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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 10, 1907)
fllE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND. THURSDAY EVENING. JANUARY 10, 1007. -.--. "' s. i 13 B0MLFJ1R SX.CKAJ THE STORE NOTED FOR BEST GOODS AT LOWEST PRICES i ' r s ' ' fin r.xirz. u ''if' -St. , ! . -u. -1 V- Cor. Second and Morrison Sts. The .Most Complete '' Home Outfitters on the Coast -Carry "the very best to the lower ; grades of . goods Defy all " Clearance Sales in T v - Vy.: : thff.City, 1 K Mm' A mm. Think Hnnoii ' ; i' J 1 W m mum III '7 To a man in ordinary circumstances it makes a whole lot. of difference whether he pays three hundred dollars for a piano or two hundred dollars a .Reed-French two huh? ; dred-dollar piano is the same grade piano retailers sell for three hundred. Ia '? vestigate this and see how true it is A great r many 'people in Portland know this already. Installments five and six dollars a month. SALIE IM'.S Rivals for Speakership of Legis-J-' lature Do Not Varj Much V in Views, t - DAVEY AND VAWTER HOLD . LIKE IDEAS ON NEW LAWS - . Both Favor Rallroa IUte Legisla tion and Other Mooted Measures Upheld by the People Opposing Candidates la Sweet Accord. Railroad rat legislation, tha creation of a stata railroad commission and tb enactment of a satisfactory reciprocal demurrage provision Into law, meet wltt) the approval of both Frank Davey, and W, I. Vawter. opposing candidates for tha speakership of th lower house of the legislature. Mr. Davey Is willing to - support any measure having to do You will learn from experi ence that it pays you to Trade in the Low Rent District For everything in the way of home furnishings. We with the just and equitable regulation not only sell the best for the of rates. He favors a commission. uu. w- -i-- 0fTP ! would look with favor on reciprocal da-,1351 oul wc 3150 P"Cr you terms ; which cannot be ed in any reasonable-J priced credit house in the country, where every order carries with it a guarantee of satisfaction;1 That is why it pays to trade at the " big store with the little prices ; ft :. and easy terms. murrage If It was impartially and ads- auataty administered. pvw-r w wnwr fiinoui .uu'-l. . - would rather investigate th demurrage matter more fully, however, before tak ing any decided stand In order to ascer tain whether or not such a provision would In reality bring the relief hoped for.. He suggests Its usefulness for the lumber and wheat industries but Is un certain as to what relief or protection It wofildglve the fruit Industry of his own section of the state. Both gentle men were interviewed this morning In regard to their attitudes on the question of. rate-regulation and both mad state ments. , Tavors Bailroad legislation. 'rXt you in favor of legislation era. ating a stats railroad commission with full power to provide for regulation of railroad rates and tha correction of rail road abuses jracttocdNby-the railroads in business done In the state Mr. Davey mas asked and he answered: "I am in favor of any reasonable legislation that would remove as nearly as possible every reason the people now have) for .thinking that th railroad can practice abuses with Impunity. . I think the helplessness which tha people of Oregon feel is perhaps the most prollfio cause of complaint and trouble. A good law, prescribing the rights of the ship pers and at th same time inflicting no unreasonable burdens on the common carrier, la much needed. "A. railroad commission, backed by such a law, plain and authoritative, baa THREE UNION LABELS; OR -NO ; - f SEAT IN THE CONVENTION An interesting featur of th Stat Tederatioifof Labor convention, not -previously pubHshed".-wa tha work of th label examination committee. Every one of th 47 delegates was compelled to submit to a search of his person, a search much like that of a spy who has fallen into th hands of th enemy L-swsu and on woman, were assigned to the work of going through their feuow : unionists' clothes in a hunt for , the union label. ' ' After examining on another's cloth ings tha committee divided ' Into . two, sections. . Miss Lucy White, th woman delegate composed on eectlon-t-a com mute of on to ascertain whether or not the fiv other women iB-attendanc could pass tha label test. Th four men went for th mala '.delegate. . '.marching them, on at a tlm to an '". ante-room, where. they performed their " J task most thoroughly.. ,' , Jt was , decreed . that : no. delegat should be seated who could not exhibit t least tlire labels on different portions- of his -attire; -- If he could only show two at the first axamlnation. he waa given an opportunity to go out and buy a pair of union mad shoes, ruffs