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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 5, 1907)
THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND; SATURDAY EVENING, JANUARY o, 1TO7. 11 You Should - - - --- -. - - XVII. - ' . . . ,. .. War ya daw a aadl aat, ' Llka thla artpatetla fllawf ' Ml WMNlMlltlkHt, Aaa r haa4 friendly HnIla-t Art ya la nht. That froaa aea ItTM rn n Irailtii , V- ..a ee., eat.; O A aTod, aataotfa Last and Faaad a4T ," ; IN. THE JOURNAL, V 1 '- DAILY AND BUNDAT. RATE a On Cent per word. Mora tDAti two insertions, Five Cents per line each day, or Thirty Cents per line per week of seven. dtj. -......;;..;...."',....'' ;. ,; .: Six words constitute s line, but each line is charged for regard less of the number of words. ( -.. '. ' ; NO ADVERTISEMENT ACCEPTED FOR LESS THAN 15c. FOR SALEREAL ESTATE. TURNER A W1UN. ' . ' . Baal Batata, Farme and Stack Bench.. Exchange.. . . . . 806V. Washington at. ' ' Sellwocd - . Bforabaaaa A riwrb. 1C70 I. IStb. - - Phon Beiiwood 74. City View Park lota. (378 and api Roe .Addition lota. 1100 and op; (8 down and (6 a month. Boom (rata (SOO ta (n.OOO, - Lota 1200 aad op. In alt parta of Sellwood. . Uat yonr property with Ml wa win atU it. - 0-er tract, waat aid; good anil, firm .11.1.. aa. A " English walnuts; excellent chicken ranch; Bar acre. INVESTMENT CO., S44 Stark at. 1,000 FOB 4 lota, 200x140 hot, aaa blnrk ., from osrllne, la Center addition; moat acll. (2.600 Log 6Otl20. e-room nous, fruit - tram and Iswa, 900 faat from Caloa av aa Russell at. ' 45.000 Quarter block. T-room boo, all kind of fruit, 18th and East Madleon. 7...- Williams & Farmer Boom 80 Washington bldf. ' 30 ACRES af land, all leveChalf nader culti vation; good wall, fair barn, arnall new bona,, aaai 3. car. Una. 10 jnflee cast of eonrthrmee; (140 ber sere; ' ay terms, or win sen nail. vuau hot marina it, earner or Best stub. . . JUST think. 1.300 Vita near Balem car Una: Do- farther thaa St. Johne, at 118 per lot, at tl per Booth: level and rood Bull, with boueee already there; yon caa't bur acreage ant there for eama amount; lota will be $50 per lot in August, whea care ara running! Apply-to owner, w. Heldt, ma 1) Wash ington bld, STOri Waahlngtoa. 1200 AND SS par month buy toed 4-room modem boaae, eoe block from carllaa, T. E. Dodeoa, 200 Ooodaoafh bldf. INCOME-BE ABINO flete en aaey terma 2M S)e) idtb at., foar flata. IT per month, por celain hatha to each, cloaa In, anally ranted; i 12.000 caab, ITS monthly Inatallmenta; In ' aoma will pay the Inatallmenta. meklna re- markabla tnreetment of email capital. Mor . tan. Sweet Chapman, 213 Ablnfton bids. Phona Mala S01S. K KW S-room cnttafe ea earllna, built for a home; fauna lot, fine aarroandlnaa, tl.eTS: tenna cea be arranired. Weatera Orefoa Traat company, 281 Stark, or phona L'nloa S808. . ' 10-ROOM colonial boaaa for aala. Tf Marehall . at., lot 60x100, handaoma, well ballt. foar yearn aid, aU modern eoorrnleDree, dlnlno room aleyaatly paneled, extra all flnleh aa walla, plata-flaaa windows; beautiful home for a large family aprreclattns comfort; a bar- rln at the Plica. 410.60a Marfan. Sweet Chapman, SIS Ablnf toa bldf. Phona Mala 2018. , -a BEST BUT ta Portland: lota 00x100: traded streets, water; 10 do we, 110 per month; Price 4fl0; 2 hlorke south .Hawthorn are. ; orty-thlrd at. owner on (round. CHOICB auaiter black - 100x100. tmpnrred, Wd ' and Cllntna srs.; hlfh, sightly, fins Tlrw. Owner, ao4 CUntoa at. ARTIRTlO 4-room cot tare at Anahel, nearly completed: flreplsca and all modera conreni. races; larra lot; eery attrsctlre place; $2. alio; on terme. Western Ores-oa Trnat company, SMI Stark St., or pbeue Union 890S. FIVE, six and aerea-room bonaee. small pay ment down, balance sam aa rent. -Owner, ' phona Beat (To. IP YOU want to bur a home or lot, era Jos ffseh, at Naahrllle addition; cash or on time; tska the Mount Scott car line, fnt oft . at Millard are.. ; - 100 FARMS, small tracts and tors; bargain on O. W. P, electrle line. O. B. addition, Lenta, Oregon. Take Mount Scott car. Be. rk and 19th au..rbeap; corner (1,000, Inside (1,3)0. Phone Eaat 2400. ' , - BKT located lots 1a Portland for bomea or Inreetment; will beer Inreellgetlon. Sea W. B. Riiet, 203 Portland bonlerard. Arbor Lodge - ststlon, 8t, Johns car. Phona Wood la wa 120. DTAIRABLB lot aa Lerrabee St., high, sightly, walking dlatsnca. , Sea owner, room , 432, Lumber Exchange. TIMBER. TO OWNERS of timber clalme and timber We will nay for caab ear rood timber trlhntafy to Nehalem rteer; will deal with owners onlr; ao ethers seed answer. Writs, firing . - full pertlrnlara, to Bog S, U, P. Station. Portland. Oregon. WANTED Timbered lands, large sad small tracts: correanomlene solicited, B. S. Mat .... teeua A Oev, SIS Waat 6th St., Los Angelee, uak - WS bar caab buyer for yellow plaa timber lends la Orefoa and Waahlngtnn; also for yellow fir, eprae and bsmlock timber lands: will bay from ooe claim up If price aad loca tion are right. Will par caab tor good re- llnanlshmenta, W bars bsd IS fears' ax. ' perienca ta coast timber bu.lpeea. and bar competent rruleera who wlll (as ea the - laada without delay. J ., , EMBOPY A BBADLBY C0 . ' i 708 Chamber of Commerce, --' -- ... i.vlt'l f n t .1M tnmm ll.1l W f T. I J 11 ' ' . i ill, - - . ' " ' f ... V Q. Howell, 8.18 Cbsmber of Commerea. BBITIHn COLUMBIAl TIMBER LANDS Ws bars for sale large and small tracts ef fee timber, both oa water and rail; prices from (4 up. aceordlna ta location; - (ell a your waata and will be pleaaed ta snbmlt list. Eugene R. Chandler, 40T lias tings St., Vsneoaesr, B. C . 