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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 5, 1907)
Till: OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, SATURDAY EVENING. JANUARY 5. 1C07. TONIQHT I AJIUBrKZT. Baker ktuulre.... .."A Mllk-Whlts FUf" Ths Old Clutb Man" Lrrlo. fct.r ' t&ua to Ertn - "Mcth" ...... .ViU.lflll .......Vaudeville Uraud . . Pastages Pekln Restaurant will throw it door open to th publlo Saturday at 1 p. m. Chop susys and noodles cooked a la ' Chlnoia and served to suit ths rnont fastidious. Chine .delicacies of all kinds. An up-to-data check raataurant In connection. Kre today with any or der, a delicious cup of tea. Entrance, ' SBSVi Stark street, oorner Sixth, second ; floor. , ' , , ' Rev. Hiram Vrooman of Boston will lecture at tha Paoplc'a Forum on "Gov V. ernmental Ownerahlp of Railroads" Bun- ' day evening- at o'clock. Sunday even ing, January It, E. B. Beebrook, stata . tax commissioner, will speak on 'The Tax Question." All lectures are fol . lowed by open, general discussion, j TU .-publlo la Invited to attend.- - " ',' Tha State Board of Medical Exam . ' lners of Oreson will hold an examina - -' tlon at the Dental college, Fifteenth and ' ,, Couch streets, beginning at t:J0 o'clock ' oa .tha morning of January and con- "Unulng two and one-half days. , There . will be about to applicants for a phy ' glclan'a state license at thla tim.- 1 The chamber of commerce Insurance com n A tee held a meeting ysteray aft ernoon to oonsiaer tn oui mat wui oa '. presented to the next legislative ees . lion In Oregon- to adopt .the New Xork - standard form of polloy. , Tha commit tee will meet again between thla data ; and tha gathering of the legislature. ' ' C."FrPck, Alias Frank Baxter, 'was arraigned before Judge Sears In tha -' - circuit court this morning, charged with obtaining money by false pretenses. He la accused of obtaining tit 'from Roy Valencia on a bad oheck. - - Peck was ;llowedtUl Monday morning to plead. The Portland General Ministerial as- ... soclatlon will meet in the auditorium of the T. M. C. A. at 1:0 a. m, Mon . day. January Tha report Of the T. M. : - C-A.- committee by Ber.-A- W. - Wilson - will b tha principal business to come ....... before cue meeting. ., . Articles of incorporation ' of F. 7 F. Haradom 4s Son were filed in the office of the county elerk this morning by F. ' F. Haradon, J. H. Kloatermaa and Ard ' M. Haradon. ' They will conduct a wholesale confectionery business. - Capl tal stock 1 20,000. If yon want to buy the hand-painted - Japanese chlnawar. ladles' hand-made -. ' underwear . regardless of cost, come - early before we pack up. Showcases and fixtures' for sale. Japan . JBaxaar, ' (( Z"'". Sixth street. ,.'- EvangellstI meetings At -Immanuel '- Baptist churchy conducted by Evangelist Li K. R. Harmlaton and wife, are growing in Interest and there have been several conversions. The meetings continue next week. ' , :. ' Steamer Jessie Harkins for Camas, . Waanougal and way landings dally ex cept Sunday. Leaves Washington street dock at t P m. Rev. John Ovall will lecture at First . . . German Baptlat church, S7 M1U street. -"... tomorrow at 8 o'clock p. m. Admission Is fpv -.- -.. .TMHfVtnd art man. 4T1 "Washington street. Is aelllng'etcblngs worth 76a to , f 1.10 for Sio this week. . Investigate. - ' Wllholt mineral water and salts. K. JT. Wallace. AgL. Ml Id. Tel. Pao. 18.8. ' Special sal of etchings for one week, -aSoeanh. Kallar, tbaxtmajy471-Waan ington street. ' S Acme Oil Co, sell tit best safety eoal oil and fine gasoline. ' Phone EaatNTt. ' Woman's Exchange, lit Tenth street, . lunch 11:10 to ; buslneas men's lunch. . Russian baths, 207 Third. SSe. Ladles' hours I a. m. and 1 p. m. MANY ARE IN LINE TO SECURE CONCERT SEATS Never In the' history of theatrical and musical events in Portland baa . tier been such a line-up for sea La as occurred '-at the Hellig thla morning, when a vast crowd turned out in an endeavor to ob tain seats for tha Schuraann-Helnk re cital. - Th great contralto's popularity nas 1 .ig been known, but such a tremendous .- evidence of it is rarely . shown. - The recital oa Monday evening at the Hellig , will be aa notable for Its audience as It is sure to be for Its artistic great ' ness. The famous contralto la In beau tiful voice and has prepared a magnlfl S cent program. The recital la under the . -direction of Lois Steers-Wynn Coman and sats are now selling at tha Hellig box office. PAVINtl QUESTION " IN COUNCIL MONDAY Baker City Or., Jan. ' aV--The people are looking forward to. the meeting of the city council Monday evening with more than ordinary Interest, It Is be ' lteyed that at the coming meeting some - action will be taken on tha queatlon of street, paving. It will be the first meet- ing of th council for th new year, and it ia th general hope that It may set a pace for progress! veness . In pav- v Ing matters. - J - . If every man saved a reasonable percentage of his 'earnings, there would be no poverty. ' ' ; V Just a little put by each week or month soon amounts fo quite a respectable sum enough , to start a little busi r ness6r take advantage of some opportunity. ;' Wc want you to save and accumulate money. We so much desire this that jwe offer to pay.ybu for helping , yourself. . c-.,:':, ' :- i ;:'-:;...l- Save a part of your earnings, bring them to us and the 4 per cent interest we payyou will help swell your bank account. :';'-:; .'" " ' '"-7'. '. ..3 Wc Remain Open V Until 8 P. II Saturday Evenings or the convenience of. working people and , others who are unable to leave their business during regular bank-, ing hours. 