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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 7, 1907)
THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND. MONDAY EVENING. JANUARY 7, 1C07. OBJECT LESSONS ROADS Cost of Building on" the Coast Compared With That In " ;." the East PENDLETON'S HALF MILE -j : NOT A pROPEBJEST In Atlantic Cot State th Expense of Coustrurtta Fine Highways la Much Grmtrr Than It Eaatern Oregon- ' IVaa in T - - - - : fjosreal Special Sler1c. nun nnnn . u. i jin. -v '-- MhiAii.ltimnii rfvid con vatructd at, Pendleton. Oregon, under 1 I rDD .UK. - . the direction of. the United mates or- f lea of nubile roads, was "too costly. : ... - - -.Kb .Kla MM .1 MIB Hfti I O mile In length and cost t the rate 01 I MOO per mile., The roadbed' wii com- posed of volcanie ah. which, mad It necessary u un ui iwu-v material in surfacing as would bo I- qulsed In ordinary practice. I White tha coat of thla road : may seem excessive In oompartaon with other . .nm Droved" roads in me rar wm. n " the coat of roadaTh some bfnhe gTeat '.aaetern etatee, where for yeara roada nave Dean' sum iniim- w Pendleton, and where the most sys- tematla and aoonomical methods for rarrvinr on the work have been Take New Jersey-. - lor instance, - - ... a l J. direction of the tite'hTijTaYiMiMn1 , felon ainoe l.l. ana u wiu ne muna r i macaaanr- roau por ui.v m " ror a' roaaway iuri w width of 1 feet and; depth of all in Maesacnusens, wncr. iiiuiwi .'lima alao been carried en under me ai reetlon of a eUte highway commission since IMS. tbe everaice coat of macadam roada in 1104 waa St.SOO per mile, the width of the 'surfaced roadway being from 11 to 18 feet, and the depth vary- In rrora to ll mcnea. . .. - Since IMS Improved roada have been f constructed In Connecticut under the i direction of a atate highway eommls- i aioner. The average coster Wme-roeas ', In 104 waa M.S00 per mile, the aver . age width being II feet, and the arrr an Aenth seven Inches. l ' In New Tork. where atate roada have ! been built under the direction of the ' etate engineer eince IMS. the average 'coat "of ' the atandard . macadam road 'tmm l to It feet wide and six inches 1 Irf depth after rolling was 7.S per mile in- 1901. t.M per mile In 190!, -and 13,461 per mile in ISOJ. nv. t.k.a In.A An.M.irf Inn th 1 l 1111 VM. . " ....v - 'facta that the objeet-leaaon road at rtnaivion w oj '- length, which would neceaarily be more expensive In protottlen than a longer 'road, that the material was-laid down 'according to the latest and most sclen- airin mmnnfl, to m arum vi 1 1 v nv "and that -the cost of labor la allghtly ' Mgher en the p acific coaat than in the ' eaetern aUtea, It will be seen that the cost was not exeesaiva, dui on iui oinor lhand was decidedly less than Is paid for .'the same claas of work in other parts f the United Btatea. -- , LANE COUNTY TMED . AT FOURTEEN MILLS t rapeelel IHntit' to Tie JonrneLt ' " Eugene, Or., Jan. T. The Lane county .tax levy for the year 1107 hie been ' fixed by the county -. commissioners' : court, now In session, at It mills, di . Tided into different funds aa follows:. Bchool, 1.4 mills; sUte. 1.1 mills; road, il -mill; county, 'general. 1.44 mllla; library, .0 cf a mllL The 14-mlll tax will raise 1114. St on an esaeased valua " tlon of 111.497.000, the funds beinc ol v Tided aa follows: School, SS1.69I.I0; -.state. 141.040.70; road, 111,497: county, general, $99,800.61; library, 1929.81. 