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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 10, 1907)
THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, THURSDAY EVENING, JANUARY 10. 1SC7. 10 ! " - TONE HI HOPS IS STRENGTHENING Trade Is N ot Very Heavy but In 1 ' quiries Are Increasing From '. v17:;"Etern Dealers." 'TV ' OREGON PRODUCT HAS MUCH THE BEST DEMAND One Sale Iportrd Xew GrwiU Pasa Around 15c Leader Around f- - Trying to Get Option on Choice Goods at 14 Imndv ' rrlnelpel market feature tooayt. Murk f Inner tog la bl. Kom .charge advaac for gg, , Gnat treagtb la diesst nrat. , All Usee utMwk show eeerelty.. Potato market kold very ra. ' Trnlk about auk ettnatloa. ; ' ' Monk Tome Toe la Hot Market. An imnil amount ot etreagth la bents showa by tiia bop market at thla am " Cm- alanine tae so to trogtk to noerrol ' and seams Is iadlrat that klgner prices will t be th oetrotM later la th sesson. Doting . th put 34 boor a roosMerabl mb of good-alsed aale bar beea reported, eoe re-, r I ported br TU Joarn! yastortay being aa bilk aa l&e poono. Tb fact that aom of Jf trader of the Market ar trying very barf at thai rime to eecnr oprtoo aa crop at 14 ; la IteeU ewa the market ba tly proved. Eastern kiqnlrle ar tncrajin very fast, aad ellboogh llttto bnalneaa baa malted . , frees then aa yet. the Indication all point to a arranger aad higher ran ol ralaea whea -Mb reel buying demand aet la. . ?-os Crp Will Xaks N ' l'tWblle It to yet a ' trim" too -early- to. an ' of tb earning crop of bop, tb ala at tb prod art toa during the year 107 wiH go a keg t way toward eetabllehlng a new rain. On "mat of th gmnr lower vsinee that bar roled In Barope toe paat season oa aceoant ef ' the record-breskiiia erodortlon la England many of th grower bar become greatly dlatla(led wltb the altoatloo. It coat a gret deal a - noocy to rate bop la England tbaa bra aa - aceoant of tb numeral epravlng operation whlcb bar to be goo tbrougb wltb there, and ' enlees adequate retnrna aaa givea producer they cannot renala la baalne (ot any gnat lengtb of time. - i It la tb rule laatead tb cceeptloa for a ' aecttoa tbat ralae bop for a ay lengtb of tiro ft ahow deterlonitlng quality Thai h beea tb rule la Englaad. Wlaeonala and Europe, iii m time tner waa no belter nope raiaed anywhere than waa being produced la Engllab i yarda. bat thla wa aom Urn ago. la order ' to keep ' tb quality ap to a competing point - wllk otbei aeetlea gf-eb warU Ellak-grow-, are era eompelled to pray many time a year, ' and eeea tbea tbey ar not car ot producing good quality or a falr-elaed yield. Weather mndrtloa way be adem and ranee almoat an atter fallur at aay tlm la that country. , Thla hal malted I puUlng down tb Engllak .' ' acnaga. . 'jDragea Eop Ar th Best -yAH aeer tb world Oregea bop' ar eeoald- ! ered tb best that can b- produced (or tlx) general ma of tb brewing trad. Cor bottled ' amne brewer aa a mall moBat of for eign good ta erder to gie tbem a peculiar ' taate tbat tna twegoa hop doe not bare, bat tar tb greatest amount of beer brewed th ' Oregon bop Is better tbaa any el bar. Tb IMd New York hop ar practically ant ( tb band of producer there and of lata llttl bnalseaa . baa resulted la that atata'e product. English ' hops ar going dowa t a low lore! a far quantity la roareraed. aad Bale all sign (all ' that ouantry will agate ba eompelled to eater Uito 'market. 'At tul tlm practically all tba bop bualana being, don.. in tna jroria iM 1'aclfle coaat gotxla Oregna'a la partlcolar. , Trath Abwf Oaloa itaaUa. .. la a recent teeo Tha- Journal stated that - tb 8a Praaclaco on Ion market bl better and " higher. This conditio baa beea eontbtned and today' prima there range a high aa 11.23 with osM sale ef beat quality low .10. Thl would pat tb price her aa a baala of ' 'he aad SO (. a. b. Portland.' or a boot 10c ' lower at country point. At tbl time a aura- anar of awmber of th onloa trost ar aald to 'b quietly aaloadlng aapplle. 