THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND. TUESDAY EVENING, JANUARY 8, 1907. 1: You Should . , i. ,.Mn mil :- - . XX. - ' fmSn rawa awa mim, aad yarn WUI aa all taaf. he ezaeeteeV " D aat deaalr aad teas aad swaae a yaag Mils ttt aat nUnM. JIT ad tf t f ; - What yaa aaaaat, siad a aa aaa aa fc4. - - , A4 axaaU earpeaaa Bade Calleetleag IN THE JOURNAL, f DAILT AND BUNDAT. ' '' RATE: One Cent per word.' More than two Insertion!, Five 'CentapeV fine each : "dajCof ThirrjrCentrperllfleper'week" of seven' T cuxyav .'Slx words constitute a line, bat less of the number of words. NO- ADVERTISEMENT ACCEPTED FOR LESS THAN : 15c TIMBER. TIUHEK OWNERS. ' " ' It ku become oa eatabllxhsd foet that w timber department always leads others ful km. The nnlgl manner la which we have managed timber deala Id the pest ta strong reldeoos that tbte year's -business will ha ins aesvieet itii upmcHM in toe uona . want. Our post yesr'o retard la esrtslnly sufficient ta convince timber owners that It will aot pay to delay a day longer In placing . their timber lende with us rnr aaia. wan ar wrtta -our offlceel giro fall accurate de errintloa of rlmher and lowest net essh price NORTHWESTERN OUARANTErT TRUST COM PAST. Lumber Exchange Bldr., Southeast Corner Second and Stark Bte. ' WANTED TIMBER LANDS. - Ta tha owners of timber lende We ranra. rat very heavy buyers In- tha following counties : Crank, Klamath and Lake, partic ularly townships 11 to 18 aoath. rangsa 10 snd 11. and 15 to 30 eaat, and swing to tha feet dhst oar buyera hare the estimates oo tba great-r pnrtloa nt tha timber In tha shove - couotlaa It anable oa to make qnlrk aalea. ' tnerefora aead aa your fall dearrlpttoa and aattmarta; alaa ynnr tnwpat nee cao prk, and wa eao do boalneaa with ym on abort time; as naddlna; nrleea aoea with fla. . . Wa alwaja kav bayara for wall-loeatad alngla 'tiaiaw. OREOO BROTHERS. '-' : S4 Slita at.. 81T and SIR lento BMg. j Portlaad. Oratca. TO OWNER f ttaabea alelma and timber Wa will bay for caah any aood timber trlbntary ' to Itehalem rlrer; will deal with awnera . aolyi no ethera need a newer. Wrlta, iMn ran partiraiara, to Kl l. u, r. SMtkoa. roruaoa. urecoo. WANTED Timbered land, larra and amall trarta; eorraapoodena eoltrlted. E. 8. II at- teeoa Co.. ClS.Waat th at.. Loa Anfales, bare raah jKTyere for yelknr plna ttmbet ante vrm inq ni.niniinaj aieo ffw yellow fir, aproea and bamkx-h timber laada) win Day rrooi aaa riaim op ir priew aaa loca tloa are right. Will pay eaah for aood re llaonlabmeata. Wa baea bad IS raara' n. perlaara la enaat timber baaloeaa. and hare aomparmt rralaera who wlU paaa aa tha witnonr neiay. w . EMBODY BRADLEY CO. 708 Chamber of ComaMrca. . CERTIFIED aerlp. a-y alaa, towaat pHcea. W, O. Howell. 888 Cbamber of Commerca. BRITinn COLUMBIA Tlalr)EB LANDS wa naye rnr aaie larre ana email trarta af flaa a)her, both aa water and rail; ertree from 14 an. areordlna to location: tell aa roar wanta and wlU ha pleaeed to aiiaaui uar. aiaena r. vnaaoiar. au uaa tlnfa at., Tancooear. B. C FOR SALE 28.000.000 feet of yellow and red . flr;, can be locxed to Colambta. 1 anile from R. K.l tbla la rloaa In. and la a (leelrahle ' lonlnf pmpoelrlon; If yoa want It cone qnica. t. a. reyiar, oio aiarqvam oiaa. - FOR 8ALK- 1000.000 feet chnlca aproea timber rloae to Colombia nver; ran he Inaaed at amall roat: will be aold rbeap If takes eoon. ' Call ar addreea, J, B. Taylor. SIB klarqaam ' bld(. ' WE have 8.000.000 feet burned -ore? timber In B north. 6 eaat, 1 mile frea Waahoaf al ' rlrer; make aa aa offer. Alao eome eratterlnc M aeeftona that are aood bnre and will make yoa money faaC ' SPHINX AOENCY, SOSVi Stark at. 18 000 noo pRarf of fr iocnlnr atream, an, T. 14 W.. cheap. M. 2274 Waablnatnn, MIXES AND IXVESTMENT8. OOETJB D'ALENB MININd STOCK ;. 1 am a 1 ware In tha market either to hay or eell any active fnlnuif a toe k J loana made a any Uated aernrltiea. . . X. P. BROWN. 401 VfrKay bldf. HORSES, VEHICLES, HARNESS. HORSES and bnatlea far rant by day, areek and month; apodal rate to bnalaeaa-konaaa. ' Sixth and Hawtbora,, Caat 1i. S0CD tear for aale, welrht S.800. eheatnnt and black. O. B Taylor. Inquire Paetfto Pottery Co. I take S car. WB hay, aall, rent, exrhanre boraee. wacona, aeddlea. a a mean. Hubert a Ball, 208 Itk at. DOUBLE axpreaa and team, raah or terms, of will let an aharea. S40 Water at. ClRNBT'S VETERINARY HOPITAU 29 OUaaa at. Phones Mala UM-36JT. , . ONB koraa for sale. S00. MM N. 10th SL, Ioa Home Lenndry. MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS. U0 REWARD foe proof that any talking aia. .chlne eonala tha Edlaon phonntraph; com plete atorki eaay paementa. Portland Phono. .. grapb Aaeoey, 128 He Tenth at. . Uala 8x04. CHEAP Oae'Af the beat rderma mennfae. lured; -neyer been Bead. Address le), eare Journal. ' run SALE 3O0 violin, old and hi tba beat of condition! a Brand violin for eome lady: