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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 11, 1907)
THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL. PORTLAND. FRIDAY EVENING, JANUARY 11. 1:7. n -? r- THANKFUL SKATERS MAKE THE MOST OFTHEIR OPPORTUNITY i?ULSE0Mf gg? HE1 r i i w ; - .v. til On of th .large show windows of Woodard. Clark Co. la MtitcUBf at tention through -tha. demonstration of en art rarely practiced In tbla country Mexican leatner carving, im o oni on tra tor, nor Ralph Uejor, ranks aa an expert leather carver in hie own country, where this art hes -reached 1U height. Many Portland have becom interested and ar taking- lesaona from the senor, while ordora for hla work have poured in faster than ha baa been able to fill them. Even Jn Mexico hand-carved leather has greatly ad vanced in price., many- saddles so dec orated feeing; sold at 1,00 each. Mr. AVoodard says th demand for pvrographio work has not fallen off sines Christmas, and In fact business in every department has continued . re markably good. . , r Staples, the Jeweler, on First street, nays business men in hla lino are now having; what he calls' the- annual re lapse after the fever of Ciristmss shopping;. People who did not buy pres. ents for people that bought them pres ents hare been scurrying; around ever -fme 4 a. wUd endeavor lo make UP for the lapse, . continual rush limes being the result. N - "First street Is the ! beat ' business street In the city" emphatically do rlared Mr- Staples. "People coma from all over town to First street. Wa may down here, but they know we carry the goods." Mr. Staples is arranging to double th sis of th store and put In tt axtra vault luth rear, making this on of the most commodious shops of th kind in town. . : "TThTAIr'"Tignt Stov company, ill First street, which was destroyed by the fir that wiped Out four blocks on th east aid 'a year and a half ago, la securely on its feet again, .with plana for the future that wiU be a surprise to thos who hav known the disasters with which this company has mt. Th subscription - plan and put In a large factory for - the manufacture and dis tribution of airtight atoves. At present it is doing a large business, th re cent cold snap making these qutck-heat-Ing stoves greatly in demand. - j TEACHERS FOR EAST SIDE -1 HIGH SCHOOL SELECTED a IL Dodson of BrasIL Indiana, and Francis N. Gault of 8ouA Baltimore, Maryland.-hav been appointed respect ively teacher of history and teacher of mathematics In the east side high . school. Eleven teachers are now em- lefore the opening of th new term On February Jl. Mlsa Louis Phllbrlck and Miss Ada Stanley have resigned as teachers In th Shattuck and Clinton Kelly schools, respectively.- The resignations have been accepted by the board of education, but no appointments were mad. - Spread-eagle." "cat star." "d whirl" and "crack th whip" ar aom of th stunts performed by a majority of tha skaters on th ponds and lagoons around Por-and. while, a few of the fancy sksterr grscefully executed nbs grapevine." cut their Initials In th Ice, or else engraved pretty figures, such sa hearts, stars and other fanciful de signs. ".','-: ' . , Yesterday and laat night th plaoes where th Ic had formed thick enough for akattng wer fairly covered with steel-shod boys and girls who built bug fires along th shores where they could warm their handa and. faces. On of th most popular plaoes, and possibly the plac where th largest crowd gath ered, wss Ladd's farm. Hundreds of skaters sharpened their skateg and Jour neyed to th slouch on-tb farm and spent many hours going through the volutions whic-". they had thflrs op portunity to enjoy for several years. Th cold, bracing weather mad th sport ideal, and many lusty-lunged youngsters lined op In hockey games, whll "shlnny-on-your-own-Blds" wss ss popular and common i baseball In th .Im lmnrnmntu races wr pulled off and "champena"-wer mad who will prooaoiy carry