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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 2, 1907)
DAILY JOURNAL. . rORTLAND, WEDNESDAY EVENING. JAl.UAliY 2 1007. n piit.... I 'kr.... 1 l.anplra.., ; 1'rlc...., 'w .... Or. nil .. I'amagaa TOHIQHT'B AMUSEMENT!. ''Marl Ptoaa" "a. Milk W bit Has" "Tb OI1 C'WlhM Mao" "Ruu t Earth" ."HotW Who's Your DrugltT When you sre alck you see a physician, and be gives you a, prescription, from ths us of whteh you expect to got well Xt U your duty, In justice to yourself, your family and physician, to have that pre scription put up exactly aa th doctor Intends, In order to set the reaulta an ticipated. Physician' preacrlptlona are our specialty, thla department feeing In the handa of ' experienced registered rbaxneaelata, and our patrona can rest aaaured that anyvpresortptlon or recipe Intrusted to our care can be depended on being compounded with exact pre .clalon and correctness and In exact ac cordance With the doctor's wishes. Al bert Bern!, prescription druggist, it Washington street. "Abominations of Portland and Who Are Responsible for Them," will ba the teesae of Bvangellst Martin's discourse at the Church of the Nazarene. lit Burn Bide atreet. between Tenth and Elev enth, - tonlghJt, - These meetings are growing la interest, the attendance hev : Ing mora than doubled since the first night Mr. Martin waa for many years a. minister of the Methodist Episcopal enurch. it ,-'. . - Newly elected office ra of Local life L a E. W, are: President. W. S. Junktra; recording , secretary, Donald McKay; financial secretary. W. U Trulllna-er: no. is. nam in. .nnn.i mi.nnn nr nm- oera Monday night and chose the fol lowing officers: President. H. 3.- Slrard: vice-president. F. W. Spencer; financial secretary. T. M. Leabo; treasurer, Kred West. . v .; v . .1 j.i,. ; ., , The newly elected officera Ooorge Wright Poat. Q. A. R. and W. n. v wiu am puouciy msiaiiea at a Joint meeting Friday evening lii the urana Army hall,, second and Morrl on streets. " Department Commander H. X. Sutcllffe will inatall the post offi wre,.wjui mm. juary LnimDiriun, department Installing officer.' will per ioral tne omce ror the corps. - - , . The Initiative One Hundred baa asked f tl I .hi h. In LiI.m. Ih. wmmn lutlon rsoently adopted by that organi sation requesting the council to appro priate tl.000 with which an expert may be engaged to lay out, the ekytlue boule vard and the other park Improvements Included In the Olmsted report. All this work will be dona under the super vision of the nark board. -, . Articles' of Incorporation of the Con don Pine Lumber nnmranv w.r. filmA in Ing by E. . J. Clough of Arlington and ' w a n.k.. i a . ti, a- land. They will manufacture and sell pine lumber. Capital stock, 111, COO. Zl TEuPLE DEDICATED IS Addresses, Music and Ritualistic Work Mark Formal Opening of Woodmen Home. , HEAD CONSUL I. I. DOAK CONDUCTS CEREMONIES Mayor Lan Dllvert, Address . in . Which Ho Asserts That Woodmen of World Is Broadest of All Or t; animations fa Existence. ' KGE FIRE TO BUY EUGI11E Mount Scott Company Has Completed Negotiations for rv Chemical. MONEY BEING RAISED BY ENTERTAINMENTS Engine Is to Be Delivered on Pay Dientof First Installment of Two , Hundred and Eighty Dollars En ' tire Price to Be Paid In Two Years Frank and PI L. More land, brothers doing a general merchandising business ti.iuiii.1,1 mvi i w vuiiuij, ii.T. xnna hi petition in bankruptcy in the United States district court They place their (liabilities at t.m.Si, and their assets "at SMSS. - - Steamer Jessie ' ilarklns . for Camas, Washougal and way landings dally ex cept Sunday. Leaves Waahlngtoa atreet dock, at M p. as. , . .. .v.- - Drr VTr tr Howard, chronle diseases, electricity and electrlo light treatment Commonwealth buildtng. Sixth street . 