1 order to nay tbey ar not etelatlng tb grement with th tntat I not maintaining price. oai of theia . are aald to ba eelllng No. 1 onion t a No. S . nrtc. Tber to la fact a torg amaaUt of No. , onion la tbto tt at 4bla tlm. and thl t to tna eoly .thing that I keeping tb market for beet a rack from aiovtng tip ta a (lightly j higher breel. some email pnrebaaM ar re , ported t 76e-1 a. h. ehipplag points. Tb potato market I holding eery firm, al- - though, little boalnea baa resulted during tb ' neat few days oa eroeet ( th sold snap. It t tm mtmA tha aom Botstor hare beea alpped ., by U eoM daring the pact few dan, bat to what extent tn aamaga resuiieo eanaoi vm told t tbto tlm. , t. aVraat aVmreity of altr. Poultry aanpllea are acarcer than rer aad I tb price n come tasuaess to qaoted H hlgber. Egg market I firmer oa account of the cold weather aad aa adraoca of about H to tooted 'la the prlc. r Dressed Beats are very acaree coaaldertog tbe eceeantr demand broaght about by tb eold eaap. Mom dealer aaklng slightly ' higher ea In. ' ' i He fresh salmoa to pek of la tbe market ' p and cold atorag product to being ased. Hall - bat to la aufflctrnt supply to meet demand t He a pound. Kan of emelt to nominal and , price has adeaaced to 10c a pound (or th tWumbla rlrer (tab. Tha trade pay tb follow tog price to Front f erreet. Prica paid ahlppera are toss regaUr '. '' commissions: f ... wrara, nr aad Taed. . OKAIN HA(1 Calcutta. haying arte; ' aellinc. a.!. - WHEAT New rhib, -ride; red Eoaslan, eSc " araeetem. 8c; ralley. oe. BARl.BT New Feed. Hon.: rolled, I2a.M)iU8.IM; brewing, 1 22. 00 J 28.00. tX)BK Whole, 127.00; cracked, 138.00 per ton. J T-1.M per ewt. OAT. New Producer' mice No. t whits, - IMXW2T.0O: gray, (2i.dOQ3e.on. riyOUB Eaatara Oregon patear. IS.gA; tralgbts, f3.IA; etport. M.10; Taller. 3.Oj . graham. H. M.Bfl: whole wheat $3-70; rye, 60. . bales, 2.T6. MOXrT7Fri Bran, l.00 per tool mld ; dllng. (2S.00I hort, muatry. I1S.00; city, fiaon; chop, 1 00121.00. HAT redorers prlc Timothy, Willamette . ralley, (aey. f I9.00jlt 00; ordinary, fa.otitf in 00; eeatera Ore goo. (lT.OOell8.nos mixed, (lO.OOfrinrwi; clorer, MOO; grain, W.00y8.W; cheat ((.00. attar, Zgg aa Tealtry. r JtUTTER rT f. a. b. Portia ad Sweet ' ereeo). g-tiie; eoar, tlHe. BlITTEbV City orssmery. SOes oatsld faary, : SmAWc; storage. 2VD0p; store. 1717 S-. r5;(;rt Extra fancy, can. I led, 82 -:; local aad eeeiera oteeag. ITVI t CBBKHK New Pall creeoK (lata, MMO'Set tung An-erica, !8HTIc. POCLTBt lie Mixed ehtchen. 14'4 lb; faary beae, lite per lb: moatere. old, toe A l-er lbs fryera, lHiAo per lb) broiler, 14 ttlo per lb; old dock. USt per lb; aprlng dscka, lHe per lb; geee. Salfie per lb; tar sera, 17 per lb for ld; dreaeed. faacy, ZJ per ins eppra. . y.aww. - per do,., Kraa4 poaHry IQm pes lb higher. Kept, Wool aa4 Hidea. . HOPS1IMM eenp. choice, IBS' prim t rbotre, iti medlam ts prlaia, 10111; BMOIum, ; lUHvU. - ' V(Kif 10( cttpT alley, , sVtB; gostora Oregon, jctc VOHAlit New, aomfnal. i KltkH KKlNg h.artag, MCSAe eaeht short reel, Hwt median wool. A0Q7& esctii long WO.J TVttlt.oO each. TA1.U.W Prima, pee lb, (HOi X. I aad greeae, 1?. oiimbj BAkKdHC7 far car kxsi smaQ h'U'K.i ftry. No. I. Id la aad ap. lui ITte per lb; dry kip. No. 1, t In roe, lee; , err ealf, Xe. 1, an.ier I he, 11c: eelted bMea. t-.r. areiad. an I he aad oeee. lOgilc; mi, a eHSc: aiara and bull, aound, et'e; kip, lit re ft the. c; calf, aoand. osder IS lb, lie: greea, neaelted, le leaa rulla, le per lb ee ar. hl-, ealtd earn, (t Wll.n, dry, each, llfeuleo; eelt hide. IVitVK; (oat klt. SECOND GRADE ONIONS ARE HURTING THE BEST " s . - .. d " With o largo amount of No, d (onions on band many grower d d -are aaerinclrttr tha prto In order- ah tn unload while, stocka ar still d db In a. aa.lea.bla condition. Thla 1 V tha moat demerging (caturo of . d th present gltuatlon and mny e eh naua onlnn nrlcea to remain around n resent raluea th rest e rot - - tbo aeaaon. If the- No. . 4 atock wag out of the war deal- at era m tha market mar do dk aom bettor, j '' eommoa, ach. lOQISe; Aager. each. KScdJIl. Trait ad Tagetakl POTATOES Baying price, eeatera Mnttno mab and Clarkamaa select. (l.OAitl.20: faacy, l.0rl.0S; ordinary, 73t90 par cwt; wts, tH(3c lb. OMONS Jobbing prlc New regno, tncrj (1.00; baying prii-e. (.. o. b. shipping point, 601 Trie; garlic. Ke per lb. APPl.ES Taney Hood Rlrer nltaenberg and Tellow Newtown. UMi fancy Willamette val ley and eo tliers Oregon. (l.aO: ardtaarr atock. B07llc.. .. KKK8H rRriT Oraneee. aew naral. (S.TIteT 3.25; Japanese. IV; bene aaa. Be per lb; h-mons. 13 O0H.OO box; llmee, ktexlca (1.2S per KiO; iilneapplea. (4.OUM5.00 per doarn; granca, Malaga. IT.50 per keg; pear. (1.801.7S; knckleneniea. Ac: nlneanolas. (8.00 tier dos: pomeaTanatea. (I.2SO1.60 per box', gnp (rait ' VKGETAPi.rTS Turnip, new. OOHIl ck; carrot a. 7oct(l per aark: beet. (l.SS per seek; uregoa rannuee, zot per do. ; eaDnege. uro eoa. (I.7."; bell peppers, ( I per lb: to matoes. (2.25; m.-anlna. BOcftllOO: etrln bean, ISe per lb.: cauliflower, (l.aO per doseai reas, 1.1c; horaeradiah. f 0e per lb.: artlehokea 1.00 per down: eouanu.,-7Settl.O0 per hex) celery, California. 1:1.50 per crate: pumpkin. (lerlHe; eranberrlra. (10 per barrel. - - UKlKDrRL'ITS Apples, emporated. in Te per lb; apricots,' 1814020 per thr pasrha. I 1218He per lb; aacka. y,e per lb leea: prune. 