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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 11, 1907)
- - . I THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL. PORTLAND, FRIDAY EVENING, ' JANUARY 11, 1CC7, - " L!lQ)"BjD' ON LYAQ NT' CLnTT WO RD lj S :.QjHiLEn!-S- - ' "KEW TODAT. t . ,v NEW TODAY.- V WEATHER REPORT. .' I HELP -WANTED MALEi SITUATIONS- WANTE1WFEMALE. j fopXT-Hot SEKEEPIXG. nUrUXESS CHANCES. FOB 9AJJ9 BT. Louis Salomon & Co. 33 aTtarfc Bt, " 930,000 Quarter block, N. 14th at.; In- ' Ounrtec block on Thurtnan at., Improved with atorea, etc. , Taye 8 per cent net. ' . ' ' ' 910,000 Corner on Sartor at. revenne . 910,000 Corner on Handera at; I mod' rn bousea f ' wianariav at modern 7-rooro houe. AjabO (ith 8U dw In, new . l-roora i nous. . baaoo v ifith at. corner lot. be vera 1 t) vacant lota a Thurmaa L Bight prKea, .. EAIT KISS. , 96250 Corner lot, 3 new houaee; rant (,'k per monin. ciom in. 94O00 New, atrlctly modern 4-room ,T jiouac full. lot, B- W Holladay ' Add. ; 94000 Lot with two I-room "houses, Rodney v, near Tillamook; rent 140. 92060 Knott at., naar Wllllama avenue, 42x185, with I-room house. . 92260 Corner on Wllllama ava with V amail atorw duikuuh. 936OO Lot oa Cleveland - are, . with 7-roora house. : Wo have km fine vacant building lota. . Where 00 you wui oner we can upply you.- - BONANZA ountyi under the Government Irrigation Proj ect. Work to begin thla $ear. . Supply point for Boutheaat Klamath. A million dollars will be paid to con tructore of the canal d urine; the next two .Tear, Five hundred lota eold etnee August 1 lasL BUY A LOT! Do It now!. Make an Investment that will net you 100 per cent Interest within trie year. Price will ralaa-' .February It's TOUR move. " - 1 -'." -- Come to tje'and make your own ss- "lection. $25 to $60 Easy paymenta, tor I per cent off for cash In hand. ,, , .. . .. . r C L PARRISli & CO. 911 Btartosja BUg. Tom BQOjs 9399. Street Corner IOO x IOO Located where values are Increas ing daily. It only takes $15,000 down to get this. - Don't miss it. It'wiltTnakeyoirmoney Gae-Iiempiiill Co. 567 SHERLOCK BLDG. PHONE PACIFIC 2439 Desirable Residence Lots , Our Specialty ; For the last tl days we have had an 'experienced man canvassing realdenee section for desirable realdenee lota. We , have personally seen every lot we offer. We have foun" some excellent bays. We "will loan up to two thirds the value of any lot w offer. x . , THE SPANTON CO. CoaBMOBwealtk Bid, 9th amd Barajode. OOB. B009BTU AJTB FAOTOKT ST. North weat part city. In the rear of the new Willamette Steel and Iron Worka, Fork Bt Investlcmte. A.M.BIRRELL 9oi-os BTXAT IUHI, COB. TMTMJi AMD 8TABK. TBBT CBTOZCB ZBTBSTICBbTTB. v PORTLAND HXIGHTS ' 937,500 S-room house, ground 15x100, on the car line. $5.000 H block, fine view; improved . with tnree cottagea; just about com' - Dieted. ' 94, 500 Desirable corner, tftxlOO, vn obntructable view, good building site. '9J4.50O block,' close In; splendid speculative vaiue. . .. . 3.500 Another genuine bargain: V block, fine view, one block from car; 1 ; tne cneapeat ouy in thla vicinity, with' ut exception; nothing. leas than 15,00 ' anywhere around it. . 9)l,8SO View lot on car tine; cement v. sidewalk, retaining wall, sewer and gas. ' : .: They are all good. Bee them aural TODAY! H. W. LEMCKE COMPANY Utk ail Wasbiagtoa SMa, Bmtlre Beeoad Floor, FOB A TBW OAT9 WILLAMETTE HEIQHTS , 'BXXaAVT KCSZBEBCB, ' ' 9600 ir-r- XJSXBAXt- tiims. Just being completed, built for home; elegunt Interior flnlah, anoh- tructable view, complete with all con veniences. Kverythlng the flneat; beam ceilings, solid brans hardware, Una flx turee. . . . v I!. XV. LEMCKE COMPANY Plata and Waahlnrtoa Btreets. Snap02750 t-room Vnuae (new). r"at Tamhlll. one I lurk fr.-in car. Firmlly for whom houe w biillt aolng awav from cliv. Will I CI cbx terms. O AOa-HIiBtrKIIib t 6T feiicrlock 13Mg , Iblrd and Oak, Washington Factory Site i . i . w ... . ... . i II. f.-LEUOE CO. S Profitable . S40.000 V ' Stark street, quarter block, close to ...j the new hotel. $20,000 : .. flalf block on East Taylor street ' 9t10.!00 Corner on Overton street, at the new terminals. Rents now for . $40 a month. v. ' : ' - 810,000 - Comer Twenty-second and Flanders, Two houses paying $80 a month. 