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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 11, 1907)
THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND. FRIDAY EVENING, JANUARY 11, 1907. I 1- J' U. .. . !"IB.. '- X LI. . . I ... . . ' You Should fbn ttBflt Ufa la tka Ufa for : Tkln oarteon'e naaabar, twenty tkreo. Portrays with araat felicity, , ' -, Tha only ala I awar a.- " I kawct a el-trlo fad, ' - , . I noeor vrarry ar aot sand, v.'.;' la fact I am ffca aaly lad, Wke eaaaot a ood waat : ' . IN THE JOURNAL ., ' DAILT ' AN D BX7NDAT. f-, , - RATE r One Cent per wortlj- More tnMjwrtimiQPtf Cent per line each day, or Thirty Centa per line per week of aeven" r ' Six words constitute a line, but each line is charged for regard , f less of the number of words, .v.;-; v-.r.VV"'-' ' ' NO ADVERTISEMENT ACCEPTED FOR 1. LESS THAN 15c. FOB BALE REAL ESTATE. A BAROAIN 10 aorea eaat of lyr fine lor ? auburbaa bone, fall eerie. . B. WOLVEBTOH, Mohawk blh. fnona Pacific S4I. ' IS.SOft WIl-L boy a Terr deeirabla- borne, T-roooj aoBaa aod I HXa. all la fruit, oai eaat aide rliaw la i ererth M.811O. Foa a taw rtara anlr , 4U3 aloha wh blk 1'aclflo til. LA ROB modera realnenre, hot water heat, ani) awiiuo est: tha altuattoa la rood, belnx ea " a carllne and within am' walklne dlatanra. ' Tha price la extremely Vow for thta kind of . properly. . pDmAaBcy, WXV, BUrk at. FOR BALS3 . OR -RENT orftotn cot tare, Mr. alahed, near Main, att Hi Fifth at. Kent . eaaap. ........ HEW rooea mortem bonae, ftreplace, fornace, S lota, en Mt. Boott-llne. 2.7uO; a good bur. J. J. Oeder. 1 Uraad are., Ji. WIDOW learlne? elty off era bar aeleeted bnlld , Inc aite, (KtilOO. extra choice comer, Vi block oed- carttae; eO-toot atreeta, ' elecrrtu 'lint pboaa Hoe aad water mala near; rhaapeet and beat la - Ita dlatrlct. Price S2,V. Bea sa today.- Hoeee Laod Co.. 14H t'lrat at. ALPINE BBAL ESTATE CO., M Morrbea. naaa I; pbooe Mara 181T Vi blork with IS-room boaee, eloee la, fll.ffnn. aerea, S-roooi hooae; aaay ternia; I2.J50. WEST SIPS Ineoene ar petty to rxekaacs for ' Tacaat lota or Improred property ea eaat aide, - Hafenuoa a Blaachard. SI Fifth at. I MUST aell e.alck ear Sua Arbor !odre boeae; T-rooaa hoa z lota, 12 bcarlnf fmlt tr?ee, I t elty water; bath, etc: Sl.THO: SMo raah, - A v. balaace Ilka rent, U 1 OS, ears Journal. SUNKTSIDE. eloaa la. T rooata. aU BMder. ..'built tor boeae, J oat flnlahed; etieap if el,l , eooa. See aeot, SaSVi. a awnar. phea Eaat 4704. . , . ... ot a I hirh. riahtlr. walklna dtataarl. See owoer, roan - 432, -ijiBhar . Exchaam.v -THOICS) U block 400x100 tmproYed,JM and . Clinton ata.j hlfb, alfbtly, Boa rlaw. Owner, SS4 CUntoa at. MT bneoaad ta 111 la California and I armt aell ear new 6-moaa modera eotuye, with fall baaement,- aewer aad arrret Improxe - aienta all paid. Cor Iras thaa coat; price only caay terma; corner an, use locality. sua, care eouraat. - BriLTttNO eoeerlnf; 4 lota. T ' tnrarooeae, , theatre and ball a bore; wflt pay far Itaelf la yeara: 17.00(1 eaab ar teraa to anlt pnrcbaaer. For partleulara call at 111 lea- --hoa bid. -" ; - SS.ano S-RO0M modern boaaa with aoner lot, - Eaat B6th and Yamhill at. - Apply of owoer, Me. T4tl Belmeat, eoroer 3d. . . S00 FARMS, email tracts aad lota: harfalna on . O. W. P. electrle line. O. B. Addltea. Lenta, Orefoa. Take Monst Scott ear, fie. tl Too VI BLOCK. Eaat S2d and Aakeny; thta : la 1000 below market and la offered at tbla low prlaa by aer1-wha lleaa eway from : Portland, to Irenrre qolck aala. Cord Sens at axe Co., BO Fifth at. - S89S IF sold oa at before Monday. January 14 owner will aell thlalot warU $100; hare .'"fall be tract from rorernnjent; aee at t eace, as there are only t d.irn. - JOHN" B. MATTHEWS. ' T22 Chamber at Commerce, SMALL kneel that can eaally ha completed Into . 4 noma, and t eery choice elevated Inra, ' with maenlneBBt w of almoat entire eity; . well ebeltered from eeet wlnda by arov: ' 1 block ot ear; a rare a not e build permanent home; banralB; eoly 1W0. Home Land Co., ,' leSVk Flrat at. - po.ano VERT central BOxlOO; one of tha beat . bnye kt Portland: will double la ralne la 9 ' , yeara; fld.OnO eaab, - In.OMO. mortiace. S v reara at S per Sent: will take fn.Oun In eaat - aide property. Call at Sosv, Baraalda at room 10. Pboaa Pacific 1211. ' . . . , , FOR SAI B 00 aerea BBlniproed land, rich oil; will aell la 10-acra traoM or more; wit make" nice bomei half down, balanoa ta anlt : pnrcbaaer; price 128 acre. Tliotoaa Black atone, Bldsetleld. Clark hoonty, Waah. ; 00OD benee and lot on Union are.;, woman ta ' boanlul; ST0 dowa, SIR month; treat anap; ' modern. (Alexander Land Co., SJ'i Sixth, near Pine. - : . I ROOM nnoet with 100x100 lot. B Bi Inn tee' walk Irom enanjnae carnoei nice piarv ror chK-kenei eaay terme: price 1.11V. Uartmaa Vk Thorn peon. Chamber of Commerce. BicHTLY S-room' booae, S lota, ererlonklnf , Willamette rlrer; Jtnll Baa water, lnnalre , ea premteee init Wlllaaetta. bonlerirtj, or .' phone Eaat 833. u bIjOCK In St. lobna bualoeaa dlatrlct; win Amble la 1 year; will be wlthdrawa Bona. Addreaa E tlu, can JonrnaL - . I I)T8 hi Wahrat Park, adjacent to tnhataa ' till lmrroeementa; a bargain If taken at eace. X H8, care Joarnai. TOn BALE FARMS. : x rOE SALE FARM. v is