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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 5, 1907)
THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL. , PORTLAND, SATURDAY EVENING. v JANUARY 5, 1907. SNOW STOPS GRADING 0l! WORTH BANK ROAD Work in ths Tunnels Continues and Good Headway Will Be Made This Winter. THREE THOUSAND FEET ' OF TUNNEL NEAR LYLE Longest Trestle on Columbia RJrer Being Built Abandoned Drift Struck In Tunnel -Seyeral Work ers Have Lot live. (Special Dlspetc t le JoeraaLt ' r Hood River, Or, Jan. 6. Th heavy fall of snow of the past 14 hour ha : brought work on th grade of the Port . land Seattle- railroad aeroaa the river , to a standstill. All outdoor work had to be suspended. Estimates recently made by the contractors who are build ing the road vary 'on the amount of construction completed on the entire line and run from 40- to 0 per cent. While tt is thought that work on tiie ' ' grade may have to be discontinued for . ", a time should the winter prove to be severe one, work on the tunnels will be rushed forward night and day." It Is said that there- are more tun eels In the section of the new-road - opposite-Memaioosashtnd -tn spacer of --about 100 feet over m mile than on any railroad In 'he United State. This , t Ion of the toad la about two miles be : low Lyle and In It there ar four tun. tiels varying la length from 100 to 1.300 ' feet, - - ! '" Sxpensivo Sailroed, : - In all there is 3,000 feet of tunnels . with the open spaces about squally di vided between them.' The estimated cost of this little' more than a mil of road is 1300,000 exclusive of the track - laying. - ' ' . Work was commenced on this expend ' slve bloc of construction about a year , ago at the eastern ends -of ths tunnels . .. and ona of tbem Is ., completed. Sis v hundred feet of th longest one Is fln ished and the other two are in about tb same degree of completion. - . .In the last week . work was com menced on the west end of them In or der,tO puah their construction to a rapid ' finish. It was In doing this that three men were recently burled In 'a cave-in, one of whom was reached three times . before he was rescued and was buried In the sand for two hours. After being - taken out he became delirious and has been In that condition atjhe railroad . hospital at Collins; ever .since. ' Abandoned Drift Tonnd. Some of these men have' been at this work for a year without drawing any money and one recently cashed a check ,at Hood River for $74 before going , away for Christmas. Several men have been killed there during the year and It Is between two of these tunnels that j, ' an abandoned drift 400 .feet long Into the fflcky bluff was found by one of the " engineers. It Is said by old residents near there to have been made about T IS "years ago by a prospecting oompany ? that thought they had struck a vein of coal and that they were led to this con elusion by the presence of many petrt fled iidinie of 'trees which run be seen .- SB. 9. 9. rvXTOsT, naturopath. Some People Imagine As thousands of other things are erron eously imagined, that a cold can only ee eurea Dy arugs, , . . " False Assumption ' I can cur your cold without an stom f medicine without any kind of drugs cure it quickly, too. I I Can Cure Any Other Affliction Of the human body I have done It- am doing It all the time end never will proserin a powder or a pill or a morsel - of liquid drugs. . I Stopped That Folly : :-v'-rVLong:Ago,:v.-Kv Hundreds of my patients are srlad tMit tne - arug neon nas at v last - heen abandoned and that reason has taken - Its place that science has stepped Into xn preacn ana suppuea.-. - ,-r.- A Better Way : r , Hundreds of patient whom' I have , cured Will gladly testify to the efficacy or Naturopathy that . ' . - , It Has Healed Them . Perfsctly cured them completely and that.never have I nauseated their dell ' cete and tender atomachs with an ounce ' of modloine of any kind. The stomach is sick, and it troubles should not be multiplied.. ,.i : ...... Sense Teaches That And I cur by sensible methods. - Dr. N.J.Fulton sTATVmOPATH. 