810,000 Seventy leet on Eleventh street, close in. Now produces $50 a month. - . ao :;"T: Three lots o': Fourteenth street at new terminals. Now pay v.';, i $125 a month. ; N 813,000 " West Park street, location now pay- - ing $32 a month. . FOR SALE OR LEASE FIFTH AND CLISAN - ; Quarter block. We will sell, lease the ground, or build to . suit tenant. . -"x " WATER AND HARRISON Exceptionally fine lot on corner. We " will sell or lease ground for five years, with renewal privilege. II. W.'Lenicke Company Entire Second Floor. Main 550.""" Sixth and Washington WE HAKE IT A RCIE To keep away from"" : all . doubtful schemes for making "money rapidly, believing that the only firm basis of lasting v 1 success i patient, and grad- ' ual construction upon old fashioned principles of pro bity ' and diligence in busi- ness. Oar investments are i well considered, carefully'1; .made : and will u. Stand ... the 1 most rigid scrutiny. We are always glad to furnish state- ; ments to present or prospec- -. tive customers. . For . these reasons ThOldtTruttCompany In Oregon With resources of over . . $1,809,000' - Confidently offers to " the public its COUPON CER - TIFICATES OF DEPOSIT, . running S years, bearing in terest at 4 per cent per an . num. as per semi-annual cou pons attached. ::. , Also its special - Certifi cates of Deposit for long or short periods, which pay the ' bolder thereof 2V to 4 per cent per annum. . Call, for Book of ' rUiUSJTBAHOBTS" PorUandTrustCo. v of Orggon . : 9. B. Onrner Third aad Oak Bta. Faooe Eicbaage Tl- . r5J. I. COHF!...-. rMldeat H. U PITTOCK Vlca-Prealdent B. LIB PAGKT Seereury J. O. OOIKA...AJalataBt Sacratary A Splendid Business Property A aolenrlM ' hiiatlnaaa nmti.i4e m Second street, a flrat-olaas building on premlsea. This 1 a very fine opporto- ii. . . . . . . uny iw me ngni party to get an income property at the right price. Thla prop erty can be purchaned if taken In a few days for f 125,000. . Northwestern Guarantee . & Trust Company , Xojnaer Bgohange BnUdlsg, , .' Boead and Stark Its. MARRIAGE LICENSES. Joseph CherUHj, ao; Fllnbeth M. Nlefolh, SS. V. L. lUrvey. 8; TIIM Glrtoa, SO. , Vtallac A MrKenny. X; JJIaacA TulforA St Wadding CaMa, -, ,. ftmrrk A Co.. Waah Ugton bldg., ear Faord aad Washington ata. Wedding and calling card engraved , or arlated. E. T. Rnakua, 40S Staarss bldg. TONSETB A CO., FLORISTS, FOR FLOWEBS OF ALL BINDS. 123 SIXTH ST. Clark Brae.. Florists Flo flowers aad floral design-., tfm Morrlaoa at. - Fall drees salt for rent, all alaaa. fjalos Ts Ik cleg Co.. a gt.rk st. BIRTIIS. HART At 703 Market. lltt drive. Jaonere 7 to Mr. and Mr. Uuohi Hart, boy. TVBOIX At GO North Twentieth treet. Jana- ry 7, to Mr. and Mae, krixet Tymll, a girl. TANO At Nlneti-rnth street, north, Jaeu. ar , Jar. sad atral Lynes Tang, a girl. Investments The nlnlmum tmpcratura at Portland thla eruplrd the nortit Ym.-c naiM baa dli pared. and a trotifrb of kiw pivMiiirff aslfnd from wro Hrlll.h tnlimiliU autilkeaatwurd 10 aiontaua ud tlirure auutb alung ID l era alone r tbe KH-ky niuiininliia. A nv air prMure area h.. mad li appearand m in. tau.ainn aortawewl ana tba barumt(T la tvutlTfly blab oer California. , Unaettled wmidw prTalla In thla dlstrtot, and llabt rala baa fallaa la the und winery aad littht www in ?airn w aaninatua. Tue ttmiHr ture baa rlaea nrarlv .MriK,,M in Wuhlna. tou aud Idaira. but la inriuu It baa nmalud atatlonary. Llirbt to auHjuratelv aravy ralua feU yeaterday In California. Kala la alao re ported at lulj arntierrl plarea la tb aootb era and eaatera etatqa. and aooar to falllug luut-nuiB iu juiMiiana ana ioe iwaotaa. The ludii'atkina ant fr rain or anow hi tblt dlatrlrt toolyht aud Kalurdar. with wanm-r weathY In (irogrvm and aearly atatluuary taiu K M nnnu,UWBl IRQ iiiano. Temp.- Rtatlnna - Mai. Alia, Prerlp. Baker City. Oresoa... . 28 ..BO 1H .0 now., lanbo. bearer, t'okirada 2.1 .to SH , a no 28 44 14 id .o .o T .X .0 ' .o Kan.aa Oily, MlaannH . . , , , 43 North Re-ad. Waahlutoa.,. . 4 Boaebura. OrcKno. . . . Jut Salt Lake. I'tab 4 8aa yraactaio. f'allfornla. . IV4 .23 Hpok4ne. W ajhlnaua 2J . .tl walla walla, Waahlutrtoa. i S4 .(it DEATHS. TTKNlta At 88T Fbuidera street. Jaaaarr t. lurner, za eare; eauae, poeuaooM DDIItTHln. BOOK KM At Aatorla, January T, atra. O. wbiteneia Bagera, aged 3 yeara; caoaa, naralrala. f RAG At rOSMootomery atreet, Janoary e. jonanna rr.if. ni 02 fears, ill aaja; catna, mitral tnanfflclencr. KK'Kf USCIN At 411 Iraa atreet. JanoarY 10, Jra May Nlckerana. a iron a Btoataa, e aara; raiiae. nnirn aaatnvntariTia. LAMBERT At Iranhoe atatloia. 7nary Ann -a b. LimtKi. ae4 oo yean, a awatoa, 14 darn eauae. rtneiiiDonla. HAT.SB At HVi Ni.rlk Nineteenth atreet. Jaaa ary s. Maria Uayna, a(ed as yeara; eaaae, anoplriy. FClfERAIi NOTICES. Mm RAT In thla elty, Janoary 10. 1S0T. cuaa Affaaere tinrray. - aam yeara, - 1 tnootba, 21 days, belored wife of William I Murray, motbar of Robert M, O. Loulae, J. Brure, W. L. Jr. and Haael H la lop Murray. lYlenda ara reapccttully Invited to attend the funeral eerrlcee, which will be held at Ifolman'a chapel, reraer Tblrd and 8almoa terment BlTerTtear cemetery. . (Baker City, Oresna,--and Montreal peeere pleaae copy.) - UNDERTAKERS. Dtrnntnr. UeEntee A Ollhaarh. sndertakera Bad emhaliDere; sioders ta erary detail. Seventh and Fine. Mais 430. Lady aaalataat. . A. B. Bematock. sadertaker and embalmer. Beat Thirteenth and Imatllla era. Pbaea Belli wood 71.. - .