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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 10, 1907)
THE OREGON . DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, THURSDAY EVENING, JANUARY 10, ". 1907. 1? -ilMCOROSI SPORTIIIG Marriott Makes Two Great Marks in the Automobile i Speeding at Ormond. v PECULIAR PLAYS IN THE BASEBALL REALM Vhiladelphla and - Boston PUy Twenty-Poor Inning Contest That . Established New Major League Record With the Cue Experts. The following are the beat and ntif original records made ta eutojnoblllng. billiards, , pool, bowline and baseball during the year It0: .... .. . At Ormond. Fla., Jan. I J Marriott broke the world's record for a mile twice. Flrat record was made In i freak racer: time. 32 1-1 aeoonda. Sec ond record waa made la II i-i seconds. At Ormond. Fla.. Jan. Is The-10-mlle . middleweight championship 'waa won b)j .sua; nan; ume, minutes, ins iv-raiie CoTlnthlan''rignaToap"rofmma-Murs wss von by H. Harding; time. S:S4 4-s. The mile record tlral steam was won by . Marriott; time. 21 I-S seconda new world'a record. Tbe one-mile record trial heavyweight gasoline waa won by Chevrolet; time, so ' S- seconda new world's record The ont-kllometer rec- ; ord trial, steam, won by Marriott; time, IS S-5 seconda new world's record. At Ormond-Daytona, Fig., Jan. J7 Clifford Earp won the 100-mll free-for-ai. championship race, SS-horsepower CSiollne, In 1:15:49 5-5 seconds. At Chicago,. Fab. l-a-Wllllam Rerrlck ,. broke the record for the JLOOO-mll run, time being 44 hours and' II minutes. . At Havana. Cuba. Feb. 1 2 Demogerot won the 200-mile road race for profes sionals; time, 1 hours 41 minutes and II seconds. . . , . '. ' At Long Island, Oct. Wagner won' the annual race for the Vanderbllt cuo ln , hours Eff mlniit'rand y seconds. Lancia was second and Puray third. ? . Baseball. ' At Brooa.yn, May I The Philadelphia Katlonals deieated Brooklyn by a score ' ef to I. John Lush of the Phlladel- . phla National lea rue pitched the nrst no-hlt, no-run game e the eeeaon. ,. At Boston. Maes., May 11 "Tom" Jones, the old Oriole, new with tbe Bt Louis Americana, adored a new record for putouts by a first baseman, making , 22. " - At Chicago. 111.. May 22 Miss Mar- Jor!eBeir omThIrefiry Htfir-'sehooT - broke- the forld's record for a woman's . basehat throw-by throwing the ball 204 foet and 2 Inches. 4 At Boston, .ass.. May 2 After 20 straight defeats, the longeat run ' of losses , mode by any big league team since the Plttsburgs lost 21 straight tn ' 1110,' the Boston Americans defeated ' the 'Chicago White Sox. At Cincinnati, O., July IS, In the Brooklyn-Cincinnati game Keeley, Al- . perman, Barry and Huggtna worked a triple play. - k, 2fe 2Uts. o Boas. . . At at Louis, Mo., July 20 Brooklyn defeated St. Loula, J o 0- Pitcher a- ' son pitched a no-bit. no-run game. - At Cleveland. U July 28 New Tork defeated -Cleveland, 6 to 4. Tbe first triple plsy of the season In the Ameri can league was worked by Laporte, Me rlarlty and Elberfleld. "7"Al1Vl sh In gtorrr Au g.-J 1- Shortstop Turner of Cleveland and Koasman made a triple play againat Washington. At Boston, Mass., Sept. 1 A new ma jor league record waa established Whed Philadelphia defeated Boaton, 4 to 1, In a 24-lnnlng game. Coombs pitched Uor Philadelphia and Hanrta for Boston. .At Pittsburg, Pa., Sept. 11 Pittsburg nil viuviuiwti miina iimreu . u inninge without being able to score. Willis Drunkards Cured In 24 Hours Any Lady Can Curt the Most Violent Drunkard Secretly at Home. . . T . To yrovs Xt, a Tree Trial lckage Xs . Bent Sealsd to All Who Write, . Let no woman despair. The sure, oulck, permanen: euro for drunkenness has been found. It Is Golden Soecfflc. It has no odor. Tt baa no taste. Juat a little la put In the drunkard's cup of coffee or lea, er In his Toed, tie win never notice it, "he will be cured before he realises It, snd hs will never know why he aban doned the taste for lienor. . Ooaa Mad rron Whiskey. His desire tor drina dwikiwra abso lately, and ha will even abhor the vary sight and smell oi whiskey. . Ths vigor lie has waated away by drink will be restored to him. and his health and strength and cheerfulness will' return to brighten your home. Oolden Ppeclflj iiss cured soms ef the most violent cases In a day's time. This fact Is proven by many ladles who have tried it. Mr. Mattie Balklne, Vancsburf. Ky.. "My huaband twk two doses of your medicine about five months ago and has net taken a drink or had any dsslre for lio'ior since then.