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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 10, 1907)
THE ORECbN i DAILY JOURNAL PORTLAND, THURSDAY EVENING,' JANUARY 10, 1907. 18 BE" RIGHT AT-HOME-! Welch's Genuine Clearance Sale Where Good Reliable Clothing Is Being Sold at Greatly Reduced Prices MEN S UNDERWEAR 50c values for '. 75c values for . $1.25 values for $1.50 values for $1.75 values for $2.50 values for V 35c 65c .:.:.;,'..;.r.;..,85c $1.15 $1.35 $1.95 i BETTER VALUES ON BROKEN LINES MEN'S, OVERCOATS $25.00 Overcoats $20.00 Overcoats $18.00 Overcoats $15.00 Overcoats $10.00 Overcoats. $7.50 Overcoats . ; . . . . .-. : . SAME VALUES ON SUITS $19.75 $14.75 $12.45 $9.75 ; $7.45 . $4.95 IF NOT RIGHT, WELCH MAKES IT RIGHT, Ijyyr 1 UJU J JJZJM- MORRISON ALWAYS ASK FOR OREGON FRUIT Suggestion of Jonathan Bourne to State Horticultural Society Society Weil Received. H. C. ATWELL IS ELECTED ; PRESIDENT OF SOCIETY Delegations In Con grew Will Be Asked to Secure th Passage of a Fruit Mark' Bill to Enforce Proper Labels on Package. PLEADS UNWRITTEN LAW IN DEFENSE OF MURDER i Congressman-Elect ' George K, , Favrot of Louisiana on Trial , ; . for Slaying Friend. ; SHOT PHYSICIAN AS HE CAME OUT OF OFFICE itefneee to Discuss Crime, ; but Friends SUte That the Character of His, Wife, a Southern Social " Leader, Had Been Tradncedriii, (Journal Special Service.) Baton Rouge, Lju, Jan.10. Through . out this section the on topic of dlscus alon Just now la tha trial Represents-tlve-lect George KT Favrot for -tha al ""Tejted murder or DrrR." H.AIdrton,- tits college classmate, lifelong friend and family physician. Tha oaaa resembles ' tha Thaw can in New -York, In that both Involve "tha unwritten law." But i'lhe two caaea are entirely dlsatmilar in ' reapaet to the. reputation of tha prlnd- pal. In tha Favrot case, up to tha day of the tragedy, all those chiefly con' cerned were of unimpeachable reputa tion and of , higheat standing la tha ., community. ' At tha time of the killing Favrot was district judge and about the aame time was elected a representa tive in congress. The victim, until a short time before hla death, waa physician of high standing and known - aa a religious, ebstemioua man. Different stories ; are - told of r the events and causes that led up to tha "" , tragedy. It Is averred by his friends that Dr. Aldrlch possessed a secret re garding the wife of Favrot and that the knowledge greatly Oppressed him. It , is relate that he appealed .to- a fellow physician that he go to Judge Favrot and reveal It to blm. Dr. Aldrlch spoke of his anguish and of hla reluctance to destroy confidence repoaed in a woman, yet he- felt as a friend be eould no longer preserve silence. It is said that the doctor appealed to finally consented, nd this brought on the tragedy. : -.Boasted Walla latoatoatefl. " . . , THE VALUE OF ;HARC0AL1 i rew People Know mow Useful xt Xs ta , - Pressi-rlng Xealt aad Beauty. '.. Casta. sTotalar to Try. ' T Nearly - everybody knows that '-ehar- coal is thefest and rjaost efficient 'dis infectant abd ' purifier lt nature, , but few real lie ItSiValu when taken into 'the human system for tha same cleans ing purpose. Charcoal is a remedy that tha mora . you take of It the better; It ia not a drug at all. but - simply absorbs the gaaes and impurities always present In the stomach and - intestine and carries thorn out or the system. ; Charcoal sweetens the ' breath fW . smoking, drinking or after eating onions and other odorous vegetabloa. Charcoal effectually clears and Im - proves the complexion, it whitens the teeth and further sets aa a natural and ' eminently' aafe cathartic. . It absorbs he Injurious gases which collect In tha -stomach and bowels; It " disinfects the mouth and throat from the poison of catarrh. All druggists sea cnarroai in one form or another, but probably the best charcoal and the most for the money la In Stuart s cnarcoai Liosenges; they ' are composed of the finest powdered , Willow charcoal, -and other ' harmless antiseptics la tablet form or rather In tha form of large, pleaaant tasting , losenges, the