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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 10, 1907)
Till: OREGON' DAILY JOURNAL rORTLANCU THURSDAY EVENING. JANUARY 13, K J7. Jm T.lail Crdars Filled Phone Exchange 4 Meier fiS Frank's 885th Friday Surpriso Salo 500 Pairs ClwiiylL Gee Cor $5,66 and $5.50 Values $2.85 Pr. For Tomorrow's 885th Friday Surprise Sale we offer a great special' bargain in ClunyLace Curtains the most popular, eerviccable curtain "for the dining room, bedroom and living room White and Arabian color, 45-inch by 2. yardsMade j on the best French nets with linen Cluny inserting and edges. or with wide edges Curtains that we have sold thousands of pairs of at $150, $5.00 and $5.50 a -pair Buy all you vant -of them tomorrow at this unusually low price Per pair. . . . . '-. . . . .-. ... . . . , Mail orders will be carefully filled Phone Exchange 4 See - , v 4 Fifth Street Window Disolav A" . Great Clearance Sale Bargains in Odd Curtains, Curtain Ma ' terials. Portieres, Couch Covers, Etc. Clearance Bargains in j z . r; Rugs and Carpets Meier GH Frank's 885th Friday Surprise Sale 1000 GermanXhinalPlates 18c In the big' basement Crockery Store for tomorrow's 885th Friday Surprise Sale we offer a special purchase of 1,000 Fancy German China Bread and Butter Plates, assorted decorations, neat designs;YaUte 1 O- extraordinary. Tomorrow, while they last, at this unusually low price take, advantage............ I tJU Clearance Sale Bargains in China, Cut Glass, Silverware, Cutlery, Kitchen Goods, etc., in the Basement Meier (V Frank's 885tfa Friday Surprise Sale $1.00 Valiiesat 9c EacK The Men's Furnishing Goods Store-offers-another sensa tional bargain for tomorrow's 885th Friday Surprise Sale. 2000 Men's Golf and Stiff Bosom Shirts to be sold at less than half their real valueMadras, percales and cham-brays-m a-very large -variety-of-patterns-and-colorings.-Light and dark stripes, figures and plain coloringsAt tached or detached cuff s Every shirt in the lot regular $1 value All sizes and sleeve lengths., V Your choice tomorrow only at this low price Mail Orders Will Be Promptly Filled See Window Dis play Clearance Sale Bargains in Men's Neckwear; Hos iery, Underwear, Handkerchief s, Sweaters, Etc, Etc Meier St Frank's 885th Friday Surprise Sale Men's $3.50 Shoes at $2.65 a Pair A Very unusual bargain in Men's Shoes for tomorrow's 885th Friday Surprise Sale 500 pain of Men'a $3.50 Welt-Sewed Shoe late shipment, upon wnicn we received a Dig concession trom trie manufacturers. Patent colt, in laen and - tsiucner styles, veicuir can ana vici no, id iace ina oiucner styles, medium and heavy-weight soles, .best fall end winter lasts, all sizes, $3.50 values $2.65 Ever-Ready Safety Razors 63c Special lot of 250 Ever-Ready Safety Razors complete outfit, with one dozen blades; every set miaranteed to eivc perfect satis faction. Great value-at, Box Stationery, all finishes and colors, ruled and unrated. O values uo to 20c: special.. . I i Our entire line of Fancy Station enr. ucsk bets, inxstanas. Dim- ters. Calendars. Pen Trays, etc., on sale at OFF REO. PRICE Genuine Porpoise Hide 7Qm Razor Strops, special... ;.Aa"ar w Steel-Laid Scissors and Shears? all sizes, great values, - , J thewell-knowninakes ....&-QEF $1.40 Hot Water Bottles. 08 $1.35 Syringes on sale'for 08 it t ' . i-v - . nt 20c Toilet Soaps, 3 cakes iKIf 1-pound bar Castile Soap. 12 Great i values in ; .-.Tooth Brushes, Hair . Brushes, Nail Brushes, etc. 1j ; k . : : .. One fourth off on all Jewelry, Silk Petticoats Thousands of Silk Petticoats in all the best shades and black; deep flounces, tucked, shirred and plaited; very, best styles; great special" values, on saieras follows: - ." " $8.00 Petticoats 1..... . $4.75 $9.00 Petticoats .