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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 5, 1907)
i f THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, SATURDAY EVENING,, JANUARY 5, 1807. 13 , NEW TOD AT." Vashington St. ierly The Quarter Block situated at the 'southwest corner of .Twelfth and Washington is for sale. For. particulars see Brooke & Kiernan - v 81 THIRD STREET THB SAVINGS BANK The Title Guarantee & Trust Co. Open on Saturday From : ; 9 A.M. to 1P.M. -And on-SaturdayrEvenings FROM 5 TO 8 O'CLOCK . Ve Pay 4 St Interest On Savings Accounts, Interest Compounded Semi-Annually. - I We Pay 3 S!. On Daily Balances of Check Accounts, f officer - J. Thorburn Rofa.Trewdent. George H. Hill, Vice-President T. T. Burkhart, Treasurer. Jno. E. Aitchison, Secretary. -240 WASHIN0TON STREET, -f- Cornef Second. f PORTLAND.. OREGON. EXTRA BARGAINS HERE ARE SOME EXTRA BAR. f .'v GAINS: Six large lots for 600, half caah. . Three lots, first class, for f 3,300. New five-room modern cottage, f 1,250. Easy terms. One seven-room modern homa for f 1,800. Easy terms. . One six-room modern cottage, ex tra line, lor f x,7fu. Also some cheap homes. $500, S 600 and f 750. All easy terms. - Now, these homes are right at the car line, and fine all ready to move into. See . JOE NASH AT MILLARD AVE, NASHVILLE v , Take the Mount Scotttcar. Also some othefr lots cheap. BEST BUSINESS LOCATION ' In Vancouver, Wash, 10x10. See Dean Land & Investment Co- 411 Commercial Building. St. Johns Real Estate FINE-BARGAINS ! bargains for sal bv owner: moat sell. Inquire room t, tSH Waahlng- ton street. $.10,-50Q Lt, TAKE IT RIGHT NOW 15x100, within- "tone throw of tha Portland ho--' tel ?.'. bulldlnr thrown In. Cnll at . JSAOUIM-nt stOBAXi ESTATB OFFIOB, - o Union ava, near i'allng at. . Fine Home -ROOM MODERN HOUSE (NEW). a w, conxER e. t :d and k. Madi son BTS. J Le WELLS CO. sook sos, 0. a IIBO, Prop ' AEW TODAV. Choice Buildinf Sites Alblna, Kerb St, near Eellwood. full lot . .. ,...800 Arbor Lodgo, lota...... 6UO Albion Addition, close , to Portland Boulevard, 1 full lots. ....... ..550 Alnsworth Ave., corner lot, good build. In alta S5SO Alnaworta A 1 lota, 1 block to Union Ave. . , S900 Eaat Portland Heights, 1 2d, near Dl vlsiort, full lot SSOO tsxecisior, near tteniiwonn, run lotJ S250 cast juaaison nt, near svtn. a run lota -.' s C2..100 uay AOaniM uoaton Bt., near kii. llngaworth Ave., each ... . . .r. .S500 Hawthorne Ave. Section, on S&th, (0X100 . ,,, ai.575 liigniana, .luuxioci, on wygant and fnlwn Ave. .S2.375 Bolladay'a Add., comer th and Weld. ler Bta. S3.O0O Holladay'a Add, corner 17th and Weld er . S1.250 Holladay'a Add., corner lath and Weid- ler.- I lota S2.SOO Holladay Park. Multnomah . Bt, nr Hth, I Iota, each.... v. .,.950 Hoi lad ay Park, Clackamas, near Xtfth, I full lota, each f 800 Ilowe'a Addition, on Prettyman Ave., Hawthorne Ave.- car, each II2SO Irvlngrton, 14th, near Tillamook, facra Weat . ........fl.l&O Irvlnfton, Multnomah St., near 18th.. Sl.OOO Irvlnston. Halaey SU near 22d.$l,100 Killlnraworth Av.near Mtchlitun, oxioo ci.soo Log;an'a Add, Eaat Ankeny line, 100 ft. from Zkth . i nun rJ 7 8 Loa-an'a Add., near Eaat Ankeny line. S . full lota 1 Knnl McMillan St... corner Gold.mlth. $3,500 1 MCMUian pu, near ttoea I cacn ......... ...... ..... ,.i,u ruenmona, lajgan tn. i4uu Riverside, t lota, each 50x100. .Sl.OOO Riverside, SOxSO, on Willamette Houlo - vard --. . . , . . w .... SeUwood.4H lota on Crystal Bprlna; . ..500 South Sunnyalda, 46x100 ..,.....$575 Saratoga. 2 corner lota, Woodlawn cam, - each . . . ........ ..... ...11225 St. Johna Ilelrhi," corner lot.....1500 Taboralde, 60x100 lota,, each.... .$123 8 1 rs. w berry d al e Add Montavllla car line. I lota, each. J ......fl50 union Java, nne, wooaiawn or Van couver ears, I lota, facing- Union Ave. .........;.. S2.000 Woodlawn Heights.' full lot. . . . . .ft-lOQ Williams Ave., near KUllngasrortb, Ave, - full lot . Bl.OOO iartman & Thompson , cnKAansB or ooxxasscm. - J. w. . BOOM 11, 14SH S 2,600 lots. 100x109 feet, with "Booa f-roomea nonse, - oase- 'V "; ment, etc.; yard full of fruit y. . . and shrubbery, etc,j on Eaat 30th street. . Nice home for . . the money. $1,200 cash, bal- Y ance -6 years. If 1,850 lots near East 18th and uivimon streeta, aood pjace to build tenements on and " very cheap. . S550 A number of nice bulldfnr . r , iota, 6xie eaten, near Eaat i , 14th and Tafgart streets, 'n Tlbbett' Homestead," near . ; . aerveral car lines; with com pletion of sewer, streets, im provements, eta, will make : ; this Taluableropertjr. A Few Bargains f 4,100 North f!d St., elegant I- roora modem nous a, corner lot. SOxlOO, Improvements all made, cement walks; rarei- bargain. "" ' ". 