315 TWELFTH STREET Corse' Cl-y, one block from K. 0. em, a from 13th street ear, front Jef ferson (. Ttlepfeoa Mala 8183. ' about Its entrance and which although in a state of becoming carbonised have not reached the condition where they can be used for coal although It la evident that at some time they have been on (fire and bave a blackened ap pearance similar to ooaL Xong Trestle at lyle. ,It Is between Lyle and (the first of these tunnels that the longest piece of trestle along the Columbia river will be built and which Is already in piece and th ties laid. , The trestls is over a mile long. "'.' It is not expected by contractors that very much progress will be made during the next two months. " Many of the men who left for Portland and other places to spend th holidays have not returned and It la not thought that a big force can be secured until spring opens. The men working In the tunnels being protected from the weather, no difficulty la experienced in getting them to work and good progress Is being made In completing them. YOUNG HUSBAND ACCUSED . By AGED I'IFE Woman Declares That Union of ' December and May If JNpt - Oisti net Succes -' William Cooper, a husky young fel low of St years, appeared before Judge Cameron to answer to a charge of dis orderly conduct preferred by his gray haired bride, who confeeae to havina passed 45 summer vTh.couplr.i;." Vh"h , "V." M.hi--h d. .t ttt k.. .h-TKy. tn brilliant young Irishman who side at nioini ev amjm ins mate cnaxacier in i the December and May combination will tnak hi "headquarters at th Kelly Butte Open Air sanitarium. - Cooper was arrested at 2 o'clock yester dsy morning by Patrolman H. C. Bales, Complaint , was made to tb bluecoat that Cooper was creating a disturbance at his home. - Upon Investigation Bales found that th young bnsDand was con siderably under the influence of liquor and abusing his wife, so took, him Into custody. - - Wlf Called to ataxuL " . After hearing th patrolman' story of th affair. Judge Cameron upan be ing informed that tb prisoner's wlf was In th courtroom aaked that she be called. A little, gray-haired woman, dressed In black, mad her way to th bench when . "Mr. Coo pert was called. Upon interrogation Mrs. Cooper stat ed that she married th man young enough to be bar son on August II of last year. . "Tb day following our mar riage he got drunk and has been that way more or less lnc then," ' she tremblingly told th court "I don't want any more to do with him'- and - I - hop your -honor - wlll-do something with him. As soon as I can raise th -money -I am going to get a divorce, -If a divorce can b secured tn this city. If he I allowed to go add coma back he will get hurt or I will throw myself Into the river," de clared th - woman whose- matrimonial venture, in tb atfernooa of life, appar ently had not been a great success .i Cooper asked for a chance to go' to work, but Judge Cameron rave It hla opinion that 10 day enforced work on tb rock pll would prove beneficial and accordingly mad th order sen fencing th young Benedick to Kelly's Butt. BOOKS WANTED FOR PRISONERS Aid Society Prepares Suitable List and Public Is Requested to Make Donations. V Th following list of book suitable for us at th penltentrary an a-reform school has been prepared by th Pris oners' Aid society. Ths publlo is re quested to contribute such copies as are available. . Any number of , duplicates can be used. Volumes contributed may be left with C H. Chapman, room Sit, uregonian Duuaing: A 'good encyclopedia a small atlas. Students' Standard dictionary,, Web ster's Collegiate dictionary; Rlls Mak ing an American. Battle with the Slum; Washington Up from Slavery: Frank linAutobiography; . Bcudder Oeorge Washington; lAdge and - Roosevelt Hero Tale from American History Bolton Poor Boys Who Became Fa mous; Teller and Brown-r-Flrst Book tn Business Methods; -Montgomery Mod ern Bookkeeping; Moor tt Miner Ac counting and Business Practice; Bur dlck Kaaentlal of Business Law; ehaneellor-MIIstory snd Government of United States; Eggleston Household History of th United States: Flike Civil Government ; 'Dole The American Cltlsen; Ely Elementary Economics; Adams labor Problems: Harrison This Country of Ours; Shuman Practi cal Journalism: Watson Homely Vir tues; Jscksoo Electricity and Magne tism; Newcomb Astronomy for Every body;' Meadowcraft A B C of Electric ity; Clodd Story of Creation: Porter Wild Beasts; Stone American Animals; Blatkle How to Oct Strong: Cheekier Natural Method of Physical Train ing; Cochran Romance of Industrr and Invention; Reagan Locomotives; Rose Complete Practical Machinist: Williams Romano of Modern En gineering,'; Romance of Modern Inven tion. Romance of Modem Locomotion; Mayo Car . of Animals: Cross Free- Hand Drawing; : Lant Story of the Trapper; Roosevelt snd Qrlnnell Hunt ing in Many Lands: McCarthy-Familiar Fish: Thompson Humbler Poets: Sci entific American Reference Book: Ad ams Commercial Geography; Shlnn ntory oi tne Mine; Field Story of the Atlantic Telegraph; Newell Irrigation: Baker Boys' Book' of Invention, first and second: Mitchell Organised Labor: good fiction, especially Stevenson. Hu go, Reade. Dumas: good books of travel and biography. NEWCOMMERCIAL CLUB ' "BUILDING AT HEPPNER ' (Spealsl Oltpetcb fe The JoermL) Heppner. Or., Jan. 8 The new Com. merclal club building Is now completed. its rumisnings and equipment ar near ly all In place. Th bulldina la ona that all ar proud ef. It la a two-story bnlldlng. Th lower story consist of a gymnasium and three bath rooms, with two large dressing rooms with look era Th gymnasium Is almost complete. Th large canvas to cover the floor while playing, which was ordered from Port land has arrived. Th unper story hss large billiard room, card room. Darlor. reading room, kitchen and banquet roots. . . .,.