will let It fo oa trial frlce (low. Toona Tabor . BARTER AND EXCHANGE. tr.ono OENKRAt, atnra, dolna a aire raah hnalneaa, trowlna towa In Waahlncton: owner miMt ao eaat.. what have yon to earhanvel Ulea deerrlplloa and price flrat letter. Kplaa did epeaaf. Addraas S 88, eare Joaraal. , Advertise. witaaat etch line is charged for regard' , ( FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS. SrwiNO MACHINES bonaht, aold and , as. ebansed, 83 and up. Weatera Salvage Oa., estT Waaklngtoa at. 8HOWCAAES. eaaatera,' fUtoree, boaakt, sold or exchanged. Weatera Kn liege , Co 827 Waahlngtoa st. Pacific 783. BILLIARD AND POOL tablee for rent ar for aele on eaay paymenta. - - Til 8 BBUNSWK'K-BALICB POLLENDEB CO. 48 Third it, rortlaod. . 60 SLlOHTLT damaged . sewlng-marbtnee at very low prirea; Singer. Wheeler a Wilson. Domestic, White, Umieebold, Davla and otbera; re make room for new atork Wheeler A Wllaoa and Singers. S. S. Slgel, S Mor rlaoa at., kiarquam bldg. . FROST MNPO. CO-Engmea and boilers: Oala . cy -Engine Worka CtirllaB and fonr-valve en ' glnee. A. J. Paul, sales agent. 102 First st. I HATE a Urge hot air beating furnace for - Bale cheap, st 88 North Front at. Henry Martaloff. . . SHOWCASES sad Sxtnres, new and eeeond band. Carlaoa 4 Kallatrom, 280 Conch at. BOLDEN'S RBEPMATIO CURB Snre core tor rheamstlam. Sold by all dragglata. SCHOLARSHIP for eale la Homes Boatoees college, valued at fdo. Apply to B. B. OUver, Kale is. Or.. B. V. D. No. 1. . SMALL sailboat, racer, first -class. Phone Scott V0. between 8 and S. rL'RMTVRB for five roai ma for aalei win eeTl chap If taken at tt north. Call, at 818 Cnloa FIVE copies popnlar aiuaic. Too postpaid. Levy's Mnale Hooee, 171 Foorth. SECOND-HAND bar Sxtnres. pool tables, asfea, - tables, chairs. . Weatera Salvage Co., 427 , Waahlngtoa at. CHRISTMAS BOOKS, .Bibles and prayer-books. Hyland Bros.. 220 Tamblll St. FOR SALT! Chatham tnenbstors and brooders, M days' free trial. Geo. W. Foott, 821 Eaat ' Uorrlaoa at,. Portland. SELPHANOEMAKINa cash register for sale cheap. 211 First at, ' . . . WS prtot yon? naere oa no railing cards, proper else and style. Sfic SAO business card a. $1. . A W. Bchmale Co., 22S First, Portland. Or. 8140 PEANUT-ROASTER for 875. 7S Wll llama ava. FOR SALE CHEAP Safe, 30; re esrsp. Thlra-st balldlng, 830.. Inquire B4S 'orth ltb at, FOR SALE CHEAP New gultsr of standard make. Phone Kaat 4100, FOR BALE no cords of Srst-claas wood tim ber oa O. W. P. railroad. A. D. Burnett, Eagle Creek. Oregns. - - PERSONAL. MOLES, wrinkles, superfluous balr removed. No rbarre to talk It over. Mrs. M. D. Bill, ' Boom 3.10 Flledner Bldg. Pbaae Pacific 1S& WERFOOT Oil Blacking aavsa tba leather; ab- solutely waterproof. BOf.DEN'S RBEI'MATIO CURE Snre cure for rheumatism. Sold by all dragglata. GERMAN bonka, magailnsa. novels, etc.; Ger man, Cngltah, French, Maniili, Swedl'h snd Italian dictionaries fore I m hooka of all kinds. Hchmale Co, 220 First st. A. RKIKKR. PRACTICAL Fl'RRIER. Expert filter, furs remodeled,- repaired and -eortved: 80 yesrs experience Insures entire sstmfsctlon. Phone Pacific 2467, Lewis bldg. SEXINE PILLS cure all forme af nervnne or mnamlar wesknee. For aien or women. Price 81 a box. a bores IS. with fall gnsr- snlce. Address or call J. 1. Clemetiaon. drug gist. Second and Yamhill sta., Portland. Or. DR. RINO cnoONO, Importer Chinese root meuinnesi sens t ntneea lea. certain cure Tor nil diseases, i 2.1, bet. Tamtilll atuLIiylnr. DR.G. Y. KltTCHl'M cure promptly prlvsre aiersees. sHiney, nervoas. skin eno; spensi female tronblee. Call or write. Office 170 Third at, cog. TauihIL Phone Pacific 222U. BALM OF FIGS for an female d I sea sea. 828 Eset Belmont. ' Phons Eaat 084. OLLS' HOSPITAI Repairing aad .dressing. Room 8. 84.1H Waablngton at. TURfysiI BATHS. 300 Oreronlan bMg. ladlca uaja. gentlemen niguts. Mala lDSa. MANLY vigor restored by Dr. Roberta Nerve . u ironies, vne montn e treatment. rcii a mouthe, 8(1: sent securely sealed by' msll. ' Agents,. Woodard. Clarke a Co, Portland. Or. SUITS pressed while yon wslf Rnr. Is dies' skirts preeeen. soc. nillert. loai. Sixth st, next to Quelle. Phone Main S0M. BKT aiagsxln clnha ever offered; synd for prices: agents wsntefl. Jones' Book Btora, 11 Alder at. rortlaod. Or. I DISEASES OF WOMEN: unfortunate girls and oaniee rsren ror; priests noapirsi. ir. Atswa room S. K.10V, MoT. at. Tel. Paclnc 17. HOLD ON There la one thlnr that will core rheumatism. Ask yonr druggist for hark tonle ar address ar esli J. 0. Clemeosoo, dmgglat. Portland. Or. OWL RESTAURANT, 2 Feet Morrlane) at. wtmtw upw tun np; enorv oruers, rrean oystsrs-. J. L." Tenia f f . proprietor. MIM ENOI.ISH. electric vlbratorv fare, scalp sea ooov treetmente; Rsrser s vibrator, some thing new. 14ft Sixth, roooje 24 20. REFINED ledy gives manicuring, rblronrdr. arsip ana racial treatmtat. sui Vi Third st., corner Taj lug, , PERSONAL. CHIROPODY, lip treatments, msdlcsted fsciel massage. 