5,600 Modern -room house, built ror a nome; furnace, beat plumbing, fruit tree, etc;'! lots on Stanton at.; a home and Investment, . $5,000 Elegant -modern " t-room . House and corner lot. close In on East Side; walking djs ;. ; tance. Washington & Oregon Really Co. 108 Sseoad St. Vhow Mala S404. $1,000 Business Corner (0x100, corner Oak and Union avo; 15,000 handles this, bal. per cent. H. J. HARPER 41 Oraad Ave. Bast BOOT, WEATHER REPORT. The weatern dlatarbance I now central ever Wyoming, and the barometer Is rising rapidly over British Columbia. Moderately heavy ralna bars fallen In California, and lighter amount occurred In tbe north Pacific elate. It fs much colder this morning in eaatera Oregon, earner Washington, Idaho, Montana, the Da kota. Brltlh Colombia and tha middle Atlan tic Mate, and warmer In the Mississippi valley. The condition, are fi vocable for colder weath. . ,?...',hta district tonight and Bnaday, with but little precipitation. Temp.- - "amrr tnj, 1 0-egOBl Rlxmarrk. North Dakota... Z4 Holes, Idaho i'HH Boatoa. Maaaachnsett, M Chlcam. IIHnota i 20 s M S4 2 1 J ,r, -ill zn I Denver, Colorado , .... Kl Havre. . tana.. Helena. M.atana 44 Jacksonville, Florida..-.,,.. 7l- Vanilon,,, i... 20 Iwlaton. Idsno 4" Angeles. California. ... en New York. New York..... 5ft North Head. tr,Oiinrt j, Omaha. Sehraka 44 I M Af. ij sn -nw- 42 i ' 80 E"rM?' 'osbo. Idaho. so Portland. Oreeon Red niurr. callferala B Rosebsrg, Oregon 43 St. Psnl. Minnesota n Halt leke. U tsh ,.-..--rrse,-H.n Francfsce, Cailfnrnl., M pokane, Waahlnf Mi Taroms, Washinrion. M Tatnnsh Taland. Wairtilnetoa iUI WallaWalU. Wsshinglna.. 44 Waahlngtoa. D, G,-i. aj T,7 t 22 .21 SO .24 BIRTHS. OA I.LO December 12. to Vr. and Vfr. .-. ' tlauo CaHo. !W Sl,th, Z,i JAI OR-J-Decrmber .lit, to Mr! and Mr, hf Jdcoh. 124 North Teeth. gr. SfiTPTOX Decemlier .11. t Mr. and Mrs. Ay. Iktir E. Royston, H eleventh, boy. . w Ai.i tK iiec-mner iir IO Mr. tu Mr Rn- rOM-Jarivirr 2. to Mr-end-Jrs. Jit Young. !'. Vincent avenn.. . . -" Kri.l.V eJnt.r I. to Vr nd Mr, i. O. ' ' v"""".., a oov. Ml Mur January to Mr. nd Mr. rtet ---. (-.inn, a nor. CONM Jannsry S. to Mr. and Mr. W. i Conn. s4 sandy road, a girl. Bl ssKt.l-J.neare 1, to Vr. sad1 Mr, e, S, RuaHt ISO- Uaiseyya girt. r: Ogilbee ntr ST. DEATHS. DI'OAN In thl clir. at th tamllr residence, C7 Weldler at., January 6, IwuT, Lena W. unirea, aged ao yeare. , January . Frank C. Kaker. St rears, 704 Gltsan. pneuuioul. T!M'I'B.MICN -January 8. William Tappeeden, Aft ...r bu Rurtkwlrk. tweutnonla. BLANCHARD January S. George II. Blaneb- ard, 10 ear. AlnenorU avenue, pneu monia. ' LArillH January 4, Thyra I Labbe, tl Fara, 742 OTarlon. ibauailun, . WAV January 8. Augcllue Way, M year, 184 Overton, cbronl myocarditis.. , LINCOLN January 2, Esther P. IJnroln. 84 yesrs, North Pacific aaultartum, parelyal. C01J-1NSON January 8, Thomas Colllneuu, 6T yeare, 454 Kaat Fourteenth tret North, pncnmonla. ' - FUNERAL NOTICES. BAKER la thl city. January J, 1107. at tha family residence. 784 Ulleen at, Frank O. Haksr, ged 62 yaara. months and 14 day. Friends ara respectfully' Invited te a Hen J tha funeral services, which will ba held at tb Elke' kail at I;30 p. ., Sunday, January ft, interment, rwverview cemetery. UNDERTAKERS. Dnnnlaa. .McEntre 4k Ullbaucb. andcrtakcra and ainbalnirra: nodcra la aiary detail. Seientk and line, klata 4UO. Lady aaalatanL A. n. naraatock. ondcrrakar and enbalmar. Kat Thlrtcaotk and L'matllla aTa, Phone Ball- 71. Hrlrkaoa t'nrtcrnktnf Co., and embalming. 400 Abler at. Pkooe Mala Lady aaalataat. J. P. Plalay Bona, Tbtrd and ktadtaoa eta. Office of cuoaty coronar. Puoae Mala . Mward Bnlmaa. aadartakar, 220 Tblrd at. . Birsa teew ciirrrraT. Slnxla rraraa. tA. Family lota. 1100 ta 11.000. Tha only cemetery to Part laud which per petually malutatna aad earra for lota, for full Inftiraiatkni, apply to W. R. Mackenate. Wor caater block, rlly. W. H. Ladd. preeideat. "B0SI "CITT 'CEXETEay. ariroa. 110; family lota. 125 75. "T.'r.'H-uTlJ 'L'TZ' kS!"7 full, apply to Frank Schlecal. 002 Con-.atvrrtal tl. fnone aia xva. -e ' i Weddlite Card. W. O. Bmtth A Co., Wssh- Ingtaa bltlg coc Fourth and waahlngtoa eta. Wadding and calling card enaravad or prlitsd. K. T. Rush tun, 408 Blsarne bldg. - TON8KTII A CO., rLORlSTS. FOR FLOWERS OF .ALL KINDS. 123 SIXTH BT. --Clsrke , Flortafa Fine -280 Morrison St. flower aad florsl designs. Fall dress salt for rent, all alate. Tailoring Oo.. Sa) Stark at. CnVjne REAL ESTATE TRAXSFEItS. Nancy P. Morley and husband te V. Welch, andlvlded 1-42 of west C aoatbesat V of soatbesat U. n. an3 east at southwest of soatbesat . , and northwest H of eonthweat t .of mitheaat U ef aectloa 23. tow nab Id 1 north, rang 1 weat ..$ ' S3 William A. Baker and wife te Leonard O. Males, lota S and 10. block 19. Bertha -i- 400 Daniel Reynolds and wife to Alfred t. Paemee. lota S and S. block- A. Ken. worthy's addition 4,500 T. 8. McDantrl and wife to H. T. Palmer, lot 2, block , Cast Portland Belrhta ' 890 L. Denllnger to Arthnr W. Oova. 1-24 Interest in 10 acres, beginning at a poltit on H section tin- 4o.4 feet north f eeuter -ef eectlon T, -township ) south, range 1 eaat ; BO Frank I.' Bsil and wtf to Luelnda M. nd Willie L. Capias, north H of . sst of west 4 ef eaat H of mitbweat of double block Y. city.. S.150 Carolina and Samuel Weia to Jennl O. Kberneld. east eu feet of lot 8. bloc 5, Btepben' addition.., Loo la Burke and wife to O. O. flam man and wife, lot S. block 2, Gold smith's addition Herman Meticer, trustee, t M. G. Har grove, lot 15. block 4. Reservoir. Park. TltlA r! a Tmit ComnanV to f. H. Tower, lot S and . block 101, Vnrreralty Park Seal Estate Inveatment . saaoclatloo to E. A. Pattenoa. lot . block BT. BeU weod. K Edmund Ansrla and wife to Edith K. Wood, lot 1. block 2. rairview addi tion .' Flrt Congrecatteoal Church aocletT o W. rioaea Wood, lot T. block Hi. Weat Portland W. E. Holleviberk to J. H. McCormtck. let B, F and ,- sobdlvlslon. e( lot 3. - Portinnd Momesteoar" aonth B0 feet ef lot a. block B, First Htreet Terrace 10 Lewis M. Tyler and wife to OI1I Cecil, lot S, block 104. G rover' addition.... 