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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 2, 1907)
THE OREGON PAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND. WEDNESDAY 'EVENING, JANUARY 2, KS7. is Highly Touted Fighter" It No Match for the Lightweight : Champion, v. 'spectators displease!?' , OVER. THE SHOWING Colored Maa Took Things Hla. Owe. Way rata the Eighth Round, Whoa He Landed Blow on Op poncntY Jaw and Boat Wu Orer. ' . Hiwbl Rfrrlr. ' Tonopah. Nev.. Jn. . "Kid" -Hr- enan vii no match for Jo Gam yester day, receiving a crack on ttii Jaw In the eighth round that laid him low and rendered hint unconscious . for ' three antnutee., Th highly touted ' Herman - was so unequal to hit taak that his attempt to rush the champion were ludicrous.' After the fight the tmpres loa wa general that tt will be a lone Ume before n titers of unequal strengtn receive any matches In this section of the country." The fact 'that several western mining- towns have offered big purees for contests has been the cause of many manager of second rata teams attempting to ring la their proteges in Order to get easy , money, but It is cer tain that Ina contestants will be otosaiy pcanned before getting a chance to boa. The contest both from the atmosphere and the; quality of flht was a frost " V-' ' ' 'vi V . . , Joe Cans, Who Knocked Out Kid . .-" Herman Yesterday. ;. ' Jn the first place the pavilion was as cold as an Icehousefend In the second . place the fight was' as poor as It pos sibly could have been. v. ' uans proceeded cautiously ror me first .few round, not caring to wade Into hla opponent, but his extreme car did not prevent him from landing when aver he pleased. In the sixth and aeventh Cans started ouV"lT end - the am and smashed Herman - about rather lively. In the eighth - dans simply went , after the "Kid" and smashed him In the Jaw, ending the -'Xroaty fight Tbwrat, -fifth and eighth rounds were ( follows: First Round Herman led for body, iiuhvu, inu .- -iiwj' went- - to e. chhqu. Jiermsn sent his right. to the kidneys. .uans orove a rignt swing to in jaw, and followed It with a right to head. and thev mnt .t m rllnpK Uenmsn hooked his right to head. ' Herman "missed a" left for" body, , and Oana whipped a right and left to the nose, bringing a stream of "blood. - Oana swung a right to face, and walloped ckiiiiiii wilu iiUk w nu. A urn IVUUU ' waa Uans',- . , ' rifth round After a llttl .sparring Herman Swung a left to body and rushed Oana into a corner, landing right - aqd left. . Oana shot his right and it landed on Herman's law. . Herman sent straight left to. face, but Gan coun tered with two hard rights to Jaw. Gane outpointed his man. landing right' and left short-arm blown to the Jaw. 'Herman's snowing waa not so bad. Eighth Round Oans sent left to the face, and Herman retaliated with right v jw kiiu i v w i turn, mm zoiiowea lil man around the ring, cornering hlra, but falling to land. Cans shot bis rifiH iv jnw,- mnu nvrmin cropped as If hit by. an engine. It was a clean knockout. , ".: ' , ;SEATTLE HIGH SCHOOL "rr in nr-aiaiA aimai am I CAM DCAIO OnlUAUU t (Special tHipatrb to Tha looraaL) Seattle, Jan, . Tti" Seattle high . school football team defeated the North J il vision high school team of Chicago Aeaterday tn this city by to soor of ' to i. Pursell of Chicago ran 100 - yards In the first half and scored a , touchdown. -The goal was missed. id tne aecona nsir oeanie outplayed jth visttora- and a few rolnuUs before , time waa up. Bmlth waa pushed over for a touchdown. Coyle kicked the goal thst aav his team the victory. YESTERDAY'S RACING ON THREE COURSES Onklanfi. Jan. J. -Results of races: end a half furlonrs Lord Nelaon won, Prtl: second. Tb Mighty third; time. 1 ,n S-S. . 11 il kv fcwood won. IHirado second. Alma Hoy thlrrl; time, 1:4J l-. Ttirre furlonaa Firestone won, Ra rotitfur second. Bunker Hill third; time, O..K 1-5. ... - . - Futurity course Van n won, Ran roHxl sncond, iBurlelgli . third; time, Ml z-l. - - ' - ." Mi. and 10 yerda Nptunes won, f;.rrnor Iavls second. Clamor third; time. 1:47. " , Nw Vear'a handicap, 1 miles l ioror won. Ramus second, Iglstella tM.r.l. time, l ltl I. ... At. IO Angr-lcs. , AM'I". Jan. 1. Results of races: ,.- (jnrat. won,. Farvo second, ;(iygiiF 1 I t i t '.X ." Tom McDonald, Seattle' Cleyer - Fullback. sheriff Bell third;-time, 1:4.