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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 10, 1907)
THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, THURSDAY EVENINd, JANUARY 10, 1807. V . " ' r . ' - THE. JOURNAL TO ft SMALL ADS - eaJLI-x, --f m. 1 ' XEW TODAY. : I -: NEW TODAY. - I Rail ESTATE TRANSFERS. ! HEM WANTED MALE. ' I WANTED RE A L ESTATE. I X)R ICEXT STORESlOFFICES. FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. PROFITABLE INVESTMENTS VOB IAXJ T THE SPANTON CO. 9SOO buys 8-room oottsga furnished COlnPiOtO, noarn mnuiun, Mm Hum, ' linen, ate. Strawberries and other fruit la yard. At Northern hiu. near St. John. Furniture coat 1489. Rant for 111 par month. Owner leaving city In fw day snd this must be , sold at once. Term. . X260 buys 19-room modern nous On -s Murnsun, iw, the msrket Terms to suit. - ' -$8,800 U buy thoso three houses ; . corner iw irving ug , tng Pr cent net end In that die trict where property will advance thle - S-S.OOO la cheap for modern (room mHPf VII V wr-F a, w aw ww ' 97,000 buys beautiful substantial 10- Tillamook and lath. at. -Terms to ,' suit. . r ' ' ' - S1.400 will 'buy the moat beautiful unimproved corner lot In Inrington, In the beat aiaincx. iu srsiw We hare hundreda of lota In the beat part of the city, come in ana see -a tomorrow on any rami eeisnw tion. . '.: - . - -' THE SPANTON CO. Oosunoawealth Bids'., Qrousd noor. 1 BONANZA ' The second city lrt Klamath" County; under the Government irrigation jttoi--t , work to bertn tbla year. Supply point for eoutheaat Klamath. . A million dollars win do pua m oun atructora of the, canal d urine- the next ' tsro veare. - Five bundreJTlotr aold-alnce -August J, laat- . ' BUT A LOT! " Do It now! Make an Investment that will net you 10 per . cent Interest within the year. .. ,. .1. Price will ralae . February 1. , , Its TOUR move. ' Coma to us and ma lection. . r -:; $25 to $60 Easy paymenta, or I per cent off for Cash In hand. "CrLTPARRisirrcor U Karqnaam Mf . rone Mala aaa. 250 WilUBuy a Home With 100x100 eornarl beautiful f round and trees, Juat aeroaa the atreet from the famoua Walnut Park, t-mlnuta car ' awrvlce. ' This houae waa built for a home leaa than alx tnontha ago and no ezpenae waa apared to make It homelike. The 'owner, on account of having; to leava 1 the city, baa placed ouc hanaX to ell at leaa than coat, . .. Plana may be aeen at out office. H. P. Palitieri taa FAxmro udo. x. eaei. , A Great Bargain 10 ACRES in the center of Beaverton. aJl ander cultivation and tile drained through the center; rich soil; good 'anion or radlah land; only 10 mllea from Portland. The best thing on the market. Look it up, H. W. Lemcke Co. Xmttre BeoOaA noog. . ' Cones Sixth aad Washlngtoa Streetav. Vhema ati 060. Desirable Residence Lots Our Specialty Tor the last 10 daya we have had an xportenoed man ciuivaaalng realdence ectlon for dealrabie residence lota. We tiave personally seen every lot we offer. We have foun some excellent buya We i will loan tip to two thlrda the value of Any lot we offer. ' . THE SPANTON CO. OommonwaaUth Bldf stk aad Boraslde. ACREAGE 87-100 iCia tract laya level, fine for orchard or berries, on Portland' - Newberr - wagon - road, 10 miles from Portland, near P. AS. car line, near graded achool, store, a churcnea. black smith shop, grist mill, S hall a, R. F. D. mall route. If aold soon will make rio of 112 per acre; half nnder culti vation, balance plashed. , For farther particulars ' call at of fice of - . ; . . , --.-,...- INVESTMENT CO. . , 844 STASZ ST. ' Snap $2750 7-room houae (new), Kant Tamhlll, one Mook from car. Family for whoro hotme we built coins a war from cltv. Will a U on ey terma. OAOE-BIEarPaULI. to, ((7 riherlork Bide. Third and Oak. Lovely Cottage Home Situate ae rarlloe overlooking the rlty. with 8 full bta, well ImprrnM: 0 rooms, bath, ean- trv sad basement. Vi Id coat mars to bnlld sow than ries sked, 2,Ai.0u; ressonsbU tersns eaa ae assde. VARTMAS A THOallTSON,. Chambat ef Com, $4 ---- - - - . . MS I 1 I II I -I I 1 "I 1 - - - - - ' g - - - - - ' I eSXMIXS, . IV.P. SIMWVHWS. s.s aws-ax. I as. saw sn.ewiaja-w-aaagiaw,sxssswe las SSJ S I Delightful Home Of t room a r modern). aaa, electricity. furnace, 8. S. corner of KL Tamhlll and E. 28th Bta. No. 880 K. Yamhlll.- Price ,;.f 4,500 j. L. WELLS CO, - Booaa 304 Chamber Ooaameroe Bids. Fhome aula 40e4. . . WEST SIDE Corner lot with 1 rood bouses, all in rood condition, choice location on mom (ornery at; a good Investment HENKLE & HARRISON 117 ABINQTON BLDO. WEATHER REPORT. 3he Vfitm klrW ww. hmm tnatrftrted hi ara and it rvnialiia ntral Tr tit north fro InturmonnUla rrg ku, end (air' and mid wvaiorr rouiiutMa hi una autnci. 10 mimi ua tfniMratur at Portland thla moraine waa 95 dvrrwa. which la 1hm knHt that haa rrarrvd. mo far. tbla apaano. Tha low prra ora arve jaatarday north of Montana baa tn eraaaad ia onfrcr and adrantrd rauldlr annth aamwara to tn lak rfglon. Ta prarlpltation atrrnaina coia aiaiurnanca naa oe ouuauaur light and aiotlr ennflnad ta llzht nwv in nnofr Michigan. T-ehfornla aUtnMiaiica U aT Tancins aatward and tt now eonalata of amall low (nwanr ami central on cmitral t'li- rornia. mtrioera Arlatm and watrra Colorado rcpctlTlr. Bain and anow haa orrarred ren- erallr la tha aouthweat. A ahallow low Brraaur area u aiao central 0Tr tn aouta Atuntw atatfs and rain baa falle In that awlloa. It la much warnuv la tha MlaannH and appar uiaaiaamni Taiiera ana fiorrMDonainciv moir In tb oilddl Atlantic and Nw Knland atafa. Indlcattona ar for fair and contlnntd cold wrathrr la thla diatrtct tonlcbt and. 