4,800 Merchant' Investment A Trust company to Ollle Cecil, lots 1. S and S, block , 2. Wild Rose addition . 1 Mary O. Hart and bn.hend te Ben Pell Gross, lota T and A block 6, Tahnrside. 200 Mary M. Blurhatn to John Corklih. lots a -to I, inciusiv, block 87, Forts month . r.V ....... .77; . ....... 7. . ."1.400 W. A. Bnchsnsn and wife te Grace L Wsnser. lot 24. Bnchsnin' addition.., S00 W. A. Bnchanan and wife to Cbarle Wanaer, lot 2.V Bnchaoan'a aiidltlon. , 800 Edward Pettla and wife to M. L. Cansey, .. . weat 40 feet of lot IB, block 4. Holla da r Park addition S.T50 George H. Hill and wife te Dion Luee, lota Z3. 24 and 23. block 40, Penlnsunr -addition No. S 800 Samuel U Elliott and wife to The Pence , -company, a strip 00 feet wide, be sin ning at a point where the ditch ef aald , corn psn y crosses - the west boundary , of northeast hi of aoqthenat H of see-' tton HW, township S aorta, range t weat ISO W. H. Watt te F. W. Radford, lot IS, block 1. Watt' rabdlvlsioa of lot 4. -Frultval- t00 Peter lieln and wtf to W. H. Patter son, lot a, block SO. Weat Portland. . . . . It University Land company to G. Ft. Ilaaek, Ma 1. f, 8 and 4, block 140, " I'nlverelty Psrk . BOO John Conk snd wife to Title Guarantee A Trust company, block 1, 2, S, 4 and 5. Plggott'a addltloe I Onstave Rosenblatt to William O. Ooes lln and Harry L. Hamblet, eentheaat H of aontheast i of aectloa 22, and , aoathwest of nnolhweat 14 ef section 26. township 2 north, rsnse S west... 10 M. J. Clohesay to Oreron Electric Run way company, a atrip of land BO feet on each aide of center line of raid ' railway company' line ef survey In section 21, township 1 aonth. rang 1 eaat ., " I Portland Lnmber company to Oregnn Eleetrle Railway company, a trlp of land S feet on each aide of aald rall way company' center line over land ef grantor la city ,000 Kenneth A. J. MacKensie and wtf to Pboet-t Felcher Jonea. lot S, block S, -Kenllwortb (ddltlon ISO Oak Park Land company to W. H. Nnlen. B4xlK2 . feet, heelnnlng at weat corner ef lot S, block 4, Oak Park ' ddltlon 1 Hattle B. Clark to Charke Clark, na dlvlded 1-S of west 80 feet of lot 4. nd aonth IB feet of west SO feet of ' lot 8, block in, Eaat Portland tot) Joseph M. Hesly to Mrs. M. H. Rlsn- fnrd. lota 1 and 9. hloek IX Kaat Portland ZtSOO Ella E. Brbee to F. tl Rlekar. lot IS. block 1. City View Park Hdltlow.... 400 Ella R. Brbee to F. D. Lamnlot. lot 14. block 1, City View Park ililltlon. 400 Eire and Fannie Vanderineer to Lucy M. Rainwater, lot . Flntla addition to Bt." i Johns , . 8S0 atetl Fori Oct to Vamom Millard and wife, lot T. kl'ick 1. Bralnanl tract.... n. B. Holme ei al. to fa rah C. Cloutlec, Iota 1. 2. S and A block 43. Peninsular ddltlon No. 4 800 Jennie and Felix Murphy to B. J. Otram lot 4 hUk A Main's V1r.f dtlittoa 1,700 B. J. end Rose V. Brown to Emm Tram, kit 4. hloek 4. Kaah's First addition -1.T0S . A. Tylor end wic t Emm o. - Sin.-, Mirth U. nt Ine 19 hkwk III. Hawthorne First addition t.800 Ann Chrl.tln et l. to Mln Beditold, lot block 12, Mae1y IMrhland . . . , l.tM R. B. Bice and wife to Charlotte Taber, lot I. block 10. Holladiy Park (ddltlon Celheiin Msvwell to Doer E. Keesey, II of fractional block d)oln1nf and Immediately south of block 207. Ste- Chen Coffin's (dditloa (knewa as block HV '. (1 em re F. Rnreell et L to Dorr E. lf.aaV " MmJ nrnM-t U 4e-.Hl-Mt , above , 10 Jamee H. Graham and wife to Emmett HenneMey, lot in, block B, Eaat Fort- IcVl. a Park addition. 13S i Tl?iewtlorne Katat to-. J. Richard. . mtf, lot X, block 10. Hawthorns' First addition ..... i The Hawthorne Effete to J. J. Rich ardeon, lota S, 4 and S. block 8, II a w tliom' i'lrat addition.,, Prance O. Mppold to E. F. D Bond, lot, IS and 14, block 4, Meatlcella dilltlva WlUum U Brswilsr and wlf fa X. W, i ' 1 coo l.ry) r to ItEAL ESTATE TUANStKKS. Haaitrlrka, luta . 