'Periodicals, newspapers, - magaslnea, reading matter,' literature, at Carl Jones, 7i Washington, corner Fourth. ; Wanted Competent bookkeeper and accountant; permanent . position.. Ad dress B 101. cars Journal. - Thomas MoClary, the Chautauqua fa vorite, lectures tonight at Taylor street church. Acme OH Co. sells the beat safety coal ell and fins gasoline. Phone, East Tl. Woman's Exchange, lit Tanth street lunch 11:19 to I; business man's lunch. Russian baths. SOT Third, Hours t a. m. and 1 p. m. c Ladles' PERSONAL Professor W. A. Manning, Ph. D.. who has the chair of higher mathematics at Leland Stanford university, Palo Alto, California. Is visiting his brother, Isaac A. Manning, in thla city today, and will leave for ths university tonight Pro fessor Manning spent ths holidays with his parents at Salem. Milton Rosencrants. brother to ths tal ented young violinist. Josef Merldeth Rosencrants, leaves for San Francisco tonight. Mr. Rosencrants has for a tlms been connected with Allen aV Lewie. Librarian A. H. McCurtaln of the Multnomah law library returned yes terday afternoon from Spokane. whers lie had spent the Christmas holidays with his brothers, A. Q. and O. K. Mc Curtaln. - . -' . ' - Head Consul Bosk of ths Pad f to Jur, isdlctlon. Woodmen of the World, dedi cated ths handsome new temple on Eleventh street . between Washington and Alder yesterday afternoon. Ad dresses, music, ritualistic work and drills by the uniform rank composed the dedicatory ceremonies. The scene was an imposing one.- The decoratlone ef the hall, the Insignia of the order, the regalia - of - ths officers and 'the com panies of the uniform rank gave to the assemblage almost a military aspect. ' The opening speeches were from the ritualistic services. "The Objects of Woodcraft" a part of the ritual, was read by A. A- Ferrers, and gave to tne guests of the order a clearer under standing of Woodcraft along both fra ternal and protective lines. "Woodcraft In Life and Death," a section of the ritual, was read by C. M. Bequette. . It tella ths chief aim of the order- to pro vide assistance and comfort In case of Illness, to administer sympathy to those bereaved, and to extend protection 4ut charity, to the families of - the mem bers.' i, "' " ' - W. O. Hawley peaks. ' ' Congressman-elect W. C. Hawley gave the .history of the Pacific Jurisdiction. Ha aummed up the career of Woodcraft in the west during Its 14 years of ex istence as "not long In years, but long In - achievement" ' He showed that in 1891 there were but 2,000 members in the Paclflo Jurisdiction, while In 10 there were 101,000 members. -. Mayor -Lane made a congratulatory address. I can say in perfect honesty that t consider the Woodmen . of the World es bound --together on broader principles ' than any other organisation Jtal, exists," said the mayor. "I am proud jot the order, and proud of thla temple that it has erected In our city. The people of Portland may not appre ciate the Importance of the task which you have accomplished here, but I as sure you that there la one man who does give it full value, and that Is my self." ; ' :- r ' - - Beopems -to- Mayer Jbeae.- - Head Consul Boak responded to the remarks of the mayor.' "This ,'ls an order that does things," said he, "and I am glad that I have found the Port land camps among the moat active In the Organization." " Ha referred to the fact that It waa the Woodmen who flrat organised for relief and administered to the thousands of destitute In Oolden Oate park- after the San Francisco dlsaater. . - , Ths musical numbers were selected with cars and were among the most at tractive portions of the program. - The officers assisting . Head ; Conaul Book In the dedication -weret Consul Commander- A L.