meir ! for a long time to com unless Port land's far-famed climate again goes back on th weather man and another frees occurs. Many girla wer een on th ponds and alougba and they Joined enthusias tically in th sport. Not until a late hour last night did th last skater nn olamp bis skatea and wend his way homeward. Bom went horn chilled through, ib result of venturing where th 1c was too thin to bear their I,K. 1 t nmf ,am Mnt llAIM fallT singing or at least In a happy frara of mina ana so rar as cava vm iwri ,. wer no accident! of any ' consequence. AND NOW A COAL OIL FAMINE DESCENDS ON FUEL-SHORT CITY A coal oil famine is ths latest evil Jo Portland. It was announced yesterday afternoon by the Standard Oil company her that not a drop of case oil is to be bad for love or money, and there 1 no lleved. . Th only way by which -'to se cure kerosene at present is to purchase small quantities from the tank men who drive about th city making small deliveries. , The tank waa-ona formerly cam sround with a certain degree of regu- I larlty but sine tha supplies began run ning low th merry Jingle or th hells Is beard less frequently.- bousawlvss in th suburbs "say, ' and -ttr many- homes the family has had to sit In th dark of 1st because, of this state Of affairs, Tha result of th oil shortaga will prob ably mean a rush on candle stocks and then a candle famine may follow. Moat distressing Is ths oil famine to thos .unfortunates who laughed at th coal ' shortage. J because they war quipped -with coal oil heaters. ' They were happy in th thought that whll the- big oil magnate might decide any time to add acentJwortnrto fh prlc per gallon of their fuel the danger of th oil wells running dry were too remote to b worthy of erven a moment's consideration. But now th stoves ar dry and their owners crying for mercy in chorus with thos wrlg allna in th grasp of the coal octopus. Tin -11 "'nil t" ranrosa companies ' for the trouble. - The .cars hav been started from th east, a rep reaentatlva of th Standard Oil company stated yesterday,-but they- hav not T arrived. In th meantime ther la not a case, of 'ell In the -warehouses -of th company. No promises of future de liveries ar made, but th prospective purchaser ,1s asked to call again and then they will do th best, they can. . PEDESTRIANS TAKE TO MIDDLE OF STREET-TO AVOID ICE If your trunk did not t to th de pot in time, or if th Iceman did not . get around before -the milk soured. -or if he laundryman did not get around in time to get your laundry back by Saturday night, or if th tinner did not arriv in time to repair th roof and ssv the new - dining-room , wall-paper, oo not blam th baggageman, or th iceman, or. the laundryman, or th tinner, or th wall-paper man. for tney win teu you that their tardiness was caused by moved in the school, and It is probable th slippery condition .of th streets. ) that one more, position, will b filled Horses sllppd,and stumbled along In vain endeavors to travel over th ioe- coated pavements cauaed by th halt sleet, half rain that fell early this morn ing and then fros be tor th sun cam out to olear th streets. Many of the poor animals wer unable to keep their feet and fell heavily to th hard pavement.- Then, amid much TH STOmS TaTAT VATSS V1 TWM WAT." WIFE Tour mother, sister, uncles, aunta and cousins your wife's husband, father and brothers, in short, w want everyone in this great bus tling metropolis to know that Your Credit Is Good at this store. - Com and ' open an account. Buy anything you want. CXXUaUErS wzim, - voinri rvBsTzSaCDaTOa. xoxs rom ras tamtxt. , XOTTSBKOUi WAJLXS. ray a Uttl dowa aad a littU at ft tlm. Oar credit plan is unique, "different from th usual" Installment houses-' mad to accommodate thoss who wish to scatter their payments over a period. long or ahort, to accommodate their circumstances, instead of paying cash. This is th Store that trusts the popl- Do you know of another Stor that helps you Ilk oursT