or undershirt and thus meet th re quirements. But If th product of a boycotted firm were found upon blm, he was to b drummed out of oamp forthwith and not given a chance to redeem himself. Members of th label , examination committee declare that not a single delegate waa found to deserve th drum-mlng-out process. - On th other hand, there were several who were discovered to be tagged with aa many as 10 label a Hat,- shoe, cost. "vest, trousers, shirt, collar, cuffs and underclothing were all found to have th union label either sewed - or pasted upon sotne part of them. On delegat tried to work" In th union label on - bis cigar to - his credit, but tner th committee drew th line. to with sufficient cars yet to say to wbat extent Its provisions oover the de mands and emergencies of tne Umee. Oregon needs the best possible laws it brought- tha-desired- results -ln-othi4 fV et 0,1 n other subject.mna states and can do It In Oregon. - The success or failure of th principle' un derlying any law lies always with its administration. If not fortified with proper machinery, handled by fearless, competent man, written laws are liable to miscarry. I shall favor th class Of legislation above Indicated. rrlnelpls Zs lfM. ; "Are you in favor of th principle of reciprocal demurrage and would you vote for abm tncladrnr the staMI meat of such a provision as lawT th second question put to Mr. Davey, ana his answer was as xouows: "Tha principle of reciprocal -' de murrage Is undeniably just and cor rect, though there is serious doubt as to how far It could b made to work, for th -financial- -protection- of the shipper. While - a-railroad company can flgur with comparative aoeuraoy th sura nec essary to reimburse it for th loss of a freight ear for any number of days. It Is Impossible to tell , in advance th loss which a shipper may sustain by reasoa of inability to reach the intended market for his product -at th proper time. A moment's thought on ths gen eral character of Oregon's principal ar ticles of shipment will illustrate this, Whether th right kind of a reciprocal demurrage law can bo shaped is th great question. v Bee Zws ireeded. . , "Ar you in favor of th general pro visions laid down In th bill which has been ' prepared by tha transportation committee of tha Portland Chamber of Commerce, and which will -a presented to the legislature, for consideration and enactment into law T" waa th last ques tion asked of Mr. Davey. . He said: "I have not studied tha bill referred Clearance Sales This Month 364-70 East Morrison St. I believe with an intelligent comparison of ideas, based upon the experience in other states and th knowledge of our own conditions, th present legislature will not disappoint the people," Mr. Vawter was asked th same three questions and In answer to the first hs said: "I am In-favor of 'th oreation of a railroad commission, giving th mem bars largo and discretionary powers in tha- regulation -of rates -and correction of arm see. Tne-meTnbrs of tier cow mission should - be appointive and in addition to a knowledge of .railroad law! two of th - members should . havs - a technical knowledge . of rat making and tha operation of railroads." In answer to the second question as to whether. .or not he would support a reciprocal demurrage provision Mr. Vawter said: "I think so, but before giving a defi nite answer I should want to Investi gate th workings of reciprocal demur rag in other states, if any, where such laws exist. Reciprocal demurrage might benefit the lumber and wheat shippers and o entirely unavailing in giving protection to th fruitgrower." In response ' to th third question. wnetner or not he would vote for tha bill prepared by th ohamberof com merce, Mr. Vawter said: "Yes, unless soma smendmenta are offered which In my Judgment increase the emciency of the proposed law. I shall vote for tha bUl in its present form." Our Great ;. aimdl Satmiir my s pecialaS I .. v. - '.J .,, . A special discount on Heating Stove prices during our January Sale. " A Coal and Wood Combination Heater for The "Pacilic" Eclipse A Wood Heater, 20-inch size, (J? AA for only . ... ....... ... . . JU.U A LITTLE DOWN, A LITTLE EVERY WEEK. IK & SONS 17M7S rirst Streel 215-227 YanhU! Street PASS TO BE PERQUISITE OF EVERY OFFICIAL Logan Draws Up Bill to Make the Railways Issue These Priv ileges Regularly. ' John T. Logan baa coma to th res cue of those legislators and other public officials who are about to be deprived of f re transportation, according to popu lar belief, with a bill providing for the compulsory issuance of fr passes to all stats, district and county officials. This measure would solr th pass aDua Question, in the opinion of - Mr. NEVER TIRES Of th rood fca Btord Health,. ter to "My food was killing ms and I didn't know th canoe," writes a Colorado young lady. "For two years I was thin and sickly, suffering from Indigestion and inflammatory rheumatism. "I had tried different kinds of diet, plain living, and many of the remedies recommended, but got no better. ' 'Finally, about five weeks ago, mother suggested that I try Grspe-Nuta, and I began at one, eating It with a little cream or milk. A change for the better began St onoe. ..."Today I .