tftpecUl ta The Jnwnal.l Canby. Or., , Jan. 11. Th city of Canby Is without a recorder. This of ficer also exercises th functions of mu nicipal judge. At a meeting of th city council there. was a dearth of candidates and E. E. Bradtl waa elected without his knowledge. I Mr. BradM refuses to sowpt th- honor. Th of lie pays a sahtryv t i ,..,.y...r , V.v$i8fqpp:.Wort JLadiesliariri OF AU XnrOU AT SAXTAQB SAXB rKIOZa. ZUS, pUas napar n prioes with elsaraao sal ploa aad remambei rvery artlol will foand la th SMatoa Stor mos1f aa adver tised. - . Harowlts ladies' ready-to-wear department was a vary awell affair. Everything about It from th aolld oak flxturaa to th swell ready-to-wear Cloaks. Skirts, tc., waa th bV that brains could build or money could buy. : - Ladles! CUAJSAxrca tuxa F3U0XS don't eom within a mil 01 our pneea. W bought this enUrely new stock at a prlc -;-.;. to -sav ti real reduction, 7 , , . - CLOAKS AND SUITS AT SALVAGE PRICES. 4.95 for Harowlts $1.50 and $10.00 Long Coats; 10 abadea, 10 - atylesi oollars and cuffs trimmed la fancy braids and velvets. 9.95 for wits man-tailored 113.00. $13.00, 330.00 and $35.00 Long Coata la fancy abadow plalda, moonlight mixtures. rr'ty checks. : Broadcloths all hand-tailored, seems taped, cuffs satin lined, stylish new-style trimming, colors brown. ra, screen,, gray,; tant oxpiooq anq : omen. 1.98 for 160 odd coal lines, only OBTjor two of y many kinds, ' , to $16.00 kind, but t her ar a great 13.95 for SO of Harowlts finest $13.00 and $30.00 black broadcloth Coata. beautifully tailored and trimmed, aattn lined yokes. (-. .. .. " , 15.95 for Harowlts 343.09 man-tailored black broadcloth Bolts three styles, satin lined, very swell. ! t 3ULBOWRI tsS40 XJLBZMV 9VZTU, 99.29. ' 17 of 'em in grsy, tan, blue, fancy mixed, shadow plaids and swell moonlight mixtures. In tha very newest New York de T signs, silk and satin linsd, perfect fit and atyl. - Harowlts prlc ...jjj... .Trr-n-rrrnT.77. . . , . .... 920, 925 aad 930 - KABOWXTS $M 033U)mSVni OOATS, 94.39. 43 stylish little Astrachan Coata in bandsotn silver gray colors, well lined and nicely trimmed; tn regular 3 value.. ..94.39 , AOWXT 3)18 AIS OUTWITTII, 93.95. Over 100 handsoms Cravenettes In blu and black, slse 33 to 50 bust, newest styles; owing to to lateness of th season, w will clos 'am aU at ................................. 93.95 ; i OUT OF THE ORDINARY. - v KAJtowirs $8.00 ornxra STEimTS, 91.9s. ' ft dress 8klrts front 14.00 to $4.60 lines, at .............91.98 ........ wjutowrr um Aim as-oo smxas sxzmTa, 93.95. 147 stylish dress Skirts In Panama, ladlea' cloth and serges, col- ora black, blue. gray, tan and fancy mixed goods, all lengths, all waist widths. Harowlts prices, 33.50 and 33.00. Our -pric 93.95 TABOWXTS trO AJTS .00 30X.3T. XTirOBBSXXBTS, 54.49. iloxea xuaj-anteed taffeta Uoderaklrts In black, green, gray.. tan and baautlful changeable af facta, with deep Joubl Bpan- Ish -flounc and- accordion - Pialtarullles. iiarowus price. 37.60 and $.00. Our prlc i ........... B4.49 . . .... .j , ....a HAROWITZ NEW CORSET STOCK AT SALVAGE prices. j: (Bvary Corset la this stock la a new ens.) . 29d for Harowiu 60c Corsets of all kinds. , ,i 69 for Harowlts $1.SS Corsets of all kinds. ORi for Harowiu $3.00 CorseU of all kinds. 9I.47 for Harowiu 33.JS Corsets of all kinds. . . ' WAXES IN HOSPITAL ONLY 10 BE ARRESTED FOR MURDER Seattle Man Fleeing From Jus rxtice Struck by Train Then Held for Crime. (Rpeclal' Dtapateh at Tke Jesrsal.l " Tacoma. Wash.. Jan. 11 K, McCloud, wanted In Seattl to answsr th chsrg of murdering Peter Elmer, a fellow workman, has been captured and la in chars of Deputy Sheriff Phil Kearney of King county. He will be tsken back to that city. While successful la evsdtng Justice for the moment, McCloud could not out strip fate. Just when It seemed pos sible for him to throw th officers off the sccnu McCloud wss knocked down bv a locomotive at South Tacoma yes terday afternoon and was taken to the Pierce County hosplul. A telegram was sent to his people In Seattl giving away hi whereabouts. Deputy Sheriff Kearney came to Tacoma laat night 1 and recognised the man snd when be awoks from tne unconscioua pii wio which he had lapsed b wss unaer ar- reat .. McCloud and Elmer wr working at Georgetown laat Sunday. They disputed and McCloud struck Elmer, who died taw Ht a. hosoital. McCloud escaped and all senrch for him wa fruitless. With a companion by ths nams of Ryan he wss walking on th railroad track near! South Tacoma ystrdy after noon when th locomotive struck him. DAYTON ODD FELLOWS INSTALL OFFICERS nrf.l riiaMtHi tn TM Jnern.l.k Dsvton. Or., Jsn. ll-Th Odd Fel lows hsv held their seml-snnusl in- .