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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 11, 1907)
13 aaaannBBBBBnBSBsnnBBnnnsnBnBnnnnnnnBnB : . NEW ISSUE '' ' ' ' - . . ' eT . ' '' - ' - At the Next Meeting of the Onion Grower Association Steps Will Be Taken to Stop the Selling of No. One Onions at No. Two Price T ODAY'S MARKETS QREGOH EGGSSDLD TO Fill Page. A Son Receive Orders for Hundred Cases and Market Is Quite Bare. .1; IAD VANCE. TO .THIRTY-; , ... FIVE .QENTS IS RESULT 'v i 1 ""- .' - -Considering the Time of Year the f. Assembling of This Amount of -Eggs Is Great Erent Chickens T Go as High as 10c a Pound. . , ' Principal market fcltiiH today! Portland eg fa f o Fairbanks. ' AU syrass advancing, a , Molaaees la 1 gallon, ap..' , ftnnrtisia 'Bdvaneeil e gallon. -(.'olamnta enielt idrun agala ;.'.-' Fnl .alaann te very hirb. Carlery ns w wmw In. Egg market adTenceSigsIn; CMckens .higher .with scarcity. r J Vsrtlaae Xgg to Tklrbuka Hignsr. - On of tM anaclal fearares of tba local com dImIob trad oT lata was tna aala a taw day CO of 100 cases of Oregon eggs fo shipment to Fsb-banka, Alaaka: I'nge Son reoelreit tha ordar and tha firm baa been tonally engages during tha part rew-eaye la gataering tba alorka tot alilpmeat. At thai tlma of year whoa ears ara Tory blgb and srsree It la do eay taak to father tngetber within a few oar JiiO eases of freak eggs, bat tha taak waa com pleted this morning arbee the final -suKhaaes arrrred rrom tne eoentry. ra -e dally pecked la a papac aad thaa placed la specially prepared Caere In order to keep them from freeslng. im eddlttoa to thla after each raaa waa tilled and Balled It waa covered with heavy- ken-lap . as a apeclal precaution against cold. . Local In Market Is Hither, of thla markrt. of iw eases of egge at ooa time w a serious nmonm I.ra - una tha local supplies vary scant. As a result of the email arrlrala tha or ice adTBBCed to c.a doaan today aad la err -firm at the new film re. A change la k. work a decline in present prtcee. Ohiokaa Market Adramaad Again. With a eonUnostlon of the Tory reat near elty la tooal poaktry . anppUed . the. market la snowing adraoced prices again and fane coops 'or none are neiuas aa aiaa ",. ordinary raaa ranging around 15c aad loH All varieties of poultry are firmer, tboncb Tiiuaa are unchanged except la chicken. rasas Talha sf Onions, rrealdent raaao of the Ootoa Growers' aaeo rlatton eetd. today: "The recent adTenes la the aakw market la California waa- no -earprtee tn aa. aa wa had bm sdTlaed that sock would be tba case, soma' tlms ago. In retard to the aelltag of Ko. 1' onions at-a No.-J pnea 'by aeeorlatloa members I cannot at this tlma aay ..b.iw op of It la aa. Such a thine la nosel- . bie. and wa will take some actio on tola mat ter at oar next meeting. Tba oatoa crop of Oregon amoaatad to about SOD ears the past season. How many cam ara left wa do Bat know at thta time. Many of the early onions (re aprootlng. and thla will cat down tha year's anppllea of saleable stork In half. Theee early anlona matured a month earlier than oaual, and on account of tna hot, dry apeii.issi year, are .not proTHia to OB uaa oe mrvim. jwh .v.r(t on Irrigated land ara In the twet of abaoa end will - keep weB. . Members of the aaaoclatlon haea two marka tor their anlona. On of these la fur the flrat-claaa atoek and jnaiata. tha tall mama of the aaaocletlon. while aeeoad grade arork conUlns tba Initiate of the grower end only bait tna name 01 ue aaaocia tim. Thla baa canned eonatderable tronbla aad eradea bars ban mixed In eonseqoenee. I elle that tha mka, market. wlUjto better from now aa. " - Potatoes srerather- qnlrt with ears - folly as scares aa erer. It la stated by ana of tba shippers that a large Bomber ef ears are re maining aa the "skletrarks all over tha atate and ara not being mored by tha railroads on account of tha lack of mo tire power. - ' Briar Votes ef tha Trade. .-'-. Syrup manufacturer, announce the following advances today i Ordinary ayrapa lc, moilaaee le and aorghum Se a gallon. A ear of eatery and a ear of erangee were among the atornlag'a arrreals from the sou lb today. Oood ahape. .r-fto aoarea are sapplles ef Columbia rtrer . omelt that tha prlea adTaaeed ta 12 hie a pound .tedsy- Great acaretty of .freak aalmoa canaea 4be following prlcea to mi today: Fresh steel beads lue, freak sIlTerutdee Se, storags sUTsr Idaa aad storage ateclbeada Be a pound. T OATS AT. THREE CENTS &igh Talnes Bule at Interior Points S Owing to Great Bcarclt. ' " ' rsperle! Ht. patch t The ournal l r. Baker City. Or., Jan. lie At a east of S cents a pound