-. - ' . - 1 Rrlckeos fodertaklna Co.. and em balm tea'. 400 Alder at. Phone Main 183. Lady aaalaUnt. J. P. Finley 4V Bona. Third and Madlaoa ata. Office at county coroner. Phone Mala . Edward Holmaa. aadertaker, Z20 Third at. UVEA VIXW CEJTETEBT. ..; Slnale araraa. tlfl. ramllv lota. SIM to II nno Tba only cemetery In Portland which . per- peruauy mainraina ana care roc iota, ror run Informatloa, apply to W. R. Mackenala. Wor ceeter block, city. W. M. Ladd. prealdent. BOSK CUT CZMXTXXT. Stnrla era yea. S10: famllv Iota. SS ta ITS Biiperlntendent at cemetery, eomer of Fremont t. and Cully , road. Pbona Tabor 20V For fun Informailoe apply' to Frank wchlegel, 002 Commercial alk. Phoae Main 2823.- Piano Studio Lcuis H. Boll New claaa method eepeclally for children nt reduced rates. S42hi Waahlngton. Par abatraeta. title tneuranc or mortaar loan, call oa Pacific Title A Troat compaay, 204 J--T Falling building. . , Get yoor - tnaaranea and - abatraeta to ml estate from the Title Guarantee A Troat con. pany. 240 Waehlngtos atreet. corner Second. NOTICES. IN the district court at the United States or the district ar Oregon. In the matter of Samuel Markna, doing bnalneaa aa Kmporlaa Outdttlag Company, In bankruptcy. Whereaa, a petition baa been Sled by OnmMner Fox. Davidson Flnkrlbrand and Kalamaaao Corset company. In tba above-entitled mart for an adjudication In bankruptcy against said Bamoel Markua, tor the cauaea eet forth In Bald petition; and In purauance of an order of aald smart granted in the above-entitled can, notice at hereby gives to Bamuel Markna. tba alleged bank runt, who la not aa Inhabitant of. aor fnand :. within thla district, that he appear, plead. answer ar denmr to th petition ana-esaia, fled by Oamblner A Fox, Davidson A Fink ihrand anA Kalamaioo Coraetr company. bereia, by the twenty-eighth day of January, 1907, and that In default thereof the court ..will proceed to the bearing and adjudica tion in aald eanee. Gf'MBlNEB FOX, -DAVIDSON FIN K ELBR AND, . T KALAMAZOO COBSET COMPANY, Petitionees. . Baaer A Green, Attorneys for PatlUooer. .' IN the eoonty coart of tba atats of Ore iron for Multnomah county la the matter of the estate ef Jacob Scbaplra, deceased.. To whom - It may concern: Notice la hereby riven that I have bees appointed administrator of tba estate of Jacob Scbaplra, deceased. All those having claims against aald estate will present tbetn at my office, Ne. 007 Teuton bldg., i wlthta six months from the data of publica tion of thla notice, te wit, from January f, 1B07. FJ. S. TAYLOR, Administrator. BBONATJOH A BBONALGH, Attorneys. - WANTED Copy of the hook ''River of th . West, or Jo Meek," by Madame Victor. Addrea J. D. Walter,. Preocott, Waah. . . XXCAVATINd aad grading. C. FJ. Pottage. N0 Commercial St. Phone East BIOS. MEETING NOTICES. ALL- member of Multnomah Camp and Mount Hood and Nomah Circle, .W. 0. W., Joint , Inataliatloa of ofneore tonight. East tilde Woodmen hall. Be freahmenta and old-time danc ing after Installation. Mem bers ef th order only. . COMMITTESw M. W. A. EVEBGBEEN Oams, S.tOo, meets , Wednesday evening, Allaky bldg.. Third and Morrlaoa Bta. M. W. A. Oregon Grape Camp, No. ,7fl, Mon days. 17tb and Marshall: visitors welcome. LOST AND FOUND. FOt'NIa A place to have balr mattresses reno- vstfd and rtnrnea am oay. xi stoox ei. ' Main 474. Portland Curled-Uatr Factory. , U. ' Mctager. proprietor. i - 1X)mT ToeeiKy -morning, string of gold heada. Return te Woods rd A Clarke' office. Beward. HELP WANT ED MALE. WANTED AT ONC-S Stava nott ratters, wage ?1.40 per eont; stesdy work. Apply w eaters oonersg Ce, Steams bldg.. t'ortland, er lioultoa. Or. . , WANTED AT ONCE Soand yomig men for Sra- nien and brakemea on leading western rsu mails and fnr new roads ao being enm- plated; eiperlewe annereeaary; iremen $11 per month, brskemen S7R; positions now onen-. write St once for Dsrtirnlare. Nstlonnl Railway Training association, rflfl Psxtoo - hlk., Omaha. N-hraaka; or Ml Bad biog h. ansae City. Missouri.. , . WANTED Ralesmeni many siak Slot) ts tl.V) per nonth; eoene even more; a toe eienn; grown oa rervflfloo. far from old oerhardi.: . ceah advanced weekly: eltolca of territory. , Annreaa Vt'satilngton Nnraary eompaa. lay- Deniaa, viaaaisgtva. , .. -, . WANTKO 1MM till ATKLV Young man to pre pare fi rumination fur pnaitlon of railway Ball rlerk. Mr. llejaen. HIS tolnn.Wa bltl. VI FW ANU WOMEN to learn the barber Wade In elaht weeka: aradnaiea earn froni $1.1 to . weekly; expert Inairuoiora; cataloKne free. - Xloler tivatee, of Colleea. 33 North rourttt at... i-ortuna. .-'A Uclca Ectel . ; . 