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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 5, 1907)
THE 'OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND. SATURDAY EVENING, JANUARY 5. 1907. OUT V 10 EMPLOYERS OR LORD CARRIES A SHAWL, Youthful Ethel Schulz Displays Versatility In Aliases and . In Thefts. TWENTY-FIVE WOMEN f 7 MOURN HER OPERATIONS Ingratiated Herself In Affection of Mistresses Only to Secure) Oppor tunity to Rob Them Long Llat of Victims Tarns Up. , . (Juurnal Special Berries.) ful, Ethel Schul had dlsplsysd A versa tlllty In appropriating property belong' log to others that, the police say,, has , never been equalled by any persons la the same line and .twice her age. So continuous was her success In 11 log out as a servant. Ingratiating her' self with her mistress' In a few hours and taking French leave that phe put 21 Vlotime on her list In 1ms' than three months.' JCthel had a string or "aliases" as long as her own plump arm, each choe- wa w aib lot nauonauiiy; vs wis xamiiy by whom she was employed. Her last MloHwaln-tha home nXjCharles A ILiLtrlar-He, 147 EastUIghtyflrsr Street; ., where the careless dropping of a card led to her arrest, her arraignment in me wm aiae court ana ner aeienuon . for A further examination today. She then will be confronted"lyKscoTs-or morof Housewives who knew her aa j- Kdna . 6 tern. M artha - Boblnaon, Edna oiuio. - essie wooas, nussn Morton, Martlve Leggett, Edna May and Martha Clark. -., . - Jewelry Is roanS, v When Detectives afoCaf ferty and Ca rey lugged her off from her home at iook uiu x. ami. uvauuu, mwy took with them-from her rooms two - gold - watches, one gold locket, twelve . gold rhalna, one empty jewel- case, one UM .In. fAn, tl.b.t. m.A ,1 gold piece, one side of which had been smoothed off and engraved . with me wora Mamma. ': Mra. Harris rhirrti IT. thai with, t ha , larceny of Jewels and ' money value -. 1100. To Mrs. Harris shs was known ammtwrn . dui Mil BVOQ m lav house only an - hour when aha sug gested taet the dining-room windows would look "Just too lovely for any xnina- ix arapea in cretonne, one or Yered to do the draping herself If Mrs. 4arrt . wnuM m m.i mvA hIu w material. Delighted with the girl's good taste, Mrs. Harris returned with the cretonne to find that "Martha" bad vsnianea. ., . -. .: Other noams' Zxperlemoee. Mrs. Simon Green haum No. l ft Eul xighty-elgntb street, engaged Ethel as Tessle Woods, bought soap at bar sug gestion and lost tit? cash and a dia mond pin. Mrs. I. H. Jacobs. No. 17(0 Broadway, went to buy. stove polish Mra. M. j. Warner, No, Sol West One Hundred snd Ninth street, hlnii rthal as Edna Leggett, anarae "sir evinced an immediate interest in the silver. "If vou will onl eat soma nnllahlna powoer. sne saia,. "l will make it look )lke new.- While you are gone I will MOT up ail the bedrooms." Mrs. Warner made a huxrted trip to the nearest drua- store, "returning in in minutes. "Edna" hsd skipped with s otemond Brooch valued at $1,000. Confronted with ail these facta, Edna confessed. The police records show thst her maiden name was Stern and that she had been an Inmate of a reforma tory, from which.