22 Washington at. . - 8WKD1.SII trahir.1 nonwi, Ilelalnxfora gradnate, curea rheumatlaui. sUJiuac-h troubles, nerveua dlaordera and sprains by bsad-rubltlng, ateatn, aweat and tub balus. No. 7 K.aat 11th St. lake East Aukeny oar. Phone K.aat 20. RECKNTI.T ofiencd manicuring parlors l ladles ana geotiemeu. KlVk slorrleun st, room 14 PROFKSSOR C. S. DOVE, pbrenologlat. scl en1llo cbarsrter readrr. Leneooa given la rlaaa or private. Formerly of baa Francisco, on Irs 813 Alsaka bkig. . MARItlAOB PAPER, sir best character, Uth yaari Incorporated; 2.000 members: 12 pages, era led; send 10c. L. L. Love. Box 1000. Denver, Colo. MRS. SOPHIA B. SKIP, reliable psychic; read ings dally: aplrllusl meetings Tuesday. el nradsy. Thnradsy. Friday. 8 a. ax.; testa ta all. iie. Sua Alltky bldg. ' CHILD'S aorae. motherly care at yoor home or mine. 1228 Bur lb wick at. Phone Scott 714. , MANICLRIVO psrlors for ladles sad gentle men, klocrlaoa at, routs la. A YOL'KO man wants to meet a refined yonng woman, 18 to 25, Juet tor pastime; a decided brunette preferred. X SS, rare JonrnsL lOUNtl selentirio mniaense gives e left r Ire f. si eobollc snd msdlcsted trestments; chiropodist and msnlcurlng. 41 Raleigh bldg. FACE and scalp trestments given at S48t( More rlsoa St., ssltes 1-2. - . LADIES: Dr. La Franco's Compnaad: ss'e. . speedy resale toe 38 eeats, ornnrtsts or mailt booklet free. Dr. La Franco, Philadelphia. Pa. LADIES: Ask your drngglst for Chicheeter'i Kngllsh Diamond Brand fills; regarded as . best, aa feet; si wars rellsMei buy of your . druggist: tska ao other: Chichester's Diamond Brand llla are aold by druggists sverywhvrs. Chichester Chemical Co., Philsdslphla, Pa. A T0CNO MAN of 28 wlahee to meet reflned lady between IS and 25 years desiring mstrl- , moor. Address Claries E. Brown, Portland, eTregon. TCTOMOfiiLES. , P. T. MERRILL Peso Toledo ears, aeoee pas. -.aengera. (8 per beat. Office Seventh end Oak. Mala 8211. Stand S. E. corner Sixth and Waahlngtoa. N. B. To MerrlU'a Caatla Edel Brae 83. ' : ASSATERS. 0ARVIN CYANIDE EXTRACTION CO.. and Montana Asssy Office. 186 Morrison at. ART. FREE LESSONS IN Embroidery Every Day. THE NEK1H.HCRAFT SHOP. . S82 Waahlngtoa at. PROFESSOR R. MAX MEYER. 848 Alder at. Portrait and lapdacape artlat and teacher. ATT0RNEY8. 0. H PIOGOTT AND J. A. FINCH Attorneya-at-Law. Practice In alt eoorts, 4 Malkey bldg.. corner Secoad snd Morrison. BLANK-BOOK MAKERS. Sown, DAVIS a KILIIAM, loa-lll Second st. . Blank books manufactured; agents for Jonee Improved Loose Leaf ledgera; ere tba new Eureka leaf, the beat oo tba market. BUTCHERS SUPPLIES. BUTCHER SUPPLIES S. Rlrkenwald Co.. 80. 808 Everett at.: largest botcher eapply hoses a the coast,- Write for catalogue, i BUTCHERS SUPPLIES Adolnk A. Dekom. 131-1SS First st., carries a fall line and cots, plete aaaortmeat at lowest market prices. BATHS MASSAGE. BATHS st 207 Third, between Taylor sad Sal. moo ate. ' We have added oo a Russian bstht, ' swimming pool, steam and hot air. Hours! Lad lea, pa. m. to 1 p. m.; gen la, 8 a. to. to 12 p. m. CARPET CLEANING. , STANDARD Carpet Cleaning Co.. largest pleat oa the coast. Lorlng snd Harding ata. , tele phone East SAO Csrpets cleaned, refltrsd, sewed and laid: both eteem and lataat eoa preased air procase; reaovsUag mattreeaea and feathers a specialty. SANITARY carpet cleaning, portion aad com preased sir combined; carpets cleaned oo floor without tsmovsL-Mara NVle. Mala 8200. CLAIRVOYANTS AND PALMISTS. Always Conaolt the Best, - PROF, E. KUIMO. Greatest II visa astral dead-trance clair voyant of the age; adviser en business and all affairs of lite; tells your full name aad what you called for, whom yoa will marry, bow to control the one yoa love, even thongh - miles away; reunites the separated: gives secret powers to control; no long drlsys la , salting. Hours 10 to S, dally snd Sunday. Permanently located la his own home. 2M Fifth St.. corner Msdlsoa St. DOLORES DOMINGU8. the renowned clatrvoy. ant and heeler; bar celebrated Spanish her lis cures dksesees af both sexes. Consult her ' before oouseiitlng to aa otieratlna. Office open every dey. 10 to 6. H Allaky bldg, Thtrd aad Morrlroa. PROF. WALLACE, palmist clairvoyant and medium: readings bOc. Parlor a. Tba Cos mos. 2A8H Morrison St. COAL AND WOOD. Telephone Mala frfttSS. Smithing Coal aad " Coal for Ships a specialty. The STOREY A BROOKES FUEL CO. (Incorporated.) - r Bxcluatve a gent a for : ". " ' '." ' KKMMRREH COAL. " COAL. COKE, CHARCOAL, Office pad Yard Front and Kearney sta. THE Portland Wood a Cool Oa. are Bow doing business In their new yard, at tba corner of Iflth and Savlet streets. Fir. ash. alabwood end coal. OREGON FUEL CO. to now selling Welsh ca tliraclte. beet coalmen the market. SM Airier : at. Main 85. ALBINA FUEL CO. Dealers In aordwood. coal and green and dry alabwood. R. K. and Alblna are., B blocks eaat of ferry. Eaat 874, STEEL BRIDOB FUEL CO. Dealers In coal, cord wood snd dry alabwood. Phone Esst 424. PORTLAND Sswdust A Slab wood Co.. 835 Front auccessors to Fuitoa Wood Co. Mala 1938. WESTERN FEED a FUEL CO. Honea and hlackamltk cos la. Pbooa Mala 1018. ' - r ' . 