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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 5, 1907)
THE OREGON DAILY . JOURNAL. PORTLAND, , SATURDAY EVENING, JANUARY 5. 1207. 12 Itl'nnKK STAMPS. r. c. Ukup wokks. ats Aider .. nbo i.ia 71"; rubber atamne. m. ateacus; cag. !, lr,4 ehecke; breaa eigne ead pi a tee. KIGX TAI-VTERS. ' rX.STrK KLBISliB SIGNS. w . , . Kniu n th krmt alea bona In the city ,by t-cl work eud keeping m immilM. f Mar w ip - i . .. - aad Everett its. rbeoe Exchange 68. '. W. P. BEROKB SO!. 854 Yamhill Bt. Sir , of U klnda. Phone I'eeISc 82.11. "SIGNS TBATTTBACT" f 2WT Sterb -PaHSc IBB. Boal Oa sewing MAcnrvES. I HONS Pacific 87S8 aed I Beraonally win call aad rmli your awing-machtie; work guar anteed. . hn, adjuster, ll-Rilrd at. - 1 SAFES. PORTLAND SArB CO., eole agaots foe Herring-Hall-Marvtu ufa and Niunm Steel Safe Co.' MfM. Tb largeet assortment of hlgh-greo art ead bolar-neoot raa ta Bar til '. 82 Seventh, St. - SI K BOLD Manga and Src-nreof safes; lock- n onened: metal Ssturea; vault aaa Jau ' k: larke. J. E. Davie. M 84. Mala jau. lack, J. EIGHT Becnnd-band 8r-roof eefea aad two econd-baad Bank aaft-a f lot Bale cheap, at TO Rlttb at.. Portland. Oreg.n. STREET PAVING. WARREN Ooaatructton Co., trt paving, tde walka and eroaslag. 8U Lamber Exchange. THS Barber Asphalt Paring Co. of Portland, Ofnee 855 Woreeeter blk. - TRANSFER AND HAULING. THE BAGGAGB A OMX1BCB TRANSFER CO.. roe. Sixth and Oak -ata.; baggage rborkad . from kolol or residence dlrort to destination; piMHim therefore avoid rusk and ai no at denota. Private Exchange OS. ano SAFKS. pi ready h ard furniture "nved-peeked or shipping and shipped; an w guaranteed; Urn 8-story brick are-proor werebouea fur storage. Offlee 20B Us , at. Olsee Boo. Phone Mala MI. -C.-t:'PirK.-ofBra 88 rteet .. batwwa Start aad Oak ata.. phnao IWd; planoa aad famltura .... ..d nackad for ahUinlnc roaiDodlnaa . (.rick warch"iM wlik .. aeparata JroavOMVi rrart ad-CMy Ola. ; HOKB CfTY vn trtct ui rirat at.. paooa Mala Oral. ln a apMlalt; at guarantee our work. NATIONAL TRANSFER STORAOB CO. - 270 Oak at. rvlrubooa Mala 4400. Traaafrr. rlnf and atnrtni OREGON TRANrER CO.. -1S4 Nortb 8lth. I'kniM Mala $. Uaavy naallns and atoraco. lNDtrRNDKNT BAGGAGE TRANSFEB CO. Storage. M Stark at. . Main d7. POST SPECIAL DEUVEBT. No. 0V4 Waah luatuo at. Pbooa Main gal. -" I" '' " 1 , TOWEIi SUPPLY.- CLBAN TOWELS DAU. SI per noalb. Portland Laundrr a Towal opply Co.. Nlntk and Coocfa. Pnona 410. TYPEWRITERS. HEADQUARTERS for nrw and rebuilt trpe wrltora of all aaakra: aea oar window; If fom are foln lo bur a now typewriter aea aa be fore burlnc; we ran aare ftm money; wa hare parte for repalrlst all machine; etate nta-far o iiii roiuwe unj ail iiaoa rrltera Ibe - Typewriter kicnanga. Inc.. K. i. ElUaoaw manaaar, 84 Third at.: . WE aell Reailnctona, Smltk-Preenlera. etc.. lower tbaa any outer remnany; titrate. Uaderwood Typewriter Co., M Sth. TTPEWRITBR Repair Supply Co.. Inftoa it. . Pboaa Mala 4M84. 480 Waah- BLirKR.NSDERFER typewrltara. (40 and K: auppllea. repalrlnf. Rtiaa a Ueaa. W1H Stark. WHOLESALE JOBBERS. m. a. c.uitVr a co.. DIBTBmrTOrW OF FINE CI0AB8. PORTLAND. OREGON. 8HEBK, OA2B 8 GRAHAM (Inc.) Commlaaloa - merchant a. jobhera bf fmlta. prodaca, etc.; eonelfBBMUto aollelted. 133 Front at. BVBRDINO a PARRFJr.L. peodoco aad rem ... anlaalon merchanu, 140 . Front lUf ortlaad. Or. Pbon Main ITS. CBBOON r!RNITCRB MAjrCFACTURINO CO. Vanaracterere of Tnrmltara loc toe jrai. Portland. WADHAMS a CO.. wnoleaale a iwei a, irtaaa faclurera and commlaaloa werebaata. Tourtk and Oak ata. ri'BNlTt'RR marmfacrurtnc aad epeclal ardera. I Raraoaky'a fnrnlture factory. 807 Front at. ALLEN a LEWIS, com rn lea loo and nrodoea mor cbanta. Front aad Darle eta., Portland, Or. WHOLESALE crockery and fhuajware. Prael, Heaele a Co., 100 to I0 Fifth, eor. Stark at. I. - sss JAP FLEET SAILS EOR AMERICA Squadron ' of Warships Leaves Tokio to Visit United States ' "' and Canada. ' " WARSHIPS ARE OLD PROTECTED CRUISERS Haahidate, - iUnknshlma , and Mst ; , sushlma. Veterans of Chlnese . Japanese War- Commanded by ' " Rear Admiral Tomeoka. '(Joomal Special Set lice.) Tokio, Jan. . A squadron of Jap anese warships sailed today to pay friendly rlalt to the western coasts of the United States and Canada. The warships will prooeed first to Honolulu, arriving there January J J. f From . the Hawaiian laianoa tne iieet win prncwa to Sam Diego, Csiirornlo. and after s brief stay will sail .for San Francisco. thence) proceeding to Paget sound, vis iting Seattle snd Tacoma about the nd of February. Early In March Be- Cjutmalt and Vancouver will be visited. The squadron consists of ths Hash! date, Iteukushlma and Matauehlma, all rrotceted cruisers. The three vessels sre lesser types of the