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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 10, 1907)
Tiin c:izcou daily journal. Portland. Thursday evening, January iv ico7. 60c Hosiery 50c ilieTaif ' m , , i .i i ii I Women's Black Cashmere Hose A lot that should have been here in August, but have just arrived, and in order to sell them all while the cold weather lasts, we reduce the pry, and you pay 10c less the pair. Full finished and shaped, with double sole: r O mmm ',"! : : 1 Hundreds of Yards la the most beautiful patterns and really superb Dualities. For the manufacture of fancy waists, yokes, sleeves and ozens of use. Venise lace, comes in cream, and the regular prices are $3.00 to $5.00 the yard; special Friday, while it tfl flQ Fifth, Sixth and Washington Streets while they last, a pair ,..,.,.....,. OUL lasts, the yard Coming right at the most, interesting week of the 29th Annual Clearance Sale, makes a new mark for vigorous values. We've sought carefully through our immense stocks and chosen the best bargains possible for this Banner bargain Day. Compare these offerings well with any other youll find. . They shine forth as Mighty Values on MERCHANDISE OF STERLING MERIT. UTTJ - i I ff rl rr-y m . ; BuYHnySHkPetticoat Friday and Save One-Fourth A grand special day on Silk Petticoats , in our suit salons, every one. in the ' house (except thcjljmeyjbak" . Silk Petticoats, on which we are not al lowed to cut the price) goes at one " fourth less than the regular price Twill - be the "greatest day for silk petticoat selling that has ever been known in Portland, be sure of that - Blacks and all sorts of colors, pinks, greens, reds, blues, lavenders, well, all colors, and in ' street or evening shades at that : v Remember, you have your ' choice . of over two-thousand ; Petticoats, in , all . atvlea' black and ' street or evening shades,' and the regular prices are from $5.00 to.$55.00i (there. are no blacks in therS-OOSknTs). and on anyone in the" Walking Skirts Worth to $8.50,for $4.75 There are about 200 Skirts in this lot, a range of choice that is so varied that all tastes can be suited, and the most of them are- in fancy mixed materials. Mighty modish models, too, trimmed with tailored straps and buttons, and made in the best possible manner. ... A few blacks in the lot at this price, and Fridsy they all go at one r Women's $3 Handbags $1.89 Made ef the best Quality grain leather, leather corners and 'riveted frames, fitted with coin purse to match and leather lined, r Solid stitched leather bandies . and new style spring catches, gilt or gun-metal trim mings. Come in black, brown, blue and green; good $3.00 d QQ values; special Friday ........ ...V... ..,".......... ........wltO. Women's Leather Belts Sizes 22. to 30; variety of shapes and; colors v-our regular 65c and 75c OC Taluesr"Pcial 'Friday, i Wv Opera Glasses Imported makes, with finest enameled bodies, gilt trimmings ' snd accurate lenses. Our best $7 JO values, 0A QQ special Friday Sterling Silver- Souvenir Tei Spoons txtra heavy snd in Hand some : desisms;- regularly - worth gSJP.S?..:;;. .....$1.49 FrencblL Pearl Jewelry In waist sets, brooches, cuff pins,: etc; regular values to 75c J '' 1fl special ... :v. ........ . . . . . . 