30 t 40, tfloc: He drop oa each 1 10 smaller lae: figs. California black. eUe per lbt California white, aHe per lhi date, soldea, (-o0 per box; (arda. (i.40u$1.60 pel 14-lb box. . : iorto1...llatk-:t.'fi'..L.t. M'O A California Ae Hawaiian Onb. (,Vt7t: powdered, (S.12H: berry. (4.82H: dry trinniated. (4.B2HI Htar, (4.72H; conr. a. (4.KSI,! eirr B. U.42;, goldea C. (4 30; D, yellow. U.Zt'ii beet eranlUted. (4.72. eater cab. .l x7V,; . powdered., g.1.1?",; dry grsnsisted. (42: P. C (4.84: mnf. A. (4.92S; extra C, (4.42S! golden C. 14 S2'4: D, yellow. (4 23V; beet granulated. (4.72 bbla. iur; a bom, zac; ooxa. DO aorance oa aaca ksah). (A dot Pile ar 20 dara net caab aoota- tlonel. . HONFY (.rafJ per erate. 1 COFFEE Packas brands. (IB SO'7 S. 8AI.T 4"oara Half around. 100a. (A 00 r ton; Ma. (9.60: table, dairy. AO. (13.00; Wm, ix.13; nelea, (l.KAs Imported Mrerpoot, no. li.00: 100a. (17.00: 224a. (ld.00: extra fine. bbla. 2. ra, 10a, M-WW; Llrernool lump rock. (K.S0 aer torn no lb rock. 30.00; 100a. (8.00. r -, I A nor price annlr to (ale ef leea than ear lota. Car tots at special prices subject to fluctnstions.) - ' KICK Imperial Japan. No. I. e: No. 1 B4e; New Orleana, keaO. 7c; AJax, ScS Crool. Vie. BKAJt SnrnTI white, (.rT--toia aklte, (S.25; pint. (2.S0; tayoa. (3.75; Umax. (Vie; Mexican reaa, c , NUTS pannt. Jomho. SUe aer lb: Tlrrtnla. 7H per lb: maeted, 10c per Tb; Japanese, fit (Vcs roted7u7Ha per lb: cocoas at a, aoQWo per aoas walunta, lallforai. loo per id; French, 15c per lb; plnenuta. 14Bloe per lb: bi-kory nnts. 10 per lb: cheatnuta. easier, lajine per id; Bresll nut a, lc per lb; fllbeta. le per Tb; faary pecan a, l(i920ct almond, lC21Ue. Meats, Fish aad ProTixlon. - -' FRESH MEATS Front Street Ron. (aner. e per lb; eal, extra, e pee lb; eedlaary, 7Vt8e per lb; poor, to per lb; mutton, fancy. 8ia wr per 10. HAMS. BACON. ETC. Portland ere Oocall hams. 10 to 12 lbs, lb: 14 to IS lbs. lA4e lb; .18 to 20 lbs, 13Va "; break faat bacou, 14Virr20e lb: picnlca, lie. Ib: eotuge. HVie in; regaiar anori cieara. ansmoaea. ize in; arooked, 1.1 lb; clear backs, aeamoked. 12c lb; amoked, 13e lb; Union butts, 10 to IS lbs, moked. 8e lb; aamked. Dc lb: deer bellle. aa- fmoked. 13c lb; muked. 14c lb; shop.ldersl2ixc id: picaiea ion r nee. ooe eaca. . LOCAb. LARI Kettle leaf. - 10, 11V4 ' HS 5. 18c lb; SO-lb tlnri2e Th; steam ren dered. 10s. 1244 lb; S. 12, lb: compound. 10. 8te lb. CANNED SALMON Columbia rlrer. Mb tails. (l.0; 2-lb tall. (2.76; faary. l ib flats, 110; Vi-lh fancy fists. (1.15: fancy l ib eeula, 12.75: Alaaka talla. Pink. HSttOe; rod. (1J0; nominal. 2a. talL (2.00. FIKH Rock cod. 7c per lb: flounder. Ke per Tb; halibut. ftVe per lb; crab. S1.00?1. B0 per dosea: striped baas. 124o per lb: eatfleh, 10 per lb; aalmon. Columbia rlrer ellreralde. vo; ataelhead, 10 per lb; barring, 6c per lb: aolee. c per lb; shrimp. 10c per lb; perch. 5 per lb: black rod, 7e per Tb; tnuirnd, Te per lb; silver amelt. Be per lb; lobater. Ifle per lb; freeh mackerel. Or per lb: rrawflab. toe per ooaea; atorgeoa. too per id; niaci beea, xu per lb: Columbia rlrer amelt 10c per lb. OTnTERS Shoalwater bat. per galloe. (2.25; per lio-ib aaca. niympia. per galloa. (2 25: per 115 Tb iuck. (5.00 to (5.50. CLAIS Hardahell. per box. (2.00; raaor clawa. 12.00 per box. Paint Coal OIL Sta. ROPE Par Mn0s, IBHc; suadard, Ui ala 1. 11. COAL OIT Prerl or Aefral Ceaee. 1H per gallon: water wmt. trou pi.ia. 14c per galloa; wooden. 17 per galloa; headlight 170-deg., ease. 21 He per -galloa. w CASOUNE M-deg eaars, 24 V4 per galloa, Iron bbla.. lae per galloa. BENH1NE 2 deg. casee, 25e 'per gallool Iron bbla. lftHe per gslloa. TURPENTINE la case. See per gat; woode bbla. tiHc per galloa. WHITE LEA l Tea lots. T4e per lb; 500 Ik lot, nc per lb: leea lot. sVac per lb. WIRE NAIIJt Preaeat bala at (25. LINHREb OIL Par raw, la B-bhl Jots. Bor 1-bbl lot. (3e; eaee. SAc per gal; genuine ket tle boiled, c. ao per gal: 3-hbl lota, 64c; i-rai a?ta. per gai; grooms ca aa, car tut, (20 per ton; lea tbaa ear lots, (JO per loa. WHEAT TOSTPWARD IN MARKET Trade Is Bullish and Range Be tween May and July ' Is Wiped Out Today. BEI.ATITE WHEAT TALCES. , i Opea. Clone. ' Jan. . Oala. ( .74 .7814 ( .73TtB J ..7tiV4 -78V4 .7BH .OOH Mny July Chicago, Jan. 10. Sentiment In tb wheat market wag decidedly bulllah today and th prlc advanced in tb varkma opt loa. Lfvar- poo) wa dull and alow at the lrt with value anchsngad froia tbe previous day. ,1a tbl market wheat ha ah own o many decline ainr the aeaao atarted tbat th trade believe tb bottom I already at hied or will be reached at an early date. There wa practically n M-iiing preaeure la woay a trade and in mmec readllv followed th path which waa mepiied out f. it by the ball. Th feature of th dey ws th wiping oat of tb range between th May and July by an ddranc of Ve la the latter and e In May. Cora and oat market were- dull end low, althouth seutlment ws uicliitf'd toward tb bull ekl. . T High prlc of bog la th yard to at 111 t fluencing th provlaloa market and further ad vance were mad ta th prlc daring th day. Official qootitioa by - Overberk, Htgrt A Cook company : . , . v ..WHEAT.. . Open. High. f.ow. Clcee. 