0fO0 anger pine and yellaw pine ejuarter section ef timber for eale; le located In Joaephlna county; crulaee between 8.000.000 end 4,000.000 feet! mnet rales seooey) price (1,800. Bos 681 Pottlaad, Or. , Advertise, TIMBER. TIMBER OWNER., ft Baa' tHon an aatabllabed fact that am ' timber department alwsrs laada othora fol low. The careful mshnsr In which wa have mnnngsd timber deala In ths psst la strong eldrne that thla year'e business will be trie h eeriest aver experienced la the north. weat. Our paat year' record la . certainly sufficient ta roe rl nee timber ownere that It will not pay to delay a day tenter la placing .. their timber landa with us for aala. Call or write oar of fleas; ft re full Bom rate da - acrlptlon of timber and lowest net caab price. NORTHWESTERN GUARANTEE A TRUST COMPANY. Lumber Exchange Bldf., Southeast Corner Second and Stark Bta. riWTED TTaTBERLA To the ownere of timber lands Wa repra. ' sent eery beery buy ere In the following ennnttea: Crook, Klamsth and Laks, pertle ularly townahlpe 11 to 18 south, ranges 10 aad 11. aad 18 ta 20 aaet, and awing to the fact that oar buyers hare the estimates oa the greater portion of the timber la the a bore counties It enables us to make quick sales, ' therefore aeod ua your full deeerlptloa and the estimate; also yonr lowest net eaeh price, and wa can do business with you on . short time; ao padding prices goea with aa. We alwaa hare buyers for well-located, slhgls ,ORinl BROTHERS, 84 Sixth at., 817 and 818 Psntoa Bldf. Portland, Oregon. Snap In Timber 12n.0tiri.000 due timber, si most 80 per Cent cedar, S mile from railroad, near log ging stream, . 8kss1t county, Weshlngton; atumpags (1. Kooin 84, 227 H Washington. FRET fir timber la Columbia coontr Oregon. Addree Owser. " Address 0 104, cere 4orjrnal.r :r-.-r 3,190 ACRES finest sugar plus ta sooth era Ore gon; will sell cheap. C. 0. Schmand, 229 btark at.. Portland. TIMBER wanted In Oregon and Washington, larg. or email tracts. Ptst price and loca tion. Sphinx Agency. 806 Vi Btark st. 78.000.000 FEET fir and radar. 80.000 eapselty mill; splendid locstkn, la Washington. O'Donnell A Luces, (14 Chamber af Commerea; ONE relinquishment, yellow pin claim; very fin timber, Phon Wood laws 808, WILL locate yon on fine timber elslset rail road new grading through bait. Phona Wood lawn 808. WB bar aoma extra bargain In small tracts ef timber. Sphinx Agency, SOSfe. Stark St. FOR BALE 2d.000.fioo fret of yellow snd red fir) can be logged to Columbia, I mile from R. K. this Is close In, and ra a rtoelrable logging propoelflon; if you want It aoma quick. J. 8. Taylor, 518 Marque m bldg. FOR SALB 2.000. 000 feet choice sprue timber Hose to Colombia rlrer;- can be logged at small cost; will be sold cheep If taken anon. Call ar addrasa, J. S. Taylor, (16 Marquaai bldg. j. . . FOR SALE FAR.MS. 180-ACRB mountain ranch: worlds af rang. Sneet soil, 8rst-class buildings, lsrga barn as good, aa there la In the country, large 8-rontn bona, porches and bsy windows; large woodhonss, mtlkhouee, etc.; good family orchard, all kinds of farming machinery with which ta rn the piece; 70 scree slsshed and seeded, 28 acres In culttrstlon, water biped to the bona snd to tb hern and milk house; finest rf fruit and garden land; In -' fact will ralea anything grown an thla hemi sphere. Price (4.000; part can stsnd at 8 per cent. In laojhlll county; worlda of mt- ' sid rang. , ' HI ACRE FARM In Yamhill county: 100 seres In rultlrstlon and mostly In- fall crop grain and plenty of seed tor the remainder; a good 7-rooru house, woodbunse, eprlngbonse, large granary, large be roe, errawaheda, ate.! 3 oroharda. old and young: no acre of osk grubs, easily clesred; worlde of outrsaget zgtaln snd bsy to feed until barreat; phone In bouse, R. F. P. mall, schools, good county road, large arret rn rune thrrogh center of the placs; 1 be try Psrcheron tram, 1 Percheron mere In foal, new farm wagon, farm rake, 3 plowa, 1 snlky plow. 3 new ' sets of harness, new hsyrske. mower, elder- Frees, new stumppnller. . complete sef of srmlng tools snd machinery. 4.oOO feet of dryeet lumber; 2,000.000 feet timber on place, near stream: 25 head of hogs, 1 registered boar; 28 Angora gnsts, Coxwell eheep. 8 head of cattle, Jersey eow; fine water st ths boos. Price (7..Vi0, on terms. Healthiest locality la the atate. 80 acre flret-clsss tsnd wtrhln a half or threa-ouartrVs of a mlla to the sew car line being built from Salem to Portland: 6 miles from ths city; about half Is bearer dam lend, and sbont 4al cords ofyrood on lit same.-. Lhd le not -cleared. Flue flowing spring the whole yesr through the niece. Price (1.000; psrt trade, balance cash If sold within the next 80 day. j- 100 seres, 40 under raltlrstlon. 