1 Open other day from 10 a. ' m. until 3 p. m., Except the Safe Deposit Department, which is open from 9 a. m. to 6 p. m. OREGON TRUST & SAVINGS BANK Sixth and Washington Sts. -P08TLAN0, OREGON 1 The Play A good leader, unerring mualoal taste and a bunch of clever singers that Is all that ia needed to make good mualo. But add to thla college spirit and you have that delightful combination of am ateur - enjoyments : in one's work and professional finish that can be found only in a first-class college glee club. And - then - you - will know - whey - there waa aucb enthusiasm at the Hellig last night for the University ofQregon Qlee and Mandolin clubs. - . There is something about a college show that' sets the blood a-tlngling and makes you chooae tha cruder work in one to the absolute perfection of de tail In another. The audience last night was made up largely of Oregon alumni and college men and women from other parts of the country who lived over again ' the sensations of youth and cheered their own college enterprises through j the : ona - represented - there. The program opened with two Oregon songs, "O Oregon.", written by Pro fessor Olea and ex-President Strong some years ago, and "Hall to Oregon," written by Louis A. Henderson of the club. Th lively ana easy manner In which the boys came out as If they were really in- the college room, the stage had been made ao well to repre sent with, ita countless college and frat pennants, carried th audience at once. The splendid "Ha! Hal Hal" encore song with its real mirth set the audi ence shaking and won over any that might bave remained neutral. " The club's best work waa Shown in the gypsy song from -Talka," with a solo by William Neal and a rollicking chorus of good cheer by the boys, and In th aoldlera' chorus from "Faust," which brought out the Volume and en semble work of the club to the utmost advantage. Only . praise can be given th mandolin club which plsys In per fect time. - If pursues the wise policy that the mandolin Is not intended for classical mualo, and so a dumber of the best of the popular selections were Blared "Cherry." "Cheyenne." and oth ers caught the whistling accompaniment from the gallery, but atglerM was the beat played and the prettiest Rob JCeily la tha-new-I'stunyst" thla year, and bla dry humor waa inrecuoua. He got most of his laughs when he aald nothlng-merely looked. "Hls-Wedding pay" was very cleverly done, and five or ten minutes of acting nervoua Is not so .easy as being nervous. . The limerick renditions fa popular thought, ac cording to th style of Chaucer,- Tenny-i son, Longfellow, Rosettl and others was! very funny. And a few jocaLhits, espe cially on Dr. J. Whltcomb Brougher. brought down the house. Professor Olen with his splendid baritone always does the serious part of the program, and he dlplcted well the changing moods of the , prologue of TPsgllsccl." He waa oallad out to repeat It. The sketch that elosed the program "Troable KUllnsi)jn7e,w2k wUa' was a clever way or introducing col lege songs and college talk in a college room with a college plot centering around a real bit of college loyalty. Billy's sad mental plight at falling to see the Oregon-Multnomah victory after coming to Portland to see the defeat for 10 years was funny and at the aama tim touched a real grain of truth. As th curtain fell on th last seen there was prolonged applause, and everyone felt that a real college aggregation had given a really good show.. - Public Library Note. - Th teachers' round table In library usage will be reaumed on Wednesday, January t, at 4 o'clock in the patent room of the library. -- An .Interesting exhibit of fine speci mens of printing I now Installed on th landing between the-two floor. This comprises examples of title-pages and book pages from the invention of print ing to modern times: also menu cards programs, billheads, eta. and la ef both historical and practical interest. King Arthur stories are being told In the children's room every Friday after noon at 4 o'clock, an dare illustrated with pictures. ' . ' Substantial comfort, good tea and cof fee. Schilling's Best. I BS"'''Slg'BllBB CHURCH SERVICES BAPTIST. Second Bevtots end East Ankeny streets; Iter. . Buntos 0. Lapbtm. Sarrtcee si 10:00 a. m., with srriBoa. "Tbe CbrUtUe Ideal la tbe K Year"! wooa et 1 HO p. a., "a Nw ailezlence tot the New r": Bible (eckool at Suva; Xoang Peotiie's Usios, :HO p. m. Oree MontarUU; Bt. Gllmaa Parker. Prwhlng at It a. m "The Opea Door to tke Church" ; asrowa at 7:0 . p. . av, "1807 Imtnannel Second end Meade etreets; Rot. O. W. Urimo. ttundar school. 