'PEASANT LEAOER - DIES IN 'RUSSIA ' ' IJoeraal Cnertat Ser.lee. St Petersburg, Jan. 7. The peasantry -of Ruaaia have . lost their greatest lesder In the person of Stephen Vsssl- II rich Annlkan, who Is dead In the ; province of Kiev. Annlkan waa 41 years of scea flna -organ ter and a - noted speaker. He was imprisoned for , Ills work In behalf of his feljows and ' served a long term In exile, which ' imdermined Ills health. On his return he founded the Group of Toll, end was a member of the dot) ma. ' . ' Discrimination. One of the lessons taught by the oc currence In life insurance during If is discrimination. It U not so often said that "all companies are alike." More people know the statement was never - correct. Because of the lesson of dis crimination a few of the more worthy rompantes did the largeat business of their history during 1906. Among thli dumber u the Penn Mutual Life Insur ance company. . Sherman Harmon, general agents. ROSEMIIAL'S, whaeeOJMWfcayeBeeg punt unow JfJJefiver Jen. T. H. H. Buckwalter, Portland's Cesl Shoe StoreSole Distributors , t'OLVES " GOSE PEOPLE - Hi mwin STREETS '"r 'aaaaai.ia-BeaaBBaBBaaBBBa Wild Animals, Driven Before Icy Blasts, Inyade City, and Ter . rify Min and Women. (Joaraal Boetrlal Berrlr. I Winnipeg. Man., Jan. 7. Heavy snows accompanied by - cold weather have driven wolves and coyotes into the cities and towns In such numbers that women and children are terrorised. . Tbe. famished animals are -so bold they In' vade tbe bualeat streets of the city. A big fellow was chased out of town last night by aa improvised hunting party.-' .:. While -walking to town Saturday even In Willis Underwood, a farm band, was attacked by three wolves and tooX refuge In a tree, lie waa rescued sev eral hours later, after suffering in tensely from the oold and - exposure. Two farmers in a wagon chased the animals away, killing one of them with a gun which they had brought along for Juat such an emergency. Farmers com plain of the depredations of beasts In farmyards and chicken-yard. i If the wolvea continue to, seek ' the cities measures will be taken for safe guarding cltlsens from harm. The sur- geetloa has - been . made -' that armed guards be posted at the outskirts, and tha may be done. . - . PETRIFIED FOREST FOUSO IN JRIZQNJI Remarkable Discovery Said to Have Been Made by Man Lost In a Blizzard. : r MVBfWII OkJSJLlSJ' DTIiTV. r wlio has Tustrerorneitfrnnrrlxwia. reports he discovered there a new and Immense petrified forest, which far sur passes those heretofore found, both In number , of trees and beauty of petrifica tion. He ear the trees In this forest are all aolid agate of the - most brilliant colors, and one or two stumps If taken to New Tork could be cut and pollabed into table tops and sold at fabulous prices. . .. . - Buckwalter brotlght away some large specimens and also ons chunk weighing ZOO pounds... It la probably-taa jnost beautiful specimen ever brought out of Arlsona. - - The discovery of the new forest was made entirely by'accldfnt' and- waa due to the fact thst tbs Denver man waa driven out of his course by the bllssard which " raged through Arlsona about - a month ago. He could not Induce guides to-accompany him and. he went alone, becoming lost and finally finding him self In the forest, which -was 10-.-tnlles out of his course. OFRCERSNSTALLED- BY ROSEBURG 1. 0. 0. F. (Special Pt.patck ta The JonrnaL) Roseburg, Or.. Jsn. 7. Rlslna Star loage or una renews irw a most proa parous condition, having taken in last year 11 new members, increaelng the membership to 101. The lodge has over $2,000 worth of property. Tbe fol lowing officers bavo been installed: E. V. Hoover, N. G.; I. Abraham, V.O.J Frank O. Mlcelll R. B : A. N. Orcutt, treasurer; M. Fickle, V. 8.; R. H. C Ward, warden; D. O. Palm, R. 8. N. O.; O. R. Rice, L. 8. N. G-: H. Wallenberg, conductor; O. A. Signalness, L Q.: Carl Ohman, O O,; S. M. Kelley.