1(' acre mors almost eteer; a good 6-room house, a fin new barn: located on th Tualatin rlrer and en a fin road: milk snd mall root by the door, 14 mllee from Portland.- 2 'A mile from railroad stall on aiion:ati stocg. sna I,rk-(S,000: easy implements included, terras. .... .. 61 H acre, about 40 In cnlttvstlon. sit ' excellent anil, nicely located: good bnlldlnrs; II mil from Portland on a good road. Prlc (6,000 term. Washington county, ' ' .W. CBpcy;;-'r- Boom (18 Commercial bldg.. Corner Second and Washington. ONE f th best ranches to eastern Oregon, Improved, 800 scree. 600 seres fin bottom land, abundsnc of water, at enaargala. Ad drss U. B, Cnrrs, ewasr, Baker City, Or. -FARMS. (J. 100 20 acres fronting oa Cols re his rlreri IB serve clesred, 8 scree orchard: email house and barn J fine -view, af the Columbia rlrer. 820 acme, in mllee froca Portland; 10 seres . la 8na ,tte of cultlestl. hslf bottom lend, sll fsnceil; 4 routs bouse, S barns, good atone ml ik house; 4 acree bearing orchard, ' Bxjetly spplrs; user st-hool, R. F. 1)., 4 aillea to boetlandlug and railroad, fine grsrel road, lerel lend; price only (40 per acre; , gl'e good terms; best of soil, (1.100 acrea 8 mile from Waahougat; IB acrea cleared. 4 acres orchard, balance pasture; sll kinds of small fruit: email houae, 24x24: barn, SOiSO; woodaned, chlckea huuaaf guoU well, all fenced wl(h good true. ' S48 acre 8 mile from Wsshnugsl. Clarke county, Waahlngton, 28 miles froui Portland; . Io0 acres In meadow; no stump or rock; 6 scran bearing orchard variety, bslsncs pss tnr and timber; 2 running streams and sev eral good springs; all fenced with good new wire; 4 miles or more fence, most of It 8 and 6 wires and a plank, which makes It hog tight; S of the largest barns In the country; good 6-room bouse, other outbuild Inge; 8 horeea. 8 bead of cattle, 13 hogs, 24 shsep; plenty of bsy to winter stock: mower, rake, wagon, buggy, dlae aad all kinds of , farm Implements; price ecijr f44 per acre, gir tamia, 4, par cent. ' (8,00040 acre d miles froaa Tancoveer, ea i Sne grseel road: 50 acrea cleared; family orchard; 8-room house; falr stabls: best of soil, no rock or grsrel: half caab. balance S - year; thla ta a snap; Sua location; near school; JL F. D. . ?1.400-r2i acfiri3 miles from Yanoourer, ( lea from boat landing and railroad; 12 acres cleared, all fenced, 6-roam bona, oa . mala county road,, near school, fin location, beet of soli. (a,800O acres, 10 mile from Portland. ( ' mllee from electrle ear; 40 acrea cleared, balene pasture, 8 acrea ef bearing orchard, good' 6-room bonae, good barn, good team. 4 ' cows, farm implements, bay to winter stock, some grain snd spnds, fin location, near aalioot and church, U. F. O., best ef soil; glee terma. - - , 200 acres la Clark county, Washington, S miles from boat landing and railroad, 100 scree ra ftns stste of eulttratlon, some greea tlmbss, bslsaes psatura, all -feaead rlth poet . r and wire, '6 acrea bearing orchard, 8 acrea apple and cherries and pears, balance pranee; new 7-room bouse, coat (l.feio; an large barn, 80x100, fruit dryer, milk hones, with , fin spring water In It, atber outbuildings, blsckamlth shop and toots; personal property rie with place; good team, S wagona, 1 new; hack. Dew; 1 top buggy, new; new a born binder, all kinds of farm Implements, s 14 milch cows, 4 fins bull, 4 need young " hogs, 12A cblckene, now ereem separator , with tread power; 60 bans of hay, BuO buabela of oats, some wheat and spuds, sear acaool,- R. F. P. Thla la a beautiful pUcs, best of black aoll. Price only (46 per acre. Including per- oaaJ property: gir terma. 108 Seoond at,' Portland. Or., and BOO Main st Vancouver, Wash, . Phona Main 3404. - FARMS. 40 sores, all ebole lend, nearly lerel, ao waste: 27 acre cultivated, balance pastor; good house, good barn, good orchard, good -water, 2 welle and spring: 1 mile to. rail road, 10 miles west of Portland, oa good rosd; can asll now for much less thaa Its value. If sold quickly. 626 acrea of (and, 190 acre cultivated. 28 acree In hope, enm fruit; bones, barn, ether outbuilding : wster piped to bona and barn; Cnod orchard land or good stork farm; good opnonse; well located, only 6H mile from railroad Ststlon, at Polk county. Or.; two fsversbl hop years will pay the price now asked for thla farm; this la a great big snap, only (8.000. 1.400 acres aront 830 scies now eultlaated. 360 acree mor ready for Hie plow, balance In pastur: sums utush snd timber; hmjes. bsrn, orchard, fine running water: choice location In Douglas county. Or., 2H mile from a good town on railroad; a Terr cheap farm, worth much mora than ' prlc now offered at. 1H0 acre land, nearly level, TO acre eel. tU.tUl An - ..Ma .1..... TO 1 .1-..K lead nearly -all fenced; running stresm of wster with water power; county rosd on 8 etdee of fsrmi fsmlly orchard; good e-roon house, newly papered: 3 barns aad onttnrlld lnge; ecboolbouee and chnrchhouss at corner of land; 2H mllee from O. W. P. ear line " prlc only (5.000. ' ' 86 acre, all choir land, near Rldgefteld, . Weeh., eonvenleat to railroad and river trans notation: house, barn, woodshed, orchsrd, nice spring water;, land all fenced, IS acres cultivated, 88 acree good land, SO acrea 'cultivated, . family orchard, good 6-room. house, fair, barn, 3 springs nf wster; fine neighborhood; 3 ch arches and arhoolhonae within 1 mil, en good rosd.. R. F. D. snd telephone, near v McMinnvlll. xamnlll county, or.; a snap; 61.80O. r- 8rt0 acree, all good aoll. 840 acrea enltl rated,-20 sere timber. 