'rlday. . letup Stationa "T Mil. Mia. Pracin. Baker City. Ortoa...... 1)2 . 0 Holaa. Idaho M Id .... .0 Peueer. Colorado.... 4 " .0 Lew la too. Idaho. Id 1 Loa AnnleaJllfnreU,JJ&4JiJ.24 North (lead. Waahlnstoa... a M A Portland. . Oreaoa !W M .0 Halt IJiSe. l uh ........ M 23 .0 Kan Franclaca. California,., A3 4 .03 Spokane, a. hlnaton. ...... I ,1 1A , .0 Tacoma. waabinftoa e . 14 .0 Walla Walla. Waahlnftoa.. 19 ' 14 1 T MARRIAGE LICENSES. 1 Chrtat r. Held. Mawherc. Oracoa. IT: Cath arine Oroha, 23. jacoe v. tf erf , aa: Helia Taylor, zs. W. H.TTiore. 483 Ellt Clay afreet. SSTAblila Free, M. Jamea J. Brarat. 3TM Elrhth a Ten no. Na WTarnY ttrWnoU "Meyerarji. Cbrtatlaa Bande. SBO North Nlaetaeath (treat, (O: Maria Dietrich. 21. Weddtna Carrie. W. O. Smith A On.. Waah. uurtoa bid( cor Foortb and Waabtna-toa ata. Weddlnr and ealllnar carda enrrarad mr printed. B. T. Baabtoa, 408 Btearae hid. TONRETH tt CO.. ri.OWHT.. ros F LOWERS lr ALU BJMUaV m B1ITU ST. Clarke Braa.. r lor lata rhia floral daalaaa. 383 aiorrlaoa at. Pan dma aalta for rant, ell alaae. Catqea Tallorlnt Go., SO0 Ctark at. BIRTHS. IT ROLL At 80 North Twentieth atreet, aJna- ary 1, to air. ana Aire. Krueet Tyroil, a I irl. HILL At 334 Columbia atreet. January S, to Mr. and Mra. Cleda I.. Hill, n bar. COX At BfrO Eaet GUaaa atreet, ianaaxy T. to Mr. and Mm. Ttntu 1 V a n SMITH At B13 Jefferaoa atreet. Janaary T, to mr. aire, v ijue nmiui, a noy, DEATHS. DKKNIS 1 thla city. January 10, 10T, at ne laaiuy reaiaence. jai izta at., vra. O. A. tlennla. axed 8T yeara. rnneral an. - uivuwement later. TONHETH At North Pacific nanlurtnm, Jana- ary w, norfniig loasetn, ajreo a yearn, 1 Bweth aad day a; caoae, cerebral aplnal menlnaltla. S( 11AK Kit At Odar-i Cottase. January f. jo. r. nenauer, naea o yeara, e montba and daya: canaa. vairalar dkwaaa of the heart. ACKKH At Goad Bamarltna hoapttal, January , biiim rw, aura m yonra, M monua dad 13 daya; cause, ersaale duw-aae of beart. FUNERAL NOTICES. ""'r-1- th" ' 'aoaary 10, lo7. Ellso Augnsta Murray, aged 44 years, 7 months, 21 days, beloved wife of William U Mnrray. mother ef Kobert II, O. Lottlae. J. Brace. W. U Jr. end Hssel Hlalop Murray. Friends are respectfully invited to attend the funeral aervlcea. which will be held st Holmsn's chapel, corner Third and Salmon 'ats., at 3 p. m. Betnrdsy, January 12. In terment Klvervlew cemetery. (Baker City. Oregon, and Montreal papers please epy.) ' UNDERTAKERS. Dsnntng. McKntee A Ollbaogh. enoertaksrs aad embalmera; mmiera hi every detsIL Seventh aad Pine. Mala 430. Lady assistant. sst Thirteenth aad L ma tills are. Paoss ti. ... - . - ., .mi emosimmg. sub Akter at. Phone Main 613$. - Udy aaal.taaL y B. VtnlA S. BL ...j. . - - .unu am jnaoiaom BtS. Office ef county eoroner. I' boss Mim a. Edward Holman. sndartaker. 220 Third st. . m Tttw cmmaT. fllseW aialiaa S1A B...f1 1 . a,AA m. w u, .t.uuv. The only cemetery ta Portland which per Tt '"'"a and cares for lots. Per full .. . . i'vij id tt . j. aiscsvnsis, wsr caster block, city. W. M. Land, president. 08 CTTT CEMETEAT. 7 . . v.v, i.i-iiT e", s'o t fir. "aperlnt.ndent at cemetery, eorner of Premmt .Uu - -I. una. rnone lanor zue. ror fOtl htlinUflM .Ml. . L . . .1 Commercial blk. Phone Mala 2X28. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. H. H. Pomeroy to Agastine Galltnso, lot T. block M, Bbiibeus' addltioa..a Aloys Harold to Joseph P. Blnger, lot 21 block 4. West Portland Park.. A. W. (Irsbam and wife to tvuita a 0.000 ... 00 A. Wilson, lot a, bUirk T, Central addition to Eaat Portland L. and Meda Arnold to John Bentilen, lota 10 aad 10, block 0. -" 0.600 1 T'J'a Oaersntee" jt " TruaV "compaoV ' to ... tt , npnuHiif, sua is. lit. lo, . block 15, lloilsdsy 1'srk addition.. 8. a snd llsttle K. Priestly to H. B. Grsntbsm, lots S to 12 in. elusive, block 6, Koxchsse addition. Fred and Inga Harper to Edwin O. Adamsi lot 11, block 3. Uilbsm'a sVeond addition N. A. King et al. to c R. Holt, aortb H of aortheaat H of Berth 0 feat ef auntbeaet portion of Amos N. Olng land rial in, knows aa Kh.c e t'lilltlon Ottenbelmer Realty A Investment com psny to Col lege Endowment sssorts ilon, lots 1 snd A block liH. city. Jackson Invent meat eompsny to Mrs. 1). Annie Jordsa Strong, iota I and -8, block A JsHisoe Flsc. Eoawell B. Lamaoa at at to. John ' Prna-r. loU ul f, block 1, Villa Heights William DeshAlm and wlfa to R. I. Ekersoa. lot i, block 8, Bralnard Tract, and lots 1, 2, 2. block 18, B'reralde addition to AIMna. ...... . T. . Allison, tro.tes. st si., to Kmsnuel Beers, fct 18, block 4, 1.000 1,880 .8,000 ". 10 80,000 800 1.400 030 i Oak Park Lumber company" to W 10 100 c. . , in.K u-.iit. iui is, .oiocx ii. iiai K-W 1 , W a 1 ... Oak Wmim ... i u. , I Q fFona.. C. W. to It. K. Noblry kits tl end 22. block d. Kera Park.... N. M. aad Pearl M-ruiitl et al. to Joshaa and Marths Lrdlrury, begin ning at northwest corner of tract sold by Bamiiel A, John and wire to C. N. Ilankln. block tKft, P - 2?, eoeUiaief a seres t... ... "800 ? M- Htifhee to Charli-o T. Llllard. k.ta 3, 8. 10. 