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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 2, 1907)
in:: oiiccoii daily journal, . portlaijd. -Wednesday evening, j:.:;uary 2,-1007. LilLLIOiJ DOLLARS IS 7 7 REQUIRED BY STATE ' NM-BSSNSSSSSSMSSHI-aaMBBSaSSBHMaasaaSISSSSBMBiSSsaaS " . Report Just Issued by Secretary of . State Shows Amounts In Detail "That Must Be Raised to Meet Expenses of State Departments for Coming Fiscal Year. . (F IF Mil V A I I ... J a!, .. U '.' r - , . f ,J One million dollars, and more, -will b required of the people of Oregon by tat taxation to meet the expenses of the state during the fiscal year of 1907, according to a statement Just lHaued by the secretary of the state. 1 Tbs sx peiuiee of tha atata to bo met by legis lative appropriation at the coming ses alon of the legislature In January will be 1. 435, 565.88, according to the aame estimate " , Of the total amount Multnomah coun ty la required by the provision" of the law to pay into the treasury in atate tuxes IJ20.107.40. It la estimated by the statu treasurer that It will require IJOO.OOO for ad ditional ' publlo but Id Inn and Improve ments to present structures during the year. The Insane asylum will'requlre $216,000. The penitentiary will require f 66.000 for maintenance and 17,500 for transportation of convicts; the Reform school. 137.400;' the publlo printing, $30,000. with another.. Item added ot $24,000. V It will require $87,250 to pay for the construction and finishing of a new IT SNOWS TWICE ON FIRST DAY, a " OF YEAR AND THEN AGAIN TODAY T There -good "land It happened the sec ond timet Nobody thought It would ex cept -the department whtte. looks .altar the local weather disturbances and gives out advance thpughts oa the subject. Uarly;. yesterday morning they ran up the milk-white flag, which meant that there might be anow within the com ing 14 hours. .. There was. sura enough, and for the second time In one week the forecast bureau, the molder of good.' bad and Indifferent weather, was completely vindicated. And the flakes mercy me! The ones that slipped earthward About o'clock I tvfinlng y"T kre as some of mother's grlddle-cakea when ins spills the batter. - Tbey - looked Ilka remnant sales of whits cheesecloth., and were as numerous- aa goxain tA .Satu rda y aft ernoon sewing-bee. v -' The flakes caught all sections of the city alikn.- They fell upon Council Crest and other ' high points with as much grace" as they did down town " In ; the business section, ., whioh escaped - the ' After-all. the meddlesome club woman has dons things. Let the scoffers scoff as they will, the actual acts of publlo service for which the women's clubs of the country are wholly , or in part responsible, ' set down In black and white, make aa Imposing array of facts. In Its - current number-the -Annals ot the Americas. Academy of Political and Social Science has performed this service for the maligned women who are r';, vA-A" Xh Club Woman. -' IZ-kl- alternately - ridiculed . for meddling ff -wlth things they don't understand and denounced for neglecting their home du ties. In series of articles dealing ex clusively with) concrete achievements. . These articles show that to the club women, of, America are due, either whol ly, or In part, such public aervlos as the protection of the Paltsadee; the es tablishment of a national park In the Mesa Verde, In Colorado, for the protec tion of tbs cliff dwellings; the estab lishment and extension of kindergartens,-, manual training,, domestic scU ' snce, medical Inspection, ' vacation sessldns. noonday lunches and play 'grounds In thft-jguibllo school systems, -the; decoration-of school buildings, the ' passage of the purs food bill, tha pas sage of .practically all ths legislation dealing with he labor of women and children, ths establishment of Juvenile .'courts, the creation of traveling libra i rtes and art galleries, ths extension of r ths observance of Arbor IMy by the ! planting of trees, ths Inception ef the movement for ths protection of tha for ests, and ths sts rtlng of ths movement for-tolty and village improvement In Its introduction to these articles, .ths Annals sails attention to the fact that there are In the Genera) Federation of Women's Clubs 6.000 clubs, organised ' Into 4 stats federations, and having an aggregate membership of - jjearly . - v-" : ' This ' picture represents one-of - the f lnr-t crib boards ever carved out . of , the tusk of a- walrus. . The work was f dono by Ilallls C. Heaoock at Ostrander, Washington whtla hee.,.J in ths em " ploy of the Oatrander Railway It Tim ber company. The ewnlnga'bf the past two and n half months were devoted to the rurvHiif. which Mr. Heaeock says In one of tli most elaborate specimens of Ills lismiiwork yrt seen. 