Meal dairy farm at frtt aerea wtthla A mllra of Portland; ahandance of water; .raaa tha year aaennd; all nece err dairy lainrirTemonta; property mar be dlelded aad anlri for twice price aaked JftOOO ana third i eatt. ifkSJOf cfvypAWT, - ; Ontmonwealth bldg ., Sixth and BarnaUIe eta. DREOOM wheat fame that can ba lea pee for S or S yeara to reliable and reenanalhla ten- ' aatt, for aala at prtcea that will enable the " unr to reellao from S to 11 per cent ea I toe HiTeeiiraoi, - . BHTiimau, emu im aSe .rtdreaa Lafaretta Realty Co., SIS Waah r i hwtoa at., PertUnd. Or. - - - 10 ACRES FRl'tT LAND I can locate Jnat Y ' aoa party wlablnff to make bom feed entry ' ' ea 120 aerea of fruit aad ayricrntural lead ' la the eaat aectloa of tbe llnod Blear die- - trtct, S4 ml Ice from Colombia rleer; terme a ISO eaab. Addreaa Oeorf a U BteaUmllh, ' Moaler. Oraaoa. , ; - .-RCAOE AND FARMS Bear 1 - - P7aabtfn, to 10 erflea from TlrnrdTllle, Portland, ear Portland and Salem carllne. I'armera' Lud tew, liS Wadlroa at, porUaad, Oraoo. Advertise. FOR BALE FARMS. ON of the beat ranch ea fa aaatern Oregon. Imnrored. S00 aerea, $00 aerea flnej bottom lead, abandanea of water, at a barralB,- Ad dreaa U. B. Carrey, owner. Baker City. Or., 13 ACRES, IS In -Crop, hnlldtnge. etock. tootef car 40 mlnntea; part trade. 504 Ooldamlth. FOR SALE eO-eere farm, pood houae en8""Tnre barn, email orchard, td arree under cnltlra- tlon, good Boll, near Rldaefleld, Waahlngton. cheap for raah.. Call ea J. B. Taylor, 614 Marcjaam bid-. FRRB homee for tbeaeaode of people la Lake county I land enbjret to boaieetead aad des ert entry. For pertlcalare writs Brantea ' A Roblaett. Blleer Lake. Or. - , . 40 ACRES good land rear eranty aeat; trade for lota or houao aad !, - Aodraao B 108, care Journal. . . .. HOMESTEAD. . Conor d'Alene Reacrratioa will open Boon; choice land, 26 mllea from Bpokaae. Coenr d'Alene - Beaireatlon - Informatlen Acencyt - 17-18 Bank bide, Spokane, Wanblncton. FOR SALE LIVESTOCK, TWO freeh cow a. aU MontarUU. 417 Orand ax, and Kearney Phone taet 4122. , IERSET cow and brlfer calf waeka old. Takr Richmond car. S4S S2d at.. FOR BALE flood freeh rowe. - S2S Eaat 14th at. HORSES, VEHICLES, HAKXESS. HORSES and tmrrtea for rent by day aod aaoatht apeclal rates to anal oixtb aad ttawtnema. eaat. is. WE bny, aell. rent, exchaneo bora a. wamoa, aaddlea. haraaaa. Hubert Hall. SdS lib et FOB BALE IVi cowered farm-wee-on. eheen. Bee West. 880 Water at., corner Montgomery. CARNErfl - Gltaan at. ETKRINART HOSPITAL, SSS - Ptiooea Malnr 14844IS8T, FOR SALE 1 team, gentle, weight 8.700 lba. A. Nataal, lltl leaa at u. T - ONE aerae for aale. Sao. 20 Vi M. SOth ot. Lace Houae Laundry. TIMBER. TO OWNERS of timber rial ma and timber We . win buy for raeh any rood timber tributary to Nebalem rlrer: will deal with ownera ' enlTl no othera need tnawer. Write, living , full partlcnlara. to Bos S. 0. P. SUtloa. -. Portland. Oragos, rOIt SALE 810 ono.000 feet of timber la one anlld body within S mllee of a -railroad, la ji Whatcom county. Waahlnxtou. at leea thaa $1 per 1.000. Write at once for further par. tlrnlara. Addreaa L 108, care Joamal. WANTEDTrmbeeed laade. largo and email tract a; enrreepondenc anllctted, E. 8. Mat- - teana k CO., SIS Wert Sth at. Los Aagelee. CaL WB baeo eaab bayeee for yellow nine timber laeda in Oreevm and Weahlnstnn: a lea for . yellow fir. eprnco and hemlock tluibee lander win buy from wae claim op If ftrW aad loea - trim are rlrht Will pay eaab for rood re lomtlehmenta. We bare bad IS yea re . ex perience la meet timber bnatneea. aad here eompeteet eraleera who will pass oa the landa wtthoot delay. , . EVBOOT BRADLEY CO, . 70S Chamber of Commerce. tt.noo noo FCET cedar aad flr. SS mllee of Portland, en Sne lorelnc at ream, ran drive -. to Portland ml I la: It tbroaaed: half caeh. eaee terma: 14 years to cut: no agenta ar trlflera. tlcoree W. Dixon, Caaby, Oregoa. CFRTTFIRD acrlp. ay a tee. loweet prices, ' . O. Howell. S3S Chamber of Commerce. BRITISH COLTTMRIA T1MBFR LANDS . We bevp tor aale large and small trace, of fine rlvber. both ea water and raU; orteae from 4 an. iceerd'ng 'to VicetloB: - tell oa veer waata and will he pleaeed to enbmlt Mat. Eneene R - rhaadler, 407 Baa, tings at. Vancouver, B. C ' FOR BALE 24 oon.rinO feet of yellow and red rir; can be fcwred to Colombia. I mile rmm R. K.I thai la cloee In, end la a deetrehle Inrrlng nropoaltlnn; 1f you want It coma Oulck. t. B.. Taylor. BIS Marouam bldg. FOR SALE nort 000 feet choice aprBce timber clone to Colnmhla river: ran no mrged at amell coat; will be enld cheap If taken anon. Call or addreaa, J. a. Taylor. Hit Marquam bldg. . .- WE havt 4.000.000 feet burned-erer tlrolier In S north, a eaat, I mile from Waaboagal river; make se aa offer. Aleo eome ecetterlng H eectlona that are good neve aad will make von money faat SPHINX AGENCY, 30CV. Stark at. WANTED, at once. SA.OnO n 100,000 mill, tributary to Columbia or sound, for raah. 14. 