12. block John Irrtns'a rirat addition a., n. eoator and wife to Cbarlee H. roat.v, fct 3. bk-k SO. 8. wood; alao M . Mock u, Sellwoud-. a M. and Addle A. l-olvy to KHia- J01- ?.t'rr' aad 3, Uuvk 23. Woodlawu W. P. aud Ann r Vi 100 10 Poley, lota 1 aud 3. block 22. Wood- Cb rl Kuh n" i nd w 1 f e ' in' ' W '. " 'if. hlmmona. lot Id, block 12. Bouth- 10 O- B. T'ker and 'wliti' ta "flraab ' j! x-.imor, iota a aad 8. block X Bl. Il4leua - 1 nnA ini-arr ana wife to r. K. Palmer, iul 10 and 11. block 2. Bl. Helena aon ax. iv. rortl ana wile to Fredwrlrk liaentrom and wife, lota 14 aud lft. h&wa1. 9 t . ' - ma ruriano ixue nr t eniotery company ... nruara ureene, eul TS. block 80. nald cemetery ..1 , 10 urecca to uuu-lea W.- Booat. lot I and amitb U of lot 3. block 1 Villa. ' 1 . ma Benjamin Auarraoa to Fred and Jotia num. kh nu. 37, m 39. 40. block IT PmIh.iI.. -.4.11.1 ... JA. - " . . - --..- HUU.11.tU i . U. . . . . " , "I joaca and '1 nercle Crbaaa to Se curity wnnri Trnat company, lota 5, , T. S. Moyer'a atibdivlatoa of lot 3. block 3k. t'ortuuid Uoma- atead a eon Huaoipa ana Kimira H-hiueer tn Jamea au ana B. u. Hnmer. lot S. block O .1.11.1 . eu. jnoon iiarviune and wife to Peter'Ger- larn ana wire, lot a. block 24. North Irrlliat.m '. , 21S John rebKB to John B. Mattbewa. ta II. ix. la. block a w.-.n tahinid".".Vr.'.T."T 10 Biuoroaaer bw.' aiannractunns com- : Knr to rirat Truat BaTlnre ink ot Chicago and Emilia Buleet,' trnatee. eaat V ef block . . .1 .1 M AAA AAA mj, e.VWiVWV Camilla c. Miller and Odlle W. Col- llna to Wllllani 1. Fenton. tot 7. block 82. city 1B0 O. M. Clark at al. to Clark A Wll. aoa lAimber compajty, land com. meacing at aonttaeaat corner of . drainOon land claim of Salomon . Klchards Racbael L'ornellna to Moore Inecelmcnt company, north H of aortbeaat H , 01 aoutceaat H or section 23, town' ablp 1 north, ranire 1 eaat, except- -lii Barrel et iaad 468.TS fret by -2:.J.a feat 18.000 Por abatracta. title tnrarance or mortrace loana, call on Pacific Title A Treat compear. zue-o-o-T railing Building. Oat yoor tnaurance and abatracta to real estate from. tha Title Goaraatee A Trust com pany, 340 waahlngtna street, corner Becoad. NOTICES. IN the county court ef the state of Ore iron for Multnomah county in the matter of the uu of Jssob Bcbanlea, do ea. Ta-amo it may concern: Notice Is hereby flren that I hare been appointed administrator of toe eetaf-ef Jacob Hchaplro, deceased. All thoaa having claime against ssld eatsta will present tbera at my of fire. No. 607 Pentoa bldg., within six months from the data ef publica tion of this notice, to wit, from Janaary T, 1007. e). TAYLOR. Administrator. BRONAOOU A BBONAUUH. Attorneys. TO WHOM IT MAT CONCERN Notice la bare- by given that the partiierehlp heretofore ex - luring- betweea " Oscar Korber and Louie ncheiner, nndtr the firm name or ivoree et Srhrtner haa been dlasolred and that aald parties are no locger connected la business with each other. , . , Portland. Oregoo, Janaary 4, iOOT. OHCAR KORBER, . LOUIS 8CHKISBB. EZCAVATINO and griding. C K. PotUgs. 4MB Commercial at. rnoae Eaat B1W. MEETINO NOTICES. EH FOOT CAMP, NO. 63, Wooduea ef the World Meets every Friday nlgBt t.-W. 0.-Wbl. fl'entb and Washington ata. He freshmrnta will be aarred. All vlaltlng aelshbora wel come. R a. MORROW fi r A. L. BABBCB, Uerk. 261 Third at. MACCABftF.3. Portland Tent No. 1. Inatalla. tton of ofllcera thla Thnr-dT are.. January i", in sk. ov r.. nan; montniy usnce post . poned Bntll last Tbursday In lbs swath, a. M. L.ANCK, B, K. M. W. A. EVEROREEIf Cams. 8.466. mswts Wednssdsy svsnlng, AUaky bldg., Third aad Morrison eta. - - - M. W. A. Oregon Grape Camp,' No. 0,078. Moar osys. inn a no aiarsnsli; vuntora welcome. LOST AND FOUND. LOUT Ranch keys. Chamber of OsmaMree. rourtn st. to umpsn, woueu reward, Aa draes R 100, ears JoarnaL LOST Near Third and Washington sts., psck- sgs o paintnruenas. eovta rfsiraraoa St.. or r phone Mala SlUi. ' . - LOST Lady's small gold watch, engraved at A. U. Reward. Addraaa K lue, JuursaX LOST Toeadf y morning, string ef sold beads. Bernm to woonsra at uisrke s ernce. Reward. HELP WANTED MALE. WABTKD AT OifCR Stave-bolt cutters, wage. ?l.4 per cord; steady work. Apply W eaters 'oorierage Co, Stearns bldf., Portland, or Uoultoa. Or. WANTED AT ONCE Ooamd young mea for Sre- anen see brakemea ea leading westera rsii . roads and for aew roads aotr being com pleted : experience unnecessary; firemen fits) par month, brakemen 75: poaltlona now open: writs at once for psrticulars. National Hallway Training aasoclstlon, 710 , Pa i ton . blk., Omaha, N.branka; or 3i Ridge bldgu, Kaneas City, Mlssourt. WANTED Aslesmee; many make 8100 to 1100 per menu; aome evea moral stock eieeat grown on reservation, far from eld orchsrde; cash advanced weekly; choice of territory. Address Wsahlngtoa Nursery cow psny. Top psalsh, Washington. . , WANTED IMMFPIaTELT Toong man to pre. pare ror exaaiinatioa tor position or railway mall clerk. Mr. Ueyaea, 810 Coin to bis bldg. MEN AND WOMEN to learn the barber trade In eight weeks: gra dilates ears from I5 to f2ll weekly: expert Instructors: catalogue free. Moler Hyetrm of Colleges, 20 North PourU St.. Portland. Uhlcn Hotel 01 NORTH SIXTH BT. rree empioynient to orrf patrons. Weekly rates: Room, 1.28 upl room and board, $4.B0 up. Anderaoa,- proprietor. LIVEBT and aalea atabla partner wanted; iui. wm w, him, . mi inmiwii.. r nj -T-woeb-eaV salary I - Aleiander Laud C6' MAN WANTED Reliable end steady, partner in rest eeraie oince: oioeat man in nrm re