1 he figures represent an-Arctio scene. wing and new buildings needed at the Insane asylum and for the purchase of additional lands needed for the slate In stitutions. The Reform school noeds $8,600 for new buildings, the Mute school needs $3,800 for desired Improve ments, the Blind school, $6,600. -For the maintenance of the University of Ore gon and general expenses $31,500 la re quired, while an additional $26,000 la needed for the construction .of a new library building and $5,000 more . for the erection of a g irl't dormitory at the same place. "" ' v " The Agricultural college at Corvallls will need $16,000 for current and main tenance expenses, while It also desires $66,000 for the construction of a new dormitory, a drill shef'and for general repairs on existing buildings. ' The Stato Normal - school at " Mon mouth wishes $30,000 for general main tenance, the school at Ashland must have $31,000. the on at Drain $31,000 and the Weston Normal $25,000. The Soldiers' home at Roseburg needs $8,000 for maintenance and $1.1 JO for the con struction of needed buildings. , flurry of" the day before.-Up-tOar the heights, however, the. atmosphere Is more rarefied, and the snow lay on the ground and rested fas- a. number .of hours. Down on the lowlands along the bualness thoroughfares the big -white feathers which fell to the ground dis appeared almost Instantly -In the moist ure and dirt underfoot For 16 or. $0 minutes the miniature blankets descend ed, there waa a sorrowful gust of wind, a patter of rain and another breexe, and Portland's second snow storm of the year waa completed, much to the grati fication of those who believe, only half the statements that, corns from the local weather office. : . T"t Mr, WnWr")niies O" " even tenor, of his way. - He placed a very niPl nute question-mark this morning after his Assertion that there would be some more flakes-la-the air before "another I -hours , have passed." The forecaster need not have been so cautious, for the great flakes began falling about brea fast time and continued tcwfall In A lelS' ursly fashion all the morning. . .. 1,000.000 wornem It has IS standing committees whose - business it 1s -to work for, social advancement lit art, civ ics. clYll service reform, education, house hold economics, purs food." preset vallow of forests. Industrial regulations Affect ing womenvand children, general legis lation Affecting women And children, and library extension, and another com mittee to take up and Investigate new work proposed by the federation.,. - , "'tX' ; t. Veils And How to Wear Them. " A woman who made a thorough study of veils wheir In. Paris recently, . says that, ths middle of ths veil Should al ways fall over -ths middle of ths front of ths hat r-'Then,"- she goes on,i'de clds how much fullness you , want at top and bottom 'And draw ths veil straight and full from the hat to the chin.- ,- After , securing ths veil at the top. bring ths lower edge around, to ths back without wrinkles or folds, gather ing up the ends, tie them and tuck them away neatly." . : This woman says C thata . tightly meshed blue yell on a woman 4 with bright oolor makes bar face look purple. Dark haired, sallow women ahould never attemput White veils. Fine spider web oattems make a woman look either tattooed or wrinkled, while clossly dot ted, broad meshed veils, with chenille dots a quarter of sn Inch apart, make an Indifferent skin look almost beauti ful.' Black veils do not go with a very light hat or gown, unless the toilet has somewhere A touch Of black, and fins tulle veils should not be worn with heavy cloth dresses for shopping or traveling. ' . . . .. ' ' at H' ft ; .VV'V. - Health and Beauty' UlnU. ;., . ' By all means have the' feet comfort ably dressed. Twinging, aching feet would spoil ths facial expression of the most radiant beauVy that ever charmed the heart of mankind. Gracefulness Is almost always capable Of being cultivated to some degree at least ' The regular practice of calisthen ics will help wonderfully in ths attain ment of gracefulness. - A well-known dentist recommends chewing beeswax" during ths morning toilet as A dental exercise. It resists ths teeth gently. And Its use wills aid ths teeth to become white And clean and strong, and ths gums fl rnv. .. Persona wearing: yerUe should ."