the' Ol' Bow' Power company, Kk,A a. M..lllna rha afmatla Blant aa Sanaa ft Tar. la feeding .oata to 1U team. ' The ests ureparchaaed at Buatingtoa at lit rente, and It eoata aa equal amount to ban them trans ported ta the alts of the new power plant. The grata ts bsuled from Hunttagtoa to Rich- . . a. nut. .A tk. rlTer. A een( a pound eouM ha aaeed by ,the enmpeay If It could parrhaas Its feed from the Eagle Talley farmera, bat they refaee to sell. ' There la plenty of eata la Kugle Talley, but It Is not aa the market. Aatlctpating a big boom la tba spring, -following tha opening of tha Boulder creek placer clalma. recently staked eat, tha fanners of tha Talley ara holding their teed for specalatloa. . . . -. few Tarb-Lmdia tuarar. . Waw. wr. JBU.-SI.., Bee -Hanrt, Hear Tark. Wa; London. 21H- ... tarling lRtuag He Turk. Jan. 11, SterUng: na.0i days. 41. Demand, WHAT DEALERS SAY OF LOCAL MARKETS . By Xverdlng aV FarreU.' -Thera' haa ee a Terjr ahaxp demand for all aorta of pooltry the peat week, and while stocka ; have been pretty good, the de mand hag been ery hexry and mora aroods eould - hare been le 'Dialed. Hans and springs have ,4 ben la firm requeat at flatter- Ing prices, and w can see no '4 reason why this will not be true the coming week. Ducks are verf acarce and until - Chinese New Tear's .-there will be a fierce . demand for these, fihlp . pers will do well ts get In aa ' many possible. Geeae are also munh sought after and the game la true of fancy dreaaed turkeys. Theae fowls are still ' bringing holiday prices. It would seem to -us as' If the country was pretty well drained of poultry, and It la apparent that producers mti at raise more goods; tha de mand la outgrowing the supply, i There la -a rery firm demand for all aorta nf veals at flatter' Ing rrl" and the trade cannot get many of them. "Any sort . ' . . wl'l sell now. Una email anvf medium solid hosa will sell fine during tbs etild weather. ROMS ONIONS ARE SPOILING -4 VERY FAST IN STATE adddd4ddd44 X With early matured stocks 4 d "growing" again, many onion 4 producera ars trying to unload d 4 ' thla claaa.of stock on tha mar- a d kt Accordtna; to President 4 d ' Knnno of. tha aaaoclatlon these 4 "irroalria:-'"onJona will amount to 4 a ' fully half tha crop of tha atts d or over 100 ear. With plenty of d) d " thla claaa of etork offering; tha d d ; trade Is not paying the hlg-her a d prtoe aaked for beat grade. d d When the poor quality Is out of . d the way the trade nntlclpatsa s . d rnuoh better mnrkety .- LlQUIDATIOrt SEIIDS MOST VALUES DOWilVARD - Heavy Trading Today in New York Market St. Paul One j of Few to Gain. MET X088K9." Sugar ....... IoutaTllla 1 it Bmelter MUaonrl PaclBe Atrblaoa .... Baltimore ... Brooklyn .... Canadian .... Erie Colorado Fuel i a New York Central. 1 ... m ... ... s ... w PrnnaylTanla ..... m Peonle's Uaa Southern I'acloc... InktB Paelflc ..... rnlted States Steel t-beeapeake ... 1U, Baadina noTuera rsciue. . l MET OAIltd. . Amalgamated .... 4lHt. Pan! Kork lalaad ...... Sl Aaaconda 1 Hew Tork. JT.s. 11. With tnoaer rates rul ing between 4 end 8 tier ceut. the tone of too atoek market waa more bolllah today and silea were sinch heeTler. Liquidation was general ueenlte the offerings of lower axmey, and tbla eauaed a bleak In moat laanea. 8t. Paul waa again nasally - bought by standard uii oroaara an wss ens ef tna few to a a ranee. t -Of final quotations by OTerbeck, Starr a Cooks comitanr: " ' ' "" ; Cloalng . , Open. w Bid. American Car A Foundry, common! 43 I. . 3 UK 8H 73 4 IIwh, 161 S 11A 283 M lomt mi a, Ufa. . f' lW'i Mi ,0H TM Msu; 7 21ft American tar Foundry, preferred American iwtion fill, common American I wo mo tire., eommo American Sugar, common .... America a H me Iter, common . American Hmelter, preferred... Anaconda Mining Company ., American Woolen, common . . Atehlaea, -esniva A trbtaon. preferred ...... J, naliimore A Ohio. common ... Baltimore A Ohio, preferred.., Brooklyn Rapid Trenail .... Cauadlan PaclAc, common...... Centra. Leather, common ..... Ill W 7SU .... H4 . 1M ....101 ....lisi ','.',1 si" ,...jwn; Central jLeather, preferred. Chicago A lireat Weatern, com... 174 Chltago, Mllaankae A St, PauLTTlKl Chlcaan A Northwcstara. com 901. Cheaapeeke A Ohio S.V Colorado I ael A Iron, common. . . fv'.V Colorado Southern, eommoa ....... AtC IVlaware A Hudaon : 22(t ienTer at mo tiranae. com . . . . eo - w DonTwA Rio Orsnde, preferred.. 82 . itIU Kiie, eociBion ii'i 4ti Krle, eecond preferred .... 3 Erie, arat preferred.. U 14 Illinois Central . .... MS Lot.l.rllla A NashTllto 14344 141 Manhattna Railway .............. .... 