227 H Waahlngrna at WANTED At once, im.rmvooo feet' of good - timber tributary to the Colombia. , Addreaa T KtS, care joaraaL I WILL aell year timber laeda foe yea, do dif ference where located: need dMetlptlea. t. t. Blair. SIR Ablngtnn bldg. BARTER AND EXCHANGE. , 1 4A-ACRP) wheat farm ta Bhermaa cnmvty, Ore. B-ouj tear aerea eown to winrer oeriey; aoner . favorable enudlttone this crop will net tft.Ooo: farm caa he leaned for S or S yeara to re aponalhle partlee and bring ownera 10 per cent eel Inveatment; for sale or will exebanya for medem realileeeo ta Portland. Or. Fiw par tleulara call oa or addreaa Lafaretta Bealty Co.. S13V, Waahlngtaa at 140 ACRKS alfalfa lead Beer Lee Angeles to cxrnanxu ror trreeom properly er noraea, la farmatloa 874 Flrat at, Portland. BOXES AND INVESTMENTS., . C0EUB D'ALRNE MININO STOCK ' I am aiware va rne mareex enner- re yery er sell any active mining etack; toaaa aude . aa say II, tad eeeurttlea. t. P. SHOWN. 401 McKay sldg. MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS- A0 REWARD for proof that any talktaig ma Chine eo.uale the K'ileon pboiior rapu : com plete stock; rear pavuirnta. PorllHiid Phooo b AjuVJ li baleuUl. St-Alalu 8aJuV- CHEAT One of tba boat p1nne a-anufae, turl, never be a need. AdOreee V lud, flare Joarnai. FOR 8 1LE MISCELLANEOUS. SHOWCASES and flxtiiree. new and eeeuad- haod. Carlson kallatrom, 288 Coach at HOI.DEN'S RHEUMATIC CUR K Ru re CUfO tat rbauuiatlam. guld by aU drug ri'RMTCRB foe five rooma for Mia: will cell cheap If takea at' once. Call at SIS Unloo ave aorta. ..,.:. FIVB cop tee popular moela, 73c postpaid. Levy's - Muala Uaun, 171 Fourth.. - SECONDHAND bar (iiura, poottabloe. at. , table. - chalre. W eaters tilriii Co.. 621 t- w aeoius-iao CHRISTMAS BOOKS, Blhleo and prasr-boo:. Ilyland Bra.. 2X8 Yawblll at FOB SALE Chatham Incubator and brooders, M days' frso trial. Gm, W. Foott S21 Eaat MorrteoD at., Portland. , BK'.r-THANGKVf AMNO essh nfUUt for aala rhesp. SU First at - - a. WB print yoo. nam a W) calling cards, proper lse and styls, 85c; 2A0 business cards, 31. A. W. ijehm! Ca, 229 First, Portland. Or. FOR SALS CHEAP Safe, SO: Sre esespe. Third at building, 830, lauulre 342 North Utb at, . . FOR SALE 400 cord et Srst-claae wood tim ber ob O. IV, P. railroad, A. P. Burnett. - Facta Creak, Oregon. . , 8KEBN Electrle Works, 19th and Waah. eta. Phone Pacific 1474. Kaw and eerwnd-haad ' tlactrlral (ooda bought. Bold and azebansad. SKW1NO MACHINES- btmcbt, aold aad ea ch an red. SS and ap. - Wee tern SalaeTe Co., ' S27 Waehbiftoa at. 1 8HOWCARKH. eaunrera. Clxrnrwe. boorht. anM err-rrrhavired. WaatarB" RalraJS- Co.i t&t Waeblnatoa at. Pacific TM. BILLIARD AND POOL tables for rent er for T-nele nn'eaay. navmenra. TUB BBIN8W1CK BALKS COI.T.ENDEE CO. .4Tbltd. at, .Portland. v W SLIGHTLY damaged aewlng-machlnea at rery low prlree; singer. Wheeler Wllaon, Domestic White, Houaehold, DaHe and etbere; to make room for new etocb Wheeler WUbob and Singers, a S. Blgrl. SSS Mer liaon at, Marquam bldg. HAVB a Urge hot air hearing furnace for r aale cheap, at S3 North Front st Henry - Mertxlotf. , -- -f WANTED 100 mas 'to wear our celebrated 120 made-to-order aulta. - I'nlon Tailoring Co., ' S004 BUrk St SatlafacUoa guaranteed. FOR SALE Engar automatle pistol, 811 Fourth at -5. v. -. BARRED BOCK ooekerale, pullete and. aero bene; elao nlgeono, cheep. First houae sonth of erhool. Lenta. Mount Scott ear. - - SET tlnaer'a tools; aell at aaertnVa: moat be , enld bv January 14. . 48 Grand ava. . Phone Eaat 127. PERSONAL. MARVEL Tilatorlan. Mrs. R. Bevinglon Webber, . dteeoverer. of tribes of Israel: gives their t blatory by a fixed law, their different cape. bllitles which are reliable; awarded gold - ntedalt tribe reading SSct lectnra every Wednesday S:1S p. nt, back, par lor. 302 VJ, Morrlaoo. .Addxeae or call. . ? IF yon have rhenmatlam wa Want to care you. eKes- York Medical Surgical Inetltots, oar nvr Sixth and (323 VI) Waablngton ata. RPSSIAN BATH. SOT Third at., betwen Taylor and Salmon- Swimming pool, a teem and bt- ; etr bath. Heura Ladles, from a. m. to 1 p. m. ; genta. from 8 a, m. to 12 p. aa. YOTTNtJ palmlat dealrea ta meet young ledy who wisbos ts Become a psimiei. I iuo, sournai. MOLES. wrmkleO Borwrfnaona hatr removed. No ebarre to talk It over. Mrs. M. n. Hill, . Room 830 Filed nee Bid. Phone PerJMo 133. WEBPOOT Oil Blacking aavea tba leather; ab Baintely waterprsoc. HOURN'S RHRTIMATIO rURR S-ro . rheomstism. Sold by sll drurf lata. 0KRM AV-.booka, magaalpea, nnveax. etc.t Oee man. Earllah. French. SoanNb. Pwedlah snd Italian dlcttonarlea; fnrehra bonks of . aU kinds. Rrhmals Co, 82 Final et. A. RE1NRE PRACTICAL FURRIER. ' Expert fitter, frtra remodeled, leimlied -od redved: SO yeara' eTnerlertce rnanrea entire aitlafactlou. Phone Pacific Si7. Lewis bldg. 8EX1NR pti.iJl euro all forms of nervous or moecoler weaknees. For men or women. Prtce.81 s box. 4 boxes 85. with full gnse. . antes. Addreaa er rail J. O. Clemenana. druav glat Second snd YsmbUl ata.. PortUad. Or. DR. BIN0 CHOONO, Importer Chmeee mot Sredlrlnee: aella Chinees tea. certain euro for aU diaeaaaa, 101 Ed. bet Yamhill and Taylor. DR. O. Y. KETCHCM cares promptly prtvate dleraaes. kidney, nervosa, akla snd special female troubles- CaU as write. Office 170H Third at, cor. XamhlL Pboao Paelfls 2220. BALM OP FIOS fro an female dtsessse. 424 . East Belmont Phono Kaat 4034. DOLLS' HOPrYAt Renelrrag aad dressing. Boom 8, 843Vk Waahlngtoa at ' ' TURKISH BATHS, 800 Oregnnlaa bldg. ktdlos daya. gentlemen Bights. Mam 19S8. MANLY Vigor restored by Tlr. Roberts Narva Glnbnlea. One month'e treatment. 