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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 5, 1907)
t GOOD EVEIII1IG THE WEATHER. Snow flurries and colder tonight. Sunday probatjly. fair, colder; north erly winds. ' .. y . :, i. . , ; VOL. 4 V." NO. 262. TTTT ill. M7-: TDTMH) (CTTTT ill Bafts Come Ashore ButrMay Have: Been Washed-ffTVessel During Recent 'Gale 7rnI BMetal Iwrlc.! ' Kin FrArinunn. Jan.. &.Jin hniMi1 and sixteen persons are believed to have perished on the Pacific Mall steamer City of Panama Captain Kelson, which t im 4ttJVtllfc J. tkawA BAHK J.tta. A distance north of 8anta Crtas on Mew Test's day while on the -.war to Anoorl, Panama. . Two life rafts and. two life T-drif ted ashore- yesterd ay "Bear " PlfeAit ( Point, about to miles . south of this place. Other wreckage can be seen from the beach, and It Is believed that a dlnastnr ss frightful aa the loss of . tha Paclfla Cbaat Btamalian eomianr'i , imr vaiencia nas occurren.-two nre , raits were equippea witn provisions ana .the boats carried oars. .. ; The boats-came sshors about noon ' end the rafts drifted In several hours . f irr. i ii m niw-. IB 1111 jl u il bu by resson-ax-rorlcs snd..cJlffs and cnn-. unnAntlv It will ftm mml 1 1 ma feeforA a more , searching Investigation can be xnade.. , ' ( roTttaaa people Aboard. ' The City or Panama left San Fran- " cteco for Aucondrs January I carrying It American cabin passengers, to steer age and It Chinese. Among her cabin , passengers were Dr. Henry Waldo Cos, accompanied by his wife, .W. O. Me ' Phernon. R. O. McPhereon and T. K. innw ail ox rnruuiiu. j an viner cms n - passengers were-'Or, E. Rutherford and wife, Frank' J. Gauyas.' Thomss Clarke, James uowory. uarir u. opanoro, J. V. Cooney and Hnrry Cooper, wife and TChlld. - J-r--. - Offlettls of the Pnctfle M" 8team (ship comparty scout the -Idea thst the " vessel baa been' wrecked. They hold out the strongest hopes that shs Is safe and win rrlv. t Uautlin. tlnlea timor- - row on schedule time. - The wsshlng ' aakvA jt ,h Ufa Mftfl anil bMti. thuv say. of course' Indicates thst she has . sacountered severe weather on the run down the coast. - but they, believe the' (Continued on Pegs Two.) -. .' Building liising i wice L'KIM Wttt ; k a miTtn st- - nu mnmrnn IMAGINE SUCH A STRUCTURE ' ' r" ' ' aa.jelBaaaasisBMsaBawaMeawa- Fargo Office Structure, Covering Whole Portland City Block . A raonatar structure twice as hjgh ss the Wstls-Fargo building snd covering ' a whole . city ."block-. Thst represents Ih. 'aaYn alca anif 'hataht Of all 4h business strnctures for which ground has been -broken .vr the 'plans drawn. ... Ill K'. , . All win tim miwr uv.u, - ' " mintha weeks In some cases. ' The to tal cost will be over ll.too.ono. Per mits for the foundstlons have already been- Issued In one or two Instances. That ths building activity of 106 will he far. surpassed by thst of ItOT there is no room for doubt.- Valuable cornel's lnts oacuniait riv woooen Duuainas are to be replaced by - modern structures, ' snd by the close of the new year the - akyline of Portland will begin to look tike that of the lower .end ot Manhattan Island- " - - . - ' nlannsd has tramendoualv Increased the work of the building inspection depart ment. ' Inspector Hpenoer today com plied, the figures showing thst sn ss tonlaiiln aggregats of new buildings waa plsnned. - Uround hsa already been broken for ths eight-story Her building On Ojk irtet, I'luns srs being drawn for' the : . . t . . . . ' - -'',-KvJ '. r x' ' i - J .- PORTLAND, IH) COAST OF CALIFORNIA Star Shows Where Lite Rafts Cam . j-.?'-J : -' Ashore. " ' '.. Steamer . Columbia Left Sin Francisco With Panama and Reports Thick Weather and Terrific Storms. Captain Do ran. of ' tha' Ban Francisco Portland Steamship oompany'a liner Columbia, wss aggrieved and surprised to hear of .the feared loss of tha Psclflo Mall liner -City of Panama. - The-Columbia arrived here last night from Ban Francisco, which port she left the day after the City . of Panama departed. The two steamers were occupying ad joining berths st the Spear street wharf while the Columbia was In port.. passible Censes. . ;k "A collision might have caused the disaster. If the eteeraer Is really lost," said Captain Doran. "Bhe may have been caught. In the storms, disabled and