- Our home Is so different now." Mrs- Mabel Sink. K. T. P. No. I. fit lem. Oregon, esyt: "My hnshsnd n- not touched liquor1 slhre t gave him ths sample package of " vour Golden Sn'lflc."i gave your loved emn from premature th snd the terrible consequences of the drink curse ind save yourself from 'poverty snd mlry. It costs ahsoli-tely nothing to try. ' Fnd your nnme and address to Dr. 3, W Ilnlnes, 72M Glenn Building, Cin cinnati, Ohio, oni he will at once send vou a free packipe- of the marveloua boldea flpeclAo In a plain, sealed wrap- , will also send you ths strongest, enr). . . txrtic.t .t uksl u hleMnliiv tt baa hcn to Ihnuesnils r f "f nmillns. .lend tnr free ir'al package Of Gold a BpscHlo today. pitched . for Pittsburg and Ewlng for -MmtimaU At Chicago, ltt, Oct. I Oscar Knolls, pitching for the Marquettea, broke all semi-professional record when he struck out 21 men. Score, 0 to 0. . Billiards and Pool. At Paria, Prance, Jan. l--WUII Hoppe defeated Vlgnaux (world'a cham pion) at 18-Inch, one shot tn, belk-lins, 100 to S2S. - At St. Louis. Mo.. Feb. 11 Thomas Houston retained the world's pool cnamplonsnip by defeating Charles Wes ton total score 100 to 181, playing 100 points a nignt. At Now York. Feb. 22 Willie Hoppe made a new record run of 117 In 18.1 play: At New York. March I C. T. Peter son defeated Willie Hoppe (the world's ehamplon). It-Inch balk-line, one shot in. 400 to ssi. m- Chicago. lit. March 1 Edward W. -Gardner won the title of amateur class A billiard champion of America, 14.1 balk-line, from J. T, Poggenberg, score suv to it. Boppe Meet Match. At New York. April 17 George But ton defeated Willie Hoppe, score 100 to 111. making a new world's - reaord of 10) points in five tnnlnga. or an average or loo. At New York, April II George Sloe- son defeated "Jake" Bchaefer, score 100 te tit winning the International cham- pionanip in toe cmiard tournament, 1S.I balk-line. At New York, March 27 Willie Hoppe defeatod George Slosson at 11-1 balk- line, score too te ttl, retaining the championship title at the world. At Chicago. May 11 Willie Hoppe defeated J. Bchaefer, score 100 to Its, breaking" the wonrg record rorht run by making 107 billiards ln fourth Inning. At Chicago, May II Willie Hoppe defeated George Slosson, score 100 to 170. winning world's championship at 11.1 balk-line. At New York. OoL 17 Willie Hoods defeated Jacob Schasfer by a score of s to 471 tn tne is-inen balk-line, one shot in, match for world's champion ship trophy. - The Bowling ante. At Chicago, UL, Jan. 11 The Ansons Of the Monroe league rolled 1.062. 1.028 and 1,101, averaging .1,011, In a league game. At Peoria. HI.. - Jan. - 24 Clarence Brayshaw of the Peoria team rolled It straight strikes, Jrew York. Feb. IT Fred Egel- hoff made a world's record of 2SI 1-1 for six cam eg in the New York In- dlvlduaLtournament series. At Chicago. 111.. March t The Motor Ages tn the Chicago Bowling league made a team score of l.itt. At Chicago, 111.. March 7 Three world's records were broken by the Chloago league. The Howards rolled a score of 1.207 against the West Chi cago, the first total 1.200 on reoord: and with 1.084 and 1.080 In the other two games, average 1.124 flat; the flrat tme that 1,100 has been touched for three games. Ray Stotk made an-average of 211 1-1. TwoHBfea-Brir "I At Bait Lake City, Ctah, May Kupplnger and Ellwert of the Denver Brunswick broke all national bowling tournament records in the two-men team race by piling np a total of 1.251 points. -. . . At Louisville. Msy 17 In the sixth national tournament of the American Bowling' congress, the Centarys No. 1 of Chicago , won ' the five-man team vent with t.714: the two-men team event went to Hamilton and Huasey of x-nuaaeipnia. wunv l.l; the state champion of Wisconsin, F. T. Favour OC Oshkosh, took Individual honors, with . - : At Chloago. Ill March II to April 1 jaca tveuiy ana Fred jdahoney of the O'Leary team won ths 21-hour endur ance bowltnz contest with a total of 8,404 and an average of 188 .1-4S: Jimmy Smith of New. York, had -high aveeege of-4M-rlt-2sVand P.