141 Meileea Central Railway ...... ... gelM - 8(114 MlMonrt.- Kan.. a A Texas, common M 1 Mlaaourl, Kauaaa A Texas, pre tarred Tt .. 71 Federal Smellers OA 0414 Miaaourt Pacific stvi ' nni National Lead 74 'i T.iv New York Central ,....1:12 New' York. Ontario A Weatern , 47 u; Norfolk A Weatern. common ...... 914 Norfolk A Weatern, preferred .. .... North American, ST1 Northern iaciflc, eommon loa Paalua. Mall Jtlnamahls Oomasap-w fW , PennaylTanla Hallway ,..1.K1 Peopla'a (tea. Light A Coke Co.... tM Preened Steel Car, eommoa M M Reading, common ., 1M 1M Reading, firat preferred : 8 Republic Iron A Steel, eommoa.. M ! Republic Iron A Steel, preferred He Rock laland. annum 2B4 2HH Rock laland. preferred as tSfi St. Lonls A Saa Pranriace. 2d pfd. 47)4 St.' Louis A Sea Francisco, lat pfd ..... St. Lonia A Routhweatern, common .... SL Louis A Southwestern, pfd.... B'4 Southern Parlnc, eommoa 2 Soutbera Parlnc, preferred..... Southern Railway, common St Southern Hallway, preferred...... Plt4 Teantnl Coal A Iron .r.r,,.,, -,,. Toledo, St. Lonia A Weetera. com . ... Toledo, St. Louts A Western, pfd. . . . . T4 24 68 2 in xi K pi 1M Ki 62 J7MM, 24 MiJ ltid 4HH IS I nloa pacine. common ........liHa I'nloB Pacific, preferred... United States Rnbber, eommon... SI TTnited Statea Rubber, preferred I'nlted Statea Steel Company, seen. 4M4 I tilted Statea Steel Company, pfd.lia Wahaah, common Wabeah. preferred M4 Weatern I nl"n Telegraph 84 - Wlnconaln lentral, cocnovst ." .... Wlaconals Central, preferred 60 to PORTLAND STOCK MARKET Oregon Trust a Savings Again Sells " at 150 a Share.' Oregna Trnat A Sa Tinge again anld at tint) today. 10 shares being sold St that price. Trade the local eccbanga waa alow, ftreat north- era sold at le. with a block ef 2.noo sbarts. Snowatorm sdeanced 60s on account . ef . sarlefaetory dlrldend. 1 ( vtnciai precaai . , , . BAKE STOCKS. ' Bid. Ask. Bank of California ....,.... .M.42 00 I Bankers' A Lumbermen's ....... ..... J OR .00 Roultable Sa-rltira A Loan ..... ' P7.00 Merrksnta' National 1BK OA Oregon Truat A Saalnga ....... 12S.60 . inn.Oft Portland Trot Company ....... ..... 120.00 United States National 200.00 ..... BONDS. City A Suburban 4S .v... ..... ' Si no Colombia Southern Irrlgauoa s. ...... RAOo 0. R. A N. Ry. 4s lno.00 0. W. P. A Ry. Se 100.00 102.60 Home Telephoo 5a t ..... 86.00 Paclfl Coaat Rlacult s ' American Rlacult Company fie. , VS. 00 100.00 Portland Ry. Aa ..... lno.00 Boathwratern Lighting Company. I .. ., P4.00 4. v. be tympany .................. 100.00 MISCKLLANEOrS STOCKS. Aaaoetated Oil 4S.O0 61.00 42.50 - 88.00 7.60 BS.O0 loiino 61.00 ' 76.00 Home Telenbone 1. C. Lee Company 26.60 Oregon City Mill A t-umber..... - 4.78 Porilaud Heights Inn. Co Oregon Journal, pfd. 115 00 rarinc States Telephone 101.00, Pa ret Sound Telenbone ........ Southwestern Llcntlng Company Yaquinn Ray Telephone ...... 4.7S MININa STOCKS. ' Rid Ala.ka Pet role om ...$ .10 Rrltl.h Columbia Amalgamated. .KI4 Rrltl.h Xakoa 24 Aak. .HI Caacadla .26 I Mile Meedawe .0114 tioldfieM Trotter , ,jo . .20 8.7S . .02(4 -is'.' ,2 ,1614 ., .OS ' .01 M .29 ,11 .03(4 2 -6(4 .10 . S .10 .10V4 rn 1 440 r.lT torwollrtateS Ureal Northers ., .02 . .15 Holdea I.akerlew Mining A MUllng... I.eea Creek Cold ............... .01 Mammoth ................... .12 Morning .0UT4 Nta-th trrlew .... Orentai Hecpritlea 01 Standard Cooeolidated .10 Taiotna Steel .lSVt I'nltad Placer .... Waahougal Ootd Eatenetoa 22 H COECB ITALENS DISTRICT. Bullion Rntke .... Copiier King. ,.., Pappy flay .!..,. Park Coopee Mineral Perm Monmouth ,,,.. .on .02 X .27 : .4 14 .n ,04 '.00'i .5-. 20 RclniW'cr SaoBaboe V Siatwatorm tlTsraaal Oettoa atarkat. " LlTerpnnl, Jan. 11 Oettoa futures closed 1 14 is 4 pa lata lower. I.-12H 4il4 se S7S i Ja 14 Pfl4 3 PROSPECTSBETTER Hi LIVESTOCK Receipts Are Still Very Small and . Values" Are Holding . . at Top. HOGS ARE EAGERLY PICKED UP BY TRADE During tho Past 24 Hours but 930 ; Head. Arrive and Trade Fights for These at , Extremely High Quo- tatfosjt,'-- r v-r Portland Union Stockyards,. Jaa. ' 11. Lire. stock receipts: , - Tfoaa. Cattle. Sheen. Toosy ..; H3 , ,. 26 week aco 1 1 S3 Tear ago..... 90 ' 62 ( ! 