thrown In the trough of the sea and foundered, but the most likely theory Is Contlnued on Page Two.) II. til If as Hign as : wens- Sight-story' Cohn building at Eleventh and Weshlngton, and also for the struc ture st Park snd Alder, which Is t be eight storlss in helghth. The Commer cial club and the Board of Trade build. I nit a both on Oak street, srs sasured. The Troy laundry has had plane drawn for. a three-story building, and a per mit has already been made out for the fourietory Oadsby warehouse, . - - trwfm - orlee MUfk. j The new Msson-Ehrman building will be. seven stories In helghth, ths Hssel wood four stories, snd the Baker build ing at Eleventh and Washington three stories. . . -'-, All these buildings are 104 by 104 rfeet. ' Acroea the river the foundation fer tha four-story Mitchell Iewla A Staver building has been laid. This Will be tOO by 100 feet in area. The excavation for the Markell building at ITnlon avenue and Esst Morrison street, three stories, Is nearly .completed. ' The plans for the elhr-story Koth'a rhlld building at Fourth and 'Washing ton streets are nearly ready.- Thle will occupy the , northwest corner and will adjoin ', the new Couch building. A building 100 by 100 and three stories high Is in be erected at Fifth and Floe for Lea Frieda. r: . - '-I" ' " 1 1 . ' r" - v ' '"' I . . . : . . . - " . . . :.. i . 1 GALE RAGING ,IGIOri FOR Kt.'OVLEDGS OF AMERICAN VAY5 STORY IN THE SUNDAY JCU I W W i i vl CN-v lA'!A f, w 'X X , - OREGON, SATURDAY , EVENING, JANUARY '5. 1807. TT 1 Dr. Coe and His Friend Thomas - Prince Jold not Premonition ot the "Disaster 'One of tha strangest features of the incident surrounding the--dieaater to tha steamship City of Panama is con tained in a letter written by Dr. Coe to his friend Dr. Edwin I House, pas tor of tha First Congregational church. The words contained in tha message to tha mlnleter are prophetio of Impending danger and may bo taken as a premoni tion of the disaster which awaited the party when they left 8aa Francisco. . Dr. Coe, on Chrlstmss day, . Just be fore leaving for the Bay City, sent a check to Dr. House aa a remembrance. In the note whloh he enclosed with. the gift, be wrote: ' .v- -. . "I want to send this to you before a-olna- away. . I am. going on a trip. and I may drown, although I am a good swimmer." - -.,... The words In the letter fleshed serosa Dr. House's mind Instantly when he read the first accounts of the wreck of the ship, and both he and his wife commented upon the apparent forewarn ing of the death and dlsaater which Dr. Coe hsd. "It ts certainly a ' strange circum stance, said -Dr. House this morning. "I cannot understand what aside from that inner consciousness which we do not control, could have, prompted the pen to write, those.-words." ..yi . V. .. I .- - Prlaoe Coald Xot Bleep. ' ' That Thomas. K. Prince, a passenger en the steamer City of Panama, which was - reported - wrecked off the west eosst. had a premonition of dlsaater. is evidenced - by what he-told Mrs. O. C ' Hutchtns at the Portland hotel the night he left for San Francisco to take passsge - on the stesmer. Mr. Prince told Mrs. Hutchins that he had been unabls to sleep . the night before because of worrying over the fear of the-sea vovace. Mre. Hutchins la a guest at the ho tel and Is from Worcester, Massachu setts, Mr. Prince's former home. - Bhe has known both Mr. and Mrs. Prince for many years snd wss greatly shocked when ehe learned of the reported wreck In speaking of Mr. Prince, ehe said: - "Mr. Prince ts a manufacturer of ma chinery In Worcester and came to Ore gon about 10 or II years ago because of hie heslth. He went to Dundee. Oregon, where ha bought a fruit - ranch and Bought to divert his mind from business by. devoting his time to horticulture. He was a nervous wreck when he came to Oregon, but when I was In Portland (Contlnued on Psgs Two.) PACIFIC IH DREAD ' - - " - ; , , , . . ..... - . ......-,.. j y ; ' v - ,v ..... .. .. 1 v .. .. - . ' ' - . - -t - .. .'( 1 I . . i ."'.. . . , ' L', - . , '-. ' :. '-.'