-Hawleyof Chicago high score of 161. LOBSTERS CLAWED UP BY OLD-TIME RIVALS ' if pertal Mepetcb to The JosraaL) Forest Orove, Or, Jan. 10 The Lob ster club met their Waterloo at the hands of the Dorm Push last night, when -ths two lined up for a splendid exhibition of Indoor baseball before on of tbe biggest crowds that has sver turned out to see athletic services. The score was ll-l. The Lobsters "went tip In the air fn the third, permitting eight runs, snd agsln In the seventh, when eight of the Dorm family shot so roes the rubber. . The -Ward brothers and Owynn. Gregory and Wsthered played spectacu lar ball and warmed up tbe ooeds. who turnsd out ln colors. The following Is the lineup; Dorm Push. : . Lobsters. J. -Ward. ......... .T Gregory C Ward lb Wethered T. B. Denney sa Allen Owynn ,, Davis. R. B. Denney -lb.. ..Sara-Lawrence Humphreys , Sb , . Brldwell A. C Allen f Market Hilts . ., 0 Koch Umpire, M. Coons. ' MONTAVILLA BOWLERS FAIL TO SHOW UP . The match between the Oold Leaf and Montavllla teams that ' waa Scheduled for last night . was won by the Oold Lesfa, the Villas filling to show up. It was the laat aeries for these teams, and as the suburbanites are so dsep in J the cellar, what averages they might nave gouen woman I IH'ip mucn. Toe Oold Leafs hsd only four men, who rolled for an average. The scores are as follows: oold Leaps. . !! (t) 199 JT1 141 IIS Av. 11 171 164 171 Hague lis Boulangsr 1T1 Oalllard ........... lift Kneyse 100 Ill 173 141 its Totsl :.T0 S7T ttl Tonight th two business men team ?lsy their last game, Commercials No. vs. Commercials No, 2. RACING SUMMARY AT NEW ORLEANS TRACK New Orleans, Jan, 10. City srk rso results; ' . ' rive forlongs-Dlnemock won, JDtjeh ess of Montebello second, Lentllla third: Unto, :0t. ,. . On mile, hurdle handicap Suhador won, iNaran ascend, Orthodox third; time. 1:51 4-IS. Three . furlongs Whisk Broom - won. Workaday second, Ida May third; time, 0: l-S. t One mils Envoy won. Phlla Finch second. Charlatan third; time, 1:411-5. Seven furlongs, selling Favorite won. French Nun second, Lena J. third; tuna. l:IS4-8. Five and one half furlongs Toboggan won, Frontanso second, Pouthern Cross third; time, 1:07 -. Mile and en eighth, selling Hebomt!-l er won. Flavlgny aecond, Scalpleoit third; time, 1:61-1. Keiv-Cure- For Rupture Hew geieatiaa AnUaaee, Alweye a ferfeet lit Adjustable U Adt lias tirut-tuy, . Ceaifortabie, Jlsver Blips, Ve Obnasioua prlBSs r raae Coals Lete Taaa Hut OoaiaMa Tnim Mills 1H Ma, Waotea e . Chllaiea. 1 lead It Oa Assreval Yea W. ear It If Tea Ate Vet atieaed, I lUfaae . g) . Beaey.. I kave mvat4 a raster pilaie that t esa Hfsly mr, ky SO years' esperleure la lae np lure business. Is liie oulr oee that will sbao laily sold (he rupture and saver slip and yet Is enol, eom fwtable. conforms te every movement of the body without eliatns er haruos are cosu lass lhaa aiaay ertlluarr Imnii I have put the price a k that aay pateen, rich er Jaa. Brittea, Cared af auiptare sy 0. X. BMoka, ror. eaa bay, and I absolately gasrsatee la Duke it So yeur order . eesd H to roe roe wear It, aa4 1( it eoraa't satlafy roe seed tt bact to ate ens I will rotund year mosey. That la the falrar propoeltloa ever aiee by reptnre specialist. The beeks er say raspoaeibl ciusaa Is hlanhau wiu teu roe Ibai ue way oo saaiaeaa eiways absolutely oa tae eqnen. Here Is what Mr. Jas. Brltua. a Dromlaeat aaanafactarer of Bethlahem. Pa., wrlteei "C. B. atroeks, Eao. Dear Rlr I have bees raptured sic years ssd have always