7fli4 714. 75ti . , 7u Mey July ...... M.y ...... July ...... May ...v.. 7flii 7BV4 7tlV4 7 IHIIH, - 3 . . 4t St4 4 0ATE. ,. snvt - d, .. 5::i S3i VEH POTtK. 1A0 . lotto 4H 43 MS 8.1 'J 41 nn4 July ...... Hay lso in Vw Tark Loedoa Silver. New York, Ja. 10. Bat aliver, 11 to- doo, 21 Vk. Poultry , Market Supplies - I IA7 rn - nnnn pnii - CODE SOOfl Indications in the Livestock : Market' Point to a General ', " ' . .... Rise in Value. ' " EASTERN H0CS SOON TO BE BROUGHT HERE -0- Hot, Single Head of Stock Arrive - In Yards During Past 24 Hours Looks Like Cattle Will Reach Portland I'aion - Stockrarda. Jan. 10. Xlra. tock receipt: Hog, Cattle. Sheep. Today ., ... , ... Week ego,,,,,,.,, t ... .. , 3 ... Ver ago J 14ft ' ' ... . Prerloua year 278T 87J ... If condition la th llreatork market remain A at yreaant tkaee will ba materially duced Kncea in ine near rutur. inat mucb ran oe nked oa at thl time. The II rm tock market I In every reapect and In few in atauco qnotatloua rerelred are a fraction over thoaa printed In thl report However, th general buying ahow ao rbang In value. . rtoc a eingie bead ef livestock arrived In th Portland market dutine the naet Set hoar. Thla to th market' source of atrength, and. " ... crmuHuei, wra wreniuauy aeeu w a much higher rang of value all along thalU,e, " . ' au xiisos-aama siigaar. - - It would not be amis to ear at this tlm that th big market of th. Pacific aortbweet will eventually go to (7.25. aa advance of 26c over the present llet Wltk hog price advanc ing ateanny in th eaat and rcloe norui west packer forced to bay ther at (gores msi mesn woe man i c aero it bb not law to nreeume that that firure will rule here within a short space of time, la (act it I be lieved at thl tlm that killer would be forced to pay tbat price now .If ther could get the supplies. It is- stated that several tralnload of eastern bnga will soon b started toward tb 1'acln northwest." fnr the packer already have thalr buyer In Nebraska and ar going to pay. OattU lUrkat ary Tirm. Althoorh a ssle of a top steer or two may be made today a fraction higher 'tbaa 4c. th general ran of ateer will not bring mora than uai ngure. vvito receipt of late not op to expectation the market Is galulng flrranea each day and tbe probabilities are that tb prlc will go to 4Ve soon. ' Perhaps It I coincidence, bat It to startling fart that tb run of cheep I gradually getting oown to nominal nails, not a singi head or aneep - wa receive: la tae yaraa no de y. a- week, ago, yeer ago or two year ago thla data. In line wltb tb general live stock market, sheep are quoted very acarc no arm today, out viioe aacuangM from yesterday. In anawer f the. report that Swift At Co. would use the Echo ranch for th raisin of chickens. President Paoghtrey of tb atock- faro aay: J her la nothing to tb report, am on of tb owner of tb ranch and wald know if such a thin was to happen." Uveebmk condition a year ago: All Bar- get nrm wim vame nncaangea. OfAcial live lock Dlicea: ' " ' " Hoga Beet eastern Oregon. (7.00; tnrkr and reedera, fa.7n; tilna rata, .0O(0,0.70. Cattle Beat eeatera Oregon steer. (4.00: beat cowa and balfera. (3 26; stocker and feed ara. 1.1 T.: bulla. 32.00. Sheep Mixed,, SijBVke; wrttera. SVh'V , BUfriKVle. . . ' NEW INSPECTOR ARRIVES Dr. F. W. McCIure Takes Cliarge-rrf ' Federal Duties at Pendleton. (Spodal Diapatch to Th Joaraal.) Pendleton. Or.. Jan. 10. Dr. F. W. McOlar, aewly appointed cble( of th federal stock In spection In th northwest, ba arrived la Pan, dletoa and baa ntered apon hi dntle. Prom thla place tb work of tb department hi th at tea of Oregon, Washington god Idaho will b directed. At present th work of the federal InsMctora Consist entirely In Inspecting cheep tbat ar billed tor ahlpment to .other atate. While th federal quarantine to oa It I required that cheep be Inspected and dipped at the point of shipment That tbo creation of the new district win result In muck good to believed by local aneep grower. - v , BILL FOR INSPECTION ) Sheep Measure to Be Drafted at Pen- tile ton (or New State Law. ' - rSneclal Diapatch to Th Joaraal. 