10 a. bm B. T. P. V., p. si. g preafhlng. 11 s. m. sod T:80 p. a. Central East Twentlrth end Ankeny streets! W. T. Jordan. Preachlug. 10:30 a. m. Sun day ecbool. U B.; sarvUes st 7:W a, ai., "Xhe ataatar Calls." Aruta kr. John Br n tal an. Bandar eekeoi. o a. m.s preachlug. 11 a. m.; 7:30 ennoa, "Bow Old Art Tbeal" B. t. v.. s:au p. at. Mount 01l aawrnm and - Kverett streets. Pr-arhlna at It a. w. Snd S a. m. : St. Johs'e Be. B. A. Leonard. Sunday eehoul, to e. aa. sraachlng, 11 s. Ski 1UM S. m.. preaching. Third Vancouver aveaoe and Knott street; ev. B. at. BUuk At 10 a. m.. Sunday school: II a. m., prrochlnci ecrmon, T:B0 p. m. SwcdiBb Bojrt and riflcota atraatsi Bee. Brie Bcneratrom. Prearblnf. I0:4 a. as, and T:f)0 e. m.: Sunder ecbool. IS m. Blghlano Albarta and Sixth streets. Preach ing. S:it0 p. at., by Kev. B. sL UUaaj Sun day school. 1:80 p. m. Mount Caraiel "onrtrentk snd - Flaadere traota; Rae. A. I. Sbapbard. Sunday ecbml, IS m.; preacHiif, II s. n, and 8 p. si. Scllwoud Blarcntb ' and I mat Ilia atreetst Bar. Oaorte A. Leara, Sunday ecbool. 10 a. St.; preaching. 11 a. m. ssd T: a. n. Plrat Carman Foartb and Hill atreetst Bee. J. Kratt I'raacblug at 10:0 s. m. snd 1:30 P. ! B. T. P. V., 1M p. bli Bnnday scbeol. 8:43 a. at Second Ok. man Rodney eranne and lforrla etraatj Rar. g. Bpeetmaa. Preaching, 11 a. aa. and T'SO p. m.i Sunday school. a. m. B. r-PV- V.;-S r p.- at. . GeJeery Baat Klpbtl. and Grant streets; Bav. A. Lawranre Black. Bible school. 10 a. f sermon, 11 a. m.; 6:80 p. s.,- Xousg Pee pi e uiMtlng: 7 80 p. si., arrston. univrraity fark Rr, B. Walts. Bnnday school at 10 s. worship at 11 a. sermon, 'Tblnas That Make Churches Htronr": fe. Y. P. U., 8:4A p. m. seTcntng aerrice, 7:0 o'clock, sermon, "Docs (lod Gin firery Jdan a Chancer' Klrat The White Temple, corner Twelfth snd Taylor atreera. Re. J. Whltcomb Brouhex. D. D., pastor. Morning worablp, 10:30, awmoa by Rev. K. E. Dark of Beatrice. Nebraaka, theme, "A Model for tbe New Year;" recep tion of sew members end obeerTance of the Lorde snpper; Bible ecbool, 12:10; bright meale, tntereerlac - ea ere lee a. vtaltore tneltcd; B. Y. P. V. aerrice, anbject. "Beitlnnlng With God," leader. Dr. C. K, Ilawke; oopular aren tn serrtce, T:80"p. m,. baptiam St tbe openlns of the errtlce; , Dr. Broasber will preach oa the topic, -"The- ITps end Downs of life." Several of tbe beautiful Cbrlatmae nnmbere will be re peated et this Berries by the Temple quartet sad choir.'".: .- -i-- - fUStTTnUI.' Mlipab Mar ssd Powell etreets; Be. Je rome B. McGlade, D, D. .At 10:80 a. m., "Flrat Thing": 7:Ju p. ax, preachings "The Cell Prayer. Celrary Elerenth and Clay streets; Rev. Bea-Esra Stilee Ely Jr., D. D. 8ertee, 10:80 a. sa., with sermon; Sunday school, IS a. ser mon at T:8n p. m. Fourth Flrat ana Globe streets; Be. Jobs R. Welch. Preeeblng at 10:80 a. m. Sua Aajt schoeU 12 n.t Y. P, B. C 8:30 p. at. at T:80 p. si., aermoa. Bawthome-Pnrk Twelfth sad Bast Taylor etreets; Be. H Nelaon Allen. Bnnday school, 10 a. m.; preaching, 10:So a. IB.; 7:20 p. m., sermon; Y. p. 8. C. E.. 6 90 p. is. . Illghland Eaat Thirteenth and Wygsat; Rev. O. A. Blair, 8unday achool, 10 s. m.i preach Ins. 11 e. at. and 7:80 o. m. f Piedmont Cleveland aTrooa " and larrett street Rev. U Myroa Booser. Freecblng at 11 a. m.; Sunday School. 12:15 p. nt.; 7:80 p. m.. sermos. Special mnale. ' Weatmlnater Eart Tenth end Wetdler etreeta; Re.- Heinw IV Marentt. Morning eerroon. 11 o'clock efenlog aerajoe. 7: HO o'clock: 8anda ecbool, U:80 p. m.; Y. P. 8. C. E. :&0 B. m. . ;J Flrat Twejrth and Alder streets. At 10:90 a. m., serrlcea; T:S0 p. ns., preaching by Be. J. E. Kitnidg. Fultoa Re. A. H. Bnrkboldar. Ber-ooa st t:5 p. at. Marahall-Street Mersball and North Heve. teenth etreetar Be. C. W. Bay. Sunday achool. 10 a. a.! nreachlnc. 11 a. m.t sermoa, 7:30 p. m.; Y. P. 8. C. E.. 6:48 p. m. Moant Tabor Belmont and Prettyman streete; Re. Edward M. Sharp. Sermos st If a, m. service et 7:90 p. m. Special mnale. Anabel Rev. Geo. W. Arms, Jr. Bnada achool, 10:30 a. m. ; preacMns. ll:no a. m. Reliwood Comer Eaat SeTenteenth and Spo kane arenne. Be. D. A. Tbompeon, peator. Sabbath achool. 10 S. a.; morning eerrtce. 11 s. a; the Re. Mr. Rnecs of Milwaukee, Wlaooaeln, will preach I eelng eer li a.-tied. ca.lon Trlnltyw Nineteenth sad Everett etreets. Holy communion et . a. m. Utany holy commun ion snd sermon at II C. n.t evening prayer and sermoa. 7:80 j. m. the rector, the Re. A. As Morrison. Ph. D.. will preach at both morning- snd evening services. Third Eaat Thirteenth end Pine etreeta. Rev. Andrew J. Montgomery, paator. At lOrlto, anb ject, "Incentives to Fulfill tha Great Commie, loo?'; at 7:46, "The Story ef the Creation." -4 EPISCOPAL. St. Mark's Nineteenth and Qntmby etreetat Re. J. B. Slmpsoa. Holy communion. S a. m.i Rnnday achool 10 s. a.; morning prayer and litany. 11 o'clock! evensong snd sernjoav 7:30 o'clock. Trinity Nineteenth snd Everett streets; Rev. fhr. A. A. Morrison. Hoi oommunfoa. a a. a.; morning er1ce, li o'clock; evening aerrice. eermoe.; Sssday school. 