had trouble lib It till I got font appliance. It Is very tay to wear, ata Best sod anec a4 Is act la ths way at any time, day or alaht. la tact at timee I did sot know 1 had It oa. It just adapted Itself to the shape of tbe body end eluag to the spot aa mstier what position I wss In. It would be a veritable Go4-eaod he the aa. tortus te who suffer from rapture, tf au eeais praeere tbe Brooks Huptare Appilaaoe- eed wear it. They errtalaly would aever resret lc My raptore Is all healed p aad aothlngsver ale li dq I tout nmi ,nc. m. di iiiusu if yea have tried aaoot everythlag else, eosoe waera euere lau si waere oars any greatest success. Writ me today sad I will head yoe my book oa R up tort ssd Its Core, showing aiy appliance and giving yoe prices aad aa are ef people who have tried It and teee sured. It la loataat relief waea all etbete fau. Remember I aae ao ssivee. no aameas, so lies. Juat a straight baslaeae deal at a reasonable price. a X. Brooks, IsU Break hldg., Maishall. Kleb, YGUNG CORBETT BAD LOSER TO M WHY , Ex-Charripion Cets Beating tn Six-Round Co in City of ' Brothariy Love. - (Joeraal Special gervlea.) . . Philadelphia, Jan. 10.Young Corbett Is. no. longer in the boxing business; the showing he mad sgalnst Tommy Murphy of New York last night at ths National Athletic club was pitiable. The men were to go six rounds, and. while they went the distance. Young Corbett stagger ad along.- completely: at r the mercy of hi, stronger, faster and mora knowing opponent.,; The farmer cham pion was like clay In Murphy's hands. , In the Second round tne nu . saved Corbett. Toward the end of this clash Murphy landed a awlft ahort arm blow on Corbett'o chin, whloh bowled the ea champion over. When he arose the New Yorker pounced on him and bat tered him - limp with - rights and lefts. The minute's rest did Corbett a lot of good, and his admirers thought he would be able to stall off Murphy's rushes In the third. But Murphy would not be stalled. Before Corbett reached the center of the ring Tommy 'waa on hlny and drove-hlra from "corner to corner as he pleased. Corbett threw tn a few kidney blows, but they lacked force. . Then Corbett tried th gam h prac ticed on McOovern. and talked and laughed at Murphy. For a moment the tactics worried the New Yorker; then he - straightened out - his arm ' and knocked the smile from Corbetfs face; it did not return. Corbett seemed tired after the third, and did no work to encourage his friends. His condition, lack of speed aad wlldneaa all abow that ho has gons hack as a fighter. Murphy 'fought a fine fight, and, wag In splendid form. - SPORTING GOSSIP In th west they say BUI Sweeney, who la to ba a Chicago Cub next sea son, has Hal Chase, Frank Chance and Joa Kealon aklnned a mile. Is faster than Miller Hughes, was th best short- IRK WEAKENS THE Doan's Kidney Pills Have Done Qreat Service for ; People Who Work -in Portland. ' Most Portland people work every day In some atralned, unnatural position bending constsntly over a desk riding on Jolting wagons or cars doing labor ious housework; lifting, reaching-, or pulling, or trying the back In a hundred snd one other ways; All these strains tend to wear, weaken snd Injurs the kidneys until they fall behind in their work of filtering th poisons from the Mood. DoAn's Kidney Pills cure sick kidneys, put new strength ln bad backs. Portland cures prove It. A. L. Maney. repairer on the Port Innd Cable Railway, snd living at 6(4 Elm r street. Portland. Oregon, saya: "iwan's Kidney Pills completely rid me of an attack of backache which waa brought on through tbe 'Jarring and Jolting of riding on the cable cara At least, tbnt waa the only way 1 could account for IU It waa very annoying and worried me great deal. Being In duced to try Doan's Kidney Pills through the recommend,! ions of the remedy, I found quick relief snd a final cure. That was over three year tfgo, and thsre has been no return, of the trouble since." For sale by all dealers. rr(-e IS centa, Fosler-Mllhurn Co.. Buffalo, New York, ole