charcoal being mixed with honey. .. -; - Tha daily use of thasa losengea will soon tell in a much improved condition of tha general health, better complex, ion. sweeter breath and purer . blood, and the beauty of It is, that no possi ble 'barm can result from their con tinued use,- but,' on the contrary, great benefit. - . -. , , 0 . , A Buffalo physician,' la speaking of the beneflia of charcoal, says: , "I ad vise Ftuart's Charcoal txtsenges to all patients suffering from gaa In stomach and bowels, and to clear the complexion , and purify the breath, mouth and throat; I also believe the liver Is great lv benefited by tha dolly use of them: theV cost but tS cents a bos at drug tnr, and although In some sense a patent preparation, yet I believe I get more and better charcoal in Btuart's ( lumul Losengea than In any of tha ordinary charcoal tableta. fend your nam and addreas today fur frve trial package and see for F. A. Htiisrt C0 Btuart .H1J,-., JUrshall, Mich. ..y ; " , , , But the friends of Judge Favrot give an, entirely , different version of the case. They affirm that Dr. Aldrlch. while intoxicated, waa not so careful In his speech as he should have been, and made boasts that Involved the good name of a woman. Tha ususl tale bearer hurried to Favrot and Informed h Ira of the alleged reflections caat by Dr. Aldrlch. . - Tha tragedy ' occurred November 1 'last, Tha returns . f rom the election were, still coming In when tha repre sentative-elect walked-ownpltl street. . On his way numerous friends stopped him and congratulated him on his victory. Judge Favrot thsnked them, apparently as collected as ever. Leaving a group of his friends ha crossed the street and entered the Rey- mond building.-Hardly nad no disap peared within the door . when a pistol shot was heard, followed by another, and a third. Tha first to reach tha scene found the body of Dr. Aldrlch stretched upon the floor, with Judge Favrot. pistol In hand, looking coolly on. Tha physician had lust descended the stairs from his efflee on the second floor when met by the volley of bullets that Instantly killed him. - Befuses to Olaeuss Ortm. . Judge Favrot has consistently re fused to make public tha facta that led up to the killing except to let -It be known' that ha killed tha physician be cause the latter had traduced Mrs. Favrot's character. In circles known to be-frlandly to the Aldrlch famllytha belief is expressed that Dr. Aldrlch was a. martyr; that b sacrificed his Ufa In an unwlaa attempt to show his deed friendship for Judge Favrot and to re veal to him a secret with which be thought bis friend ought to be made acquainted. Others axpreaa tha opinion that Favrot "got tha wrong man," and that ho realised bis error too lata Others, including soma who declare they bar .. knowledge of tha Inside - facta, stoutly maintain that Judge Favrot was Justified In taking tha law into his awn bands. . .. Mr a. Favrot. tha- supposed cause of tha tragedy, baa -been a leader in the social Ufa of Baton Rouge. Her home haa been on of the moat elegant In tb city and . there tha legislators have found hospitable greetings. Mrs. Favrot took an active part In her husband's campaign for congress when b de feated Colonel "Sam'' Robertson, who had represented tha Sixth district for a dosen yeara. In connection with tha killing of Dr. Aldrlch Mrs. Favrot bsa not uttered one word for publication. Under the Louisiana lawa aba eannot be compelled to testify t against her hus band. . ' ' : VawrltUn taw riea. The Favrot family , has retained "a formidable array of eminent counsel to assist ia the defense. The list Is headed by Judge T. J. Kernan of this city, who Is recognised aa on of the greateat exponents of "the unwritten law" In America aafl whose address be fore the recent meeting of the Ameri can Bar association at Bt. Paul at tracted widespread attention, ' - Judga Kernan formulates the "un written law" system into 10 cardinal laws, tha fourth of which Is: . , "Any man who traduoes a virtuous woman's character may be shot with Impunity by ber or her husband or anr near relative. But tb offender must first