61 NOHTH '8IXTH UT. Weekly rataa:, "Room. 11.25 np: room sad, 4.ov up. aaueraoe, proprietor. LIVKUV aod aalea atahle partner wanted thla la sood: coma aad ln?etlate. Why work 00 a anlnrjT Alexander Land Co., (U'.i rutn, near fine. - MAN WAT81 Reliable and atrady. partner In real aatate ofnee; oldeafman la firm re- n tlrliif ; experience not oecaaaary; full par-tU-alara fir en; price S12S. Alexander Land Co., On BlxU at., near fine. TWO eotlettora for elty and 00 tat da towaa; aa nTeatnieni; per (lay aalary ana eommie- - aion. Liu ii Ltvaniber 01 (lomniarca. . PACIftO BTATIONEBT PRINT1NO Ca 2uo-2oT Uecond at. ltwoa mala K21 . We delan aud Inatall tba moat modera and Improved nfftr ayatanu; complete Hue leeaa leal nuug aavieea. , .. . . PRINTERS, advertlalnc aelirltora and aewapaper Beip. ortBwal ewapaper etrakarata. uooa- SAI.KSMRN ETperlenced aperlal eaatract anen; aiuv per montn raa eommuwiott. tjonaerva- uva Mutual me laeuraaee Co., Klxr bld. WANTRO Two or three flrat-elaaa, all-aroatHl macaiue maa; aeraanent4oaitioa, food wagaa. uregoa awnitura Mrs. ta., atacaoam roe a. DON'T work- Tora Tmair aataryr-aee or write raritic Ala aaaocianoa rnr a good propuaj tioa. 224 Lember Klchanae, WB gat work Xor cut. aaembera; apacJal mem- aera, 42. I. M. v. i. ronrth and iambi I L WANTED Ooka' and halpera' headqaartera at (aumnin wine uepor. a". Aawau, 4S roerto at. . Phone Padfle 2183. AORNTD wanted, ' Oresoa. California. Idaho, v. waabinrton; bealtn and accident lnaarnnre, ajo renaoie company; gooo contra era; rerer eneea required. I'nited State Health, t ie cldent Inauranca Co.. SOB Maniaanv WANTED Haraeaa mahere. P. J. Craata C 10 aroni aL, - , . 11.00 A MONTH PROTECTS TOV , ; ,. Afalnat accident, alckneaa and death. ' ; Write or call and tnveatla-ate. Worth, wee t Health Accident AaeoHatloa. L-JBIMcSay bing. Agenta Wanted. WANTED Partner -tat novelty gallery ' or jewelry . apiooie. Aaareaa a 100, journal. WANTED Men to tntrodnce new eovelty; fre prenuuma; aaua Itaeu. . Aaareaa . a we, care JoarnaL . WANTED Job pellabere. Apply Oregon Plat ing noraa. lis xownaaaja at. - . WANTED Every man out of a poeittoa er dla- aatteneo witn Bin preaanc vocation. 10 uit a night eonre at the Kfhnke-Walker Bual neaa College. Seventh and Ktark ata. We will place you In a poeltloa when competent. WANTED 9 boyn to worn ta candy factory; , moat be ever 17 rears. . Aldoa Caady ea loth and Gllaan ata. - TOt'NO man of good appearance would Ilka one ar mora arms to collect tor. Address X 110. rare Journal. . . WANTED Jewelry engraver; alee copper-plat - engraver. I. T.,Huahtor. 40S Btearna bldg. WANTED Yonng men to prepare for railway telegraph service; part tuition payable after . employed, Oregon College, B03 Commonwealth TOU can ears S2S per week If yea learn to operate Motion Picture; yon work la theatrea " and balla; leaaon very reeeonarde. - Call room ; 3, 14&Va Sixth at., sear Alder. -. CHANCE OF LIFETIME Wanted Honest man for traveling ahow: proflta $9 te $.'j0 a day; small capital required; experience not newa eary. Apply at once. B SOU, care Journal. BOY wanted. ' Armstrong, the tailor, room 10-11, Balelgh bldg.. Sixth and Washington. WANTED JonTBeymaa plnmber. clfle U01 at once. l- CU np Pa- BOYS wanted, over IS year ef age, with bicy cles. Apply n seventh et. 8EWXB DIGOERfl. S2.FA i 12th and Tnnmpaon ata., eaat aide. HELP WANTED FEMALE. WANTED Every wwmaa eat ef a poelrlon er . inwauauru . mi, . mn n nun, iv . take a night course at the, Beunke-Walker t Rnslneea Oollege, - Keren th and Stark am. rte WW piaoa yow pn positioni weea aom petent. - v- - - WANTED A girl for light honsework; small family of Three, all grown; perm a neat posi tion to right party; country girl preferred. Inquire 613 Commercial blk. WANTED Young ladle te prepare for com mercial telegrspa service; part tuition paya ble after tuition. Oregon College, BOS Com . moo wealth bldg. - . . 8EVEBAL ladlea to take part In lodge dramas; rive psoas. - m. ius, ears Aoarnai GIRLS WANTED Operators to work aa shirts nd overalls. Lessons given te Inexperienced. Apply at Standard factory No. X, Grsad eve and Eaat Taylor St. - .. HANSEN'S LADIES' AOENCYf 843) Wash- ngton t, cor. oerento, a pat airs, rnone Mala 8692. 'Female help wanted. WANTED Competent woman for general uau wo wiuiams ara. GIBL for honsework, part dayt aleep at bom; wares gig par moo to; sunaaya tree, sol Kearney at. , WANTED Lady- Aa Sit permanent posit km; aalary fix per weea; reiereacee reqairaa. Address Q 10S, care Joornal. WANTED A Srat-clsa waitress. LlndeU Ho tel, Third and Faurth oa Market. STENOGRAPHER, wholeaala-aoaaea Stat era. experience; rarer encee, Addrea m ius, ear Journal. , MARRIED lady wit hoot children, rata or dog. - can have 8 furnished housekeeping-rooms for ' raring for ruoro lug-house, lp. room. Phos Pacinc 822S. - WANTED F1rt-els lady preeaer. - Portland fl,An. IM Wm-Itb 11 Snirth . . 