- Barbur,- Past Conaul M. T. Woods rd. Adviser Lieutenant C A. Elliott. Banker W. B. Oaylord. Clerk Herman Bchade. Escort C. C Bradley, Watchman N. H. Bird, Sentry A. J. Murphy. Physician W. L. Cottol. Mana gers W. a Ward. IL L. Day. George Tabler. - - - " -- v - The dedicatolry ball waa given- last flight, with dancing In both the halla of the new building. Mrs, Paul Hlns of 1 0 1 North -8c v en th s t reet was t he winner of ths door prise, a handsome piano.' ' -, ..... ' UNIVERSITY GLEE TJLUB WILL PLEASE WITH SONGS Ths appearance of ths VnJ veraity of Oregon Oles and Mandolin clubs at ths Helllg next Friday will be an event of more than ordinary Interest In Portland society circles.' That collegians both young and old will attend In large nura bars la shown by ths sales of seats to day. - And no wonder. The eluba proved the attraction at the Marquam last year. and all who attended ths entertainment then wish to hear again the old college songs and enjoy college fun. .Ths program will be varied and in teresting, it will Include solos, old col- legs songs, mandolin selections, mono logues, ouarteta, noveltlee and specialties. and aoeve all a sketch that will capti vate all collegians and other theatre goers. As there will bo no other col lege gree clubs In Portland this winter no one can afford to miss ths entertain ment Friday, - Seats are now on sale at the theatre, corner of. Fourteenth and Washington streets. Tour grocer returns your money If you don t like Schilling's Best tea and coffee. 'CONDITION OF Oregon Trust & Savings Bank ;:;r: ; ; AT CLOIB OF BUSINESS iZI ' v . ; DECEMBER 28, 1906 V ;.; :-;'-',-'" xjAazzoTxag. ' 4 '. Z '. ' ' i Capital stock ,f 100000.0O ! nrplua v' . BO.OOO.OO r . 'Brm4lTl4 rote. ...".'.......v...... 8S,a47.8T- Deposits .-.. ......... l,B00,032.tt6 ;' ' ' - ' .,i'-- ' ,.......'... f l,TT8,i80.55 . ; J ; . Hoans and Blaosmnte.. .f , 619,907.49 : .Bonds ana Warrants 631,470.97 Bal Betaes ...."." 7,800.00 - Bafs Dspoolt TaalW, Tnr. s4 Jria... 28.764.OS ' Ovsrarafte (saemred... ; 6.8OO.6I l front Banta - 683,537.71 g 1,778,280.83 Ptate Of Oregon, County of Multnomah, as. ,' I. W. Cooper Morris, cashier of ths , aboTS-named bank, do solemnly swear that ths above statement is true to ths best of W7 knowledge and belief. " ' ' 1 W. COOPER MORRIS, Cashier. JI"J,lcJlh'.,,. niOI'!l-,0 .bfors ms, this Itlb day of December. T. M. ADAMS. ' Notsry Publlo fot Orsgon. . Xmm Bids Department. t All arrangements hare now been per fected by which the Mount Scott volun teer fire company is to secure immedi ately a 1710 double-cylinder engtne for fire protection of the central Mount Scott district, to be placed at Arleta for the use of the entire section ss far as possible, from Anabel to NaahUle. -. Ths committee appointed to meet with Alexander O. Long by ths firs company last Saturday, consisting of H. R. Baker. W. Wlllour and Jay Gould, and to receive suggestions regarding their wants for ths Mount Scott cltl sens, has held Its conf erenos and 'ar ranged with ths dealer In firs apparatua for the purchase of an engine, which, it Is believed, will be perfectly adequate to the needs of the district. . On sccount ' of ths lack pf water a chemical waa ths only engine that could be used. They concluded to buy a No, SH Champion engine with two J0-gal-lon ianks. for-which- they will have te .pay 1780. - .. ' "'. : -."TllB:-terma which- they-arer torj)ay for the engine are 1280 T down on da livery and the balance payable In two years. , Mr. Long will accept notea of tilt each, payable semi-annually, and 6 per-cent on deferred paymenta. These notes to be signed by 10 business men of Mount Scott and the signatures to be first spprovwl by Mr. Long before being sccepted. ; " K ': - , .. " ' Are Wow Baislng Money. - The company has at present little over tlOO wtut whlh to make ths first payment but Is endeavoring to raise the rest by , subscription and entertain ments. As soon as thla money Is ob tained the engine nr bsprompttyde' llvered to the Mount Scott cltisena.' - A- party snd-auperwashe)d JSsyr. Tear's eve which netted the" company considerable. r The cltliens are enthusi astic and are helping the firemen will ingly, ,.,".',(. At last . night's session of ths Esst Side '. Improvement association O. M. Scott chairman . of- the- commit tea, ap pointed to confer ..with. the.. Library, as sociation regarding the establishment of a. branch library, on the east side, reported that - some, progress had been