be given an opportunity to deny and disprove tb Charge or. to retract and apologise." From this it is evident that the point upon which the present trial .will turn Is the question as to whether Dr. Ald rlch was given an opportunity to "deny and disprove the obarg or to retract and apologise.'' - V . - i . .I, i ii , i, - ton, and brotfier-ln- law Of Mf. Barry: Car! Undstrum, manager of MoGowan's cannery; William Wallace of "McGow ans; James and Sam Hinch of Steven aon, Washington. Tha men, Mr. Barry says, were all well acquainted with the river, and Mr Barry believes their drowning was due to an error of Judgment. Murray sug gested the use of a heavier boat wbeb tha party le Butler, but. Undstrum, in whom all had confidence, said the It foot shift In which they ' were seated was perfectly safe, and tha voyage could be mad without danger. Lind strum made tbess remarks before h pushed. the boat out from the landing: They were the last words people on ahbr beardTilm titterr, : r r 'The goodness of everything else at breakfast depends on the coffee. Schil ling's Best . t ... ; . yiefsrred Stock Caaaaa eooda, , Allow A lwls' Beat Brand. Recipe for Colds ' In point of ' Interest ' and attendance the annual meeting of the Stat Hor- iivjui.ui m , a kj wiuua viuevu ywLor-I I day was the most Important that haa I " L.IJ M . . A travu Dwu sur J u . uae nuaunra man eleven regular delegates and ISO af filiated membera were present with It auxiliary local societies represented.. Resolutions - of Importance were adopted by tha society and it waa de Mia half pin of good, walake . with two ounce of glyoertne aad add on half oaaoe Ooaoentrated ail of pin. This latter eomea la oaa half oaae vials packed se curely in rouaa screw sop oases waioa axe intended to protect it from, bight aa retain all the original osonat Bont na aula of oil of pins or Imitations of Ooaoentrated, which are often found pat ap ia wooden boxes. They are insoluble aad arork havoo to tha kidneys.' Any a rug gist haa tha Concentrated toll of pin. It will also be . found a moat excellent remedy for bua bago aad all forma of an sold rheumatism 10 this purpose it la taken raw, a few drops oa uga at aight and morning. Concentrated oil of plas ia tha results of many years experi menting' by oae of "Philadelphia's foremost doctors who after end lees reseama at last secured a truly soluble oil of pin, so make our to gat : th real thing. Zt etls snake aa excellent salve to be applied externally oa tha lungs, ror this purpose it is mlxsd with lard or vaasllua. . -, if Dr. J. R. CardweU- clded to axert every effort to secure legislative action In the interest of horticulture, Tha Oregon vlslegatlon In congress will be urged to secure the passage of a fruit marka bill by which growera, shippers and packers may be required properly to label fruit pack ages. It will b requested of (he state leg islature to - amend the law so as to maa.athtnnof offle of the master of the grange nine years Instead of two, and also to provide for the ap pointment of the preeldent of the 8tat Horticultural society ' for aHk tetm. Tha courts oT counties ' having fruit Inspectors will be asked to pay th ex penses of their Inspectors for a one- week course In entomology at ' th ag ricultural college. Officer of th so ciety war sleeted as follows: Honorary president. Dr. J. R. Card- well. Portland : president, H. C Atwell, Forest Grovel first vice-president. Hunt Lewis, Medford; second vice-president, C. D. Huffman.. La Grande; secretary. member finance committee, H. M. Wll 11am son, Portland, v At-tha conclusion or th meeting a telegram waa read from United 8tatea Senator-elect Jonathan Bourn Jr.. suggesting that tha society adopt a resolution requesting Oregonians, when passing through other states, to Inquire for Oregon fruit and other Oregon products. Mr. Bourn also suggested that boards of -trade and similar or- ganlaatlona-ln-th state -adopt- stmttar-f resoiutiona Awards war mad as fol lows:. ; . . - . . ' JUst of Awards. Tor th best box of Bpltienberg, C K. Marshall, ' Hood River; Hyde's King, Bears dc Porter. Hood River; Yellow