8TR0NO and experienced girl for pressing gar. NEAT girl for general honsework; five , la family. 821 Sixth St., corner Clay. GIRL wasted (or geseral housework, $26 par month, add loth at. - . . WANTED Girl la talior-ehop. lit Fourth Bt. MALE AND FEMALE HELP. BE bidependenti leant-18-karat ell painting la one hour and support yonrself; no money until you bsv learned. ' Fall Instruction, 32. Ilonre. A a, a to I A a. 170 Park at., near Morrlaoh. . " , BELP wanted and supplied, mala Bf female. B. O. Drake. ZOSVi Washington st. Pacific 1870. WANTED A few good solicitors, male anl , female; best preposition Is Portland: good money to the right parties. Phone fiellwood Tl. (Ttrnep a.aax i;nn sr. ana iinietma ave SITUATIONS WANTED MALE. YOT'NM man. a good penman, wants a post tlon Is some wboleasle-housa es assistant shipping rlerk or any other roercaallle-aouee. Addreaa J 110, care Journal. TOI'NU eastera lawyer wants position. Ad. fleess x itio. cars journal. WANTED A poaltba In coon try store; can keep a small set of hooks; had experirnoe. Addreaa D in), ear Journal. BY yonng man. position In real aetata ef flea Addrea 0 110, car Journal. RKMAPI.E Jspsaesa evening school boy want any kind work; speaks welt, u no, journal. WANTED rsv work. ('"'1 8r"0 Vnj Montsoa It - . tevai A Pkoee faclBc 2, : r - KXFKRIEXCKD dreaaaiaker waala work by day or piece; food work, low prleea. 1'boua kaat ma. WANTED AGENTS. TH1 Urgent manufacturer of alnmlnura cook- w ;;.r..h , H ! tTieSt. il pSir line everyeoere. H . K. etrelt Co., Foetofflce Mo 124, Uraata Paaa. Or. AUK NTH wanted ta aell ear couiplete 11a of blab-grade nureery stock; outrit free; caan - weekly. Addrea Capital City Nnraary Co., Daiem, ur, - . , . . AT ON't'kV Arenl for ana p. mdlrlne and oil Mat-king. R. M. I'lunimvr, 2tXI third. Firat .ooea get beat .territory. WANTED Good agent to make $5 ner day; tor inroruMiion. oie r irm i . , ninuna. EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES. BED CR08S EMPLOYMENT CO. ' Logging cakip and farm Uelo a enedattv Z0 North Becind at. Phone Mala B2U6. 1 We pay ait leiegrapa coargea. . - , HANSEN'S EMPLOYMENT OFF1CB) FOB MEN - 24 North Second at. Phone Main 1 520. PORTLAND EMPLOYMENT OFFICE SOSU Morrleon at... Phone Parine IM 27 North Second at ..Phone Pacific 1X00 WANTED TO RENT. WANTED TO RENT Hoaaea. cottages, flat, a tore, office, rooming boa, eta Lead JoriU will do well to call on . PORTLAND TRUST COMPANY OF OREGON Pbona Xs 73. S, B, Cot. Sd aad Oak. : 10 OB 20-arra tract wanted to rent: It yea have anything close to carlloe. calk me by Phonor. write J. Griffith. JU4 .SUtav-aea rine. 1 000a racinc jco. . WANTED Three plenaant snfurnlahed room tar light nouarkeeplng; no objection ta gub arbe.' Addree R Ml. care joornal. ANTEDFINANCIAL. WANTED To harrow S2.ono onlmproved eahar- nan property. Addreaa 11 ioe. rare JouroaL WANTED REAL ESTATE. THE TITI A. ABHTBACT CO.. , - H. R. 8ALTMABHH, Manager. - ,: Loane. collect Ion a, titles experted. '- Er pert advice on realtyvaluea. Property Hated for quick dlautaial. C, MPIggete end t 4 Finch, legal counael. - Phone Paclnc lb4 Boom 4 Uulkey bldg 2d-and llorrlaoa ata. - Payne & VanTyne - f " ' 210 Allaky bldg. Seal Estate, Farm, lnveatuaabv Wortgagea, Loan. WANTED TO BUY FOB CASH. AnV kind of ftrooertv Booth of Morrlaoa at. 1 mmd lutwMn Rtvth . nd 14th ata Km M K. " Lee. room 20 Kalelga bldg..ftiH4 Waablng- ton at. . $3,SO0 WAITINO to boy to. 8 -room modern. etnee-ia sou and lot; Moiiaaay a preierred; will co aa tiler any deal table diatrlct. Sea Home Land Co., 14SH t int at. - ' WANTED 10 to 20 acres near carnne; mast ha a eargaia rrom -awaera oniyi give niataaca from carllna and. pf 'ca. Addrea X 11, care JonraaL . i . IMPROVED far ma aad a large tract of anlm- proved rrolt or no laad; owners only seed apply.- N 110, care Journal. HAVB $10,000 to 120.000 eaab to Invest In- In. aide suelnee er other Incoma property, direct from owner. Address F 106. care gosrnaL IMPROVED FARMS. Hood ' Blver orchards and nnlmprored apple lande: owners only,. Ad dreaa T 108, care Joornal,- . 7-T IMPROVED- city and so bur has rest dene prop , erty, at once: owners only seed apply. B lO. car JeurnaL-- - - - - - WANTED MISCELLANEOUS. WH WILL BUY. REI.L OB TRADE ANY OLD TrTI.VO. WESTER RALVAGE CO.. 1 627. a-WAuiNaioN-:pAcirw-73- WANTED Furniture and koosetaold goods ef every description Bought. Bold and exchanged. - - Tba S. 232 First at. Mais C74. , MAIN (MBS. '. CASH AND LOTS OF TT ' ' ' - , 1 FOB FCRNITrBB. PORTLAND AUCTION ROOMS, , , - ... 811 First SC. MAIN 6608. . - MAI It 66SS. WE exterminate rata, mice- and insect: do the work nurservee or Bell yon th compound. 