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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 10, 1907)
IOEQLOCKS LOCKS AT I Relator Fleet of Steamer ; Ties Up at Alder Street . i maY AFCT. progress ON NOHTH, BANK ROAD i Off terra of Boat Buy Vppcr Co ''V lurabia la Swept br Terribly Blt V .:' tag Wind and Iarge Ice Floe Im CASCADES pedo Navigation. . .,. , ' -.i-s ; - . ' " '. '- '- - - ,- ...-... ........ ...... ) TherTJ. -P.- ' AJf. Co.1 fleet of - ; ateamera came down from the npper I Columbia during- tha night and tlx! np at tha foot of Alder street to remain ! there for aa Indefinite period Of time. ' The government locke at Caaoadea are blocked with ice and It waa with great ? difficulty ; that " tha ;, ateamera were N brought down through the gates yester- ''.( day afternoon. The Icebound ateamera are the Bailey ' Oataert. Iallea City, Capital City, Her culea and Joaeph Kellogg. The Capital City and the Dalles CHy reached their r Portland-wharf at an early bpur.thle ; morning and their bows were fringed 1 with huge tctclea that had formed from the- apray coming down the Columbia, . Th officers and crew of the two boate aay; the eaeterly wind that swept over the rlVer last night waa fearfully blUng " and it , aeemed like summer to them when tbey atepped s shore to make faet the mooring Unas,. although Portland atJ . that hour waa breathing an. aimospners decree below the freealng point. The offlcera of the tied up ateamera . aay they have not often seen aa much ; drifting lea In the upper river aa at ' present. Great big chunks of it, chunks . i that would not need to be ashamed to - float about in the arctic ar siowiy ' wending their way toward the ocean.- in different of the fact that they Impede v navigation, and put the keepers of the ' locks at the Cascades In hot water. ' It took ' the ateamera Hercules and ..' Capital City just four houra to descend through the locka yeeterday afternoon. . whereas ordinarily It taken' only about 'half an hour. The hydraulics, by ' which the locks are worked, got clogged 'f up by the Ice, and drift from-tha river . ' proper also retarded the operation. : The tying up of the ateamera will probably .affect tha construction work ' en the north bank road Quite aerlously, rv because -the ateamera Hercules. Capita ., City and Joseph Kellogg are principally -i enraged ' In carrying auppilea and con - " : structlon material for the road. That . tha laying off of the ateamera will af- feet the road to some extent Is car : tain because it will Uke some time to ' clear the river of tha drifting Ice floes -'.even after the cold spell is broken. ' There la no sign of relief aa yet, ln ' dicatlona being strongly in favor of a , continuation of the easterly winds. BARIC' MAY BE SAFE Ko Word From Tog Samson or the ' ,;- .. . ..Big Bonaax. ... ;; . Nothing baa been beard from', the .American bark Big Bonansa, wbjcbt. abandoned at i sea in a storm about a week ago by the tug damson .wnue vw lna- towed from San Francisco to Port land. The tug started In search of. her thro days ago. . but - has not yet re turned - to portr-and It is -not known whether or not she has found the wind jammer. ' i : At first It was feared that the bark would never be able to ride - out the storm that waa raging when tha wen on tha Samson realized that the only way to save the tug waa to slip the hauser, even at the risk of the baric foundering. The tug put Into Marsh- Held for temporary repair and Uien started out to find the bark. Since then nothing baa been heard from either. - Shipping men are cf the opinion that tha bark la afloat and all right They believe the captain stood - far out to sea. aa . soon aa he discovered himself left on. his own resources, and it may take several weeks to work back again. 7 ,; RUMOR IS 'DENIED r 7 Sailor .of River . Steamer ; Report . Finding f Mlaaing Boat. ' Sailors , on tha D. P. A A. N. Cos ' steamer ,' Capital City . reported this , morning on reaching the city that ae ; cording to rumor a boat and the body of a 'man hud neen pirum up at ;orpett. en(ttt HERE'S A DRIVE IN SHOES. A Four-in-hand for your feet, . ' . Four shoe are necessary . " for the comfort of every pair i ' of feef : "Charige' every day it's. . ' Vt ecfonomy, loo. Friday and, Saturday Spe ' jff.cial.