8:30 a. 8t. ' David' East ' Twelfth aad Belmont etreets; Re.. G. B. Ten Water. Bungay echooL t:45 a. a.; prayer end eermnn, 11 a. m.i evening, song snd ergaa recital st 7:80 o'clock; holy communion. 8 p. a. St. Andrew' Park; Rev. W. R. PowvU. Rervies asd seraoa, .11 a. a; Bas d.y achool. 10 a. m. Good Shepherd Sell wood street ssd - Tas eovver avense; Rev. John Dawsoa. Holy com Bunion. 11 o'clock; Sunday achool, :S a., a. St. John'e MesMrtal Sell wood: Be. W. K. Powsu... Sunday school. 11 a. a; service sad BJajfF SfSgrsSjl , w sjgj bb mft St. Matthew's Flrat aad Csratbers streets; Bs. W. A. U. Brack. Sunday achool, 8:44 a. a.; seraoa, 11 a. a.; service ssd seraoa. 7:80 p. a. - St. Peal's Wood mere; C. L. Parke, lay reader In charge. Morning service and seraoa st l o'clock. All Balnta Twenty saened enel Reed ateeeta Monday school. 10 s. m.t a veiling serrlcea, 7:30 West Slde-lst. Matthew'e First snd Cm th ere an-eete. ko. w. a. u. Breck la ehsrge, Snnda achool, 9 45 s. a. servloea and aer aoa, 11 s. St.; Service and sermon, 7:30 p. a. UntVersity Park Artlaase temple I Rev. D. B. Gray. Sermon at 11 s. a., gensrsl als- aionary oTTenng; eonnay echooL 10 a. oa. allaalaatppl-Avenne 4Malalppt , avenue end rremont atreet; sis, wimaa U Lpabaw. Sun day school. 10 s. a.; sermon. 11 k. a., "Tbe tioy rroniem": unanan sndeavor. B:80 nu m : sermon, 7:80 p. a.. "A Klng'e Blindness." iaureiwnoo ariets saw: Be, p. B. Gray. Sunday school, 10 a. an.; Y. P. S. C. B 8:30 p. ra. ; sermoa at 7:80 p. a. HaMslo-Street Baat. Keveatk snd Raaaalo. Sermoa, 10:80 a. a.. "Clle Partnorahlp"; by Re. Paul Rader; Sunday ecbool, soon; Chtiatlaa Endeavor. 8:4ft . a.t event ne aai-vlce. 7:48 o'clock, "Th Call ef a Mas," by Re. nr. Hader. Snnnralde Ohener ef Eaat TavW and Thtrty-fovrth atreet a. Rev. J. J. Stanh, paator. Morning eervlce et 11- o'clock, euhject, "The Inveatmant of Life' I evenlne eervlce at T:flO o'clock, euhject, "The Voice of the New Yaar" Sunday scaoel, 10 e. a.; Junior Cbrtatlas Ba deavor, 8 p. m. ( Senior Rndeavor, 8:15 p. a. First Madleoa and Park, He. B. L. Hones, n. !.. paator. -Morning aermoa, ''Rekindling the Kite," 10:80 o'clock; evening sermon. "A service will be ssed, T-W p. m.; Sunday school. ts:is a. a., r. n. ojnieto, susenstenaeatt X. P. S. C. B. et 8:0 p. m. Highland Beat Sixth street North snd Pres ent t etreets, Re. B. S. Bolllnser. Snndsy school, 10 s. a.; communion and reeepttos of memhera, 11 a. a.; Junior Endeavor. 8 p. m. ; T. P. B. r. E., B:ao p. ra. ; evening rlcs. Tasting Money By tha Way," 7.30 y, a ; BUtTROOTIT, ' Montsvllls Re. Harold Oberg. PreacMns at II a. tari Sunday school, 10 s. a Rpworta Lease, 8:40 p. m. earmon-at 7:80 p. a. - Central Itnwll and Karhy streete; Rev. J. T. Abbctk, Clava aeetlix. :4B a. a. eermnn. 10:80 s. a.; sunoay acnaol, is at Miiaa 8:80 p. m. ; aer men, 7)80 p. a Trinity Kaat lento ana streets; Rev. I r. Smith. Bnnday ecbool, 10 s. m.j preach. Ins. 11 a. m.t to worth Leegne. 8 .so a. m.i sermon st 7:80 p. a Taymr-arreet pr, rrascw irargatte Ban. naaaee. S.oO a. at aermoa, 10:do a a, by (. a. mippa; unIay ecsooi. 13:1s II Re. L. A. i-nipps; unaay srnoni. 13:1s p. 1 a: Xpworth Lau. 8 a.) p. B. sermos st 7:80 I p. m. by Re. Paul Karter. I Patten Mlchtcas snd Carpenter etreetat Rev. Melville T. Wire.. Sermon. 11 a. a; sermoa at 7:80 p. a.; Snnday school. 10 s. B. Ep I worth Leegne. S MI p, B. -I eUvreed iriXUsatA aad Taooas strssts: Sv, A. D. Wagner, fnnday a.hool, 10 s. m.; aer mon. 11 a. in., 'tiitau.etlnru of Pardon"; cum niretlng, 12 IS tx in. : chll.lroo'a oi-etluv. tt w) p. m.; Lrafua, so p. m.i aTenuig aoTTlce at 7.30 D. m.. "Tbe Big Turee." 8t. John'e He. 9. L, Young. Sunday echool, 10 a. m.t praarblns, 11 a. m.t Laasue lueel Lug. 6 SO p. ro t aerrlcea, 7:80 p. u. Kliworib Iweuiy-tulrd batwven Hoyt and Irln. Sunday ecbool from 10 to 11 o'clock; uortiiug rr,l.-e, 11 to II ao s. m.. eermoe by J tor. "New Year's Thought"; Juulor Laegoa, p. a.t tpworth League, 80 to 7:30 p. m.i uaoal arenluf aerilce. 7:30 to 8. JO p. a. tier. R. 11. Bryant paator. Epwortb M. E. Church Irrlns ssd Twenty- third atraeta. Sunday achool, 10 a. m., Ernext uiue, aupertntanueat: morning earTlose, 11 e. m.i Juulor league, 8 p. m.i Epworts league. 6:S0 to 7.30 p. u., E. 3. Bora nrtaldeut; niual e Ten lug aerricee; svrmoa by tha pastor, Be. B. HiBryant. - nuy.ld Eaat Yamhill snd Thirty-Fifth streets. Ha. T. B. rord. Beraonac 1H6 Eaat lolrly-nrch street; at borne Iburoday aftar aoon. Sunday aenices, 10 s. re.: Sunday acsooi. li e. a eermoe by Re. I. V. Driver, D. D.;. 8:80 p. si.. Junior lea-ru and chll dren'e elaeaee: 6:15 n. m.. Enworte league; 7:80 p. a., preaching by Dr. Drlr; seretcae every evening during the week. Dr. . Driver speaking and anewerlna oueatlona. Grace Twelfth end Taylor atreats, Clarence irae wiiaon, v. V. Sermon, 10:30 a. a, is the- Beginning. Ged"l sermon. 