-.'.,. ; COULIiS FAVORS IIOr.lE RULE So Declares T. M. Kettle, Irish Member of British Parliament, ' In Portland Speech. SAYS klPLING IS NOT READ' IN ENGLAND NOW Is Here for Purpose of Enlisting; All Friends of Ireland In Movement to Toree Homo Itulo Bill Through Upper House. - . . " 1 .... The measaas I brlna Is this: Within three months from today sn Irish home rule bill will be laid on tb table of th house of commons. It will pas that, noun. But la order to make It sufficiently radical . and demo cratic, and then to force it through a reluctant but timid bouse of lord, th Irish party must hav every man . of., our . race "behind them.- Will anyone bold backT T. M. Kettle. Irish - member of parliament who Is visiting Portland. ., WW This message, together with th dec laratloa that tb house of lords is wan big' and will In Urn pass from partici pation in political affairs of England, and thst Kipling- Is no longer read. In England, la the news thst Thomas M. la 4 n MAAbfnM. Anil. Tfnwr- land Irishmen In particular and oltlsen generally in aiding th people of Ira land to obtain their own government, bring with him. . :c l'.T.- Vpoak Again Tomorrow. ' 1 Mr. Kettle arrived in PortUnd last nght and will speak at th publlo meet ins to be held at Merrill hall Sunday afternoon at I o'clock. His subject will be en th passag of th Home Rule bill and he will tell of the conditions xlsttng In England and Ireland at th present time, and'gtv a review of th work that baa bean don to secure the present strong - party that is worikng for Ireland's Interests. In speaking of conditions in regard to th great Irish movement. Mr. Kettle said: "Th great dominant fact- of politics at this moment British as well Irish. Is th forthcoming Introduction of th Horn Rule bill. It will pass tba nous of common and I bop that th house of lord fights it. I hop this for th reason that It will mean th last of that body as a political organisation. To my mind in th fitness of things th house of lords should di at th handa.of the Horn Rule bill. labor PartyWltk Tjrtsh. " "There la a great new power In Eng ling politic that is aiding our party. This Is th labor party. It represent th outcome of th work of Michel Da- vltt, and all over England there Is con stantly growing a feeling against mili tarism and imperialism.. ' "Kipling's 'Imperialism' Is a scandal ous dream of the paat. He is no longer read In England. Th writer who ar attracting th publlo ar those who writ on ahtl-lmpetiallsm and anti-mili tarism. - Kipling, if he cares to writ anything thst will be read, baa to con fine himself to fairy stories. . - "All th money thst Is being spent for- tb - military - and navy - should- - be spent for the moral and social improve ment' of the nation. Th government should open thwaT-for""Australla to become a free and Independent nation, and th same should be don for Canada. Horn rule for Ireland will be the great est blessing that England could con fer. Home rule for Ireland would be a great benefit to England as well as Ireland. The two countries ar but supplements of each other economically. Ireland is th sgrlcultural producer, while England is a great manufacturing center. With home .rule -of -the proper kind, rbellev that th two countries would become friendly In tlm and thus nd th great wasting strlf that has been going on for ages." . , Caas of Opposition. Mr. Kettle explained that on great English economist said that: hi oppo sition to the home rule for Ireland was due to the ' fact that great naval au thorities have said that th backbone of th English navy would be broken If Ireland were freed. Thle, Mr. Ket tle firmly believe himself, snd said that If home rule become effective the two countries could work. for, their In dividual . benefit by standing together. Mr. Kettl has received - assurance from William J. Bryan, th great Ne hru lean, that he will deliver a speech at Lincoln, Nebraska, January 20 on horn rule, of which the great Demo cratic leader firmly believes in, Mr. Kettl will apeak before the Montana legislature - snd th Missouri legisla ture before returning- to England. He has been in America 11 week and will remain