1 r 'cleaning and dyeing". CLOTHES cleaned and pressed 81 per Unique Tailoring Co. SCO Stark St.- nth. H. W. TURNER, prof esa tonal dyer snd cleaner. BOS Jefferson st Pbooa Msln 2318. PORTLAND Btesi 211 fourth st. i Cleaning and Dvlng Works, Phone Psrlfle l)7. CAFES. THR OFFICE 2S3 Waahlngtoa at. pbooa Mala ill, pemnel a fgneux. . DANCING. DANCING lesson, 23c; classes or private: waits Ing. two step, three-step, etc.; stags dancing, " hurt snd wing, clog, reel, skirt. Spanish, Highland fling, err. Trot. Wal Wilson, eaf recognised tescher, Allaky bldg.. Third and Morrison sta. WOODWARD. DANl'INO SCIIOOI, Clses Mnn.. Tlmrs. snd Set ere.: social, fsnry snd step dancing tsnght: 3 sset. lesrhers; rises snd priests lessons dally. Western Academy hall, Second and Morrison ats, Psrlfle Itno. WOOim'AHD DANCING SCHOOL Isas Moa dey. Thnrsdsr and Satnrdsy eve.; social, fancy and atep dancing tenrM: fencing taught: private lessons dairy. Western Acad esiy ball, Sscnnd and Morrlaon. Pacific lullil. PBOF. RtN(lI.ERTMlss'Bnckenmverlin school: ha 1 1 room etlqnetie: correct deerlng; elees Tees. -Hat. eve.; rtilldrea Set. p. si.; arlrste leseoue dall. Bus Alder. Mala lL cinuoroDisTS. CHIROPODY snd Psdlrarlng. Mrs. M. D. Hilt. Room :io Flri.lurr Bldg. Phuos Psrlfle 1 in. CARPENTERS AND BUILDERS. J. A. MELTON, the carpenter, 204 Foorth Stors snd office work. Main ln7. DRESSMAKING. TRY Angeles Dreaamaklng Psrlors, B4S Fifth snd Halo. Pacific m& ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES. PACIFI0 EI.KCTK10 CO Engineers, contraa. tora, repalrera, electric wiring, supplies. 4 First, cor. Stark. Mala .'. R. B. Tats. mgr. WKSTERN ELECTRIC WORKS. 81 Sixth at. Contract ors, electric supplies, motors snd dy namos; wa Inatall light sad power plaots. - MORRISON ELBCTRIO CX.. 1 East Morrlaoo St. Fixtures, wiring, repairing. Eaat 812s. BARRETT'S. 4fS Morrtaoa at. 'phone Mala 122. Everything la electric wiring aud lighting. FENCE AND WIRE WORKS. PORTLAND WIRE A IRON WORKS 2M Flanders st., cor. Third. Phone Main 2000. GASOLINE ENGINES. 0ASOLINR engines, all sixes snd styles, et lowest prices. Helmut Machinery Co., 182-4-8 Morrison - st. -v - i HOTELS. THE rlKM.KVUE. F.mrth and Salmon eta.-. Roams te ap; rates by week or tnosthl out-of-town trade snlleltsd. Vaclflc ClOS. HOTEL Portland, A marine plan, $3. S3 per day. BELVEDERE: Biirnpeao plan: 4th snd Alder sta. HARDWAREl. PORTLAND HARDWARE CO. solicits nppnrtnu. Ity to quote prices. 74 Sixth st. Pacific 4M. INSURANCE. IBAA0 U WHITX Bra Insorsi oca. 844 Bher. ; lOCk bldg. . J AS. Vrl. WOOD, smpkiyers Uabtltty sad ta. dividual aeddeot security bonds of aU kinds. Phone 47. W3 McKay bldg. LAND SCRIP, WANTED sod for sale. All kinds. Inclndlag approved forest reserve scrip far surveyed, aa- , surveyed, timber and prairie government land. H. M. Hamilton, The Portland." Portland. MUSICAL. THE WEBBER STUDIO Mandolin, banjo, gui tar Instruction; Glbeea msadolloe. 4&tt . Waahlngtoa. PIANO, vtoMa. pfSna, trombone, clarinet pro fessor A. Smith. 204 12th. Mala 4708. , MACHINERY. B. TRENKMAN CO Mining, sswmlll. log. (log machinery; bydranlle pipes, east lug; aU lads repaired. 104 North Fourth. A. J. PAUL. 10t First at Engloea, boilers, aawmill and croaa-arn machinery. THE H. C. ALBEB CO Second. hand chlnery. aawmllls. etc. 248 Grand ava. MONUMENTS. NEU a KINOSLET. 308 First et. Portlaad ' leading marble and granite works. MONEY TO -jOAN. MONEY TO LOAW -r On Improved city property ar for ba!Mmg purposes, (or from 8 to 10 years, time, with prlvllesw ta repay sll nr part of loan after two years. Loans spproved from plane and money advanced aa building progresses; mort gage tskeo up snd replsced. FRED B. STRONG. Flnsnclal Agent. 242 Stark sL CONFIDENTIAL LOANS oa salaries. Insurance policies, pianos, rarnltors. warehouse receipts, ate: any deserving person msy secure a 11b ersl advance, repsylng bytiyweeklyQf moninrr installments. , ' NEW ERA LOAN A TRUST COMPANY, - 306 AMagtoa bldg.- MONEY LOANED TO SALARIED PEOPLE . Just oo yoor own noma no other . security; don't borrow until you eee me: my eyatea to . toe nest for railroad men. clerks. Mot keepers, streetcar msn snd all other employes; baet aess 'strictly confides tlst F. A. New too. 424 Ablogtoo bldg. . MONKT ADVANCED SALARIED PEOPLX and ethers upon their own naoies without secur ity; cues pest rates, easiest paymenta; off lees In 80 principal cities: ears yourself money by getting onr terras first. TOLMAN, 328 Ahlngtoo bldg, 108H Thtrd st MONEY loaned to salaried people. Inst aa your owa namet don't borrow until yon sea aie; my syalem la the beat for railroad men. clerka, bookkeepers, streetcar men and sll other employes; business strictly confidential. F. A. Newton. 