tiring; experience not necessary: full psr ticulars given; price 12S. Alexander Land Co., UH Uixth at., near Pine. TWO solicitors for rlty and ontalds towns: ae Investment; 94 per day aalary and commis sion. Csll 714 Chamber of Commerce. PACIFIC! STATIONERY A PRINTINO CO. 2UG-2HT Second St. Phone main H21 We deeirn and tnatall ths moot modern and Improved office systems; complete line loose lest ruing oevicea. . PRINTERS, advertising solicitors sad newspaper nrip. Fiortnwest newspaper uroasraga. uooo- BOUgB BlOg. SALESMEN Experienced special contract ment ') per month end eotnniteelon. Conserva tive Mutual Life Insurance Co., Elka' bldg. WANTKD Two er three flrat-clssa. all-amend machine men: permanent position, good waxes. Oregoa Furniture Mfg. Co., Macsdsm road. DON'T work for a small salary; see er write psctflc Aid association for a good proposi tion. 224 Lumber Exchange. WE get work for nqr members; special mem bars. $2. Y. M. C. 1, Poarth and YamhllL r ANTED Cooks' .nd helpers' headquarters at Csllfornla Wine tiepnt. 1. Lorati, 140 Vawrtfe "at. rboue Paclfle 2183. AGENTS wanted. Oregon, - California. - Idaho. . Waablnaton; health and accident losuranw: old reliable company; good eoofraora: refer. encea required. I nlted Htatea Health Aa cldeiic luaarnnce vo.. sou Marquam. WANTED Harness-makers. P. J. Cronln CeN - jve inai ... . v WANTED Experlcaced wra opera and" packers. Ths Modera Confectionery Co., 13 th aad noyx sis. i 11.00 A MONTH PROTECTS YOU Against accident, sickness snd death. Write or csll and Invratleste. Korthwsst Heslth A ' Accident Assodstton. eoe-407 McKay bldg. . AgenU Wasted. WANTED too ansa te wesr ear eel.hrated $20 made-to-order suite. Union Tailoring Co., niovk Btara at. uattsrsciioa guarautseo. WANTED Partner for novelty gallery a jewelry spinois. Auoress . tt luo, journsi. WANTED Mea to Introduce new novelty; free premiums;'- seus liseir. - moareas a. - lxf. care journal. i. . WlHTtn Toting naa to work 12 to 0 and- 0 te 12 evenings, T day. per wees; aalary soo per montn. AaoTess.' stsnng an snout yourveu, II boo, cars Journal. $28 PER WEEK aad traveling sinenses paid Salesmen to sail goods- to grocery aeaiera; experience annecesesry. Purity Co. Chicago, WANTED bora to work la candy factory: mnet be over 17 years. A I doe Candy Co., iota ana uiisan ata. . TOL NO man of good appearance ' would tike one -o nions -arm. bs collect tori Aaatesa E HO, care Journal. . . - WANTED Jewelry engraven alao copper-plate engraver. - . T. Kuahtor, eos Btearns Dldg. SEWER DIGGERS. $2.00. 8 houra. 12th aad Thompson sts., eaat aid. MAN wasted te solicit lumber orders la city. r j'u. cars souroai. ... HELP- WANTED FEMALE. PAMII.T ef three man, wife end Infant wan-e rename gin or woman for housework: would prefer a country girl. Add ess V 100, ear. spurns i. . -. ..I... . . SAVEBAtr Isdlra to Inks part in lmtgv draa Ijua. IAJ , I - OIRIA WANTED Operators te work on ahlrta ana eversiis. lessons given to niexperlenced. sppiy st EiTsnnura tactory . X. uread are, and East Taylor at. . . . WANTED Girla to learn paper-boa trade; fnoa wages ana stesay emnioymsnc Apply 1 North rroBt et. . ( Z HANSEN'S LADIES AOTNCT. 843 V, Wsb- airica .1., cor. eeventn, upstairs, rnoae Msln 2082. PemaU help wanted. GIRLS accnatomed to machinery:" good wages unu . u; .NptuinvHi, , ngru vrffBI ... GIRLS to wrap chewing gum; good wagae wuuo learning. Hi is uria r root ac WANTED Good girl to assist la kitchen. Ap ply u iorxn Be renin sc. WANTED Ton ng girl, aged 8 to 12; sice aome. Aoareaa Mrs. A. u. Bowiea. city. WANTED Educated wooise ever 23 for re- Ruuniure pmuus,- ppir ATs-xurora Olflg. - WANTED Competent wbana for general aouee- wurs-, uu o.o niuuui eve. OIRL for housework, part day: eleep it hems: ,1. per monmi ounonys rree. eni Kaimay el. OIRL for general housework. TT BchnyleT at. WANTED Olrl in tsllor-sbop. 1114 Poorth at. MALE AND FEMALE HELP. WANTED Several csnvssstrs; new article: win pay goon com mission, rnu In arena y 1 to Op. ai.. Hotel Caacade, 88 Sixth at., aorta. H. B. Carraa. , HELP wanted and supplied, male or female. R. u. uraae. suotb Washington stw-Paelfie I ITU WANTED A few rood solicitors, mils snl '- femsler-best prhriositloe ia Portland: "good money te the right parties. Phone Kellwood Tl. - Corner Knst ISth sr.- snd fmatma ave. 6ITUATIOXS WANTED MALE. WANTED A position by young nil na card writer una usststser wmaow trimmer; am equipped with air-brush. Address D. V. Plncctlck. Box 79, Astoria, Or. . TOUNO MAN. out ef luck lately, having bad to are picg ana snovei. wants inside work: la u telllgent. well edacsted and trustworthy. George Reading, genera 1 delivery, city. WANTED Position by van of family. In store; does not drink or swear; prises horses; experienced la genera I merchandise; reference. Addraaa 823 Eaat 10th St.. earth. WANTED A porlttoa In counter afore, can keen e em nil set of books; bad experience. Address D 100,- care JournaL . - TOrNO ,, roaa- -' ernerlenced tn grocery line. would like position es clerk or la wholesale house. W lOS, care Journal. BT young man. position tn real estate office. Adores, u no, care Journal. WANTED By a collector, one more Arm's ee counts to eouect- Address H loa. Joornal. RFLIATtLR Jansneae evenlne achool boy wnnr. any kind work; apeaka welL L 110, JournaL WANTETbw-Day smrk. Cull SUCH Morrison St., room a. rbone Pacine zb, WANTED A position bv a first-class teamster. Address P ion, rare Journal. SITUATIONS WANTED FEMALE. POSITION by young ladr to take charge of amall rooming-noose; sue respectable place rialdered more thaa good aalary. Addraaa 108, care Joornal. LADY wanta bonsework; can do soeas conking; not less thsa $ per week.. Address w 10a, cars Joarnsl. WANTED AGENTS. THB largest mannfairrnrere ef aluminum cook ing atenalM want repreeenta fives to sell full line everywhere. H. B. Strelta Co., Pos toffies Box . 