$5.25 Values to $12.50, each $6.05 AH our fine Silk Skirts re duced. All our Furs at very low prices. Misses' and chil dren's garments at low prices. Kimonos and Tea Gowns on sale at Very low prices. , Wa 1st Bargains All our fine Silk and- Lace Waists at greatly reduced prices. Waists of the newest tyles ; tailored and fancy ef- cctsxv erv large variety.. Great 1 values, at these low prices; - $6.50 Waists ....... S4.85 $7.50 -Waists w, $9.00 Waists $5.85 $12.50, Waists $9.25 $16.00 Waists .$11.05 $20.00 Waists.-.Tr. ...gl4.25 $22.00 Waists ....... 310.23 $30.00 Waists .......$21.25 All our fine Cotton Waists reduced. Take advantage." Sec ond Floor. ; , Leather Goods Special lot of Women's Handbags, assorted styles, fitted with card case, coin purse, silk or leather ned. val. up to A on OH a, sale at this low price...... .7 Uw 75c Burnt Leather Music Kff Rolls on sale at, each.., Special lot of Opera Bags on sale at... .....K REGULAR PRICES ilkand -Leather-Belts, 1 50c to $1.50 values, Women's High-Grade Handbags, best styles, values from $5.00 to $25.00, at... ...ONE THIRD OFF Meier Qb Frank's 005th Friday Surpriso Salo 1 00.: Wdnieii's-TaHSoireSte Portland's Leading Cloak and Suit Store offers for tomorrow's 835th Friday Surprise Sale a marvelous value in Women's 'I Tailored SuitsThis season's very best styles in splendid as sortment' Plain colors and fancies at a price that come far from covering the manufacturing cost alone These suits are : r well made and finished throrighout--The product of 7 - onenpf he"most reputable nianufactnrers irr the-landr Blouse, Pony and Reefer-Coat Effects Fancy braid and velvet trimmed"-rNavy blue, black and red, gray, brown and green mixtures ' VT AH sizes Reg. $21 vals. on ( ff) aVt this nhnnmnallv lnw 1 1 r .. j .... -f. pntc, cacn octonu r loor 9M Our entire stock '-of Women's and Misses' Apparel oh sale -at Clearance Prices Suits, Coats, Waists, Pet-' ; ticoats, Skirts, Furs, Costumes, Wraps, Kimonos, Tea uowns, - blouses, - itc, Etc. Second Floor $20.00 Haviland Dinner Set on sale at, set.. 14.55 $29.75 Haviland Dinner Set on sale at, set..f2(.T5 Closing out a broken line of Blue and White Enamel Ware at this special price ONE FOURTH OFF 60c Kettles, each... 45- 40c Kettles, each...SO 45c-Pudding Pans.. 60e Pudding Pans..45 75c Teapots, each,;. 57 45c Basins, cacb....84 Semi-Vitfeous Dinner Sets fT.62 and f 11.42 Semi-Porcelain Dinner Sets....$T.49 and 11.ST Enelish Torcelain Dinner SetsSl&.SO and S23.00 r3Sc salfTBoxes .... .25f5-Arm ClothesrackV 11 25c Table Mats ..,.18 Wood Rooling Pins.llf Japanese Teapots ..12 Gas Tapers, box.. ...3 All odds and ends of Kitchen Goods at low prices. $9.50 Cut Glass Bowls for this low price, ea..f.8 Bare cms forromorrov 1.50 Cut Glass Bowls for this low price.. "... 54.69 : 15.00 Cut Glass Bowls for this low price..... 53.87 : 7.00 Cut Glsas Nappies for this low price.. .55.17 : ;18.50 Cut Glass Nappies on sale at, each. .f 13.57 13.75 Gut Glass Spoon Trays for, each.. ',...52.89 : 12.00 Cut Glass Bowls for this low price. ..59.84 Closing out stock patterns of Haviland China, pink and blue decoration, at this low price... J4 OFF 5-inch Plates, $3.25 values, at, the dozen. ..52.44 6'-inch Plates. $3.75 values, at. the dozen. . .52.82 10. 12, 14 and ifinTPlatters, each...5T-"to 2;7dt tougar J3owis.....-" Bakers, each Creamers, ch...'..49f $375 Plates, dox.. 52.82 Teacups and Saucers, $150 values, dozen.,.. 54.13 -, ' And many other pieces, on sale in the Basement LACES AND EMBROIDERY SPECIALS 3,000 yards of Swiss and Nainsook Embroidery and .Insertion irom4 to 12 inches-wide,-most-4lesirable for infants and children's wear, values op q to 50c yard. On sale for, yard 1 7C i.