- ahe was- discharged II months ago. She has a husband. vaia to oe a prisengnter. MERGER OF WATER SUITS -IH UMATILLA COUNTY l... , , m.yymmi l '' ' ' ji i The arrivsj in this country of Lord Tumour is likely to cans a flutter amonf the title-hunting contingent of American heiresses. The picture is from snapshot taken ol his lordship as he landed from the Baltic . Lord Tumour is s remarkable young man. He is enormously wealthy; is the youngest member of parliament; and although entitled to a seat in the -house of lords, prefers to sit in the commons. He declares that while not hunting for a bride he would not be averse to taking one home with him, provided she waa a "peach." ' PIONEER WOMAN HHO GAT,1E OF A PIONEER STOCK Mrs. Josephine, Drake and Her -Ancestors 'Always" on Frontiers. Motion- to Eliminate Tum-a-Lum People Taken , Under '---r - Advisement. (Bperlal Dlapatcb to The Joerael.) Pendleton, Or i Jan. t. Mrs. J. A. Drake,- a well-known-pioneer of" tTma tllla county, died yesterday of pneu monia after. anJllnesaofbut few days. She also suffered a stroke of paralysis on New Tear's dsy. r ; Mrs. Drake's maiden name was Jose phine Oeorgett Dolsen and she waa born on the river Thames, Kent county, province or Ontario, Canada, in 1847. 8he me of a, noted family of pioneers. Her paternal grandfather erected on the spot where shs wss born ths first Methodist church built In ths province of Ontarld, and her birthplace was the site of the very first whits settlement In Ontario. Her mother.whose maiden name was voourg. was aantive ot Vir ginia, and when but . a child was cap tured by the Indians In ths. westward Journey from Virginia, but .wss rescued by the French. She was married to J. A. Drake In lSIt at Ontario, Canada, and In 1T cams with: her husband to Umatilla county, locating In Pendleton, where they had since jesided." They cams by boat and stage to this city when travel through the western country wss ex tremely perilous, and at the time they arrived hers" Indian hostilities kept the settlers in almost continual alarm. Shs was' active In church work and was the organiser and first president of the Women's Belief corps In Pendleton snd has always been active in that organi sation. - She is survived by her husband. two sons, Fred H. Draits of San Fran cisco snd Lee D. Drake, advertlalng rnanairer of ths EastOregonlan: a daughter, Mra Will Ingram, of this city, and a sister, Mrs. Thomas King, or Dresden, Ontario. The Leading Specialist In Men's Diseases I There is no ailment peculiar to men that I cannot cure. For sixteen years'I have devoted my entire time and energy to the treatment of men's diseases: ' ' My methods have .been perfected by actual experience, with a thorough theoretTcatknowledge as a basis. I am the .'only physician thoroughly and permanently curing those func tional derangements commonly classed as "Weakness," and my success in overcoming such cases has placed me foremost among epecialists treating men's diseases, and has brought me the largest practice of its kind in the West. Every afTlloted man Is Invited to write me a. description of his case. Such Is my knowledge of men's diseasee and so perfect ere my methods In treating them,, that I am able to effect cures In sll ordinary cases without seeing the patient la' person., All correspondence strictly confidential. : Those visiting Portland may feel free to call at my offloe for personal consultation. . . SB. TATZ.OK. Ths Leading SpeoiaUs. Vtt n 71 SU A 0.w-k A My Feein Any Un 1 UU rUV VVJI1C1I VU1CU complicated Cast Weakness ' So-called - "Weakneee" in men le i-urablo fully curable. It has not been cured by those measures com monly employed," for they are meth ods baaed upon supposition snd not upon fact. ' Preroaturenesa and loes of power In men la due to a chronlo state of Inflammation In the prostata gland, and not to a disordered ner vous condition, aa haa been euDuosed. . treat ins in nam ma itoit-ey-a -toretr warrant uncertain metnooe or treat rocess that doea not fall to accom plish Its purpose, and with thla ren dition corrected full and complete strength and vigor returns. STRICTURE My treatment Is ab solutely painless, and perfect results L ran do oepsoai-a upon in every in stance. -1 do no cutting or dilating - whatever.