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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 10, 1907)
THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, THURSDAY EVENING, JANUARY '10, 1807. ICE CAKES FLOATING OWW COLUMBIA RIVER - -f . - j. Vancouver Ferry Cannot Run, and Down-River Steamers Will Probably Be Forced to Tie Up for a'Few Nights Suburb'-- ;.''' anites Noses Get; Very, Very Cold. An immense Ice Jam In the Columbia '. river broke at about "1 o'clock laat tiifht," and today lea floes half an acre In extent ara blocking tha course of the T lertr between tha Oregon aide and van' . eouver. - In ' places the Ice, ia fully a , foot and a half thick and entirely too compact to We tha ferry any chance to eroaa even by attempting to dodge . the floea. This la tha hearlect drift of Ice re corded In the middle Columbia during tha paat five years. - Ia tha early 0s the river nearly froaa solid, but alnoe then only email quantltlaa of drift have ; impeded navigation for a day or two . at the time each aeaaoa. Thla year it .appears ea If tha ferry will have to re main Idle at Ieaat three days, judging from tha slow rate at which tha lea la moving toward the aea. There Is some danger of tha floes Impeding navigation en the lower Columbia, at least during . the night, because a collision with one of the larga floes . would mean disas ter to a frail river craft. , Tha ioe will reach tha Columbia below the nouth of the Willamette some time this after noon In quantities that may cause oon ' tiderable hindrance to shipping. District Foreeaatsr Edward A. Beals holds out Uttle. hopa -f or-a -change "in - - the weather eondltlona during tha next twa days. The forecast this 'rooming speaks of fair weather tonight and to morrow, continued cold, and easterly - winds. Ha says the thermometer dropped to 14 degrees at o'clock this r morning, and thereby reached tha low est temperature 'mark elnce March IS laat aprlng. when the thermometer reg istered 12 degrees. But the thermom eter st the weather bureau was not ths only one to feel the-effect of tha cold. Everybody who had . ta..bravvtha-wU4 felt chilled, although there were thoae . who insisted the: yesterday morning was colder. . . . j: Suburbanites say - tha - east wind ' is getting In much better work where they live than in tha city proper, where tha atreets ara protected to a certain ex tent by the tall buildings, and', also be " " causa of the. lower altitude. " Residents fromlledmont, Woodlawn and other suburbs in that direction -cams Into the city tats morning with ioicleS on their eyelaahea and awearlng that by all odds this was ths coldest ' momlng , ever recorded anywhere.-. The higher ground on tha peninsula gets the full benefit of tha wind sweeping down . the Columbia river gap In the mountains, which makes it about six degrees colder than at the weather bu reau obaervatory. Tha same condition exists in the vicinity of Mount Tabor, where the wind haa free swing around the knolls and buttea. Tha Montavlllv ites came into town this morning shiv ering as if they had been corked In an lea cheat o,ver night, but fhey say they are willing to atand It. because they play even in summer, when it la nice end cool at the Villa, while other sec tions or the city are veritable bake-ovens. 'Soma of tha ponds about tha city are beginning to freese enough to afford fairly decent skating, and tha boys are coming out about as quickly as their parenta will permit them. Tha toe Is still thin, snd for that reason danger ous, and a number of youngsters went homo laat night with their feet wet and good prospects for a severs cold. They will try again this evening If by some scneme -or other they can manage to break loose from their guardians. - STATE HOUSES BEING 1MADEBEADY-F0R-S0L0NS (Special Diesel te The Seeveal.t -, Salem, Or.. Jan. 10. -Preparations are .being made for tha placing In readiness of tha eapltol building for tha approach ing biennial gathering of the legisla tors of tha atata of Oregon. The elec tric company la now putting in a higher voltage transformer and 00 lights will Illuminate the building during tha ses sion. The counters - for the telegraph companies; telephone booths and olgar counters have been. -put- In-plaoe.