agents forthe'-TTnttert-Htaien. Rememfrer th nam UOAN S and take no tuner. . . . ' I NEVER dUESS Experiment or' take chances of any sort. I attempt to cure only those dlaeases that I have been curing for ths peat sixteen years, and I believe I am Justified In aaylng that I have learned all about them. Were I lack ing in knowledge pertaining to my specialty I would never have attained my present success, nor would I to day be recognised aa the leading spe - clallat treating men's diseases. If afflicted, you can depend upon It that the service I offer you is the service you need, snd is servloe such ad can be rendered by no other physician. My practice la ths largeat because I Invariably fulfill my promises, VARICOCELE Coder tny treatment the most ag gravated - cases of varicocele are oured In a few days time. There IS no pain, and It ia seldom necessary . that the patient be detained from his occupat'on. Normal circulation la at once restored throughout all the or gans, and ths natural processes of , wnste and repair are again estab lished. . If you are afflicted with va ricocele, consult me at once. De lays oan but bring on aggravated conditions and nervous complications that will Impair the vital functions and Involve the general health. Contracted Disorders In the treatment of disorders I of far a aornloo-suoh as ao-nther phy sician can render. The remedies 1 employ have a most -thorough and positive action In cleansing the mem branes of all Infection and subduing all Inflammation. My manner of ap plication Insures absolute thorough beae, and - removee every possibility of 'relapse or a ehronlo stage. My euros are not only thorough, but are aooom pushed la the briefest time possible, ' DR ratteata Irving' ent of tae alt and coming to Bortland for treatment mm be Cheek wont trunks tlrset to 134 H Morrison WcrCurcrMeirfo In any uncomplicated case. We will give a written guarantee in any case we , . ttndertake. , . Come to us in the strictest confidence. 'We will treat you nonestly and skillfully .and will cure you in less time than other - doctors take to experiment on you. All those, who are discoufag-ed or who havelakcff treatment ronv tinskilUdVape- delists we especially invite to call on ua and avail themselves othe free examina tion. . ' -': ' " M : ,We cure tOjStsy cured, and our pa tients add to our success by recommend Jng others. sjv-r have -faired thmiaanda. If i and worry, if your system Is tainted with disease In any form what ever, TOT OWS II TO TOUB4XIr to ssek and obtain restorative power at once. we Want Zvery Btaa U the Country Who Xa AffUoted to Writ ns About Bis AO-Beat. WB CTBB TOT AS XOKB. r. HOURS 4 TO S:l DAIL.Y; SUNDAYS, t TO It. ST. LOUIS ME!gZk:FD DISPENSA RY OOBBEB SBCOBO ABB TAaOTXU erBBBTS, BOBTBABB, OSBBOB. stop on the Pactflo coast and can beat Moloney or wrowne iwhui uwu iu first. Gee whlsl This fellow is too good for Chicago. v. e e - Snorting Idltor: Ptas state from where the -prsalon, "Handed hlm-a lemon." Cam 7 It was overheard so many times at the close of each day's racing at the Seattle Meadows that It soon came Into general us as a synomym for being "handed a gold brick" or being looked upon aa a "good thing." e -.''' . ' Bill Hqulres of Australia threatens to come over and clean up the country. Bill will find 'em walUng at the wharf. ; e a : : The Rhyollt Athletio club eonld af ford to bang up a 1200.000 purs if th fighters would he willing to take It ln mining stock certificates. '.'