- j r- Contracted Disorders ' Every ease of contracted disease I treat la thoroughly cured; my pa tients, hsve no relapses. When I pronounce s case cured there le not s particle of Infection or Inflamma tion remaining, and there la not the slightest danger that the disease will return In Its original form or' work Ita wey Into the general system. No coniraciea sa.irivieA ment, and I especially solicit those cases that other 'doctors hsve been unable to cureW;' . X have ths largest practloe beoeaae X Invariably fulfill my promises. T" Xf Colored Chart showing lbs male anatomy and affording aa la- Hnnuii nnay in mens useases free at ofaos. - Varicocele ma ligature or Without uslns- knife. eeustlc, without pain and without de tention from buainees. I cure Vari cocele In one week. -If you .have sought a cure elsewhere and been disappointed, or If you fear the harsh methods that most physicians employ in treating t I wii come In to me srnd this rill disease. snundly nndermaTiennyby s sen tie and painlesa method. Don't de lay. Varicocele has Its dangers and brings Its disastrous results. If you will call I will be pleaaed to explain my method of curing. SPECIFIC BLOOD POISONING" dangerous mlnerulo to drtve th- vlrue to the Interior, but harmless Diooa-cieansing remedies that move ths last poisonous taint. o tu V a r 1 a r Cr. Second & Morrison Sts. Private Entrance : : ine Ur rJLU rU,; 234J Morrison Street - PORTLAND, - OREGON fionrs 9 s. m. to 9 pMn. Sondsjrs, 1 . m. to 1 p. m. STILL DEMANDS NEW TRIAL. ' -' (Speriat tXeoetrh ta Tke Jaara.Lt " ' Pendleton, Or.. Jan. . The big water suits of the Ijttls Walla .WaUa River union against all owners of or users on ths river, and ths Peacock Milling company's suit, which have been pend ing irora ih union country for many monma, nave oeen opened in this cltv. Av D. StlUman, on behalf of about 109 defendants In ths suit brought by trie L.ittte w ana walla River union against all owners or users on ths liver,' presented a petition for an order re quiring ins reacock Milling company to. become a party to the suit That company la the only party ts the -Peacock suit thst Is.not also party to the Walla, waiiaaunion suit. By this move It wasy hoffLd by thoae Involved to have all points at Issue centered In ens suit snd thus avoid ths necessity of trying both suits at length. The petition was taken under advisement by Judge Bsan, whs later signed sn order directing the Pescock people ' to interplead In the second suit. ' - Attorney J. . II. Rsley, on behalf of clients on the Tum-a-Lum. asked thst the Ford decree of 1171 be applied In the present eaee and thus ths Tum-a- . l,om people be eliminated from the suit.' . tr ths Ford decree It was ordered that the water be equally divided between the Walla Walla and Tum-a-Lum rivers. The. request was taken under advise, ment. a It. Swain, aaststsnt stats snglneer, - has been- on ths atsnd-explaining the Mavta tit the hVilrfteranhln aurvave made "during ths psst six