- J .. ... -Thoasandf :ef.yards'of Swlsi mnd Cambric" EmbroJd-: ery and Insertion, Irom JiJQ 6-inch, on sale at , - 15e Values on Sale et, yard .- . ... . . ' . . . . ' . .'. . B4 20c Values on Sale at, yard... ...........lOf 25c Values on Sale at, yard........ ,.12f Griat special reductions in Batiste, Lingerie and Hnd-Embroidered Linen.. Robes: beautiful styles, wonderful values, at all prices. Second Floor -White Baby Irish and Venise Allover Laces rjQ. for waists, etc $3 values on sale tU,..,.,70C White and Cream Venise and Applique Bandstand Edges, yi to.4 inches wide, $1.00 value rl fl on sale at this unusually low price .0C Allover Embroideries for Lingerie Waists, fine' is sortment of patterns, in English eyelet effects and dainty blind worla values up to $3.00 CI In a yard on sale at this special low price. V I I Zr January Muslin Underwear Sale The Best Values in Toivn--2d Floor New and smd materials anteed In all lines. riuTtr.r Covrisfrom43ctoS25.00 complete. Every desire can be pleased-ell the lead- " VIM tng manufacturers In the Und have sent as their YhprmP frntn OQn C7 Kt lrettieat r.umbers.-If the time of hTwheg-VUCmi5C IP j the shrewd woman anticipates her Muslin Underwear CORSET COVERS from 1 Oc to & 7.30 needs for a whole year. Every garment In the big Tx . A T v. stock is marked at clearance prices aU this month,' lrUVCrS 1X0111 1VC IP $9,00 JUSTICE COURT'S BILLS UUPAID County Judge Still Declines to Pay for Expense of Eait" ( Sido Justice Dispensary. IMPROVEMENT CLUBS WILL . HOLD MEETING TONIGHT Delegate Prom Rub-Boards of Trade and Puh Clubs to Lay ITans for Betterment of Their Part of the city. ; ,;- .. snda BaoartBMas.) .A srat ntundrtan(Jtns. which lias raultd in consldorabla friction b-' lno th at slJ Justtc court and h county eourt, t ar over th tntrprrttton of a law which was en . nrtAl at th ltOS nalon of tha atata li'SinlMura-aitd which went Into force ' on July 1, ISO, pertatnlna- to tha fur nlnhlnif of oourt rooma and tha o.utjw nint of tha courta of Jutlca of th nap In commuitltlea of K,00 nhabi Innia or ovr. ; Tha nnctmnt la an amndnient to a former law and tha exact wordlns of Ilit.Uw la aa follow: "In ail dt!a In the atata of Oragnn havina 40.000 Intuthltanta. tba county ahall furnl jnrtloaa of tha paca la auch cltlaa with offlcca and court rooma and provtd them with blanks and stationery, pro vided, bowever, that tba provlalona of this act shall not take effect until July I, 10.- ' ' ' fnAga Wabatas DeoBmea, ' Tba county In ttia peraon of Judee Lionel R. Webater refueeato recos nlxe that this law requires that they hall pay for light, beat, water' and telephone ror the eaat aide justice court of which JuaUce Fred U Olaon Is tbt leading figure. The eaat aide court la located la oottage on lbs eaat end of the Burnaldr atreet bridge and baa been very mod eitly fitted VP with offices and a amal eourt room la whicb to traneact the affaire ot the court." When the county waa preeented with the bills for thl equipment the county promptly refuae to honor them and a suit waa brough' by Joetlce Olaon galnat.tbe county 1r 'udge Sears court. The circuit cour awarded a. decision In favor of tha eaa ide court. However, the county court still eon tends that that decision does not mean that the county must furnish the room with furniture, simply to furnish th rooms In which the court Is to be held and therefore still bolds off th pay matt ef these .bllle. , , . - Th trial occurred In October an no action baa bn taken- by th cotmty ivnr mwara aettlement or appeal. Th county has alx months tn which to p pcKt but this week the attorney for thr Justloe has Issued a writ of mandamn