. e e Jo Osns' mother wired him to keep ateppln'. This msy become oatoh line, but we'll never forget what Roae Fitsslmmons said to Bob at Caraon City. They have hard work to Improve on "Soak him In th slats!'' e e . At th recent meeting of th New England league T. U. Humane and .. C. Morse were reelected president and secretary, respectively, for a term of fiv years. - ' . . . e e Th nw Texas baseball league will he coifi posed of only lx clubs, but ths Lon Star state magnates declare It will be th fastest thing of Its site In tb country. ... , i A team eaptslned by Hal Chase de feated a nine beaded by Frank Chance I to 1 recently In Loa Angeles. The two premier flrst-sackers have ' been having It nip and tuck In California this Winter. e " Frank Relee. manager of the piirblo Western league olub and former mana ger of the Chicago Nationals, has been elected vice-president of the Western league. - ." e e Manager Bahb of Memphis has been forturste In signing several good play ers for nsst season. Chsrlle saya that he will havs as good aa they make 'em for th Southern league. ; President James SI Sullivan of the A. A. XT. says publlo playgrounda and schoolboy leagues form tbe foundation iUTXIWOaU la a stage, and Mallard's snow Liniment plays a most prominent pert It haa no superior for Ki umatlsm, atlff Joints, cuts, sprslns and sll pains. Buy It, try It and you will always use It Anybody who hss used Rallard's Snow Liniment Is a living proof of what It does. Buy a trial bottle. SKc, 60a and 11.00. ; For sale bv ell drnelsta '. BB TAYXOB, : ' . : Tbe leading- atpeolalle. v ; . I kt rn za out Q(D XB ABY UBOOXmOATBH OABB You Pay Consultation Free A TAL,OR CO. BITABUSJOO TBABS i romri-AJro. vxcias, , ,, . BnUOTTJBB. a-BOOBxa, TAKXOOOBX.B, BX.OOD BOXBOST, t,OBT TITaXITT,' ariBirxT abb . BLADDZB , BZBBABZS, ' eoxoBavatoaw not he FBOBTATZO gSBTOUS DIBBABSat. your chvslcal condition la imnalreoV 11 MEN TREATED A Best Service! lowest Charfles! Cores Guaranteed! Toe who are afflicted with common i r esiiea "lwbi Lame Back, InStaamaUea t'rln. Inapotaawy. - tloa. Menial Worry, resalts of etceae snd Overwork : Plies, Flatata aad Brdrecele er ether weekoees, wklrh abenlately annt thaw for Btady, Boat aees, flasanre ar sisrrlag gulckly aad perauaeaUy eared. Ve eare, ae pay. Blead Petsea, eeatraeted er feeredttsryi Bkta Pliasai i. Rhenmatleaa. Soaai. Swelliars. Blsssargee, Oanairkssa. Gleet, Stricture, Ea larred Preatate aad Kydreeele. Keneet BeaUaga, Bwccassful aad ,Oea sciaatloos Hervtce, Beasoaabls Chsrgea. CaU er writ BsU T. . KXaOS. Ill First' tt, lWtlsas, Oragea. for future advancement - In - amatsur athletics. .... . - Btllv Lush, the old Cleveland playsr, haa his hands full nowadaya coaching both th basket and baseball team at Tsle. . , as.-. Under Coach Ten Eyek. who has Suc ceeded Andy O'Dea. th Wisconsin crew should make a good showing at Pough- keepsle next summer. e e . -Honey"- Mellody. the new welter weight champion, is going to tak on soms easy ones before he tackles Jimmy, Gardner or Mlk (Twin) Sulli van. YESTERDAY'S RACES , ON CALIFORNIA'TRACKS . (Journal Special Service.) Oakland. Jan. 14. Results of race: Futurity course Burnolett won. Pro crastinate second. Princess Wheeler third; time, 1:1. - Three furlongs Banonica won, Albla aecond, Jeremiah third; time, :8tl-i. Five and one 'half furlongs Koroel lany won. Coco second. La Rose third; time. 1:10 t-fc '" ""Mile and; 100 yards, the Cossette han d leap Joe Cbyne won, Nealon aecond, Corrlgan thVd; time, 1:49 I-. . Mile and a quarter, selling Voladay won. Graphite second. Baker third; ttmo, Ml 1-5. ' X -One mile, selling Beech wood won, Fullsta second, Oovernor Davis third; timev 1:411-1. ' in -.-nj? At Loa Angeles, Loa Angeles, Jan. 10. Ascot Park race resalts: Seven furlongs St Albans. won. Star of Runymede aecond, Oold Ledge third; time, l.Ifc. V , ' ' Three furlongs Martha Jan won, Katie Italna second, Oren third; time, :3H. - On mile Woodthorpau won. Avontel lus second, Sals third; time, 1:411-6. One ' mile W. H. Carey won. Von Tromp aecond, Edwin Fryer third; time, 1:41. ..... Futurity course Cortfessor won. Mas apan second. Judge Denton third; time, 1:1. - Fl f urlongs-Canoplan -won,- Rodolfo second, Astral thlrd; time, 1:1114, ! " I i - . - . . . . - i 1 v j I - J m I -tsstw- I AM NEVER IN DOUBT I am never tn doubt as to what the results from my treatment will be Day after day for sixteen years 1 have been curing case after case ef the several diseases peculiar to men. No eaae comes to roe now, the like of which I have not treated soores of tlmee In the past, aaoVJ aa al