fighting ms rh'nea of Japan, snd sre all old vessels, veterans of the China-Japan wer. The squadron Is In command ef Rear Ad miral Tomeoka. . late president of th naval radet school, and who commanded the third erulaer squadron at th battle ef Teunhlma. ... Btust Iff of Taw Audibly. ' Th mayor of Toulon has Issued sn order prohibiting; - hissing sad eer tgns of disapproval st the .local mu nicipal theatre. "No one will be sllovred'- aaya the onier. "to bias, make audible remarks, applaud Ironically, yawn nnally, nse . l ed Ixneriiae'e. or orhorwlae dlaturb the dtgnlfled calm neceaary to the proper , ni, i i-iit of the drama." Any breach of the order Is to be fnniehed by Immediate eipulaion, and pectatore who have romplatnte to make Sre directed to write them la a book provided for th purpose, TO DAY'S MAR 20 CARS POTATOES TO THE SOUTH Shipments by Water Are Very Heavy and Trade Fears Adverse Markets.-' POULTRY RECEIPTS CONTINUE NOMINAL Small Sales of Floor Reported for ; Central , America Account Egg Market Is Softer With Rulk of . Sales at 80c. ,J. Principal mark a1 feature today: Fralsht ahlpmctta delayed. . - Heary ahtpaaanta potatoaa by boat. Small floor aal to Central Aaaarlco,. Wheat narkot duU and Ufrleaa. Poultry receipt cert In tM nominal. V Ere market remain eaay. Heary dreeeed meat demand. ' Grower not harrytnf bos aalee. - Heary SkipaaaoU-Fatataea Boat On the atea mar that learea tbla port far Ban Franclaro toulaht there will be about S.r0 aarka of DoUtoa deatlned for California polnta, principally San Fnnrtaro. Tbla ehlpment it pot la eara would fill mor tbaa 30 of them. On account of the Inability of eblppere to a cure care In aufttcliiil oiimher-wt aaoro half" tr auppla .their went tber are forced to make bearler ablpaMBta by water.- Been if the railroad company did furnlah a eufflelent number of box eara It would atlll be danewone to ahtp oer tb mountalna, but If tbry were f Wen the tranaportatlon local dealera would be perfectly aatUflid to take chaaeea. The dump lug of 20 car of potatoee, all la one htrncb, oa the San Franciaco market la a eondll Ion that even tb more bnlllab of the local trade do at like to dwell nnoa too Vm a period, for It lea them rtalonB of a badly "-one ted" market on they bar aeen oa niany occaalone auch aa thai when tb market looked reryatninf. Freight Shlpautata Delayed, . Oa all rallroaua ehlpmenta of freight .to and from tnle city are badly delayed, and tbla la caualng much IncotiTenlence among the local trade. Bhlnmanla of .froah flab made during the peat- few daya to eaatera Oregoa and llho I pnlntt bare lirrii ri'iiinii to me aenuera oe ranae of blockade. Four eara of hananaa which were due to arrlra la Mil city Tbnraday Bight are etlll tied p near Salem. The atocka are aald to be ripening very raat. rroanre eupplle of all kluda from Willamette ralley aolata are held ap on ueconnt of the aaroe trou ble, and aa a result the local markete are gen erally quite bare of auppllea, and trade la doll. Small riaur Sal to Central Aneriea. . ' Trad la the flour market abowa eigne of making an improrement In tb -near -future. Morw-tniroiHra -are eaaan-being aaeelrnd froui the Orient, but tbua far the volume of bualneae can firmed baa baas, rather email. Practically all Oriental bnalona at thta time I far aorta China. Rereral amall aalee were reported to Central America dnrlug tba day. Local -wheat market la Very alow and dan. Prioea loartlTe. Oat and barley market firm. but rather quiet. Hay firm. Ortaail Bet Hurrying Hep galea, . ' While aom email boalneea oontlnoaa'to be abown In the local boa market, tba volume to not ""aoTarge-" Vforerh Bolldaya. Eaatera ealera are nibbling again, but tba prlcee need aa bait are not to their tut, and ordara are emrce from that aonrre. Grower are not die noaed to hurry tbelr eelltng any mor tbaa the oeairre are orerooing ine ouyina. uro aiuv m etandlng firm at at,ojttlon. Zgg Varkat Bamalaa Eaay. While the roeeinte of egge are not ahewlng any decided Increeae over what they hare been during tb paat rew aaya. ine volume ei ar rrranT -1e too beery to admit of -boldlag n blgb arlce at tbla lime. PrartlcaHy all the large aalee continue at Sfte. while In a -few eaaea aa blah aa 32c 1 obtained. Tbla b tb extreme high fig are Jnt now. Poultry I not coming to market to any ex tent, and price are bollug aery firm. .All Creamery butter market hold "well, with valnaa anrhanged. nreeaed meat market bad Bom what bettor arrfrala tbla morning, bat not enough came to aupply all the wanta of tb trade. Price to eoDaequently firm, . - - Brtef llotoe af the "Better trade la apple, bat fancy oaallty la ratbar ararr. . . Flab recelpta are amalL Price eama. Batbar Blow trade m auger market. Price are not aery fferav Local trad la not toe king Orange market nnw oetrer traae wita ngnt On account or tn nirn warer local enippera bar been notified to take ell their oft rbe oocka. With the general lark or atorage room tbla la working a bardabln, Trade pare the following price re Front etreet. Price paid ahlppera ar lea regular commkaitona: rata. Flew aad reed. OBAIW SAfia Calcutta. SH baring eric: nin. aiti',c WHEAT New dub, 8c; red Buaalaa. 