made. Mr. Scott reported that " the members of the association, seemed to be Interested In the -project end felt the necessity of such t branch now that the east side high school-would soon open. , ." -'-' , - . To Brsot Bnlldlag'. It will be necessary before any fur ther business can be made to secure, a quarter block centrally located, and It was suggested, near East Morrison and East Eleventhf and a building erected that might be enlarged aa time might demand. The library association prom ised that It could assure ths new branch at least 1,500 volumes to etart with and could loan soms reference books. . - , ,.' The Eaat Side association waa con vinced that the project was worth con siderable effort on Its part spd it will endeavor to follow out the suggestions of the library' association in the matter and secure The necessary locations for the east side library. The East BM-association-Is stilt working en 'the filling plans for the blocks between Union avenue snd the river and It seems now likely that the Pacific Bridge company will get the contracts. The bridge company suggests that If It Is necessary they will build a dredge, but If they take the contracts they wllf fill ths blocks -some way and it will be satisfactorily accomplished. - Predicts Bosy OTntars. ' :.J It being the first meeting of the year. Mr. Boise, president of the association, vary appropriately met ths occasion and received Inspiration Ifor aa. extempore effort In which he portrayed the year's accomplishments and what waa before the Eaat Side Improvement association for ths year ltOT. The east side has advanced more In the past year than for many yeara and he pointed that the year lust being entered upon would be greater still. lis pointed to ths tilling of ths streets now under contract, the plans for hard pavement reaching out Into dif ferent portions of tUa sast side, the erection of a library and an -opera house and said that the filling of ths water front blocks would bo followed at once by the extenaive erection of large and metropolitan appearing warehouses, as It was -undoubtedly the warehouss dis trict of ths city, favored with ail ad vantages necessary for such a district Ths meeting wss very optlmtstle and the spirit that pervaded It augurs well for 107 on the east aide. - . till Agitating for Boa4. ' The Viovement for an SO-foot road from 'the city through the Ladd farm, connecting with Villa avenue on the east and thence onward east of Monta vllla to the farming country of the eastern part of Multnomah county, is not yet dead, although property-owners on Villa avenue at first went on record against ths widening of that thorough fare. ' - j i ' V - .. It now seems that the property-owners have awakened to the- advantages of such sn Improvement snd view the prop osition with less alarm than - formerly. when epproached by the promoters of the scheme A petition i will soon be presented to the county court which will bring the project squarely before the people. r - : There seems to bs ho opposition to ths road beyond the city limits. In fact, the farmers ars willing to donate the right of way to the county In order to get the road, although there la OLffer sace of opinion ss to Just what ths location of ths highway If thla thoroughfare Is opened It will be a veritable boulevard 10 feet wide and It ml lee long connecting the city with the farms of Multnomah and even Clackamas county. . : dealing Away Croud. . ' The work of clearing away the ground surrounding the Inman,' Poulsen at Co. sawmills and the filling of Steph ens' slough Is proceeding. Fifteen small eottagea havo been 'Cleared from the ground e east -of Grand avsnue and a three-story hotel ta neat Several blocks have been filled In the slough from the bluff on ths O. W. -P. line south of Brooklyn. Ths water thst now finds ita wax. to the slough will be taheVefl by the Brooklyn sewer-now under con struction. This sewer Is also making good head way at ths three points from which It is being constructed, except