82 1 8 montha. 85; aent accurals aesrM y mafl. Agents. Woodard. Clarke A Co, Portland. Or. SUITS preened while yon wait ' 80s. Lsdtea skirts pceeaed. tOe. Gilbert. 0A Sixth st, beit to Quelle. Pboao Mala 8084 BEST magaxins stubs aver offered: scad for prlcee: a fonts wanted. Jones Book . Store, 891 Alder St. Portland. Or. DISEASES OF WOMEN: nnfortunate glrhi and babies cared for; private boemtaL Dr. Atwnnrl, mom E 850 Mj MoT. at Tel. -PsetSe 1758. HOLD ON There Is one thine that wtTl core rhenmatlam. Aak yenr dm relet for bark tonic or addreaa or can J. G. Clemeaeoa. . druggkt. Portland. Or. -. .. OWL RESTAURANT. o East Morrison St. . Heals IV and op: short orders, freeh oysters, J. U Tetxlaff, proprietor. SWEDISH trained anree. Felstorfora grsduers. enrea eheomatlem. stomacn teountea, asrvons dleordera aad apratna by haad-ruhhtag. ataam, sweat and tub baths. , No. T Faat 11th st Take Eaat Ankeay car. Pboao Baet SfaX PROrPSSOR C. S. IOVE, phrenoeoglat. sci entific character Tender. Leeaoos given In elaaa or private. Formerly' of Baa Frandeee. Office 813 Alsaks bldg. . MARRIA0B PAPER, blrhast character. 11th year: Incnrpora ted; I 000 members; IS peeee, eenled: Bend lOe. ,L. L. Love, Bog 1800. Denver, Colo. MANICl'RINO parlors tor ladles and gentle men, sot-i aforrlaoa stu room is. - YOUNO scientific msrseuss gtvss electrical, al coholic and medicated treatments: chiropodist aod manicuring. 41 Raleigh bldg. FACE and era to treatments given at 8484 MoT- naoa st., auitea 1-2. Ml.tS FNOLIKII. electric vibratory face, acalp and Mny treatment: naraera vinratnr, aa thing new. lVk Sixth at. rooms 34-23. ErriNED lady gives mankmrlng, chiropody, acalp and facial treatment 801 m Third st, corner Taylor. RECENTLY paned mantcnrlmT perloea; tadiee and geatlemen, 851 Vi Morrlsoa at, room IX CHIROPODY',- acalp treatments, medicated facial manaare. 224i waahlngtaa at AUTOMOBILES. PULLMAN ACTO CAE CO, - - Builders, deelgners end repairers of all makea of sutomoblles. Bodies, tope, fenders, deahes. Ump brscfats, running hoards aad glaaa fronte. Gesrs end aU parts of auto mobiles made to order- 4-7-72-74 Sorts Sixth at, eoraer 1 Everett. H. Xt. KEtTS AUTO CO., '"' AUTOMOBII.1-8 AND SUPPLIER. Knrthweatsro dlatrtbntnrs for Popo HarV 1 Brda, Pope Tribunes, Pops V ever Irs Pone Toledine. Thomas. Oldsmohltes, Franklins, Butrks. 842 BeysnUi st, PertlaBd, Ot-sgoa. f, T. MERRILL Pope Toledo cars, seven pee. s.inaia, 44 pee bealt. tVfles Siasatb sad Oak, ' Main 423. - Steed S. B. comer Slxtk and Wa.htnt tog. M. Be Ts MattlU 4 Csatla Xdal , Bran i . , ASSAYERS. GARVIN CTANIPr; EXTRACTION CO., Montana Aaaay Office. 1M Morrlaon at. and ART. FREE LE"ONS IN F.Bihrotdery Krery Dev. TUB NEKIiLEC'BAFT bUOPi Sb2 Waablugtoa at. E. H. MOOKKHOl'BB Co. Artlera' materlala, picture molding, picture framing, elorauotl eooa, lantern all dee, SI 2 Alder at PROFKHSOR R. MAX MEYER, Alder at.. Portrait and lander ape art let and teacher. BUTCHERS' SUPPLIES. BITCH ER SUPPLIES R. Blrkeowald Co.. 404---804 Everett at; largest butcher supply houao oa tbe coeat. s Write for catalogue. - BLTCHER8' SCPPLIES Adolnb A. Deknm, 131 -1M Flrat at. carries a lull line and com Plete aaaortmeut at lowest market prlcee. ATTORNEYS. a H PIOCOTT AAD J. A. FINCH ' Attnrneys-at-Law. Practice In all eonrta. 4 Mnlkey bldg., earner Srcond and Morrlaoo. BLANK-BOOK JIAKEKS. HOWE. DAVIS A K1LHAM. 100-111 Second at. Blank hooka mannfartared; ageuta for Joaea Improved Lonee-Leaf tedrera; see the Beer Eureka leaf, the beet oa tbe market ' T BATHS MASSAGE.' - BATHS at 207 Third, between Taylor and Sal, ; moa ata. Wa have added on a Russian hath; - awlmmlag pool, steam aad hot air. Ronra: Led lea, 6 a. at, to 1 p. m. seats, I (. a, to 12 p. m. --t, - CARPET CLEANINO:- BTANDARD Carpet Cleaning f., largest plant aa' the coaat faring an(T ctardtng atx.r teh; pbooe Eaat I"). (arpela cleaned, refitted, aewed and laid; both aleam and la tee t com preeeed air process: renovating matti . aad lea there a epeclalty. SANITARY carpet cleaning, auction and com . preened air combined: carpets cleaned on floor without temoTX "41aln S2O0. CLAIRVOYANTS AND PAEMISTS. CONSULT THE BEST IT WILL PR0l , CHEAPEST IN THITENO. ri-JPEKK TE8TI FRBB TESTl - Take tbla advertlaement to '' T-rs . PROF. D. NIBUi. T Soavk Washlagtoa at. 1 He will give yoo a teat of his wonderful CLAIRVOYANT -POWERS by tailing you your same In full, free of charge, aiid give yoo advice, before yoo .deelde to have a read ing, and then If you think he haa the power to read your past present and future life, he will give yon hla wonderful DEEP PSYCHIC - 8 READING FOB 31 This week only. He . tells yon who you srs. whers you come from. bow many memoere there srs In your family. vhat your uatuusllim la. snd what It alKmltt ne: what your aliments srs. bow to ours : tbeta, where yea will ho moat successful, snd why: whst rear health will be all throue-b life;. how much wealth you will posaesa. If any; woo it la tbat causae yoa trouble, end bow to overcome It; If your mine contains ore, snd to whst extent; how to control those yoa lavs and admire; where your Inst ones are; what yoa ahould Invest In to ba snr, reeaful. In fact no matter, what you wlah to know or wlah to do. he will accompllah It for yoa or charge yoa nothing. . Hours, 8 a. m. to p. m. , 1 80Bi WA8HIN0T0N ST. Opposlts Olds, Wortmsa A King. ATlways Consult the Beat ' PROF.' E KHIMO. " . Grnataat living astral dead-trance - clair voyant of the age; adviser on bnalaeaa and all affaire ef life: telle your full aame and what yoo called for. whom you will msrry. bow to control tbe eoe yon lore, even though mllea away; rraeltee the eetau-atedt glvea eecret powers to control: no long delaya In - waiting. Hours 10 to g, dally sad Sunday. Permanently located In hie owe home. - 2M fifth st. corner Madlaon st PROF. WALLACE, palmist,' clglrvoysnt snd medium: readings zac. parlor D, The Cos- toes,'- sosVe- Morrison at 89 CORRECT READING 60e.