.:- . . .. "J ' ' I "J i: 1' v - : - ' 'I PORTLAND v v ' i a Dr.' Henry Waldo Coe. COnCERnSAIDTOl BE EMBARRASSED Report orTTrTancTal Difficulties ' Does ' Not Disturb the San Francisco Stock Market, However"- Telegraph Company Iand Newspaper. Hardest Hit. (Jooraal Special Service.) San . Francisco, Jan. I. Tha report of tha alleged financial embarrassment of : the L.' M. Bulllvan Trust company failed to have an effect on tha stock market thla morning. Nevada stocks sold at a slight advance. --One of the heaviest creditors of ths company Is said to - be the Western Union Telegraph company. Should tha ooncem . suspend operations almost all brokers - In-- 8 an Franclaco would loss from IS.000 to $20,000. ....:!. . - Newspapers will also be hard hit It la generally agreed that the trouble la not due to dishonesty, but bad -man-agement. v . . . -t v APPROVAL OF FOREST - " i GROVE NATIONAL BANK - (Wtahlartea Burwa sf Tke oerm!.) Wajhlngton, - D. C. Jan . The ap plication ' to organise a- national bank haa been approved in' the case of . the Foreet Orove-National bank of Forest Grove, Oregon; capital stock.' $25,000; incorporators,. W, B. ' Haines, : J. - A. Thomburg. T. O. Todd, John E.-Bailey and. John W. ( , - FATE OF A SCORE A OF MINERS UNKNOWN Douglas, Aria, Jan. f Ths mouth of the Denn mine at Iwll la still closed snd nothing bss been heard from the 20 minora Imprisoned when the explosion- occurred, - killing one and fatally hurting three at tha surface. Two Finger Lost. Kewberg. Or Jan. 6. Henry Chase, who operates-a sawmHl near town, had the first and second fingers of hia right hand sawed off. . MAIL STEAMER. CITY OF ARRY SULLIvAil TWO ' SECTlONS-TWENTY PASSENGERS ABOARD CITY- r";t 'r . . i it " am- ' '"' -s, ! ' ' 1 :' . . t - . - r r -. Mrs. Henry Waldo Coo. ' COE AHD VilFE widely Known Physician Not Only . Prominent Through Connection With Medical Fraternity, but Inter- : ested in Numerous Commer cial arid Other Interests.' Dr. Henry Waldo Coe Is one of the mo at widely known professional men In the northwest, i not. only through . his connection with the medical fraternity, but as a. business man of extensive tn tereeta and aa.a leader In Republican politica. Both before . and nines ' com ing to Oregon, II years ago. Dr. Coe haa held positions of note, and his-eastern connections were - nearly aa prominent as those during his later life 'In - Oregon.--For a number of years Mrs. Coe hsa been numbered among the society leaders of Portland, and she haa been a prominent worker for equal suffrage, her term ' aa president of the Oregon Equal Suffrage association having ex pired only a abort time ago. . Jtas icaa-r la Wrests, Dr. Coe la treasurer ot the St Helens Consolidated Mining company and one of Ita chief prometera. ' - He Is person ally Interested In work being done byi the company, which haa spent upward of 1260.000 in the development of the copper properties owned In the vicinity of fit, Hnlsns. He was also Interested In the St. Helens Loop Line electric railroad, which has secured right-of-way and water rights for the operation of an electric line from Castle Rock to Spirit lake, where the mineral lands are lo cated. It was In the Interests of the railroad project, partly - to finance It and i talk - over the details with the (Continued on . Page Two.) PANAMA . Ill IIORTH WEST ,Twd PAGES. PRICE OF PANAMA V n y. 7' W. O. McPherson. "irrPHILADELPHIA BAIIHIIE DEAD Unidentified Man Hurls Instru ment of Death Into Fourth Street Financial Institution Cashier- McLear Dead" . a ana Twenty Others Are Injured. (Journal Special lerviee.) Philadelphia, Jsn. - I. (Bulletin) A bomb was thrown by an unidentified man, ahortly before noon, in the Fourth Street National bank, which killed As sistant Cashier W. Z. McLear and In jured about 20 clerks. First reports of ths dlsaater said that It was a boiler explosion.-. The bank- la located In the Bullitt building,-- oa Fourth street. Shortly ' before noon, while -the bank was crowded with de positors, the explosion occurred. The building waa badly wrecked.' NORTH BANK TOWNS : ; IN THRIVING CONDITION 1(p-rUl Dlrpatca te The Joanial.) Umatilla. Or.. Jan. i With the prog-' rees of the North Bank railroad the towns along 'the Columbia are assum ing a lively aspect, and many new town sites are being platted at convenient points along ths river. What gives promise of being the jargest enterprise of this kind Is the well ' developed scheme of a number of capitalists of Seattle to build a city on the banka of the river In Klickitat county, opposite Umatilla. . One of the best