20- aerea h aprle orchard In good condition, 20 acree In bops; running brook wster, bouse, lara dairy, bam. I farm lies nice to subdlrtde, Joins a good town on river aad rail, la Willamette valley; fine etoree, mills, banks, schools, ool Iere, ehorcoea, ate.t a good buy at (hO per acre. 100 acres, all good land, ' rolling, but not rongh, 86 scree cultlrated, 8 acres la nice orchard; good new bouse, fine bsrn, etc.; running stream of water, also springs; wster power on ths land: fronts on main county road, mils ta sctionl ; fronts on Iwls . rlrer. Clarke county. Wash. : boat lands oa tle farm; 20 been or cattle, rarm Imple ments; 80 tons hay, some chickens: will take Portland property a part pay I a aaapi pries tor all. (4.000. 40 acres land, 82 acre cultivated, t" acrea In orchard; new bouee. wood-fiber plas ter; bam. chicken park; bouse all furnished, etoree, cerpet, npright planot bone, (merry, back) 1 Jersey eow, 100 chickens: aesr Ore gon City, esey drive to Port lend; tired of farming and must acll; all goes: now ealy (8,000. HBVKXB A HARRISON, : ' 317 Ablngtoa bldg. FINS BCILDINO SPOT. 160x300 lot. weat alope Mt. Tabor: sightly location for honret handy to ar eell whole ' or divide. . , HENKT-B A HARRISON, 217 Ablngton bldg. S OR d to Join me ta developing sa sppls ranch near Hood River. Address P 102, JonrnaL FOR BALD M-arre farm, good house and larg barn, small- orchard, 25 scree under cultiva tion, good aoll. aesr Uldgefleld, Weshlngton, cheep for cssh. Can ea J. B. Taylor, 618 Marquam bldg. FOR farms, acreage snd suburban property call . on the Farmers' Land Co, 178 Madison at. STOCK FABM, 2,600 acre. In souths Ore gon; about 200 acres can be cultivated, bal ance gently rolling; sll good soil; plenty of wster the year round) enough timber) to pay for plscs. The beet stock ranch la Oregon for the prlc. Call of writ for full Informa tion. Bosorth-Klnney Co, 810 Lumber Ex change, Portland, Or. CHOICE Ysmhlll aad . Marlon county farm. T. M. Dodson, 800 uoednoogn Ding. FREE borne for thonssnds ef Dennis ta Lake lu county; land subject to bomestesd snd des ert entry. ror r psriicuisrs wriiv su-vatusj A Rohlnett. Silver Lake, Or. . . ' i;'.' FOR SALE- LIVESTOCK. TOREK freeb milch eow. SRS Spencer st. rnone 'jsoor ins. THREE good fresh cows, fin Durham. S73ra East litn st. YOt'Nfl Jersey cow. suitable for family use; bsrgaln. h'M Patron road. MINES AND INVESTMENTS. C0ECR D'ALKNB Ml NINO STOCK J am slwsys In the market either t buy oe sell anv artlv mining stock; -lees mads soy listed seenrlMes. T. P. BltOWN. 401 McKay bldg. ITrt SALIi Wasliiiigtoii" -ST Oregon . laity. Co.- . A. J. PAUL SAYS: - ; - . - I've had lots of correspondence from unknown people since I've started classified advertising and ant well satisfied. -; A. J. PAUL, :, : v ' Sawmill Machinery. , r 1IORSR?, VEHICLESmARXESS.- B0K8ES and bnggle for rent by dsy. week snd month; special rale to bnalnese-boueea. Slitk and flaw too rn. East 72. QOOO team for sale, weight 2 800. chearnut snd buck. O. B. Taylor. Inquire I-sclrlc . Potbsry Co.; Uk car. WB buy. sell, rest, eichange boraee, wsgnns. ' saddles, barneas. Hubert Ar Ball, 268 tth st. P0CR1.E express and team, cash or terms, er will let ea abarea. 8M Water at. CARNEY'S VETERINARY HOSPITAL. 380 ei. i-Booes stain ispvs-.'vv.lT. BARTER AND EXCHANGE-. RICH A NOB for vacant lota ta Portland, loo ser wbest ranch, all under - cultivation. Phone owner, Woodlawn tU. kXjniTT In S or 4-room bones snd lot; will take vacant lot, land or piano, phone East 4108. MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS. (50 REWARD for proof thst any talking ma chine equals ths Edlsoa phonograph; eons- plete stock; easy psymenta. Portland Phone. graph Agency. 128 Seventh at. aleln 86. FOR 8 LE MISCELLANEOUS. FOR BALK, 3S0 Ftrat-claae condition. No. 188 18 Bridge Ileaeh cooking range 'with wster beck: can use weed or -coaL Phon East 4301.. FOR SALE Buff Orpington Cockerels. Wood stock Una, Harrison ststlon. S blocks north. FIYB copies popular musio, 7 Bo postpaid. Larry ' Musle House, 171 Fourth. , SECOND-HAND her ft i tares, nooltsbiee. eafes, i.i.ivw, ru.ii,. , nee-era Dll.ias . Ul., OAr Washington st , CHRIRTMAS BOOKS, Bibles snd prayer-books. Hylsnd Bros., 228 Ysmhlll at. FOR SALB Chatham re en be tors and broorlera, evt days' free trial. Oeo-. W. Foott, 821 Eaat "orrjaon. WsxJLQrtjaiifll, SELF-CBANOEMAKIrtO cash register for sale mean, an rirai ax. WB print roar asms on 60 calling cards, proper sis and style. 8.1c; 260 baslnee cards. (1. A. W. Schmale Co., 228 First. Portland. Or. SEWINrt MACHINEgbnught. sold and ex changed, (ft. snd up. Wsstera Barrage Co., 627 Wsshlngton t- SHOWCAHKR. eounters. ' fixture, bought, eold or exchanged Wee tern Selvag C-, " 627 Wsshlngton st. Pselfle TBS. BILUARD AND POOL table for rent er tor ssle on easy payments. THB BRUNSWICK-BALKS) OOM.RNtEB CO. 48 Third st, Portland. ... 