in Portland until Tuesday when he will leave for fieattl. . All Cltlseni Weloom. Ha explained today that while th meeting tomorrow has been -arranged for ' Irish-Americans, all cltlsens who desire to attend will be welcomed and their support of Ireland's great cause appreciated. - The meeting will be un der th auspices of th Irish-American league of Portland and a large at tendance I expected.' Today Mr. Kettl Is being shown abrtut the city by Wallace McCamant and ex-Clrcult Judge M. O. Munly of th Multnomah county bar. Mrv Ket tle Is one of - the leading members of th Irish bar beside being th young est member of th Irish Nationalist party and he evinced ""great pleasure in meeting Portland lawyers to whom he was Introduced by Mr. McCamant snd. Judge Munly. . Tonight a dinner will be given at th Arlington club In honor of Mr. Kettje. ' THREE GAME. PRESERVES " IN BLUE MOUNTAINS " (Spertsl Dlapatcb t "The JoanuL) i Baker City, Jan. 8portsmen of Ba ker ar overjoyed at the announcement that three game parks ar to be estab lished on the Blue mountain forest re serve In this county by tba government The sites have been selected by th au thorities and in th future pot hupterl snd stockmen will b forced to abandon th localities chosen. These preserve will includa. North Powder lakes, th Beaver creek country and raiay use in tn ureennorn mining district. - Th lake ar th best in the county for trout fishing and the Beaver creek country ha long been the haunt of elk and deer. Preferred Stoea Canaed Creoda. Aiisa Lewis' lt ttraodi GEHERAL agehts TilAKE REPLY ' Sherman and Harmon Assert AN legations In Paid Advertise ment Are False. MARK T. KADY, BUSINESS : RIVAL, WAS THE WRITER Official of Penn Mutual Life Insur . ance Company Den That Widow of Jesso T. Wilkin Was Unjustly . Treated Their Explanation. J In a paid advertisement appearing In The Journal December tl last. Inserted by Mark T. Kady, adverse criticism was made of the bustnex methods of the Penn Mutual Life Insurance company. Th advertisement embodied an alleged account of how Sherman Harmon i had defrauded the widow of Jess T. j Wllklna out of a f 5.000 Insurance pre- . mlura. In Justice to Messrs. Sherman ! 4t Harmon, The Journal publishes the , following explanation by th general ! agents of the Penn Mutual: . j "You hav kindly agreed, to correct" tn injustice done us ss rar as possmie by publishing in your news columns a full statment .of. th facts; you have also said that we might fix the responsl blllty for the objectionable article by stating that it was Inserted and paid for as aa advertisement by Mark T. Kady, local agent for the Mutual Re serve Fund Life association. Had th nam of Ml Kady appeared In connec tion with the article w should not hav taken up your space or our tlm with a reply. Without Voaadatloa. .. "The whole article is absolutely with out foundation In fact except only that Jesse T. Wilkin did on January , H9t, . apply, -not-for tMOO but -for tt.tOO insurance. "Thl was in th very flood of th Klondike excitement and on account of uncertainty as to condition In Alaska, th danger of travel and transportation, none of the conservative . companies were at that tlm accepting risks on th live of those going to Alaska. The location of the territory under our man agement. Including Oregon. Washington and Idaho, mad it particularly import ant that our company should receive our full support In their policy of ex eluding from membership those going to the Klondike regions. ' - Th application of Mr. Wilkin was forwarded January 4, 1898. On January 11 our medical department notified u that they bad asked for further Informa tion from the medical examiner here. On January tt w learned th, applicant had gone to Alaska snd wrote our com pany of th fact on that date. Under date of January IS our company Issued thai policy -applied for and sent It to us with a letter stating that they were not entirely satisfied as to the occupation or possible Intention of th applicant going to th Klondike, for u to inves tigate the case carefully and before de livering the policy satisfy ourselves It was a risk th company should um. " "t , :- ' STecessary Precaution. With . tb policy was a paper to be signed by th applicant stating that he did . not contemplate- -engaging in th liquor business or going to Alaska. These precautions are necessary because th policies of th Penn Mutual ar from date of Issue sbsolutely without restriction-aa to residence, travel or oc cupation. .'