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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 2, 1907)
C:.CO:i DAILY JOUnilAL, PORTLAND. WEDNESDAY EVENING, .JAUU.::r 2. 1C07. 7V O it Wl 0 .Will" Beat : Ssillc Gigantic oyiirisf fie W of Unmatchable Fur niture Bar Like Never Before Seen in Portland No one will sell you house-furnishings so cheaply as Gevurtz & Sons this month. Read on! Circumstances force us to clear out a lot of stock at prices One Half, a Third, a Fourth and a Fifth, less than usual, for we have some mighty big ideas f6r the future. Don't ask how. we can do itjust . , . ' 7';, ,;;V . ; 7 ':' 7v7:7-; ;(; 7777., 5Em o u r en wo ah errrsaS Don't hesitate for, want of the ready money we gladly trust you. Perhaps you are able to make a small payment down and then join our great Easy Payment club. We have given a high tone to installment buying made it popular. Nine tenths of the people now use - this - method."" ReacT every line, note the wonderful saving, then remember this is only a taste of what is in store. $14 Desks $10 Wa find after . the - Christ- - tna irmas nas aeen aup- piled that waj are., over. " stocked with Ladles' Writ In Deake ud Mueto Cabl ' neta. Can't afford to pay storage on eeveral hundred ' deska, therefor shall slash ' ' prices ' until their verr cheapness will create a de- . mand. Golden oak quarter- ' - taenia deaka for ' - I onir. r. . 9 10.00 I nil Gigantic Array cutr ,. will,, y- nr i 1 UAy M - - : v p-rr f lfe5S&9i bv..left over from X --. YV Yi Ll.iL' ?:- i-t. Hs?T;3S''S Jbolldajr stock we'll dia- - ; X V-liyr XlWMl'VfJA C V V , : - r. - ': -mtJk- of .iM-.-H...4 vt7.'-- sySAy Vs7 Thls Chair r : m&ilujrl" '1 tlon thar Journal ad. wtiV A X NSr . W 7H 5& ASV ; ' . j. -Thea-UtUreaaln-TaWc.r CT J'"':' ' jjjJi ' I I Hli-fiSS5ia larty.Tor W.,nd;thara'f , - -V- -4 -- l ! l ll rr- nrT: TrT- i,-- ta the muket for i I VtSKWWflHa ' Lroa1 " i -' l V J J .- f X- ' V.- ; U'l " halra.-Ithaa-ca. .eat' and ia ju.t -C; Kt N- m.ot.-lM. hl. roomr rocker rl 1 V ... . . : . 1 J-v . . - , 7 wher but Oevurtfa cloaln. out prlca !i .: Vl ' ' V a fioeclal . erica for - thla , . . V . V? ' ... , , '. .' ". Nj ; ' V. : ' ; ;' i,J ' L.-' ' " . ' v '.-J; ' '..".V1.35 ' -; 1 T3i . 'i 1 1 1 , creat ,aale. -Take It. on ; ; '' ' ".: 1 r -; ' '' . " ', ' " 7-.- '. . ,.' : J jP It-" 1 J' $20 Cellarettes $12 - If the "man" haan't one, he . waata na,jrtbat'a . aura. They go with arery well appointed "den.". '. Wa hava ' aereral styles that are closlns; out now. The on shown hera la in solid oak with the - ever . papular weathered finish. . Regular price la 120. , Bpeolal prloe, on sasy terms, too. ...f 12 $5.50 for $3.30 Two Big Values Here STo. 97X4 Thla : large arm - rocker la ana of the most comfortable oa the market. The backward 'tip is -Juet right, to give ease. " That la the all-Important, featura In TOckersVlhough'few people geem to con sider It a moment. This rocker hag golden oak finish, wood seat, heavy . steam-bent arms, neatly carved back, and looks exactly Ilka picture. The regular price ia 5.0. Clearing out sale price, only, ...... (3,30 1 I'b. . Dresser Bargain Wo. 8 The striking feature Vbout thla ' superb ; Dresser ' Is the French plate mirror. Its else Is ISxIO inches, 'proportions that prora In every ' way satis factory to : tha average woman. Tha wood Is tha finest selected . blrdseya maple. , Dresser has three drawers, two having molded fronts, just Ilka above picture. -This beautiful dresser sells regu- ' larly at MS. Gearing Out Bala, price I, only.'