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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 10, 1907)
19 ."Ave Maria" r Scbumann-Helnk kas rrnjed an eepaclallr fine program for the re- tarn concert which it. to b circa 8atarday Tenlnc at the Armory. . One of the most attractir number ' will be the. Bach-Guonod , "Are Maria, which will be rendered tn all its beaatr and tnajeitr to an ac companiment of pipe orsan, piano and violin. This ia itself alone would draw hundreds to hear the treat contralto in such a fine aelec-1 tlon, and add to that the numbers In EB;Ush-wh leh-wllr-be -spectarTirt or the program, and the three songs with organ accompaniment alone, there is a feast tor music lorers such as has nerer been offered before. The famous singer is as much in terested In the return as is her most ardent admirer; she positively lores to sing and when she was told how many people could not obtain seats Monday he greatyea filled -with, tears, and' in.; her hearty; genuine x C(0)lL! QUICKLY CURED IT Foloy'c Honoy and Tar 7 Tncre Is oo case on record of a ' cold reiultiog ia Paeumonia, or other serious lung trouble, after 'Foley's Honey and Tar bad - been taken. T It will cure the most obstinate racking cough, and heals and ' strengthens the lungs. Foley's Honey and Tar has cured many cases of incipient Consumption and even in the last ' stages will always give comfort and reliefs-- Foley's Iloney and Tar gives V quick relief to Asthma sufferers, as it relieves the difficult breath M ing at once. : 5 Remember the name Foley's , Honey and Tar and rctuse , substitutes that cost you the same as the genuine. Do not take . chances with soma unknown ; preparation. ! ; Contains ho Opiates. , Cund tf Tirrlbli Coujh en Lcnji. N. Jacksoa of DaftvUle, SI., writes: i "Mr daughter had a sevare attack of La Grippe and a terrible cough ou her i lungs. We tried a great many remedies without relief. She tried Foley's Honey : end Tar .which cured her. 8he has teret ; bean troubled WHh a cough since." .Consumption Cund. Foley A Co., Chicago. - Sana, Ind. .. Gentlemen: Foley's Honey and Tar cured me of Consumntioa after I had suffered two years ana was almost des . ' perste. Three pbyaicians failed to give , me any relief and tbe lout one said be could do me no rood. I tried almost erery medicine 1 heard tell of without benefit, antii Foley's Honey and Tar was recommended to me.. Its .effect " right from the start was magical. I improved steadily from the first dose , and am now sound and well, and think Foley's Hooey and Tar ia a God-eead to people with Throat and Lung Trou hie. Yours very truly, MRS. KAAY AMBROSE. , Three siics 23c, 60c,'lX)0. ' "The 50 cent sise contains two and one-half times as much as the small size and the 41.00 bottle &! most six times as much. ::id m ttcErra ct xaxrx x " .'."vi A - ' '"" ' ' I -, tin. . '. 1 i, - .-v . ,',.-. ,.n,v , ... Saturday Evening way she exclaimed.' "Aeh, derpoor beeple; I moost come again back for them." The rash for seats yesterday when the sale opened augured well for one of the largest houses erer seen la tbe Armory, and erery arrangement for the care of the people is being made. Seats aow on sale at the 8herman Clar muslo store from 10 until 6. Out of tows mail orders should be sent there addressed to Lois Bteers Wynn Coman. Popular prices. NEW BOOKLET OH "ROAD OF A THOUSAND Vi Will Give a Written Description riandPlcturt of Scenes iirrrri -: ; Oregon for Use in East. A second appropriation ot 1100.