at the river Portland Agent for Icttcrklc Patterns iri:l!IctIon$nd tht Delineator Cottom Shads snd Drapery Vork Or r . SpcdaltyT-Best Materials and Workmanship Lowest Prices Wilm:- Stored tablishcJ 057 The great money-saving event every one has been waiting for is now in progress-The Annual January Clear ance Sale offers more and better bargains than any merchandising event of the year Phenomenal values in new up-to-date wearing apparel for women, men and children as well as household effects of every description In every department will be found wonderful values in high grade merchandise and as always, our assortmentst by far the largest and best in the city Cloaks, Sulta : Waists, Skirts Costumes, Wrapt r Furs. Pett'coata Children's Apparel Millinery, Bonnets Men's Clothing . , Yoatht Clothing -Boys'-CI othin; r Art Goods; Picttires" -Muslin Underwear, Silverware ' ' ; Cut Class - ' " Carving Sets ! Infants' Wear ':: Flannel Gowns -Knit War Pyrography Goods Veilings, Notions Buttons, Shoes ; SHppars, Etc., Etc. -ClocksT-Watcnrs-t "'Table, Bed Linens Silks, Dress Coods Laces, Embroideries Chafing Dishes ' , 3 o'Clock Teas Granite ware -Dress Trimmings Handkerchiefs Hosiery, Underwear Flannels, Linens . Cotton Goods , Wash Fabrics Notions, Sheets Pillow Cases Small Wares .Men's Furn'shmgs " Gloves, Ribbons Brass and Copper, Novelties - - - Fancy Vases ; ' Men's Underwear Umbrellas s Leather Coods . ; ' Trunks. Bags 1 Books, Stationary, Jewelry r--. Fancy GoadSr"T Women's Neckwear Rubber Goods Toilet Articles Lace) Certains v Groceries, Stoves Ranges . - J Curtain Materials v Blankets. Comforts Portieres - : , Couch Covers V' ) Bonne Femmes SilkolinesTapetrles Toys. Dolls, Games Fancy China : .. Glassware kitchen Cooda Lamps, Cutlery Etc, Etc Entire Stock of ClOaJcs Suits, Waists, Millinery, Etc.t Greatly Reduced 1 50,000 pieces of diinty, new lingerie in thisGreat January "White Fair" The newest and prettiest pieces America produces-splendid bargains matchless assortments attractive sty les every garment well made and finished and of full size--Undermuslins that will delight the careful buyer every well -known maker is representedGowns, Corset Covers, Skirts, Drawers, Chemise, Sets, etc. Mountains of new, snowy-white Undergarments at Special January Prices--Mail Orders will receive our prompt and, careful attention Send xv". v. i r":-.. ' '':" t for our new illustrated catalogue .i; :-, '... .. ' Bd."' which has been lately delayed by Ma-h -water. The-tennet-wlU be-Ji00 feot In length and 0 have been dug between Eaat Tenth and the river. An other shaft will soon be sunk at East Ninth and work will proceed from there both ways, as at East Tenth. -'r. Small Items. . The Sumner Relief Corps will, hold its annual- lnetaHatioef -offloere next Saturday evening In the Grand Army hall at 4tt Union avenue. Mrs. iieien N. Packard." natlonar Junior-vlce-presl dent, will be installing officer. . The city council at St. Johns met last night only for a brier session ana win not meet again until the next regular meeting Tuesday, January t, at which time the council will take up the tele phone questions which is of intsrest t manr St. Johna cltlsena. .-, J. P. King, who has been a resident of- St. Johna for a year or so and Is rnrhane 70 rears of ase. waa taken sua denly last Sunday with 4 paralyUo stroke and had to be oonvyed to SL Vincent s hosoital that evening. Mr. King was living alone at the Chicago rooming-house and was found lying on the floor In his room about 7 ocjock, his entire left aide being paralysed. He la a Grand Army veteran. The semi-annual installation of ths United Artisans of Arleta occurred last nlaht at the Arleta halL It waa one of the most successful meetings for soms time and ever 15 members were present. After the Installation ceremonies the comoanr repaired to the Mount Scott restaurant, where they were - served to a banquet brthe proprietor. .Mra. E. A. Cable. C A. Berry acted as toast master and Mra. Claschard was chaplain for ths