424 Abtngtoa bldg. WANTED Notes, mortgagee nr contracts aa sny kind of real sstste lo Oregon snd Waah lngtoa; second mortgages pnrrhssed Ifwell secured. H. E. Noble. 812 Commercial blk. MONET to loan la rums to suit, B end S years, as low so per cent, oo Improved city prop erty. Mooltoa a Scobay. 60 1 Columbia bldg, . 80S Waahlngtoa St. DON'T borrow money on salary until yoa are ' - Huttca Credit Co. , 813 Dekom bldg. - W. 8. WARD, lawyer. Allaky bldg. Probata aod mortgage boslnesa eollclted; moderate fees; loan a money on mortgagee from 2u0 up; eaay terms. MONEY leaned oa furniture, pianos and other . securities. W. A. Hsthswsy, room 10, Wash ington bldg. Pboae Pacific 1832. MONEY to loan; larre kiooe specialty; alaa building Inane; lowest rates; firs Insurance. William O. Beck. 812 railing bldg. CRESCENT LOAN CO.. 428 Mohawk bldg. Money to lend oa easy-payment plsa to wsge V earners; strictly confidential." $.100 TO 13,000 ta loan by private 'parry on real estato security at 8 and T par cest. Apply 17 Commercial bldg. MONEY to toss oa all kinds of eecarlty. William Holl. room Washington bldg. TO LOAN Same ta eult oo chattel cecal Ity. R. A. Frame. 614 the Marqnsm. TO LOAN 83,000 or lens on city property. , O. A. Johnson. 813. Comoierclsl blk. A LOAN for the aak Ing salary or chattel. The Loan Co., 410 Dekom bldg. 12.300 TO I) AN oa Improved real eatate. Ad drees K 101, rare JonmsL OPTICIANS. DR. B. J MILLS ptomerrle aad Evealght Specie net. .Rooms Jan. 2 Waahlngtoa ateees. OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIANS. DR. LILLFREU.E PATTERSON, grsduote of ths Northers Institute of Osteopathy, cless of 'HO; soertallat oa oerveus. scats snd eheonlo dlscaeea; consultation and eaamlna. tkm fr Ofnce 217 Fentoa bhlg. Phone Pact 8c lltM. DltS. AHIX A NORTH nlT. 413-lS IT Dekom hl.:g Third aad Waahlngtoa ata. I'bena tMaln 840. FlanUnatloo, free. PAINTING AND PAPERING. P. Aa IH-IANB. 2M Yamhill st.. oppoalie jour pal office, wall paper, pelotlng and decorat ing. Phone ns for estimates. Pacific 22od. FOR reliable work, reasonable prices, Sheehy Bros. 22'v Yamhill, wear 4th. Main 7A JLUSIBEBS. FOX A CO. Sanitary plumbers, YHLSecond. bet Mala aud Salmon. Oregon phone Msln Stall. DONKERBURG A RADEMACUER, removed ta lie. Bwrnsld at ,. BANKS. FIXBT XATIOEAL BAkTX OF POX TLA HD, OBEGOW. t . . Dsslgostad Depository snd frt sandal Agent of the United Btatee. Presldsnt .. VT.Ah. Ml LI a 1 Csshier J. W. NEWETSE H ' Aaalstsnt CaaUIsr W. C. ALVOUU ( bsoood AaaUUnt Cashier B. F. HTKVES Letters of Credit Available la Europe end the Eaatesa states. m ' , Sight Exchange sad Tslrgrapblo Transfers sold on New York, Boe-toe, Chicago, 8L lassla. SL Paul, Omaha. Ssn Franrleco and the principal polnte lo the Northwest. ..,.' Sight and tltns bills draws la sums to eult eo London, Parle, Berlin, Frank fort -on-the-Haln, Hongkong, Yokohama, Copenhagen, Chrlstlanls, Stockholm. Mt. Petersburg. Muscow. Eurlch. LADD TILT0K, BAsTXXRS XstabllakaA ta leaf.) Traaaaeta a Osaaial Baukuig Bualaeas. Collections made at an Points oa favor. able terms. Letters af credit leeoed available In Euro; and all polnta In the United ft t a tea. Bight Lxrbange and Telegrapblo Trsnafers sold on New York, Waablngum, Chlrsge, St. Louts, Denver, Omaha, Sao Francisco snd Montana end .British Columbia. Exchange euld oo l-ondnn. Paris, Berlin, Frankfort, Hongkong. Yokohsms. Manila snd Hooulolu. MERCHANTS' BTATTONAL BAXK, PORTLAND. OBEOOW. e. FRANK WATSON President I R. L. DURHAW VIoe-rWdeM R. W. IIOYT :...Caahler OEOROB W. UOYT Aaslstaot Cashier Tranaacts a Oenaral Ranking Business. Drafts snd letters of Credit Iseaea! Available ta All Parte of the World. Collections s BpecUlty. UEITID STATES MTIOVAL BAkTX OP PORTLAND. 0BE0H. , ' Northwest flnmer Third sod Osk Streets. Trsnssetn a Oeovrsl Banking Boalsess. DBAFTS IS8I KD AvalUbte ta All CILea e-f the ITnlted Hie tee and Enrops, Ilonrkon snd Manila. Collections Made Iril.,Tr!??; President.. J. AIMS WORTH 4 CsahUr .B.W. t-I1M,f,l'S Vice-Prssldsnt R. LEA BARNL8 J Assistant Caahlrr ...,W. A. HOLT Aealatant Cashier A. M. WRIGHT . BANKERS' LUMBERMEN'S BANK Pert laad, Oregea. Comer Second tnd Stark at rest a Commercial and sa rings department. Interest psld on aaviaga aeeounto. Drafts aod T''' f credit Issued available te all parts of the world. . -. D. C. PELTOV Presldvot 1 E. JC. MKARS Caahler , FRED II. ROTHCHILD... First Vlce-Preeldest H.'wV. STOREY......... Aaslatsnt Caahler JOHN A. KEATING,,. .Second yicc-Prealdent J PI.ATT A PLATT General Connsel THX BAXX OF. CAlirOENIA E.Uhllshs 1884. Head OfSoe, Baa Frvjioisos. Osllfernla. Canltal paid op 84.OuO.nriO Sumlna and nadlvlded proflfa. . . .8IO,n3.4flZ3J . Genrl Banking snd Pvrhsngs Business Trsnaseted. Interest sn Time Deposits, . SAYINGS DEPA RTMKNT Accounts Bar be opened pt 81 snd upward. . , ,., "' Portland