1 UC Three" Piece Toilet Sets Comb, brush and mirror, in white lined case, large size, made from Em pire Art silver; will wear a life time and worth $9.00 r Tethe"set,for7;fTni:U.Vt Back Combs Jeweled and mount ed in amber, shell and - white, values up to $2.00; , OZf special, each '. VJ l MS OTP T49c All 10c pastes for one hour 6f FROM 9 TO. 10 A. M. Small Girls. Shoes In button or face; many styles in fancy and plain leathers; all have first class soles and uppers, and are well, made throughout; spring heelsT sizes 5 to,; 8. Value to $1.50...... ..yC Same in small sizes, 1 to 6 ' FROM 10 TO 11 P. M. Patent Kid Dresa Shoes Made by Val JJuttenhoicr ec bons. Have band-turned sole; with and without tip. . Most all nave medium, height-Louts heels. grade ot shoes is piendid and wtH e--targain; SS-varoesr FROM 11 TO 12 P. M. ' Women's Odd Lines of High-Grade Shoes Made in hand-turned and welt soles, button or lace; a large assort ment, embracing styles and materials found only in this grade of footwear. Mannish effects and college designs; also all styles of heels and toes. No better shoe made. Laird. Schober Co., Wright Peters. Hallahan e Son. Value to $6.00. Sale - gfp FROM 12 TO 1 P. M. ' ' " Men's Highest Grade Shoes Made in patent and calf leathers, button or lace; last and styles only found in the very best grades. We shall include in this lot broken-fines of ss good shoes it d QQ can be made, in value to $6.00. Sale price.. W0 styles, priced this way, worth to $1.39 choice for 89; worth to $1.98 choice 1.39; worth s.k:.;....i.::;:. $1.59 FROM 2 TO S P.M. Women's Gloria Shoes, Pin- gree Make One ot the best $3.50 shoes on earth; special for one hourU-onlyrK J j Q day, the pair ......... vOiy FROM 3 TO 4 P. M. , Women's Shoes, S New Styles, all Sizes and Widths A consolidation of broken linesTmbracttig-ratents and kidleath ers in light and heavy soles, bright and dull tops, wide, medium and narrow toes. All arc good shoes, in qq usual values to $3.50 .......... JlVO FROM 4 TO S P. M. Girls. School Shoes Made' in several styles, in box calf and kid leathers; good heavy soles; lace or button. Sizes 5 to 8, regular $1.50; now ,.f 1.19 Sizes 8tf to 11. reg. $1.75; now ..f 1.39 Sizes 11 to 2, reg. $2; now . . .f 1.69 FROM S TO 0 P. M. . Boys' Shoes In tan or black, blucher or lace: good, heavy soles, with uppers of kid, calf and English (Train leathers1." Sizes 9 to 2, regular $Z25, now 1.3; to 5J4, regular $175 OQ value, now ..........v. ......r.r .vl0 $2.50 Wool Velvet Rugs $t AS Very fine quality, come in Oriental and Floral designs, and in the rich est and most tasteful colorings. Size 27x54 inches and regu- d ir larly worth $2.50 each; special Friday only, choice ....(..... .Ol.ltJ Robe Blankets In gray and white, black and red, fawn and white, red and white, or blue and white; handsome ones that sell' regu- IE larly for $2.50 each; special for Friday ..$1UJ Kiftlfeh Furnishings Third. Floor Great bargains for this second Fri day of the Clearance bale: Salt Boxes Special Friday. . . '.18 Turkey Feather Dusters 12- tQr inch size; special, Friday... lOw 13-Inch Nickel Trays .,,.....;.'..T S-Hole Muffin Pans, for 104 Coal Hods--Spe:ial for Friday.. 25 Clothes Baskets Very special 3 Jn for Friday only, each ........ OOL Framed Mirrors Size 10x17,' A t2 oak frame, special Friday...., iUW Galvanised Wash Tubs Me- ZA dium size; special Friday ...... UvL Cake or Pastry Closets 5- QA shelf, special Friday, each .....VUt FRIDAY SPECIALS ON ROYAL STEEL ENAMELED WARE. mm- One-Quart Milk Paruv Special A for Friday ......... ......... sy Two-quart size for ...'....lSe' Two-Quart Coffee Pots Special for Friday only, ' 33C Four-Quart Sauce Pans Special forFriday only, 25C Fourteen-Quart Dish Pans Of fine Royal steel enamel ware; very special for Friday, .4 , 50C BigMarga ms in Small Wares Colored Hooks and Eyes To match 'dresses; - r -2 dozen on card, worth 10c; special, two for... ut Hair Pins Shell or amber, card of one dozen; .worth 20c; for ...............