1 . Pendleton. Or., Jan. 10. By a compreiwnalv bill tbat baa J net been drafted here tb legle latlvo wants of tbo bepmea of Oregon bar been embodied In on meaaur. which will be Introduced by the Umatilla delegation. It pro vide for s tt sheep commlssloa, tor tb radtcattoB of scab and for a quarantine ot a beep brought Into Oregon from ether atatea Th bill ha beea drawa at tbe Instance of tb Oregon Woolgmwer' .aaaorlitlon. Before in troduction It will be aabmttted te ex-Oovereor William P. Ixwd. who wlU b aaked to pang ea n eaaatnatioaaiity. tTsTITEO STATES O0Tr3TCET BONDS. New Terk, Jan. 10. Two, reglatered do eoup.1 .., Three, reglatered.... do coupon Small bonds.... Fou re, registered do codn Fonre, rceh-tered. ..... do coupon Panama 2. ,. do coupon.' , Dlatrlrt of CotamMa.. Phlllppln Official price: Hat. Bid. Aak. 105 U 105 1 102 V4 102 V4 ioiu 101 (J 131 131 , 105 J 103 Opt. - Opt. ...... Opt. 1044 104. Opt. I02 102'4 liwrr lon-tt 1BOT 10OJ 180 ...... 1B25 inov( ,. 104 ...... .... 104 ...... 124 115 ' , .... ioe4 rOtTLAVS BABTt STATE MINT, . ' Clearing today ..fl.OAl. 531.14 Ulearinge year ago............ Oslo today ....... Balance today ... Batancee year ago ( 270.5H1.33 ....-1 "Xii Llvarpeol Oetton Marks t , ' Liverpool. Jan. 10. Cot to futuree closed ( and points aignar. 4 RAILROADS LOSE COIN - ON COTTON SHIPMENTS (Journal Special Service, i Galveston, Jan. 10. A , wholesale swindle evorked) by duplicate bills of Lladtne; In cotton shipments has been worgea on tne irxu rowii. in ennta F was caught for about $150.000; Brntthern Pari f to. the Hock Inland snd Frisco' roaos for nearly 1100,000 each. The deals were consummated at Inte rior cotton points, and the bills of lad ing; were realized on at various banks which advanced money on them. CAR SHORTAGE DOES NOT STOP ABERDEEN SHIPPERS Aberdeen, Wash., Jan. 10. That 'the car shortage ' has not Interfered with the prosperity of Aberdeen during the paat yeer 1s strlklng-ly demonstrated by the data-Just . complied on the lumber output of tills' city 891), loO.OOO feet werei cut, the tnnrket Value of which ass .,7r,0. At this rate Aberdeen will Inns" maintain her record of shlpplns more lumber than any other port of 58.444.19 r : 4 the world. -, ,,t ' t Is Very Strong and High In Thts.City Because of the Great Scarcity of I Chicago Price at Ten Cents Lb. ST. PAUL BOUGHT BY STANDARD Buying of Road's Stocks Is Heavy by Brokers of the Bis r Oil Company. ; . HOLDS ADVANCE IN ; THENEW YORK MARKET Closes One and a Half Points Higher While General Market Loses Missouri Pacific Loses 2)6 Points Daring the Day. . MET LOSSES. Amalgamated Smelter .... Mleaourl Paclf!... rennayivania Atrhbwa ... Rock laland .... HtlnJoa Pacific .. VU. 8. Steel 4j do preferred... Baltimore ... Brooklyn ... Canadian rip .aar ......... t,;Ht. Peal , 4LoalSTlU 1H V4 Reading ...... K. X, Central.. Wall Street. New York. Jan.' 10. There 1 something In th wind la railroad circle, for broker supposed to be acting (or th Stsndsrd Oil company were heavy burets of St. Paul loaay. whether thl baying waa for control a not anown, out with th heavy pnrenaamg tb price edvanced very faat. and while tb general market had a aharp break at tb close 8t. Paul held n advance of m point. euaaouri racrrm was ait hardest in th trad ing today, losing 2v point oa th new of adverse action by Ulseoart official. Money rate ruled between 6 and S nee cent. bat did sot bar aay aotlcabl effect apoa th maxaei. Official quotation by Overberk. Starr Osok company : Cloalng - Open", bid., ...,110'A llllU ....154 1'"H Amslgamated Copper Co... American Sugar, common.'. American r?m Iter,-- Atrniaoa.- eommoa) Kr7Va lonV. 121 120i, Raltlmor A Ohio, eommoa. Brooklyn Rapid Transit 8114 - fllti Canadian Pacific, coralnoa 1K Chicago. Milwaukee gut. Paul....lH2 1.V1M, Erie, common s..8V . 42 boo lavi He a Naeuville....,.......,14;H, J4;t- Mlaeourl Pacific 61 W New York Central , , l:ia4 Pennsylvania Railway ........... .140 13014 people uaa, ijgbt Coke Oo twv . 97 Reading, eommoa ;:137vi ' 1S7H Rock laland. eommoa.. 29V4 29Vi Southern Pacific, eommoa M ' M t'nlon Jaclflc, common '.....17ti 174 t'nlted Htate Steel Co., eommoa... 4t 4H United States Do., preferred ,.107 108V PORTLAND STOCK-MARKET Bank Shares Are Again la Demand- Coal Rises. , Trading en the Portland atock exchange waa exceedingly light today, the' sale being very light and of professional character. Transaction were s Banker' Lumbermen Bank at (09. lo J. c. Lee at SIS. 10 1 c Le at (20 and 1 (40, 1,000 British Colombia amaigamaiea at c. .. , . ,. .. . ... Official prlc: , ' ... ; r BANK STOCKS. ""BlI- Bank of California .....