(09 has been msde by the Harrlmaa lines for the purpose of apeclal advertising wort , tor the "Road of a Thousand Wonders." .booklet even exceeding-in-beauty-tha printing marvel tsaued last year under that title la now In press, and will a tsaued next week. Advance aheets received here from the printer, M. C. Tlbbetts of Ban Fran cisco, show color work In the pictures that will compare favorably with the flneat magaalna color printing. There will be ii pagea of the book devoted to Oregon. Included In the color plcturea are atreet scenes of Portland, the city park, the fall a at Oregon City. Rogue river. Cow creek canyon. Gold Ray dam, the Portland city hall, the harbor. Mount Hood, plaoer mining. In southern Oregon, dairying acenea. Portland rosea, and other features of Oregon. The new booklet will. It la Bald, sur pass the aenaattowsl-elegant advertising booklet distributed last year for the "Road Of a Thousand Wonders," which term meana the Shasta route from San Francisco to Portland. This year's book Is being leaued under direct supervision of Charlea g. Fee. passenger traffic manager of th Southern Pacific Aa It will be distributed throughout the east, for the purpoae of attracting tourist travel to the Pacific coast, the aim ef the company has been to otudo all eastern railroad lines In presenting the claims of this coast RECENT STORM RECALLS AN OLD-TIME TEMPEST SMia1 WTit- ( Th JoarasLt Balem. Or., Jan. 10 Old-timers recall the terrible storm of January 8. 1188, which reached almoet cyclonlo propor tions end which played, havoe In the then thickly est tied district to the west of this nty. Portions of Marlon county were alao visited by this storm 91 years ago, but the greatest damage was Cone In a stretch of country between Forest Grove and Imta, in the then standing timber. The wind storm was followed -with torrential rains similar to that ot last week. The ground waa softened by the constant rains Snd trees by hundreds were uprooted. Sven to this day the path of the furloua wind Is said to be traceable by the pita where the treea once stood. CHOOSING SECRETARY FOR SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTE - - Unml prtl Ssrrhw.) --. "" Washington. Jan. 10. The board pf regents ef the Smithsonian Institution met (May to discuss the Choice of a seofetary to succeed the late Professor 1-angley. Among those whose names are being considered, though they are not applh'anta for the place, are David Jtarr Jordan, president of Leland Stan ford university; Charlea R. Van Hiss, president of the University of Wiscon sin; Charts V. Waleott, director of the United States geological survey; Dr. Charles T. Beesey, a noted scientist, of the Cnlverelty of Nebraska, and Dr. l. O. Howard, chief entomologist of the department of agriculture. Long; Crek Masonic Officers. tBperlsl DUratrft tn Tae Jnerssl.l Ixmg Creek, Or.. Jan. 10. The fol towing Masonic officers bsvs been In sisueo ior tne ensuing year worship-1 rut master, v. V. Kilhourne; Dr. O. W Roberta, eenlor warden; William Shanks, Junior warden; Orln Ledger wood, senior, deacon; Mart Dunlep, Junior dsecon: Frank Kakler, aerretary; T. F. Hall,, tressurer; - Paul Qruppe, aenlo Uwardr-.-f.-Fanning, Junior atewardi Frank McQirr, tyler. ' THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, THURSDAY EVENlMO. JANUARY Th our American forests abonnd 1 lti)W wuJiu ijma " PH"hiaitT'aTu"irt medicinal virtues la abundantly attest by scores of the most eminent media writer and teephers. Even tbe untn to red Indians had discovered the uaefu new of many native plants before th advent, of the white race. This lnformi Won, Imparted freely to the whites, lc the latter to continue InvMtintinns not to-day wa have a rich assortment of mo Ttiuaue American medicinal roof tr. Pierce believes that oar American for eata tnyid in most valuable medicinal root tol the cuTWif moat obstlnate-ond fatal din If &wuMd pro perl tnveetlsate Lhccc ami laMOraufhuv of tbla conviction. B lib prldbsA ths llmnul itiirrtlw flirt-. ftW iA (,y ,1, H-flr.l ji COTerv" yhlch ht nmtm lt.Hf to hs It auif. hi ft ni rrpulnor. and blw.