8, and T, block XH, Wii'i allliloa Iaaa Mwatt anil wlfo to J. K. Ilaaipltl.' atmtk U of k T. bk-k 113..Tity . William L. Htarr to Vk-tor gi luyoor, . undlTldd 4 of aouik 83 1-3 feet of lot , block 23, cliy... for ' ahatracta, title Inauranca or eaortjeara Inana. call oa Pacific Title Truat coutuuiy, Z04-4-4-T ralllnc bulullng. ' Oat your Inauranca and ahatracta ta raal aatate frmn the Title Onarautca A Truat eoar pany, u Waahlnatoa atrcat. eurnar - Scoad. NOTICES. IN tha dlitrtct court of Jia. United Btatea for the dlalrlct of Orcroa. la the maltr of Baainel htarkua. doln bualneaa aa Emporium Outnttlnc Compauy, la baukniptcy. - Wnereae. a patltloa haa been tiled by Oumblner A fx. IMridaoa A tliikalurand and Kalamaaoe Coraet eoapany. In tba , above-entitled court for an adjudication ta bankruptcy afaluat aald tiamuwl Markua. for tbe cauaea act furtk lu aald petition; and la iiunuanee of aa order of aald court (ranted - In tha aboee-entltled causa,- notice la hereby . fleea to Samuel Markua. tba alleged bank rupt, alio la not aa Inhabitant of. uor found wltnia tbla dlatrict. that ha aniear. plead, anawer ar demur to the petition afnreaald, hied by tinmblncr A Fox, PaTldaua A rink elbrand and Kalamaaoe Coraet company, berelu. by the tweutj-elahtb day of January. ,.lle7, and tbat In default thereof tba court will proceed to tha heartnx and adjudleu tloa la aald cauae. ni'MBIS'KK A FOX, ' PAVHr!O.N A FINKH.BRAfD. KALAMAZOQ OOIUJKT COMPANY. . Petttlonera. ' Baser A Oreen, Attorney for Petltiucera. " NOTICE OF STOCK HOLDERS MEETING No tic I hereby glvea tbat th annual meeting . . . . L.1 1.1-.. . 1. VJ..I. , 1 ' chanlcal Manufacturing cm. pany, a corpora-1 tlio. will he held at th office of tbe com - 4i chamber of Commerce building. It -7. at S o'clock D. I 11 I 441 iru, V l- , vrE tHuaaa.'eh.r ( ar rr ilea -a rtr IDA purpB or olot'tinv dlrtt-urs Dd ft ttat trtwactlom of Tt WtlanarOgoarJann A i h... . ' T. M. It. It US. Secretarr Multnomah Mechanical Manufae turing Co. . IXECTTTOR'8 FINAL NOTICE. Tbe nnder slgned baa Sled bla final account executor ",of the will of C. G. Tlugry. deceiaed. In th coonty court of Oregon for Multnomah count), and th twenty-second day of January, lPttT at th hour of 9:00 o'clock a. m., la said county courtroom, has been - set for th : hearing of tbe aa roe and the nettling of ob jection thereto, lr any there be. "' Dated Portland, Oregon, tbi twenty asesnd dsy of Deosmber, lUud. , JAMFS CLKASOH. 1 . Kxectitor of Last Will. of. C. , Ilngry, Deceesed. FINAL RKTTLEMKNT. Notice I hereby given tbat we. the xecator of tu estate ef F. M. Lk-htentlialer, deceased, have filed our final account titereln with the clerk of the county court of th atate of Oregon for Multnomah county, and aald court, haa set and appointed January 14, 1107. aa tbe time for bearing objection thereto and final settlement of aid estate. NEWTON M'COY. M. F. MILLER. . .... ,r ROGER M'AFKR. Executors. H. B. NICHOLAS, Attorney. NOTICE Annual meeting ef River Flaw Ceme tery eeeoelatlnn The anneal- meeting of the member of River Flew Cemetery associatloa will be held at the bank of Ladd A Tlltoe oa Monday, the fourteenth day of January, 180T, at 8:80 p. m. A general attendance t de el red. All owner of family lot In tbe ceme tery are mambere of th aaaockatk-a and en titled to participate. - WILLIAM B. MACKENEIB, Chirk. IF THERE are any debt against th tobacco nd conrectlonary atore lormarty neionglng to-X. C. Galea, maka-lt known within 14 day. Mr. Sara Beott. EXCAVATING aad grading. 0. B. Pottage. eew tommercmi ax. rnoo bx nimy. SIEBTINO NOTICES. THE annual meeting ef- th Port . land Maaonle hoard ef relief wit be held oa Batorday,' Janaarv B. In the Mssonlo t ample, at 7:80 p. m. n U riTTOCEV PreatdeaW 70UN T. WHALLBX, bee. ALRINA LODGE, NO. int. A. F. A A. M. Ktated commonlcetloo tbi (8aturday) evening a o'clock. In ball of Oreron eonuaandery. Third and Alder (treeta. F. C. degree. . Vlaltlng hrcthrea welcome. By or- ) A- J. HANDLAN. Secretary. M. W. A. EVERGREEN Camp. 8.4CW. meet - Wednesday evening, Aliakj bld( Third aad Morrison ts. M. W. A. Oregoe Grape Camp, No. S.PT5. Mon days, lath and Marsbsll; viartor welcome. ST AND FOUXd: FOUND A place te have hah mattresses reno- vatea no returned earn uay. rroni x. Main 474. Portland Curled-Hair Factory. II. MeUger. proprietor. STRAYED froaTWtb Alblna 1 November, aa oranne-celored cat, tiger (tripe oa ldn: newer to "Harry Lane') suitable reward for Informetton or return. Phone L'nloa 1224. or East 181. FOtTND 1 heifer nd 1 cow ta fleld at north east corner of Powell valley road and Gray' eroaalns. Owner can has sm by paying feed charges. Pbon t'nlon 44. LOST Back ef gold locket, asocmgramed "0. A. F.," containing mlniamr. Ketnra to room 20. Hobart-Cnrtla. Reward. LOST Friday afternoon, en Stark t., a brlndl Boaton bull terrier, license io. Mt; rctura te public library foe reward. - LOST Gold-bowed eyeglasses, short gold casta ; reward, a. M. Trowbridge, journal errice. FOUND One black mule. Owner raa have aa rre y proving property and paying Costa. B. F. Dabbtammer, 1 anil aanth of Rock wood. LOST tAdy'i mn gold watch, engraved "1 B. O. ' Bstnrn to Journal of firs. Reward. HELP WANTED MALE. WANTED Large flratrlaa boom sf tS yesrs standing, manufacturing a staple line t gooda in ronstsnt dally nse, went good man to manage branch wholesale bnatnea. Salary SI.") per year and all expense, par able monthly. Also exta commlaalona which should atnortnt to more than aalary. Appli cant mnat furnish good reference and 2.xi0 rash, which la aatlafacts-lly secured. Ad dreaa President, (12 8. 