124. Urania Pesa, Or. AGENTS wanted to cell ear 001 np let. line ef nixn-graae nursery srocx; ontrit rree: ess. weekly. Address Capital City Karaary Co., Salem. Or. - - AT ONCE Agent, for soap, medicines and ell blacking. R. M. Plummar, 200 Third. First ones get brat territory. WAN7T.D Good agents to make $5 per day) for Information, 1174 First at., rortisna. EiFLO YMENT AGENCIES. RED CROSS EMPITtMENT CO. Logging camp and farm help a apaelatty. to North Second at. Phoae Mate S2&0. Wf pay all telegraph cbargea. HANSEN'S EMPLOYMENT OrPICB FOR MEN. 80 North Second et. . Phone Mala 1824. PORTLAND EMPLOYMENT OrFICB 20fm Morrison at...,...., Phone Pact fie 2X0 87 North Second et .......Phone Pacific 1300 - WANTED TO RENT. WANTED TO RENT H noses. Cot tares,, flats, stores, offices, rooming bouees. .eta. Lend- lords will do well te csll on PO HTLAND TRUST COMPANY OF OREGON Phone Ex. 71 8. V.. Cor. 2d and Oak. 10 OR 20-acre tract wanted to rent; If yna have anything close to csrllne, cull me by phone or write J. Griffith, eut Sixth, Bear Pin.. Phone Pacific 28. WANTED Three pleassnt anfnmlhed room, for light honsekeeptng; iw obleetlnn te sub nrbs. Address H lil, care J mi nisi. WANTED FINANCIAL. WANTED To borrow gj.nnn on Improved subtle bsa property, Address O 100, stare Joarnsl. , ,' ' THE TITLE A ABSTRACT CO., - U. R. SALTUAKMIi, Managsr. Loana. collections, tlOee exported. Bx ' pert advice ou realty vslues. Property Hated for quick disposal. C. H. Plggott and J. A. Finch, legal counsel. Phone PsclOe 1040. Ruun 4 Mulkey bide. 2d and Morrlsua sts. : Payee & Van Tyns .210 Allaky bldg. Baal Estate, karma. Investmaata, Mortgages, Loans. $3.IV00 WAITINO to buy 0 to S room modern, rloso-ln house and lot; Holladsy'a prslexred; will couslder any deelrsbl. district. tfee Home Land On., 145Vs rirat st. . - WANTED 10 to 20 acre, near enrllne; must be - a bsrgaln from owners only; give dlstsnce from rsrtlne and price. Address X luo, care jonrnsL. ' IMPROVED farms and a large tract of aalm proved fruit .or hop land: owner, only aaed apply. N 110, ear. Journal. HAVB $10,000 to $20,000 cask to Invest In in side business or other Income property,, direct from owner. Address I loo, care Joornal. IMPROVED city and euburbaa reatdeace prop erly, ni sues; owners oniy asea apply. 0 10, care JournaL v WANTED MISCELLANEOUS. ' WE WILL BHT. SPT.L Oil TRAPI A NX OLD 'lnim.. rtKniKltn B A 1. V AUB t O., 827 02 WASHINGTON. PAC1PI0 70S. WANTED Furniture nnd household roods ol every, deseslpitow b-ught. sold and -exchanged. The A 2-12 First st. Main 8u7A $ ',.-.. MAIN Bnno. .; CASH AND LOTS or IT f '. FOR ICRNITIIRB. . PORTLAND AI'CXION ROOMS, k . 211 llrat SU M41N SOSS. MA1N 8459. WB exterminate rata, mice and Inaecta; de the y-work ourselves or aell you the compound. mis ' st jsmusoer, m roona at. t'uoae Pacific .' . , v EXCAVATINO and grading. C. E. Pottaev vwi.luW s un bast sivv. HIGHEST rash price paid for all klnda aecond hand gooda. Phone Maui 2111. 83 N. Third. BALL snd ballroom,' sepsfste or togetberi new oo who, mi oonvepisaoea. rnone Mala aue. 1 PAT cash for household roods. . w. W. osvagv. S4O-04I 'First st. - I'bons racltie sod. WANTED Dead horses and rattle; ae ebsrgo. i norfw sisiB iwou. lua i norms n. FURNISHED ! ROOMS FOR KENT. THB WITCH HAZEL, corner of Front end Msdlson sts.. bss been lesasd for e trm of years and M being put In flrsi-claia order and will be knows sa the "Hotel Ohio." Room, will be rented for offices and single rooms. .Is. furnished snd un furnished. THB HTLAND. 490 Morrison at., eppoalte the aign acnooi-r-iew orirk building, .team beat, electric light .nd betb; all new farnlture. the very best; strictly first else, la .vary respect; slug!, rooms aad suite, by the day, wesh er montn. THB RICHELIEU, 88 14 North Sixth St. Els- ganuy xnrnuBaa: stasis seat aad hatha. - PCRNI8HED rooms .nd furnished hoesskseptng room, xor rent nt lex raaroever are. THB GRAND. 4.-.V, North Third ate Rooms fa gentlemen, per week and a p. 'RED DRAGON" New aweU reoan. beart of city: new furniture ana carpets. dorse Sixth and Stark eta. - Entrance 827H Stark. NEWLY furnished roouia, new flat, modera, central, wo Norta l.itb at., corner Fiaadera. NICELY furnished room in private bones, very reasonable: modern and conrnalent. gee, bath, furnace. 040 Marshall. PCRNI8HED rooma, day, week or month t rents reaeooabie. 183H Poarth au Faelflc 2030. Pl'RNISHRD room, and housekeeping eolte. raoee Main wwi, its nth, coraer kimbiu. TnB KINO, Sts) Jefferson Strictly modern. ruf ears Beets-imiib. tiom st to 3 per week. COZY fursUhed aultae and Mosul ose . bath, gss, best: reasonable. 218 18th at. FOR RENT HOUSEKEEPING. $103 FCRNISHED booaekeeplng-roocaai bath. nnone; 4 piocaa north iieuig loeaire. is North 14th at. $1.00 WEEK CP," large, clean, furnished house keeping room", laundry end beta. 184 Sber man south, Portland. THB MrTCHICLL Housekeeping .nd trans tewt rooma. reasonable. Bevsnta and landers. . $1.28 WEEK UP, clean, famished beweekesp- mg rooms, parlor, onto, isundry, - ruraace beat. yard. 2084. Stanton. V ear. 8 ROOMS, STonnd floor; cement basement, rood- era plumbing, electric llgbta; . 