ae-atnat the county In order t compel some declalon from the court. When asked this morning aa to th' nrobahl course of the county. Juda- Webster elated that Ti did not know wnat would be done. 1 , . . - - mold's am in raid. t Th west side Justice preclnot has not had any L similar v troubles '- with the county. All bills have been settled DromutlV. aCCOrdlna tn tha haal atata. I menu that could be found th running expenses ef th west aid court amount to 160 a month. This Is rent for rooms located over th United Bute National bank and Includes at least beat, water and lights and - possibly soma " other things, as telephone. Most of ' these Items are Included la th rent of th rooms. . . . - , Th east aide court, on the other hand, la in a cottage, where light, heat, water and other "Items are neoeesarlly separate from the rent of the building. The rent alone come to 125, Janitor ervlc ft and th heat, water and lights will average perhaps l a month, mak-. ing a total of 131 for th expenses per month for the eaat aide court, which the county court refuses to pay. Th county says that these Items can not be held against th county under the law and according to the decision of Judge Bears, while Olson bold that they do. -The case will come up In court again, perhap within a short time, and an Interesting point will be settled. Car Zare Track. ' V :" A Brooklyn car. weU filled with pas sen sera, left the track at Ellsworth and East Tenth streets yesterday afternoon and cam to a atop agatnat a telephone poet, without Injury to any on or any thing. - Th paasengera were; uncere moniously stacked up In tha toward and of th ear and were aorae frightened. Th ear was back on Its run within- aa hour after th accident. Work for Bast id. . Th convention of eaat aide club will com off tonight In th hall of th East Bide . Business Men's club,- corner of East Fine street and Grand avenue. Delegates from every part of the eaat aide will be present. - The list of orranl satlona that will be represented Includes th following: - Bell wood board of trade, Montavllla board of trade, Mount Tabor Improvement . association, Mlsalsslppl avenue board of trade, East Bide Im provement association. Woodstock Push club. Northeastern Improvement club, Woodlawn Pln olub. East Twenty eighth "Street Improvement association. Center Addition Progressive club, Mon tavllla Improvement league and Mount Scott Improvement association. Th Woodstock Improvement club will meet tomorrow evening to discuss th boulevard and park scheme and th an nexation project, which Is of most inter s. to th Woodstock contingent. Other Improvements will b considered. A UNION CLOTHING HOUSE A trnloa Staa Vrga ls TeUows to Buy rrosa the Ooaesra That Bays 'from Union raotorlea. . Thar are cordial words for th Out let Clothing Company In thla Issue. ' It I urged that union men patronise this fin store, because It Itself buys from union facto rlee union-mad clothing and rumlshlng good and keep unionism constantly In th foreground In Its ad vertisement In th local papers. The management of th house baa always been earnest In calling attentlqn to his union-mad garments, and this ha at hist attracted attention. The Outlet Clothing, Company ,1s a comparatively new concern In business hare, yet lt genial manager I a native son, having been bora In Portland. He has grown up with the elty, la foil of It friend ships, affsbl to a i degree, end Very worthily presides over one of th tidiest and cleaneet mercantile estsbllshments on th cos st. It will be found worth while to read the" ad. "eJ , , f. - ' ; Ladies Free Tonight. : Oaks BJnk Kaaagemeat Bxtends Ootn ' 7 to Ziadlea Tonight, Tonight wlfT-1) th free night for ladles at the