.. .......f36 Baay rsyaaeata If yoa wish. ' $20 Parlor Suite $15 : ; )..." . j . - --. Thla la ana of tha many, opportunities for dollar saving during thla great Clearing Out Bala. ' . Wo, T0TV4 is 'l-plec suite, having handsome, wen built frames, finished In mahogany and upholstered In a high grade. velour. Just Ilka the picture. Price ........... ..9 15 Wa display in First street window a most beauUfeil solid mahogany suite, reduced from ................. .............k.....,........fr5 to S60 1 w -' Here Are Two Big Snaps DAJtX BLTa BaTOZUM rOBOSUlV Walt, with dark blue border and center; plates, oupa and saucers, oatmeal; 41 pieces. Has sold regularly at l.5J. Clearing Out Bala price, while they last, only faf.50 a So sea Cupa and , Saucevs,' richly band-painted egg-shall china. Very pretty and aold regularly at 50o per eup and saucer. Arrived too lata for holiday trader ..'Will cloeat, each .......................................... ...... .18 $35 Mission Leather Couch $26 This ; handsome lliaslon Couch - baa solid quarter-sawed oak frame, weathered ,-oak finish, full set of band-tied sptrlngs underneath the cushions, making It very soft and comfortable Covering ihe beet Chase -leather. Imitation Spanish, and la mads to stand rough usage. The pat tern Is of tha very latest. We have sold these couches regularly for 135. $25" China Closet $20 . . arf-a. beautiful China 1 $2.5ff Nubia Velvet :; Rugs $1.10 Closet, ; In quarter-sawed goldan- Ton . generally pay 11.59 for these- oak. hand polished and perfectly Oriental Rugs, slae 17x54 Inches. Wa - finished In svery detaiL Just . have but a few dosen left and shall . Ilka out. Three shelves, double close out the lot at only.....f l.lO thick bent glass ends; glass door You will find great bargains in Jap. . with straight front; height I feet Matting. No space to quota prices. Inches. Price, 91 aowa aad fl, , but coma and Just see what you can' week ... ................ .20 aeoura for, yard ........... 25 There are the regular 1H -pound Pit- Rang ;;::;:'vAlle!r-:M--7: . ' ' y ; . - ..: V'V .:'!. Free Luncheons Served From 10 a. m. to 4 p. m. . Here is a great bargain we are offering in the Tin ware Department, A Solid Copper Nickel-Plated Tea Kettle that.sells regularly for $1.25 going at this; clearing out sale for only 90c. A $1.25 article for.; Mrs. Potts Sad Irons 75c These Bad Irons will make you glad if you're sad, for while tha cost of i Iron I constantly on tha rlso, never- low. .They have good good ticking ' thelees wa have a big lot of lira, and are fully guaranteed to ba pure ' . Potts' ipna which wa shall dLspos and sanitary. Regular price 11.69. of at tha ''above low price of 75c pur Clearing Out Bale price, JSn ' 0Uj know th regular pries Is tl.2i. only, PER PAIR ............ f dC 0t in your order early for.....Ti Clearing out sale price, with sasy peymejits ........ . ' Iron Beds $2.70 ' A belated shipment of Iron Beds has arrived after we had received a du plicate order from another house nearer at hand. . If you need . iron beds for spare rooms now Is your ' opportunity, for during this Clear ing Out Sale . wa shall trim prices ;- without much regai for profits. ' Wa have several patterns and "a variety Of colors In enamel at tha above cash prleei of..,.'. .....f 2.70 Our hlgh-gradbeds, solid brass. ' gilt and fancy enamels, are also re duced., It will payrouTlo Visit our - store during thla great sale. " 926 SONS & 173-175 First Street 219-227 Yamhill Street Oak Table Bargains ,".-' eF, Thla - great Clearing Out Sale' offers L min. lumiii obnortunitlea la the oak table line. If you are In need of a few , of these little stands, visit this sale. To. 19 has rope legs, glass ball feet, top 14xt Inches, made of beautifully matched quarter-eawed oak. handsomly polished. ' Regular price 14.50. Spe cial ..' f3.00 Our Wo. MH baa a handsome nusrtr sawed oak . top, .24x14, shrnl h-lfn turned legs and brass fret. t!)i rcgu- 1 -7- -.7 1 ! larly at 11.50. only . Special cent! prior. f 2.4S