44 uoigste t., 1 block from Bellwood car. Inquire owner, ea premises. . 4 NEATLY fumlaned hoanekeeping-ewaina; nnone, bata and pastry, sua Rodney ave. Phone Kast llirf. - 8 FURNISHED rooma. private family, ror annsekeepihg; ao children, zss Monroe ec HOrSEKEEPlNO-ROOMS. lowest rate.: elec tric lights, phoae Included. - 80144 Water st. 4 MODERN boTreekeeptag-eootne for rent, mwer floor. 0H1 Sixth at. Phone Psdfle 1074. ROOMS AND BOARD. POR one er mor. (employed people preferred), modern, reasonsble. 24 Esst Morrlaom. FOR RENT HOUSES. POR RENT New aandrra 8-reora beuse, Sog Monroe at.. Upper Albloa. I square ef Ne. 80S. - WR .re la aeed of aeveral furalshed aad an furnished houses to satisfy the- wanta ef ear estrone. Pbone main 8101 er sail 720 Cham ber of Commerce. Do It aow. 8-R0OM house, west elde, good locality, close to car. low rent to good tenant; will aell ea easy terms., pbone Mala 1410. POR RENT New 4-room cottage. Sooth Port ' land; bath, -toilet, fireplace; eorner lot: sight ly location, one block te cer. Fred H. Strong. 242 Stark at...' 8-ROOM cortege, bath, gss; ao ear fare. Kay et 411 Stark atreet. FOR RENT A ft-rooea cottage at 701 Poarth at. f 19 per suonin. - 4-ROOM houae. Sixth et and Sooth Portland rallroadt tract. Inquire $4$ 82d at. , Take Richmond car. FOR RENT Modern B-reom cottars; gsa and electric light: atatlonary waahtubs. Call at 230 Shaver st. v " ' FURNISHED HOUSES. POR a period ef 8 monthe, a nicely furnished -room houae for family use' only; reference raiinlred Apply 821 West Park st. HOUSES FOR RENT FURNITURE FOR SALE. , WR seed furniture at any price. Portland Aue ttoa Rooms. 211 First at. Mala 0bo. t NICELY fnrnlahed moms, ni Pine at.. Bear Fifth: rent $I6; price $1AO; trade with owner in bowse. PrRNITIIRR room Sat.'- Orst-class condition. Inquire W. P. Adanwoa, 408 Vamhlll; np atalra flat. FOR RENT FARMS. SMALL farm, 5-room boose, S ncree cleared, good orchard. 11 mllea from Portland, plenty wood. $a month. IW4 First at. FOR RENT MISCELLANEOUS". HALL and ballroom, separate of together; new end wltb .11 eoavenlencee. Phone Mata 880. OiKK F.-BOOMS, unfurnished rooms and earn pis-rooms tor not. Ooodnoaga bldg. Apply ' .Lvstur. DKK1BABLB offices, Inclndlng electric lights, hot sud cold water, janitor and slsrstoe service, in tn. new, siry tjouimonweaitn bias., ' old pas toffies sit., tilxth and Burasld. els. Agent, room en. . A PEW Orst-class ofOcs-roonM left at nortbesst corner Third, and Madlaoa au. Apply room r. a. POR BENT Store Flftb-et. side Ooodnougb bldg. Inquire at elevator la building. 1 LARGE nicety furnished roam, aultabla far mm and bedroom, $la per month. 40Vk Second at., -corner Ash. . . $7.00 RENTS room 10x12 oa ground floor, good location, sultsble fur aboe tusker. Call 242 Madlioa atreet. RESTAURANT, already furnished, for rent, i'svla Hotel. ' corner Water snd Clay. BUSINESS CHANCES. WANTED Largs wett-cetablthad manufactur ing company, making ample line of gooda wiariy goown, wsuts Bntlsrsctory man. with $a.iMa cash to establish and csrrr en branch business; $2f0 per aionth aalary and all ex pellees, srtia snare or pruits ' extra; an osually safe Investment, ucrmsneut snrage- meat .nd high-class business good for $d.ouO TM-r year or better, with Big roture iscrsase. For psrtichlars, furnish refereaces and ad ' dress . Ksstburo, prealdent, 07 . Wabash a vs., Chicago. . . , 1 MARKET aud oary-.Xo. sals at low -prloa. If taken at once: tha reason for selling will be explained to any one desiring to purchss. meney-nisklng business direct from owner; no .triflvrn need suswer; pries .. it .tsudo, clear of lncumbrsace, $3,O0 aothlng . but buslnea. will be consldorsd. Anawur Q 102, care Journal. WB have a party with a few hundred dollar. . that wanta to Invest In a business (grocery or general stork) I muat be bourht right; Party good baalnes. man. ' 83 14 guta. Bear Ine. Phone Peclnc 25. . - ' - . , IP you want to aell your business we have the .man with money; wroeery .tor. er general ' nicrchandiee; come sod get acqnslnfed with the man.- Alexander Land Co., 3W Sixth. - sear -Pine.-- -r-1 - BNB1P " rROPOs:TON--rniuuieTit is- enme; nice work for 4 mea with $1,000.00 each: mea wltb experience 1b advertising preferred. Address I) 110, care JournaL ' POR SALE Twe-che Ir barber abopi good busi ness 1 only two shops In towa of 600 inhnbt - tants: will aell at a bargain. Address Lock Box 70, Oaklaad. Or. , POR 8.ALB Well-located grocery store on east viae, tow rent; will sell .1 a eacriiiee; owner leaving state. Register A Co.. 107 Vi Third. $000 ART STORE aad real estate of Ore; good Februsry 1. cT Arnold. St' Johns, Oregon. FOR SALE -An interest la one. of the beat classes of estsbllebed bos Ir eaa in Portland; money to be aaed In extension; T per cent guaranteed, end if dlssetlsfled with tnveet , meet, gnarantee to refund money at end - ef twe yeara. Address 8 103, care Journal. POR SALE Milk route, bora and wagon. 