W not only command th best mer chandise made, but fo buy in such extensive quantities as to be enabled to tnranaxub ar otxzk a to am rm tu cztt not even ex cepting th larger "Department Storea." Ton cloth yourself throughout r bay things for your horn and -tt takes but little ready money. SXTBAOBBZaTABT KTZCZAXS TOMOBBOW - And ill next week. ' Women may choos .. ANY $18 TO L'J TUE HOUSE FOR . A Ilttl down and 9XM A WWW I A MARVELOUS BALK OF ' .'J ( j Womcn WtilWng Skirts , AT Jl.CD A WEEK ' - v , , . In popular snd desirabl materials, '-trim and stylish; round lengths, that Just skim ths instep. Choos from Cheviots, Pan amas. Tweedlsh Stuffs and smart, man nish mixtures; In stripes, checks and hand some plaids: plain rich colorings, or black On special sals Ilk this: . st regular v '- 1 7C Walking Skirt .;, .....''' Beet regular fi 7C walkiag Sklrta Bast regvla tlO.O tC 7fe Walking Skirt YCl'3 CREDIT IS GCSD" " $laVeek ray a a little down and the rest at llzvi York ImllfMiiiflGa lesi, -1ST rrmsT gTrnXXT Jnat a Kop, Skip . .- aad a amp ponta 91 nornsoa. T IRTU AT A TIMB STOBaC r,' swearing- and I tugging at th harness, the drivers would spend much tlm try ing .to get thettv to- a standing posture. Many drivers with human . Instincts tied gunny sacks or old towels about th poorly shod hoofs of their horse and thus helped them to travel safely over th ic.' "-. " V"- But th slipping and falling was not confined to horses. Many a man rushed out of his bouse this morning to catch th 7:61 car unconscious of th fact that ic had 'formed over his new ce ment sidewalk. 8ome of them got as far ' aa th front gat before leaving their feet and sitting down with a thud, but most of there lost their footing be fore th gat was reached. As for th woman, they walked In th mlddl of th street on their way down town. Sixth-street was lined with a -procession of timid pedestrian who felt that -their safety lay In th mlddl of the street rather than th sidewalk. Whll many popl fell heavily enough to Jar - them severely, no serious acci dents because of th tc wersre ported 1st this morning. Many horses fell on ths brldares and lines of streetcars wer held np, causing i score; of people to be late at their of- i flees. Th Bumaid street brldg is on j of th worst because of th smoothness j of th incline leading to It approach. Th steel brldg baa ths steepest Incline and la on of th most traveled, but most of th falls occurred on th Burn side bridge. i ' .. COAST CITIES SEEK 10 HOLD LOWER RATES Evidence for the Spoklnft Hear Jng Is Being Gathered by At 'torneys for Coast Ports. OUH JIJViLHILji: !s overflowing with BARGAINS. . ' Wc have selected every Broken Lot in our vast stock and made such deep gashes in the price that will close them out in short order." Better come early. .v,'v BOYS' SCHOOL SUITS . $3.45 values. Sale Price. .................. 31.C5 $3.95 values. Sale Price............ ....... $2.45 $5.00 values. Sale Price........ $3.G5 $10.00 values. Sale Price.. ............... ..$0.50 UUSTE.R BROWN STYLES $3.43 values. Sale Price..:.;.... ........ ...92.25 $5.00 and $3.00 values. Sale Price...:...... .$2.95 $10.00 values. Sale Price..... $5.95 BOXSSAILQRlSJIIIS ;!-.-. - ,r wiu nam rmivm . ' ' $5.00 and $3.00 values. Sale Price. . .... . .V. .92.95 .1:1 $10.00. values, i-Sale Price . . s . i ; i ..... $3.95 .CHILD'S RE.LIXRS "a: Agei 3 to Child's Reefers; were $1.50. Now.;.... ,;:.-.08 ; r .Child's Reefers j were $2.00. NowtJ f , . . .. . . . tcttcctaw nwnrnATc iv:;.'.:'iT. - Ages 2'to 8 ytmy--'-i?"'j S2.B0 Russian Overcoats : now. ...... . . . ..... .81.50 : .$3.85 Russian Overcoats; now... .......... ...$2.50 $5.00 Russian Overcoats; now... ............ .$2.50 Russian Overcoats ; now.Tv; 1 . ;v;v w793.15 Outing Flannel Blouses, 75c values., ........... 39f UNDERWEAR ' . . ' i j . i mmmmmm . , . . - ..... . I Bi-okcri Lines at Enormous Reductions : $2 BO values now .. J-.i'T. ...... ....... --81JSO ' TtlJJOrvaluesftOW .';....,... ..Tr:$i.oo v; :, - . I-.