60 SLIGHTLY dsmaged aewlng-marhlnea at very low -prices; Singer, Wheeler A Wilson, Domestic White, Household, Paris and others; to Kaks room tor new stock Wheeler A Wllsoa and Singers. S. 8. Slgrl, 836 Mor rison St., Marquam bldg. SHOWCASES and flrrnree. new apd second hand. Carlson A Kallitrom, 280 Conch St. HOLDEN'S BHETTMATIO CURE 8nr ars fat rheumatism. Sold by aU druggist. SCHOLARSHIP for ssle ta Home Business college, vslued at (00. Apply ta B. B. Oliver, Sslem, Or., B. F. O. Ho. i. . A FEW thoroughbred barred Plymouth Bock chickens. Phone Bast 4377. ' REMINOTON typewriter for aala at a bargain. F 102, car Journal. PARTY leaving city wish to eell ' good np- rigni piano, nrst class condition, cheap fur 9iv izxa it, . FROST TFarCO."-rftgae-ah bonersmnln- cy aingine rrnrxs loriias sna ronr-raiva en. glnes. A. J. Paul, aalea agent, 103 First st. SAFB and fire escape for ssl cheap. Inquire 84A North 18th su t HATE a larg hot air besting furnace for sal cheap, at 86 North . Front. SU Jlenry Mertaloff. TWO gss logs, second-hand. Phon Main 8778. PERSONAL. AMERICAN workman, ' aged 48. strictly tem perate, stesdy position, msklng (100 per inoain. wisnes acquaintance or American woman who would marry If salted. Address a ioi, car journal. MOLEH. wrinkles, superfloons hair removed. No charge to talk It over. Mr. M. P. Hill. Room 8.10 Flledner Bldg. Phon Pactflo 136. WERFOOT Oil Rucking eare the leather! ab- aoiuiaiy sra. HOLDEN'S RHEUMATIC CURE Snr car fur rheumatism. Sold by all druggist. GERMAN bonka, magaslnes, novels, etc.. t Gee man. Enrlleh, French, Spanish, Swedish end Italian dictionaries; foreign books of all kinds. Behmsl Co, 220 first St. - A. REINEB, PRACDfCAL FURRIER. Brpert fitter, fur remodeled, repaired and redyed: 80 years' xper1ence Insures entire satisfaction. Phon Paclfl 2487, Lawhr bldg. 8KTINFJ PTt.LS cur sll forms of nervous nr mnscnlsr weakneea. For men er women. . Prlc (1 box. -6 boxes (6. with full guar antee. Address or call J. O. Ctomenson, drug gist. Second and Xamnlll sts., Portland. Or. DR. RING CHOONO. Importer Chinee root . medicines; cells Chinee tea, certain care for all dhwaaes, 181 2d, bet. Ysmhlll and Taylor. DB. O. V. KETCHUM cure promptly prlvst dlseeees. kidney, nervous, skin snd specie! female trouble. Cell or writ. Office . nni Third st, cor. YambQ. Phone Pselfle 22211. BALM OF FIGS for B female dli East Bslmont. Phon Ksst 4084. (38 DOLLS' HOSPITAL Repairing and dressing. Boom 8. 843Vs Washington st. TURKISH BATHS, 800 Oreyonlan bldg.; ladle dy, gentlemen night. Mala 1088, MANLY vigor restored by Dr. Roberta' Nerve Globules. One month's treetment, (2: 8 months, (ft; sent securely sealed by mall. A rente, Wondard, Clarke A Co, Portland, Or, SUITS pressed while yon wait, 60. Ladle skirts preeeed. 60c. Gilbert, lrmi Sixth st, next to Quelle. Phon Msln 2088. GENTLEMEN'S plain and fancy sewing. Par lors 21 and 22, 268 V Stark street. . BEST magaslne crabs erer offered: send far price: sgents wsnted. Jones' Book 8 tors, 281 Alder St., Portlsnd. Or. DISEASES OF WOMEN; enfortnnst girl and bable cared for; prlvst hospital. Dr. Atvrnod, room A 860V Mor. St. Tel. Pselfle 1768. HOLD ON There Is an thing thst will en re rheumatism. Ask your druggist for bsrk tonic or sddress er can J. O. Clsmartso. druggist. Portlsnd. Or. OWL RESTAURANT. S Esat Morrison St. Meals 16c snd np; short orders, fresh oysters. J. L. Tstslsff, proprietor. LADIES: Dr. L Franco' Com pound: sefs, speedy regulator; 36 cents, druggists or mall; booklet free. Dr. L Franco, Philadelphia. Pa. MISS ENGLISH, electric vibratory fee,- scalp . and body treatments; Barker's vibrator, sine thing new. 146V Sixth, rooms 24-26. REFINED ladv give manicuring, chiropody, scalp and f .rial treatment. 201 Vb Third et., corner Taylor. CHIROPODY, scalp treatments, medicated facial menage. 224 vt Washington at. SWEDISH trslned nurse, nelslngfors graduate. curee rheumafiam, stomscn imnntes, nervous disorders snd sprsln by hand-robbing, steam, sweat snd tnb bathe. No. -T Faat 11th St. Tska East Anksny ear. Phon Esst 200. PERSONAL. RECENTLY opened manicuring parlors: ladles and gen Hemes. 861 V4 Morrtaoa st, room 12 PR0PEAS0R 0. S. riOVIt, phrenologist, eel- entitle character reader. Iaeona glrea la class er prlrste. Kormeriy ef Ban Frsnclac. ' orrica 818 AUaka bldg. ACTOMOniLES. F. T. MERRILL Pop Toledo care, sere pee engsrs. tl per hour. Office Sereutb and Oak. Mai 623. Stand B. B. comer Sixth snd rVsahlngioa. K. B. To Merrill e Caalle Duel Rrs 41 ASSATERS. 0ARYIN CTANIDB EXTRACTIOW CO., and Montana Asssy .Office. 1J Morrlsoa at. ART. FBEB LESSONS la embroidery erery day; new stamped shlrtwslats. eereet-covers, bolero Jackets, hsts, umbrellas, etc. Tb Needle craft Shop, 3.S3 Washington at, between Perk and Tenth sts. PROrH880R R. MAX MBYER, 848 Alder St. Portrait and landscape ertlat and teacher. ATTORNEYS, i 0. H. PIOOOTT AND J. A. FINCH Attomeya-at.Law. Practice In sll courts, 4 Mnlkey bldg., corner Second and Morrison. BLANK-BOOK MAKERS. HOWE, PA VIS A BTILHAM. 