7:80 a. a.. "The Silent God"; II lea Shea will elng. "A Man of Sorrow," et tbe morning eervine. Sunday achool st 1.1:10 p. a., snd Bpworth Isagn at 6:80 p. a.; Bale chorus slugs st a ran lug aerrlc. ,..,. "' luTHIRA. Elon'a flrrman Chapman and Salmon atreetst Re. W. U. Brbreoa. Servux at 10:11 s. bu and 7 . '45 p. m. BetanJa Danlah (Tnloa aveoae end Morris street; Ue. Gudmaud Oriu. Sunday serTiees, 11a. a. and 8 p. a. Norwaglaa Synod Bast Tenth snd Grant streets; Be. O. Hagoee. Suuday ecuool, :H0 e. m.; -aerTlcea, 11 a. m. snd 7 90 p. a.; Y. P. 8. meets Tboraday eraulns, S.15. St. Paul's German Beat Twelfth end Cllston trreta; Re. A, fclranan. Serelce, 10:80 a. a.; aerrice, 7:30 p. m.i Saaday school. 8:30 p. .m.; Bltile achool. 8 p. m. Norwegian 45 North Fourteenth street; Bar. J.. M. Nanlg. Berrices at 11 s. St. ssd 7:30 P. a. Swedlab Immannel Nineteenth end Irvlsg street: Rev, C. J. Bsnbard. SerTteee et 11 a. a. aad 8 p. a: Sunday achool. :45 a. a - Swedlab Rodney avenue end 8taetos afreet. Sunday-echooL- :- a: -a.r servtcae.-lOiSw-Sr m. : aerrlc a. 7:48 p. a. . . - Betaala Danteb I'nloa sem and ' Morris street; Oodmund Grill, paator. Sunday serv ice 11 s. a. and p. a.; Sunday school. 12:13 Bt. Jamas'' Ensllab Wast - Park and Jeffer son streets, J. Alien Leas, paator. Services st 11 a. m. Sahjett, "Tbe Ureeteat Mas la tbe Wortd"; evening services conducted by tbe Lather league, C. ,A. Buff leading; Sunday achool st 10 s, p.. : ,., ---'-csjBTiair. Central Kaet Twentieth - ssd Rast Salmon streets; Re. J. P. (.ihorraley, O. It. At 10:46 s. a., sermon. "Is Jii Beginning,. Ood"i Sun day seboul. 12:15 p. m. j Benlor Endeavor. 8:43 p. a.t revival serrlcea at 7:30 p. a. Rodney-Avenue Rodney avenue snd Knott street: Ue. P. Elmo Robinson. At 9:45 s. a.. - Bible school: 11 a. a., communion and sermoa, "On th Threebold": 8:90 p. m., T. P. . C. B.; 7:30 p. au. eermoe. "Our Debt to Portland." Mount Scott Serrlcea la ball st Kara Park, S p. a. Wood laws Sunday achool, lb a.- m.t preach ing. 11 a. a; Chrlatlaa Rndeavor. 7 p. a. aervlrea S p. a., with apeclal maale. Flrat Corner Park and Qaiumbls streets, Bs. B. 8. Mnrsley, alniater. At 10:80 a,' a., "A Backward LOok: An Annhreraary Sermoa'; T:S0 p. a., " Too Do Not Know"; Bible school, 13 a.; Chrlatlaa Endeavor . moating, :S0 p. B. - ZTAHOEXICAt, ASSOCIATIOH. . I Grace tatta: Re. H. O. Hendereoo. Preech 'Ing. 11 1. i. snd S e- a; Toung psople's Al liance, I a, at Sunday school, 10 s. a First German Tenth and Clay streets; Bev, Tbeo. Bchaoer. . Sunday school, 8:80 a. a.; aermoa, 10:45 a. bm preaching, 1:44 p. a; Y. P. A.. 7 p. a. Memortel Tthbens"lhd Elghteeslh streets : Rev. L. C. Hoover. Sunday school. Ill at preeeblng. II e. a end 7:30 p. at I. P. A. devotional serrlcea. g:80 p. a. . North Portland Twenty-flrat and Pettygrevs etreeta; Re. B. O. Hornsrhnch. Susday achool, 8:45 a. m. ; preaching. 11 s. a.: X. P. A. prosram. 7 p. m.t preaching. 7:30 p. a. Flrat Fnstlsb Kaat BUth snd lisrket streete, B. A. Slcwert. paator. At 11 a. m.,. "How Shall 1 Invest My MfeVt Sunday school st 10 s. a.; Toang People's Alllsece st 8:45 p. m.i at 7:45 p. a, Kvsngelistlc services. ; VWmO ITAHOStlOAL. v First Kaat Tenth and Shorn-in streets: Re. H A. Winter. At 10 e. ro., Sunday school; preaching, 11 a. a. and 7:8 p. m. Seceod Fargo and Kerhy streets: Rev. J. Boweraox. At 11 a. a., preaching, "The Forward Look aad tha Forward Reach"; Sun day school, 10 a. m.: K. L. C. C 7 p. a. St. John'a Ivanbos and Jobs etreets; Bev. E. B. McVlcher. Sunday ecbool, 10 a. a.; 6 reaching, II a. m : J. K. C .. 3:80 p. m. ; . K. I C. I- 8:30 p. a.) preaching, 7:30 P- . " . . 4 . . ucaiey - oreea anaosy araeei, 10 a.- a.t a. I lnvnl I wyiv a - UH.K ling-.- r - p .rvevewiag. 7;S0 p. a., by Be. N. Crbtao, e Slouz City. -nS8I0MS.- floepel M1aloo Tbe former- Woa ' eh arch le bow en Independent Gospel mlaaloe: a fall go. pel of a.lvatloa. healing end holy living taught: Altaky ball, third Sour. Third" Snd Morrlsoa: Ke. Cbaclee A. Boy, pa. tor. At I p. m., Blbls study snd pre las snd teetlaofiy meeting; a p. nu, inruuaa crogrsss; or. What of to New Year I" Beacea Ugbt Mwaloa11 FOsrth street, north. . Prescbisg every sight asd Sunday at 8 p m. Olive Branch Mlaetoa SS Flrat street sear Columbls. Preaching every sight et T:80 Bundaya. 8 p. m l Sunday ecbool, 1:80 p. a. St. Jobs's Bollneee Mtaeloa 82S aeenod atreet Bear Main; Rev. Jobs F. Qlaeco. Service very nlgbt snd Ronday st S ssd 7:80 p. a. Chine BapUat 248 Beaaad strsst. Ser rices st 7:80 p. ss. ... . " . CHBIBTIAsT BCTEaTC. First Church of Christ, Scientist Scot tl ah Rite cathedral. Morrtaoa and Lownedals streets. Services st it s. a snd 8 p. m.. auhJecC "Uoa : pnnaay scnom at rww cir mortung err. vlcei Wednesday evening meetln st 8 o clock. Second Cbnrch ef Chrl.t. Sclesust Elke' tern. Die. Stark and Seventh streets. Sunday ices st It a. a. snd 8 p. m.. snhjsct, God' Sunday school, 11 s. m.J wedBeaday aeetng, P. ai. . ' ' . XTKTZtiO XgBTTTRIAaT. Chorcb ef the Strang.ra Waecw street sn Grand svenoe; Rev. S. Earl DuBola. Morning aerrice, 10:45 o'clock, with seraoa; Sssday achool, 11 St.; sermon, 7:80 p. b. Flrat 8tsth snd Montgomery etreets; Bev. A. W. Wilson. Morning ear won, 