&l "Side'dmbs Shell "or- amber,worth 65e each; special :45c Dress " Shields White-silk, -worth 35 the Q- pair; special ...... ..i...... 17 Kt Chamois Skins Large size, worth 60c; spe- so cial Friday ....... oyc Dress Shields Plain white, size 2 and 3; 25c values for '. ....... .......... .J Black Velveteen Skirt Binding and Braid Worth 12c a yard, for "... OC Hot Water BottlesWithoureani3-quart0 size, worth $1.50; special ...... t... ....... Out Tooth Brushes Lot of imported goods, C worth to 35c; special ...........luW White Waxed Paper 24 sheets in a roll; . Ar special Friday, roll It Two Splendid Lin en Specials Table Damask Full bleached, fine quality and full j Bleached Napkins To match the patterns in table two yards wide; a good range of patterns to choose I damask; full size and a very good quality selling from and it's a regular $2.00 value; i, CI AQ I regularly at $6.00 the dozen; special for fljt special for .Friday, yard vltU I Friday, the dozen, only $dLQ I . . i Colored Silk Remnants I Friday An extra special in addition to the bargains that have been on sale all week in this department Every remnant of colored silk in the store, in lengths of lj to 8 yards, in plain or fancy patterns, goes at half. Tsffetas predominate in this special and there are many splendid waist and skirt patterns HALF PRICE. All-Wool Broadcloth 52 inches wide; comes in brown, navy, Alice, old rose and green; splendid value at $1.50 the yard; Clearance Sale price, the yard, a Clearance Sale price .....MW only ......... 41.UI Remnants of Dress Goods In cream and. evening shades, plain and fancy fabrics In lengths of to 6 yards, suitable for the construction of children's dresses, waists, skirts and even whole suits. Your choice of these short ends, HALF PRICE. -;r - - w -T, Silks Many" different patterns in the richest and most beau tiful silks to be had. Plaids, stripes, etc., in every wanted color, and in this lot yon find some of the famous Bonnett Taffeta in colors only. The regular price of every yard that we offer in this lot ts from $1.00 to $1.50 the yard. CQr Four Wool Blanket Bargains Fourth Floor White Wool Blankets Full size with D f AKIK FTS WotI Blankets White, pink, and blue borders; a superb f "vl 1 with pink and hlu hnM, value at O.W ine pair; , cuing pc- j atf - pair lz " ":...M.ti m White All-Wool Blankets Very finejWii quality and extra heavy,- extra urge size; worth $11.00 the pau-; J(J QQ full tnttt. - V ' - " "'J 1 are a grade that sells regularly at 1 Silver Gray - Wool Blankets Espec ially fine quality, that sell 1C regularly lor su pair.... viv Men 's 75c Shirts i5c Golf Shirts In medium light and dark 'effects and in the regular 75c and $1.00 grades. To make a clearing of all the odds in this lot of AC over one hundred, Friday choice ........ '.tuC Men's Night Shifts-Of plain white twill, mus 1m; splendid 75c value; special i f Friday .. . ."..'.".', "C Men' Dress-Shirts Full. -long bosom, regularly sold at $1.00 each; special. ...... 00 C Men's Black Silk Mufflers Quilted style, extra good values at sc each; special tor rnaay oniy 45c Men's French Fold Four-in-Hands and Squares in plain black and fancy colors; neckwear that sells regularly for 50c and 75c each; t( special Friday, three for .............. J1UU Men's Hose Fine grade, in tan, grey, blue and red, with split soles; regular 35c value, . special ... . ,..V... , - (Lt Men's Lisle Hose Best grade' of 50c goods, fine assortment of pat terns; special . for Fri- f A day, 3 pairs for ....'......JI.ul Men's Merino Sox Good weighty jam el's -hair colot7-20e7 fi v ... SUV mm valuer special Men's Handkerchiefs--Plain white hemstitched cambric,, 10c g .Ob ones Men's Golf Shirts In the -makes, - including '. Cluett, Orif ton & Eagle, worth $1.50; special best Star, :r:?.$i.09 TrimmedHats for69c 500 pretty, snd neat trimmed Hats, in all colors and values that run up to $5.00 each. Friday for a grand cleanup in the Millinery section, we put this whole splendid lot in at one wee price, and you may " ft. choose from them for only ............ )VC Ready-to-Wear Tailored Hats In the correct styles' and in' 'iC all colors. Values in the lot, worth to $2,50; choice Friday ...... V.JC Dress Hats In silk, velvet and French fur; the season's best iff nn shapes; values in the lot as high as $7.50; special for Friday.. All Imported Pattern Hats ... I....... All Trimmed Hata In the House ONE-HALF PRICE ONE-HALF PRICE OUTING FLANNEL Come in pink or blue stripes, all sizes, and they are just the f? i giiis. - very special lor. r naay .......... lannel Royal Worcester Corsets A clos-27- i-tng five pdd.Jines, of the "WW.i:Sapphire-modclr--a-- hand-made jrrencn style, made of white coutil snd fancy figured batiste. Th regular prices of these five models are $17.50, $15.50, $150, - $10.50, thing for these chilly ni Women's Short Outing Flannel Underskirts in colors; "special ........s Children's Bonnets Tight fitting or full front, silk, velvet orbesr skin, and regularly worth . from 50c to $20.00; special Fri- '. day, Half Price '..J Silk -Floss Pillows 24-inch size, filled with fine silk floss and reg ularly, sold at 60c each; . VJr special at ....... T IV . . . ana now you save half ..... Sites run from 18 to 30, but net all sizes are found in esch model Selling at HALF PRICE. Hosiery underwear Women'a Extra Sice Merode Pants and Vests In white rntton. medium weight, lonr sleeved veits V sole and spliced heel; big 25c 1fl value for . ....IyC Of Women's Vest s Merode make, medium weight silk Y and cotton; high neck and short sleeves, with snkle length French band pants to match;' AO regular $1.00 quality for .....liyC Women's Hoi Maco split sole; regular Fine imported black lisle, with fine 50C for Women's -White Cashmere Union sleeves, ankle length, half open front; $3.00 values; special .... . ......... ...UUb Suits Long ",1 if: .....$1.98 V' o . .7..-.. , v rt m sleeves, and splendid 85c quality; special ..... ddC , Women's Cotton Union Suits f ersey ribbed, long sleeves, ankle entrth; 50c value; epecial, Women's ' Camelshair Vests snd Pants splendid $125 . 7Qa quality; snecial, each....... s"l Women's Black Cotton Fleece Lined Hose Seamless, 25c C value; special, pair ...... ...IOL Women'a Fins Ribbed Black Lisle Hose Seamless foot; big - OCrV 35c value; special, psir . ... 31 Women's Black Cotton, '. Heavy Ribbed, Fleece-lined Hose Seam less foot, 35c value; spe- . '.IO dal, pair .....,.,. .......T.iyt Women's Black Cotton Seamless Hose Fashioned . ankle, double sole; 25c value;, special, . Women's Cashmere French Band Pants snd Tights Ankle length, medium weight; a splendid -CQn $1.50 val.; special, each VOC SI rune I1U UCLlAllUd i.iauc FOff WORE CARS ' - Patrons of Husbandry Also Favor Government Ownership of Oregon City Toll Locks. Strong resolutions opposing the ap pointment ot road suoervliora by coun t? eourta, advocatlns sovarnment own ership of the lock at Oreson City and nrfflns ' th enactment- of laws - eom relllns railroads to provide sufficient rare were adopted at the recent rech jar tncetlng ef - the Line ouotjr oow- ell. Pstrons ef Husbandry, held at Al bany. . The resolution opposing the appoint ment of road supervisors f otto we: "R. solved. That we are opposed to the ap pointment ef road supervisors by the county courts and demand their eleo tlon by popular vote In their respect ive yoad districts." , , The ether resolutions are as follows: "Whereas. There exists an obstruction to river trafflo" af Or con City, Oregon, known ae the toll locks, "Whereas, The Willamette river Is a navigable stream and e water way governing freights from Corvallls and war points to , Portland, Oregon, our natural market, - "Whereas, The above mentioned toll la e direct levy upon every bushel