100-111 Second t. Blank books msnufscrured: agents for Jones Itnprored Ixmee-Leaf ledgers; se th new Eureka leaf, the beet on the market. BUTCHERS' SUPPLIES. BUTCHER SUPPLIER S. Rtrkenwald 0., 804. 808 Rrerett St.; lsrgest butcher supply bona BUTCHERS' SUPPLIES Adolph A. . Deknm. 181-138 riret St., carrlea a full line and com - plete aasorlment st lowest market prices. CLAIRVOYANTS.. ANP PALMISTS. CONSULT THE REST IT WILT. PROVE CHEAPEST IN THB END. FREE TENT FREE TEST-- . , , . Take this advertlaemenr - PROF. D NII1L0. '""" ' SOS Wsshlngton st. . ' H win give you s teat of his wonderful CLAIRVOYANT POWERS by telling yos) your name In full, free ef charge, and gir f'ou drlce, before yon rteeWe to bar a ee4 ng, snd then If you think he has th power to read your paat, preeent and future life, he will give yoo his wonderful DEEP PSYCHIC (9 READING FOR (1. This week only, (to tells yoa wbo you are. where yen come from, bow many members there are la your family. . what your occupation Is, snd whst It should .be; wbst your aliments are. bow to core them, where yon will be moat successful, and whrr what your health will be all throueb life; how much wealth you will posses. If any; who It Is that csnaes yoo trouble, snd how to overcome It; If your mine contains ore, nd to whst extent; how te control those yon love snd admire; wher your lost one ar: what yon ahould - Invest In to be sve ressful. In fact, no matter what you wish to know or.wleh t do, he will nccompltah It for yon or charge yon nothing. Hours, a. m. to 9 p. m. 803 H WA8HIN0TON ST. " . Alwsvs Consult th Rest. PROF. B. KHIMO. Oreeteet living, sirral dead-trance clair voyant of the ege; adviser on business snd all tffa1rof life: tells your full name snd whst you caned" lor. whom o will marrr.- how to control the on you loss, ern thougb- muee away; reunitea in eeparatco; gives secret powers to control; no king delays la waiting. Hours 10 to 8, dally snd Sundsy. permanently located In Me own heme. 266 Fifth St.. corner Madison at. .. PROF. WALLACE, palmist, clairvoyant and medium: readings 6oc. Parlor 4, Tba Cos mos. MfH MmTlsnn St. , COAL AND WOOD. THE Port Is nd Wood A Coal On. ar now doing business In their new ysrd. at ths corner ef 16th and Bavier atresia. Fir. ash. slsbwood and cost ' OREGON FUEL CO. hi now selling Welsh ea - thraclte. beet coal en th market. 834 Alder t. Msln 63. ALBINA FUEL CO. Dealers In cord wood, coal snd green snd dry slsbwood. R. R. snd . Alblna are.. 3 block east of ferry. East 674, STEEL BRIDGE FUEL CO Dealer In coal, - cordwood aad dry slsbwood." Phone Easf 424. PORTLAND Bswdtwt A Slabwond Co.. 858 Front, succMsors to ruitoa now tx. Mam io. PLENTY of boxwood, (2 per load. Phon Main 2148. WESTERN FEED A FUEL CO. Hons and blackemttb cos Is. Phone Msln 1018. CARPET CLEANING. STANDARD Carpet Cleaning Co, largest plsot on ine cossi. L4nng snq nsrutng Bts. , tele phone Rest 30. csrpets cleaned, refitted, eewed snd laid; both steam snd latest com pressed sir process: - renovating mattresso and feathers a apectalty. SANITARY carpet cleaning, suction snd com preeeed sir combined: carpets cleaned oft floor without remoral. Main 6534. Main 8200. "CLEANING AND DYEING. CLOTHES cleaned and pressed (1 per month. Unique Tailoring Co., BOB Btark at. H. W, TURNER, professional dyer and cleaner. 60S Jefferson St. Pbone Mala 2318. PORTLAND Steam Cleenlng and Dying Works, 211 koarth st. . Phone 1'aelfl Btrj. CAFES. s.wn. -eSVet, saLeeenJea, THB OVTIcnVtfl WtnhlnftOsO 9t pbottt MalD CnTROPODISTS. CHIROPODY snd Pedicuring. Mr. M. D. Hill. Room 830 Fleldney Bldg. Phon Pselfle 185. CARPENTERS ANT BUILDERS. J. A. MELTON, th carpenter, 2n4 Fourth t. 8 tors snd, of fir work. Msln 1787. DRESSMAKING. TRY Angela Dressmaking Parlors, 348 Fifth snd Msln. Psclfls 8N2. ELECTRICAL SUPPUES. PAC1FIO RI.FXrrRIO CO. Engineers, contrsc tor, repairers, electrle wiring, supplies. 04 First, cor. Stark. Main 650. R. H. Tate, mgr. WESTERN ELECTRIC WORKS, 6t Rtfth St. Onntrsctors, electric supplies, motors snd dy nsmvs; wa Install light and power plants. MORRISON ELECTRIC CO., 21 Eaat Morrlsoa at. fixtures, wiring, repairing. Esat 8128. BARRETT'S, 406) Morrison st. Phons Msln 122. Everything In electric wiring and lighting. FURNACES. BOYNTON warm-sir fnrnseee eare fuel. J. O. Bayer Furnace Co.. 808 Second. Main 481. BANKS. FIRST MATTOKAI, BANK OF PORTLAND, 0RE00N. - - . . i'ealgos.ted Depository snd Financial Agent f th Veiled Ststee. Pr.Ment 7T. .A. t. MIIJJJ I t'sahlerT. J. W. Kt M Aealai.nt Caahler. . .. ,W. 0. ,ALVOMU beovad Asslsuat Caahh-r B. t. l K tN Z Letters of Credit Available la Furon snd the Eeeteea stste. ' a, i, i Fxrn"s shd Telegrephlc Trsnefers sold on New York. Roeton, Chicago. St. Leule. m.'V: 0ra,n. San Frsnclaco and th prlorlpsl points la the Northwest. r. L"' "3 nv b"" of"wn to suit eu London. Paris, Berlls. rrsnkftwt-en ths Mala, Iri-'nfJLTA'yCopenhagen. Chrletlanls. Stockholm. St. Peferehnrg. M'wiirlrh. LW larON, BANKEaSEstabllshed la 1846.) TraasaeU a Saasrsl Banking Business. 'Collections mad at all solnts en favoe. a,.... -"ters of credit leaned svsllsbls tn CnrnM snd sUr-lnU In theTnlied "'fht Kichsiig and Tslcgranhle Transfers sold ea New york. Weehlngtoa. Chicago. Hi ,'-Pm' Omshs. San Frsndsco and Montsns sad British Columbls. Excbaag soia on London. Psrls. Berlin, Frankfort. Horikoo.Yokohams. Manila ead Hooulnln. n MXRCHANTS' NATION AX BANK, PORTLAND. 