6th at., Bt. Loot, Mo. WANTED AT ONCE Stave-bolt cutter. wgm 81.40 per cord; ateady work. Apply Weatern Cooperage Co, htesrsa blast", Portland, r Uoulton, Or. WANTED AT ONCE Bound yonng men for Ore men and brakemeu en leadlpgWeatem- rall . roads and for new ro4 sow being enm - pleted; experience uimecesaary; flremea SDiO per month, brakemen 873; noaltlona now open: write at once for particulars. National Railway Training - association. TSO Paxtoa lilk., Omaha, Nebraska; or Ml Bldg bldg., Kansas City, Missouri. FIREMTNt Wanted I Firemen! Yotrng able. bodied men who do set drink will be accept able: good wage. C. k. HANSEN JR., ta North Second st. WANTED Salesmen; many make 8100 te 8130 per month; om eve mora: ioca ciean; grown on reservation, far from old orcharde; ca.n advanced weekly: choice of territory. Addreaa Washington Nureery company. Top- psnlsh, Wsslilugion. i DON'T work tor a small aaJacyi aee or writ Pacjflc Aid association for a gooa propoai tlon, 224 Lumber Exchange. - AGENTS wanted. Oregon, California, tdah. Washington; health and acetdeat Inanranee; Id reliable com pa net good eontreete; refer encee required. United Statee Health A Ac cident Insurance Co., 200 Martinam. WE gtt work for our members; special men bra, $3. Y. M. C, A Fohrth and Yamfclll. WANTED OokV and helper' headqnarter at California Win Depot. V. Loratl, 148 Fourth t. Phon Paclfle 218. SAI.EHMEN Experienced apeclal contract men; 100 per month end , commission. Conserve-, tire Mutual Life Insurance Co.. .Ike' bldg. GchiD farm band 'wanted. Inquire Broetje. West ave., Mount Tabor. Jobsi ImaM wauled to help apray traes, Joba Broetje, I Hast at., Meant labor,, - . - r y 430 I HELP M' ANTED MALE. . WANTKI Two or three ftrat-claaa. all aroni.d machlue map: permaneut poultice, pood waiea. Orc(oa rurulture Mia. Co.. Macadam road. WA1VTFD A aat appaarlna man for atsady pualttus; aood waaea. Apply kll aourth at. XI KM AND WOMEN to learn the barber trade In eiiit weeks: pradnatea arB from fid tv I. '5 weekly; eipert loatructore; catalsrue freo. Uolcr K.r.tera of Collrtes, S3 North fourth -St., Portland. WANTKrv 10 rwl solicitors; beat position In Portland; men are making f dally call aftsr boos. 2WI Vi Blsrk st. ' Union Hotel Bl KOMTH SIXTH iT, Free employment to our patrona. Weekly rates: Room, 1.W up; room and board, 4.W up, Anderson, proprietor. TWO solicitors for city and eutalde towns; Da Inveatinent ; 14 per day salary aud commis sion. Call TI4 Chamber of rnmtuorce. YOCNO man to lrara barber trade; steady )nhj anion shop; terms reasonable, . MsJ Waah liifton at. , . WANTED Competent bookkeeper and account , ant; perawneut poaltltw. -Address B 101, car Journal. WAN'TFD Boy with wheel. Jones' (Book Store, ni Aider st. WANTED AT ONCE Two flmt-claes bUck aailtba aad helpa. t4 Columbia at. WANTED boy, tteady. Dsrla. ... M Nartb Front, corner PACIFIC BTATIONERT A PRINTING CO. au.1-2ll7 HccoBd et. l'bono main BZ1 Wa design and lea I a 11 I lie moat aindeia d improTca office aystema; complete ll&e loos tear tlllug dt-vlcca. . . WA.VTEI Toung man for Jewelry bualnea. te. , cnvsu for cl k and wstch repslr; ales soil I gootls throughout Portlsnd. Address T 100, cr Journal. PRINTERH. advertising aollrltnr and newspaper oeip. nortnwrat newspaper Brokerage, llood 1W.II.1, " " WANTED Eurloeer for Fairbanks A' Mora.' gasoline engine. 441 234 and Wlleon. Phone Mala 0836. . , 8ALERMBM Experienced pecll eoatract man; ... 8100 per mootb aud cotuuiUialoD. .. tkmierva- live Mutual i.trc laaurance Co.. Elks bldg FIRST and second cook a. StV and 80S. Dixon. 32 North Fourth at. M. 1. .HIO-VANTED--JIALi . HOME 1-4 DIES' AGENCY., . ltJ lourtii it., corner Morrlaon. apalalr. Phon Main Bf2S, ". Alongside th T. M. C. A. Vlil." WANTED Young lady t ollctt bualnea from nrofeaatonal and huHlnee men; good position; tat all about yourself. Address, with gvf- ' ere Dees, H 2tO, ear Journal. GIRLS WANTED--pertor to work on hlrta Apply at btandard factory N. 2, Grind v. nd Bast Taylor L WANTED Glr la to leara pa per box trade; good wage and ateady employment. Apply 31 North Front t GIRfVfor boosewoTk, part rlay t sleep at borne: watrea -ia Kearney at. HANSEN'S LADIES' AGENCY, 84H Wash ington st, cor. Seventh, a petit tr. Pboo Mala 2C92. - Female help wanted.!. ' WANTED Edncated woman ever SO' for re apontihl poaltloik. Apply SOS Tilford bldg. GIRLS accustomed to machinery; food wage s nd eteady employment." 81 North Fruut at , GIRL8 wanted to work tk paper-box factory. 8H First t OPERATORS aad flnlaher oa pant. SIS walk, ateady work. SOT Commonwealth bldg. GIRLS to wrap chewing gnm) good wag while learning. 81 North Front et. GIRL wanted "ta do sweeping ta rooming bona. 474NorU Sixth t. e- IIRI.P ta tailor shop, lit North Fourth st. WANTED A woman cook in small family; good wages. Apply BT4 Eaat Pin at. . . SEVERAL Udlr to take part la lodg drama; give phon. M. 100, ear Journal. GIRL for. general housework, IIS per mouth. raon n Paclfle 2740. GIRTw- for general housework. 