268 PreTtoua year T12 71 1.170 Hecetpte- remain eery flint la the local lire- arork market. Uurlne tba M-hours see need of hoga came In. but this waa a moat nominal and all aoppllea were,, readily cleared up aft mj iop uuoMtiona. - . General Snnaliaa Small. With general supplies Tery small the lias- stocs trade does not anticipate any serious break In Taluee in any line during the winter. ine great scarctty ot aneep la seeping, uu Una's Talnes eery firm snd top qootatloua ara about tha only that are ruling in the yards. No aheap bare arrlTed elnce Tuesday and tha market la feeling the effects of tbs Hamlne. Considering the price aneep can be sotd st la tna saetern warsei. tne coat ot gemng iana there snd other charges, thla market la pay ing the full price and beyond present fig urea the trade does not care to go. 1 Cutis . Corns Blew!.' ' ' Cattle are coming ao alowly to market That tnere is simost a ramtne in sect. in tne meantime the price ot beat steers Is looking up sad tbs poealbility of tbs market going to 14.26 st sn early data seema almost a certainty to the trade. - Today 14 horass were among tbs srrlTals. Aaalatant Msnacer Gould says'. "All lines of llTsatock sra nriuej..gudthere Is erery proa- tt iiTTtiwi am urnicr got nere nj r.ri j ewi pect of an sdTauce la values sn ilonf-Ths Una." I Uvsatock conditions a year ago: AU mar-1 kets very firm, Official livestock prices: Hoga Beat eastern Oregon, 17.00; torkars and feedera. Ifi.75: China fata. a.Wj.T5. Cattle Beat eaeten Oreaon staera. 04.00: beat cowa and belfera, tS.26; Cockers and feed-. ara, S3. 20; puns, Rheep Mixed. 6U6(4e; wethers. SHsI ewes, H6i4c -L. EASTERN HOGS LOWER Chicago Market Down Be Under Tea- . terday'a Average. ' Chicago, Jsa. IL Llreetork recelptat " - Hora.-CsttWr Sheen. Chicago ............ .'..SO, 0110 S.poO 8.000 Kanaas City, S.000 . 2.000 4.000 Omaha 7.000 2.600 4.000 Hoars are fie lower thaa yesterday a average with 54.0110 left over. Recelpta a yesr ago were 38.000. Prices: Mixed. t6.?0if.524; beary, 0d.40e.&2(4 rsugh, MjOilO; light, .20j t.45. . . . . J , Cattle Steady. v . .. ( Sheep strong. CrtlCAGO WHEAT INACTIVE No Change In Price at Closing of r-, Today's Market, -- RELATTTB WHEAT TALTJES. Open. Closa, Jan, 10. January May .... .1 .72 S .72 I .72 7uti ., .TB .78(4 ilii... TB4 .TBftA ,T04 Chiracs. Jan 11., The wheat market wss dull snd slow today, all values being unchanged st tbs close, ins ssms eandltloa ex lata at Liverpool. WHEAT.. Open. 72 ToS. . Closs. T2 January .....,... May 76P T014A MtlB 43 B Jaly CORN, January May July OATS, . January ........ IHT4R 88'4" July 8 V y MESS PORK. Jaaaary 16B0 1600 ! 1642B , IfiSO ""922'T" 94RA .. . 47A- r SS0' POO 912A May . ................... .. ., .. lnoo Jaly .....1062 LARD. January 922 May 946 July oae SHORT RIBS. . January ...'-..-,- May 1 win July 917 trvrrzs states ooTEiirifriiT wim. New Tork. Jaa. 1L Official prlcea: Dste. Bld.'- Ask. Twos, reglatarsd..... Opt. 104V ' I do coupon Opt, 1044 10BW Threes, reglstsrsd. .......... Opt. . 102 1U& cowiKTet ...... .4 Opt.l 102 lugV Small bonda , ,1024 Poura, rekl.tered. IftnT loo, in no eoBpoa. ..............w iterr looai 101 u roura, relatered. ...... 1925 . 181 do coupon . lvas ISO (4 181 104 10S Panama 2a do coupon ......n. .... 104 106 District of Columbia 1924 116 1 Philippine 4s 109(4 OBTXaXO STATE KEET, Clearings today Clearings yesr ago...... .1.2RS. 708.11 . S70.004.H2 Gain today . 418.OM.40 . . 91,824.06 97.824.92 Rslancss today Balances year ago ...aTEvT TOXJt C0TT0W aUEKET. Hew Tork, Jaa. 11. Cotton closing: Hlkh. Low. Cloas. 9W 961 900 ., , . 94 980 90S 977 . . a a N-H 992 9H2 9l . . . v . . . , - U2 90s nag boo , 94 9"8 987 970 971 S7S January ,', February ; 944 , 976 ', tin 908 98 976 March .... April ..... May June ..... July Angnat ,., October ... THINKS FREE PASSES .GOOD FOR EVERYBODY North Powder, Or., Jan. H. Herman Rothchlld. representative from Union county, left teat evening for Bnlem, to be in his place At the opening of the leg islative assembly January IS. When Interviewed as to his position on the giving ef free railroad passes, Mr. Roth chlld aald: ' - . - ...... . "Tea, the railroad free pa sees are a good thing for the people's representa tives In tha legislature, and If a good thing for their representatives than they are a good' thing for the people them selves. . Se If a bUl providing for free railroad passes for all the people of the state comes before tha house res, cer tainly, I shsll vote far Ha pannage." When asked why he was starting sn early for Ualem, the lone Democrat of the house replied, with equal serious ness: . , ; ! Tu see it Is well for me to ve on the ground ahead ot tlma, that-1 may coll a caucus of the Democrat of the TWiuge to conelder nominations, for." added Mr.' Rothchlld, . "I am myself a' candidate for speaker,' f, lllllfIG SHARES GO DOWN TODAY Over-Confidence Causes Yester-4-day's. Rise., and Today'$ . ' ... . Break in Frisco. BOOTH THIRTY. CENTS '. LOWER THAN THURSDAY . ;: ..: General Market Is About lOc lower v yuh Somejof the Best Known Is sues Showing the Heaviest Loss :.Today.. . " Saa Pranciaco, Jan. 11 There was a general react ka in the pries of mining' sharea en the local azebanxo today. ' Due to tba calling off of the etrflte tbs market advanced, very rapidly yesterday,, put today . It suffered tor everouBT fldence. ..... Montana 'lost Be sutt Booth dropped SOe. Other losses' were Bine bell 6c, Adams xc snd At lanta 8c. ...''".' Official bid prlcea: '" Belmont ..a-VIMl, IHtelnwaT .2S Caen Boy .13 Coo. .CatTiC Oolden Anchor-. ,42 Opblr Meilcsn ........ Caledonia ....... Excheauer ...... Home ,.1 Jim Butler .... 1.S5 MacNamara ... '.04' Midway ., 2.23 Montana ....... (.05 Norcross .90 Cold Crown .... .20 Greet Bend .... 167 Rescue 2 Black Butte Ex. .17 Montgomery lit.. M Sunset .18 North Star 40 Ohio .-, ' .17 Tonopih Elten.. 5:76 Nersds ........ ai 00A West End ..... 1-M . Adams ......... .23 Atlants ........ .Hi . Sceptre . , .67 Maubattaa ..... 1 Say. Huinprey. .IS lexter 76 Bluebell ,..-.",.,' -M Booth ........ 1.00 1J0 .81 .60 ' .26 - .17 1.75 ; 4.80 . l.SO , .64 J. Columbia Mt. . Coo. Ouarrr . Cranny ......... .82A Gold Wedge .... "'.IS Lone Star .40 IXamond field Mont. SUo. ex Ot. Bend .Ex.... ' .02 . ot. Bend Annex. .SO Dixie Gold field ..... Creaoent J. .14 Cowboy .12 Jumbo ....... Jumbo Bxtsa,, Denver Annex .. . Blsck Rock .... .10 Kendsll t.,m lffg"g- fJT. v N, Y. Consol.... ,16A uses 720- Miuhstta Oea., ,u Mohawk ...14.00 Little Jos ..I. .06 , '.70 .85 .87 .IS .12 .57 1 .24 M Red Top Msy Flower Sandstorm m 7l ick 1.50 Jumping Jsck. .. Silver Pick Ked lop six..... St. -Ives ..'..'.;. .97 Mustsg National Bank.. .69 Eclipse .1.10 Bull rrog Mia... Triangle Loa IX I Ion ..... Pine Nat ...... Uold Bar .....".'1.60 0. BuU rrog... 1J1 MUST GO FAR TO MAKE A" CROSSING , . . . ..." . : ; ,i ' Owner 'of ;Teams - Complains - of Streetcar Tracks Above Street Grade. . One and one quarter mHes of -city streets traversed by th street railway to 8t johne are Impassible, according; to a statement made by M. M. Ketohum, representing the - Penlnaular Feed 4c Fuel company, .to the street' Commit tee of the executive board yesterday afternoon. Ketehum said the .tracks of the company were so high above the grade of the streets that It was im possible for a teamster to drive over them. He has IT teams and his driv ers have told him that they must go trtore than- a mils. In order te make a croaalng. Other firms and Individuals having 41- teams make the same com plaint. Mr. Ketehum aaked for a rem edy. ... . . . .....-... , - "The street car com pan lea have got their franchises snd they seem ta do with the streets Just as they please, aid Commissioner T. O. Greene In re sponse, y - No remedy could be afforded Mr. Ketehum, and the matter was referred to .the city engineer for Investigation. LEAPING GAPUNDAY Tonight, ladlee STlffM at the Bis; Oaks ekatdaa; JUak. 1 Tonight wlir again be ladles' hlght at the big rink, and thati-thlanlght la.a very popular one is so ' well demon strated by the great attendance of the ladles. If you would enjoy a pleasant skate come out tonight. On Sunday afternoon Professor Harrison, racer and skater, will give hla first performance hare In leaping the gap on roller skates. This Is a very daring feat that so many fancy skaters have, failed . to perfect. There will . be no extra admission charged far the act. THIELMAN FINED FOR - ' LEADING SON ASTRAY William ' Thlelman has paid a fine of $100 in the circuit court for Inducing a minor to visit a house of .- Ill-fame. Thlelman Is ' the saloon-keeper who viciously aasaulted . Police . Captain Bruin several, weeks ago, whea the lat ter went to arrest him. The minor In the case wu Thlelman's . 1 (-year-old son, Oscar. .. - ... ,? , ; Laock Is Appointed. flacramento, Cat, Jan. 11. Governor Gillette has reappointed Adjutant-General J. B. lAuck. The appointment shows that Gillette means to force mill tla discipline, Lanck having incurred the enmity of many militiamen by the dlacharge of several companies, for in subordlnaUon. J , Decapitated by Elevated. , ' (Jonnial Speelal gervlee.. New Tork. Jan. 11. Because the guard. Alfred Brown, refused to - open the gates, W. 8. Newman, a manufac turer, was thrown under a moving ele vated train and decapitated. Carl Wohn. an importer, was fatally crashed on the avenue line In the Bronx.' The guard was arrested. Teharhapl Tunnel Mocked. Uonrsal Speelal Service.! Baknrafleld, Cal., Jan. 11. Continued rain and snow have dislodged Immense rrtrantltles-of rock and dirt from -the mountains between here and Teharhapl Pass, completely blocking the mouth of tnnnel No. IT. - Southern Faciflo trrfflc is at a