--AU tha committee rooma . have been made ready for the work of tha solons. ARMY 1$ PREPARING TO " MARCH INTO TEHERAN ' (Joernal Special Service.) ' " Teheran,' Jarr. 10. -Great cxcIlemenT has been caused here by tha reports from Lurlston that Fath Mtrse, third son of the lata shah of Persia, has raised an arms" of 16.000 A nrer. In to march on Teheran. Tha tlon of Mohammed Alt, Blrse takes place In S3 days. BASttisuf ouTTimartt oomjastt) iaitim oxxmnimm comtat1 js?! THAT WE.'ARE HAMMERING PRICED DDWrSfDN VHAT IS LEFT '.OP OUR SEASON'S GOODS -:7h E BLOWS WE AR E STRIKING ARE" REDUCirVC OUR. STOCK.. , Busted mliRowN: :.l FCLL01VS RAILROAD I'MfluiliMlA.. Many Business Houses Opening , and City Springing Up by Magic. ' v (Special Dispatch te The Journal.) Forest Grove, Or., Jan. 10. That a railroad la a powerful stimulus toward building up a community, haa amply been demonstrated by tha town of Banks,, eight miles north . of . Forest Otove. "But. a few years ago . this place was a dense forest, but now Is a thriv ing little community, and all tha cltl sena are loud In their boasts In the. big strides they will make In the near ru ture. .. ' Since tha advent of the railroad sev eral dry goods stores have been estab lished, a feed store and .blacksmith shop, a creamery, real estate offices and other enterprises. There have been several real estate transfers there ths past week. President Lytle has assured tha people ox that vicinity that he will soon build a new depot, snd there la strong talk of establishing a bank there. Banks la admirably located for a p re gressive town. Right In tha center of a rich farming and dairying section. It has bright prospects of becoming a mar ket place for the products of ths sur rounding country. ; SHIP BLACK SANDS TO PORTLAND FOR REDUCTION '-Crescent City, CaX, Jan. -10. Tha Oriental Reduction oompany of Port land, whloh has secured an-option on a large area of beach sands between hers and Eureka, Is preparing to ship a larga quantity of the aands to tha reduotlon plant of the company at Portland. This plant la how under construction, and tha method to be employed Is similar to that used by. Dr. David T. Day of the United Btates geological survey, who had-chargeof the blaclt sand experi ments at the Lewis and Clark fair. The sands not only carry gold, but also con siderable platinum, nickel and Iron. DELIRIUM JREMENS- IS CAUSE OF HIS DEATH Astoria, Or., Jan.-10. -Teeterday even ing a man named Edward Hunter was arrested while drunk by a polloe offloer and taken to Jail. His caaa developed Into delirium tremens and ha died this morning. Hs was booked as a deck hand. -He was 4 years old and a native of England. It la not known whether he-had any relatives. - : . AT THE THEATRES "I"" mi V 1 Mi .HAH A It INC fttiCtS t REDUCTIONS IN roR.CE ALL THROUGH THrJTORE--SEA.SoN ABLE GOODS, RIGHT UP TonTHE, MARK IN STYLE : AND VERY. BEST IN QUALITY THE DESIRABLE- DEPENDABLE SORT THAT THIS HOUSE IS FAMED TOR, BUT VE NEVER": CARRY "OVER FROM ONE -SEASON TO ANOTHER, HENCE PRICE CUTS NOW THAT MEAN MUCH TO THE CONSUMER. UST A MENTION or TWO OR THREE LINES .VERY MUCH WANTED AT PRESENT .. . ... 4 Ladies Sweaters and Vests, all the popular ef f ects Automobile, Norfolk and others, all col ors; all at a reduction for quick clearance. Ladies' Eiderdown Robes and Sacques, all the best colors, extra special at Half Price. , ' Muslin' 1 Underwear Mount Millick and Eye let, solid white hand embroidered; - Gowns, , Corset Covers, Combination Suits, etc.; all at a radical reduction from regular prices. Bedding Blankets and Comforts--Now's ;vhen you need them, buy now and save from a third to a half the usual cost Lower Floor. W also call attention to our stock of the cele brated P. N. Corsets, of which we now have' a full and complete line. These are the corsets with the practical sides, especially suited for stout figures.' - - - Eastern Outfitting Co. . Washington and Tenth tii itoii tiu rovm oBSBz n iopa "Sultan of Snla" Tonight at Helllg, The tuneful nuteal eoaedr ef Oeeree Ada. "Tbe Bolus of Snla." -will be tbe attrsetloa t 4he Hili th.atr tnnlvht Vp4.v , Q.Im ray sfjibu with a epecUl-prlee utlM. Bstw u7. iuw cirnj mueicai pier l ruiea WHS brlcht serlngs and Mle that win eases 70 to wsistie roe pretty aiaiodiee arter roe bsve left tbe tbeatra, Musical aambers that bave aa( - Bach to do with tbe increasing ponalnrltr of I "TUe Saltan et Halo" are Ki Bam'aiV-i nc I Marth," "The- floilllog lale of al. ' 1 Military Bike" aonf. "Rlnce I rirst Met " ; "Rngared la e Sort ef Way." 