1 Eslk A Ksmoaher, 308 Fourth St. . Pbona . Packfla 2830. ... WANTTD-r-Tn bay a horse about 1.300 or 1.400 ; pounds; auut be cheap. . I 'boo Wood law " 883. . KXCAVATINO and grading. 0.' FJ. - Pet tag, 4SW Commercial at. Phone Kaat 8189. HIGHEST eaab pries paid for all klnda aeroad band goods. Phone Mala 2111. 88 N. Third. HALL and ballroom, separate er together I pew . and with all conveniences. - Phase- Mais 80s. I PAY cash for houaahokl goods. W. W. Savage, 845-847 First st. Phos Pacific 80S. WANTED Desd horses and cattle; BO charge, Pbona Main 1906. 798 Thai-man. FURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT. WANTED Ldy ft modern'' front room in private home; everv convenience. . Phone East 24TB, 8M McMillan at. - THE RICHELIEU, 83H North Sixth at Ele- gantly famished; steam best snd hatha FVBNISHED rooms and furnished boneekeeptag roorae tor rest at 788 Vaacoavsr are. - . , THE GRAND, 4SVi North Third st-Boom tor gentlemen, SL26 par weak and np. MBED DRAGON" New aw nil room, heart et city; new furniture and earpeta. Corns Sixth and Stark ata. Entrance 827H Stark. NEWLY famished rooms, sew - net, -central. North 13th St., corner Flanders. FURNISHED room, day, week or month; rest bi.' 183 V Fourth st. Psclfle 2030. FCRNIHHKD mom and housekeentag; snlte. Pbona Main 8(120. 176 14th. eomer Yamhill. TUB KINO, Br) Jefferson Strictly modern, . furnace beat, bath; from 62 to $3 per week. FURNISHED cottage, 8 room, pantry, cellar, water, piano; $10. Cook, 261 Alder St. COZY famished suite and room; nee of phone, hath, gea, beat; re son sole, 818 13th at. FOR, RENT HOUSEKEEPING.' . 1168 FURNISHED bonaekeentng-rooma; bath. phone; 4 block north Helllg theatre. 12 North 14th t. ' - WEEK I P, large, clean, furnished house keeping rooms, laundry and bath. 184 Bhsc mao sooth, Portland. , TUB MITCHELL House keeping and tranalast . rooms, rassnnabla. Severuh and Flanders, 81.23 WEEK UP. clean, turn lined" booeekeep Ing rooms, parlor.1 bath, laumlry, (araaee beat. yard. 80S4 Stantoe. V car. - 8 BOOMN. trronud Boor; cement basement, mod. era plumbing, electric lights) 674 Holget at., 1 block from Bellwead car. Inquire owner, on premises. 4 .NEATLY furnished housekeeping-rooms; phone, huh snd pantry, 408 Rodney av. Pbona East 2197. 9 FCRNISHED rooma. prtvat family, suitable for housekeeping; no children. 2N3 Monroe St. HOl.'SEKFF PING-ROOMS, lowest rsfea; elec tric lights, phone 1 Deluded. . 301 H Water at. CORNER soil nicely furnished housekeeping . rooms; rest 618 pet, month. Apply 44by4 North 17th t. j-' i j .. 8 UNFTRNISHED houaekeeping-room for rent In so barbs. Addreaa B -110, ear Journal. I 9 AND a room euitu: mort-rn Imnravemeeta. 1 . AU Jattarsas, at, 1'boae Mala 61 JX ... S 8MTM fnrnltid hrna-krrylng-roowa; al room and board. 2oT (Iraut .at. 4 MODERN houarkeeping-roonn for rent, lower Sr. Ml bUth 1'hone ParlSc 1UJ4. ' UNFURNISHED ROOMS. CHEAP- nnMrnlrted room.; pa - thlldree. I iJh,,,,, Tahor S7-i ROOMS AND HOARD. ,--s--Xl- "" Ft'BXISHFD rooma. suitable tor two gentle men, with board; gas, belli, puoa. 121 Lowusdale at. v, - FOR one or mora (employed people prefsrred), aiedern. reasoashle. 024 Esst Mnrrreoe. FOR RENT HOUSES. FOR BENT 7 room new modern bouse. Com. , Bierclal St., -. , . - 6-room modera bouse, Esst 22d, $18. 6-room cottaire, South Buunyslite, $12.50 . . J. j. OXVKR, 1 Grand are.. Jl. NICE 8-room bona, northeast corner Eaat Burs. - side and Eist 11th its... clos Is. Inqulea .627 East Burnslua. 11 i ' ' i i i FOR BENT New saodrrn 6-room bona. Sod Monro st.. Upper Alblna. Inquire of eamar. - No. SUA WE ara In seed of several furnished and as , furnished houeee to satisfy the wants of our petrous. . Phone mala 6101 or call 720 Cham ber of Commerce. Do It now. ' s S-ROOM bouse, weat aide, good locaHty, close to car. low rent to good tensut; . will sail as easy terms. Pbona Main 1410. ; . . .- . . a . . FOB BENT New-4-roiau eiillsgerHolUti Pert . land: bath, toilet, fireplace: comer hit; slght- ly location, on block te car, . Fred B. 'Strong, 242 Stark tt - FOR RENT A 6-room cottage at 701 Fourth Bt-4lS-Pr axonth..., , ..: 4-R0OM house. Sixth at and South Portland railroad tract, - Inquire 643 82d at, .. Take ' Hlcbmoud car. " . - . FOR BENT Modern 6-room Cottage I gas and electric lights eutlonsry waahtubs. Call at 2aiVKbavr ,- -- -.' ------ - - 1 FURNISHED HOUSES. FOB a period ef 9 months, a nicely -fnrnlshed - O-room haoe for family one only; reference required Apply 821 Wast Park st. 10-ROOM furnished bouse for rant. 20T Grant etreet. HOUSES FOR RENT FURNITURB v FOR SALE., WE seed fnrnltur at any price. Portland Ae ' tloa llooms. 