. - . i ... . There was no possibility of our "has tily delivering the policy" without for-: felting-th confidence of bur officers and th right to be interested with - the management of the company's affairs. Under date of February 1 our 'com pany telegraphed: "Referring to yours twenty-fourth, please return . Wllklns' policy - Immediately," .;j.Th policy ..was returned on that , date, February 1, and was never,vln fore for on minute at any tlm. ' . , Xastmcted to forward. XV , We had been instructed by Mr.- Wll klns to forward th policy t him ear of M. E. Hay, Wilbur, Washington, and at that address notified him that hi application had been declined, stating "This action was influenced by the fact of your having gone to Alaska, snd not ' on account of your physical condition." Under date of February 10 Mrs. Wit kins, writing from Wilbur. Washington, acknowledged receipt of this Istter. Th steamer Nevada was wrecked the I fifth or sixth of February. The risk wss declined the second. Th news of th wreck reached Portland, February 17, the letter from Mra Wilkin ac knowledging our notlc of rejection waa written the tenth. We hav never had any other communication from Mra Wilkina . It Is not true that Mr. Wllklna had other Insurance in th Penn Mutual for $400, or any amount Thanking you for your -courtesy in this matter, we are, respectfully, SHERMAN a HARMON, General Agents, Penn Mutual Life ' Insurance Company. . . MONTANA'S WRECK VICTIM KNOWN AT LA GRANDE . peil Ilptrh te Toe 7mraa1.) La Orande, Or., Jan. 6. The Masonic lodge of this city has received a tele gram from Livingstone. Montana, ssy Ing that J. H. Stores, wno about two years ago Was a resident of. this city r1.W 'e W"" , .T!'" !,ShS -'iU'on.' Pn?ltle. being provided for lodge or railway conductor, was killed near that city a few days sgo in a railroad wreck. - Th remain will be brought to thrclty for Interment. - Greenhouse at La Grande.' (ftperta! D1ntek te The JearnsL) -La Orande, Or.. Jan. . C. L. JKaler, the veteran florist and nurseryman, la preparing to establish a greenhouse and nursery In La Orande in th spring on a four-acre tract which he own near th city.' Mr. Kaler recently sold his farm of 12S seres, consequently he will move hi floral and nursery stock from Wil low Olen to La Grand. . . "Keep Dr-Graves' Tooth Powder and use it twice every day. It preserves, brighten and whitens good teeth, and keeps the' bad ones from getting1, any worse," That's what the dentists say.' - " ' ' la hmndf mmiml x&o or boitlfM. DCraYw.'TccthPcsYi.rCo, Our name for fifteen years has stood for the RY BE.ST in heating and ventilation Our new branch of hot water and steam heating is like all our other work made "best" by the employment of the most com petent men, the use of the best and latest type of machinery, and most important of all, the careful supervision and inspection wo . ' give all contracts. r J . V : TheW. COMPANY HOLDS MONOPOLY OH GITY FILLS Mayor. Lanei Points Out Fact That No Competition Puts " Up Pricea. ; 1 Largely because th executive board st the last meeting wa practically forced t award two big contract to on company, th only on to bid, Mayer Lan yesterday afternoon called the at tention of th board to th lack of com petition between eontraotor. . The Paclflo Bridge oompany was th only bidder on th fill on East Morri son and East Eighth, and bid but a few cent below the city engineer esti mate, plus th 10 per, cent additional allowed. According to tha charter these estimate must be mad public. - It Is th only contracting Arm la th city which can haul Its earth In ear ever th streetcar lines, so no other con tractor was in any position to bid upon t work. -, "It doe not Him right that th con tractors should know th estlmatea of th engineer, but their publicity Is re quired by the charter and It would be hard to change," said Mayor Lane. "On tha other band, it seems only right that property-owners should know In ad vance about what tb improvement will tost them." . Th resignation of John Montag was accepted. : The mayor, said, balilvd he had lost on of tb most valuabl members of bis cabinet. Mr. Montag was a member of th fire, street cleaning and current expense committees. A number of bid were opened. ' Th largest was for th improvement of Vancouver avenue. Harry Howard bid t22.tll.17. and Bechlll Broa. On th following streets Howard wai th only bidder: - East Stark. East Thirteenth. tlt.7t8.7l; East Seven teentiv t4.7; Oaatanbela avenue, t.- 106. Joplln A Meek were the only bid- der on East Twenty-seventh, $708. 