-nation, with District Deputy Orand Master A. C McKeam of. North Yam hill aa Installing officer. Th follow ing wer Installed : Henry Stermer. N. O.; Ouy Carter. V. O.l E. A. Alderman, recording axruMry: F- E.' Perry, fln.n- -OABBZB VATIOB certainly stnsshed a hoi In ths bsr- rooms or Ksnsas, nut tsauara s nort Bftr .m..h.4 all records as a ciire for coughs, Bronchitis, In fluents and all pulmonary diseases. ... .t. C H , Horton,, writes: "1 hsvs never found a medicine that would cure a courh so oulckly ss Ballard s Horehound Syrup. I have used it for years." fold bv all dmssials. clsl secretary; 3. E. Melllnger, treas urer; Z. Spangle, W.; J. C. Nichols, C; Joe Baxter, I. O.; W. A. Cane, O. C; W. S. Hlboert, R. 8. N. O.; J, Melot,' L & N. a.; Charles Saunders, R. B. V. Q.; V. E. Parish. U 8. V O.; S. W. Blglif. chaplain. A supper was served after the installation. . OFFICERS OF DEGREE OF HONOR AT HARRISBURG (gped.l Di.petek to Tke Jinnal) Harrlsburg. Or, Jan. 1L Jewel lodge No. 83, Degre of Honor, has Installed th following officer for the ensuing year: p. C. rL, Miss Ethel Babln; C ft, Mrs. VloU Jones; U of H., Mrs. Ethel Murphy; C. tf C. Mrs. Vlda Canter; recorder, Miss Msy Endlcott; financier, Charles H. Canterr receiver, Mrs. , U Maxson; usher. Mlsa Effle Pierce;' I. W., Mrs. Maggl Cartwrlght: O. W, Arthur Senders. After th installation a banquet waa enjoyed. -7 Swenty Million for River. inurnal Speslal Brrrlci ' Washington, Jan. 11. Th river and harbor bill, carrying 379.000,000, will b reported .to th house next week. . CONGRESSMEN PASS LIE AHDJRY'TO EIGHT Mahory of Pennsylvania States That Gaines of Tennessee . - Has Told Falsehood, Jorael RpmUI grvlc. , Wsshlngton, Jsn. 11. Th II was passed and blows narrowly averted be tween , , Congressman Mahon , (Republi can) of Pennsylvsnla and Gaines (Democrat) of Tennessee in ths house yesterdsy afternoon. Oalnea advocated a bill fo dock members for absenteeism. Manors Interrupted, asking Gslnes why bs did not dock himself under ths pres ent lsw. Hot words were exchsnged and Oalnea waa Anally pushed back, onto his seat. "You'll have to answer me at anothar tlms snd place," shouted th southerner. Gaines accused Mahon of being ab sent from th nouse $ per cent of ths AUTOMOBILES HOWARD M-COVBY- M OBBAT ABBOW, KOCOKOBELB, OA9XUAO ' J 1 ABB EIOX. . , f MOT 4-OTUB9BB OA9ZXAAO XJT STOCX. liporary loeatlos Olnb aarags, nfteeath aad AUtt time, Mahon replied: "Any maa who charges ms wltb being away from thla bous ts-pr eent of th time telle sn Bntruth." . Mr. Gaines started down th aisle front bis seat. "No man ean tell in I He," he xolalmed. , Mr. Mann (Illinois), who waa tn th chair, ordered both man to their seats. While Oalnea waa ahaktng bis flst at Mahon th latter stated:. .. 4. The charge of the gentleman from Tennesse that I am away from this hous 31 per cent of my Urn t t ie Uberate fslsehood." ' . With a rasa, Mr. Oalnea reached tha center of th chamber, .making directly toward tha gentleman from Pennsyl vania, in al a tins aa ha want, that no mas eould call 'him a liar without parsons) chastisement. Words ar dull about coffe and tai SchlUing-s Beat Isn't dull. a- Ms 1 i iiy WF SPECIAL SALE OF HEATING STOVES . Beginning Saturday Evening, January. 1 2 Every Heating Stove (n the House, whether it be Air Tight Wood Stove, Coal or Oorfibination" Coal and Wood, for one week Mufliihlceett Keduc3ioi?s From All For mer Mccs Positively no reserve. Full line of samples on the floor. Finest line in the City. The Leading Heating Stove Manufactories xf the world are represented. Biggest HEATING STOVE SALETHAT PORTLAND HAS EVER KNOWN. " , (iDo So -. .. riAODWARC MERCHANT 130 FIRST STREET, .RUNNING THROUGH THE BLOCK 200 FEET TO - , .BOTH STREETS. 120 FRONT STREET. ENTRANCE - ON