-r;', Waterproof Shoes - 'which Were $3.50 and $4.00 are now 2.83. -- " ,.v. . Business and Dress Shoes-' . - which were $3.50 are now i '92.85. , V ' . ' ' .This is the home for shoe, comfort LIOjM GlotiiinnCo Men's and Boys' Outfitters, . 166 and 168 Third Street, Mohawk Building. a small lending on the Oregon side of the Columbia, not far from Troutdale. The boat waa supposed to be that In whlchflve njeruJtrtdfTOm Botler Sunday night and Ulnappeareo. lief being that they were drowned In the swift Current ' - ' ' . Inquiry at Corbet t today dealea the rumor, and so rar as can s trace has been found of the men or boat at any point along tha river, although many searchers have been petrolling the banka below where the boat Is sup posed to have capslsed. The men in the boat where: William B. Murray, county surveyor of Skamania county. Waahlng ton; Carl Llndstrom, manager of alo Gowans cannery: WUllam Wallace of Butler, 'Who operated a launch at that place; Frank Jackman "of : Stewnson. Waahinrton. and a man whose Identity haa not been established. S- AT THE SHIP YARDS, , Government Boat General Gay How ' , rd Is Launched. Tha 'govsrnment boat General Guy Howard will be launched from the waya at Supple's boatyard on the east side this afternoon, after, having been given a . i. ..rha,iiin. The Onr Howard Is employed ohlefly in connection with the government wora at me muui v n,.lnmhl river and aha wlU leave for Fort Stevens in a few days, v. m. h. n. nunc Tor .nm aviibu mA i.illm Interaata on CODDer river ,1s occupying the attention of a number of men at tne yam. o-w- . .h.t k. ,nini for the de livery of the boat during tha latter part of March and the hull will have to be ready for shipment from here next w a ..nv.jif inaAhanlce will be hiviiim. - ' sent from Portland to put the boat to- . mi . its dnatlnatlon. The craft "win HWt on Copper rlfer above the falls, to carry supplies for the new railroad which is to be built there this summer. . tn . ,1m .mm eommenca m i pujiii " ... - work on the construction - of the new dredge for the Swift Packing company. This dredge -will be put to work digging .1. . nn.ii Af. nrtjuh-arolna steamers In the aloughs running through the com pany's Vast property-holding on the penlnsdla.- Work on tha dredge has to be ruined, as lta servloe will be In great demand at once. The Portland Shipbuilding company Is m i.m fnn of men- busv on several boata being built and repaired at the yards In South Portland. The greatest drawback, however. In turning out work at all of the yards Is the scarcity of good men. With more competent men a number of new con tracts would DC cioeea at once, - - TAILED TO SHOWUF Steam Schooner NomeClty Leaves Passengers Behind. n-v.i. atMm irhnMiiromi Cltv sailed from San Francisco for Portland laat Tuesday two passengers were ion k.kififi .uhAiih tha veeeeL ' waa. held some time for" them. Captain Hansen reported tnin mornins; uuu uchw uma been sold to 10 passengers, but only lhfl am alAnr. He dfMI not ITIOW what became of the other two", but be 'knows that they did not coma on board at San Francisco. : The Noma City arrived here shortly after dawn this morning and went to the mills of tne worm racmo juuraoer onmnanv n lomt lumbar for San Fran- clBOO. Captain Hansen says the trip norm waa una ana n w win hour from the Bay City to Astoria, Whien IS gooa time - coneiaertna; -- um Wind, -.