--'A v f t - - ' -, ,' - -" A polar - bear la ' protecting her young from the Esquimaux, who were sur prised by the' beast when they wers coming out ot their . winter - quarters. The Esquimau, who was unprepared for ths attack, has his left band in ths bear's mouth snd Is attempting to stab her with his right." A second Esquimau has a gun leveled across his .compan ion' shoulder and pointed directly at thti bear's head, while a (hlrd is coming to the rescue with an axe. A husky GENEROUS: PRICE, CQNeLSSIONS ih every departmentour stock does the VE.RY BEST of everything in the line is unusually complete and take into consideration the always, very MODERATE, PRICES prevailing STIRRING REDUCTIONS made store to supply their needs. : : ; ' OMR SPECIAL if 'i : -' MM Neither time nor space vill admit menUon of more than a FRACTION of the BARGAINS we are off ering OUR WORD for it If you call you will not be disappointed. - -r - t-j " "" 1 1 " rv- - 1 - ' - A i- , , .,,... 1 ,, . .- ., 1 .- s . , ,' . ... r - Islt aa - oculist pertbdlcallr and have ths classes readjusted Jaln In. tbs ayes Is frequently caused by wearing classes that have seen slightly bent or become unfitted to tbs eyes.. .... A ( . : If any -particle of dust has become lodged In ths eye, do not rub the eye lid, as It will more firmly Imbed the In truder In ths eyeball. 'A smooth flax seed slipped under the eyelid and al lowed to more over the' eyeball will usu ally dislodge any offending particle. . Before having a plaster applied to the back or chest, one should take a deep breath and hold It while tha plaster is being put on. It this Is dons the pa. lent will not be annoyed by that draw. log of tha skin which- Is so unpleasant a feature when a plaster Is ordinarily applied. Nothing enhances a woman's face so much ss a pair of beautiful eyes. Na ture has not endowed ths majority of girls with beautiful, eyes, but nature's work can be Improved by careful man agement. Character and disposition fig ure most, of course. In the expression or the eyes, but the eyes can be improved by kenplng them In a healthy condition . -- v ' " dog is barking st the Intruders. At ths small and of the tusk can be seen swim ming, in the water three -walrus, fol lowed by an Esquimau In a klak (an Alaskan skin-boat). , The tusk Is sup ported by a small walrus which Mr. Heacock carvsd from another tusk. "The under side Is covered with pictures of the northern' country. A "map" Of Alaska Is the central while the American flag Is represented In colors. The most dif ficult piece of the earring Is a f I sunt set in ths large snd of the tusk. This GREAT 0EIER Choice of several hundred. " . MEN'S SUITS, RAINCOATS AND OVERCOATS. " Some of them were $25; none less than $20. At Specul ' '. ; ' : r-yg e. -trc-f: ' - - . -f If you do not take advantage of this offer," you donV need any clothes. ' " MISSES' TAILOR'D COATS AT HALF Not many rf thn llr Ty-""" a1T ""M brVf . the end of the week. Come early.' . . $35.00 Misses' hand-tailored Coats. W.$17.S0 -V-$20.00 Misses' hand-Uilored 'Coats. . . ..... , .$10.00 ? $15.00 Misses' hand-tailored Coats .......... 87.50 ' : .. $11.85 Misses' hand-tailored Coats. $6.45 MISSES' TAMS AT I ;;,..,:.A' SmallXotStill on Hand Misses' $1.5Q.Tams. . Misses' $1.00 Tarns . and taking particular care of ths brows and.laahea. - ... St at St- On the Maid's Day Oat, Luncheon should '- bo served very promptly that day.- Ths maid ahould wash 'ths dishes and prepare the table for the evening meal. This Is ths night to havs tbs dainty things you Uks to prepare yourself. Never make It a pick-up meal, dreaded by tha man of ths household. It can be ever so simple a supper and yet be the event of the week. The clearlng-op can be mads a family picnic " Or there can be an understanding with ths maid that ' she Is to do ths dishes next morning. ' la this case they should be carefully scraped and put to soak In wator ovsr night. . . , : ,. ' - ;-;.;';r ' t It ' . . About the) Hons. ' . - Checked blankets In blocks of color snd white alternating are new, and an other pretty whits blanket has colored represent a panther attacking a deer. Two of the pins used for. counters rep resent ducks and the others are figures of birds which Inhabit Alaska. Mr. Heacock. the carver, is a young man who. has spent three winters In Alaska. Ha learned carving from . the Esquimaux, and worked at It one sea son affJome, Ills earvlnrf Ig on sxhlbt tlon st the Jewelry store of A. de C Feldenhclmer st Third and "Washington streets, lie values his specimen at 1200, but ha Is not offering It for sal. for this SALE they v . HALF ;.; . . 