Bran. Cbamber of Commerce Building.. WM. R. MACRAE... Manager I J. T. BCRTCHAEI.L. ..... Aaslatsnt Mansger , t TRUST COMPANIES. PORTLAND TRUST COMPANY OP OBEflOV Tha Oldest Trust Cempaay la Oragoa. RKSOI RCKS OVER 81.KO0.OilO. Genernl Ranking. Two par cent Interest oa cheek sccoants (even kuudreds! n dally balances of AVM or ore. Letters of credit and earhangs on sll parts of ths world. Savings seeouats. Time certifies tes. 3 to 4 per cent: abort call special certifies tea. 8-Vm or over. 24to 4 per cent. Tall for Book of ILLUSTRATIONS. -. Eoutheest Corner Third and Oak Streets. Phone Private Exchange 72. ENJ. I. COIIKN President H. L .PITTOCK Vice-President B. , LEE PAOKT Secretary J. 0. COLTRA , Aaslstsnt Secretary SXCTXITY BAVIW08 a TRUST COMPANY See Msrrlsea Street. Portlaad, Oregon. Transacts a General Banking B1nrat SAVIN CSV UKRA-UTMUNT. Inleieat AHnwrwr Tims sod Bsiliiga Acconnta. - Acts as Trustee for Estates.- Drafts and Letters of Credit Available an All Parte of the World. r. r. ADAMS, ...President I 7,. A LEWIS. ............. .Ftrst Ylca-Presldeot A. U. MILLS Second TW-rYesldent I B. 0. JI'BITZ ,.. , ,,,L,.SecrrUry qiW. E. RUSSELL Aaalatant Secretary' t NOXTHWISTEBW OTJAEANTTX TRUST OOMPANT Portland, Oregon. . Lumber Exchange, 8. E. Corner Second and Stark Streets (second Boor). , FISCAL AGENT FOR CORPORATIONS. State. Cousty, Municipal -Corporation Bonds- Bought end Sold. - New Enterprises Organised i and Financed. Stocks snd Bonds Guaranteed. 'ITLX GUARANTEE A TRUST COMPANY I ..' - ' MOBTQAOI LOANS oa Portlaad Titles Insured. J. TWORRURN ROSS A' President OEOROB H. HILL ' Vlee-Preeldent BONDS AND M OXXIS BXOTOTEB Ohaaieer af Ocanmeroa Mnnldpst Railroad snd Poblli Service Corporation Bonds. DOWTmrO-HOPXTNS COMPAJrT Eatahllahs 1(S BX0XZR8. " -." STOCKS. BONDS. 0 BAIN Bought aad Bold for Caah and on Margin. Private' Wtree. ROOM 4 CHAMBER of COMMERCE. J'hone Main ST. THX t. 0. LIE COMPAXT Ooanmeowsslth Bldg., Blxth aad Ankony sta Vartlaad. Oragoa. Brokerage Department H. W. Donahne, Manager. . Bee' fg Before Bnylng or Selling Stocks or Bonds. Can Always Bars Ton Money. LOUIS . WILDE HOJfX TELEPHONX BONDS BANK STOCKS. Member Portland Stork Exchange. , ' Corner Sixth snd Waablngton Streets, port land, Oregon. ' Overfceck, Starr & Cooke Co. - 103 Third St.. McKay Bldg, Portlaad. Oregos, - ,' ' fllAI PXOYISIONB. COTTON, STOCKS AND BONDS,' : : . WI DO A BTX1CTIT OOMKISSION BUSIXXSS. Continuous Markets by Private Wire. Quick Service.- REFERENCES Ladd a Til too. Bank, i era, and United States National Bank of Portland. ""' PAINTS, OIL AND GLASS. t. r.. BEACH A CO. Tba Pioneer- Paint Co.; window glass and glaxlng. 1SB First SL Phone t.1H4. PRINTING. THE MODERN PRINTERT Artlstle printing. 28 Russel bldg. Fourth and Morrison. Phone Pscldc 1825. , - . EVERYTHING IN PRINTING Prom rlrculare to cstougnea sod newepopera, Metropolitan Printing Co., 147 Front st. OGILBEff BROS., printers Cards, blllbsada. etc. Phone Main IHna. 14 nrat at. REAL ESTATE. Pavnc &. Van Tyne j Real estate, tnvestmenta. mortgages, loaaa. 310 Allaky bldg. Those Mala 3288. PARRISH. WATKINS A CO.. Real estate. Insurance, rental . and loan . a grata. 360 Alder st I. W. OGII.BEB. real eatate and loana: oatafi. llaltea iWU lot rirex sr, nss i. - A. B. RICHARDSON. REAL ESTATE AND MORTGAGE LOANS. Phone Msln B3Po. S7X rbamber or uommercs, ROOFING. TIN ROOFINO, gutterlnjr. repalrlog and general joooins. e. wo. .1. . r wi. .,v.. RUBBER STAMPS. P. C. STAMP WORKS. 948 Alder at., phoss tasm lio; raoner .usiie, www i-. tm i . . nam gage, trade checke: brass signs snd pistes. SHOWCASES AND FIXTURES. SHOWCASES af every deecvlptloo; bsok. bar snd store flxtoreo mane to oroer. ine fcataa Manufacturing Co., Portland. ' B. H. BIRDBALL," dealgncr; agent MT. Winter Lumber Co., 7 Hamilton bldg. Mala MM. SIGN PAINTERS. FOSTER a KLEISER SIGNS. We have built up the largeet algn buatnees In the city by Brst-clsss work snd keening our promises. Our prices are right. Fifth end Everett ata. Phone Exchange AS. V. P. BERGEB a SON, 14 Yamhill at taigas af all kinds. Phone Pad Be 2232. i 'SIGNS THAT ATTRACT A. H. Boel.C, 27 Stark at. rhone Pacloc ISPS. t : SEWING MACHINES. PHONB Pacific 273B and I personally win cat snd repair your sewing-mernme: wore goa onteed. B. Ssms, adjuster. 801 Third st. SAFES. PORTLAND SAFE CO.. Bole agents for Herring' - Hall-Marvin safes snd Manganese uteri Bars Co.'s bank. as .-a. The largest sssortmeot of high-grade Bit and borglar-piyol safes ta the northwest 82 Seventh at.' DIEROLD Manganese and Ore-proof ssfsa; lock rata opened; metal axtiirre: vault ana Jin work: lerke. J. E. Davis. Of 3d. Main 1(US. EIGHT second hand Bra-proof asfea aad two second nana oani sates rnr sum coeop, si iu Sixth st.. Portlsnd. Oregon, STREET PAVING. WARREN Conssrnetlnei Co.. street psvlng. old. walks ana crossings. ai i,amner Eimsngs- TI1R Barber Asphslt Paving Co. of Portlsnd. Office a.