881 blueatem. STc; ralley. 0e. BARI.BT new reeo. -'i "rrzz w: roiieo. 128 5"a.0; brewing. 82a.00ifi2l.op, LOB.1 aua, -i .w; ... rracaao, fs.vo pa RTK 8188 pee ewt. OATS New Prodcere price N. I whit. t8H.SOia2T.00; gray, S23.HKs26.00. FLOIIBj Raatern Oregon p terra, an an: atralgbta. 83.SA; eiport, $3.10; valley, 88.40: Kbara. m. ITo": whoj wheat. I8.TB: rye, . 1.1 AO: hale. Il.TS. MnLLSTrrrs Bran, sisoe sar toe: .Me dllnga. 828.00: ahorta. country. HS.OOr city, tisfto: chop, SIO0t21.00. HAT ProriuceTa price nmoThy. wulamatt valley, fancy, $12.004112.00: onllnarr, $.0Pa 10 OO; eaatera Oreoon. " 81T.004T IS 00: mlTed. rtlO.OO 10.50; clover, 88.00; grain, 88.0O3S.ft0; cheat, 88,00. Batter, Xgga aad lWtry. nTTTM FAT f. a. b. ' P ortlaad Swaat cream. 8A4c: aoor, SlVe. j Bl'TTER City creamery. Sort outaMe fancy, I S2H413V;' atorag. arV: atore. ITOlTlae. E4J08 Bitre fancy, candled, 80t81c local and ee.tern atorage, 27He. CtlKBHB New roll cream, flat a, IdUAlBe; Toang America, 15HiI8e. I Port.TRT Live Mired chicken. 14c b: fancy hone. 14rj144tr par Ibi roatera, old 'I'M per lb; fryer. 141. per lb; broiler, 1 4c per Tb; old duck. 13 He per lb; eprlng doc, I8H per lb: geeae, fifMOc per lb; tnr kye, ITc per lb for oM: dreaaed. fanrv. 9e p lb annab. f2XJ0 per doa; pi gen o. 81.00 le.l 00. ureeaea poaltry leme per lb- bio her. - Bene, Weal aad Sid. HOPS 1808 crop, choice, . la Ue; prim t rholce, 18c; airdlara to prlBie. 10Jlle; atedlura, low w 1 le. tt OOL 1S08 clipValley. ' 80J2oC: eaatera Oregoo. 20c, MOHAIR New. snmlnaL ' . SiiKF.IDKINS Shearing, Ucj2nc each; abort wool. Sj4e: medlom wool, BOQ76 each: long wort. 7V0I1 00 each. TALLOW-Frlm. per lb. HCr: No. 8 and greaae. 2i)2U. . ".. ..... i . , CHITTIM BARK-SHCTe for ear krta; maan lot M'tSe, ... Hints Dry, Na. I. is Iba and p. Iflu. IT" per lb; dry kip. No. I 8 to 15 In. 14c; dry calf. No, 1, under 5 lb. 13c: vailed bide, ateera. aooed. 80 II and over, tortile; co-el. fmjtHHc; etage and bulla, aound. (l-riTc; kip, 15 to 80 Iba, Be; ealf. aound. anner 15 I ha, lie; green, unaalted, lc turn; cilia le per lb le: bora hlilea. Bailed, each, I1.25Q1.TS; dry, each, ll.00ftl.50:- oolt hl4ea. JhaJoOe! goat akin, com moa, ear. lOfllV; Aagore. each, SSci$l. , - rrulbj aad Vegetable. POTATO Bern price, eaatera Mnltoo. mab aud CJackamaa aelect. l.ool )5t fancy, 8l.ortal.or; urdlaary. 76an aor ewt; awaeu. 1U.4T te lb. oVIoNa lobbing prlee New Oregon, 81.00; bnrhng price, T0T(lc: aarllc. 'Jte lb. APPLrs Fancy Hood Rieer gpltaeuberg end yellow New row oa. fiut; fancy Willamette val ley and eontbera Oregtm. 11.50; ordinary (tack, 50W7V-. FHKKIf FRUITS Orange, aew naval. 88 TR4 apnae, ioc; Mataaa. 5r par In; lemon. u.0n1(l boa; Hmee, Maib-aa. 8185 pea lo; plneaprle. 4(H'lo0 per doaen; grapea. Malaga. n i per keg; peera. II Nil;) u kacliMrrlea, Si (laeatiBla, 84 fa das, : . .' .... ' -t WHAT DEALERS SAY OF LOCAL MARKETS d44d4ddd4d444 - By Kverdln . Karrcll. The poultry market during 4 d . th past wok baa bean much In d 4 the sallera' favor, stocks bav d d barn light, and demand xceelv. 4 and very fair pnew as compared d d with thoaa ruling; soma weeks 4 d ago hav Men realised. 4 d Washouts on the railroads 4 d have Uo held up shipments, . d d and th trade has for several ; 4 4 days ben unable to et all the 4 goods desired in this line, we 4 are of the opinion that shippers , d caul make no mistake, and that d th coming week, will witness s good market at fair to strong d prices for hens, springs, ducks, d geeae snd turkeys. The Chineae . d will be in the market Tor all d ducks for soma' weeks, snd the d trade cannot get, too many of these. ' . ,, 4 There Is an unsatisfied da- d mand her for all email and d medium fat veals, and we trust d that shippers will help out In the matter the coming week. -The,, demand for good solid , medium snd amall bogs Is even stronger that It has been, and the trade Is not setting nearly all It can use, Shippers will do well to 'try snd make liberal shipments. SICSQl.nS per bolt grape fiiilt. 54. la. , VEGETABLES Turnip, - new, SOirjSI sack carrota. Tficittll per aack: beet. 81.25 per eock Oregoa radlihe. 20c per do-: cabbage. Ore gon. 1.7r: bell penpera, per lb; to matoes, $2-2f; . paranlna, SOcafl.OO; atrip r ISe per m.) cnH flower. It Maw auaHl l.ic; uorseradiah, vuioc per lb.: artichoke ai.iai per aoaent a.maiu. Toceiai.uu per noil celery. Callforala. 