4r) loth at. MALK AXD FEMALE HELP. HELP wanted and enpplled. male or female. R. - O. Drake, 203 k Washington t Paclfle 187a WANTED A few good aollcltors. msl anl female; beat proportion la Portland: good money to th right partle. Pbon Hellwood ' 71. Corner Eaat 13th at. and Umatilla ave. SITUATIONS WAXTET MALE. WANTED A position by yonng man card writer aad asslstsnt window trimmer; am equipped with alr-brnnb. Addreaa D. V. I'tncetlch. Box 7B, . Astoria. Or. SHIPPING clerk wanU potltlon. ttbr whole a i or rarati tuutoer. Adoreaa anipping visrk, 07 Rosa at. - POSITION wanted by an experienced office men, willing to start en moderate aalary. Ad- drn G 1oT. car JournaL YOUNG man want to leara ny atore bnalncea, T24 Eaat Salmon nt. WANTED A position by yonng man experi enced In groceries and general merchandise; references. Addreaa A lod. oar JournaL - - SITUATIONS WANTED FEMALE. WOMAN want work tn print family, good cook; expect moderate wage; a phon call answered. Addreaa II 200, car JournaL YOUNG woman would Ilk to tske a hahr ent , 4 hour day. Addreaa lira. 0. C. Skew, V 8M salmon at. WANTED AGENTS. THE anannfactnrere of aluminum cook Ing ntenaile want representative to sell furl , tin everywhere. H. K. htreltx Co., Poatofflc Box 124, Grant Pass, Or. S OR people to aell a toe holiday eoap, 100 per cent: also In city and country for good medicine proposition. U. M. Plummer, 200 Tblrd at. AGENTS wanted te eell ent complete lie of . high-grade nursery stock ; outfit free: caah weekly. Address Capital City Nursery Co., Salem, Or, EMPLOyIENT AGENCIES. ' RED CROSS EMPLOYMENT CO. Logging camp and farm help a epeeiatty. 10 North Second at. Phon Mam B2u. W pay all telegraph charge. HANSEN'S EMPLOYMENT OFFICE FOR MEN. 94 North Second t. Phon. Mala 182". PORTLAND EMPLOYMENT OFFICE tOBU Morrison at Phon Paclfle 230 27 North Second st Phon Pacific lno WANTED REAL ESTATE. Payne & Van Tyne SIO Alisky hldg. Real Estate, karma. Invvstuisuts, Mortgage, Loan, PARTY from th east wlabe tn htiy from owner medium -else hona, or bungalow; glv location and price, - 03, tare JournaL CORNER lot on Vnloa v.; muat b cheap . for caah. X B0, ear Journal. WE have client who wants cottage, well lo cated, west aide," within 81.300. Owner only. National Truat A Investment Co., -661 Wor cester bldg. " , MY want are many In east aide property; I want buelnee property, bouses and Jota and ntiarter blocks, close la and fat oat. I. J, " Oeder, 1 Grand are., north, GOOD -mom house, clnsS't William are. X 3k, car Journal, HAVE ellenta who want home and Vila on the Inalallmeiit plan, vihat have yont N. ttonal Trust A Investment Vai., 631 Wnrrea- ler bldg. 6- ROOM bouse, one atory, ave. or Willis li ar., W 102, ear Juurnai. iiuit....i - Audtw . WANTED REAL ESTATE. I WANT s quarter block between Fourth end Frtait sis. aad Morrlaoo and Harrison sta. I' true is or write nie lunncllatoly. T. P. Iboriiton, 310 Chsujlier of Commerce. CORN FR kt Mi loo, between Wllllama ae. and Mississippi are, seat aide.. X 10, ear Journal. WANTED TO KENT. WANTED TO RENT Houses, cot tares, riata, stores, offices, roonilni bonnes, etc. Land lords will do well to csll on PORTLAND TRUST COM PANT OF OREGON i'kon Ex. 72. B. K. Cor. ad had Oak. SMALL bara on wast or south aid. Main 4044. Address 171 17th at. Pben I WANT to rent- a7 room ursdera boune at . once. Please write or call, T. P, Thornton, 1)10 Chamber of Commerce. . WASTED fmmedlately. dralrahle Va-atlon. on ftmuud floor. Mr n'al eatalo and general rokerage buaincas, by reliable firm: atata ! location and rent. Addrers P lal. care JeXirnaL I ' WANTEDj-FIXANCIAL. WANTED To barrow 23.000 on Improved eiibur baa pronerty. Aildrces U care Journal. wanted Miscellaneous. HLCnEST eeih prlc paid for (U kind second hand good. Phon Mala 2111. 82 N. Third. ADVERTISING MATTER Mailed by Kuril Directory Co. We bee. th , only classified Hat of name ef Oregoa aad Washington. 291K bTABK ST.. PORTLAND. OR. WANTED Fnrnltnr and bonaehold good of . ererr description bought, sold and exchaaged. Th 8. Sal rirst at. Mala 8374. HALL and ballroom, aeparat or together: new and with all convenience. Phon Main 89tL I PAY caah for household goods. W. W MAIN BUSS, CASH AND LOTS OF : IT , FOR FURNITURE. PORTLAND AUCTION ROOMS, . . 211 First BL MAIN B43B. . . . MAIN BeoS. EXCAVATING and grading. C. F). Poltag. 4N8 Commercial at. rbou East BIS. WANTED Horn, good lngl driver, for de - livery wagon, about 1.20O pounds. Apply at Highland Meat Market, 1008 Union ar.. N. WE WILL BUY. REM. OR TRADE ANY OLD TillNll. WESTERN 8ALVAGB CO., 27. - a WASIIlNliTON... PACIFIC 783.. WANTEIs Second-hand roller-top deak. Ad- area ex ihiwaoo at,, eiry. FURX1SHEI-ROOMS FOR RENT. THE WITCH HAZEL, comer of Front and Madison eta, haa been" leaaad for a term of year end I being pnt In flrat-claea order nd will be known aa the "Hotel Ohio." Room sill be rented for office and lngl rooms, also housekeeping, furniahsd and an- ...furnished. THE RICHELIEU, ASH North Slvth et Ele gantly runuaited; at earn neat aaa pain. FURNISHED rooms and furnlalied booaekeeprnf room for rent nt Qui Vanrorrrer as. THE GRAND. 45H North Third at. Room fog gemtemen, per weex ana up. RED DRAGON" New ewell roorse. heart ef eity:- new furniture nd earpet. Corse Slith and Stark ate. Entrance gZ7Vi Btark. DESIRABLE - furnlalied - close In. 840 Jefferson at. P)URN1SHED rooms, one or tare yonng men; 'bath and heat, 47 Eaat Eighth North. Pboe jlksai su. FUBNISirED rooms, day. week er mowth: renU jeaaooable. 