-' Worcester blk. w TOWEL SUTPLY. CLEAN TOWKIA DAII.T Comb, brush, anon. it per monin. roriiana usunory a Towel Snpply Co.. Ninth and Couch. Phone 410. TYPEWRITERS. HEADQUARTERS for new and rebuilt type. writers of sll makes: see onr window: Tf yon ere going to boy a new typewriter sea as be fore baring; we ran ssve yoa mosey; we have parts for repairing sll msehtues; ststs sgeofs for the Visible Fox; we buy sll kin. Is of typewriters. The Typewriter Exchange. Inc., E. J. Ellison, manager. 84 Third et HI sell Remingtons. Smith-Premiers. Dena moree, etc., loser than any other compear; Inveellgate. Underwood Typewriter Co., as ath. TYPEWRITER Repair A Supply Ce 400 Wash Ingtcn st. lbons Msln 4K4. BMCKESSDERFER typswrlters. e sod 830; . supplies, repalrlog. Rosa a Roes, 2V14 Stark. 840 WASHINGTON STREET, Real Eatate at Lowest Rates. A ha tr arts Fnrnlahed. JNO. K. AITCHIHON., ........Secretary T. T. BCRKH A RT Tressorsr INVEST5IENTS: Building. TRANSFER AND HAULING. THE BAGGAGE A OMNIBUS TRANSFER CO., cor. Sixth and Oak ata.; baggage cheeked from hotel or rest denes direct to destination; paaaengsrs therefore avoid rush aad annoy, sees at depota. Private Exchange 08. SAFES, pianos and furniture moved, pocked ready for ahlnulng and shinned: all work guaranteed; large S-etory - brick Bre-proof warehouse for storage, umre UV usk sb OUen a Roe. Phone Msln 647. . a O. PICK, office W. First St.. between Stork nod Oak sta phons 308: plsnos snd furniture moved snd parked for shipping; commodious onrg wsrenooss with separata irua rooms. rront and Clay sts. ROSE CITY VAN CO.. office 141 First St., pbone Msln 8228. Furniture and piano-moving a specisjiy; ws guars niee our NATIONAL TRANSFER A STORAGE CO. 270 Osk st. ' Telephone Mala 4480. Transfer- rmg-asa a tor ins. . OREGON TRANSFER CO, IS4 North, Sixth. Phone Main 80. Heavy hauling and storage. INDEPENDENT BAGGAGE a TRANSFER CO. Storage. 224 Stark St Mala 407. POST SPECIAL DELIVERY, No. 2H Wash . Ins-ton et. Pbnne Msln 002. WHOLESALE JOBBERS. xaaatoffhi mqftMf-!- M. A. CUNST a CO., DISTRIHrTORK OF FINE CIGARS. PORTLAND. OREGON. UUJERK. OAZB A GRAHAM ( me.) Commlsslea merrnaata, joonera or rrnita, arodaca, sta.; eoaslgamsnta solicited. 128 Front et EVERDINO a PARREI.L. p rod see and com mission merchants. 140 Front et, Portland. Or. Phone Main 179. ORBGON FURNITURE MANUFACTURING CO. siansrscturers oz rurm tare ror tba trade. Portland. Oregon. WADHAMS A CO, wholesale grocers, manu facturers and commission merchants. Fourth aad Oak ata." FURNITURE manufacturing and special orders. i. Hovsnsay s runurura rectory, but rront at. ALLEN A LEWIS, rasnmtsslou and produce mar enaoto, rront aaa Davla ata. Pert land. Or. WHOLESALE crockery snd glasswsre. Prsel, txegsie a vo, iw to tuo nrtn. cor. stark at. 1 AT THE THEATRES "Kerry Oow" at neUlg Tonight, . Tha clever Irish comedian and singer. Allen Doone, will present Joe Murphy's fsmous Irish drama, "Kerry tlow." at tha Helllg theatre. Fourteeath and Waahlngtoa atresia, tonight sad tomorrow nlgbt at 8:13 o'clock. Tonight's per foruianca wlU be aodrr the aaspk-cs of the Anrkmt Order of Hlberolano of this city. Allen Doone. tha afsr of the organisation, took Mr. Murphy's place two years ago, and bis trl ampha m the Urea eaatem dtlea have been told. He la aew to portlaad. to be sura, but with the production he ts at present carrying, to gether with a number of tha old cast to con tribute to bis support there seems nothing la tha way of Its being oaa of tha finest offerings of the present sea arm. , . 'Sultan of SuI,, Thai-aday. George Ada's catchy musical eomedr surcessr The Sultan of Sulu," will be tha attraction at tha Helllg theatre next Thursday, Friday sun oaisnur aisuis, -essusry IV, 11 BOa 12; with a speelsl-prlr . mat me Sstnrtlsv. Tkm Sultan of Sula" to Ade's first and probably one Of his most sueeesrfnj Works, The story of the oonqoeet and Amerlranlsatlon of tivs oriental potentate was much mora of h atory inao ws u.u dvvu vmi lo inn m aur musical rnmedy. As a result It to still lnf the height of its populsrlty. after four years, aad bids rair ta coaiinue snccessniiiy rnr several seesorie to come. eSats are oow celling at the theatre bog office for Ihe entire engagement. I "Little Duchess" Suntltty. Cnuateaa Otgs Von Hatafeldt mi.nn.11 k. an excellent company, will, present Anna Hold's famous muxtcar plsy; -ho- Llttts michea " for four nights at the Helllg theatre, brglunlug next Buadey night, January IS. Tilly Olson" at Empire. 'Tilly OUnu."