(362.00 $ . Banker" A Lumbermen' . Runltabl Savlnga Loan 07.00 Mrrr1intv-Hatlonal Ifin BO Oregon Trust A Savings 122.60 Portlsnd Trust Comnsnv 120.00 t'nlted State National , 2O0.00 ' BONDS. t City A Suburbaa 4 , Colnmhla Southern Irrigation . 5.00 I'XI.OO w.- n. a n. ttr.e i-?-,, .-,- -oo.oo 100.60 O. W. P. A Ry. Ss ., Horn Telephone oa Psrinc Cosat Blacnlt Sa ... American Biscuit Company Portland Rv. 5a 108.00 05.00 05.00 1O0.00 bo.OOw 1O0.00 Sontbweetrra Lighting Sa . J. 0. Le Company ..... JOI.IKI S7.S0 07.60 100.00 MISCELLANEOUS STOCKS. AnocUted Oil 40.00 85on . 4.50 115.00 101.00 . '87.00 45.i0 45.00 7.60 63.00 lJl7lo0 . B0.O0 , 75.00 Horn Telephone J. C. Lee Company Oregon City Mill A Lumber. Portland Height Imp. Co .. Oregon Journal, pf d ........ Pacific State Telephone .... Pnret Bound Telephone Southwestern Lighting Company. zaqntna By 'teiepnon '4.50 MININO STOCKS. Bid. Aak, Alaska Petroleum . I ( .16 British Columbia Amalgamated. Brttiab Yukon OJtti. 22 "J 04 .25 .31 ' .26" S.75 . .01 .20 .25 .2 ' .16 ' .04 .06 .014 12V4 . .10 .18 .26 ' . .08 .OS .05 .004 , .OS .10 .10 - -TO S.70 Ca acedia Dixie Meadow .02 V, .10 '.oi'i '.tw?, looii .10 .1314 ii" Ooldflald Trotter Ely Consolidated. Great Korthara ,v Holdea Lakeview Mining A Milling Lee Creek Oold Mammoth . Morning .......... North Palrrlew Oregon Secntitle . Standard Consolidated ......... Teeoma Steel . ......... ...... rnlted Placer Waaboagal Oold Extraction .... COEL'B D'ALENB DISTRICT rrllkia . Burke 02 Copper King .27 nappy uay ov far (pper w Mineral Farm 04V, Monmouth . Reindeer .00 Snownho ......... .00 Snowstorm .'. t-00 FIRE DESTROYS H0TE!L BUILDING AT HOQUIAM (Special IHapatch to Tb loom at I Honulam. Wash.. Jan. 10. Fire this mornlns destroyed tha Linden hotel, the building; and entire contents being- lost. Efficient work by the woiunteer fire de- isrtrndnt saved tbe balance of the block. 'or a time the National Lumber com anr's plant was threatened, but - the arrival of other companlea saved the building snd kept the flames from spreading;. The hotel was owned by John Bleblng-er. The lows will be about $6,000, with little Insurance, NINETY DAYS MORE OF LIFE FOR AGGIE MEYERS Jefferson -City, mo., Jan. 10. to pre vent complications should the supremo court refuae to arrant a new trial, Gov ernor Folk has respited Asfle Meyers 90 dsys. .. . . ' ' ) ' ".. Chessnteuiter's Tournarnent.- ---- . Vienna, Jan. 10. The most, notable mnetors' tournament held since that at Nuremberg; opened today . under the auspices of the Vienna Chess club. The competitors Include Marorsy. . Schlech ter. Marco, Dr. Perils, Wolf, Herger, VMmsr, Iiurss. '1 srta-kower, Loewy, Mlenoa and Splelmann. T cxxrmrTJxi.T BCOrrBjn)BO fob IBUktATTSIC. O. O. HI glteo, Panvllle, Ills., writes, Deo. 2, IPOls "About two years -ego I was laid -up for four months with rhevmatlam. 1 tried itnllard's Snow I.inlinent; .one bottle cured me. I ran cheerfully recommend It to all suffering from like hffllrtlnn. 10c I0o and 11.00 IK Bold by all drugclsts.- EBCLlIAlil'lAm Mil LAUDS; Legislator's Plan Means to Make Southern Pacific Loosen Its Crip on Grant Strip. V : SMITH DECLARES ! HIS BILL WAS GOOD Former ' Josephine ' County Repre senfatlve Cites (th Decision of , Federal . Judge . Sawyer to Prove .His Assertion. .' ' ' Grant lands of the Southern Pacific company In western Oregon are a sub ject of discussion amons ssaessors as well as leglalators from the various counties throush which the (0-mlle rail road plaster extends, and Interesting; de velopments ar expected at Salem dur ing; the 00m In ( legislative session re garding; these lands if the railroad com pany continues its policy of aegregatlon. "The bill proposed by me at the lsst session to prevent the railroad -company from putting - the klboab on all tha mineral deposits in the (rant limits is entirely constitutional and ' would have accomplished; -the-endsouglstrTrr behalf of the people," said. R. O. Smith, ex member of the house from Josephine county. "It waa the policy of the rail road company for some years, snd up to the time the grant was withdrawn frorn the market, to (rive deeds in which the mineral rights in the lands were withheld from the purchasers. . : Sawyer's Social on. " "The railroad company's deeds pro vided that the company could always enter upon lands to examine and seek for minerals and develop tha same. Its purpose in making such deeds waa to provide that In future if -any coal, oil or precious metals were found on the lands, the company could levy tribute in form of royalties ' from the owners. This kind -of conveysnce has been de clared by Judge Sawyer of the United States circuit court oMBallfornla to be lite ml; He heldTha't reservations of mineral