'The V. H. ''Mr Stile Lale Loe." "R-a-sj-o-r-a" and "Rosabella Clang. Beats sre aslUus st the box office, rourteeath and Washing j1o streets, for the entire eagageaieaC ; . - Seat Salo Open Tomorrow. BMrnlng at 10 o'clock at the bos office ef tbe Helllg theatre for Ola Van Hatsfeldt, who comae to in a dot. tosetre ror roar . sights, be-Inning "aexf Ban day night, Jennary. 18, la Anna Beld'sfamons mnslcal play, "lie Little Deehesa." There are no less thaa five 'come dians la the excellent east supporting her, and tbe large eboros 1s said to contain many beaa tlfal faces snd charming flseras. , Fifty people la all. Tbe pradnetloa of scenery and eostsnMS Is described as moat elaborate, arrJatlo and eolorrol, embraelng eae of the nost gorseoaa sartortcal dlaplays ever eaea la thla style ef praoon tattoo. "Old Heidelberg" Touches Hearts. Crowded booses smile sad grieve artta the Baker stock oompaay this week as the ro BMuee ef "Old Heidelberg U anfoldod end told sgala. Love sheds s glamoor ever any tale, bet the story ef devotion between the Oermaa are dent king end the barmaid at the Oollese tsa gives to Joba Balnpolls snd Lnilaa Lawreaee aa opportanlty te toech the beans eeldoai at forded. '. "Old Heidelberg" la scoring e big - "Ransom's F0U7" at Baker Next. "Sanson 'a roily," a story ef waatarn life, kvo sad adventure, will follow "Old Hetdel. berg" at tbe Baker theatre tbe coming week, commencing with a matinee Sunday afternoon. "Ransom's Polly" la a strong story rail of telling sitnatkms and will give the Baker stock company aa admirable vehicle la which te score a ootlier great saceeas. Tbe scenery, stem set. tier, costumes rand atmosphere of tbe piece win nraniporc ue aaaienos swsy iron thf city te tbe old-time ragged west. j .""" At the Empire Tonight.. AD tbe reel Tilly Olsons ia tbe city are In vited to attend the performance ef "Tilly Onion" at ths Umpire theetre free ef charge tonight. Juat apply to the borofnee for easts any time before tonight's performance sad see tbe bast sf all the Hwedlah comedies. "Tilly Olaoa" la drawing Urge crowde te tbe Em-plre- every aJsbt this week. There will be a matinee Saturday. ........... "At Crjpple Creek.H . Rvery eae who mlaaed B. J. Carpentaf'e great attraction. -at vnppis ureea," laat ysar at tha Smptre, and every one whe did not sales It will want to see It thle eeaaoa.far It has a repatattoa tboroaghly eetsbllshed for being ene of tbe . very beet ea tbe road. From the pea ef that powerful writer of elean heart plays, Hal Keld, and smder the direction ef . J. Carpenter. Opening Sunday matinee at tne empire. . . , . . -t "Harbor Lights.' One of the beat Brlrlab melodramas deallna with the see Is "Harbor Llfhts," which Is Bow being presented at tne Lyric Tbe man agement, Meeere. Keating a Flood, save spared no expense In giving the play a Uriah and approprUte scenic background and the com pany Is Interpreting the famoae drams la a manner beyond cum pare. There will be a matinee every afternoon and two alrbt per formances ea Saturday and Sunday. For Sext week tbe management announce "Baphe," be ginning Monday afternoon, . . . ; "Little Minister" at SUr.t The Little Minister," with the Babble waltses, the mob acene, musical aambers and s compute eceale production Is what tbe alien atock company la offering this week at (be Star theatre. The production la the greatest given In Portland at such prices. Mlaa Varna Frltoa Is at bee best as Babble, ths Egyptian, and-Foreat SeaDaTy given a flnlahd portrayal of Gavin Dlikart. tbe mlnlater. Matinees will be repeated Saturday and Bonder, Nest Week's offering will be "Humbug." , S .. At the Grand. Vaudeville of tbe beet class Is what tbe Greed management la giving. There le a bill ef eeperlaliy Jollity thle week and ths bead line feature la s elde-eplltting comedy acre batte