gtanasim. The little Duchess Randajr. The Utile Dnrheag," whlrh enanes ts tbs tlelllg Ihearra Beit Snnday, Jannarr lg, (nr a fnur-algbt star, haa been the recipient of many enrnmlame of nralas (raw the press snd sab. He, both anrlng the tarn years Onnteaa Olga von Hstsreieit Saa appeared aa tne star ami dirrlng the toar of her nredereaenr, Anna Held. In the same role. "The Utile Oneness" esihraees the ana II Ilea whleb sttrset ahnnrlatit ennedT. aatiale of the llngly nnpnlar vsrlety. reenlennent enetatnlBge aad plrtareaqn scenery, Tbs pres ent enmpany aamDers to peopM, Sears sow iTfl.20 1 00 1.00 ' .68 , .S3' sals, I ... ( ' ' in . THE PACIFIC TELEPHONE and TELEGRAPH COMPANY First' Mortgage and Collateral Trust 5 per cent Sinking Fund 30-Year Gold Bonds. Dated January 8, 1807. Interest. January 2 and July 2. Due January 2, 1937. ' ;." ; '"i ' '" '' ' 1 ; 4 :' ' ' " " , , These bonds cover the entire property of the company operating the extensive Bell telephone system , in' California, Oregon, and Washington, with branches into adjacent states. They are a first mortgage on the entire plant and real estate in San Francisco, a v - first lien through' stock ownership on the system in Oregon and eastern Washington, and ra refunding lien on the "Sunset' property in California and western Washington. The : value of the property covered amounts to three times, the bonds outstanding (including the present issue), and net earnings to three times interest charges. . . ' " A large portion of the proceeds of these bonds will bo ueied in improving the . systems in Portland, Seattle, Tacoma, and Spokane. i.-SK'-'''-?'' - ' - We offer $3,000,000 of the above bonds for public Subscription at 10254 and accrued Interest. " Subscriptions will be received up to and including January 21, 1907. The pur chase price payable upon the delivery of temporary bonds, which will be ex . changeable for permanent an graved bonds when Issued. - The privilege is reserved of rejecting any or all subscriptions and of allotting a smaller amount than, subscribed for. I)cBcrirrf,lTecnlar MESSRS. "LADD & TILTON AND THE UNITED STATED NATIONAL BANK. N. W. HALSEYm CO., Bankers : - ei : :r 413 Montgomery St, San Francisco. t,vj,XH "--i: New York. : PUT UP TICKET Commercial Club Election May This Time Be Different From Usual Ceremony. : NO BIG MERCER FOR US, ; " IS FACTION'S SLOGAN It's ' Membejw Declare . That ft , Has ; Too Xong Been the Custom for hetirlna Officers to Name New Ad- . . ......... ...... .ministration, " A rival' ticket In opposition to the so- called "administration ticket" was post ed this afternoon at the Portlatrcr Com mercial' club, to be voted' on at the an- nual -electionJanuary 19 I The proceeding 4s unparalleled In the It years' history of the club. It grows out of strong dissatisfaction," among a large and Influential element, against the method of nominative succession by which control of the club's affairs has been kept in the hands of a few. The opposition or Independent ticket la composed ,of the following: R. V. Inman, R. U Durham. B. H. Trumbull, Dr. We,therbee, W. A. Cleland. EL H. McCraken, W. B. Glafke. John Annand. The new ticket was selected at a meet Ing of a score of members In one of the rooms at the orub last night, They went carefully over the question and discussed tha situation dispassionately, and then canvassed the membership list to get material for '.an Independent ticket. They object to the method that has -been, 4a vogue bo long by which each retiring president and DOero nf never. nors practically dictates who their suc cessors-shall -be. - .--.- ""v " ' fcrorsrnors Are trangers. In thta manner, they say, men have been kept on the board of governors who have taken little or no Interest In the club's affairs, who are rarely seen within Its doors and who ought to be weary by this time of bearing the bur dens of government. In short, they want some changes snd believe that a bit of wholesome competition in the election would have a beneficial effect. . The administration ticket ta aware that a strong movement was set under way a week ago, and there has been some lively hustling during the last few days on both- sides. The insurgents held a meeting at the dab Thursday evening, vhey did not meet In secret. but went about It openly and declared their dissatisfaction without reserve. They call themselves the ''reform ticket." and are opposed to the talked of consolidation between the Commercial dub and the chamber of - commerce. They assert that the Commercial club shoul be more democratic In Its elect Ive methods, and give the US men who support it something