-Rr-tir-Vi-Q 8. J. Jones, L. 8. V. G.; L. O. Carle. R.S.3.: Oscar Edwards, L. 8. .; Frank G. Mlcelll. trustee. NORTH POWDER HAS OPERA HOUSE COMING (Stwdrt Mxtek to Tbe Jneraal.t North Powder. Or Jan. 7 Howard Campbell la to build a new opera house to meet the pressing; demand for a larger amusement hall. . The North Powder Home Talent Dra matlo club opens with the same man acement that made its plays shore the usual amateur acting aa found in smsll towns. E. O. Bailey has made the company equal to any that show In this town. xn ciud is made up of the High acnooi pupns and members of the North powder 811-rer Cornet band, and haa at least three talented young o tora. who will fill houses this winter, aa they did semi-monthly ail last sea son. . Wctoa O. E. S.Of fleers. ("Will DUmatrh te Th. Jonra.l 1 Westpn, Or, Jan. 7. The following oinccrs or (crescent chapter. No. 47. o. E. 8., hare been installed: Mrs. Amanda J. Proebstel, worthy matron: W. R Price, worthy patron; Mrs. Callie Simp. on, associate matron; Mra. AUca Prloe, Secretary; Mrs. George Simpson, treas urer; Mrs. Vashtl Baling, conductress; Mrs. Catharine Dupuls,. associate con ductress. Three Firemen Killed. (Joarnil Spwtel Karrlc. New Tork. Jsn. 7. Firemen Lennon. Csmpbell and Biefert were burned In the ruins of Hill's psper warehouse, which burned taat night, en Roosevelt street. The third story suddenly fell. When the roll was called the men named were missing. 149 THIRD ST. ANOTHER; WEEK OF SPECIAL: OFFERINGS started this morning---- Some of the lines, offered. lastt week have been closedShowing that the public appreciates GENUINE BARGAINS We have not marked down everything Nor do we intend to VVhere we have made reductions the cuts are DEEP and the articles move out at a speedy rate As an instance we have sold ALL BUT FOUR of our immense stock of Misses' Man Tailored Coats Here are some of the GOOD THINGS to be haci this week . w . - - .spbciAe ormn If you $2.50 values now , $1.50 values now. $1.00 values "now r: . . . Misses' Misses' Neither time nor we are off ering ANARCHISTS ARE AGAINST Emma Goldman Berkman and Other Leaders Arrested for Talking Too Much. (Joornil BrmUI aerrles.) New Tork. Jn.-7. Ths police broke up a meeting of anarchists yesterday and srrested Alexander Berkman, who attacked Henry C Trick in the Home stead riots of 1891; Emma Goldman Berkman and John R. Coryell and Israel L. Schwarts. The charge s gainst Mrs. Berkman Is giving utterance to In cendiary speeches. Among other, things sne said: - 'It Is ridiculous to think that society cannot get along without government. We will say to the government, Give us what belongs to us In peace, and if you do not give It to us In peacs we. will take It by force.' As long as I live and am abls to explain myself I will be opposed to government, and as I live snd as my brain dictates I will use force against a government." Berkman at the police station aald: "I believe, aa an anarchist. In govern ment without force. The foundation of tbe present and all government la force. I believe society Is perfectly eapable of governing ltaelf." COLUMBIA COLLEGE ' IN GOOD CONDITION (Bpeelil tMtpitch te Th. Jwraal.) , Milton, Dr., Jsn. 7. At a meeting of the board of truatees of Columbia col lege, the reports given were entirely satisfactory. In the financial state ment it Is reported . that tbe school Is entirely out of debt, with a small sur plus. The enrollment la now 110. The mualo teacher, Mrs. O. I Morelock, Is still vsry 111. and It is feared she may be compelled to resign on account of bar Illness. , - YOUTH BURNED -TO DEATH IN SLEEPER Joenwl BpeeUI fervlm t y ' Council Bluffs. Is., Jan. 7. Another horror was added to the railroad In tbe past few days, -when Louis Delarlo of Washington, P, C clerk of the houee committee on irrigation, was burned to death and three others were Injured. The Pullmsn sleeper on the Los Angeles Limited, known as No. I. caught fire while the trslns - was be tween this place and Missouri Valley, en route to Chicago, and before the flames vers extinguished. Delarlo waa dead and CRbice of several hundred i MEN'S SUITS, RAINCOATs'aND OVERCOATS, r ; ; Some of them were $25; none less than $20. At Special .. : .' ; . $1415 do 'not take advantage of this offer, need any clotnes. - . : v7''-", " UNDERWEAR BROKEN LIN1LS At Enormous Reductions ........ W. ...... r. $1.50. - .r...... ....... $1.00 . . MISSES' TAMS AT : ' . A Small Lot Still on Hand $1.50 Tarns. $1.00 Tarns. space admit mention of more than OUR WORD for it O. H. Johnson "and Henry Bsbrow of Bait Lake and Mrs. B. Hlgglns of Car bondale, Pennsylvania, were Injured or had suffered greatly from exposure. It Is believed the flames wsre caused by a spirit lamp, which a woman had use under -her berth . to heat milk for her baby. - i Pelarlo must have smothered, as his body was badly burned. He waa 11 years of age and was returning to his duties in Washington sfter a visit te his home in Laramie, Wyoming. ONE KILLED, MANY INJURED IN RIOT (Journal Special Service.) Ban Francisco, Jan. 7. John Rou hatos waa killed yesterday In an stuck of 1,400 Greeks against Maurice Buck ley, foreman of construction on the United Railways. . The riot began at Blxteentb and Valencia streets, when Foreman Buck ley discharged William Christ, the In terpreter, and Roubstos. A shower of bricks and cobblestones fell about the foreman, who took refuge in a saloon, which waa almost wrecked by the Greeks In their efforts to reach Buck ley A brick hit Rouhatos on the head and smashed It. Buckley- defended himself wltb a sledgehammer and tha Greeks carried away many Injured, A riot call was sent in for police, who drove the Greeks from the saloon, quelled the disturbance and arrested Buckley, Christ snd Nikolas - Petratos. The Greeks refused to return to work and the railway will be badly crippled for help. -. POSTAL SHOWING OF ' ; LEWI STON. IDAHO (Special tM!teB te Tbe Joornil. -' Lewlston, Idaho, Jan. 7. Postal re ceipts of tha Lewlaton office for 110. amounted to, an Increase of t4.117.81 over 1906, when the receipts reached $17,114.74. Theee figures give Lewlaton the . second largest postof f Ice In the stats. Boise having the largest Brains Repaired Grape-Nuts "There's Reason." 3UR price that : $3.45 values. $3.95 values. $5.00 values. $10.00 values. you don't - -: HALF ' .,.75 ,...50 If you call you FIFTEEN THOUSAND - FOR tXPERIMEHTAL STATION Regents' Executive Committee Says Station Has Been Paying Enterprise. (Special Dtepatea le The JooraaU ' Union, Or., Jan." 7. The executive committee of the board of regent! of the State Agricultural college, has de clared poeltlvely n favor of the main tenance of the experiment station at Union on a larger scale, and they will advocate an appropriation of not lees than 115.000 st the next session ef the legislature. The commutes at' ' re cent meeting commended the work done by tbe Union atation, and favored a con tinuance of the work and the employ ment of A greater force on the farm. It waa found that the farm had almost paid running expenses during the past year, and. , with seeds and stock taken Into conelderatlon, had more thsn paid Its wsy. The station has proved Itself Practically- self-supporting under tbe moat adverse condition. The land Is rich, and with the right sort of farming will produce good re sults. There win be a meeting of the full board of regents at Corvallla, Wednesday, at which time the findings of the executive committee win be pre sented. MASONS AT "L0STINE ' INSTALL OFFICERS (Soeelal Manatee to Tb Jomst.l - Lostlne, Or., Jsn. T, The following officers have been Installed for Loe tine lodce. No. lit. A. F. A. M : M. W. Goodman. W. M.; . V. Cray, 8. W. EL R. Beelev, J. W.i J. H. Haun, eeo- retary; 8. L. McKensle, treasurer; O. r. Mays. 8. D. L. Olsen, J. .; O. W. Cray, tyler. ' The following officers wsre Installed for the Eaatern Btar lodge: Ella Mo- Kerisle, W. M.J Jennie Olsen, A. M. A. F. Foley, w. P.; O. F. Mays, secretary; S. V. Grey, tressurer; Hat tie Maya, con ductor: Mae Cray, A. C; Nannie Sealer, Adah;. Adlth Lewie, Ruth; Maude Maya, Esthsr; Irene Boatman, Martha; Edith CASTOR I A lor Infuiti and Children. Til Kir, J Yea Haft Alwajs BszgM Bi.cetur. of CZjffi&E&U TXJVIMIIX : Is overflowing with BARGAINS. We have selected every Broken Lot in vast stock and made such deep gashes will close them out in short - Better-come early. BOY'S SCHOOL SUITS Sale-Price Sale Price......... . Sale Price. . Sale Price.;- BUSTBR-BROWN STYLES $3.45 values. Sale Price. ..82.25 $5.00 and $8.00 values. Sale Price. ......... .