ways say definitely whether 1 ' Will be able to effect a permanent cure. 1 never hold out false hopea or make promises that I cannot fulfill, and yon can ' rely absolutely upon any encouragement I may be able to offer you. If I promise yovja cure a euro will follow. , WEAKNESS" ! I euro functional weakness la sua. I know of no other physician cur ing this ailment. Moat doctors treat wrongly. They give stimulants and tonlca . These things oan't euro. "Weakness" Is a symptom of pros tatic disorder, end the .treatment must be local. This la a truth thst I myself revealed. I have perfected ' the only . system of local treatment , that euros 'weakness." A few doc tore over the country claim to cure by the same method, but thstr treat-' ment Is - only aa Imitation of ths genuine Taylor method. The gen uine Is here and Is administered by Its" orlgInatOf.'Pon'rnop tu Ond It elsewhere. . Specific Blood Poison No dangerous minerals to drive the virus to tbe Interior, but harmless, . blood cleansing remedies that re move the last poisonous taint. 2341' Morrison Street Cor. 2nd, Portland, Or. furnished with fine street. room free of charge. CONSULTATION FREEH UNDER ABSOLUTE GUARANTEE f NO PAY UNLESS CURED W make no misleading statements or treatments. Our doctors are graduates of the' leading colleges of America and ' are duly licensed in the state of Oregon to cure diseases of men. - HEALTH is the stepping-stone tor happiness and prosperity, and in this day and age of the world strong and healthy men succeed, while others fail. ' You can a strong man physically and men- tally with the poison or draining away of your physical and mental strength. Our treatment eradicates"thls "entirely from your system, leaving it in a healthy, strong condition, so that yon will have full control of your entire system. your vitality la aaaalled front Overwork IND CURED K ritVOHS DEBILITY, ar Palling treagtk, PlBples. aAenuuu, atzaaosung aaraiae, ef I Ha Bladder aad Kldne; ism. Hleklv Oni. Ueepaadeacy. r ailing Masaory. Lnaa . of Aaibl- Scott's Saolal-Pepsin Capsules A POSITIVE CURE VaeTnflsaiBaalea aeOstarrkaf tbe lUsdnarand Plaaaaad Kis sers, s ooas go rar. Cares lunlrkly and aeraaaeBtiy the wore! raeee er aiean seaei aa eaiees. ee wetter ef bow lonf atsaalns. Akselately herniaas. Sold by drngslata. TKE SAKTAl-FEPSm COL BetVveaUlae, OhaS. ky All Sraggarts, HOTEL EATON ooa. Moaaisov avs wxst pass sts. N E W Raadaemely foralakad. elegaatly eaeippaS S re proof, t'e aiHntae' walk from heart ef ahonplrg asd seelneee dlatrVt. all laree. airy, eatalde nana, a tea a baated, eieetiic llrhta, talepbeae Is esek spartaBrat. ata. Lars offices, toongtng, (sioklei. wrltlns ladles' reception parlors. Rouaaa reserved by wall or talapbose. Prlvau asuiVBS Beets tralaa aad ateaaaera. Rooms $1.00 to $3.00 a Dfly peeial Katae a Oanawreial Ms a, A, AAMSXaOllO. Ptepileeai. CORVALUS FIVE RETURNS FROM SUCCESSFUL TOUR ' f S neclal manatee aa Tbe aWaal.) CorvalUs, Or.. Jan. 10. The Oregon Agricultural college basketball teem ar rived laat night after a tour of the northwest. O. A. C, defeated every team on Its schedule. The boys were met st the depot by the student body snd the college bend and escorted to town, where they were served with a banquet. ' A Memorable Say One of the days w remember with teaauro, well aa with profit tn our acquainted with I r .New l.lfej Pllla. th nalnleas pnii-i.-rx ti nt cure I headache and blluu- n l U.-r t' bowels right, at i ..,1 iu 1. ... macy. . f 31 It H SoU TRANSrORTA'IlOM. Ml Oi jO .3 (0 SlldirVlXCl axd vmou PACIFIC Trains to the East Daily 3 -s-ws call; a oa.aka. Chtsseo. Bpesaw I"-" . siinear ailr as Kaasae vi ?. "T" rariiulac ceaUcaire lassie trosl nasi sally. t Cbios Deiwt-. ' Leave, AtvHe. Oile. Hpeelal tt' lh k"t via liuBtlngton. Sly. I:W a t:80ei 'lyes for ga.tera , , " Walls, , Ureal Nortb-ra pntnta, dally. THWea :0 f. Kiprees for the Cast via HnntlnatoB. dally 1:11 PSJ : SS rorf.sad.nirn lae!. fee alt fesjte betweea , Blgn aad ' Portlsad, dallv S.