months. - - i. Better Than Polltlos. , , : ' Edward C. Wall of Milwaukee, whd was sr candidate for the prenldenttar nomination before ths last Democrat lo national convention, wsa married re cently to his private secretary, Miss porothy Ahrendt - . Ths Charming Woman' not necessarily on of perfect , form snd features. Many a plain woman who could never serve aa sn artists model, ossessea those re re qualities thst sit world sdmlres; neatness, clear eyes, clean smooth skin and that eprlghtll rieae of etep and action thst accom pany good health. A physically Weak woman is nsver attractive, not even to herself. Klectrio Bitters restore weak 'women, give strong nerves, bright eyea, smooth, velvety skin, beautiful com plexion. Guaranteed at Red Croes the rmacy. eon. - IN- 'i .. tv.-H .... il--.,. . vr-.p.: ---r ' f tij' r- Albert T. Patrick, whose sentencs to death for the murder ot Millionaire . William Marsh Rice has been recently commuted to imprisonment for life, and Mrs. Patrick, to whose efforts are due In a large meas ure the action of the goverror. Both Patrick and Mrs. Patrick de clare emphatically that they are not content with commutation of the sentence, but will continue to work for a new trial, which they are oonfidsmt wlii damonatrat the lnnocenoe of ths condemned man. OUR FEE $1 In Any Case yrm cvrna .' ITX.CXKS, TXIOTUKX. srrsxoczM, TAJUOOOZI.B, UOOD OIBOW, I.OST TTTAUTT, sVXDirHT AJTD BLADDZB ' SISBABSS,' OOWOKKKOSA, PmOSTATIO AJTD srsmTOtrs BISBASUS; (0) figy m mi t v jPL No Pay Unless lesi Cured asTABUssnso ; ' SS TXASVS nr roBtxAsro. We treat men only, and curs them to stay cured. If you -have treated, elsewhere without success, you are especially. Jn-' vited to come and see us. Our counsel will cost you nothing, and our cures are reasonable and within your reach. Thousands right here in Portland have recently been made well and happy by us, and cheerfully commend our cures to their afflicted fellow-men. What we have done for them we can do for you. Every man heeding medical attention should consult us at once. If your system is impaired in any way, come and have a talk with us. We may be able to set you right again if we can cure yon, we will tell you so. For 25 years we have made a specialty of Men's Diseases, : and we know we can cure you IP your case is curable. Experimenting and theories are things of the past. Our treatment embraces the most modern and scientific: principles, founded on years of successful practice. - . : -. . - Our advice to all men who are affected with any of these diseases named above is to start the new year by having your case cured. Your whole future depends upon your health. Call and see us. All cordially invited. .Consultation is free. Cures guaranteed :,t ' '. .i'.. " ' . : . r ; We Want Hvery Kan U the Count ry Who Is Afflicted to writs ns Abont SEU) AOmeat.- HOURS I TO l:J0 DAILT; SUNDATS, TO 11 ST. LOUIS MEDICAL AND SURGICAL DISPENSARY , OOSIXS SSOOI9 ATS TAMXOIi ITBSSTI, nsnAIS, OBSOOV. TRANSPORTATION. s In sisiAk U1 nnrnn;; Siioijnliiiui jd UraorfBicinc i Trains in the Fair' Daily 3 Tlueear fslUBaa staaearS ssd tjartst -re dally ts bsiaha. CSKase, Bpekaael loBrlat stoaplaserf Sally te Kaasea Uf. Ihraatt rwlialas eselKaJre (aesie lree e Uie taat dallr. , . paaai l.po . ' Uae An- CLIc.t.PorU,M Sesrtal fas i Huartncton, Sir. :S8eai' t'JO m P..." . rn"r '" tare Wajhlnrtoa, Walla Walla. -Jloii, Coeor 4'Aleae asd Northern solnta. dallr. THM pal Stlaatle Eipraae tor the Bast . Jla (tnnttnctns. dally. . . ..i. . S:ll pal S:e PiaIirsra laeai: for lt' , , fnia between BJzse sad ' ' 1 ' PerUaad. e.ll. . . . .T. T .. 