-am. well and am gaining weight and strength all the time. I've gained 10 pounds in th laat fiv weeks snd do not suffer any mora from indi gestion and th rheumatism Is all gone. "I know It . Is to Grape-Nuts alone that I owe my restored health. . I still at the food twice a day and neve tire of It." Name - given - by Postum'Oo., BatU Creek, Mich. Th flavor of Grape-Nuts is peculiar to itself. It Is neutral, not too sweet and has an agreeable, healthful quality that never grows tiresome. - One of th sources of rheumatism Is from overloading th system with acid materiel, the result of Imperfect diges tion and assimilation. -w- As soon ss Improper food Is aban doned snd Grape-Nuts Is taken regu larly, digestion is mad strong," th organs do their work of building up good red blood cells and of carrying sway the excess of disease-making ma terial rrom th system. Th result Is a certain and steady re- turn to normal health and mental ac tivity. "There's a reason." Read the little book. "Th Koad to Wellvllle' in PkgS. : Hundreds of profitable buying chances here on these two great bargain days you ought not overlook. Youll find every article exactly as stated in this ad. No misrepresentation, either as to price, quality or value. Get your share of these splendid values and save a quarter, a third and in some cases & full half of the original price. ' Mail orders given prompt and careful attention. WOOL Women's Fine HOSIERY . English M ex i n o . 29 Hose, with double heel and toe and best clastic rib. This is the identical quality sold about town for 40c and 50c a pair. - For Friday and 1Q Saturday only..... .Lsis v MEN'S 75 dozen Men's WOOL HOSE Fine Cashmere 19e Sox. on sale Friday and Saturday at this re markable price. They come in OTiynfr1taclraffJ are standircT 25c quality. A great bar- Qn gain a pair I"L CHILD'S Union Suits for Boys and Girls,'"; Friday UNION SUITS 25 and Saturday, at about half the regular price. Jersey-ribbed, with extra heavy fleece, gray and cream, best 40c qual- )Cn ity. Two-day special..,. Lo WOOL Six dozen Boys' SWEATERS Wool Sweaters,' .891 - r-on sale-T-Friday -and -Saturday's r this extraordi nary price. All colors and fan cy mixtures and our regular $1.50 and 51.75 values. Special . .' , 89c WOOL Women's Fine UNDERWEAR Wool Under 97e . wear, in gray and cream, silk finished through out and perfect fitting, our best ' $1.25 and $1.50 values. On sale Friday and Saturday only- Qf at, per garment........." I L - 72-IN. The greatest TABLE DAM. bargain in Dam 50 - ask we have yet offered. Full 72 inches wide, extra heavy and splendid wear ing quality, cream only, 6 dif- I ' ferent desigrra tty-tnek -g1. Hrrom. 5pccraT777. OUL MEN'S Another rous $1 JO SHIRTS ing , shirt sale fiO, for Friday and Saturday. Choice of our $1.25 ' and $1.50 Shirts, in stiff bosom, open, front and back, neat pat terns and good quality mate rials, rnday and Satur day...... :.50c 1.00 Made of CORSET COVERS f the finest 67e ' Nainsook, with 3 rows wide lace insertion, beading an jribbon lajedge around arms ana dcck; a Dar- fainanydayat $1 apiece. S1. riday and Saturday......!) C f 1.50 . Friday and Sat KID GLOVES urday are Kid : fl.OO ; Glove days at this store. Best quality French I Kid-J-LrcdLbrown. gray, vhite.-l green and tan, all sizes, at fl s pair. "Warranted to-give good wear. Gloves fitted . . . . v 1 FANCY -Our-entirer line NECKWEAR of Women's - 63e v Fancy Neck wear, values ranging up to $1.50, to go at this low price. Every piece is strictly up to date. Choice of the lot for Fri- flf, day and Saturday at, ea.. UOL SILK PETTICOATS f5.45- Made of best quality rustle retjTellher in plain-or-changeable effects, -nearly all colors and a standard $7.50 value. On sale Friday and Saturday at this v TC iC special price ...... ,f . ,vOixD 14x27 100 dozen HUCKTOWELS Hemmed - 6 EACH , Huck Tow els, pure white and good Weight, our regular 10c quality, for two days only at this special - low price. One dox. to a -r fin" customer, ureat bargain... uv f 2.25 . Best Quality' HANDBAG? Leather Hlnd- fl.SO ; bags, silk lined, with - small coin purse, about a jdozen different styles to select from and the regular, price 4s 52S.L Want -one ? - CI C A 'ake it or...... ...... .Vl.DV T5 - Half prices . UNDERWEAR for your Un- 38 derwear here on Friday and Saturday. This lot is in a fine French rib, silk . finished, with tape and crochet edge, perfect-fitting and regu lar 75c grade. Per gar- 'JO-" ment .'