- .I do not seed big advertlaementa. f guar- anree aartsrarrioii or bo ensrge. PROF. HARRINGTON, 8414 MMTiaoa at. COAL AND WOOD. THB Portia ad Wood "aVCoaJCo. "'aro "Bowaetnig bualBeaa Is their new yard, at the corner of I 14th aod aarlar .suestavllr. aah slabwood aad sat ORRGON FURL CO, la now celling Welsh ca thraclte. best anal oa tbe market. 834 Alder st. Msia ea. ALBINA FUEL CQ Dealers in eordwood. eeal and green and dry alabwood. R. R. and - Albina avc, 8 blocks east ef ferry. Eaet 874. STEEL BRIDGE FUEL CO. Dealers In coat, eordwood sad dry alabwood. Pheno East 424. PORTLAND Sawdust Stabwood Co.. SSS Fraat, aootamnra to Fnltoa Wood Co. Mala I83S. WESTERN FEED FUEL CO Hoeee and blacksmith roe la. Pbooe Mala 1018. CLEANING AND DYEING. CLOTHES cleaned and preeBM per Tallortag Co., 80S Stark at. H. W. TURNEB, profeaaloaal dyer and cleaner, SOS Jefferson ft Pbooe Mala 8318. PORTLAND Steam Cleaning and Drlng Worka, Sll Fourth at Phoos Padfte 807. CAFES. TUB OFFICE 2X5 Waahlngtoa st, pboao Mala 111. oaaiast vigneus. . . CHIROPODISTS. CHIROPODY end Pedtcarrtng. Mrs. M. P. Hill. Boom KH Fleldner Bldg. rnone PeclfM ISO. CARPENTERS AND BUILDERS. J. A. MELTON, tbe carpenter. 204 Poartb at. Store and office work. Main 17S7. SHOP-. ST Flrat at. Pboaa Main 8190. B. Mettnn, offlce, etore Sxturee; general JohMng. DANCING, DA NCI NCI leoaoa. IV: c lasers er private; wstts- Kig. two-step, tbree-etep, ete.i a tare eaaciag. bock and wing, clog, reel, ektrt. Spaaleh. Highland fling, etc. Prof. Wsl Wlleoa, oloV set recognised teacher, Allaky bldg.. Third ssd Morrlaoo ata. WOr1WARD KANCINU SCHOOL Clsss Mon., Ttanrs, snd Sat. eve.: social, fancy and atep dancing tanxbt: A aaet. teachers; rises ami private leeeona dalle. Westers Academy hall, beceed and Mnrrltoa sts. Paelfls 163a PROP. RINGLER. Id tea Bucksnmsyor-t-esdhig school: ballroom etiquette; correct deeciag cleaa Tues.-Sat evo. cblldrea Bat. p. m.l ' private leeeona dally. 800 Alder. Mala HKII. DRESSMAKING, a TRY Angelos Dreesmaklng Paglora. 243 Fifth sua at ata, pacific uta. ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES. M - J. WALSH CO.. 811 Stark at Blecrrie aad Oee Flxtnrea and Supplies. Mantels, Tiling, Ora tea and Doglrooa. . PACIFIC ELECTRIC CO. Engrnocre. rcatrao tora, repairers, alec trie wiring, enpptlea. 04 ' First cor. Stark. Mala SCO- R. H. Tate. mgr. WESTERN ELECTRIC WORKS. 41 Sixth at Con tractor, electric supplies, motor aod 4y aamos: we tastaU light aod power pleats. MORRISON ELECTRIO.CO.. 20 1 Eaat Morrleoa at Flxtnrea. wiring, repairing. Eaat 812. BARRETT' 408 Morrlsoa St. Phone Mala 123. Everything la electrle wiring snd lighting. EDUCATIONAL. BEHNK E WALKER BURINPWR COIXEGE. LAY AND K I" HT SKSKIONS. pedal Clnaass In German. French, Spaaleh. Flke' bldg,, Seventh aad Stark ata. FENCE AND. WIRE WORKS. PORTLAND WIRB a IRON WORKS mj riaauora at, ear, Tbird.. rbona Mala Swdl. GASOLINE ENGINES. - GASm.INB snglaee. Jl ataes end sty lee. at loweat prlcee. Kalraoa MaiUlnery Co, 1H2-4-4 aiorriaoo at. (-r-r , ia HOTELS. TUB BEI.LEVIIE, Fourth aad Hal bob ate Itootna 60s op; rates by week or naeatht . out-of-town trade solicited. Pacific 2104. HOTEL Portland, American plaa, 83. M per day. PBLVEDEBB; Eurepeee pUa; Sth and Aider eta. HARDWARE. PORTLAND HARDWARE CO. aollclta erportun Ity to quote prices.; 1 glitb st Pacific 4S. , Insurances ISAaO L. WHITE. Bra Inavaaoa. lock bldg. J An Met. WOOD, employers liability aad tn . dividual accident security hoods of all klads. phone 47. 3"8 McKay bldg. lVIND SCRIP. WANTED aod for aale. All ktada. Including approved; tot-eat reserve acrlp (ar eorreyad. atk aurveyed. timber and prairie government land. ' H. M. Hamilton, 'Tbe Portlead." Portland. MUSICAL. THR wr.Blltl STUDIO Mandolin. tar h-a ruction; Glbeoa , mandolins Waabfnston. - , PIANO, violin. Plana, trombone, clarinet - Pi feasor B A. Smith. 234 12th. Main 4708. MACHINERY. B. TRENKM AN CO Mining, sawmill, log ging machinery 1 hydraulic plpea, casting! aU kinds repaired. 104 North Fourth. Ai Ji PAUU 108-Fh sawmill and croaa-arm aischluery. THR H. C. ALBBB - CO. Becoad-hsBd chlnery. aawmllla. eta. SIS Grsad are. MONUMENTS. IS E m K1NUSLRK leading marble sod gvaalts works. OPTICIANS. DR. .