10:80 a. B. Sunday school. IS a.; sarmon, 7:80 p. a. 1 trrrriD bretxrew tv chxist. First Eaat Fifteenth end Morrbma streets; Rest H. C Shatter. Bible school st 10 a. a.; sermoa at II s. a.t sermoa st 7:80 p. a.; Y. P. S. C. E., T p. m. Radical Sixth and Mechanic streets; Rev. O, P, Bleschsrd. Snndsy school, 10 a. a. aermoa, U a. av aad 7:80 p. a. ... '' TJaTTAlIA. '..'''' '' ' Chttreh of Our Father Seventh, and Yambtn streets: Rsv. W. O. El tot Jr., minister: Re.. T. U.Uot, D." f.. mlnl.ter emeritne. Services st 11 s. vs.. snbjeet of sermoa, "Tbe Ministry of the Cbnrch In tbe Twentieth Cearnry"! Son. day school, 8:45 s. a., kindergarten; edult at uj p. ss.; x. r. b. v. a :su p. a. ' iPTRmTAtlSTB. Cbnrch Sf First Bora Drew bsH, lAt Second street; Re. R. B. iea, D. 1. Conference, 10 a. a.; Iveena. 11 e. a.: sermoa and tssts, 8 s. a.; d la eo tire end teat. T:80 p. a. . Mlnl.ter' ssd Medium' Protective Aaoorlse rloo Stwdal religiose eei vliee la new vu.rter. W. 0. W. hell. Elenth atreet, between Wesb. Ington snd Alder, st 7:80 p. a. First part nt ei-1rwtl1bedeteJltothertr1t The White Temple Corner Twelfth and! Taylor atrseta. BOTrDAT lOCO AV. K. 44 A Ne w Year's Model . star. r. m. bass, rToachar. LORD'S SUPPER OBSERVED,1 Dr Brougher peaks' at TO p. m. on . J. Ups and Downs of Life" 44 Baptlom. Klaborate musiesj' servlc. Christmas mualo repeated. Mrs. Walter Reed Will sins; "TAOS TO sfACS." EVERYBODY WEUCOMB. bearers. Oerorad Woodflald and Mre. Mary Klklugton. nee Shavw; at 8:18 He. !r. M.-aey will glvs trance lecture ea eubjeet, "The sV'ttl'a Awakening." llrat SplrltuaT Society-A rtlasa hall. KHSS Third atreet. Annual election ef officers, ll s. a, member only will be present: et 7:45 U. C. Xove aiaka oe tilrHualleia sod Change la the OrtburduX Religion." aHTB;0DI8T, I0TTH. .. Flrat 171 H Seeond etraet. Forearers' hall; Rev. B. H. Mowre. At 10 e. m., Sunday swhool; 11 s. a., sermoa, "Nome Evidences of Chrl.t mee"; 8:80 p. m., Epwwth Leesus; 7 .80 p. a, preechlng by Dr, G. II. Stovaail. . .... .. O. ABO K, 1 '' '' Chrlatisa asd WfU.toe.trr Alliance Rlita as! Main etrti Re. C. D. Sewtelle. Preecblug. 10:M s. a. Sundsy school, 11:15 p. m. I Young People's meeting, 4.80 p. m.t sesngelial services. 7:80, a, 81. CHRISTIAsT ADVXHT. ' Chrlatisa Advent Bacoad street betwsea Rail snd Uscoln; Bs. Charles Hefteedea. Sunday school, io:m a. sa.; preechlng. 11:80 s. a.; praise service, 7 p. a. ssraos. B p. a. ' atnf'B RESORT. ---- Msa's Reeort snd Paople'e Institute Fourth ssd Burnaid streets. Strreoptlcoa Ullile etady hour, S p. a.t mea'a meeting with addreea. 4 p. a.; people's gospsl service with speelsl music, T:8 p. aa. - T , . t - ' BIOROAaTZED BAIsTTB, . Bsorsantaad Church of Jeana Cbrlat ef Ttteev Day S.lnte Broad atreet end Ilolladay s venue 1 we, w. a. uooawis. premoing elder tm char, preaching at 11 a. a, asd 7:30 p. mi Baadsy school. M B. B. ,: , , . v . . . ". UTTER-DAT BAnrTB. . Ctjorch ef Jems Christ of letter-Pay Salnta . nan - Aiiasy euitdlng, Thlr ana Morrteua. Serrlcea 11 :80 s. a and 7 p. a.; Bnnday school, 10 s. a. . FRIX METHODIST. Free Matbodlat Eaat -Ninth and Mill stress Preaching, 11 a. B. Bundsy school, 10 a, a T. H. 0. A. -' Pourth snd Yamhill strseta. coo cert and men's meeting st 3 p. a., sddrees by Boy H. Campbell of Cblvaralty ef California and Richard C. Moras of New York. All mas srs' luvlteii. ' - "r TmrzxlAijsT. ' First East Eighth snd Coscb streets. At 11 s. a., sermoa by Rev. T. W. Butler oa "Lest Bonis"; bandar arhoot. 10 s. B. ADVEtrrtBTB.'' V " Seventh Ttar Adventlat Snsu Third atreet, between T.ylor and Salmon; Rev, George-A Snyder. Preaching, " 7 :80 p. a. ' " T " " rtlEHDB. Friends Chsrcb Eaat Thtrty-flrth had Main streets; Be. Lewie I. Badley. Preaching at 11 a. m. end J:80 BE-: Soadsy sckooi. Ill a. a-t Kadeavo. :o p.- a-- .i---i - . SWTDEKBOROIAR. .New Chsrcb Society Eleveatb snd Aider elreets; Rev. Hiram Vrooman. At 11 a. a, "Good Works Not -All of Religion";. Bnnday school, 10 s. m. rrVDfl T1TTH CZaTTZX. -Truth Cbapel. Allaky building. Third snd Morrlsoa etreeta;' Re. Tbadileua U. Mloard. 11. B. Martin, aololst. Bervlces at 11 s. m.; Bus day school, IS a, . CHTTRCK OP 0D. Church ef God Cbapel, 480 Hawthorne avenue last ana Re. U. T. Aeau Bervlces at 3 on p. 7:80 p. a. 1 Suoday school, 1 p. a . VAZAREVX. Charrb ef the Nassrene 42S Burnalde street: Rev. U. 0. Hendricks. Sermons st 10:30 s. a., 8 p. a aad 7:80 p. Bundsy school st 10 t. n. aiEATruiljAwTr. ', - ' Millennial Dews G. A. R. hall. Reread snd Morrlsoa streets, f arvlc.a at 8:30 p. as. . ' stETOXJfZO. "' first German Tenth and Stsrk streets; Rev. G. Hefner. Services st 10:45 a. aa. ssd 9 p. a; Y. P. 8. C. K.. S p. a. ... . . ' V: OXXXX CXfS&OK. ':'.'' Greek sad Rualan Orthoeos Chsrcb Beet Twenthleth and Morrlsoa strssts. Regular services st asaal tlme.:.. .. .. EXPERT BAfiK BURGLAR IS NOW EXTIHCT SPECIES SoSays WilliaxYtAPinkerton In AnnuaLRepoit Bankers' Association. Th annual report of th Plnkerton'a National Detective Agenoy to th Amer ican Bankers' association for 1801 has besn printed In pamphlet form and