77 StIS mm :4S set coLOMnu mvrn Bivtsio. Atucl and war sotnta, aooeaettse wtrs steamer tor llwate and Norta Beeea. Stee H.M.I0, a.h-,t. sork. UaiM I f. a daiir. .tendai Saterday. IS f. as. Anrtsee "' I p. at, exeept Snnilaf. tambiu. aivsn aotrra. ' for Dartoa. Ofvsaa Clur aad Xaam rHat PMata. steaaiarS Rath aad afodoe. Aak4- dee. es " a. m. daUj. aieept Saoday Iwatef r altiincl. arrWe TOO a. at. dell, ezeas Benda, 1 W.VM ..lull. : rr tewbtns. Idaae. aed way eelets feme) niparla. Wh., steanere Sroaaee and Ivawta tos leave S:0 a. m ae epoa arrlral Trata N. 4, dallr eveent SatBrdav. Asrlre d B. BV tmwr ThWt nnWaHate-BW: Talenhnna Man, Til. O. W. ftflNOKR. oitv Tlek Aeest Wau tlcafURRaT. Oaearal Paaaaaaer Aaaee. EAST: VIA SOUTH Antes, UaloB Depot teeve. roiiana aad Bis FriB- " lae Sipraaa Stope ealy at bm Important aUUooa eetweea furtlaod and Baa . rranrlaea; eunnactlooa at. Baa trrandaeo (or aU polsts ' aat and Boats. ...J77.... UMtm UJtlS 1 1 vur l.i. for all local pulata South, Saerasieata, Baa rram-lace aad polnta Caat and Boole.' ; Mornluf train rooaeeta at Woodbura dally except Bandar wftS Mount Ansel asd Sllvartoa local....!;.. S:SSesJ TJisss connects at Wondbars acd Albany dally, except Bun- ' " , dar. with tralna for nolnta - 5 ainanr-LDanoa eraacSae.. -anopai -ii:waa Oorraflla paurnrer T:0 5:50pm Sheridan eaaaenser 4:IO pal :(:ie asi Poraat Orove paaaencer.. .ftl 1 :00 am II" am roreat Orere eaaaenser.... Ili lO pm l Q n.llw tin. 11 flnnrf.w i JUrrERSO.N dTKEET HTATIOM. ' Par tallaa and lataraMdlata solnta dally, f -S e. a. and 4:15 s. Bk Arrive Poetised 1S:1S a.- m. ana eixo p. m. - Par time and card ef flawere eaherbae tniae apply at City Ticket Office, ar sUHoa. Tlrkata to Caatare potnta aad Barepei ASM Japan. China. HonolnVawand A antra IW. City Ticket Office comer Third aad)WaaV O. W. BT1NOER. ta. McMtTBRAT, Astoria & Columbia . River Railroad Co. Cnloa Depet-. Laeve. Aittee, Par Mayfara. Balaler. Ctata kaaie,. W rat port, dittos, As toria, Warrentoe, naval. Hammond, Port Stevees, Qrar- hart Park, Sraibte 1:00 am l!:SSeai Astoria end aaaahsre. espraae daily T:0Sam S:BS em i. o. ma to, a. r. sbs p. ., senna, or. Aider atraet. Pnane Mala Sue. TOWN BUYSHEOHAT Indianapolis Finds It Cheaper Than a Law Suit. The eity ef Indianapolis ss a muni cipal corporation, bought a woman a hat the other day, says the Star. Merely for convenience shs may be called Mrs. Smith, because for the sake of her feellnss James D. Pelrce, ths as sistant city attorney, who mads the deal, would not dlvulse her heme. - A contractor who was at' work on a street Improvement left some bricks In ths street Mra, Smith, with her hus band, waa on her way to ths theatre, and aa luck would have it she stumbled ever thoee bricks and fell quite faeav llv. . - . . - ' - ' Her husband helped her to her feet and half carried her back home. -The next day a report of the accident reached the office of the city attorney. no claim had been filed for dams sea. but the lawyers who look after the elty'a legal business believed that there would be one, so Pelrce decided to see Mrs. Smith. That.noorf. which was the first of laat week, Pelrce hurried out to the north side flat where the - woman and her husband and her mother live. The young woman came to the door. Me was ushered In and after being Informed that the 'woman before htm was