84.UO .per crate: pumpkin. llHf! eriinerriea. fio per barrel, DRIKI) FRL'ITS Apolea. era Dora ted. 8V.4K 7C per lb; anrKota, lsmaoc per lb; neachea. lZfijfUVtc per lb; aacka. c per lb leva; prwaee. SQ to 40. tjiftc: te drop ou each 1-10 amallat alae; fig.-California Mack, B6Ue per lb; allfornla white. Si6e per lh: datea lii.BO par boi; farda, 1.404jl.50 par 15-lb box. eraeeriaa, Buta, Eta. SCGAB Callforala a Hawaiian Cube. 1Y27U,; powdereoN S.12H; berry. dry aranniarea. 4.a: ritar. f4.7zw; conr. a, 842V: eirra B. S4.42tt: goldea C. 84.80; D. yellow. M B',: eet granllateo, 14 weatern inibe. I.1.27H; powderea, f.t.iz. dry granulated. 84.02: P. C. 84.82V4: rnnf. A 84. 82; eitra C, 84.42H; gol.Un C. 84.82H: D. yellow. 84.2214; beet granulated, 84. T2H: bW. 10c lbla, :'lxe;'ooe'av'aac' oeTsteK baala. (Above erlcea are 80 day sct-ccaah Quota tion. I . HONFT per crate. COFFEB Package- brand a. 81S.SSQ1T.S. SALT Coaraa Half around, 1 00a 8S.00 per ton; 50. Su.M; table, dairy. BOa. $18.00: 100s, 12.T5; bale. $1.85; Imported Liverpool. 50a, 18.00: 100. 817.00: T2U. 818.00: eitra - fine. bbla. 2a. -5a. 10a, $4.5o5.50; Liverpool lnmp 818.50 Der ton: 50-lb rock. 88.00: 100a. $8.00. " lAnnv nrtcea apply to aalea or lea than car Innr- Car lets at tpeclal prlcee subject, tn iim-tuaiipns.i KICK-lmnerlal Janan. No. 8e; No. 8. e; New Orleans, bead, lei AJax. Be; Croola, 8Me. BRAifaSmall white. 89 80: Ian whit. $3.2.1; pink. $2.80; bayou. $3.75; Llmaa. 614c; Mexican reda, 4c. NUTS Peaanta. Jumbo. SUe nor lb: Vnramia. THe par lb; roasted. lOe per lb; Japanene, 5t( 5Vc; roaated7i7He per lh: encoannta, 85Q0( er ooa;, wainuta, l auiornia. ine per to; renrn, . Jftc per lb: pinennta, 14115 ii1 binory aula, loc per lb; eneetiiutar eastern. lSttlne par lb; Braall ants, iw per lb; fllheta. '.lie per lb: fancy nocass. 1 8(3 SOc: almoada, 18(221 Meats, risk aad rrevUlaa. FRESH MEATS Front Street Hog, fancy, Sr per lb: veal, extra, 8ttQ8e per lb; ordinary. TtiSc per lh; poor, s per lb; mutton, fancy, 841 8 Sc per lb. e HAMS, BACON, ETC Portland pack (local! bama, 10 to 14 lbe. lHe lb; 14 to 18 Iba. ine lb; 18 to 20 Iba. 18Vilfte lb; breakfaat bacon, l5H30c lb; picnlca, lOVie Irrr-eottage. 11 We lb: regular abort cleara. naamoked. lSe - lh; smoked. lHc lb; clear backs, anamokefl, 12c lh; smoked. 18e lb; I'nlon butta. 10 te 13 I he, en smoked. 8c lb: amokad. 0c lb: clear bellies, nn- smokad. lac lb: amoked. lJfttLJlJoiil.lenviSVsC w. vinirv nmiim, ri w uoarker DDI. LOCAL LARK Kettle leaf. 10a. lMc lb: ,.1V lb: 50-lb tins. 12e lb: eteam "ren dered. 10a. "1254 lb; oa." 12 lb; compound. iw. !c in. CANNED SALMON Columbia rivor. Mb tail. $1.50; 2 lb tall. $2.75; fancy, l ib flat, $1.U0; U'lb fnncy fUta. $1.15: fancy l ib ovale, $2.75: Alaka tails, pink. 85jt80c; red, $1J0; nominal. 2a. tall. $2.00. F1HII Bock cod. 7c neTTbr flnendera.-11 tier lb: halibut. Sc.psr it,; craba, Sl.ontt.5ir per doeen: atrlped baa. 12He per lb; eetflea, 10e per lb; aalmoa. Columbia river ellverelde, Sc; steeBiead. lOe par lb: henina. Se nor lb: eolea. e per lb; ahrlmps, 10c per lb: perch. 8e per lb: black cod. 7c per lb; tooicod, Te per lh; sliver amelt. ftc per lb; Inhalers, in per lb; fresh mackerel. Sc oer lh: crawfish, sue ner doxen: sturgeon. 10c per lb: black baa, SO per lb; Colombia river amelt. Se per lh,. OYKTKRS Sboalwater bay, per gallon, $2 23: per 115 1b aack. 84.25; olympla, per gallon. 2.25; per llVlb aack. 85.00 to 83.50. CLAMS Hardshell, nor box. 82.00: can, 2.ov per nox. . . i ramt, deal tHT, Its. 1 ROPE Pare Manila. 15lc: atandard, llace. alaal. lie. COAL 011-Pearl or Aatril Case. 10Ue net gallon; water white, troa bla, 14e par gallon; wooden. 17c nor gallon; headUgbt, lTO-deg., cases. 21VC per galloo. 46u N K SSdeg -eaaear-14 H per gaHon, Iron hbla.. 1e per gallon. KINNINK 5 da ? mllaai Iron bhl. I'4e per gallon. TURPENTINE In eaaea. Me no est- nmiflan bbla. OTc per gallon. WHITE LEAD Ton lots. Te per B 500-lb lota. Se per lh; leas lot, SUe per Th. W1RR NAILS Preeaat baele at $2.88. I.INHKKft OIL Pure raw. la S-bbl lota. SOr: 1-hM lot. SSr: eaaea. 5Ae par gal; genuine ket tle boiled, caeee. Sue par gal: S-bbl Iota. Sect 1-bbl Iota. 55c ner aal: around rka. car lota. $80 per ton; lee tbaa car lots, $30 per ton. VBTTZB STATU OOTXBrXXBT B0PTD. New Tort, Jaa. '.Official price: - :i Data. ' Bid. Ask. 1 )5 18Vi 108 W Two, registered.... opt. I4V do eouDou..,.. , nnt, I04VL opt. Opt. Opt. iwVr IW'T 1023 1823 Three, registered.., do coupon .., Small bonda i,. r our, reif la tared. ,. limit 101V4 di coupon ., in iX)4- 101 14 your, reglitertd. . , l:o 131 do cnutMHi. . . . . , iai Panama 2a.... , l'K Hl do eon Don 14 115 J0 loft District of Columbia Philippine 4a....... ... 