0BZO0N. " 8,5- WATSON President I R. L. DURHAM ru'rTTS,'l R. W. H0YT.. .....-... Cashier I GX0BQB W. HOYf Aseletaat Caahler Trsasscts a General Rsnklng B trainee. Drsfts and Letters ef Credit Issued Available an rarrs or the world, T ""ED STATU NATIONAL BANK OF Northwest Comer Third snd Osk Streete. .k r. ,.TT,1,'r 6 Oeueral Banking Business. DRAFTS IsfU'EO Avsllsbl in All CIMes f !d 'totaB and Europe. Hongkong snd Manlls. CuUsctlon Made ea tsvorshle Teriwv 7lrtr::- J. cTaINSWOKTH I Cashier B. W. SCBMKf.R Vice-President R. LEA BARNES Aealatant Caahler W.- A- HOLT ' . Aealatant Caahler -....A. M. WRIGHT ' BANKERS' A LUMBERMEN'S BANK Bert land, Orsgoa. Corner Seemd aad Stsrk streeta. Commerclet and aavlnge deportment. Interest paid ea ss rings aeeenata. Drft Bad n Iv" nt nradlt Issusd srallehle to sll psrta of the world. . . . PBLTON President 1 B. C. MEARS. ., CaahW r.R.rI? H- "OTHCHILD... First Vlce-Preeldeet I H. D 8T0HKY Assistant Cashier JOHN A. KEATIXO.... Second Vlce-Prealdent I PLATT A PLATT General Cooneel TKX BANK OF CALITOX VIA ZatshUaked 1864. ' Read Oftos, Saa Yraaoisoe, Califorsle.' Capital paid np. w. . ... .84.nfl0.ono fwrrnlus and ondtrlded proflre.- (!." 42. 1 ' - Oenersl Banking and Excbangs Bustnees Transacted. Interest on Time Deposits. SAVINGS DEPARTMENT Accounts, may be opened of 810 and upward. j -- ' Portland Breach Chamber of Com mere Building. War. B.M ACBA B. . .' Manager J. T. BCRTCHAELL......Aslstsnt Msnager TRUST COMPANIES. tTiOXTXANT) TRUST COMPANY OF OREO RESOttRCES OVER (100,000. General Ranking. Two per cent Inter aa check ceaara terra hundreds) on dally balance of (.100 or over. Letter of credit snd exchange on ell parts of ths- world. Serines accounts. Tim cerrldcatea, 8 to 4 per cent: ehort-cell speeisl. certlnestee. (Vio or over, 2'4to 4 per cent. Cell for Rook of ''ILLUSTRATIONS ' Routhesst Corner Third and Oak Streets. Phone Private Exchange -T2. - BBNJ.-I. COHEN President H. i. .PITT0CK B. LEE PAGET Secretary J. O. 00LTRA... ...... Assistant Secretary ' XCTRITT SAVINGS A TRUST 00 MP ANT xrsnsscts a General Rsnklng Business. a , 1 1 1 . A ccrmn tr . Act xa Ti Arallahle on- All .....rr President I C. F. ADAMS. A. L. MILLS. . .Second Vice-President I 0EO. B. BUHHKLtf. N0HTHWT8TIHN OTJABANTIX A TBTST COMPANY Portland, Oregea. Lumber Exchange. 8- E- Corner Second snd Stsrk StrwU (second Boorl. - FIHCAL AGENT FOR CORPORATIONS. ---. . Stat, . County, Municipal Corporation Bond Bought and Sold. New Xatupilae Organised snd Flusneed. Stocks snd Bonds Onsrsnteed. ' TITLE GUARANTEE A TRUST COMPANY 840 WASHTN0T0N STREET. . MtHTUACB LOANS .o Portland Rent Eatst st Lowest Rates. , Title Insured. Abstracts Fnrnlahed. J. -THORBURN ROSS.... Preeldent JJIO. E. AITCHIHON Secretary GEORGE H. HILL Tlce-Preeldent T. T. BUBKHAHT Treenrer BONDS AND M 0XIIS BROTHERS Chamber f 0caunxa Monlclpsl. Rsllrosd end Pnbllc Berries Corporation Bond. DOWNTNO-HOPXINB 00 MT ANT Established 1188 BROKERS. , STOCKS, BONDS, GRAIN Bought aad Sold for Cash aod. a Margla. " Private Wires. ' ROOM 4 CHAMBER of COMMERCE. Phone Main 3T. THE J. 0. Ill COMPANY Commonwealth Bldg., Sixth and Ankeny at., Portland, Orsgea. Brokersge Department H. W. Donahne, Msnsger. ' Be Us Br fore Buying or Selling Stock or Bonds. -Can Always Bare To Money. 0UIS J. W1LDI HOME TELEPHONE BONOS BANK STOCKS. -- Member Portland Stock Eichange. Corner Sixth and Washington Streeln. Portland, Oregon. Ovcrbeck. Starr & Cooke Co. :Ktt-2&!r- BRAIN, PROVISIONS, COTTON. STOCKS AND BONDS. ' " , WE DO A STsUCTLY 00MMI88I0N BUSINESS. .. . Contlnoon Markata by Private Wire. Quick Service.1 -REFERENCES Ladd A Tlltoa, Bank. - era, and United State National Bank of Portland - - DANCING. DANCTNO lesson. 26e; classes or prlrst: waltx Ing. two-step, three-step, etc.; stars dsnclng, buck snd wing, clog, reel, skirt, Spanish. Highland fling, tc. Prof. Wsl Wilson, old- - est recognised teacher, Allsky bldg.. Third snd Morrison sts. WOODWARD DANCISO SCHOOL Class Men der. Thnrsdsv and Saturdsy ere.: social. fence and aten dancing tanrht: fencing tiigit; private leseona dallr.Weatern Aosd- my ball, second ana Morrison, iscitic ituu. PROP. RINGI.RR. Miss Bockenmeywr landing school; ballroom etiquette: correct aancing; - cl.aa Tnes.-Rat. ev.; children Sat, p. m. prlvst leeson dslly. 800 Alder. Msln mai. FENCE AND WIRE WORKS. PORTLAND WIRE A IRON WORKS 268 Flanders St.. cor. Third. Phon Msln 2000. GASOLINE ENGINES. OABOIJXB engines, all six and atyles. st lowest prices, - Heir so Machinery Co, 182-4-8 - Morrison at. e r. HOTELS. THB BELLEVUT5, Fourth and Salmon ste. Rooms 60s op; rate by week or month; out-of-town trade solicited. : Pselfle 3106. HOTEL Portlsnd, American plan, (3. (8 per day. BELVEDERE: Earopeaa plan: 4th and Alder at. i HARDWARE. PORTLAND HARDWARB CO. solicits opportun ity to quote prices. 