8; East Twenty-third. t,ltl.t; eaatTwen ty-foUrtlST I1.X42. DARING ESCAPE OF MALHEUR H0RSETHIEF 8oee1al Dtspateh to The Jearaalt Baker City, Jan. . rWord baa Just been received from Malheur. county of an attempt made by Bob Miles, the no torious horse thief, to escape from Sher iff Odell while In Vale. Th sheriff cam to Baker a few days ago and too Mile from- th county Jail here, return ing blm to Malheur county to answsr charges of horse ateallng there. - While tt. officer and his prisoner war on th streets of Vale, Miles watched hi chance and slipped away. Th streets of tb little town were crowded at the tlm and although Sheriff Odell waa armsd and ready to shoot at th fugi i tive, b was unable to secur a mark without running th risk of hitting bystander. Deputy Sheriff Frank Morfltt wa ac companying the sheriff, having in his custody Henry Cannon. Miles' partner In crime. Morfltt turned his prisoner over to a friend and by dint of great exertion ana a display of sprinting abil ity succeeded In running th horse thief down. -r WFW fiAMF I AW IS PROPOSED FOR OREGON tspeenil DUpatcb to The JoeraaU Baker City. Jan.! 6. Legislation for th better protection of gam In the stat of Oregon will be Introduced at th nexi session of th legislature by th Baker county delegation. A meet ing of the local sportsmen waa held her last tr!ght and a bill drafted to that end. . According to th provision of th proposed new law all wild . animals classed as gam will hav full proteo- it violation. It 1 also provided that half of each fine paid by a violator shall go to th Informant. Particularly severe will be th penal- tie prescribed for th killing of elk if the bill becomes a law. Th draft pro vides that ther shall be no elk shoot ing until 1910, and provides a penalty of from i&ov to ii.oov for killing that ani mal. - WASCO'S TAX LEVY IS S'XTEEN AND A HALF ' (SpeclM Dlapatca te Th Joarasl.) Th Dalle. Jan. I. The county court ha levied a tag of II H mill on Wasco county property, apportioned a fol follows: Stata.--I.S- miliar school, t mills; road, t mills f exclusive of Dalle lty); library. 1 mill; general fund. 4.1 mills. The valuation of property la the county Is t.701.0S. Last year th tax levy was 20 mills. Vacancy la Schools Filled. Iftseelal ptawtrft te The Joaraai.) Pendleton. Or, Jan. (.Mra Eva Mo Queen has been elected aa a teacher In th Pendleton echoola to take the place made vacant by th resignation of Mia Uvana Th latter ha been teaching In t,he field school during the past three months snd her gratl will be taken by Mr. Alcyueea, G. McPherson Co. 47 First Street, Between Pine I" nwnnuii i ni . I'm iinuii immuuii 11 n The Kind You Have Iwaya in UM ror over SO years, - and lias been made under his pet 71 ' aonal supervision since Its infancy. x fCCCAX4Q Allow no nna tndAreiya von In thia. All Ccunterfeita, Imitations and J ast-as-good ' are but Experiment, that trifle with and endanger the health of Infant: and Experience against Experiment What is CASTORIA 'Gast'via la harmless substitute for Castor Oil Fare fork, Drops and Soothing Syrups. , It Is Pleasant. 16 contains neither Opiam- Morphine nor other" Narootia ' , aubstanco Its age Is Its guarantee. It destroys Worms and aaays rcverishncss. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind ', '"olio. It relieve Teething Troubles, cures Constipation : I and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates the . Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleeps , The Children 3 Panacea The Mother's Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYO Sears the The Kind You Have Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years. PEISFECTEOM Oil Heater (Equipped with Smokeless Device) Very tight and easily carried from room to room. Absolutely aaf: Wick cannot a turned too high or too low. or smelL Oil fount and wick carrier brass throughout. Fount beotlfully embossed. AH parts easily cleaned. Operated as easily as a lamp. Two finishes nickel and Japan. Every heater warranted. Superior to other ou heaters. If not at your dealer's write to our nearest . agency for descriptive circular. Tb jR&ybiAMPz steady light at I steady light at lamp made' for all-round household use. Sale end simple. You will appreciate a Rayo Lamp. Bras throughout and Blck el-plated. Equipped with latest Improved burner. Every lamp warranted. Writ to our nearest agency It you cannot get It from your dealer. Stamdard Oil Cotnpaay rnzzzzzzzrzzr:r2zxsii AUTOMOBILES C01VAIID T.L COVEY Agent ranca amzAT iiwow, loroi lKrf 4-ClXrjrEcn can: ' Temporary lotetion CI f-ii" -, and Ash Bought and which has been. has borne the aig-nature of - -v- , Signature of Just think of your whole honso froai ths basement up befnt mora comfortably bested this winter than ever before. Picture to your- self that cold room or hallway betar jurt aa -. warm and coxy at the rest oi th bo us. It . will all coma true if you hav a Gives Intense hast without i . makes home bright and cheerful. Glvt-i a clear. small cost. No better txsrzrrxrrssr rzzrr Hooka -