Mrs. Smith be began to talk. Mrs. Smith did not want to go to court Shs did not wsnt to bus the etty and have all the papers say that she stumbled snd rolled over and over In the street She did not wsnt to fare a judge and jury and have a dosen law yers firing questions at her. The city will buy you a nice new hat of your own selection and we will cat! the thing square," said Pelrce. ' "But I had better see my husband," mjild the young women. -. "He would not wesr the hat," ssld Pelrce. "No, that's so," she said and shs smiled. .-"Well, we'll do thst? she said, She signed a release. Her husband came a moment later. He stgnea, too. Thst aftrrnoon the young woman bought her hat and paid for It with a tit bill Pslrce had given her. S-9 ME1V TREATED AIVD CURED Best Service! Lowest Charges! Cores Guaranteed! Tea arbe ere afflicted vrttb. N ERVOttfl DSBIl.tTT, or railing ' Streacth. comaranly called "LOST MANHOOD." Exhaaatlns Draloa" Pimples. Lama Back, laSammatloa ef tea Bladder and Kidney a. HtsfclA Oil seed t'rlne. Imputeacy, Despondency, Pallia MeaHiry, Less of Ambi tion, Maetal ' Worry, reaalta of axceaa snd overwork: Piles, Flatnla and Hydrocele or etkot ereakneaa, which absolutely anflt them for Stody, Baal. ess. Pleasure ar Jiarrlace quickly aad pa rua neatly eared. Pel soa ate sera, ae aa. Blood Bkeamatlam. Soraa, Swelling, Sweharras, Oaaairheea, Olaat, Stricture, Sa- tars-as. areata mmm aruvejia AMI contracted or hereditary: fkia Slaaaaas, momna, uiaev, sirmuv Pea lines, Sn cental and sclentioos Service, BeasoBable Charge. Call er write SB. I. J. PHICX. lit Ptnt St, Pertlaae. Orersa. rea. The Xeisefe Christmas. -- TVolf Von Schlerbrandt in Llprlncott's. When the Bescheerung (the distribu tion of gifts under ths Christmas tree) Is In full blast everywhere are heard fries of "Oh!" and "Ah!" Pellsht. aur- ..1 -- - - - - C AMIES STATZObT eertalnly smashed a hole In the bar rooms of Kansas, but Mallard's Hore hound Syrup haa smashed all records as a eure for roughs. Bronchitis, In fluenxa and all Pulmonary disease. T C. H . Horton, Kansas, writes: "J have never found a medicine that would cure a ooiis-ri eo . quickly aa Ballard's Horehound Syrup. I hsve used It for yeara" Sold by all druggists. CrygysfteBeTtlver tbs fan liens axative Jromo Qitxiinq DsCoMi.OneIsy,CrVli3 Dayl Wrirar prtae and gratitude en all sides. Mother snd father smothered under a ahower of klsaea, their children running to and fro. Inspecting breathlessly newly un earthed treasures or eyeing those of brother-and sister. Most captivating the stern kalaer Is then. Standing be fore his own "layout." he shows all ths boyish good nature and curiosity of his sons poking his nose Into this box or that case, making pretence of being un able to untie a percel wrapped np with particular cunning, glancing through aome new books or a portfolio of rare prints, smiling, laughing and shouting. snd being e child agstn among chlldreavl Whirled Shyga. ' ". There is s Turkish restsurant In New Tork where one (nay eat pilaffs, sher bets and aaffron-ftevored goat stew, but the oddest dish ths menu boasts Is "whirled eggs." Whirled eggs, an' Impressive dish. Is prepared before the guest When it Is ordered a conk enters -ths dining-room with a kind of sling In his hand a little pot attached to the .end of a. leather cord." The man opens ths sggs, sear sons them, and shuts them up In the little pot Then ho whirls the pot st ths end of Its oord around his head at an Inconceivable