1824 . VTW T0BK COTT0B MAB BET. New Tork. Jan. 6. Official prlcee: Open- Cloae. January ' Bo March , 81 ' ""l Mar WKI -- - - 1, July , 1W2 . ypo P0BTXAXD BAJTX STATTafUlt. ' Clearing today $T58.To.l5 Clearing s year ago. Tlrl.44O.J0l Gain today Balance today. ..... .,.$ 45.52 SS .... S4.1M.S! UTEKFOOL 0BArT MA MET. Liverpool, 'jam 8. May wheat closed at 5kd, ed lower , tbaa FrUlsy. . ' JViterarw Asabitloa, A well-known man, of letters telling, stories st ' a literary club In Boston one night, when lis wss remind ed of sn encounter between a Boatonlan, professing a love of srt for srt's sake, snd F. Marlon Crawford, the novelist. In a slightly patronising msnner. ths Boatonman Baked: "Hav you ever ssplred to write snythlng, Mr. Crawford,. Vst will Hvs sfter you sre gone?" . "Mr dear sir." renlied Crhwford, with a board smile, "my principal effort lust now Is lo writs something that will enabls ma to Uts wblls X am bars." Shipments Are Now' So Temporary ETS IS III LIVESTOCK Blockade on All Railroads Adds w ' ' ' ,.... f ; to' the General Dullness' of Markets. . :: ALL LINES SHOW QUIET TONE DURING THE DAY Total Arrivals During Past Day Show Seventy-Seven Cattle snd Seven Head ' of - Hogs Best , Stock of Former Is Firmer. ; , Portland Union Stockyerda, Jan. 8. Lire atock recelpta: Cattle. , It Sheep. Today Week ago..... . inn . SSI . 1W 8X8 Year ago rear. - -8.1 With all the railroad blocked bv alidae aad unfavorable weather, ilia recelpta la the live stock nisnet enow a moat nominal character, There la' dnllnesa Is every line becaue no aup- pjlea are coming. jiiar iniua or aevan ilea a or noes during tna paat 84 boo re, aad -yoav-aa,a-tbe--siaJl aiUia. 1. ,c wwi. aa yaa -aa.a iin-awnarai ainie. a in a nuiahrll. Aa Portland la called upon aupply tb wanta of the entire Pacific thweat In Urea tori yon can readily aee tlua 1 to northweat what the market look a like. Tola number of arrival would be quite laughable If the situa tion waa not ae ear loos. - - Although the general cattle, market re main! drill.-alow -end- anrhnd. It la believed at tbla time that- very eboiea good would brlag a fractional advance over prcaent printed euu tatlnna. No sheep arrived daring - th 24 soars, snd that' market la aa dull and lifeless aa tb ether. Condi Hone i year age: All markets firm. Cattle 15e op. -- '. .. . , Official II re tork price: Hogs Beat eastern Oregon, $4.TBQt.SS; ttocker and feeder. 8d.otxad.76; China fata, 85lK0(.. t attle Beat eaatera Oregon sTeera, o . i c -a 8.S5;. best 'cow and heifer. $3.00; stock sre and feeder, 83.00; bulla, $2.O0. , . - - Sheen Mined, 5Q5Hc; wttlr, 518 55He. CATTLE FOR PORTLAND " at Baker City.-, '-r. ' (Special Dlapatch to Tba Journal. 1 Rker t'ltv. Or.. Jan, 8 T. C. Henaoa has blpiod 10 carloade of cettle to the t'ntoa Meat cuinpany at Trout dale, near Portland. Agent I-onxblin of the O. R. a K. reports that gen eral merrhantllae ablnmenta are. ap to the average at thht aeason, and that lumber le being shipped out aa faat aa cars oaa b fur nished. On account of the fuel shortage Blab wood la feeing eh Inrwd- from bore W the -beet sugar factory at La Grand. . .- j. c. lee; company drops $55 WITH KO BIDS ; Great Slump in Mining Security Price Goes to Twenty . Dollars Asked.' ' A Barer break ec m red today In th aecnrlty ef the J. 0, Lee company on tbe Portland atock exchange. Yesterday J. C. Lee waa quoted at ffo aaaea, not too ay in price aroppea to $20. with no blda at all. A feature of today' atock market wa tbe frrat aale of a aeat by member. Tbe 4. C. Lee company decided to rlthdraw from tbe exchange, and the aeat was picked up by- a -new member at a goon figure. The fact that there waa a demand for aeeta The exchange gave general aatlsfactlna to tbe oUliilal -of the ecganlaatlon, aa they did not expect very mach on aeeoant of the abort time the organisation baa been la action. Todav'a aalea: Ten thoueand aharee British Columbia Amalgamated at H d 1.000 Asso ciated Oil t 47. Official price; BANS -STOCKS, Bid. Aak. S72 HIS T 140 120 Bank of California Hankers' a Lumbermen'. . . Kaultable Nanny a Loan... Mercbanta' National ............ IflSU Oregon Trust a Saving.... 12214 Portland Trust Co United States National.., SO0 BONDS. - City a Suburban 4 t ... Columbia Southern Irrigation SB Home Telephone 5............'.. ... O. R. a K. Hr. 4a SS a. vr. p. a By.' a.....; ,- n ss S5 . 100 I" ' ino 100 101 100 48 ' Vt 'bs JOS 80 : Peetfte Coaet Biacult Co. 8a 5 American Rlacnlt Co. 8.......,.' 88 Portland By. 5ev............ J. C. Le Col ....,. JS " MISCELLANEOUS STOCKS. Aaaorlared OU ..- 4T Home TekM'bone 88 V t3. Lee Ue.--"rt Oregon City Mill a lembef ..., Oreiroo Journal, preferred. ......T 118 . Portland Iieignte imp. uo.,,.... ... Pacific Statea Telephone........ 106 lliget Bound Telephone ... Taqnrna Bay Telephone 4H MININ0 STOCKa. Alaaka Petroleum .-. i l4 05 25 . ' 81 05 'jo 01 'n is 05 " 08 18 .: 1514 Britlab Columbia Amal., 08t4 . 