to say In the selec tion of tl.e management. , They assert that for 10 years the board of governors has uniformly bee selected by a nom inating committee named by the ruling powers within the circle, and . that the succeeding board of governors was con sequently but a continuation of the for mer board. Tt Is declared that the most beneficial method would be to have enough nominations to give the member) ship some choice in voting for .new governors. ,' Insurgents Oppose Merger. S." C. Beed and E. L. Thompson are both mentioned for president of the club to succeed F, W. Lead better. There will probably be still other candidates brought out before the time for election. It Is reported that Mr. Reed Is heartily In favor of merging all the commercial bodies Into .one great organization. The Insurgents are opposed to combination of these-bodies under tne plan proposed. They have pledged every . man on the ticket to oppoae the merger. -The contest Is being waged without bitterness, so far as investigation today reveals the situation. There Is a friend ly difference of opinion as to the methods of nominating and election of succeeding boards of governors, - and the objectors to the present plan are proposing. Ihat more thnjt one ticket should be offered to the voters, so that the may have a chance - to make changes occasionally in the1 policies of the club.1 , i i , .. : ... ': One 0 lg-an tie Body.. .,' , The movement to merge all the com mercial bodies is a continuation of the iSURGEflTS - '':V.?-r PhiUdelphia. agitation started two years ago by W, D. Wheelwright as president of the cbam- ' i ber of commerce. " He iPMerea befo th Manufacturers association, the Commercial club and the board of trade, and advocated the beauties and advant ages of having one giant organisation la Portland, greater than any other com mercial organisation la. the twest, .to carry on the work that la now out- up between all four bodies. . . . . '. When the next president, R. R. Hoga, came into office he did but little to fur ther this movement until' the close of his. term, when he gave It a. big push forward by declaring In his parting ad dress that the city of Portland should have one great commercial organisation Instead of tour as at present. The Com mercial club . haa (IS members, the chamber of commerce haa 860, the board of trade about eOO and the'manufaotur ere organisation has something over 110. It la argued that a great organi sation -of i,t 10 members, which,, could easily be made 1,600, would by tho very Immensity of Its' membership give Port land such a social prestige and com manding oommerotal stature that Its force would be- felt all over the United States." .It would be th greatest com mercial organisation In the entire west. There are many dissenting members in the ranks of the - Commercial club. They want to continue their club as It Is, with the exception of making tha elective methods more democratlo by having a wider choice In election of gov ernors. -The -administration ticket" is supposed to be In favor Of a merger, although none of them ias officially declared - a -platform. -The - ticket -Is composed of 8. U. Reed, Robert Ken nedy, W. B. Glafke, George H. Hill, K. H. McCraken. J. H. Thatcher. H. Wit tenberg, J. W. Ganong, William Mo Murray. One of the objections to this ticket Is that. It is alleged, none ' but Mr. MoMurray, Mr. Girtfk. Mr. McCra ken. Mr. Ganong and Mr. Kennedy fre quent the club. ITONS-OF-EARTH CRUSH OUT LIFE OF WILSON , J.'-WUaon, a laborer,- employed by C. J. Cook at Co. in excavating the site for tha William Gadsby warehouse, on HoyV-instweeitlThlrteenth and Four teenth streets," was no seriously In jured by the cave-In erf a bank of earth that he died at (he Good Samaritan hos pital yesterday within half an hour after being admitted to that institu tion. - ... Wilson waa-engaged in shoveling dirt from a bank, when suddenly, without warning, several tons of earth fell on him. All" of the laborers, undsr direc tion bf the foreman. Immediately atarted to dig out the burled man and managed to reach him Just In time to save him from suffocation. Wilson was removed to tho nc-pltal as soon as possible. Every 'effort waa made to save hla life, but without avail. Coroner Finley was notified and re movsQ the remains to the morgue. Wil son was unmarried and resided at the Union house. He cam to this city last Auguat and has relatlvea residing la this county. . RESIGNS FROM BOARD ' OF SCHOOL EXAMINERS -Professor D. A. Grout, for six years a member or the county board of school examiners, tendered his resignation te County Superintendent Robinson