- r-MILLB , Optomerrlat snd Eyesight SpecislM. ' Roeme 84-tT. 428 Waablagtoa Street OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIANS. DR. LILLEBELLB' PATTBBSON, graduate of , the Northern Institute ef Oatenpathy. elaaa sf He; specialist on Bervoua. acute and - rbtoole dlsssses: con.uJtatloo and examlna- tbm ft OfSca 217 f anion bldg. Pbsne peclSe lisa . DR. LIt.LEBEXTJrPA I1 1. RSONr version, acute and chronic. Office 317 Fea- toa bldg. Pboaa Pacific 1180. DRS. ADIT NORTHRUP, 413-1417 Dekum bldg. Third and Waahlngtoa ata. ' Phone Main 840. Eiarotnatlon free. MONEY TO LOAN. MONEY TO LOAN " On Improved city property or tar banding porpoaea. for from a to 10 reara. rime, with privilege to repay all ar part of loaa after two yeara, Loan approved mm plana aso money advanced aa building progreesesi mart- gages taken ap and replaced. - FRED H. STRONG. Financial Agent J. 342 Stark at CONFIDENTIAL LOANS oa aalartea. taw-ranee policies, planes, furniture, aaifuiiuao ece etc.: sny deserving person may eecore a llbu era 1 advance, repaying By easy weekly er WMintblw Inataltmenla. new era 'loan a Trust company. 20B Ablagtoo bldg. MONEY LOANED TO SALARIED PEOP1.R Jnat on voue own name ,no other eecurttv; . dim't borrow until yoa see me: my evstem ta me neat tor railroad moa. -cieraa. aassaoeneru. streetcar mea and all ether employee: boel- Beaa atrlctly confldentlaL F. A. Newtoa, 424 Ablngtoa bldg. : MONEY ADVANCED SALARIED PEOPLE and others a poo their own osmee without secur . Ity; cheapest rstes. essleet. payments; offices in w principal cities: ssvo yoareoir moasy bv getrlng onr terms first. , " TOLMAN. 323 Ablngtoa bldg, lOoVi Third ft MONEY lfllrsrvs!vi-eej' astsi ted pe'iJla J,C oa ytittff own Berne; coo t borrow nntu yon see ms; . . my . aa tern la tha .beet for railroad men. cterka, bookkeepers, stroetcsr men and all either empinves; bnatnesa strictly confidential. F. A. Newtoa, 434 Ablngtoa bldg. WANTED Notes, mortgasea or contracts on any kind of real eetata In Oregon end Wsah- . tnrton : second mortgagee purchased If wall secured. . H. B. Nobis. SIS Commercial Mk. MONEY to loan la an ma to anlt. S and S yeara. aa low ss S per cent, oa Improved eltf prop erty. Monltoo 4 Bcobey. 301 Columbia bldg, 863 Waahlngtoa at. . DON'T borrow1 money 00 enter "ntU yon aro Huttcn credit Co. - . 812 Dekua bldg. - W. S. WARD, lawyer. Allaky bldg. Probata ana mortgage ousinosa eoncireui unaaf-raT-, fees: loans money aa aortgagea from $200 ap; eaay terma. MONEY tn loan tn private uartlee In any amonnt from 8S.000 to 823,000. or anr pert of It: low rate of Intareet Addreaa H 110, ears Journal. MONEY loaned oa fnmttnrex. planna and other . securities, w. A. natnsway, room u. rrasu r Ingloa bldg. Pboao Pacific 1832. MONEY to osn: largo loess specialty; sloe Kulldmg man: aewear rates; rirs lasnraace. William O. Beck, SIS Felling bldg. CRESCENT LOAN CO, 428 Mohawk bldg Mosey to lend oa esav navmeot pisa xo srago oaroera; strictly confidential. $.100 TO 83000 to man by private parry aa real estate eeeuriry ar o ana 1 per csei., oppu S17 Commercial bldg. MONEY to loaa ob all kinds of aecartty. William Ilou. room p waaoingtoa niag. TO LOAN Soma to cult ea chattel security. R, A. rrams, 014 the Manraaaa. TO LOAN 83.000 ar leaa oa city property. 0. A. Johnson, 819 commercisi on. - A LOAM tor the aaktng salary a chetteL Tha Loaa Co., 410 Usknm bMg 2.B00 TO liOAIt oa Improved real aetata. Ad areas a. 101. csrs ssurtsai. QUICK Vena oa all eecurtttee. . W. King. e.i vrnenmgTou niog. ai. to oi'-o. PAINTING AND PAPERING. P. A. DO ASS. tf Yamhill st, opposlts Jour nal of'ics, wan paper, psinuns lira uei-nrsa-Ing. Phone aa for estimate. Padfte 3238. FOR reliable work, roaooosble prlcee, Sheehy Bros.. 22Va Yamhill, near 4th. Main 8073. WORK done ennae tenuously at about half price through winter. A ) drees 10. esre Jonrnal. - PLUMBERS. FOX a CO. Sanitary plnmhsro. 831 Second, bet. Mais and Salmoo. Oregoa pboao Msia C1. DONNERBERO It RADEMACBER. rsawesd to No. 808 Bnnielda st. PAINTS, Olti AND GLASS. f. B. BEACH CO. Tha Pioneer Paint Oo. window glees lad glaaltig 138 First at Phone 1S34. . PRINTTNGe - THR MODERN PRINTERY Artlette printing. 24 Rnaael bldg, fourth aad Morrteoa, Pboao Pad Ac 1324. EVERYTHING IN PRINTING From circulars to catalog" ea and newapapeta. Mstmpolltsa Prtntlug Co., 147 Front st. . OGILBEB BROS., printers Tarda, billheads, etc. fhors Mala Km. 1484 'h-st st RUBBER STAMPS. P. C. STAMP WORKS. Si Alder st. phone Mala 710: rubber atsmps. seel, etenelle: iMg. gage trade chocks; brass signs aad plates, BANKS. r-SIlsr VATIONAX BARE OP PORTLAND. I r Dealgnated Depository snd risanetal Ageht ot the United S'atcs. '. Preeldent A. L- M 1 IJJ& I t'aahler a ,....J. W H"' f- Aoale'sui aa lot ..... W, U, ALVtleill ( aeaad Aeaailsst Caakl.a It,J!ii.i.i I- . ' , A Lettsrs ot Credit Available Is Enrnp asd the Eaat elates. . Sight Fxchange and TeWgrapble tranefers odd oa New V.-rk t.