183V Fourth at. racltle xeou.- NICELY furnished mom la prtvaU family. I- qaire at vn inira at. NEWLY furnished rooms reaaonabl. at 4R1 Eaat YamhlU at., between Beventh and Eighth. ONE or two mem fnrntvhed er vrnfrtmlabed. In privet family. 812 Tillamook at.; tax u ear. . .- , NICELY furnished rooms, heated. ITS Foejr- trenth at. Phone Main 6030. NICRLY fnrntabed room In private boa, very reisunsbl; aaodera and convenient, gaa, sou, furnace. Ma MsrsbaU. ONE or t furnished room, (team heat, light and Batninquir riat iv aua jinn WELL-FURNISH ED room: Ulephon. bath, fur- nsca. gaa; privet family, 4SBk Jriroa. Phon Main 8108, ' . NEWLY ftrrnlehed rooms, aaw flat, modem. central, to North l.itn at., corner rianner. FOR RENT HOUSEKEEPING. THREE fnrntabed horieekeei) tag-room ; rinre. gaa pute. bath, hot, and cold water, rre phone. 80S First at. Phon Mala tloOB. 11.25 WEEK UP. clean, turn tab ed hoaekee- trig room a, partor. earn, laonnry, rnraar beat. yard. 208 Stanton. U car. 81. B0 WEEK r P. large, clean, furnished bonaa- keeping rooms, laonnry and Data. 154 aner maa aonth, Portland. THE MITCHELL Housekeeping and transient room, reaaonabl. Seventh and FUnder. S OR 4 unfurnished bonaekeeplng-rnome for rent; aaw modem boos. 4M East Sixth St.. N. TWO aewly furnished house teeptng-eoorn and one lngle, cheap. 6A4 8a v ler at., corner 17th. FIVE unfurnished housekeeping room, electric Ilghte and gaa. Phone Pacific 2404. 4BT Columbia at. ROOMS AND BOARD. FOR on ar more (employed people preferred). modem, reasonable, tu Eaat Morrtaoa. 8U1TB or single room, with beard. In very choice modern flat, strictly first class, $38 Montgomery St. A NICE large front room, anlttbi for t gentle men, with flret-etae board;- all convenience, . close In, 1 43 month: also flrat-claa tahl board, 84 week. , Aeter house, Beventh and Madison. YOUNG lade wtahea room and board la private family. Phon Main 42ft. FOR RENTwte-HOUSES. FOR RENT 10-room modem boa, en ear line, aat aide, 825. Two B-roouj new booae oa tut ZStb, 18 each. a-mora bona, . new and nlca, sear North Alblna car line. - Henkle- & Harrison . 217 ABINGTON BLDG. T-ROOM bona aa earllnc, SIX C. H. Ptggwtt, owner, lawyer, room 4 Mulkep bldg. FOR RENT New modern 8-room bouse. 80S Monro at,, upper AiDiua. inqutr of - No. 80S. WE ar tn need of aeveral furatahed (nd am. furnished house to aatlsfy the wants of any patrona. I'lxm main C101 or call 720 Cfcanv - ber ef Commerce. Do It now. ' - 4-ROOM home, month, city wter. at.,- KaaL 84S 82d 4 ROOMS,- 7. near Highland school 8ronm bona fur sal, rhone Union 414. 8-ROOM house, weat side, good locality, close to car, low rent to gnod tenant; will sell oa easy term. I'bon Main 1410. HOUSES FOR RENT FURNITURE FOR SALE; A NEW modern 3-room mt tag for rent, near -two good rkrllnea, at SIB per month; part of furniture Mr eal at sacrifice. If taken liefore the loth ef January. 830 Mlnneaot v. Main 21!2, WK need furniture at any price. I'ertlsnd A tlon Rooms. '211 First at. Main on3. FURNISHED HOUSES. IIS- PUR, MONTH 4-rnom fuenlabed mttage; -large - yard and chlek en-house, water,- Add Kast .ei.nd. corner tun. L-rEV'lstll,:ll rn, ,1m RMim hoiis,' r..i oiiih i - near Morrises. Call SU Alisky BidgU. plieu ' a aci.w . , . , . t i - , - FOH IlENT FLAT3.- rt'RNiariKU 9-room flat, reasonable rent! everything HMMleiQ aud no to ditle. lull rr-oui a to iu:su a. m. 5I rUUrtb st. Tel. FOB IlENT STORES-OFFICES. STORM with baaement for rent. 4H0i Jefferson' st. i suitable fur short-order restaurant, deli catessen, dressmaking, barber. J. bullivant. Mala i039. OFFICU-ROOMs anfurnlsbed rooms aad sample-rooms fur rent. Uoodaooga hldg. Apply eleratur. . 1 DKKIRABI.l offleea. Including electrle llrfrta, hot and cold wstsr. janltcw sad slavstoe serrlre. in the new. (try Commonwealth bldg., id noe to fries alts, hlith and Burnside els. Agent, room 411. - - ' A FCW Bret-class office-mom left at northeast corner Third and Madtaoa sta. Apply rooia No, a. J . FOR BENT Store Flfth-st. aids Ooodnough bldg. ,lniulre et elevator In building. FOR RENT MISCELLANEOUS. HALL snd ballroom, aeparat or together; aeve and with all conveniences. Pbone Main ait. BUSINESS CHANCES. 11.000 Al PROPERTY,", paying IB per cent on Investment and growing Into money faat; - room ou lot for other building that will bring big rent; fUHK) will kandl It. Aylsworth A Eptou, 40 Baa Lin. Phon Tabor 670. SAVE MONEY Anything In printing aee Mad den, Oild Fellow' Temple. First and AlduT -I. I apalalra. 4t BUYS S-rooms. well furnished In good lo cality: west aide; tow-rent. Uageoiaaa A Blancbard. Bl Filth it.