this morning. The resignation waa ac cepted and B. 3, Hadley, principal of the Holladay school, was appointed to nil the vacancy. In the letter accompanying his realg nation. Professor Grout stated .that, he is unable to attend to the duties ot examiner on account of the pressure of business In his own offloe. Ue Is now serving ss assistant superintendent of the city echoois, and Is also acting aa superintendent during the . lllnese of Superintendent Rlgler. ' . The new -board will be composed of Superintendent Robinson,- Mr. Hadley and Principal J. T. Gregg of the Haw thorne school. The first examinations te be held by. tha -board will be in February.. V , ,.!. OLIVE' LAKE POWER ' PLANT STARTS SOON Sumpter, Or- Jag. 11. It is under stood that the Olive' tsike power plant will be atarted by February 1. This la one of the blggeet concerns of the kind In eastern Oregon and on It haa already been . sxpended several hundred thou sands of dollars. This company will not only supply -electric power to the mines of Sumpter, Bourns, CablssvlUe, Granite and Oreenhom, but will soon cause a resumption of heavy operations at the Great Red Bof mine. ,v .': - v Chicago. TWICE D IVORCEO- FROf.1 OIIE-P , mm 1MBP wmmm4m m " Such .May Be Fate - of, Richard Max Meyer. Art . Dealer, as ' Two Suits Are Filed. SECOND ALLEGES CRUELTY; THE OTHER DESERTION The Last JSolt Was Intended as Amendment as Alimony Is Re duced, bnt the Two Are Separate 1 Circuit Cowc, T : VTlisf-f leouis Max Meyer, the proprietor of the "Art Emporium.' at 141 Alder street, is named as ths defendant In two separata and distinct sulta for dl vorca now on -file In the .Multnomah county circuit court . -. .. No, Meyer is not a bigamist. At least, there is no evidence on file ti bear out the suspicion. The fact Is, tha artist's wife, Gertrude' May Meyer, haa sued her husband twice, alleging different of tenses, and both suits have exactly the same standing in court. cspt that one waa filed before the other and must necessarily be disposed of oerore tne otner is called for trial. arus Wants Children. If, therefore, each suit Is disposed of without reference to ths ether, Ixinle -Max Meyer may find himself twice di vorced from the same woman. Nay, three times, for the couple were married once before, ' divorced, and married., again." - The first suit of the two now In the circuit court was filed on September 27 last It prayed for a divorce on -the grounds - of - desertion, - alleging -that Meyer had left his wife tha previous August In addition, the court was ' asked, to grant the custody of tho four children, the issue of the former mar-: rlsge, and $o a month alimony. : The second suit was filed January . UOT. Nothing waa said as to desertion, but the charge was extreme orueltv. Jhe alimony plea was reduced to read 111 and the cuatody of the children was still asked for. ' - . , Beiaarrled ft Tea Ago. ' ' Hayes afs Brand were the attorneys who fUed both sulta. In filing the second complaint they undoubtedly In tended to. file It as an amended com plaint, because the defendant waa un able' to pay as much as fto and because he had returned to the plaintiff sub-" sequent to the alleged desertion. , The . records, however, do not show that there was any Intention to file tho eotnplalnt- aa an amended one, and aa the matter now stands Meyer is the defendant In two suits for divorce In the same court at the eame time. The second marriage of - tho Meyers took place December 7. If 05. .o ' ST. JOHNS CHURCH FILES INCORPORATION PAPERS .. .i ' ' 1' . . The First Baptist church of St Johns filed artlclea of incorporation with the county clerk today. ' The purpose of the corporation Is stated as being "to pro vide "favorable conditions for the wor ship of God.' The trustees . of the church are named aa J. W. Brock, J. G. HeTwrsrreurt-i-W. Suiter. The capital stock Is l,0o. Other articles of in corporation tiled today were: Realty Investment ' Company; capital stock, 14,000; Incorporators, Homer D. Angeir, Forrest S. Fisher and U A. Jenkins.. !... The Tounf aV Cook Investment com pany! Incorporators, F. M.' Cook, O. Ct Young" and C A. Young; capital stock, -M.000, ' NpW MOVING HEAVY ' "! ' ,: FREIGHT OVER SNOW (Special 1 Wspstrt te The Jonrn.l.) ' Bumpier, Or.. Jan. 11. Snow Ilea here about to a depth of over two feet in many placea. The roads leading out from Sumpter ara in fine condition, made ko by snow snd cold weather; and team sters and freight contractors find thle the favored time of the year for heavy traffic. Consequently all h rraieht to Granite, Oreenhom and the other dis tricts ara now being transported.