74 Sixth st- Pacific 466. INSURANCE. ISAA0 L. WHITB. lock bldg. Br Insure ace. JAS. Mcl. WOOD, employers' liability and tn--dividual accident security bead f all hind. Phone 4T. 82 McKay bldg. LAND SCRIP. WANTED and for eale. AH kinds. Including , approved forest reserve scrip for snrveysd. na surveysd. timber and pralrl government lend. . H. M. Hsmllton. "Th Portlsnd." Portlsnd. MUSICAL. ' THB WEBBER STUDIO Mandolin, banjo, gut ter Instruction; !bsoa . mandolin. 4tt Waahlngtoa. PIANO, violin, ntsn. trnmbnn. elarleet " Pre, feeeor A. nmiio. xoe ixra. aaaia eiue. MACHINERY. B. TRENKM AN A CO Mining, sswmllt. log ging mschlnery; hydraulic pipe, caatlngl all kind repsirea. iu norm sawrin. A. J. PAUL. 102 First St. Engine, boiler. . sswmlll ana ernes-arm mcninry. THE H. C. ALBEB -CO. Seeoad hssd Bsa- eblnery. sswmuis, etc. nan urana are. MONUMENTS. NEtT a KINwftLEY. 388 First st, Portlaad'S leaning marble ana granite werae. OPTICIANS. DB. B. J. MILLS Optometrist and Ereelrht flnsclallst. Roeme 88-27. 828 Wsshlngton Strt , OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIANS. DR. LILLEREU.E PATTERSON, graduate ef the Northern Inatltate of Osteopathy, claas of w; epsciBiiai servoua. seats an chronic diseeseet consultation and examlaa - Hon fee- Of Ac SIT Fento bklg. . I' hose PadBe 1180. - - DRH. ADIX A KORTHRUP, 413-18 IT Dekua hlitg.. Third sad Wsablngtoa eta. Phone . Msln 848. Exsmlastlo fee. - PAINTS, OIL A3TD GLASS. F. K. BEACH A CO. The Ptoneer Pslnt Co. I window gissa ana gissing. isa girea sr. Phone 1SW4. TAINTING AND PAPERING. P. A. DOANB, 2i8 Yamklll St., otir"l'e -l-no-. asl oflle. wall p.n-r, painting son ii' --rating. I'hous OS t't e- ' Pacific i-.'t. .FOIl rell,h,e work. r. i .Me price.. K'.-hr . Bros., 2.--' l.uit.l.l, u..r 4 H. kl..o 8'. A loiiectione a ypeciatrv'. - PORTLAND. 0BEO0X. 0V Th Oldest Traat Com near la 866 Morrison Strsst, Pertlaad, Oregon. SAVINGS DEPARTMENT. Intereet AUaareA a Nitre "1 sftg gud-xAtlera 4 i Parta ef th World. U A. LEWIS...... .First Vice Preeldeel ........... .Secretary R. O. JUBITZ. . .. Aealatant Secretary INVESTMENTS. Building. MONEY -TO XtOAX. MONEY TO 10AN On Improved city property er for bo tiding purpose, tor from 8 to 10 years, time, with privilege te repair all er part of loaa after two years. . Los as approved from plana and money sdvanced aa building progress; sjort- gsgea taken up and replaced. . FRED H, BTRONO, Financial Agent. 242 Stark at. CONFIDENTIAL LOANS on aalarlea. tnsnranc policies, pianos, furniture, wereboos receipts, etc.; any deseeetng perssa may secure a. lib-. eral sdvsnce. repaying by assy weektg isr -monthly Installments. - NEW BRA LOAN A TRUST COMPANY, 306 Ablngton bldg. - MONEY LOANED TO SALARIED PEOPLE Juat en yonr own name no other eeeurlty: don't borrow nntll you se m: my system Is the beet for rsllrosd men. clerks, bookkeepers, streetcar men snd all other employee; buel- -neea atrletly confidential. F. A. Newton, 424 ' Ablngton bldg. MONBY-ADTANCfcD SALARIED PEOPLB and -others upon their own names without secur ity; cheepest rstes. easleet payments; office - In 00 principal elltee: .ear yourself money by getting our terma first. ' T0LMAN. 223 Ablngton bldg., 1084 Third St. WANTED Notes, mortgage ar contract aa any kind of real eetsts In Oregon and Weeh- .liigfon;,ecord mortgages purrhssed if wall secured. H. E. Noble. 812 Commercial blk. MONEY te losn ta sums to suit. 8 and 8 years, . - nw B o per rrm, oa impmrvq ciiy pr.iv- erty. Moulton A Scobey, 801 Columbia bg 806 Washington at. DON'T borrow money oa salary until yoa ee Huttcn Credit Co. 812 Dekur bldg. W. B. WARD, lawyer, Allsky bldg. Probate and - mor t rags business . solicited; moderate ees; losns money en morigsgs iroea iniv up; aay terms. - MONEY loaned oa furniture, piano and other ecunne. vr . a. uatnaway. mom lu, wsu lugton bldg. Phon Pselfle 1832. MONEY to loan: larg losn speelslty; ale Building Mane; lowest rates: rir insurance. William O. Back. 812 Fslllng bldg CRESCENT LOAN. CO.. 428 Mohawk bldg Money ta lend on easy-payment plan ta wage-, earners; strictly confidential. MONEY tn loan on all kinds ef security. William Hon, room waahlngtoa bldg. TO LOAN Soma to eult on chattel security. a. a. rrame, oi in Marquam. TO LOAN (6,000 er lesa oa city property. 0. A. Johnson. 818 Commercial blk. A LOAN for the a.klng ealary or chattel. The Loan vo., siu liekum otdg. (2,600 TO IjOAN en Improved real eetata. Ad ores a. iui, cer journal. .PLUSIBERS. FOX A CO. Sanitary plambera, 231 Second, bet. 'Main and Salmon. Oregon psoas Mala 8001. DONNERBBR -A BADBMACHER, remored to No. 8ns Bumstds et PRINTING. THE MODERN PRINTER Y Art! stl printing. 20 Russet bldg. Fourth and Murrtsoa. Phon Pad So 16". ( ' EVKRTTHINO IN PRINTING or circulars to estalognee and nesrspapen MetropoUtsa Prlatlng Co., 147 front sc. 0GILBER BROS., printer Card, billhead, etc. 11ior.e Meln 1K. ltftH First st. REAL ESTATE. m aaasst .. Payne & Van Tyae Beal estate. Invest men re nmrtrage. loans). Bio Allsky bldg. Phone Main 2. PARRISH. WATKIN8 A CO., Beet sstsU. Insurance, rental aad lean , aget.te. 260 Alder st. j W. 0II.SeJ. reel eetsl s4 leaws: watek- 'nsbedliM8. 146H FUat at, room 11.. A. R. RICHARDSON. REAL ESTATE MORMAOB Phone Mala 6-tCd. 623 Cbamt..r of (. I OtS 4. ir. m-ri e. ROOfTNG. .-( HftOnVfl, gnl''cr. r-n.lrlrg S" 4 , -, l i . tHwrri of n- r a Vnl '. t 1 1 .:- I. ' n. h. mm ' r. lllf"i- I J I ll "I I Av