ferries along the. river will be put In operation from Plymouth to Umatilla . The promotera of this new town have already purchased 120 acres from the railroad company for a town alte. paying tM00 for the land, and have negotiated for. large tracts sur rounding Pljrmouth,w .Provision Is being msds for a water system, "and every thing points to making It a lively, up-to-date town, v . Bankc Walsh's Jrial. . (ion real Special Seriee.) Chicago, 111 Jan. t. Bank Examiner Moxey spent a day before the federal grand Jury explaining the results of an exanlmnatlon extending, oven, nearly , a year of the Chicago National bank which failed In December, 10S. of which John R.. Walsh-wss president. " Not Vaea to Ice and Snow. ' (Sprll Dtapetch to The JoarneK) -'' Canby, Or.. ; Jnn. J. Carl Breeman. while walking on Main atreet Thursday, bomb ismm slipped and fell from the sldewalk.Othe head of their columns for provident hlcli was covered with Ice and snow. and sustained a sprained knee. The People's Paper '..That's' what The Sunday Journal ii' and that is what has rnl it the .most popular publication in. the northwest, i It prints all thr. news of the world that is worth rcsding, the best feature- that - .brains can produce and that money can buy; it has a full reenrj " ot tne nappeninea in society, in portmg news is the fullest and merrial page is the favorite with health and beauty hints are invtluable to w for men ia written by experts; its bys' a- ! r-i song-lit by younsitrM who like healthy, w -ics -are just what they pretend to be- : " t These are among the reasons why tfi- r : Uiti Journal Circulation 2672 CENTS. osr Ttanrs iirs irrw stamps, rivs emu Secretary Hitchcock ls rroDing una rraud Charges Filed With Interior: Department Senator Accused of Having! 7 Fenced and Appropriated Gov - ernmant Land Chnrca Aro. Formally Filed, Accompanied by Maps and Data. (Josrsal Special Service.) Washington. D. C, Jan. 6. Tha eee retary of Mie Interior Is Investigating Senator Warren.. CWyorolng. chairman of the committee on military affairs, who Is charted with being a- "land grafter," and t who. It - Is - alleged, haa fenced and appropriated to his own use publio lands In Wyoming. The chsrges ere. made formally, ac companied by data, maps, etc The names of the persons who filed the charges am. not-disclosed --- .-. - It Is understood that the nresldent and a e rotary do not believe tha charge.-but desire fo give the senator the benefit of a searching Inquiry. Fifty thousand seres near. Cheyenne are aatd to be Involved. , . Senator Warren " la incensed at tha charges and declarea they are false. . BIG P0TLATCH MILL ' CAN'T SHIP LUMBER (pedal Dtfpatcfc to The JmirI.y ' Potlatch. Idaho, Jan. S. There Is at great demand here for the - output of the big mill now In operation at thla place. - A. I Maxwell, superintendent for the company, aaya the demand for lumbar for the eastern market la rlshe up to the capacity of the mllL bnt on account of the scarcity of cars It la Im possible to make shipments. The com pany has orders from the east for (9 car leads for Immediate shipment, hut cannot get cars. ...... Ths Potlatch company la a-uardlns? against any possibility of a shutdown during the eold weather, by making a hot pond. This la done bv turnlna thai exhaust from-the boilers Into, the . losr pond. When the river Is froxen the logs will be brought down by . rail and dumped Into ths hot pond. f The mill la running dsy and night ant hundreds of men are employed in tha woods, on tha logging railroad and la the big mill. The town' of Potlatch is noted fog having the largest mill In the world. . MINERS IIMtOM QIMIIRC INDUSTRIAL WORKERS ' C Joaraal Speelel Sfrvtre.l Tonopah, Nev Jan. t. The Miners anion has refused the request of the industrial Workers of the World to g on- strike In sympathy with the cooks end waiters. Thla Is considered ay ae rloua blow to the Industrial worker. ELEVEN KENTUCKY t C -PAPERS FOR TAFT (Journal Sperlal Serrtre.) : -' Louisville. Ky, Jan. I. KiTen news papers of this state. Including one in this city, are carrying Taft'a namer st In 1I0S, Each nes a stalwsrt Repub lican In Its section- music, literature nj ftran)j; in most reliable; .1 ne Journal's prodiicer, nr an.) luiyer; t ,' -r : r' It S uwniiiirii u l-i r ii in tin mi n-in iiMnrn nnr utrr c