- Cf anwr knunn to mcdkal frlcm-e. D Dper ale, w UiUitftadoo. torpid UreTrranctlonaJ and area valvular and other affacUooa o the heart rlold to Ita curaUve actloa. Th reaaoe U cutva theae and many otbt affectlona. la clearly above la a UuTe boo) ot extracu from tbe ataodard medical ork which la malloil rn to any addrem by Dr. T V. Pierce, vt Buffalo, N. Y, to all eendW teaueat tor the aame, . Kot teas marveloue, la the ntarallele earee It la constantly maklne ot woman maay pecallar. affecHona. weaknaaMa ' an 1 dlstrffalDf dersncrmeau, ia Dr. Plem FaArtieIVrtptkWj b amply atteafe by thooaadd 0lVlJiUcIlfe4JesUmonlals cot many Kihcr auTri Kjre!claM had failed, - .o -.y . Both the above mentioned medlslnes an Wholly made up from tbe (lycerlc extracta c native, medicinal Toota Tbe prooeaa em ployed In their manufacture were orlalna with Dr. Plerrek and they are Carried oa b; Skilled ehemlau and pbermecuta with tb. aid of apparatus and appllancee apeclall; designed and built tor tbla purpoae. Boi medlobiaa are entirely free from alcohol aa all other harmful, habit-forming drun, . tori list ot their InsTadlente la printed o each bottle-grappas, PERILS OF PASSEKGERS OS KORTHiVEST- WATERS - Captain ; Tart Says ome Boats Are Officered and Run Altogether With Boys. ( Spslal DUsetek teTae fsaraaLI Tacoma. Waan Jan. 10. The eommla. si on appointed by Governor Mead to ln- veatisate the Question ef aareguardtng the lives of passengers oa steamers on! Jilt Inland waters el thla-atata Iras opened Us sessions here. Captain Tarts, - a steamboat master ' from Belllntham, made the following suggestions for the commission to em- nody ia recommendations - or - reeoiu-1 tlons: That all reclatared vessels be 1 1 compelled to carry licensed pilots; that night; that aeeond-olass pilots do not aa maatera of ateam vessels; that in spectors be appointed to Inspect all ves-, Bau iiirir wuit'iuctit VlJ'lim uh in. land watera eoaneeted with the sound; that all veaaels propelled by power out side of steam be compelled to carry li censed men and be equipped In like manner as steam vessels. Other augrsstlons mads were, that all vessels be compelled to have ' electric ghta on tnelr hurricane decks and that the government should be urged to give a better system or lights and log sig nal a en the sound. Captain Tarta stated that on Lake Whatoom and Lake Chelan veaaela ware plying with lnexperlenoed boys In charge et either end. Many .of theae veaaela, ha said, had neither fire hose, pumps nor lifs preservers. . t WIDD0WS0N AND BROWN IN SEPARATE PRISONS tSpsetal Dtopstsh to Tke Joeraal.) Baker City, Or., Jan. 10. Because the County Jail is so eonstructed that It would be Impoaaibte to keep Alex Wtd dowaon and Ira Brown, Jointly accused ef the murder of Wlllard Moody, the Pins valley rancher, apart unleaa sacked In their cella ail day. the city jail Is being uaed by the authorities. Brown was imprisoned In the city hall building upon bia arrival hare and he wUl be artered there until af tar . the trial. Evan though both of the accused men were confined to their cells all the time they were In the county Jail, It would be an aaay matter for them to transmit messages to one snother by ths sld et other prisoners, were they disposed, thus to communicate. Tbe