22 85 , 01 024 10 , 01 H 12 01 14 1014 08 . brltlih Tnkoa Caacadla ....................... (lonperopolle Wxle Meadow . Ooldfleld Trotter Great Northern . HoMen Ia Creek Oold Mammoth Morning ...,,., North Falrview ..... Oregon Securities ... .. oot .. 1014 ,. ' 134 .. 1714 ..J.75 Standard ikMisulioatea Tacoma Steel ....... I.nltert flacer Ely Coneolidsted -.Tv OOEUB ITALENB DISTRICT. Bullloa - Bnrke OB 02 1-, II 04 l ' Cooper King r 2714 04 OH 14 "414 03 00 OM4 ' 10 on OS' 1014 so too risi,r w . Perk iJopiier . Mineral Farm Mooniontb .. Reindeer .... Snowahee .,, Snowstorm , . ... SS . ,.1.T0 : Fraotlclng by Bar. .When Orover .Cleveland was prac ticing law at Buffalo, sibong his ssno elates was a young lawyer who, though a brtaht follow, vu rather Inclined to lsslness. He , wss"" forever bothering Cleveland snout points of Isw-rsther then look them, up himself. At last Cleveland becsms tired Of It. and the nest time the young man saun i.ri In. Cleveland knew wnai ne wanted and, setting up, pointed to his bookcase and - ssld, "There ere my books. Tou sre welcome -to them) you can read un vour own esse. The fellow was csught, but he rose to the cession. "See here, Orover rievelsnd." he said. "I wsnt you to understand I don't resd law. I practice entirely by ear, and you and your books csn go to thunder!' Oermaas Oet Better Terms. German com noat tore bav arranged s new agreement with the roaater printer a. which la to be Is force for Sve years. Tbe claim of tba men was for e 18 per fnt Increase of tariff rate. They have obtaltaM 10 per cent Increeae a week, s reduction ef boar trout Bins S tar t i(hi sad s hail. HOT IliG IN of Potatoes to the South by Boat Heavy That the Trade Fears a Reaction In California Markets COflTILlL SL0L1P HI WHEAT Market Gradually Loses Its Force and the Price Goes Down A Every Day. v ;X BULLS DISAPPEAR FROM ' v ALL WORLD'S MARKETS Foreign Situation Is Very Depressing and Liverpool Loses fid Again To day Chicago Drops an Kighth Corn and Oats Down. , RELATIVE WHEAT VALUES. ru. atl... ' A VFIvavn. . VStaswal. BH V, I : ,T5 .75 - -. ,Tl . .1 1 Loa. Mar ,oi) 0014 July' Chicago. Jan. 8 When will the bottom be reached In the wheat market? Tbla la the question that I being continually asked by the wheat traoe aa tna prio ec atl . option evaporate. Thar eeama to be no rallylag power whatever to tbe market,' for tta decline baa bee alow but an re. ... The-foreign slliiatlnn is aaa OX the deprrashl g (eaturee. Forelguera are not eftar wheat at th la price aad Liverpool hae boas going down faster than tbla market. Today It tost fed from Frldsy'a price. Tbe Coir re wheat marker ruled within vers as now limits during tbe day aad closed let under Friday. Corn market waa alow ana aneetried, follow. in the 14(1 of the wheat and closing a frac tion sown. Oats market wee-wva earl maa with a loes. I'rovkdima ehowed ae movement at all la the price, tbe market closing aa. changed. Official cmotatlona by Over beck. Starr Cooke eompaav: --- -- -. , . .. . wasai', . - Open. T5V4 T8 . " . -8Uj . 88'4 CVaan. T5 TB ' 48 ' H " S5V UK May July COBN. Mar ............. July OATS. May ... July .. May 7, a MESS P0BK. ' 1S80 PR0FESSI0SAL"CL1QUE IN CONTROL OF PRICES Values Advanctr Rapidly in New York Market- -Smelte Nearly Two Points Up. nrr GAINS. .. 4MUonrl Parifle... Amalgamated Smelter ..... ....... 1 --. 1. ivoiTM ....... 1 J Pennsylvania ..... Sugar ... Atrblaoa Baltimoa Keening .......... 1 Pacific.,, S U Union Pacifle...... 1H Brooklyn St.. Panl. Erie .... 1V4 U. 8. Steel.. ........ lal do orf erred...... Loulavtlie KaTT LOSSES). f - , ... M People Oaa. .... JDaoadlsa ... The New Tork atock market wa vary buillak today, th volum of buslnee being quit iin. eral for Saturday. Tbe bank statement waa aald ta bs tb tncegtlve that pat tba market upward.-but the principal thing , waa no doubt that tba big boldera wanted tbe market to go higher, ao uay put ix on. ir.ui" 1 1 rely of s profeaaional character. American Smelter waa very active, gaining polnta over rrldaya erica. Reading gained I ansj Union racine in pom - . Official quotations by Overbeek, Starr A Cook eompanyi DESCRIPTION. Arhsl. Copper Co Am. I-ocoajotlee. com... A as. Sugar, aom Am. Smelter, com Atrblaoa. com.., Baltimore A Ohio, com. Brooklyn BaoM Trenail ri2TH!l18!ln, 7 l.tSH te 1 I4 tiMiasiiao ise 1 55 1 1 54 Vi 1 52 H 1 1 58 T4 iiaiirU.imT4 1014 121 1214 SO 14 195 , 15114 414; 145 824 1 113, 13S 14 SS I 122 SI 11)54 158 44 14 1451 W214 184 so '4 w l.VT4 4S'4 144 14 82 18.114 15 "4. 8S I 1514 S4V4I Canadian Pacific, com. CM.. MIL a St. Paul.. Krle, com. ...... ...... lAuievtlie a Naabvllle. Mlaaoarl Pacific New York Central..... Pennsylvania Hallway.. p. o , u a c. go...... Beedlng, com. Soutlretn' Pacific, com. I'nlon Pacific,' com..... U. H. Steel Co.. cork... i!40 nan 1ST4 "4k ML. f as 1S2" ll 1S14 I 40.1 50 I 4Stl do preferree . j 11 . , 1 lionitiionuannfinfc "ToTaraales for tbToay. 