. ..OOL fl25 W o m e n's FLAN. GOWNS Fla-TnTet-85 .Gowns, in pink and blue stripe patterns, neatly trimmed with embroidery and laces, our reg. $1.25 line. On sale Fridayand Saturday OQ. .at, special, each O" C 92.50 1 Here's a time COMFORTERS ly b ir in $r.Z& - White Cotton-Filled Comforters, size 72 by 78 in., hand-tied, and cover of best grade silkoline, regular ..$2.50 val. on sale Fri- flf QC day and Saturday. ,;...$lyO tOt ' We want to FLANXETTES sell every yard Te YARD of these Flan nelettes, and sell them quick. Full 27 inches -wide, light and dark colors, extra heavy fleece -and" jtandard10cvalue;7 Friday and Saturday :. 1 9 1.50 Youll need these BEDSPR'DS soon. Take ad 97 f . vantage of this great special and lay in a sup ply. Full bed size, hemmed, and worth every cent of $1.50, Spe cial for Friday- and Sat- p jg" Don't Miss Our Great January Sale Bargains MaiI Orders Qt7C ff)f) 77fli 01 - Portland Promptly. 7 Warner's and on Request. '-.wr . Corsets. CORNER THIRD AND MORRISON STREETS Logan, and at the earn time would not deprive th office-holder of any of his time-honored perquisites. It would also take from th pass any menace it might now hold to th publlo- good by remov ing all sens of obligation which tha holder of a pass might now feel for th corporation which issued it to him. The text of Mr. Logan's bill Is as follows: -.ogan's rroposed BUI. Section-1. Whenever any corporation authorised by law to appropriate lands, light of way, right to cut timber, or to cross or connect with another railway, or other "right or eaaement. In lands, is unable to agree with the owner thereof, or if such owner be absent from the state, such corporation may maintain an action In the circuit court of ths proper county against said owner for tha pur pose of having such lands, right to out timber, or to cross or to connect with another railway or other right or eaae ment, appropriated to Its us for deter mining th compensation to be paid to such owner therefor, aa provided, in chapter 1 of tltl 41 of Bellinger and Cotton's codes anu statute of th state of Oregon; provided, however, that aa a condition precedent to th right to ln- jstltut or carry on such action In any court .n me mn v iu no," v. eminent domain as hereinbefore In this sst set out, ths corporation seekina. to appropriate lands, right of way, right tj cut -timber, or to-cross or connect with another railway, or other right or eaaement in lands, must 01- with th secretary of state a certificate granting to all said district and county offloers In th stata of Oregon, ' during their term of office, the right and privilege of free transportation over any and au railway lines owned, operated or eon trolled br said corporation within the stat of Oregon. Th fact Of th act of filing such certificate as hereinbefore provided must be set forth in the first plesdtng filed by such corporation in the action herein' jefore provided, for.- - Section i. Prom and after the filing of tha certificate mentioned In ths last section, all state, district and county officers of the state of Oregon shall, dur ing their term of office, have tha light and privilege, by virtue or their omce, to free transportation within th state of Oregon over all and any railway lines mentioned In such certificate, and the certificate of election or appointment shall of Itself be evidence of th right to th xerola of such privilege of free transportation. The conductor or other officlul of such railway lines so filing the certificate as aforesaid, shall take the rams of such official, tha. title of his office and th date of his certificate )n lieu of a ticket or other evidence of th right iO travel over railwsy lines. Death of rioneer of Umatilla. (H,-I.l !ip..' t T JnvrnaLI Pendleton. Or., Jan. 10. Henry ilaTta- sore. an aged pioneer of this section. Is dad from the effects -of an Injury to his bead received In a full a short time ago. He Is survive'! by, numerous chil dren .and graialculldren, 7 ivTirwHrcr 1 1 1 Vl JL 1 JBL z ONLY Only Chance to See the. Wonderful MMliim v of Miirconi : Wireless Tclegrapli Showing how messages can be sent through walls, lighting electric lights, ringing fire alarm bells, blowing fog horns, and showing how railway signals can avoid all railway wrecks. All without the use of wires. - Every night. - Wednesday, January 9th Thursday, . January 10th January 11th January 12th January 14th Friday, Saturday, . Monday, . AT 8 P. M. em wwt . r: iC.:! i LAD II' INVITI'D -jaw.