authorities, not wishing to work unnecessary hardship upon the men, consequently hit upon the plan of confining Brown In the city JalL Under present oondlttona it Will be pos sible for each to have a certain amount of e ;erclse in the corrldora during cer tain hours of the day. The attorneys are working stesdily upon their cases, preparing for a speedy conclusion when the esse is called up Friday. " UMATILLA MEN TO ' X X DRY FARMING CONGRESS ' (SpeeUI tlpatcB te Tbe Jiirl.) ' Pendleton. Or., Jan. 10. Ten repre aentatlve farmers ot Umatilla county have been named to attend the Trana Missouri Dry Farming congress, to be held at Denver on January 14 and 15, aa fo'lows: H. It. Cockhurn, Milton; O. W. Proebstel, Weston; Hugh Mclntyre, Athena; J. T. Lleiialien. Adama: John Bahr. Fulton; A. B. Mccarty, Echo; W. U. Scott, Helix) T. P. OlUlland, Pilot Rock; H. Q. Newpcjt, Hermlston; D. C BrownelU I'matllla. THIS CANNERY PROVES GREAT PUBLIC BENEFIT (Inerful DUrits fa Th Joarsal I '- ... . .1 aiem. ur jan. i.-in, BtocanoioM ... ... I . '1 . - S era ot the flalem Mutual Canning com pany, at their annual meeting, chose as directors Joseph J. Fisher, H. P. Kim- ?L-i .J jm-m X.ocr X-lve the TClagl e populai trlee; wh ar cry tnrougnout Ruronean eoun rhlle in A merle rla, the cry of the present day la 'Long live Dry K (fig's w itiecovery, King or Throat and Lung Remedies!" of which Mra Julia Ryder Paine, Truro, Mass.. eays: "It never falls to give immediate relief and to quickly cure a cough or cold." Mra Falne's opinion Is shared by a majority of the Inhabitants of this county. New Dlaoevery ouree weak lunas and h,v- xmilrAi and for ooufha and colds It's the only sura cure. Guaranteed hv Redvcross Pharmacy. , Soo and 11:00. Trial hAttle tr trlbutea bjneITef ul paTTema who hare bfy TT.'TJIt f f sMP1 "-'T'r fir a-fifa vT Irrtqruhrlili-prplaiMiUi jind oil). all.'n ot mma tnOTnTT-tkmorte 1 Java meiM.-luva. ant Marowitz Stock 1 Offers For Harowiti ISc'to 25c 4-in-hand Neck Ties . For Harowiti 5c, 10c Coke's Perfumed Toilet Soap For Harowiti 5c and 10c Hemmed Handkerchiefs For Harowitz 10c and 15c Linen Collars , For Harowitz 5c to 15c Linen Towels , 27e For Harowitz 50c and Ode For Harowitz $1.50 and 75s For Harowitz $2.00 to $3.00 Silk Umbrellas v89e For Harowitz $1.25 and $1.50 Outing Flannel Gowns 8U For Harowitz $1.50 and $2.25 Alpaca Shirtwaists 1.75 For Harowitz $6.00 $3.05 For Harowitz $6.50 to $10 Children's and Misses' Coats $4.75 For Harowitz $8.50 to $12.50 Ladies'; Long Coats 6e For Harowitz 10c and 12J4c Child's Hose -50e4:Iarowitg-$1.00n(l-$t.2tylish-Corseta . v ' ' 30e For Harowitz 75c and 90c Form-Fitting Ladies' Urtdwrr 10e For Harowitz 25c and 40c Needleknit Underwear. $3.05 For $15 and $18 Ladies' Stylish Cravenettes . 80e For Harowitz $1.50 and $1.85 Double Blankets ' 42 For Harowitz 75c and 85c Corset Covers 19c For Harowitz 35c and For Harowitz 35c and s3svaw4as)a,B4sk4saa1ky4l The Bind Tots Have Iways m osa ir arct SO years, r ancl has been made under his per- fflflM 'onal saperrlslon since Its Infancy. f-CCCAJ&Z - AHotr no one to deceiva von In thla. All Counterfeits, Imitations and M Jnitt-as-rood are but ' Experiment, ttat trlflr vlth and endanger the health of IrfanU and Chlldr n Experlonce against experiments What Is CASTQRIA .. Cast ria Is a harmless trabstltn e for Castor OH Fare . . Irorl Drops and Socthlng Syrups. , It is Pleasant. It sxmtalns neither Opium, .Morphine nor other tfarcotla . tmbstaneo. Its age Is its guarantee It destroys "Worms and Ways rcverlshncss. It cures Blarrhosaand Wind J ' olio. It . ellerer Teeiainp; Troubles, cures Constipation - , and FLatulency I' aulmllates the Food, regulates the Stomach and Bowels, fjlrlng healthy and natural sleep ' The Children .. Panacea The Mother's Friend ccnuirjc CASTOR I A alvayo Sears the Tiio Kind You Have Always Bought "' In Usb For Over 30 Years, r Vms es ball and Q. tV. Holoomb. The capital htock Of the company la 110.000. A res olution was offered declaring s dividend l , uw, ., " aww. . . .rii7 ramta h. h.n . sueoesa from th flrat end through It thousands of dollars have passed to the fruit ' and berry growers of this vicinity. Plans are being made to place the plant In such a position es te double the aoreage of ths psat year. The pack has been sold, but on sooount of 'the csr short a e deliveries hare not as yet been finished. The value of the pack and the Improvements on the eannery will ap proximate 5I,000. SIX DOUGLAS COUNTY CONVICTS IN ONE LOT (Rreelal Pteteh te fte wtisl.) - -Mlem. Or.i Jan. 10.- fiherlff McClallan of Dounlae county probably holds the -ecord for bringing the largest number of prisoners to the state penitentiary a. one. time Yesterday, accompanied by deputies, he brought sis prisoners. OF at 65c Hemmed Sheets $ll)0HeHraiedl-4exlstffeadr T and $8.00 Fur Sets 50 Corset Covers 50c Trimmed Drawers BouTat, and which has been. has borne the signature of . Signature of who will sevs terms ss follows: "Jas per Hurray and Fred Green, larceny from a car, 11 years; Martin Ross, one year for obtaining money under false pretenses; Joe 'Robinson, three yeara for living en and taking earnings from a proatltute; Ray Clark, two years for larceny, and John Hilton, larceny from dwelling, two yeara. " OSTEOPATHY SIO.OO Per Month! KlrksvUle Infirma ry of Osteopathy, room 11 Orand The atre building, Wash ington . aad Park. - Emv Sommer, grad uate la medietas and osteopathy and -formerly - profeaeer at the Still College t of Osteopathy, man- I CtttAPESl y STORt IU O V - d, 1,1' ' Sger. 10, 16ST. THE the QJtflca9 1lo Yo FRIDAY Men's Clothing, Etc. 7a or Wen's Suits, Overcoats and Cravenettes; eDOe I D -worth $15.00to $25.00. For Bargain Friday only 80e For Harowitz $1.75 and $2.25 Pants " 141 For Harowitz 50c Boys' Pants - 'XX; 70s For Harowitz $2.00 to $3.00 Boys' Suits i -$15JcxJIajmyjtz$2.25 to $2.75 Dress and Work Shoes $1.00 For odd sizes in Shoes 39c For all sizes in first grade Roll Edge Rubbers ; $1.00 value - - . .-'..' I 2liv For odd lou of Men's fine Wool and Silk Under- I tlJLV-gcaiyJJress Shirts. d A A For Men's $2.50, eg! ellll size and style of 75c For Girls' and Misses' Shoes in sizes up to 2 ; worth as high as $2.50 CI 3( 'or Ladies Dress epledd new shape; worth B ' '"'XX X X. - X'X'. - START 1907 RIGHT Begin With Electric light It Is Cheaper Make 1907 an ELECTRIC YEAR' in your HOUSEHOLD as well as in your STORE, and enjoy the "convenience, the labor-saving, the , healthfuiness, the safety, the econ omy and the prosperity that attend the use of ELECTRICITY. ' FREE LAMP RENEWALS: The Company will henceforth furnish free of charge, to all meter custom ers, new Edison base lamps of 4, . 8, 16, 32 and 50 candle power, in exchange for burned out er old lamps, heretofore furnished by the Company. Lamp renewals will be made at Nos. 147-149 SEVENTH . STREET ONLY. - FREELAMPRENEWALS means better light, and is EQUAL TO A SUBSTANTIAL REDUCTION IN THE COST OF LIGHTING. CALL MAIN 6688. FOR INFOR MATION. ; ; PORTLAND RAILWAY 1 . FIRST AND ALDER STREETS Sa -. v. $3.00, $4.00 and $5.00 Dress -.' . . . etc4 - otth 75c to $1 $3.00 and $4.00 Hats Mn every soft and stiff 1900-'07 styles Shoes, m patent, vicl and calf, $2.00 to $3)0 - : '.l:v':.i. .' XXX,