copies- have been distributed to banks and Agencies throughout th country. Th report Is accompanied by a paper on "Bank "Sneak' Thieves." read by Wil liam A. Plnkerton at last year's con von tlon of th International Aaaoelatlon of Chiefs of Police. ' The record contains statistics show ing the number of professional criminals arreated. sentenced and awaiting; trial, together with a record of attacks upon member or non-member- banks, and losses sustained by them by burglaries during the year. It also contains other Interesting statistics concerning crime and criminals. In commenting; upon th statistics th report says: "Th former expert professional bank burglar la Inactive, almost extinct, and haa been aupersedsd by th . fearless, dangerous tramp burglar, now mors commonly known as th "ysggman.' who operates excluaively with explosives. These 'yegg' burglars committed 95 per cent of the bank burglaries during the year. W are coping with thm more successfully sach year, but your association should not relax Its efforts In this direction. , "Its purpose should eontlnus to b to totally suppress attacks upon Its mam bars by burglars, which w consider possible to accomplish only by persist ent, thorough and complete investigation of each case, and unrelenting prosecu tion of th criminals when arrested. We renew our recommendation that your aaaoelatlon earnestly coopsrats with us in having; the various states enact cer tain laws with rsfsrenc to their pun ishment." . . 1 Th pamphlat containing; th address. 01 w tiiiara a. nnkarton presents the photographs and records of some of the cleverest and boldest sneak thieves and bank burglars In this country. Among th number is tns photograph snd rec ord of "Frltxle" Diehn. who was arrested with bis companions after a daring at tempt to rob th rathskeller at th Port land liotei two years ago. , . SKATING ALL DAY SUNDAY Special acusi rrograas at ta Oaks Sink Tonight. professor Z Hoch, bandmastar at Th Oaks rink. Is offering th skstsrs rar treat this week In wsy of fin mualo. Tonight another apeclal program has been arranged, and If you do aot skat. It would b weU worth your time to spend th evening at Th Oaks. Th big pavilion will b open all dsv Bun- day, and if you are lonwaom and at a loss a to a plac to go, don't forget ine ih To fairly fly on th smooth ma pi floor on tb new aluminum' skates Is a delightful pleasure to be had only at Tha Oak rink. . - - - This rink is a saf rink, avsn electric heat ha been installed to allmlnat th danger of fir or bursting steam pipes and such, accidents possible when other heating apparatus la used. Take Ore gon City. Cassdero or Oak rink car a - r yrefsrred moek Canned Seed. Allsn 4s Law la' Sest Brand. DISCUSSES fW PROPOSED LAWS Multnomah County Delegation Receives Bills . and Lis- ;C tens to Arguments.. COUNTY JUDGE WEBSTER SUBMITS VARIOUS BILLS One Provide for Payment of Pally Stipend by County to Family of .' WlftBeatr While Latter Sweats on Rock PUe. Many proposed laws -war discussed at th meeting of th Multnomah coun ty delegation which was held at the courthouse last night. They ranged in scop from th convict labor law to ope for keeping wife-beater from being beaten by law, and were all taken under advisement by the members of th dele gation. ' ;. e- . . ' John Drlscoll presided over th meet ing by virtue of his office a chairman of , the delegation, and Frank Freeman, as secretary, kept a record" of th im portant thlnga done. . Th other mem ber of Jh delegation present., ferei Deflators aiaiargey, ijauey, neacn ana Nottingham and Representatives Drls coll, Freeman, North up. Chaptn, Wilson, Farrsll, Coffey, Beutgen, Adama and Beverldge. th absenteea being Benatora Blchel, Hodson and Maya and Represen tatives Bayer and Burns, v ..... ... ' Convict fcabor Bill. - County Judge Webster-brought his convict labor bill before the meeting. He proposes, to employ th inmates of th stata prison In erusbing rock and building roads throughout the state, H also presented a measure providing that an amendment be made to the whlpplng-post law, by which, it - would bs discretionary with tbe presiding Judge- to either send the culprit who had abused his wife to th whipping post or else to sentence him to a term of imprisonment breaking rock, during th service of which his family should receive a .compensation of $1.0 s day In return for his services. Judge Webster also desires to pun ish In the same manner those husbands who refuse to support , their . families. J 21 aiso presented a uiu aooiianing w power of a court to nonsuit in actions for damages resulting from death or personal Injury. J. Tot Defective Youths. ' - Mr. Millie R, Trumbull had a meaaH ura which she presented to th delega tion providing for the appropriation of 1180,000 7 for . the establtahment of a achool and horn for defective youtha, the achool to be erected at Salem. Mrs. Trumbull would also abolish th whtp- Sing-poat law. Grace McDonald, in be alf of the labor interests, urged th passage of Judge Webster's convict la bor bill. Dr. O. E. Nottag arose to protest