rtahta In patents of lands from the government to & railroad company were void, a.the rights in tha land and its usee ' were coextensive with the grant; that you could not give a person something and then aay he didn't have it, . In that case the court's decision was to tha. advantage of the railroad company. Applying the principle to the Southern Pacific's grant lands In Ore gon,' it would work the other way." Mr. Smith, said the state can limit and regulate the method of conveying land; it may restrict the quantity a person can take, and it may even, pro hibit a corporation from taking lands. He cited that the Oregon A California Railway company waa originally unable to accept the land grant In western Oregon until it secured an amendment of the state laws, ' ' . Theory Wot astalaed. " . "The principle of divine right to levy upon the minerals and precious metals that may be discovered In land con veyed to the populace Is applied in Eng land and Germany, also in Turkey, where the aultan claims the privilege of collecting royalties from all minerals discovered at any time within the em plre," said Mr. Smith. "The courts of our country wilt not sustain this theory I wh.n.V.. I 4 ...ln.f nnhSfo luill.v ' Under a contract of sale from the Southern Pacific a purchaser of grant lands -Who might afterward diacover coal, oil, gold, copper, or any valuable metal could not have tha free use and benefit of the contents of tha soil, but would have to yield It up to the South' era Pacific Railroad company. ' - "I do not believe, however, that there is any force in the contention that tbo railroad company is bound to aell theae lands at not mors than $1.10 per acre, and only to what Is termed actual set tlers," said Mr. Smith. "The original act of congress. conveying the grant did not contain such provisions. They were added three years later, after the grant act had become effective. The company has paid taxes on these Isnds for years, and it would bo manifestly' unjust to ssy that they could not sell the best Of tbe lands for more tbsn I2.S0 per acre. "But the' company is morally bound to sell tha lands and cease holding them bsck from settlement snd use. It would be, proper snd advisable to aak congress to revoke the grant on the ground ef violation of the contract, unless the company Immediately places ' the lands on the market. There remains a lot ef unsurveyed lands inside the grant lim its, and congress should be ssked to pur chase the isnds at the grant price and throw them open to settlement." ELKS TO ENTERTAIN VISITORS AT CLUB Tomorrow night wtllvbe ladies' night at the Elks' club. An elaborate program will be rendered for the entertainment ef the visitors. The program haa been arranged by Ellera Piano Mouse. Among the contributors to tha program, be sides the piano firm, are Miss Cather ine Lawler, soprano; I J. Story, violin, and le P. Bruce, aeollan. Miss Lawler will sing the "Angel's Serenade" and "Eternity,' with violin obllgato by Mr. Story. A number of selections of grand and comlo opera, as sung by the Met ropolitan, opera company will be re produced by phonograph. All Elks Snd ladles are Invited. EASTERN RESIDENTS BUY IRVINGTON HOUSES Grlndstaff ASchaJk report the sale of two handsome homes in Irving-ton to local purchasers. The consideration In one case was I (.100 and in the other 16,000. The owners of both pieces of property are residents of - the east. Van Dnyn A Walton sold six lots in TJpper Albino, near the 8U Johns car line, to a local buyer for 1 1,600. The property will be immediately improved with a good class of tenemant-houses. Frank Du Bols, representing the Haw thorne estate, has sold a lot in Haw thorne Park addition, to Emll Linden for .1,000. - - . OLD TRACT WILL BE CUT INTO FACTORY SITES Approximately 40,000 square feet of the O. R. A N. Co. s boatyard tract will be taken up In the building of a new ! street in the mill and factory district tn florin rnrtiana, occoraing to a report filed by City Engineer Taylor this morn ing. The street. M provided for in an ordinance recently -passed by the .coun cil, will be 1.022 feet, or not quite four blocks In length. It will be a north easterly extension of tha southeasterly line of Nioolal atreef tn tha dividing j line bet weed the dividing line of the III ill Willi UVA Hk? Mi j 4S TO GET OUR WORK INTRODUCED One Third Oil ncflular Prices Dr. H. A. Sturdevent formerly of The Dalles, and Dr. B. F. But ler, formerly of Arlington, are in charge-v Examinations snd ett mates free. All work guaranteed 10 years. Lady attendant Of- - flee hours ' a. m. to 1 p, m. Sun days I a. m. to 1 p. m. . Third A Couch Sts.. Portland Fhone afaolile 188. 