$2.05 $10.00 values. Sale Price...... ...i..v......S5.05 BOY'S SAILOR SUITS ' With Plain Pants'-; - $5.00 and $8.00 values. Sale Price.;.. v;.;r. .$2.05 $10.00 values. Sale Price. ................. .?3.05 ..CHILD'S RE,OLRS ." Aees 3 to 8 years". Child's Reefers; were $1.50. i Now. ..,.. r.0e " Child's Reefers; were $2.0q; , Now. . . . . . . ; . . . :$1.35 RUSSIAN OVERCOATS Ages Y to 8 years "$2T80 RussialTOveTgOats; nuw. . . . . .$1.50- $3.95 Russian Overcoats; now. ...... ........$2.50 $5.00 Russian Overcoats; now.. ............. .$3.15 a FRACTION of will not be disappointed. CARTER'S! J lb?- U CURSE. StekBeadaebesad ralimall thetroablas tnt te abtUoaa atetaerf ate sjMe.snak ss IA1B1MH, Xuwm, Proirela Ptatms after eating, Fata la tbe Side, ee. While thatr moat rkeblea i aas baea sbawa la eaiug HeadaeBe. yet Carter's little Live PIT! as sqnally nluiable la OonotrpaUnn, eurlng sod pie vwtlag thlaaaiMylaeouplatat,llle tb.j atoe eometalldlaorderaoftheatnaachtlniul.ttae lhmraaA regelate the boareta. XnaUkhayeau sand sa as agf aa s9V . Aehe they would be almoetprlealesa to those who .u(Tr from tlila dlatreMtog emsplaiati but forto Bately their taodiMMihMa aotesd b.ra,and thn.a wheoaee try Urn wUl tnd thee. HtU. aula vain, able la ee many ways that tbey wUl not be wiW JlagloaewithoattlMau But after all slak head ACIHIta hthebsBeeCsenenyllvse tha hare lo where wemakeoargnatboaat. Our puis eureUvhUs UMre do not. Carter's Llttls Uvar Pills are verf eaaaH Sad very aay to take. OneertwoptUsnakeadoaek Tbey are stiietly vexMable and do no gripe oe pnreabatby their gentle eottoo pleessaU who - Casm KKicna mr rou. ' Poley, Electa; M. K. Boatman, warden; O. W. Cray, chaplain; H. J. Martin. senunei; urace McKemie, organist. MILWAUKEE CONTRACT . FOR FORTY-TWO MILES - . (gpedal Dlapateb te Tbe JeersaLt " Lewlaton, Ids., Jan. 7. Naylor t Nsr- lln, the extensive contractors of this city, have been awarded a contract for the construction of 42 miles ef the Chicago, Milwaukee it St Paul railroad In tha saddle mountain section of east ern Washington. They will grade from the Columbia river -up Tfout creek, and under tne terms of the contract must have the work - finished by the and of the present year. rone Ik-lJeved Safe. -Ifnaraal Mpeetal Ser.ln.t Ksw Tork. Jan. I- It la thought the steamer Ponce, of the New Tork-Porto Rico Steemshlp company, overdue at this port, fa safe. Captain Chapman of our in the order. $1.05 .82.45 . . . 33.05 .86.50 the BARGAINS - i 1 LEADING CLOTHIER Dental Work Of quality- la dependable UTrUTTj Tbe repairing or replacing of Your Teeth Receives the careful attenUoa it meiita. Our splendid office equip, ment "combined with a large vol ume of bualnees enablea us to render a superior dental eerviee at a reasonable cost to you. It-kt bold Crowns.. 85' and S6 Full Plates ai to f lOO Plstlne FlUInga ..; fl Painless Extracting ,.50V examination Free of Cbarg Work euaranteed, . - ZAdy Atteadast, , v. Boston Dental Parlors . wiM KOsmHow it, o. ros ... ornos, - VOUR GLASSES DO THXT mi II they're sot IX ACTL right, let ee sake tb.m ae. Wb.a we St TOO, w St ram EXACTLY. lif sxpenenee, erary Mrenary ed.a title apparatne aed tbe reqnlred know f1f aoabllng a. to rernctlr oae tbe ear own complete workakop wltb erwy faclUtr vea to tbe tr lading cf .peelal lean, are all at your dH poaal here, amrlng a Mrvlee ant poe alhle with etbera Iom ( equipped. Aft la, ae year gUaaea riT, or aearl atl - Nonsdl Optical (b. rWUATEU -WAH SO. PCRTUXD the Shenandoah reports alrhtm tha Ponoe a December II in latitude 17:4.1, longitude 11:41, about half tha dlatance from Ponce. - s . . r Cutters are search In r for the misslnc era ft. . .-. Tref erred Stock Canned Oooda. Allen at Lewis' Beet Brand. , ' Una.