vigorously against the proposed change. In tha dental examination law by which 1 th state board would b empowered to examine appllcanta for dental certifi cate whether they were graduate of regular dental college or not. - He aald th proposed amendment was being , urged in th interests of men who de- 1 sired to eatabllah fak dental colleges where prospective dentists could b coached through their examinations In a very short tim. - - DEATH COMES ON- EVEOEAVEDDING Mrs. Margaret Adams died of heart rallur recently on th veningh waa to havs married Dr. B. B. Maaten, She was a well-known member of the Ohio colony of this city. Services were con ducted at Plnley's chapel yesterday by Rev, J. A. P. McGaw. who received Mrs. Adams into the Presbyterian church at Urbana, Ohio, In 1871, and afterward pronounced th marriage ceremony at Marion. Ohio, when ah married Dr. Ad ams. The remains were cremated yes terday afternoon. ' Mrs. Adams Is survived by a daugh ter, living at Oakland. California, who was unable to reach her mother'a death bed, though aha bad been notified of hr Illness Boms days before th end came. Mrs. Adams' mother. I Mrs. Beale, and brother Kdgar reside in this city. HARDWARE MAN SUES ; ; CONSTRUCTION COMPANY (Special Slasstcb ts Ta learns!., . TT.IA 1e J&n X W U.vis B hardware dealer of this place, has filed suit against the Oregon Construction company, which hog a branch office in Union, for U.tSt.M alleged to b due him, with Interest at per cent, with coats and dlabursements. Attorney George Cochran will appear for th niointir The Oreson Construction company is building th Oregon Central railroad. - Leave It to Us Let us da roar fsmlly Waahlss, Ws e.n ne aeil dell. Rsalab tbe sunas ef waahoav aad Us vnarflsMBt snd toll. Beed ear price: xaoirzs. miests Slips 8 Spreads Be ta T.hluUth, . S ; BTABOHXD. Dresssl Vklrts . ............ Bs ...i Be r. Boiler 2e Wslsts Tner-ls .......... la Naehlns le ttanHheeehlef . 1 rersst Cevers...... St Cheattes ........... Se fl.odaerchlefa, silk Se Drswsia Rasa 1 Btand Corera. , ... 8 arnv isnarcn. Nlghtdreess Be Wrappers Bs (Veemhlrt Se Aprons Be Msbt.nlrts , fsderahlrts ...... e PlUowsksBM 10 C Child's Pises . Prawers ......... 8e Snrka ............ Be Una Se Fajasus ......... .toe Tnlns ...10e I1lea' Veats 8e .' UTBAB. ' Blankets. Wool, pr..BO Blankets, Cot tea. pr.ZSs Cblldrea's Overalls le Quilts ....Hie Vs aklrta. sellars. snffs, veats, sverslle er napsrs don la thla dsyartasau sis Sudla Isas thaa 80s. UNION LAUNDRY CO. eeesd ssd Oslsmbla Streets. Telephone Main 8S. OAKS RIM TONIGHT fte, Ml e . BaaBaaBaasaBBSWaM t " Jk Con$rvttivm CuttoJutn" MMNLL 1 SAVKGS MI'S PAYS ;-: 4 Per Cent OPEN Forthe convenience of its customers on' Satur day evenings from 6 to 8' 114 Second St. Corner Washlngtoa , " PORTLAND, OR. " KEMP PRINTING COMPANY BOOKBINDERS ft COM J MERCIAL PRINTERS -.Are Prepared-to Handle v Rush Orders Our Type Is AH New and of the Latest Faces Cut ,Those Who Try' Us Come Again Because Pleased " PHONE MAIN 5500 213 SECOND STREET TiTe Portland PORT1UAKD. ORKOOIS. : EUROPIAN PLAN ONLY HSADQU A RTFTR9 rOTt TOURISTS ; AND COMMERCIAL TRAVELERS. , " everything to eat and drink, and It costa no mors In th Portland Hot! Utbsknr than alsewher In the city. Kvery weekday night from 8:18 to IX, '"--. a 0nDUatsistsh AlaTTSratXlgTBt. SAU TODAT IS A." M. HXtUH THXITkB Schumann -Heink . ; MONDAY BVrXINO, JUT. T. PBJCBS $1M, 82. 88. 84; CsOery - - eloa 81j Boxes 1 23 . Adails. RaltP ThpJttP ' "on. KalBMOT. ------ Orema Tbeatr Co vews Mier. siasager. Bene of the Baker Stork Conpesy. Kvsry alght this week the Brisk as brsssg satire. Mnrt'a "A atruc-winTB rLao." Ob big long laugB from be sinning t sag. Direction sir. John Ralnnolla. ; Msttnee Satnrd.r. E railing prices, IBs. BBa. 80c Matinees. I3fl JHe. " Xez Week, "Old Kldllert lJri Empire Tbealre JSn. Mtltoa W. Besmss. Manager. i Playing all tbs Btatr-Halls Kaatera slurar. Matinees tbls week Tneefl.y (New Year's say). Wednesday -snd Batarday. Mr. Jamea Kyrle MaemM and Company la . "THB OLD CLOTHES stag." A plsy Ual ana tea aullaa, tkrllls, tear and cheers. . Note The greet boslag exhlbttloa iBtrsdBeee) Is psrtecUy proper Aw ladles. Regular Bmnlre srtees. tTsst Week, "Tilly 01. - STAR THEATRE Week of Itocenber SI. Psoas Msla 8 Xa Allsa Stack Ossipssy r . , Pissaats .; - MOTHS Mstlneee Tsesdars, TsBrlTS Saturila Snd Boadars at :'). ' Prtoea 10 and JO cent. Bnry srsatag st 8:18. Priesa lJc, te, 8ci.. The Grand - Wsek ef Bss. (1. ' Cooks Snd '' ,i Miss g.taert Beasstrleme Xxtrserdlnstra The Brest Satis. telgksrWtsglsr Trts. Kiss Amy Btsalsy. Knrtts A Buase. atsste Xarsld Keff. Orssaisespe. L.YRIC THEATRE wrzx BzonarTwo utmiBrg st, Ureal Malotlrsaistle Sen.'vas "Run to Earth" ' IVs erne ores frees 1) s. nt. to IS p. m. Beats caa he rserl sy sees: Mats v. PantaicsTheatrcItTk' Fourth s n I Is. edatr Sl.ters, S'oen Carroll. Leo Wv -, Adonla rMo. O' konrke-lmrn-lt. Hon.'- t SrnHwr o.. Te ti, 'gratia. t New snd Clerer. . Perfnrmaneee S.'le t 5 V. 7 ( B. SS. .-iiennl ail . '-- n . 1 , r - ' . t' ... j.".'. aiijt -t -i r s ...