828,466" aharea STAGE USE ;T0 Ml AND BOOLlliiB RE6IO;i Agency Plaint Country's Devel- , . opment Warrants Best of Servloo. j - ' (Special Dispatch t The Journal.) Bend, trf .. Jan, , S. A new stage line will soon be In operstlon between Shan lko snd Bend, via Madras, Culver, Red wood and iAldlaw. A company with a capitalisation of $10,000 bss lost been Incorporated, A complete "new outfit will be put on. Including new covered stage with foot warmers, good horses, short relsys and everything for a first class acrvlo. .A dally service both ways will be furnished. Ths development and settlement thst hss tsken place during the past few years In the Agency Plains country near Madras and ou the Irrigated lands of the Deechutes Irrigation A Power com pany has made strong demands for such a' line. Better and mors direct service between the towns In this region snd with the railroad st Rhsniko has long been needed. This line will supply that wsnt. Ths establishing of this new line Is ' sn Indication, In a small way of the rapid development thst Is golng'on In central Oregon. Ths Incorporators sre F. J. Stanley snd Jesse I. Ptce-rns of Portland, erm n ex-ted prominently -with the Ueschutes Irrigation , Power company; A. N. trrake of Bend, president of ths Pilot Butt oerelopment company; J.. H. Wenandy snd W. J. Buckley, both -of Bend. ' t .' 1 . Vaudeville Hons) at Pendleton. (Special f Manatee te Tbe Jonrnel.) Pendleton, Or., Jan. (.Pendleton 1 to have a vaudeville theatre. It will be In operation within tb next few weeks. Messrs. Com a took snd Smith ars ths msnsgers. They hsvs- pisy hoiists In a number of other place In this section, Bpokan and Walla Walla being In too circuit,.- COLDER railEH CHECKS FLOODS Stops Melting of Snow in Hills and Renders Danger of Severe-' Freshet Less Grave. " WILLAMETTE FALLING I'";". . RAPIDLY AT EUGENE District Forecaster Beats Says River Will Continue to Rise but Not to ; Dangerous Level Sixteen Feet ;' the Limit. . ' '.' ' . Cold weather hers as -wall ss through out the Willamette valley has checked the melting of the snow In -the hills and the dinger of a severe freshet Is less grave, than yesterday at this time. Ths Willamette la falling rspldly st Kugene, which goes to show that most of the moisture brought down during the storm has been drained off. snd It Is believed tbe river will soon re turn to Its normal stage near Its head waters.. The- Clackamas and 'Ttrslatln rivers ar falling today, and this - will materially reduce th volume of - water in the main artery of ths valley, in his bulletin Issued this morning District Forecaster Edward A.-. Baala says the river situation has Improved greatly since, yesterday morning, and !t Jsnot,t JtwU! reach a higher stags than 18 feet st Portland. It will rise to IS feet by tomorrow morning snd to a boat It feet by Monday afternoon J or Tuesdsy morning. - .Crisis Is Vast. "' . . Yesterday Indications wars for' at least 18 feet of water above the sero f tnarbf- before) the paaalng of -the-erlais. but colder weather set in and ths snow Is not melting as fast as yesterday and ths day before, Ths river at Portland waa 18.4 feet at It o'clock this morn ing and still rising. - It rose eight feet st Albany -during- the paat - 14 - hours despite the material fall at Eugene, and climbed about five feet higher at -Salem, The lower Ash street dock Is Inun dated and ths water Is now threatening the - Washington " and ' Alder street docks, ; which, next to the 'Ash street dock are the lowest along the front 'These docks may be flooded tomorrow snd freight is - being handled on the upper wharves. ' Couch - 'street dock would be submerged should ths river reach ths lt-foot mark and every effort will be made to get about 700 tons of freight delivered there on board of th stesmer Alliance, which sails for Bnreka and Coos bsy Monday - night. Longshoremen will be kept at work this evening,, slthough the danger of the dock being flooded is now very re mote. Current Matarda Ksvigatioa. - - ecurrentlnthe Willamette river 1 so swift that-the river boats .navi gate against the current with difficulty. Towboats are compelled to Us Idle be esuss it would hsrdly pay to start them out with such small tows as they sr only sbls to handle.' Testerday-sfter-noon the steamer - M. r. Henderson burned up a lot of extra oil and caused many delays on the ferries snd bridge In towing a log raft to one of the mills In South Portland. 