17 rows, bringing ta per month $300. Address U C Me, care - Journal. r- - GOOD-PAYING cleaning and pressing business ; iocs t Ion central, well established; " aruee, - leaving city. Inquire 178 West Park. - ' FOB SALE Cigar and confectionery store, at Invoice. Phone PaelOe 1740. JCRW fuenltwee nt 10 real $20. Call 212 Madlaoa. -See Issui .sat FOR quick aale of rooming h oases sed reel eetsu. cell 'Mi Madison. Phoae Msla 820a. WANTED TO bay. a email grocery .tare tn , Invoice good or $700, la goad loeattoa. -Z 100, care Joamal. HOMER breeding pigeons, $T per doaen; larger amounts anpplled. Geprg. E. Houts, Kaiaxaa, WssMugton. . - . -i - - , POR SALS Coffee end erster-houss doing good baelneas; splendid location: good reason for ' selling. 20 Third at, coraer Aak.ny. . GROCERY to aell at once, or trade for bonae and. hiU- Attuecaand stock fur-$700) the biggest snap is Portland; must .sell. . e4 Fourth t- - 8AVB MONET Anything ta prtntlag as. Mad dea. Odd FeUowa Temple, First and Aider ata. apaialra. $450 BUYS S-reoms. well furnished la good lo cality! west aide: low rant. Hageesaaa A Blancbard, 81 Fifth at. SMALL restaurant -for aale at a bsrgaln. for nlahed living room connecting r ewaer Waving ' towa. Call 212 Fourth, city. NICB new restaurant er hotel dining -room aad kitchen outfit! new Preach ran gel everything ' flrot claw; aell cheap a trade. Inquire " 2111 Stark at. . . " , WANTED Maa with csnltsl te take charge ef V- A-No. 1 clay ledge, near by. Csll M. Cowaa. eos savier. rueoe racirie suix. 1 FOR RENT Al location for good barber; low .rent; fine room. Leu Is ftewmoa, 288 Stark '.at near Baaoud. - - YOf'NO maa won Id like eae collect fur; eommlssloa er B 1. care Journal. ar more flrtna te aalary. , Addreee FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. Willamette oa tiie T rla the beet piece for mvestors and bome bullders: b.v. a few lot. left overlooking river and ally, also lota farther la. Business and Income property In different parts oa the east able, from Bnssell at. te St. Johns. Modera souses from 8 rooma up to 10 wltb large grounds, all Improved botnee, from $1.0.10 np to $7.h00 cask or terms. Don't miss this opportunity if yea want a bargain, and see me snea.- . a iV. Zygowskl : w Office Willamette elation, St. John. car. $320 IP - sold oa or before Monday. January - 14 owner will sell thla lot, worth $400; have full abatrart from government; nee me at once, aa there erw only 8 dure. JOHN B. MATTHEWS. 722 Chamber of Commerce. . SMALL house that eaa easilvf ha completed Into . aA a Mr choice elevated lots. with magnlttcent view ef almost entire city; well sheltered from east winds by grov.-; 1 block of car; a rare spot to bnlld permanent home; bargain; only $060. Home Land Ce., 14&va Flrat et. - . ' - 820.000 VERY central 80x100: on. of th. beat Irtiya hi Portland; will double la value ia 2 rears: $10,0)10 cash, $5,000, mortgage, 8 - years at 0 per cent: will take $ lo eaat side property. Csll at 8V, Burnable at., room 10. Phone Pacific 1211. FOR SALE 00 acrea rmlm proved land, . rich soli: will sell In lo-sere trsets er snors; will moke nice hornet half down,, balance to suit nurrh.ser; price $28 cre. Thome. Black stone, Rldgefleld, Clark county, Wash. $1.S0 IX)T , 28 1-8x100, fins location, North V Xtlet-rnats. North Portl.nd, paying S per cent I $2,&on cash, bajsnce to en it. 22.a00 Fine modrri s-roota houae, eaat aide. ' M. B. LF.E, ' Room 30 Raleteh bldg.. H2SU. Wtsbingtoa St. , phone Pacific 89. GOOD house and lot oa I'nloa ave.s woman la boanltal; $700 down, $18 month; great anap; modern! Alexander Lend Co., Slxta. - near Pine. $2 800 NEW 7 -room bonae, BOxflg I t corner, near two carllnrsr must be .old at ence; one third cash, balance easy terma. I'kooe E, E. llenderabntt. Mala 1142. . T-BOOM houae with lOOxinO lot, 8 mh1Utea walk from Snnnyalde earllne: nice place for chickens; essy terms; price $1,210. Hartmsn sV Tbompaoa. Chamber ef Commerce. NEW modern house and eorner lot, close In, oa Beat Burnable St. Cord Seagatake A Co., O Fifth at. 3 LOTS In Walnut Tark, adlaeent to anbataa tlsl Improvements; a bargain If taken at om-e. X liM, care Journal. i,ooo 1'HD 4-rnnm bouse and 2 lots la Tee aoa addition, llegteter A Co., 107 ii Third at. Chsice Hemes 0 roonn., new. modern, elegant. Cosy! full basemeut, furnacs, gsa aud electrla Ughis; Wlilemetts Height. , . $i,r0w 7 Minis, sew, modem, elersnt. Bp to the itaudud ef present hour) WlUaautta Helxhta. $ 12.000 10 rooma, new, BMdern, the very swellest of a vat .Id. home, cjoea la. 'Line, & Co. -. : 820 Lumber Exchange. Jl'ST think,, 1.100 lota, near Salem aarllne, . no farther than St. Johoa, at Old par - lot, . . at $1 per month: level and good eoil, wltb ' houses already there; yon can't bur arrears out there for amount; lota will be $u0 -per lot In August, whsn cars are running; there will be lb flnest town ont hare la ths vslley.- Apply, to owner, W. Hekrtv room 1$ Washington bldg., gloyj Washington at. ITNB LOT, ' close la. Bear Wtahtagtofl St., is . best residence district of Nob Hills ewall slta for family hotrl; will sell la aext 18 daya at very close Bgnre. ,,,, JOHN B. MATTHEWS, T22 Chamber ef Com m roe. .r.;.'MES011 StfCCt. Property' aear 32d; 100x100 groan A flue large house oa one lot; room to baud BMrs. HcnlcJe JcHarrlsoa : SIT Abiagtoa bldg. THREB fine residence lota. 80x100 each, ea Rodney eve. and Going at., between Union end Wllliania area.) etreeta improved, sewers In; $000 each. Register A Co, 107 Va Third. HOMB-BCILDKRS. ATTENTION I DON'T Bi;Y A LOT FOR A HOMB TJNTTTi YOU VISIT "TILTON ADDITION." $300 below values ' on nearby streets. . Agent ea ', grouarl. in mornings. . THOMPSON A OGDEN (Branch!. Phone East 4300. 