ot grain or ton of hay or merchandise shipped to Portland, - "Whereas. The grange has always bees- foremost - In advoeetlng- - end - ad vancing the best Interest ef the pro ducer: . Therefore, Be It Resolved by the Linn County Business council. P. of H., an association composed ef dele gatss from subordinate granges In Linn and Benton counties, that ws favor the government ownership ef said locks snd cans) either, by purchase or con demnation under the law ef eminent do main and operated by tbe government as common highway. "Resolved, That the secretary be In atmcted to send copy ef tbls pre amble and resolutions to the Oregon delegation In eon areas urging the ne ceasltf of Immediate action." The council erpresses the following With reference to the car situation: "Resolved, That the Linn county council, P. of IL, hero . assembled do urge ths coming legislature to enact a law compelling all railroads Of this state to furaOaa cars for tbe .shipment ef the products of this state within It days after application for the same has been made, and a failure to furnish said care within tbe time specified shall subject the railroad so failing to fur nish said cars to a demurrage of tlS for each aad every day that said shipper is delayed In . ahlpplng sir products. . . i . "Resolved. That we favor a like de murrage against each consignee who falls to unload bis freight promptly or within ths period of Ave daye at most" . CAMX STATIOST certainly smashed a bote In the bar rooms of Kansas, but Ballard's Ilore hound Syrup has smashed all records as a cure for roughs. Bronchitis. In fluensa and all Pulmonary d T. C. H , Horton, Kan, writes: "I have never found a medicine that would cure a couah so quickly ss Mallard's Horehound BvrUD. I haw used It for tars.UBoId by aUJrugglsts. , PUMP AND MAIN v FOR THE HEIGHTS Water Board Engineer Also Recommends Suitable Reser voir Be Constructed There. At the meeting of the water board yeeterday afternoon Engineer Clarke presented plana tor an additional pump, main and reaervolr for the Portland Heights district. An eloctrlo pump with a dally esnncity of 100.000 gallons, and to cost li.060. is recommended. The main recommended wSI bs 11 Inches In diameter, will cost I11.J0S and , will run from reservoir No. I to the heights. Ths heights new has ne reservoir. A tank with a storage capacity of SO.OOe gallons Is maintained, but MC Clarke believes a reservoir with a capacity ef 100.00 gallons should be built. The reservoir and m one-acre elte would eost tt.MS. Action upon the recommenda tions was postponed. Commissioner C H. Ralfsty, who haa been Investigating ths damage to the Bull Run pips line by electrolysis, re ported that damage could be prevented by tbs banding ef ths pipe with cop per. Cpon motion, ths board decided to place such bands around ths big main, where It Is crossed by electric car lines. This, It Is believed, will effectually ground ths current. The Jig Highland main, it was -reported, is now ready for rr1re and will soon bs connected with the distributing system. . . freferred BHoee Censed See da. . Allen A Lewis' beat Brand. SEABOARD AIR LINE VOTES BIG BOND ISSUE Portsmouth. Va., Jan. IS. Holders of tbe stock and voting-trust certified s ef the Seaboard Air Line Railway mt today te approve the plan of the di rectors to lsaus tlt.000.000 of I tr cent bonds. It Is proposed to ues ii bonds In paying off the three-year fW- due next March and taking up t notes of ths company, as ae t provide for future dev-lnpmri.t ..f i; property. The holders of t.. ic : rotlng-truat certHI'-ate- are to I ,iv t i right of subscribing- to u, ri' , at SS and Interest to th eti t nr I j per cent of the.r hoMtre. Schllllnss Bt l like r!'f.r' you rn t your iuiy f .r It ' you want It. t