-r : - ' ' ' : ., SAILORS ARE SCARCE , Barkentlne Amaranth Depart With v "'? " , 'Green Crew on Bord. Sallore are scarce these day, snd when the lumber-ladenbarkentlne Ama ranth started down the river this morn ing bound " ror " San Francisco -It -was with crtw that had been picked up from all walks of life. A few were sailors, others tailors, farmers; and me chanics who wanted to take a run to tha Bay City In aearch of big wages. Business Agent Paul of the sailors union told the aklpper of tha Amaranth to get men wherever he could alnce the union had no Idle men on band that were willing to so to sea at present Some of the men were Imported here from the Puget sound cities and their fares paid. Wages on coaatlng vessels are now Iti a month. If the present conditions 'continue for any length of time deep sea vessels wlU lose - their crews as quickly aa they arrive bare because the deep-sea Bailors, who have to work for lit or lie a montn ana give snosx.jox that amount to the slopcbest or the sailor boardineT-bous maater, are ana. loua to get a chance on the coaatera, TWO TUGS CO ASHORE Roscoe Attempts to Assist Roberta - - and Sticks In Sand. 8orUI Diane t Tat learaaLI ' Eugene, Or Jan. 10. The aea-golng tan Roberts and Roscoe ere on the beech at the - mouth of the Sluslaw river. The Roberta, loaded with canned aalmon and bound for Coos bay, was leavtnc the harbor yesterdsy when a steam pipe buret and' rendered the ves sel helplees. She soon drifted on the beach. The Roecoe, going out at the same time, sttempted to give the stranded tuff a line but she also ran ashore. - .-V, - . Neither vessel ta in great danger or aeatractlon. although the aea Is run ning hlgb. They are lust Inside tha bay. ALONG THE WATERFRONT ti.A' MMtin. vliMinw Ytarwlck Is at the Couch street dock today discharg ing; canned aalmon from tha Rogue river cannery. She wlU load general cargo for Coos bay and tha Rogue after hav ing been given soma minor repairs here. Tha Itarriman rreignwr jtmmu win take a full cargo of general merchan- . tkia itv ft San Frenclaco. U I Wf .iVIH v. She la not expected to get away before the. middle 01 nem wera. . . - - i . - mvm n.. .An cit& Ineka are aaaln Hi operation . and boats plying between Portland and tha upper Willamette points have resumed servloe. . The barge Washington 'was taken to the O. R. at N. Alblna wbarf thla morning- to have her .two maats Stepped. When this la done the barge wlU be ready to start loading lumber for San Franclaco. Although the Intention la to tow the barge, abe will ba equipped ao aa to hold her own In case of slipping away from tne tug n iwrar '" The brltlsh bark Iverna dropped ln it.. . k i mAmlnv nrenaratorv to sailing for South Africa. The Iverna Is tha bark concerning tne saieiy oi wmcn ao much anxiety waa displayed here after she had reported off the bar and then stood to sea for six weeks. ' The new steamer Iralder la now in commission between Portland and points on the lower Columbia. She Is making good time and is meeting with general aatlefactlon. . ' The lamber-laden steam schooner Thomas lm Wand left down this morn ing bound for San Francisco. She re reived her carget the milla of Inman, Poulsen eV Co. ." , , The small two-masted acboooer AM- Mi Our Great Clearing-Out Sale has been a marvelous success, from every point of view. We have offered grand values and the buying public have been quick to realize it. Hundreds upon hundreds? buy7b old pioneer store. Read our ads and bring .them with you to id you in: your selections. y J$? ; is the time to add to your household comforts at a great saving in cost k - Mission Writing Tables This Writing Table Is In the weathered oak finish In the old Mlsalon design. It has one long drawer and a paper raca. In tha back, well made and flnlahed. Special price .................912.75 t $75.00 Parlor: Suit $55.00 This Is one of the" many opportunities for 'dollar saving during this great Clearing; Out Sale. . No, 10 is a -pleee suit having handsome, well-built frames in genuine mahogany and uphol stered In a high-grade emboaaed valour. Just llks the picture. A very beautiful set at. 955.QO 3VSS " , .."7 $35 Mission Leather Couch $26 This handsome Mission Couch baa solid quarter-sawed oak frame, weath ered oak finish, full set of hand-tied springs underneath the cushions, making it very eoft and comfortable. Covering- the best Chase leather. Imitation Spanish, and la made to stand rough usage. The pattern la of the very latest We have sold theee cotfehes regularly for 135. Clearing- Out Sale prlcv with, easy payraenta , $26.00 Great ECLIPSE Ranges if (j - ' . It Is M1 A $1.00 a Week Takes It M ble cleared today for San Francisco with 176,000 feet of lumber. This Is the smallest lumber cargo cleared for San Francisco for a long time. The Abble le a reminder of the diminutive craft that engaged In the-coastlng trade about 10 years ago. . . The French ship Leon XIII will be In the harbor tomorrow morning with a t .rgo of coal from Newcastle, Australia. The Japanese steamer Ooto Mara will flnlah loading wheat ' at Oceanlo dork soon.