211 First St. Mala 6666. FURNITURE 6-room Sst. Srst-clase condition. Inqnlrr W, F, Adamaoa, 400 Vamollk up . atatra flat. ' , Je FOB RENT FARMS.: 4-ROOM house, ham. large modern chlckea- houae. near Mount Tabor, $10 monta. . Berry, 4 North Blxtb at. FOR RENT MISCELLANEOUS. II ALL nd ballroom, separata or together! new and witn au convenience, rrjoae Main Bn, FOR RENT STORES-OFFICES. OFFICE-BOOMS, unfurnished rooma and aam- ple-cooma for rent.. Uoodnougb badg. . Apply elevator. ... - ... . A FEW- Brat-class of Are-mom left at northeast comer Tblrd and Madlaoa Bta. Apply room - NO. - Bi- - r x ----- ; 1, ... '. FOR -BENT Store Fifth- t. slle Goodaough bldg. Inquire et elevator le Vulldlng. - - 1 LARGS alcely furnlabed room, aaltahls for of Ace snd- bedroom. $13 -par month. . 40Hj BeoondV at., cornar Ash. RESTAURANT, already fiirnlebed. for Davis Hotel, corner Water and Clay. , BUSINESS CHANCESv Stocks aid Bonds Bank OREGON TRCfT A SAVINGS. UNITED STATES NATIONAL. .ALEBCliANIS.iAT10NAXe Mninsf B. C. AMALGAMATED COAL, . CASCADIA. - M AMMOI H S-L MINING A 8. CO. MORNING MINING CO. . . TACOMA 8TELU , . ' BULLION. - ' -s ." !' COPPER KINO. 1 " ' . . PARK COPPKB. ' . ','.: REINDEKR ; . . i .,. ' SNWWSIIOR. ; -. , , ' 1 'v . SNOWSYvHttf. ' ' TUB) J 0. LEE COMPANY. - Inclastrlal H0MH TELEPHONB fPortlsnd). PACIFIC STATES TELEPHONE.,' - ; ': If you have any kind ef stocks or bond ' that yos deglrs to dispose of, bring them to oa, even though yon think them worth leas. Oftentimes stock that 1 supposed te be wertblea proves valuable. Ik lavcs'tors -Excliangc ' '' A'.. Concern of. Merit' 'J' "V 804 Macleay Block.- , rhone Mala 7034. MARKET and grocery for aal at biw price, - If takes at once; the reason for selling will be explained 4o any on desiring to. parches - money-msklng bualnee direct from owner; no trtner need ens wee; srlrs It Btsnda, - clear of Incumbrance. $3.0ito .eaab; nothing hut business will b eonsidered. Answer Q 102, cars . Journal. WE bar a party with a few husdred dollar that wsnta to Inveat la a buslnps (grocery er general stock): must be bought right; Pirty good business mix, . 63V Sixth, near Ina. Phoae Paolne 26. IF yos wsnt to aell your business w have the , mstt with money; grocery store or general merchandise; come and get acrjualnted with ' the men. Alexander Land Ce, 63V Sixth, near Pine, A SPLENDID PROPOSITION Permanent In come; nice work for 4 men with $l,i"i.00 each; men -with experience In- advertising ' pref.-rred. Addreaa D 110, car Journal. FOR SALE Twe-cbair barber shop; good hn si sees t only two shops in town et coo inhsld tanta; will cell at bargain. Addreaa Lock . Boa 70, OakUad, Or. FOR SALE As Interest In one af the best elesae of eetsbllahed bnelnesa In Portlsnd: monsr to be seed la exteneion: T per cent guaranteed.) and If dleeattsflrd with lavsst" - meat, guarantee to rerutia monoy i na ef two yesrs. Address S lv3, cars Journal. Milk roote, hots and wagon. IT i-uns. bringing In per nioeth $U0. Addreaa V Kill, -oara journal, GOOD-PAVING cleaning and preoalng business; hicailoa central, aull asialillalied: causa, leerlug city. Inquire 1T3 West Park. FOB SALE Cigar snd confectionery tor, at lueok-e. Phone l'ai-ISc I740. HOMER breeding ptgeona, $T per dosen: largs anumnta supplied. George E. Houtx, Kalaaia, Waahlugton. . . , . - FOR BALE Coffee snd aystarhousa doing good . . bualuess; splendid ax-stlon: good ressoa tot selling. 3d Tii lid !., corner Ankeny. . SAVE MONEY Anything In printing see Mad. ilea. Odd Fellow' Tempi. First snd Aider , ste.' opetalra. ,. , I4S0 BUYS 6-rooms, well furnished Is good k rsllty. wast side; low rant. .Hagemana A Blsncbapd. 81 Fifth at. - SMALL reetaurtnt for sale at a bargain, for. -iilahed living room connecting; .owuvf leaving town. Call 213 Fourth, city. . ' . WANTED Man with capital te tak charg of A-No. 1 clay ledge, near by. Call M. Cowsn, bOK Savler. Phou Pacific 8013. . FOR SALE rent; fine room. Louis Salomon, i3S Stark at., near Second. . I SAWMILL and logging outfit. Including donkey engine and htcstlon, - for ssla or exchsnga : for city or country pmr-erty; price . Hughe A Mark wi ll, ClaUkanla. Oregon. WANTED Te leaaa fnrnlabed roomlug-houee; only psylng propoflUuna consldsred. Phone East 1712. , FOB SALB Furniture of 14-roors houae; room CD. luIU rhsip fur esib. ita loia-afcr . mark. PAIrTNER WANTED Most understand the furniture business; 82.6U0 required: prefer partner -4 hired help: good ebsnea-fee right -party ; don't reply unless yon mesa Bus loess. Address P 110, care Journal. A WELL-KNOWN ess tern .brewery wants as kgeat la Portland. Addreaa Brewery, ear JourbaL ' ' . MOTION-PICTI RB macblnaa. (Urns, gag out. flta, SOT X slide, views, . etc., ( bought. Bold., w rented and exchanged. " Newman's ilotlus Pletur Co.. 14&V Sixth St.. near Alder. FOR SALE AH or half Interest In establish job printing business;- on of tba deet equipped small offlcea la Portland; s bargata . to right man, Addreaa F 110. rare JonraaL YOUNG man woo Id Ilka one ee more Brm to collect for; coram lesion or aalary, Address ' E lis), cam Jmxrnal. . ' ' FOR SALE REAL xuSTATEw .For Sale- A Few cf Our V Offerings v .