speed. Round, snd round it runs. Its outlines become vsgue. It seems to smoke a little. Suddenly the man opena It and sets the eggs before the guest They ere beautifully scrambled and quite hot Ths. Best of their motion through ths A Full Dollar's Worth of MAN MEDICINE Free For a Dime Here's a peopoalttoa. atea. thtt eiskae It easy BNoroH for say wesk mas te try MAN' MEDI CINE. Dig op a dime rlfht bow a. rare tble whole dollar's werta by ratlin null aad get wsll st atxna qnletly. MAN MKDiri.VBTboreTls'THi BTtTr for the weak, weary mas. It is tea result of years ef esserlenea and etedy of men's weaknesses. It Is eclaotlfle and It le karmleaa. feat Ita quick ectkis la trcin-biilMluf work Is s wonder. MAN MRDiriNB iota the "nerve" Into a maa; It takee the flinching eat 'of ble ayes and tralfbteaa ale backbone. It will make Ja self assertive, aelf-conodeat, able, powerful and vehement with the manly confidence that Pub lea up la the strong -served body. Be that kind of e bub yoe caa. Seed as s dime today; we will send yoe s dollar la MAN MKDIt INE worth a ''dollar a drop" some people say. Don't delay there', nothing os the green; footstool that will da the work foe yea Ilka Maa Medlrlue. It mat yoa e dime to try the coat of the pa-kaca en set a full-slaed dollar package of MAN MEI'ICINE aeat free te yenr Bom Is plain, an. marked wrapper, lateretate. BeaMdy .Ce., Toe Lack klUg., batreu, Mlcklgaa. ii j n vNi C C C A IIIK..rn w w - m m mw waa m-m m mm fmj Cees Bay. Bareha aad Msa rranetaea. Seat sailing from Portland. Friday. Nor. IS Max Sailing from Saa rraaewee, Thar.. Nov. M. CHAS. g. STCILSMITB. Aseat. OaK Street Dock, Phone Main 2960 C. GEE WO J3t V, eil'. 9 Portland's Widely Knowt, and - Successful . woincis Medicinal, - Root and . Herb Doctor His fsmoes resMdlae. the Ingredients ' et wklrk we Import direst from ' the Or teat ta mrae aaentltlee esd Beepers aad pet ap fa eae la km ap-ea-date labaiory. He BMrrery, polaoBS ae erase ef ear klad asiS. Peraly vesvtahle. Tfee Doctor treats sweeeasniny sad gears sties Sa cere sll stotnsck rrosblea. eavarrh, estasm. Vane, throat, rfeesmarram. saeveesaeeB. Hear. kMsev aad tost manhand. iaJaAU TkOUBLES A!tO AXX SSXTATS D18IASEB. a false ee misleading stateaaeets as the efllcted. A cafe aad laatlag eara la the eetea sst BoealMe time end et the law eat east aae. tlhle for aoeest trastmest. If roe eaaaot rail, write tW atmntsm asd etrramr. taeVvw 4 eeeta t atamee. eoirsoxTaTioaT nn. lie C Sea We Uatnaaa Sladioae 0e lsj4 Sire St., Oee. Marrieaa, tertiaad. Or. matkaa Able sepat. alra what haa cooked them. "Thua," explains ths Turkish host, "the eastern shepherds cook their eggs, whirling them In a sling like that wherewith Psvtd overcame the giant of Oath."- Scott's S22.tal-Ppsiai Capsules A POSITIVE CURE 9or I nffamaiarbm evrkktarrli ne the Sladft.r and IHes4 gld. .. T h-inlrkly aad aermAat.tha I Uworat rasM of tMaarraaa and mttmmA, ae matter af how inef ataedlns. Aeeolalel karmleaa. Sold by drofflata. l-rloe SI .AS. er CT stall, bosk. paid. Sl.osTl besaa, Skle, IKE SANTAL-PEFS'X CtV" Ballnrositalae, Osaa. 7 3l i 3 dl el Sold fey All Draft hrta.' - 7i pure, ftaCs Sure r. Sanderson's Compened a.vtn ..J cotton Hoot fills. . The beet snd only reliable remedv for ue-u I e.u rr- - - - rtttLra.- v. " - w . .. . - sTlnale cases in 3 to 19 days. Price tl per box, mailed In plain wrapper. Ad dress T. J PIERfK, lit Tills' Btreet; Portland, Orrgon. c : fiYa yVTC' H ll( If C. t BIMI B)Biak 17 , N !eiiel A.a r.