-1S est sas . oni.nMma niTRit Dmsioi. roe Aetnrta bih! way pnlata. eoosactlae ems) "eamee for Ihvaes and Kerta Beech. twm ""Jo ab-et oWk. 'eaaee Sellv, P tandsyi aaterJev. 10 a av. AtrtveS aasaje g m., nee Snrnlao. TsMHTIL RIVCB BOUTB. .or Dsytoa. Oreeoa City ssd TswhtO Hes SMBta, eteeaiers Math eed Modoe. Aaht. aW. T a. as. daily, eicept Saaday (water rar- sitlttnrl Saadar. amve B. . anAKn aivgn norm. - Per Lewtatna. Idaae. ea way aetata frees "'a rrs'rtW"rV ata-ia-a Spoltaee ee4 Ne. 4. rtallr evrept Saterday. Arrive 4 t ak Sallv esi-ent rrtrtay. Ticket Ofrlr.. Third eed WaeMagtea SS. Teleekene Mam TH. : O. W, STINORR. cite Tteket A rest. Wm. Mc-IDERaT, Geaeral faeaeacer Aseat. EAST" SOUTH oak, Depet-. Msve, Arrlra, iwueaa ana Has rrea '. "K" Important etatloaa betwaaa feriUad aad Baa rraafl-iM .(.. - . .StlJiaw i Saa fi-H, tut all estate Jaat and Ikxila .V.7.. 11:&0 BBS 11 JO a Overland Eipreas train , for sU local points Souta. ' SaeraoMale, Baa Francises - " sad points gast asd Soatk. 1:U fit : BBS Uornlng train ronaacta at Woodbora sella -.-ant ' ' Snaday with Maamt Ansel sad ailvartoa tueal Cottage Orove paaeencer SdWast f JB sat eoonacta at Weodbara sad s , Albany " dally, eseept Bun- , xmj. who .(raina iur pouiis . ea Weo4bara-8vrln(Setd aad Albanr-Lebaooa brsncnes.. 4:1S 1t) Cervallla paaaencer. ....... 7 0 aai SMpaa SbeHdsa psaaansar i:lO lOrW sas rnreai urove piaaassar,. roreat Crave naaeeneer. . ..Ill 1 :00 eaa -Its 4 ea ... IIS:SOaaa llSJOsas. LJ)aHy. J'Pally eirent Bnnday. jrrrEasON-dTBEKT BTA Ttwrr For Dallas asd tataraaedlate points daily, T:e a. . and 4:11 p. an. Arrlra rertlaad 10. 1 a. m. and S:SS p. m. For tlnM and card ef Oeeaee sanarna tralaa apply at City Ticket Ofna. ar etatlos. Jsmn. Chins, flrmolnla sad AnatraUa. City Ticket Office corner Third aad WaaaV hirtna afrt Pnooe U TH. C. W. TINOB, Wai. McMtrBBAT. city Ticae Asset- Astoria &-CoIumbia River Railroad Co. UnloB Depot Leeva. Artlra, roe Maysera. Jtaialer, Clara- . aala, ft'eatport. CUXtoo, Aa- . i , . '.. torla, Warreafna, rtavsl, . ' - A tlawmoad. Fort Stereaa Qeai art Park. SeaaMe SKS) sat UlSS Sa A a torla aad Seaaaore, szprsas dslly .. i.. ......,...... ...... T ss) :S ssi : ... AU train dsfly, ' ' ' .. J. C. MA TO. it. r. sad P. a.. Asterta, Or, C. A. STgWART, CesBBureial Aseat. MS Akta a treat. Pbeaa alaia sua .. North Pacific S. S. Co.'s Steamship Geo. W. Elder Sella for Eureka, San Franolsco aad Loa Angela direct, Thursday, January 10. at I p. from Martin's dock, foot ITth street Take "8" or llth street ear. Tteket office 1SJ Third street, near Alder. Phon IS. ItU. H. TOUNQ, Agent. C. GEE WO Portland's Widely Known; and Successful . Chinese -Medicinal J Root and Herb Doctor 4 Ble tsawo reaiedlea. tSe - tosvedleeia - e Wklefc we Import direct freaa tae Ortea ta large aajantillee aa pveMre aad sat as He see aa mm ap-sa si ra laaeiery. ne rrnll plains e raga at bay ktad aeaaV veretsnie. Tbe Deetar treats eaeeeeefnny eed gearsaeaea ta eare alt eternal b rmablee, eeaarrb. awtaaaa, bn. threat, rbeawatleea. sal laaaaaa, alvaaa kMaey aad test wsebaaS. ' taJiAu xaongtis awn all yaxTAta .. DISXABEaV ' - fake er lateaeing etaleaeeste te fee Sfeicted. A safa ssd Isatlag cava la tae gates, eat peaatMe tlaae eed st lbs Isweet eaa see. Mbte Sae bnaeat traataaeat. If yte eaa not sell, arrlte Sw aawntaaa Maag Sad etrraler ttwfeae 4 eta ta atewsa COHtTTtTATTOg fin ths & Oae V., csiaaea tUaxiee Ca mt . .. tlrst SV, Caw. aterrissa, teralaad. taa Haaae aatloa tele eenec. CUtmmdg. JVaWarss vast KXw T rail. , t'e Ssteae ef Uabebe sag a la I CiPSULIl. I Theaai imi, ea a sad ' irni, uai ew aaierTaeafc(Mea,wniue. an, I 1 ta teka, eeeeaftteea aa aerrr. t u i f rnae si. ea Ruara a Uartlu a. Ml WaaMnieai iHartland. Orefoai ee by awll froaa las i new - era. Pure. Safe. Sure Ar. Bandereon'a Compn-md Cavln and Cotton Root I'llla. The ''est snd only flisMe remedv fur l)T. LATF.I I'K- f. .I.J i'ttr tt.m nw.. .k. sTlnne cases In S to ID 1ivs I rK II rens T. J PliCK"K U U., 11 Tirat street. Portlsnd. Oregon. I Q C0 a. nasal " J lyriV eciuTia 11 aaiia.ailnaa aa San