(o. tblcags. St Les's. St Paul. Omaha, San rranrlaco snd the prlnlal points ht the N'.nhweet. ; Sight sod tiros bills draws In sums ta suit oa London. Peris, Berlla. t ranbfort-eo-the, Hongkong, Yokohama, f oreobagenthrlatlanla, Stockholio. ft. Prtcrvhnrg. W".cowj'rl; LADD TIL TOE, SimiMlTubfiiMnTlM.) Traasaets a eeaaral Barking Bustsees. Coltecttono mads st sfl points "S ''" sble terma. Letters of credit leaned available In Europe and sll nolnta In the ' ""'I States, sight tirhanra asd TeWsrsphle Trsnarars a.dd so bear York. Waahlngtoa. Chicago. St. Iinla. lenver Omaha. Baa Franclaco asd Montana and Brttl.h Colsmoia. r.acba..s sold on Indon. Parle, Herlln. Frankfort. Hongkong. ...kohama. Manila and Honolulu, r MERCHANTS' EATIORAL BARK, yORUABlTTBTOX. , J- J WATSON,, ....Prealdeut B. L DURHAM Vlcs-PrVUo R. W. IIOYT ......Cashier I GEORCB W HOTT Assistant Cat lee Transacts a.Gsaeral Banking Bnalneaa. Drafte aad letters of Credit leaned Available lo . , ; ,, ; ,' 1 AU Parts of the World. Collections s Snedaltr. ' UEITED STATES RATIONAL BARE OF POBTLARD, OREOQR, ; " Northwest Corner Third and Oak Streete. ' ' . J, ' Traneecta a General Banking Bnalnees DRAFTS IHHtTD Available In ATI Cltlro ef the United Slates and Europe. Hongkong and Manila. Collaetloas Made ea Faroral te 7-r-n t'n""'.': ,,J. C-AINeVWOflTH-4eeelee-, 1 ""ti'-L-VH Yu.T T Tlce-President R. LEA BARNBS Asautaat Caahler W. A. HOLT Aaatatant Cashier A. M. W RIGHT BARKERS' k LVMSIRMXR'S BARK-PsrtUad. Oregos, Corner Second aad Stark atrssta. ' ttimmercl.l end aevlngs department Interest paid oa savings acsouBta. Drafts aad . , !I.!7.f ssdlt Isaaed svallahle to an parte of the world. l. C. PEJ.TOV ; ...president 1 E C MFARS .7.... -Caablee f"5 ROTHrniLD ".First VlcelpreClScSt H. K STOREY.:V.t;.::.....At.nt C.-lee JOHN A, KEATING Second Vice-Prcaident j PLATT A PLATT Oeeeral Connaej THE BARK. Or CAUTOKEIA Zstshilshsd 1444. ' Read Often. Saa rraaeifoo. Oa Iff ere la. CaMtal paid nn. ....,....'... .8l.t0.oo I Surnlus snd undivided profit. tmietft ot.S2 1, , Cenerel Basking and Eaebauge- Baatrteea Trauaei,d. - -latereet as Time Iiepoelts, , SAVINGS DKPARTMK.NT Accounts may be eaeocd of 410 aad upward. - . ... Portland Breach Chamber of Commerce Building. ' WV. B. V ACRAB...., Manager I J. T. BfRTCHAELL .Asslatent Manegee TRUST COMPANIES. PIRTLAWB TRTTST OOMPAEY OT 0"0-The Oldest 1x001 Osmpaay fa Oregon. : RESOURCES OVER 1 aoo.ono. Oenerel Banking. Two per cent Interest oa check accounts - (even Irundreda t ,n dally balances of .VX) er ever. Letters of credit and exehanea 00 sit psrts of tbe world.' Ssvtnge sreoants. Tims eertlScefes. 8 to 4 per cent: etinre-eell speeiel . certlflcatee. 50H or over. 3 H to 4 per cent. Call fur Book of ' 'ILLUSTRATIONS.' . .. . Sotitheaat Corner Third and Oak fltr-ete. Phone Prtvatt Elchaoge Tl 1. - BEN J. t. COHITN... ..........Prealdent I R, L .PITTOCK Vice-President B. I.EB PAGET Secretary J. O. pOI.TRA. .Asalatant Beceetar ECTJRrTY 8ATIK08 TRUST COMPART M4 Morrlsoa Street. Partlaad. Orsgsa. 3 Traaaacta a General Banking Poet sees. -Tlma and Barings Aeonnnta. Aets-ao - ' . , ,Aranabia aa AU 0. F. ADAMS......... ..Prealdent I A. L. MILLS.... Second Vlce-Peesldent I --- GEO, E. RUSSELL N9RTKWZ8TERE GUARANTEE 4, TRV8T COMPANY Pertlsnd, Oreges. :i. :, . Lumber Exchange, S. E. Corner Second end Stark Streets (eecesd Soor). .J J ' FISCAL AGENT FOR CORPORATIONS. ' '. State, County, MnnMpal Cornoratlne lVmrlq Bmtght and Sold Mom Rsternrlsoa Orgsnlssd " m ' - sodFlnsneed. - Stocha snd Bosds Guaranteed. . - . t ( TITLE OUARANTEE a TRUST COMPART MOBTGAOa LOANS oa Port U Title tnanrelt. rTTTORRURN - boss. r."rrr... .President geoiige n. nrt,L... Jflce-PjeldentJ BONDS AND M ORRIS BROTHZRB Chamber of f'emmsros ". '' Mnnlclrml. Railroad and DOWETEO-ROPXIEa COMPART ErlaWihad' 13 BROKERS. - - STOCKS, BONDS. GRAIN Bought and Bate for Cash and aa Varaiai - - - - - Private Wires. ROpr 4 CHAMBER tEE COMPART OoramonwaltaBIdg.TTIIxfranerAnaesr PgrtlAAdVrrscaa. Brokmaae Dnartmeut Sec Ua Before Baying or Selling Stocks OUIS J, WILDE EOME TELEPHONE BONDS BANK STOCKS. . ..- Member Portland Stork Exchange. - , : CorneT Sixth and Washington Streets, Portland, Oregon. OYerteci. Starr & Cooke Co. ffiTS! .0 ...J ; . ... RRATV,' PROT7S70WS. COTTOW. STOCKS AWW 'BOEDi.'"" r, " '.' 7" , - . , WX BO A STRICTLY 00MMIS8I0M. BU8UTXSS.- ' - ContlntKras Markets by Private Wire. Quick . . era, ana umteo otaisa iiai ... m - rvuaaa. REAL ESTATE. Payne & Van Tyne RmI Mf,i, Investments, amrtgsgea. loans. T SiO AIIskF btdg Phase Mala rm, , PARRISn. W ATKINS it CO, . Real eatata. Insurance, rental ana wan agenm. 330 Alder st J. W. OGILBEB. reel estats sad loans: eatah- llabsa IB. isov su-sr. si, voobb . st ntrnARTnviN. Sfll. TSTATK AND MORTGAGE LOANS. Pboaa Main 5304. 828 Chamber ef Commercs. SPHINX' AGENCY, deslern In reel estate aad xentam. uvoyt ouira iu . ' FOR FARMS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. W. W. KCPEY. 819 Commercial bldg. ROOFING. TIN ROOFINO. guttering, repairing and general ........ V r 11 ,i J.rr ao, at. Pee. 1424. fWini. ...... . SHOWCASES AND FIXTURES. SHOWCASES of every deecrtptloa; bank, bar and atore nxtares maoe to orusr. .. MsBBfactoring On, Portland. R. H. B1RDSALL. designer; "rent M. Wlnt-r Ijnmber to., t Hamilton umg. , wr. SIGN PAINTiSRS.- FOSTER a KI.EISBB S7CNS. We have built ap the Isrgeet slga busineaa tn the city by flrst-rlsss work ' snd keeping our promises. Our prices srs right. Fifth asd Everett sts. Phone Exchsngs U. "SIGNS THAT ATTRACT." Portland Slga Co., rrll star ew I awuM. -mm. W. P. BEROEB a SON. 2M Yamhill et Slgaa Of all X I no. rnowe rim- w- STREET PAVING. WARREN Coastructloa On., street paving, slds- walks and crossings, sis isbw mow THE Barber Asphslt Paving Co. of Portia ad. Office oof) worceetev bis. SAFES. PORTLAND SAFB CO.. sole sgents for Herring. llall-Harvia aaiea nu ja .