- BLACKSMITH SHOP, tool and atock;"a good bnalnoaa and sihmI locailoa. It u r..i. Carlton Oregon, ; ' BOOMING HOI BE fiw ala; boat location, good leaae, 43 rooms, well furnished; this I tba best money-maker la th city, X SB, JooruaL FOR SALE Hardwar (tor la Portland; clean (tock. good location, cheap rent; Inventory -bont $3.000. Address X 101, care Journal.. FOR RENT Splendid location for a grocery tor and meat market, eaat aide: new. trlrtly modern. Addreaa B 101, car Journal. FIRST-CLASS cleaning bualneaa for eale; well established; leaving on account ef health - Address X 108, ear Journal. - NICELY furnished drfuom houseboat for eel -or rent. Call it dark green house, foot CoJumbl t.; tgn "I' or Sale." JO BTS restaurant and lunch counter, goad -uv.uu. suunwfl neo, car vottma u FOR BALK Twe-ehalr barber shop; good bust, sees; only two a bo pa in towa of ) tnhalrl ranu: will aell at a bargain. Addreaa Lock Box TO. Oakland. Or. . . . FOR SALE Fin buttermilk bnslneea, rig and , routes. Address B 107. car Journal WANTED 88.000 to invest In gilt-edged aecnr - Ity; will net you glotiO clear profit; yon ran handle -town own money; no epaculattou; don't UMinir anlea yon mean bualnea; prin cipal only. National Trust Investment C.,651 Worcester hldg. . ( FOB SAI.B at tn voice, drrsr and coufeetiooery, good corner location: take about 8-100. In quire W 106, car Journal. Irorere fin trad, clean tock; ana p. care Journal, NICE new rests asset ee- he4et- dlnine-mem and - anene etnt new rrenea Jnnaet-eeerythlng . I nrei riaaa; -sen cneap er trade. Inquire Sl Stark , CASH, balance eaay paymenta TO-room hotel, bar aad dining room: cleared 82M last month; going to Europe cause of great se rine; principal Only. 81 North Sixth L SMALL restaurant for eal at a bargain, fur. nlahed living room connecting; owner leaving ' tow. Call 212 Fourth, city. . , BEST grocery bualneaa tn Oregon City. For partii-ulara csll at FeTuw' grocery, SOS Osk - St.. IVortlaed. i ' ii i' i j . St. Jcbns Realty- . gflno Lot BOxino, pear ehoolhotis. " Soon Lot 80x100. near woolea-mlll. Lot 80x100, sear . B. A K. track, 1.4IO T-rnom honac, eloae In. I, 0 Lot loOxlia). corner, overlnnlra rieee. 81.7a:-room btms; will exchange. ; :JZ x.waj hoi lovxioo, near u. K. rt.j an Investment, 82JH 8 room boa, modera, electrl - lights, near station. 83.000 8-room kouea, roae la; will ex- change. 8.1.Mgt a una house and ( atore. earner hit. . 88,0i a A Satory bnalnee building and Int. efciee la; now rent for 828 per month; f 2,000 caah. I hv llao So lota Soiion, on Wlllamett boulevard, near Acme Lumber C.'a plant, which will be put on the market In the . aprlng' tract can be had for, 87,0"0 If taken oon: "0 will be added to the above flgur before tbe mouth erplrea. ... WJ.Pcdllccrd OtSca near new city ball St. Johns, Oregoa, WOODMERE. , , ., Mount Scott caritn. .,r 1 have fee eale Lot In er adjoining this lovely anhnrb from 123 np to IXIS, according to loca tloe; very eaay terms. . Acreage In 44. 6. 6V-ere tracts, ssltahle : for platting, from 8400 ap te Snno per acre: terma; bayr will doubl bl mousy us the tracts. 1. H. HECKER. Resl Eetate Office. Wood mere. 1-4:80 p. m. Sunday. 10 a. m. to 4:80 s. at. NEW eennm bona In Creeton. right en car. fullC 1 cement basement, furnace. It14 parlor, la rre I " dining-room, .wail alcely tinted, beaotlful -1 bath, extra large lot; a rare harm Is, and I will not laar long, frlce only 2.O0; term can be rrnged. Weatern Oreron Tnt . Co uj pany, 281 Stark St., er phone Union 890a. GOING! GOING! ALMOST OONEI Tlltoe Addition going at half va hie: 48 Iota eld la last 80 day. . 41 LEFT FOB SALS. , Ootid point: Cement IHewalke. kard ear- ' face pavementa near new High ecboot. on block from ear, 10 mlnntea to city, I.VKi; . l-elow price of nearby lota. Delay to Investi gate mesne loss to you. THOMPSON J, OGDBN Rrnei. I'kon Eaat 4300. 800 Belmont at. FOR SALE CHEAPs-A T-ronm hone. 8 Jots, lot of fruit, cow hern, chicken yard. Sea owner, 124 Bayard at.. Peninsular (tattoo. William fkbeodel. u a . c T-roor house, closets' to each room, fnil . f lot. 60x100, near aawmlll, boiler works, (bin- I building Plant and 0. R, A N. R. R., fin I location for boarding bouse: within th nxt I lew uavs will ecu ror .wt; term 840O I4ta1 I ill. J . ! 1 ten. niBiic, ymw anonin. ni. soon TltM A ha tract A Truat Co., BL John. Oregoa, revive awv wwi. SEVERAL comfortabl bonne and lota beloag-j ng a suB-mineai mail o eoin one B t sacrifice: terma. W. B. McPheraon, Th Pklladelpbla. room 12. Third d Ulmos. WEST SIDP) residence north ef Washington, eaay walking distance, very desirable place nd modern hi every respect, 83.000; eaay ' terma. Sphinx Agency. 8o6Vk Btark t FULL LOT oa Eat Stark at.: aonth freo 1 1 law. Sphinx Agency, SooH Stark at. 0NB -of th nicest horn on Eaat BtwnaMe street for asle; 8 large room and hall, well built everything modem (nd complete: meat aldewalk, nice lawn, convenient te east i aide kick acbool. tnbllc aehonls, atore end car. Owner, 762 Eaat Birtuaid, near Eaat 22d at. - y 5 to:10 AcixTncts LevaL rich, living etreanst .w. bomes; good fruit and berry land; cbeaei sear rortlsnd-Salem carllne. INVESTMENT CO., 244 Btark el. BB-AUTIFUL 4-room bone, adjoining Creatoni all modem, extr fine bath; lot fenced, 11.300: on term. Western Oregon Treat company. 291 Stark, or pbene Union 8B0B. ALPINE REAL ESTATE CO toau Morrison, room S; phon Main 1B17 H block with ix-room noose. ciwe in, gti.nno, f room house; easy terma; 12.230. .o DOWN, bslanc monthly, new modem Toom house, half block va cr, is minute' ride. I'botn Pacific 1740. hTMCItE tract, wlfb emstl ..... . "'). Weatern ! Orerui Tn, -jn). ff .-, , wm w wj 'I