75 50 -';'V. silk flours de lis appllqued .on ths cor ners O lass knobs. lch have been out of uss for a long time. haVs now returned to fashion, and on doors as wall as the drawers of bureaus, stands and desks are mucll used. Soma are ef cut and soma of pressed glass. They are easily kept clean and quits effective. In window" curtains of a moderate pries ecru net Is In Irreproachable taste. It wears well, and tba soft neutral tint is mors- pleasing than dead white. Cretonne Is used" In new ways la ths furnishing of bedrooms. Beveled mir rors to stand on ths dressing-tabls are framed In ths flowered fabric For ths dressing-table are cretonne-oovered tal cum boxes bound in gilt braids. . A kitchen novslty Is a little wafer Iron -which turns out dainty little rosette-shaped wafers for uss In many ap , . A A- Wrong Was of Saving, y Don't sats money by ; Using cheap soap." Ton will ruin your complexion and havs to buy cold cream If you do. Sewing In ths dusk. ' Oas light is cheaper than oculists' bills. doing without luncheon. - Ton will In jure your health and digestion If you do. Walking when overtired to avoid oar fares. You save In money, but under mine your .. constitution,- says Horns Notea" - - . , t Overworking. : Nobody thanks you. Tou will be cross and lrrttablev and your husband will wish you were hot so seal ous. -. , v , I- . A Woman Microbe Mad. ' Ths study of microbes has been pur sued by- one woman at such a rats that shs Is almost microbe-mad. She weara long kid gloves In the house,' handles things with a pair of long collapsible tonga, and bathes only In distilled wster. ; -A at k ft Help for Ndy Women. N. O. Nelson, a successful business man of St. Louie, has promised the women's slubs of that city to match dol lar with dollar with them, the fund to be used in paying to needy mothers ths weekly sum they now receive from the wages of children who ofight" to be In school. Jane Addams and other Chicago women did the earn 'thing some time ajro, but Mr. Nelson Is, so far as ws havs heard, ths first man to follow their food example - - -."--. I, m - . Card of Thanks. , Ws, the undersigned, wish to extend our heartfelt thanka to our friends and neighbors who so kindly cava us their assistance and sympathy in our sad bereavement and loss In the death' of our beloved daughter snd sister, Phoebe ATXsvler. And ws also wtsh to thank ths boys of Station F for their beautiful floral offerings for ths, occasion. Mr. and ' Mrs. ; Alexander Bapp and family. . , . ' . . , . surely will come DEPARTMENTS is overflowing with BARGAINS. 7 ' : W, have selected every Broken Lot in our vast stock and made such deep gashes in the . price that will close them out in short order. , Better come earlyi : . -. v . ', ' . . (;V..;;.-" BOYS' SCHOOL SUITS $3.45 Values. Sale Price,.....,...........;? 1.D5 V.I $3.95 jralues, , Sale -Price ................... $2.45 . .. .$5.00 values. Sale '. Price ..'..-$3.65 $10.00 values. SalePrice....... $6.50 BUSTER BROWN STYLES . $35 values. Sale Price. . ... V. .S2.25 $5.00 and $8.00 values. Sale Price, .$2.05 v $10.00 values. Sale Price. ............ ...... 85.05 V BOYS' SAILOR SUITS With Plain Pants ; $5.00 and $3.00 values. Sale Priced... U..... $2.05 v i , $10.00 values. Sale Price. .$3.05 CHILD'S REEIEIS V": A'.' Ages S to 8 years . ; yyA- J Child's Reefers; were $1.50. Now...;.i..,.... ..08d hild's Reefers; were $2.00. Now. ... .... . . .51.35 RUSSIAN OVERCOATS Ages 2j to 8 years $2.50 Russian Overcoats; now. . ... .. . . . . . $3.95 Russian Overcoats; now.. ............ $5.00 Russian Overcoats; now. LEADING CLOTHI1LR Administrators v Guardians ' v ' ''AA'"VA ' ' ' We desire to caJMhe attention ot these" court of- , J fkers to our facilities for handling this class of busi- ness. While under existing statutes we cannot as- J . sume the actual functions named, we can take charge . of these interests for and in behalf of those responsi ble for them and care for them under their directions, thus relieving them from the exacting details and ... direct responsibility. This service will be rendered for a proper percentage of the fees allowed by the courts, y , The individual executor, administrator or guardian cannot afford to take the time from his personal busi . ness required for proper care of the interests com , A mitted to his keeping, nor, can he afford to slight it 1 in the least particular. 'A ' As bur Company is constantly handling this class of business and is always in touch with jtt jis services A are of -great value and its every act directed with skill 1 by reason of its expert knowledge. A , We also handle trnst business committed to us by A individuals and corporate bodies, trustee and. fiscal - agent for bond issues, title holding of properties pend ; ing settlement, litigation, disposition or other adjust ', ment. ;. A - ' - "A ." ' We, lend money on approved securities, buy and -l sell substantial issues of bonds, sell exchange, effect .. collections and do a general banking and trust. . business. . A''. .': - A A' v ' Merchants Investment & Trust Company v 247. Washington Sf- Capital $150,CC3.CD " ; J. Frank Watson, . . . . .'. . . :.. .Pr'esi.l:nt K. L. Durham Vi - Pre .1: t ) W. II. Fear r" ry S. C. Catching. . AsA l . i L .e- t .Q.:W.T.. Muellhaupt... t,, .. ' r ' i, ' IaMaaaaaa44A4e4eemvv4vtfvMHl ? 1 comprising as it careful buyers will hereand the to this . .81.50 ..$2.50 .$3.15 .At1 V Mi .V I A III U v