- She will be followed by the Shi Maru, Fukl Mara and Uruaana Mara. .''.-.' MARINE NOTES Astoria.-Jan. ldLeft up at :ll a. nu French ship Leon XIII. Arrived down during the bight, schooner Mabel Gala Sailed at t a. m., steamer Tiver ton, for San Franclsoo. - San Francisco, Jan: 10. Arrived at a. m, steamer Tosemlte, from Portland. Sailed yesterday, steamer Cascade, for Columbia river. Astoria. Jan. I. Arrived down at 4 p. m., British bark Formosa. Arrived down at p. m., steamer Tiverton. Out side at 5 pi m., a three-maated bark. Quennstown, Jan. I. Arrived, Brit ish ship Brabloch, from Portland. Port Harford,- Jnn. . Arrived, steamer Santa Maria, from Portland.-- Astoria,. Jan. 10. Condition of the bar at I a. m.. smooth; wind east; weather clear, "'. CHARGE OF CONSPIRACY r DENIED BY CRAWFORD B - , . . i ' ' (Speel.l rtlnixtA ta Tk. - Baker City, Or.. Jan. 10. Judge T.K Crawford of La Grande Indignantly de nies that there ia t rand in connection a a a a r aja $20.00 Cellarettes W2.00 'If tbaT1man'-hasn't one, he wants one, that s sura. They go with every ' well-appointed "den." We have aeveral styles' that: we ere closing out now.- Theone shown here Is in solid oak with tha ever pop ular weathered finish. Regu lar price la $20. Special price . ......... ....$12.00 ' I . -.1 ' ' , , ' Sold on Easy Payments $1 Down, $1 The Eclipse Is noted as the quickest baking tn.rkitt- r" ' also the lowest-priced range of its class ' Bee our special premiums now orierea xor montn ox January. " INVESTIGATE the conatructlon of the "Eclipse" Its scien tific oven especially and you wlU ba satisfied with no other. - (EMM 173-175 First Street with his action against the Highland Gold Mines company, but admits that it waa his Intention to buy up the prop erty at sheriff sale to save It for the stockholders. Judge Crawford waa ac cused of conspiracy with the company's officers to obtain' possession cf the Highland through litigation in a com plaint filed agalnat him by H. J. Bhulta, as a result of which Otto Herlocker, a Sumpter attorney, has been appointed receiver Of the property. "I have rendered services for the com pany," said Judge Crawford, "and to protect myself; and the stockholders I have filed my cult. The property la a valuable one, but It must be redeemed from the sale made on the Haines Mer cantile company's judgment before Jan uary ! of thla year, otherwise It Is lost to thestockholders and I lose my fee." WIDDOWSON'S ATTORNEY CAN NOW SEE HIS CLIENT '"v (gpert.l DUpatch to Tb.' Jaera.1.) Baker City. Or., Jan. 10. An order waa made yeeterday afternoon by Judge Smith in circuit court directing Sheriff Ed Rand that he must admit Judge White, as counsel for Alex Wlddowson, to the county Jail . .at all reasonable times,. This order was the result of a motion filed by Judge White yeeterday, charging that the sheriff had refused him entrance and prevented attorney and client from holding conference re garding their action in the case. Judge White alao set forth In an af-. fidavit upon which bla motion was based thet tha sheriff bad oauaed let tera to Wlddowson, which were ad dressed In care of the attorneys poet office bos. to be given to him, snd had opened them- before delivering them to the prisoner. Judge Smith also made at order to tuts effect, $30.00 Library Tables $25.00 -- No. ISO. Library Table, made of quarter sawed golden oak or mahogany finish, highly , polished. Camera and edge of top are nicely rounded by expert cabinet; makers. Haa heavy quarter band sawed legs with large shelf and one drawer 81 ot top, 48xlt Inches; a high grade table at a very w rgure. . rrioef ZO r $12 Mission Chairs $9 . No. IT. Thla handaomo weath ered oak Rocker.- with genuine leather seat, usually cells for 111. Our B peel si prion i la .