-: .:(. ... uk--, V ; $1.00 values now ;......v,i...................-75 . MISSES' TAMS AT HALT ,J:-.t A 'SmalI'Lot StiU on Hand . t ii . . Misses' $1.50 Tarns.. 75 : . Miwes $1.00 Tarns...........;.... ...,:50 l-''".V i Tp. LEADING JL vLct CLOTHIER Evidence la being- fathered la Port land which will be used In th heartnt befor - Interstat Commerce) Commis sioners Proutjr &nd Lan when th suit of th city of Spokan aralnst th rail, road companies Is brought up Monday at Spokan. Colonel 11. IJ. Love! and, pre- Ident of th Pacific Coast .Jobbers and Manufacturers' association, and Beth Mann, also of San Francisco, and head counsel for the cities ' striving; to keep Spokan a from securing; th rates which ! they claim belong rightly to aaacoast cities, hAV been In Portland several dsys gathering testimony. These cities ar Sin Francisco, . Portland, T scorns and Seattle. . , r . . ; ! y . J. N. Teal 1 th attorney who baa been selected to look after th Inter est -of th Jobbers' association In Port land, and Frederick Bausmaa of Seat tle, who" has been engaged In th sam work, will be associated with Mr. Mann at' Spokan.' .-.. Many prominent merchant from ths coast wiu attend th hearing to offer testimony. Among them will be La. A. Lewis of Allen eV Lewis, Henry Hahn of Wadhams Co., T. D. Honeyman of th Honeyman Hardware company of Port land; Wakefield Baker of Baker A Ham ilton, and Wlhiam R. Wheeler of Holt brook. Merrill A Stetson of San Francisco.- . .--. Th testimony it these men will be for th purpose Of defending th right of Jabbers of seacoast cities to a termi nal rate. They claim that competition with th sea forces th railroad - to grant lower rst-s to ths ssaooast cities. Spokan ha no outlst to th sea and for that reason th shippers claim that ah Is not entitled to terminal rates. The hearing will probsbly be carried to Seattle, Portland and San Francisco be. for aU th evidence Is gathered. Th suit was brought against ths Northern Paclfle, Great Northern and Harrlman llns. . " .- - ' ' . 0. R. & N. CONFISCATES 7 COAL AT PENDLETON rSiwtal IMrsatra ts Tse J"wral Pendleton. Or, Jan. 11. That th O. R. N. Co. Is In desperate straits for coal la being shown every day on part of It system. Three csrloads war confiscated her yesterday owing to th shortage In th coal bunkers. Whll th people srs In l ed of fuel, most of them feel It would work a hardship on tha country and themselves If trains ceased to .run. so no complaint wits made. . Ther is no suffering In east ern Oregon, though th westber remains l..., ...... ...if V -I-- J ST"" .... mm!Wtqismi M Hit JK. J a r a. aaawsssv-- ' - i ' 1 Embraces in its construction many superior and.m- . r. dividual features the result of sixty yearsV experir' v r ; ence in the building of stoves and ranges. The very;:? best materials; a perfect arrangement of drafts andV.' '?T flues; "a" scientifically; constructed oven with white 1 enameled rack and door, which can be washed like a - ? china dish ; a well proportioned firebox that . gives ; equal satisfaction with wood or ; coal. These and many other points of excellence combine to make up v ' ,r this modern range a reliable and guaranteed cook-tr! T: ' Ing' apparatus fuel-economical. 'Our. terms on any i v,' sue and style of these ranges act ''A'-r..'-: $1.00 in Thirty Days --$1.00 Per Week Thereafter Old Ranges and Stoves Accepted in Exchange and Liberal Allowance Civen for Same S ale of D rap eries Ends tomorrow. Convincing special values in drapery and curtain materialsnets, muslins and v Swisses. Also couch covers, upholstered fab- rics and brass rods. Drapery and jShade De- partment Sixth Floor; ; Special for Saturday Handy folding tables in the maple top 18 inches by 36 inches. No mail, telephone or C. O. D. . orders will be accepted for this Special one only to each purchaser. SPECIAL 65C Buck's Heaters $1 Down $1 Week S5 5r-Sr-. 3G0nPLETE-H0U5EfUmiI5HEI?5 6 AKI YOUH jl 1