turn. Tbe Laffel trie are downs with e reboundlneTiiet, whlrb makea axa-a Ungbs thaa anything ekte on- the prosram. Robert Rnsers and Loutee Macklntrarii bavs e amillng play let along donieauc Hnea and Charles McDonald Is the beet dancer that has appeared st tbe Urasd, lane shows Sail, llSii AMioin Sale Pillow Tops at 25o 7 dozen in this lot and rvery one worth 50c; all gr this sea son's detigns, some sr litho trrgphed, others' sre stamped; front and back; half price 7 C a tomorrow only.,.. ..LoV M2tU Unit Olovcs at muO 25 dosen women's Knit Oloves, plain and fancy colors, pure worsted and seamless; 50c val ues; special sala-- .: ySn price....... ........r ..;..aVi)C This store news tells only part of the story. The store Is full of line new goods, but side by side ire the everyday needfuls which we found below usual values and were quick to secure and bring here for your benefit. EVERYTHING IN THE LIST FOLLOWING IS A BARGAIN IN THE WORLD'S FULLEST AND TRUEST SENSE. This sale will bring economy to every person' who takes advantage of the opportunity. Great savings await you In every section of the store. Every item, ; from the lowest to the highest price. IS AN EMPHATIC BARGAIN. .' . ! Silks! Sillrs! Another Great Silks ! Sillrs! i Sensational Silk Sale 1 W:Pc Hundreds and hundreds of yards of bright, new, stylish silks. , This season's most popular designs and colorings. By far the greatest showing of beautiful and up-to-date silks ever offered at such ridiculously low prices. No power of verbal expres sion could giveouany-idc oi ta rnagiificenlrtlisplay, and despitrthe low pridngyycnrwiHfodthcscBilkre dependabiuty that baa made this section of our store so popular. - . ; - - - "- : , ; ; , ' -. Extra Space Devoted to This Great Display Extra Salespeople to Serve You Promptly , ' See display in our Morrison Street Window. We suggest an early visit to secure the best choice ,'. v 50o, 7 56 and SI .00 Sillis All to Go at 49 Cents Fancy Pompadour Silks Fancy Loulssenes r ATSChenejr Bros.' Changeable Taffetas Fancy Jacquard Taffetas "telebrated Kimono and'Drapery Fancy Taffetas Fancy MessaHnea Printed Habutals Gros de Soudres Cheney Bros.' Foulards Black Taffetas' . . Silks, in an endless variety of pretty patterns, all new and fresh, this season's goods, no two pieces alike; sold iJv elsewhere at 65c and 78c Special price, per yard. .. . .iOv a F9 lir t o? am f.a - a-Sa'.: ... 11 ' ' ' ax S7 jap diuc, i i xncnea wiae, warranxea 10 ourwear any . i , i aa s silk made, washabjeand,lajtxloraega4ar 'Your r T i a!) j Q uiuitc 01 rca, diuc, pma, green, uin, uiuwb, lavcnucr, icmon, orange, rose, champagne, black, white and cream at if special price per yard. ........................... ...4JL AT 39e floe and TCc values, Fancy Silk and Wool 'Wait ings, in neat stripes and checks, colors blue, pink, gray, 20s green and navy. Special price, per yard .OyC AT 30f 8-inch" all wool, French. Albatross, washable and durable; colors wine, scarlet, navy; pink, blue, nile, tan, cham pagne and black; extrajgooYaluesiJQc-and flfic. 2Qah -Special price, per yard. ......... . . .... . . ... Ov Colored Dress Goods " In Two Lots at Special Prices a Yard At "89c. i-aJCard 42-inch All Wool Cheviots ; 40-inchAIl Wool Storm Serge 3-mch-Alt Woot FrenchSerge 38-inch Ail-Wool French Panama 40-inch Silk and Wool Plaids 88-inch Novelty Suitings J-d . 38-inch Gray Homespuns r , f. 88-inch Fancy Worsteds . ' 02-Inch English Covert . ' -. ." 44-inch German Granite ' 60-inch Cheviot . I ' 46-inch Armure 44-inch 4SiIk Warp Henrietta - 40-inch Silk Warp Eolienne L-A-Oreat-Salo of TiTnsliTi unaerweor Cambric Drawers 2v A fine lot of Cambric Drawers, made with deep lawn or cambric flounces, some with hemstitching. snd tucks, others with clusters of fine tucking and lace edging; closed or open; special price, pr.xwf -Nainsook- ChemlsetTf Skirt length, round neck of two rows Valenciennes lace inserting, two rows beading and ribbon; skirt with nainsook ruffle, tucks and lace; special price, each.....'.. ....fl.19 Girdle" Corsets'St)- Best 30c 'values In tspe Girdles, colors blue, pink and white; about 10 -dosen for tomorrow's selling; best of tape snd boned with steel; special price... J.... . 