2u AMTfSJMBaTTB. ie, ii0im SEATS SELLING RETURN CONCERT Saturday, Jan. 12, Armory PopulMceSeI$24 SUC U Sale a Sherman Clay gtere, fatth aad star. rUoa, 10 a. m. . as, uul-oc-towa 'raera aaar fessa owem wyaa may. , - 14th and Tl.-. 11.111 X Thoataa, Washlngtoa lC UCIllkJ IIICUIC Mala i. TONIOHT AT : O'CLOCK, i. Friday, Saturday Klgbta, Janasry 10-11-If. Special Price Matinee Saturday. . . . George Arte' Moelral Comedy 8 acre, "THE SVT.TABJ OP VtV."' Pretty U Iris Catchy Mualc Real Pan. "Evening Price Lower Boor. St AO. 1.00; ha loony, fl.OO. . 75c, oOet gallery, toe, . toe. Matinee price. 2Bc to fl.OO. e Seat Now Belling at Theatre. BwKtT ThCatretvecoa Theatre Oo Lsssae - Oeorxe U Baker. Manager. The yar-Tanvsi Baker Tboatr Stock Osmpaay, , ihi, week's Attraction. , t Richard Maaefleld' Great Saccoaa, -' - - ' "OLD HErDILBEBO.-5r A most baantlfnl play of atodeot Ufe la tb old world. Prod action complete.. Direction u, .imu Salnnolla. Matinee SaWrday. I Evmlng prteos, 25e. Sec. 60c: Mat., iBe, JBe. srt wa iarxy jiau. Ifoirmoi Empire Theatre JS7, . Milton W. Seaman. Manager. Phvylng Only Stalr-Rsvlln Eastern Road Shows. , Tonight AU This Week rirst, Time In Portlsnd, " The Croat Swedlah Dfaleet Comedy. ' - "TILLT OLSOB. With Adelaide Bsrlaa a "Tilly." Malta Wed. and Sat. Regular Empire Price. -ITaxt Attmetloa "At Orippl Creek." CYRIC THEATRE t WEX. BIOMHTiro JAJTUAAT T. . Crest Malodramatt Snoc,. . . "HARBOR LIGHTS" Bog office ops from 10 a. a. to 10 p. m. Boats eaa be nastvad by pboao: Mala 408S. STAR THEATRE Week of Jaaoary T. ' Phone Kara OdSS, TUB ALLKN STOCK COMPANY PRESENTS "THE LITTLE KJjnSTIB," ' Mad Pa moo by Mhm Ma ado Adam. Matin Tneeosy. Tbarsdsy, Saturdays and Sunday at 3:30; price 10 and 20r. Every evening at 1:16; price 10c. 20 aad S0a Re eerre eeata fog aE porformaaoa by saoae Mala B4S. The Grand . JrrsprosehsVl Vaudeville. the Lerrix TRIO, Ores teat Comedy , Oa the Stag. - Okas, K. sfijPaalli . Boot, i Bagora and teal Kselatoek. Carrel ton aad Ksdg. Jule Xarraa, starter Harold Xoff. ' . Sntadlsosyav Ladies will be ad mitted FREE and fur nished skates FREE TONIGHT at the OAKS RINK boatyard and tbe tract of the Oregoa Pottery company. It will be 40 feet in width. .' i r ii ' Enterprise Postmaster III. ' (Special DMparrh to Tb Jooroal.) Enterprise, Or Jan. 10. b. J. Rouae, the preaent poatmaster at Enterprise, waa taken suddenly 111 last week snd Is now in Portlsnd undergoing an opera tion. It is reported from reliable au thority that he will resign as post master.' A petition Is being circulated here for the appointment of W. T. Bell te suooeed Mr. Rouae aa postmaster. mm 7j V4iAAXfc i "111222 Are Ilia Mucements ' wt opfen voi) irat- For limited time with every suit costing not less than $22.50. A PAIR OF TROUSERS FREE : Second All the time FAULTLESS FIT SUPERIOR TAILORING COMPLETE SATISFACTION . AND VET STILL MORE Here you receive the benefiT of superior equipment. We have our own shop and our own completely , organized -staff of tailoring experts-, tailors who do nothing but: work on coats, others who devote their time entirely to vests, others who are partic-, ularly skilled in the making of trousers each depart ment producing garments that for artistic finish ar not possible of duplication in average shops. ." f -r-rOnr-lInc of Fabrics Duplicate the latest New York Styles Men who know tell us that we show the best line of ma terials, on : the x north .coasts The identicat . patterns shown in the heading high ' class eastern shops are here immediately upon produc tionbut not at high class prices. There's the differ ence in , methods ; here we give you the choicest repre sentation of Cassimeres, Tweeds and Worsteds to be found anywhere-andsa ve C you from $10 to $20 on a suit, and proportionately, on -l pair of trousers,: ,, Suits and Overcoats ; $20 to $10 Trousers $4 to $10 Now Ii Good Time to Try ;. Ut Out Take advantage of this spe cial Free Trousers Offer , an extra pair absolutely free, either same as suit or dif ferent, of striped goods, as you prefer, with every suit costing not less than $22.50. We guarantee: to please you and save you money. -; ELKS BUILDING, SEV ENTH AND STARK STS. WE LEAD THE BEST DENTAL) WORK - 'AT- THE '.TrV; LOWESTPRICES 'i-'. i . ae vt xani. raa niaiee ,91.00 Beet Set f Teeth, nkkar alatoa... t 00 Brida Werk. a? taotv.. aaa 014 Orowas, par teeth.. .M Cement and Sliver yilllar, ... . 4H14 aa4 Yrosl4a Vmiaa; mtk." l.M Xstraexlng ot eleaalng oowth free , ot obara-e wltk ether work. Ofnee slo-ora s a. ra. e B a. ta. iSO to p. at-. XoUoaya, a. sa. o It as. - - - . . Yale Dental Co. i?h riBiT rrrnkkT, B4rswaea Karrlooa aad Yamhill. v neae Mala 4047. . Why!