Jonathan. C. K. Marshall. Hood River Arkanaaa: Black, C I" Marshall. Hood River; Northern Spy, "B. H. Shepherd, Hood River; Baldwin, M. M. Hill. Hood Rivers Lady, L. D. Moulton (McMlnn- ville). Willamette valley; Wtneaap, L. fc. Clark. Hood River; - Wegener, Sears & Porter, Hood River; P. Barry Pear, J. Holaday (Scappoose), Willamette valley. -... For .best - boa -cf Home - Beatlty,X' Holaday (Scappoose), Willamette val ley; King of Tompkins County, M. M. Hill., Hood River; Red Cheek Pippin, L. E. Clark. Hood River; Ortley, C. K. Marshall. Hood River; 'Ben Pavls, Sears ft Porter, Hood River. - Sweepstakes cup, given for th best and second "best general "display-Of boxes of commercial pack, standard va rtetiea, not less - than three - varieties nor iiiui tliairBveVafI3rn6r''to" exceed three boxes of any variety. Awarded to C K. Marshall, Hood River; second to Sears A Porter, Hood River; sweep- "We Can . . ... . Help JLAJ U 5 Keep warm if yoi will grant us an opportunity to show you through our assortment of high class, standard makes of" . ' Uiiderwear We can also save you something, for we are ; giving a discount ranging from 10 to 25 per : cent on Clothing, Hats and Furnishings (con tract goods excepted). ' Special Friday Offerings MONARCH SHIRTS. faU patterns. ....OOfr ' 75c and 50c NECKWEAR Values..... ,.40a -$3.50 and $3.0o'Hatsr-tirjandftT Sole Agents KNOX ' HATSv - Ben1a4in"jPendl6tdll. Clothing i ; - , ; J ' SU Morrison. Opp. Postoffice PORTLAND'S GENTILITY SHOP X-.;.:-. . .' -.g; stakes platf' display, J. 'L. Carter, Hood River. ' " Honorable - mention, pears. Spltsen- berg.Ortleys7Tox Hunt Xewls, Med ford. Rogue River; box display, M. M. Hill, Hood River; plate display, Sears A Porter, Hood River. , - I.-O. O. P. Installation. 8pertal Dispatch te The Journal.) Baker City, Or., Jan. 10. The follow- In g 7 offtesra have" been Installed for Baker City lodge No. 25, L C O. WealeyAndrewa, noble grand: Luther iiahan. vice grand; A. J. Flah, record ing secretary; B. T. Beers, financial secretary; J. P. Ross, treasurer; W. A. Weeks, warden; A. MarotU, L O.s L. U Sheffler, O. G.; A. FInley, R. S. N. G. A. Walters, R. S. V. O.; A. Frans. L. 8. V.'O.; A. gvans. R. B. B.; Amos Hotel,. L. S. B. i -J- ; New City Marshal at Dallaa. , (Special Dispatch to Tae Jneresti Dallas, Or., Jaa. 10. City Marshal W, J. White, who haa been acting In that capacity for tha past year, resigned at th last meeting of the city council and -CharlesT." Palmer"Waa"acied by-tHtJ council to fill tha vacancy. . Vlles Cured la Six to Yonrteea, Ban. PaZO OINTMENT ta maranteed te ear anr urn. Blind, Bleeding er Protcetfliig J is -oars er mooT leiaBesr. ease of Inbli Cua la te Is comprehensive. It embraces thousands of articles needed daily by every person and every home. Only by personal inspection can you form a correct idea of the real money-savings this sale of ours means to you. Safety Razors AT CUTTING PRICES. FIVE MEN BELIEVED DROWNED IN RIVER , Na trace of tha Ave man who trleJ to cross the Columbia in a skill Sunday night has been discovered, according to B. L. Barry, who cam Up from Mo- Oowsns last night Tb river In the vicinity , was dragged until yesterday. when the search for th bodies had to be given up oa account of th forma tion of Ice. - Th men who started out on th fatal trip were: w. E. Murray of Butler, sur veyor of Skamania county, Washing- ?3r Regular $1.00; now 89 All our Yankee Safeties. $5.00 Set. now $2.50 $9.00 Set, now ................... 4.50 $11.00 Set. now! 5.BO -$14.00 .'-Set,: now fT.OO All our Gem, Star and Zinn : Razors at HALF PRICE. Lather Bruahet at a discount of 25 per cent We have a swell line of Sterling Silver .Mugs at special price during this sale. Jardinieres ART DESIGNS. Regular 75c, now ...... 43 Regular $1-25, now 87 Regular $2.00, now ............... S1.46 Regular $2.50, now fl.75 Regular $4.00, now............... )2.80 Now is the time to buy. , . Toilet Paper Special Acorn Roll, dozen . 35 Ottr Fair, dozen ... 67 "Woodlark." dozen 87 ? Mount Hood,. dozen. ,. 