29 White Skirts f 1.10 Choice of several styles' of Cambric Skirts, flaring umbrella .flounce, elaborately trimmed with embroidery, and laces, extra underlay and dust ruffle J special price, each r...f l.lO Women's Gowns 68) A variety of stylet of fine soft nainsook or muslin, slip-over styles snd high-neck gowns, daintily trimmed with laces, embroideries and nbbdns; : special NewWalking Skirts Reduced AH ara made in accordance with very latest fashions from materials for present season and early spring wear. price .....88f Corset Covers 2S Soft nainsook, full front effects, yoke formed of rows of Valenciennes. lsce edge, embroidery, insertion ana eage, beading drawn with ribbon; special price each Very Tempting Prices in the Notion Department VERY SPECIAL BARGAINS WILL BE ON SALE BARGAIN FRIDAY. Value as good as thesa are not offered every - day, so be on hand, early tomorrow. We call .your special attention to tha following Items- BELT PURSES. 19) Instead of 35c The popular Peter Psa Belt Purse in . all colors, good 35c values, spe cial clearance price !& HAND BAGS. 19a Instead of 75c Large assortment of wal rus orain Hand Bscs, well made, riveted frame. fitted with coin purse, etc moire lining; ourr 75c values, special clearance price, eacn..vf BELT SPECIAL. 184 Instead of 50c New styles In women's leather and silk Belts in all colors and sizes; every one worth 50c and soma 75c, special clearance sale price 13a HAIR PINS. 1 8et Instead of 15c An extra good lot of shell and amber Hsir Pins, regularly sold at 15c, special clearance price, per, card ,,8f ! Splendid Bargains in Men's Wear Universal approval of our special offerings on this day, given over as it is to extraordinary value giving, is indicated in tha tremendous selling increase week by week; but it is rare good fortune to stumble against such decisive cuts in prices as we an ounce below Men's Underwear 434 A remarkable bargain in men's heavy fleeced shirts and drawers, our standard lines, genuine first quality and well sale price, per garment '-Air' worth 60c and 75c; special clesrsnce "ut Men's Wool Underwear 98e Men's all wool grsy underwear. These are mads of finest wool, with well finished seams, are cut full size snd perfect fitting; well worth $1.50, OS - special clesrsnce sale price, garment... 70b Men's Wool Hose, lie) Men's black sll wool nose, with gray heels and toes, full fashioned feet; good 35c value, special price, per . JJq Men's Night Robes 89 f Men's fancy night robes made from the very best outing flannel in all the best patterns and colors; reirular $1.25 quality, special clesrsnce price, Of)r . esch. .. ;; . . . , ..... ... ...... .Oy U $6.00 Walking Skirts f 3.TK These skirts are of the best . grade panama, in black, blue, brown and green. -also large variety of stylish gray- chtcks-and elaMsmany-new effects x Urge line to choose from; values up to, $6.00, special, clearance price. ... .. I O $5 JO Fur Scarfs f 3.48 About 50 Scarfs in this lot snd esch one is worth from $3.90 to $5.50. They are Australian and American opossum in black and brown,- with larga brush tails; good values; special clearance $1.25 Sateen Peticoata 88j lOoa. black Sa teen Petticoats, full mercerized finish; made in good style, deep flounce, finished with strsps snd ruffles; our $1.25 quality, special QQa clearance price..;..... OOl $15.00 Raincoats 8 T.80 Your choice of about 15 styles women's cravenettte coats, every ararment made of aenuine cravenette' cloth r I latest models and "best colors; not one coat worth less than $1Z50 and $15.00; dJT FA ' clearance sale price , m-rrm ....... V. ) eO U $22.50 Suits 814.76 Good assortment man ' tailored suits in broscloths, cheviots and mix tures, sll the best colors, beautifully trimmed with silk braids and velvetir best styles, "worthy f rom$1650 - to - $2Z5Q special - dj A -7 fj -clearance price, ...Pile O Children's $5X0 Coats fa.B Children's coats of bearskin, astrschsn, plush Scotch .plaid and mixtures, great many to select from, sga 2 to 6 years; worth $3.50 to $5.00; special d? Fft dearanos sale price.. vLQJ Friday's Special Offerings Domestic Seet'n No batter opportunity to economise could present itself. Bargain Friday prices