-"-- c., Vc.'m hank safes. The lorgeet eortmet of high-grade lire end bnrglar-proot la tb north, t 82 Seventh St. DIEBOLD Manga nee and are-proof oafeat kck- tmts opened; nnii aoir-j; .i work; locks. J. E. Davie. 44 3d. Mala 1433. EIGHT second-hand Bre-peoof a fee esd two second-hand bank ssfee for sale cheap, at 74 Sixth ot., Portlead. tieegon. . TR-1NSFER AND HAULING. THR BAGGAGE R OMNIBUS TRANSFER CO, eor. Blxth ana i's ere.: nggs " from hotel or realdenre direct to destination; paeaeocera therefore avoid rab and anoey. a nee at depots. Private Exchsngs 88. SAFES, planoe Lad furniture moved, pocked reedy Tor snipping snu inipn-a; an ww, guaranteed; isrgs 1-atory brick 8 re-proof warebooee Bar storage- Office 308 Oak at Olaea a Roe. Pboaa Main 847. v - ' C. 0. PICK. ofSce 8S First st, between Stark and oak era., eeone raea; pinna in innumn moved and par; J for shipping; commodious brick warehouse wtvh sepsrsta Iron roams. Front and Clay ata. ROSE CITY VAN CO., office 141 First St., ph. Hi' in Bi-.'n. rnrniture ana piano-oaoving a eiedally; we guerenteo our work. NATIONAL'' TRANSFER a STORAGE CO. 270. oak at Telrpbooe Mala 4400, Truestar ring aril atorlag. . . OREGIIN TRANSFER CO.. 1S4 North Sixth. Phono Main 40. Heavy hauling and a tora ga. INDEPENDENT BAGGAGE A TRANSFER CO. Storage, 324 Stark et Mala 4T. . . POST SPECIAL DELIVERY. No. 3004 Waah- fhtrtooar. t-none etaia wi. TYPEWRITERS. HEADQUARTERS tor sew snd rebuilt type writers si sll msKeu: see our window; it ra are going to bur a new typewriter eee no be fore buying; we ca ear you money; we have parte f.s? repairing all machine; afat sgents for tbs Vlalblw tot; we buy all kind of typewritsra. The Tteewrlier Ficbange, Inc.. E. J. Ellison, manager, ht Third at. WB Bell Remingtons. Smith Premiers, pens- morea. etc, lower man anr .xii.r eomp.orl Investlgste. Underwood Ttwrti,r Co.. tei aih. TYPEWRITES Rcnelr Suo.-i t.'o., 4l0 VI a.a ' ington at. rboe ftlnln 4 t. BLICKENSDI liU'l t ,o 1 BUJ)llst tei'.o ! 4- i 0RI00R SAVINGS DEPARTMENT. Intereet Allowed ea Traalee for Fatataa. Drafll and aIU..ofJrsdlt Parts or the world. , ' T A. 7.FW1S .....First Vlcs-rVeeldent B. O. Jt'BlTZ. .....Secretary ....Aaatatant Secretary , - - 440 WASHIROTOR STREET. ad Reel Estats st Loweat Ratao.; .'. Ahatraetfl Vnml.hed. "Jno. E. ArrcHtsorr.'' T. T. BUBKHART. .TreaeurvT, INVESTMENT8T EuOdlBaV. j. Public Service Corporation Bonds. eY COMMERCE." Pbooe Wafa- ST, H. W. Donshne. Manager. or Bonds. Can Always Save Ton Money. Service. REFERENCES Todd Ttlton, Bank- SEWING MACHINES. PHONE Paf1fle 3738 end I iwrsnnslly win caU ano repair yoor aewing-macntne: worn gnsr aateed. a. fame, adjuster. 801 Third St. TOWEL SUPPLYT CI EAN TOWRI4 DAILY Comb, brash, anap, , 81 per month. Portland Laandry a Towel Supply Co.. Ninth snd Condi. Phone 410. WHOLESALE -JOBBERS. :4,-'"' m. m. ouN-rr a co . . PISTRIBUTORS OF FINE CIOARE. PORTLAND, OREGON. 8HERK. GAZE a GRAHAM flag., Commission merchsnts. jobbers of fruits, produce, sto.t. - cuus hi limes ts aolldted. 123 Frost at ' . ' EVRRDINO a FARBKI.L, produce and cnen m lesion merchants, led Frontr at- Portlead. ' . Or. Phone Mala 178. .- OREGON FURNITURB MANUFACTURING CO. Manaracturera ef ruiDltar (or tho trsio. Pert land. Oregoa.. - WADHAMS a CO, wholeaalo trrarera, msso- rsctnrers and )ommlasiea asercbaota. . Fourth sad Oak ata. FURNITURB msns facta ring and apeclal ssvtora. L. Bavensay a rnrniture rsnsry, BUT Front at. ALLEN a LRWI8, commlaaina and produce Btor- casBts, rronx ana uavm ata., rortlasd. ur. WHOLESALR crockery and glaaswar. Preel. iisgsM ivo, auu ro iuo nrtn. car. stark at. RAILROAD EMPLOYES BILL . PASSED By SEIIATE La Follette's Measure Limit the Hours Trainmen Can 4 ' Work. (Joamal Special SorvlrsJ . WaahtaEton, Jan. 11. Br vots cf 78 to 1. tha scnata paaaod tho La Toi lette bill providing that railway em ployoa atiKn-red In handllnR trains shall not work more thaa II eonoocutlvo hours. Which pariod, In to bo followed by 10 hours oft duty. Tba ono negative vota waa eaat by Senator Pattua, Tho bill provides that under certain contingencies and tn caaa of aocldent tha tlma fixed may bo exceeded. Tno enforcement of tha law ta placed In tha hands of tha Interstate com merce) commission i and tha federal courts, tha penalty provided belnr a nna of not leaa than 1100 nor mora thaa f 1.000. Tba act is to apply lo trains doing an Interstate or foreign eommarew bualnaaa, SMALL BOY DIES OF ' OLD AGE AT ELEVEN ji J- , i ' ii i ii . i -, (Joamal Sredsl Service. I Minneapolis. Jan. 11. James Ander son, who died at tha rlty hospital bora at tha age of 11 years and 3 month, waa, in the opinion of physicians, at loaat 40 yearn of ago at tho tlma of Ma death, so far as tha condition af hla vital or rang determine the age of a man. tVhen tha child aa 4 yeara aid bla balr began to turn tray, hla eye sight began lo fall snd ho walked wltii tbe deliberate raja of a person well a.. vanced in years. Aa a. very young chll I be waa exceptionally; bright, but his mental fatoltlea were gradually falling for tha last two yeara, ao ho waa littu better than a poraan tn bin dotage dur Inr tha last few y4n. DEPUTY COLLECTOR OF CUSTOMS AT ASTCP.IA (Bneclal riapa'ch to "I ' a J. i AslorU. Or., J-m- 1 ! Custc,rM4 riiriishm I T. Ari'I-!"i l b" ' place) .f J. C. SI-" ' ' " .nl 1 l (. r -- ri I Iff a " 1 ' ee-H'Tii 1 I ' -