80 swift wss the current that it took ths steamer three hours to move the raft from ths head of Swan Island to a point abovs ths Madison 'bridge. ' . . The old A lblne ferry" that runs on a -cable had ' a hard time of It keeping her . course, and the cable had to be tightened every now end then. It was with dlfOculty-th landings. were mede, because, ths fist-bottomed draft would go with the swirling water despite ths tremendous strain on ths cable. A -tetter - to aaaiatant- X'nltd .BUta Engineer David p. Ogden eta tee thst It Inches of snow fell at Csscade Locka on January IV snd that-tt waa followed- by rain and a chlnook wind over the Des chutes country. Ths - caused a heavy rush of wster, but it was of a brief du COT CASTLE AS ionA 1 yr r -s . im 1 nsaanaaase f - ii , ki fr if? ''T jMy -A -r.v. J -' I 4u---':';?a - l-Mi' ' - - ;sr . : fJtC e- "t .r.vr.i ' " l v' f ' ' i Ay-h . V' f-- ,"-' iVV-sfci'J ,.7pwP' im -fife-y ::tf a: J : 1. , ':.ri-- 1 ir 1 1 1 1 Mrt. George N. Armstrong, Formerly Mist Ruby Otwsy, who wss married recently in London. Mr, Armstrong it a ton of Mme. Melba, ths ' famous prima donna, whose picture appeart at the right. '.The wedding ; gift of Mme. Melba to her son wst a fine caatle in EnUad. ration. Owing to the freshet dredging operations st the approaches to the locks have been suspended temporar ily. - - ONE SAILS; THREE COMING Oriental Liner Arabia Departs for China and Japan. ., ' Th Portland A Aslatlo liner Arabln. Captain Menienthln, sailed this after noon for Hongkong via Japariee ports with a cargo valued at a quarter of a million dollars. Bhe should have pulled away at daylight, but It was afternoon before her deep whistle announced that she was ready to oast off her moor ings from the O. R. A N., company's Alblna dock Th-Arabia's cirgo con sists mostly of flour. '; i- " Next week will see a number of large ocean steamers In ths harbor, there being several due to arrive. Ths Ver. mont will probably be the first one ta poke her bow over ths bar. Shs some from , Siberia via Ban Francisco, . snd brings 1,500,000 feat of hardwood lum ber. Ths Vermont will be followed by ths stesmer Suverio, which comes hero from ths Bsy City to losd whest for . the orient, snd the steamer Btrathord, ' under charter for similar business.- ' ) ALONG THE WATERFRONT . . m,., . H Ths stesmer Alliance -sails for- Eu reka and Coos bay Monday night. Bhe will go out with a capacity cargo. The .schooner Prosper .will load a cargo of lumber at St. Helens for Ban Francisco.' She arrived in the river yes terday.;,, The steam schooner Aurella, Captain Bowdes, arrived from Ban . Francisco laat night and wsnt to Vancouver to load lumber for a return cargo. , . ; Tb steamer Altec will be up from' Ban . Francisco this evening. She sr rlved in the river the day before yes terday, but- was. held atA s tori. tQ .ltk.e on some freight for Ban Franclco.. The British" ship" Olenalvon " clearedT today for the United Kingdom with 121,634 bushels of wheat, valued st $83,l!S. - She will probably leave down thlsavenlng.- Tbs monthly report from ths Cascade a shows thst during December T.000 tons of freight and 4.500 passengers passed through: th government locks there. The schooner Mabel Gale cleared to- . day for Ban Francisco with $75,000 feet of lumber. She loaded at ths mills of Inman, Poulsen 4 Co. .-(- r--r MARINE NOTES Astoria, Jan. 8. Arrived at 7:85 snd left' up at 18:11 a. ra.,' steamer Johsn Poulsen, from Baa Franotsoo. Arrived at t:iO a. m stesmep- Bedondo,- from - Ban Francisco. Arrived down at 10:10 a. m., steamer Santa Maria. Arrived. down at 11:S0 a. nj., French ship Hoc he. Astoria Jan. t. Arrived down at 11:05 and left up at 8:20 p. steamer Columbia, from Ean Francisco. Eleele -Deo.- IB. availed barkentlns Echo, for Columbia river. - Honolulu, Jan, s. Sailed Jan, . I. American ship W. F. Babooclt for Port land. . ..'. - Astoria, Jan, s. Condition of ths bar tta. nr., .rough; wind east; westher clear.- V' M Askad. '-Stephen -A.- Douglas,--who -will be re membered In connection with Lincoln st Bprlngfleld, wss very demonstrative In his professions of friendship. One day he -sat down on Beverly Tucker's knee, snd throwing his arm around th Vir ginian's shoulder," said, Bevp old" boy, I lovs you.. ) ' ' Douglss," said Tucker, "will yon si- . ways lovs mT . I ,7Te.. Beverly.! suiy will '.'. ' -out, persistea 1 ucxer, -win . yoa love ma when you get to bs president? ' "Indeed I will. What do you want mis to do for you?" - "Well." ssld Tucker, "all I want you to do then is to pick out some publto place, and put your arm around mr neck Just ss .yon. BrdqJflaTDoWs tol call ms Bev." .; ' Trslantsa SCay TCrnite. --A nropoaltloa la oa foot to unit tb Brother hood of Locomotive Firemen with th Brother hood ef Bellamy Tralsmea. Th Bremen have meBiuarahlu ut spwstd of SO. 000, while tbe 1 trainmen muster about 90,000 me a. - The treaaurte ef the two organlaatlosa combined A, J wwia lie .1 v .iwrni ... v . WEDDING GIFT 1