$9.00 A large- number of odd Mia ston Chairs to choose from Ul reduced, Oak Table a Week range on the now made. ' . 219-227 ONE THOUSAND FOR - .. INJURIES TO BOY The suit of Max D. Near, aa guard lan of bis 14-year-old son David Cor 120,000 damages for personal Injuries from tha Portland Railway company, baa been compromised for $1,000. At torneys for both sides have agreed that a Judgment for that- sum should ba en tered in the clroult court thus dispos ing of tha suit -. DRYDEN WANTS MONEY FOR BAD BUMP AND BRUISES . . j . . A jury la being drawrr n Judge Cla land'a department of tha circuit eurt today to bear tha ault of J. W. Dryden for 110,200 damages for personal In juries from tha Pelton-Armatrong- com pany. - Dryden all. gee that he was in jured while working in a logging camp operated by the company. " J At II. B. irving'a Expense. - A dramatic, critic said in New Tork the other night that ha got off last month a good Joke at R. B. Irving'a ex pense. . "I met Mr. Irving." be began. "Just after a performance of The Bella.' Mr. Irving aaked me how X liked him. "'Yon were Immense,' said I." 'In one scene you were quite the equal of your great father.' , "What scene was thatr be aaked. " The scene,' said I, 'Juet before Ma thlas tells his horrible dream.' "Mr. Irvlns frowned. "'But,' he said. 1 wasn't' on the stage then.' ' 1 "'Neither,' said XM jroutfather.'J rmf77 vt ifi nRTn l . No. lta. This handsome mahog 1 any Rocker looks Ilka the above cut. It Is thoroughly well made, - easy rocker and sells regularly at I7.S0. Onr sale price is only . v. .....95.00 $150 Pedestal $1.90 These Pedestals arc in quarter - sawed golden oak and ma hogany finish. M-" waya sella for $1.60. Special at, only . ..$1.00 - - . ns 1 : This great Clearing Out Bale of. fers many bargain Opportunities . i in tha oak table line. " It you are : In -need of a few o'heaa UtUe. .. stands, . thla sale. Our No.v lie has s top 14x14, like cut, made - of beautifully matohed quarter-eawed oak. vi handsomely polished, regular price 14.60. spe cial $3. .Our No. 54 H baa a handsome qnarter-sawed oak top, ;t4xl4.ehaped -ehelf.-tumed le - and brass feet, wun glass Dan; sells regularly at ft.10, special cesh price, only " r-r 1' ' - j . -. . $2.48 $ phiows : Special 76o These are tha regular !H -pound pH Iowa. They have good ticking and arc fully guaranteed to be pure and sanitary. , Regular prise L. Ire pal .. . , .. J- : ;.''75 Cents'.-' 7A W Yamhill Street o. Liebes & Co. 135 rifth' St ;f : Cor.1 Alder Sable Opossum Furs " Consisting of Muff and Throw Scarf,- . - regular $18.60 y Special $13.50 Sable Fox Set ' Consisting of fur lined one-skin Boa . and large Pillow Muff, regular $25.00 ' Special $17.50 Natl Grey Siberian Squirrel Sets Consisting of Four-in-Hand Tie and large Pillow Muff, regular $22.00 7 Special $15.00 ; Dressing Tables Th" little rreinr-Ta-' bles are made in golden oak, quarter-eawed and pol-. lahed. and also In blrdseye maple. They are almost. Indispensable n a lady's dressing-room. The usual price ia 115. Clearing Out Sele price. only,..$H.OO AH tha Credit yon waat, Turkish Rockers Wa bar made sweeping cot In prices among these high grede leather goods, too, - For example, here is No. 1ST, which sells regularly for 110, and there' a &0 value here In any man's money. But the order ' - Is. "reduce pricea," and - we -quote this big. roomy rocker a special price for thla great ale. Take It on easy payments at . ..' ,....$40.00 $6.50 42-PIece Dinner ' Set $3.50 41-ptece aet dark blue Englisb poreehUn, .very . beautiful, o . the best Imported stock, sells regularly at 11.10 per aet While they laat at this Clearing- Out Bala, per act, only........ $3.50 10-pIece semt-poreelaln set,' floral de slgns, regular fl.50, now, ...... .$5.50 . Iron Beds $2.70 ; 'If yon need Iron Beds " for . spare rooms now la your opportunity, for - .during- this Clearing Out Sale wa 1 shall trim prices without much re- ? gard for profits. We have several . patterns and a variety of colors In enamel at tha cash price of. .$2.70 - f J. P. Plagemann Manager ' Set X ' '-'-nwvy -. !. : .; Sit f i) 71...