800 Belmont at $2.200 MOPKRN 8-rootn noose at., full lot; terms, half csi ae Baat Aider k. Beg later A ' Co., 107H Taya at, $1,050 FINE lot oa Thurmond at. kast. sW. 47x106, south front. .ReglsteejJbCo.,joi .jviuxu. rt:'l. i . . . . 10R SAI.B. ' A fine hnsmaae lot (10x128, oa WDUam. are., near Russell at, wl'k cottage and amall I etores price $.1,600. ,: .A. C. BRl'SH A CO., '' .. BIS Wllllama ave. INCOME-BEARING flats on sasy terms 284. , 2X0 10th st., four fists. $70 per month, por. ' retain betb. to each, close tn. eastly rented; $2,000 rash. $7$ monthly Inetsllmente; In come will pay the Installments, ma k tog re-.- asarkable taveetment ef small capital. Mor V gaa. Sweet A Chapman. 21$ AhlnfUaa Wg, Pbon. Maia 015. B-BOOM bonee, 100x100 grounds, I. TJalverslty ' fark; bandy socatlon. I trtora; tor ear; rrttlt and flowers; bath, hot aad cold water, filter plaster, electric lights; a good bay at $2,500. . . . HENKLE A HARRISON, 217 Abingtoa bldg. WEST SIDE income or "forty te exchange for vacant lota or imrtroved property on eaet . Side. . Hagemann A BlanebardW 81 Fifth at. A SJARllAiiy IN SfTNNYSIDB Tamable wltb Improvements end room ror mora, sotb . snd Belmont ats. ; 84 feet fruetsge sej ear track. Inquire Gee. M. Strong, 21-4 Lumbsr Ex (-bangs bldg. 8TORB FOR SALE 8 etores nnder one mom: J" crt- front i "" -.T-swa- piT mouth; price $2,000, cash or bait eeeh. Bee M. 8. Brows, NaahvlUe station. Take Mount Soott ear. S-ROOM boo as, downstairs plastered and far. nlsbed. S mra doxioo; coeap. nee ewaer, a. . Thornton. 1480 Fern St.. Woodlawa. If. B. BROWN, real sstate and laenrance. Take Mount Scott ear. NaahvlUe eddltlon. . Post office, Lents. R-'s. D. No. 1, bntill, i HAVB yoe a 8 or 0-ronai cottage, vshis ae , over $2,000, oa the east aide, te trade for a 88.000 place ea west aldet The difference ran be paid to suit. Sphlas .Agsaey,, 808 Vk Stark et. PENLNSt'LAB PROPERTY for homes te vest mental aee w.' n. nusr, xsj rorrtana boalavard. Arbor Ledge station, St, Jukaa pkaaa ooflla sr a. I'o. . , $200 AND $8 per month bora good 8-feera modern bonae, one block from nrlhsa. T. . B. Dodson, 200 Oooduough bldg. READ, T-room bones, closet, to each - soesa, fall Int. 80x100. near aawmlll. boiler works, ship building plant, and O. R. N. R. R-. tlna Inratloe for bosrdlng houae; within the aext few dave will sell for $2,000: terms $40 cash, balance $11 per month. St. Johns Title' Abstract A Trust Co., , St. Johns, - Oregoa. . Phoae Eaat 0007. Clay Street ; Flee building lot weal aide. . Henkls St Haniscn e.-- 81? Ahtsgtoa bldg. SEVERAL comfortable houaea and toti baVoag . lng to a noe-resident must be sold et once at a sacrl fleet terms, W. R. McPbernua. The . Philadelphia, moss 12, Third snd. Kalmoa. . ALPINB REAL ESTATE CO., Snsu Morrleo. room t; phone Main 1017 block with . 12-rooai bans., rinse In, $11,800, 8 Scree, . Aroom bouse; essy terma; $2.2.10. TURNER A WALKER. Real Catate, Farms and, Slock Rsschae. Escbsageal , -r 808H Waeblngtoa at. - Sellwcod T Morehouse French. 1 870 .' ISth.- Phone Bellwood 7A City View Park :ota, $.178 and Bp: Rose Addition tola, $100 .ad np; $8 down and $8 a month. Homes from $no0 to $5,000. Lota , $200 and Bp, la all parte ef Ssllwend. List year property with ea; we win sell IU 1 MCST aell quick my flne Arbor Lodre, horns: . 7 room bouse, 8 lots, 12 besring frulf trees, city water, bath, ee.( $1,700; SIVOO -cash, balance like rent. H 100, rare Journal. 8CNNYMDH. elose tn, 7 rooma. nil inodcrs. batlt ne aexnn, ynst finished: etiesp If sold soon. So. agent, 840. or ewnct. pbone East 4704. . DBSIRABLB lot ea Lerrabee atM high, alghtly. walking distance. See ewaer, reera 482. Lumber Exchange. , 10-ROOM colonial house for sale. TOO Marabsir r at., lot bOxino, handsome, well built, four , yeara eld, all modern ewrtssusr.. Jtni... room eiexantly paneled, extre nil flnlab so wane, piste-giess windows; beautiful home . for a Isrg. family aprreclatlng comfort! a bss gain at tha price. $10,800.' Morran. Sweet Chapman. 818 Abingtoa bldg. f-bone Male 2018. - S-ROOM modern bonee ea Vancouver eve.; either William, .v.. er Rusesll-Hhsvsr care: . NliloO. lot; full cement basement; Brire . $2,400. Hut maa A Thompson, Chamber ef Commerce. . . T.ROOM boaae with lOOxlon kit, g mhTBtee i, walk from Hnnnyslde cer llnet nice place tor "'"'-'" ' IT1 ei.z.-o. ; u.rtmaa . A Thompson, Chamber of Commerce. - , CHOIOB H block looaioo. impcoved. gsd nd V.i. . ' ' '.", aw view. VWBer, 6.14 Clinton at. MT hoabsBd fa 111 la California and I fnnet aell our new 8-room modera cottage, with tnl baeement, sewer and atreet improve. Bients .11 paid, for lean thaa cost; price only 2.eni), easy terma; corner lot, flne locality. P 108,. care JournaL - t 20 ACRES ef land, all level, half nnd.r eultl- wallonl MA I . . , . . - ".in, email wr.. house near 8 car tines, lo mllea eaat et courthouse; $140 per sere: essy terms, or will sell half. Call 1137 Stevena eueoraer ef Kent Bbth. ' . . . BT'ILDINO covering 4 bit a. f storerooms, thestre end ball shove, ii -s, for ,,if la 8 yesra; $7,0ii .b or terma In suit poTchaser, For partlculsra csll st 211 Fro toa bldg. aT?:?u0 M "nodwn.bonae with corner lot. East end amhlll st, Apply pf owner. No. T4 Belmont, corner 28d. W-nt-'K. P-"t 2d and Ankenf this i-'-!!1" "."'" " offered at thle tow -pt lee-by owner, -who Uvea isii Trore " ' .,;7k,.l,,;,ico?. w u