are. powerful in their temptmgnesa and importance. All sorts of domestic goods are offered much below tnelr regular prices, as tne following items lorooiy prove 6 Cents CRASH TOWELING -FULLY WORTH 8 1-Sc Tomorrow only at this price brown Crash Toweling, full 16 inches wide, absorbent snd durable, best 8 l-3c quality, special for Bargain Friday at ..... Oingrloaina and Madxas -1 . : - - Shirting r3 : v Best 12c Quality at 8a An esrly visit is suggested to secure best choice Tomorrow we plsce on sale a great assortment of Ginghams and Madras Shirtings in a large line of de sirable patterns in light, medium snd-dsrk colors, suitable for waists, wrappers, dresses, shirts, etc.; our best 12jc lines, especially priced for Bargain Friday st....... 9f OUTINO FLANNEL ty gmxr4'rt FULLY WORTH 9c ef - VUlltO Tomorrow only at this priae about 50 bolts of standard quality Outing Flannel in a large assortment of durable patterns in light, medium, and dark colors, best 9c quality, special for . Bargain Friday at Te Twelve Yard Pieces English - : lawn Cloth Fully Worth $185. Friday at 8148 A very fortunate purchase enables us to offer this ex ceptional value 36-inch English Long Cloth, fine firm quality, nice even thread, just the de sired material for children's dress and dainty underwear; regular price $1.85 a bolt, special Bargain Friday at .......8148 Prices in Shoe Department Have Been Deeply Cut $2.00 1 For Men's Shoes, Worth $3.50 and 00 Men's patent leather dress Shoes In a number of new styles, heavy and lin-ht soles: reirular $3.50 and $5.00 values, spe cially priced for Bargain Friday at......82-0O 75c ( Leggins now 5f Misses.' chil dren's and boys can vss and Jersey knit Leggins, regular 75c kinds, specially priced for Bargain . Friday at of f A A For Men's Shoes Fully Worth $3.00 ePaVevU Men's heavy work Shoes, solid throuB-hout. made to stand hard wear: regular $3.00 values, specially priced for Bargain Fri- dayat w Women's $1.25 Leg. gins at 69 On spe cial sale tomorrow, just when you need them most; women's Jersey knit Leggins, regular $1.25 values, specially priced for Bargain, Friday at $1.00 For Women's Shoes, Fully Worth -$2.50 A great sale of odds and ends tomorrow, about 450 . pairs women s stylish Shoes, all this season's goods, button and lace styles with heavy and light soles, all sizes In the lot; real $2.50 values, specially priced for Bargain Friday at 81.10 MOC For Men's Shoes, Best $3.50 Valuaa PaV.OtJ Men's high grade Shoes for dress snd street wear, up-to-date styles in vici kid. box calf and patent colt leathers, light and heavy soles; excellent values at $3.50, spe- ' cially priced for Bargain Friday at.... 83.88 00v Por Misses' Shoes. $1.25 and $1.45 Values Misses' School Shoes, made of heavy vici kid with solid leather soles, coun ters and inner soles, built to stand the wear; sizes up to 2, in width D, E and EE; regular $1.25 and $1.45 irOidei, specially sriced for Bargain Friday at.. ......... .....9a Women's and Children's Underwear and Hosiery ' -at bpeciai ulcaranee Prices Children's Cotton ' Underwear Cotton fleeced union suits for girls or boys, ia ecru or grsy, excellent quality, good range ot sizes; our regular sue grade, special clearance I lit price... ....;.....eJly Children's Vests and Pants 85 Boys' and girls' cotton and wool vesta and pants: you will find most anv lane, size vou desire: our regular 50c and 75c quality; special ?C clearance price. .......... u ........ r. .. . --' v Children's Underwear 104 Small sizes only. in cotton and wool vets snd pants, also small lot of union suits for the tiny tots; our rejniUr 23c grsde, special clearance pnr.. per garment,... , 1 - Women's Wool-Plaited " Underwear 2 SO dozen - women's natural gray - wool-p!aitd vests and pants, the ideal garment for this season of year; slwsys sold at 75c, spe-' 49 cial clearance sale price,...,....-. ifaU Children's Wool Hosiery 10f Children's wool cashmere hose, heavy 21 rib, doij!,! knees and "soles, good stocking f r wear; 'regularly sold at 25c, ? .1 clearance price.... Women's Wool Hoi fry 45- " ? women's old fas! ? I C". Stock ircr! the , ,,. w heavy lire's and tec ti-ry ' knit "(.; : .; our t- r 7 s; c :-!.-e .:; -. ; Sr' . r