93 For $1.00 we wil give yon 12,000 sheets of the best Tissue ever made, with nickel plated fixture. Ask for A. P. W. 1 Rubber Specials Combination Water Bottle and Syrinsre, ' 2 qu ..... 123 ' Combination , Water Bottle and Syringe, fit ted complete, 3 qts. "fl.09 Fountain Syr inge, 3 quarts, 3 pipes ' 59 Fountain Syringe, 4 quarts, complete set of pipes :...;.-........fl.09 Cloth-covered Water Bottle, 2 qts ..63 White Rubber Water Bottle, 2 qts ...98 All-rubber Complexion Brush ........ 8 Rubber Gloves 37 Rubber Sponges 19 Bath Crushes Lenier's Famous Bristle Bath Brushes Half . price- 15 style v all good: special at". (. 27, 46, 65 " BATH TOWELS. : English Crash, genuine linen and mixed, extra long; special 19, 38, 64, 76, 98 and 1.22 RUB DRY TOWELS SPECIAL. Small, dozen 82.39; large,- dozen 8 4.47 WASH RAGS Special 4f, 7 and 11 Valiant's Famous Antiseptic Skin and Toi let Soap, box & cakes 19 Liebig's Skincura Soap, regular 40c; re- cial7 box of 3 cake 33 Wild Flowers of Mount Hood, regular 40c box: now 33 U-ar-das Luxury Soap.. ............. .33 Antiseptic Calendar Soap .......... 37 All Our Bristle Goods Fine Hair, Hat, Cloth, Tooth and Military .Brushes, 25 per ctnt off... Great Reduction ia Prices on All Our Handbags SEAL,' WALRUS, PIN SEAL, ' v " FLUFFED ALLIGATOR, SEA LION. All new and practical shapes, leather lined and fitted, vals. 98 to 8 25.00. EVERY ARTICLE AT HALF REGU LAR PRICE. Regular $200 Beaded Bags 59. All our Fancy Opera Bags and Jewel Cases 50 per cent off. ..... - -'.--.' - Dammered Art Brass At a reduction of 30 per cent "a; 300 Hardwood Book Racks, sent us in er ror; we are closing them out at factory cost; each ovf Leather Specials Waterproof Pegamoid, Suitcase, regular :$4.25; special .-,.....8.68 25 PER CENT FROM OUR REGULAR LOW PRICES ON Suitcases, Handbags, Gladstone Bags. Horn Alligator Bags--fitted complete. Ladies' Suitcases, Traveling Rollups, Cigar Cases, Wallets, . Bill Books. - Cardcases, Music Bags and Rolls, Flasks, Collar and Cuff Boxes, Writing Folios, Auto Lunch Bas- kets. We engrave free in gold ail leather purchases. HAVE YOU SEEN THE MEXICAN CARVED LEATHER DISPLAY IN OUR WINDOW and the Artist who so deftly works out ex. . quisite designs while you wait? This art, brought to Spain by the Moors, now finds' it home and market on this Coast. - , SPECIAL PRICES ON Malt Extract, Wines and ; 1 Liquors IMPORTED AND DOMESTIC. 1 Nothing but absolutely pure goods can be found on our shelves This department of 'f era some wonderful redactions on .staple brands. ... Walker's Canadian Club, quarts.. ..81.05 Dewar, Special Scotch, quart f 1.15 Fisher Pure Malt Whiskey, quart ...,T5 Woodlark Scotch Heather, quart ..$1.05 Extra Fine Old Scotch, quart f 1.15 Fine Old Bourbon, quart .u......i,.70 Juniper Berry Gin, quart .......76 Lenoir Brandy 96 ' ; ; : ' V - - WINES. - Extra Fine Old Port, quart 25 Official Sherry, quart ............... 25 Woodlark Port, quart 46 Woodlark Sherry, quart ......46 Fine California Port and Sherry, per gal lon 81.00 CALIFORNIA WINES. Zinfandel, Cabernet, Burgundy, extra se . lect; choice bottle'....,.......,.-,. 29 Please Note he Reductions in Our : . - - j v An uooas 1907 Calendars to close at one-half price." Art Ware Rozanne Limoges; Florentine exquisite pieces, at a discount of 30 per ;'. cent r.- . Framed Pictures Every one personally selected; famous subjects; color prints, pastels, photogravures; all at 30 per cent less than our regular prices. Sheahan's Famous- Passepartouts Quaint sayings, proverbs, selections from the poets; regular 15c; now 10 each. A variety of 2,000 to select from. Hurd's Fine Stationery Every box and package marked down; 500- pounds of ''Woodlark" Linen .Note, - regular - 30c, now 24.. A real bargain, , -Thirty per cent off on all our Fine Sta tionery, Papeteries, Playing Cards, Bridge Sets, etc. . " . When you're In a Hurry, call up Exchange 119 trunk lines, 20 extensions. Any one of 20 salesmen at our. end resdy to attend to your orders." W ; are monthly account with responsible folks. Our delivery system is good and w are always trying to improve it We take Canadian money at full value. always ready to open ... . i" - - -' . FOURTH AND WASHINGTON f