big, Osks rink and they will b fnrnished ch with a pair of skatea Th electric heaters make the big pavilion) comfortable and the hew aluminum skates make you fairly fly ovar th smooth, polls bed floor. , THREE OFFICIALS TO FIX LEVIES Bill toy Give This Powervto the County ; Judge, Sheriff . . and Assessor. T Fred 3. Ric. assessor of Marios coun ty, Is preparing a bill for submission to th legislature providing tor th estab lishment of all tax levies by a board oon slitlng of th county Judge, sheriff and assessor. ' Mr. Rice argues that these three county officials know more Inti mately Just - what amount of' taxes will meet the running expense of th county government than any other combination that could be found. He think th plan will meet with -th favor of th legisla ture and the support of the county gov ernments of every county In th state. Mr. - Ric also - ha a , measure under course of preparation providing that timber land shall be cruised before as- eaiimervt of It valuation Is mad and each separate tract taxed at Its true value. This measure would add some t2.000.MO to the assessment roll of Marlon county alone. - . t" NUMEROUS SIGNATURES , FOR COUNTY DIVISION (SperlaJ Dispatch te The Jmrsal) !ong Crek, Or., Jan. 10. The County Division associstlon, which I working for the division of Grant county, finds that petitions which are being circulated all over, northern .Grant county are meeting with no opposition. The north ern "pert of the cwnnty Is separated from the southern by a high range of moun tains dividing the valleys of John Day river In the southern part of the county FRANK L SMITH MER T CO. roue auto sranr, nrwiii tout An SBOOirrKSTmirTS. SMITH IS FiarTIINa ".. Bzxr. -,v ; . Prime Rib Roast ...........10) fiirlotn Steak ................12Vif Porterhouse Bteak "T"-Bone Bteak ........12He Rib Bteak ...,a2Ve) Round Bteak , .10f Bboulder Btesk ......8f Rolled Roast Beef ... lO Pot Roast Beef ...........8) Chuck Roast Beef ................ .8) Short Ribs to Boll ,,............ .6 Plates to boll ............... ..Ka) Brisket to boll ....5 Necks to boll..t. , .,,.5 Stew k-6e) Soup Bones XMf Lola Chop .155 Shoulder Chops . . . 4 . . . 12 H) Pork Bteak , jsi Loin Koest igi Shoulder Roast 12He Pork Bide m....,...4,i.,.,m12H Mived Sausage ..j., lo Hock 84 Pigs' rest ...... ... ..-.. Leaf Lard 12Ha Back Fat t4 Pure Lard .....12 1 TrMBi Leg of" Lamb TRU4ST .154? DGBP Loin Roast Rib Roast Frontquarters I. Rib Chops .. Liom wnope ... Shoulder Oinna V 'V v. v c.( ....... Rump or Veal . Loin Roast .... Shoulder Rosst IBS .......lOO ..8d ISO 16 ..12U TBAXn .M........12H viaHf) .,xr ............ 4.. Breast Veal : " ' Rib :..:.,i2h5 IK. ....120 7t .B from those' of th middle and ' north fork In th northern part. Th people tn the northern part are put to great In convenience and expense .to. attend, court tot transact other business at Canyon City, the oounty eeat, en so count of the long distance and bad roads they have to travel to cross the moun tains, It being IS miles from Beech creek station, In FOc Valley,' ana only the one road leading across th moun tains. ; 1 Loin CuUeta Shoulder Cutlet Vesl BUw , ?..-1 a - wtV TOU ...... io? Means Liver ,.r. li.i.'"v Beef Tonguea ...,, V45e Corned Beef Dry Bait Pork Pickle Pork V-atatla.a. Wl niwiKiiw. T3COn ',., . . IT 14 SI , ...... 1 Ta eaaaaa.- -. atl Frankfurter. , 4 12W 12H Ham Bologna Thee people hsve for many yesrs k lived In greav hopes of sVmo day having a new county, created of all that por tion of northern Grant laying north of this rang of mountain. Two or thr such attempts have been made, but thy wer defeated. - Bom farmer en Ochoco creek, near -Prlnevllle, hare built, a 11.600 Irriga tion dam, Tr V V.