-. 6-mom houas, . new. Jot 60x100, Bast 10th st.i- $i.ano. 6-room bouse. -sew. 8 lots, corner. 60x118. Ansbel; 1 1.200. 6-room bouse, lot 88 1 8x100, corner 834 snd East Main at.; $1.6.10. 11-room bouse, modera, . lot." 60x106, East , :80th t.; $3.200.. . 6-room bonee. new, rsadera. M 82x233, XTtk Bt. east; $3,000. 6-room elegant modera eottege.olot 30x60, Clinton et.! SS.S00. , i Elegant lota oa Eaat Mala, aed 31st -et., ; soxm; $i.3oo. : , ; . .Oak Grors Very Jji lot 60x182; 129 ' to $;. - Farm SO seres, good, near North vTaia- hlll; $1,060. : .1 l.Ono acre, very flne.l sear Greats Pas; ' very low.- Hoe melon, and fruit treeta Is Idsho. '- Timber location sad bomeeteada; best te be bad. , , . .y. J. R. Foreman :::':i;.i'.-. . , 80S East. Morrlaoa t. ' -WrrSenwoo4l. Homes - tt.SOO rV-rcora cottage, 8 lets: fin piece. ' 61.6006 lota, 6-room forolahed cot t see. etik-ken-bowee and SO chicken, eraodsbed full : ef wend; near rarllnei-auap It taken eona. tl,6aj e-rooea modern cottage, nice high Iota, on Improved street; easy terms. . $1,670 5-room honse.. 2 block from clH4. $l.Soo6-rona cottage, 8 lots, , . . $nAA 4-nteea cottage, 8 lots. ' ;' 6 1 6S0, IVtuoin 4jouae.-8 here, cm iter, etnas la." tvm-yinr, lot, m-sf can Inc. 7.V 3 lota, comer, bnalneaa prterty.- $WFnnt W, la City View Park. tta add noure of all kinds t sll prices, ' Sellwccat Tcwnsite Co., - H. r. PALMER, Mgr.. 1 822 Falling bldg. Phone Mts 6081. 8s 11 wood office, Tenlna and Eaat 13th Bta, -1'hon oeUwnod 161. . , - $4,ars -. - "Win hoy a ITOME. with looxino eorner, I - heautlful grounds and tree. Just s cross the stract from th famous Walnut Park; 1 6-mtnute car aervlc. t .- This bouse waa built for a soma less . ,, thin f months ago aad no expense waa s aajared In making it homelike. The owner ?. ' is ts-lMTs for California Malurdar. so we : Vhave been aatborlaed to offer It below cost. , t Plans may be scan at ear , ofoce. . Half caiB WIU buy it. ' , - , TL P. PALMER. i , ,. 222 Falling -Building., -v'. . Phone Main 60(11. - ' . ' ; ; JUST . thinks 1.200 lots near' Sslewi earne, no farther than St. John, at $16 per W, at $1 per month; level and good soli, with hneee ab-eariy there; yow can't buy screes eut there fur essie anveint: bite will be Vd per lot In Aosuat. when cars am ranelnc; them will he the flneat town out hem in the "valley. Apply to owner, WKc4dt, room 13 . Wsahlngtoa bldgM 2TOV4 Waablngtoa st. FINE LOT, eloe In, sear Washlngtoti St.." Is beet residence district ef Nob Hill; swell site for family hotel: will sell la next 16 daya at verv rioee ogure. JOHN B. MATTHEWS. . T22 Chamber of Commerce, , HOME-BUILDERS. ATTE-NTIONI ' DON'T BUY A LOT FOR A H0MB CNTTf. YOU VISIT "TILTON ADDITION." . $306 below values en nearby atreeta. Agast sa ground tn mornings. , , w THOMPSON A O0DEN (TtranchV, k - Fboo East 4300. ..... 8U0 Belmont at. " " FOR SALB. - ' A flea bmmes lot 60x126. ea WITllsie av.. near Bnrsell at, wl'h 'cottsg gad (mall , store; price $."..500. - - , - - Vr . A. c. BRUSn too.,. -, I ' 618 William are. . . INCOME-BEARING flata on easy terms 284. 2ho lnth st., four flat. $78 per month. poe , celnln bath ta each, close tn; easily rented! $2,ooo caan. t monimy installment! ' 1 com will Br th Installments, making ' msrkaMe Investment of small capital. Mor gan, Sweet A Chapman, 318 Ablngtoa bldg. Phone Mala 2016. . . TURNER A WALKER. V fceal taut. Farms and Stock RsaeaeA , Rxehsnges, v, r' 808H Washtngtoa et -'"' A BARGAIN IN 8UNNY81DE Valuable earner with Impmvementa and room for more. 89th . and Belmont ata. t $4 feet frontage on car track. Inquire Gee. M. Strong, 314 Lumber ' Escbang bldg. . M. S. BROWN, real estate and Inauraac. Tsha Mount Scott car. Nssbvlll addition. - Post , offlce. Leata. A. F. D. No, I, box 138. PENINSt LAB PROPERTY for hotnaa or ln veatment. 8'e W. R. Rust, 2112 Portlsnd - houlevsrd, Ariior Lodge station, St. Johns - car. Pbona Woodlswn 126. - BEAD. , , T-room bona, closets te each room, full lot. 60x100. near sawmill, holler works, ship - bnlldlng plsnt and O. R. A N. K, ft., fine oration far noardlng-bouse: within the next few day will aell for $2,000; term J00 cash, balance 811 pee month, Bt, Johns Title Abstract A Trust Co., St. John. Ore goo. . ... . A,!, ruD vr . - - , . SEVERAL comfortable house and lot belong ing te a sou-resident must be sold st once at S sicrtrtret terms. W. B. McPhereon, The , PhlUilelphls. room 12, Third and Salmon. ' Sellwccd Moraboua A French. 1870 E. 13th. r . Phone Sewona j4. City View Psrk ints. $.175 and. up: RoeS Additma Imb. $ioo and np: $5 down aod $ s month. Home from $ to $s.oo. - Lots left and np. tit all pails of Rewnod, Lis! your jiruport wllh aa; w will sail Ik ' T