-the new Swedish dialect play vhlrh opened at tba . Empire Hnaday. asa caught on." aa the earing sues, vers itmi. aod there wlU no doubt be crowded houses sll week. It to a story of the si any adventures, comical and otherwise, a young end Innocent Swedish girl baa upoa her arrival In thla mm. try. The scenes are laid In Minnesota, partly tn the country and afterwards In the eitr ef Minneapolis. ' There will he povulsr priced msll- e tomorrow an(T nstnrdsy, l , Germans Flock to Baker. "Old Heidelberg," the bar as a rcsnaaoa aow OTnnir men UIU1UI IIU.LIlli.u O'ER QUIHIOIL Queen Helena Celebrates Thirty Fifth Birthday Quietly at Palace. (Joornol Special Service.) Roma, Jun. 8. Queen Helena entered upon har thlrfy-firth year today, but owing to an Interesting; event expected to Taka place ahortly Jtho tplrtrulny snnlv . versa ry wa allowed to paaa almost un- obaerred at tba Qntrlnal. Tha Impend ing- visit of tha atork la looked forward to with Joy in tha royal household, as well aa throughout Italy, for It la tha cherished wish of tha young; kino; and queen to rear A large family. Tha royal couple already have threw chlldl -on tha Prlnceaa , Yolanda Mar gherlta. Mllena. born on Juna 1, l0l; Prlnceaa Mafalda Maria Elliabetta, born November 12.. 1903, and tha heir to tha , . . . s j v V -v. .j, y. w- . ... . Af .: Queen Helena, Heir to Throne, and King. Victor Emmanuel. ,-. , , throna. little Prince Umbwrto Nicola Tommaao' Giovanni Maria, Prinea of Piedmont, who -was born September 15, 104. Queen ..e'en hag alwaya been mora than content to devota herself to the' care rotrhechlidren,:- holding; herself aloof from afTuiro of atata and rearing; them with tha care and attention that a woman of ine plebeian ranka would be stow on her . offspring. Easentiaily a womanly woman, the queen is parhapa tha moat attractive royal personage of the day and certainly aha. ia tha most beloved snd admired woman In the king dom of Italy. The king la devoted - to her. . aafP ao a rule they dirva alone by choice, and their merry laughter may be heard by thoee in the nest room. They spend little time In the royal pal ace at the Qulrlnal, but live moatly In the amall palace at tba bottom of tha garden, built by Pope Coralnl and set apart during the life of Victor Emman uel II and Humbert for princes visiting Rome. It Is of modest dimensions, but la pleasant and comfortable and fur nished with refined simplicity quite In the English style., leewes Childraa. Queen Helena'a love of children la a popular 'tradition throughout tha king dom. The number of fat little "Bam- blnos who have felt the caress of hep royal Hps Is beyond computation, and at the charity basaarg which she visits it Is alwaya the baby clothes booth that secures her earliest attention and pa tronage. 8 he cannot be reproached with bourgeois tastes, however, for when tha occasion arises she presents a bear ing not to be excelled In tha most fas tidious courts, and It haa been said thBf she .surpasses In majesty of carriage any other aoverelgn lo Europe. at tha Baker, la awakening the home memories of thoee In Portland who have come from tha Fatherland- They- go In droves to breathe again the stmnspbere of borne sormoodlng tes plsy now being produced by the Baker atoct company. Scenery, costumes, plot, sll tell of the gay daye of the greatest tjermso college. iwhlle ho , thread of heart Interval running through the piece makes the production doublrt attractive. "Old Heidelberg" to aourtng a eec ond siH-cses. "Little Minister" at Star. Every one who boa read Ttarrle's story of "The Little Minister- will went to see the play at the Star theatre this week. 1 The Alien slock company to presenting the plsy b an elaborate manner with aew and appropriate scenery and coat ernes SP.d,jrlth"tbe mob scene aod all the effects whirs riiaile (Tie plsy ew popular In the high priced baneea. Miss Vsrna . Feltoa Is playing Idy Bebhte, ths role la which Mamie A Jams made her triumph. For rest Heabury Is the tittle m In later -aad- akt pec . formance la artistic tn every reepert. lbs keet of the company appears to advantage lo the long esst. Matinees will ho given Thursday, Ssturdsy and Sunday. Reeerve scots la advsare owing to the demand. . ' Cheerful Vaadevllls. CUeerful vaudeville to the rule at the fireeit snd this week there to sa eepodally lolly en tertainment n the boards. The Leffell three hare the distinction of being the headllners h their comedy acmbstlc act, In which I hey In troduce ths bounding Bet. This act to eae of Hie runolest gymnastic special ties sa ths rosd. A smiling pbvrter k 'tietef mgnt.- wntrn is presente.1 by Robert Rogers snd Looles Mackin tosh. The sket. n Is something new sna Is ss plssssnt aa a summer day. hsrles M.-fWiant SSS 0 Witty SOtl numorons wnvirvn, wniru SJ writ ilellvered fermlroe and ilolges do a einslng ood dancing o.-t. with oeio nt the be. I war.lrones osed la vsn.levllle. linmin Is slwa)S liked and i'lles I'e-roo. m sn eeier. tslner of no mean shlllfr. lie iiluarreie.t g sf llsrohl lloff Slid tbs coolel mnli.g p . tnres cooipl. te the progiam. 1 uiee siMoys da . The I'lrut Quest Inn. 't need work." "I can glvo ynu a )h. Good fs Jlonrs. 11:30 to :Jd. l you arcef - "Wall. 1 dun no. lio much, Una i for lunchT" J- v Yose t , , h t vu.- ..! - ..r. . . - i.