evening, and both entertained the company with their wit throughout tne affair. Tns Anieans win give a whist , party at Arleta hall next Friday, MEN'S RESORT GIVES ' FREE TURKEY SUPPER The annual supper to the poor men of the city was given laat night at T o'clock at the-Men'e Resort, Fourth and Burnaida streets. - About Its persons did ample Justice to the tempting dishes.' The banquet was under ths personal direction of Superintendent A. IX soper, assisted by a corps of ladles and young men from ' the Presbyterian church. Over S00 pounds of turkey, 71 pies and TS loavrs of bread were consumed, to say nothing of the salads, cranberry sauce, celery, pickles and apples. The banqueters represented all nation' F.V.BALTES & COMPANY r.iAirj 105 ; INVITE YOUR INQUIRIES FOR PRINTING jJFUST'AID CU STREETS alitlea and tongues. Ths exercise was interspersed with songs, addresses, mov lng pictures and selections from ths phonograph, , ; ; ' - Armstrong th Tailo . 123 Washington Street. Rooms 10-11. ' Great reduction. In prlcee for the next two weeks. "'"- " " ' . Tft erred Stock Canned OoodS. ' """Allon lwls' Best Brsnd. AMTtraSMJCSTS. ISA HeUI Theatre JST, last Tims TealgkC (r ' ,':' :' - FLOKBNCB ROBERTS " Her Latest Veas. "Maria Rota" V ' Prices: Matinee and nlaht. 1 5c to 11 BS. Seats selling for engagement at theatre. Uta ea4 Waaalagtaa The Helllg Theatre auiat. Taanday Ktirbt. Jmssir . MOT, . . Toe Ksuocat Trasllaa. , jokv eixrriTK, - la oskMsesre's Orest Trasvoy, .... ' ' JUCHAKS JXX. . PrleM Ue te (1.0O. HMts Hew Rtiuaf tt tb Theatre. 14th asd ' The HelTM WMblagtoa nifc HViii ititauv lluu i Babi mar tai OiiL Friday Kight. aJa. e, 1S0T. tmvxkiiTT or omxoov . iui amd kturooixjr ctvis. '. Concert, OnlUge Sol! mi aad llutt. n a. aoa. iae. at. Kmtm M nh.a . Raktr Theatr: rve tsor. essweewilsaffaa ThMIrS Clga.. worr J Hacar, NiMfr. Horn ef tb Bakar fltnrk ComfMay. ICMClal KW TMr'i lfsttlttak Tnnanre-Aes. trrrj Bltht tbl wk th brisk 4 btmtf t rirr, n"n i - "A MILK-WHITS rLAS." Oae big loeg Uufb from sfUalas b sad, Dtrvftloa Mr. Joaa Satopolkt. kUtliwe Satiudir. Kraning srlna. Ma,' SSc, . alatiaeca. ltm, S.V. Weak. ' 014 lalW. - lata and rml.. Tf.. raw Morrlsoo, LUVUC IUUUC Mala 1 IT. Mlltra W. aamia. Winr. Piarlng all the Stlr.lUlla uim sbnws. MaosM this ntk Tmtij (N.w Year's Sari. we4nasr an4 Sator4rr -Mr. Jam kyrl Ml'l urdr sad Compear hi "THS OLD CLOT HIS MAN." A Slar taat craatM ail 1m. tbxllla. tan aad rherra. dole The gnet Ixnlar ttktbltlae latradeead i serfectly fnr laitlea, - Rs ulr Kaiptro prlra. ; Amateur Races - Electric Hsst , Admistioa Frts Oaks IMl AMATEUR NIGHT Electric Heat ' Skates 2Sc mmst BASTXmiT OTTTXTTrjrO COMJAMT I SilTIM OUTITXTUI tt COsTPASTV RC50LVED TH AT THERE 13 iYO fVN ftsf GOING OUTM VlHTtRMLZSS bU AR Wl RTUy CRESS D J, BUT WHLC: YOU ARC BUYrVG : NOTOETlUZSryUSH ANb e " . I GO To THE STORE VHEWftyEY Kf0W H0WTbfURf5ff RIGHT PKICfc r7SlrTUr.e; PitUTAMlFrA A X I . y right pwcev-. yirJ f?u mnatul gaevansTWH SrTiiHTiaiaJWasae.Ae .MwfgtsTaisavV- TWE AND I HAVE REJoLVED To BUY OUR. CLOTHE5 AND EVERYTHING EL5E WE NEED AT THE CLEARANCE JALE WHICH EASTERN OUTTITTING COM PANY 15 NOW HAVING. WE .5 AVE TEN TO nrTY CENTS ON EVERY DOLLAR WE aSPEND, BE.SIDE-5 THEY GIVE VS A NICE- PRESENT WITH EVERY PUR- .. CHASE. THE BIGGER OUR PURCHASE THE BETTER THE PRESENT. RESOLVED r V THAT WE GO TOMORROW To: " Eastern Outfitting Co. ' Washington and Tenth a lion vim ton ontif is not STAR THEATRE VmI ef DaeasiBer sl Pbee Mala StSS. 'The AUea atoak Oastsear rreaeats MOTHS " Mtttsa fa dura,, ' Ttandin SafaHars and Saattare at 10. ri 10 and Sn crMa, aaalag at S 15. prima 10r, toe, so. The Grand eah ef Oae. tU Oreke an xit aiTt aantriqita Zafaoriltiua TU Oraat Karla. UIU--Z(Ur TH. Mlse Amf Stanl. Kurt la A Bsaaa. Maatar Kro!d II ,f f. Ormc'lnypa, UYRIC theatr: wxik ltoiinnse v UIHl HrkMlraO . S1t f ; "Run to Earth" Hot fH ppa trrtm M S.ata raa ba rrt hr II a I ii Ail .ni. f " i' ,rrm.,if S l. It" ar'l t Vf f.rt-min.-a .lailT r i,--,wr.i a-i'i. " : N !-, i'...!. i I