- Thre furlonge Katie- Rains rwon, Kismet Junior second. ... Magaxin third Ume. 9:3. ' r" "r " Mil Adonis won.. Bannell second. XBuabwhacker third: time. 0:45. Futurity Counw"fi feasor won, 11a second. Susanna third; time, 1:11. Mile Elisabeth F. won. Nlblock sec ond. Belvolr third; time. 1;4I. Mils and a sixteenth. Rose stake A M uakoday won. Cigar Lighter , second. Oorgalette third; time. 1:41. Atfew Orleans. New Orleans, Jan. 1. fair (rounds rac results: ' Six furlonaa-woodaw won, Henri etta second. Pity thlrdl time, 1:14 Fir furlongs. . haddlcap Toboggan won; Alenoon second, lMeadowBreese third; time, 1:01. Thre furlongs WhUk Broom won. -HI rem I . Jtcondj Ilasel third; time. Mile Phil rinch won.Henry Watter- son-se-coad, Besterllng third; - time. Mil and TO. yards Qulsn Brady won. Oaus second, Henry BoSworUi .third; time. 1:4s. i ', New Tear's handicap, ' mil and; T9 yards Elfell won. Olid second. Pompa dour third; time, 1:41 4-8. SPORTING GOSSIP Th joint masting of the schedule- makers of th two major league to b held neat week la awaited with much interest. : It c is - difficult to forecast Just what will' be don, as Hh National leagu us gone n record for 164 games., while the American league Is out zor tn snort season. It J said la Providence that 'Candy . La Chance will hold down th first station In W atertjury th coming . son. BlU Bradley and Charlie Carr have a sporting goods store in Cleveland and Charlie Hickman and "Doe"' Whit are ngaged In th sam line In Washing ton, 13. c. . - According to Joe Cantllloa the Ameri can association magnates mad nous - mistak when they 1 blacklisted Mike Kelly. "Tbey thought they were simply barring him -from tb aaaocla tion and' that Mike could, play Jn soma other league," says Joe. Th trip of th Stanford untvarslty baseball team to Japan next Msy will no doubt do a great deal to boom th American national gam In th realm of tb mikado, . . Perhaps Manager Clark Griffith of th New York Americans thinks he can find a few stars in Europe to help th Highlanders win th .pennant next sea son. . , , . ,.. .. .. . . .. . . ' . . If th Detroit, Boston and Washing' ton team of th American leagu do half aa well th coming season as th fsn expect th pennant rac will b a corker for sura . - ; Nevada fight promoter would Ilk a contest with Champion Jim Jeffries aa on of th principals but not a 150,009 principal. ' After presenting th middleweight ehamplonahlp -to others Tommy Ryan now aay they must fight hint tor It. When did Tommy ever flghtf . : ', Frank Ootch, th champion wrestler, has announced his engagement to mar ry Mis Annette Barrett, of Humboldt, Iowa. Th wadding is to tak place In Jun. . ' ' - ' Tor th first tlm tn several years King Edward VII has a good hurdle racer in Nalli-Secundus. -Ambush II and Flaxman war th two best hurd lers of former years In th royal sta bi. " The horse show recently held at Seat tle, Washington, came very, near end ing in a row. It seems that some of the exhibitors got real angry when they failed for the blue. Better try an au tomobile show next tlm and let th "bubbi makers," and not society,, run l- . Eddie O'Connell. Tale's wrestling In structor. Is slated for a (match at Waterbury, Connecticut, tonight with Oeorg Bothner, who leys claim to the lightweight championship of America. The new rules of f ontball have not panned out so badly sfter all. W can look back now on on of the greatest football seasons In history from - th viewpoint ' of both players and spec tators ( -.' BBSS FOR chronic" catarrh take Scott's Emulsion Its pure cod liver oil r ea tores to health the affected mem branes and enriches the blood. Its hypo phosphites give the nerves new tone and ' strength.. '-; '"":";";r"rrTrr.-": :. .. s-. - . .Then" the invigorated system throws off , the catarrh. Aix DaucctsTii 000000000000000000000000 BOYS Northerners Show Multnomah ' pew Tricks'lrV Great Foot ball Game. VISITORS WIN, SIX TO: -r , FOUR.JN FIRST HALF Local Mm Do Not Appear Vp to Their Taat Form While , Men ........ , i . Prom the Boand tity llajr aa Thef Xevrr ' Did lWforc. ..." - ' It is a cold, wet, sad day lnPotland when the' Multnomah football .team loses: those who nay attention to at- monoheric rhanges ivqulre no other ex planation of. th low barometer thsn that the R-attl giants cam 'to town and took th local Titana in, Tha score was 1 to-4not a great difference,. nut enoush t bring th snow. Innumerable explanations navs oeen mad of that score; th true on Is that an almost Immovable body met a quite Irresistible fore and th unexpected wss Inevitable. ' .. . Seattle played better ball than did Multnomah. ' Th team work waa more eobealve; th plays were executed with more snap; no stars shone ertulgent where the, Individual gave himself up It seemed ss If the cordial snd other welcome given th ,new year by some of th Multnomah men had affected their style: Justice would say that th splendid work -don from tlm to tlm waa of an Intermittent sporadlo char acter; that while it flashed brightly In th Individual, It glowed feebly In team work; some of th rooters who cam to cheer stayed to' groan.. . ' ' ' Seattle JEaJoyed X. It waa Seattle's day; a great crowd of color-wearing, sky-splitting, enthusi astic rootsrs cam from th sound city, nlled with Seattle spirt ta, and gave life snd motion to th Multnomah Held; In deed, th brilliant blue wnd whit of tha northerners seemed mor In evi dence than did th red and wbtt of Multnomah, and th Who are? Who are? Who are wf W arel W art a A, Gl- -v . . Oiled th air and drowned th ' pal notes of ths band that warbled feebly in th grandstand. Seattle was present In automobiles, tally-ho, buggy, on foot. and on air! and th Joy of it waa so palpable that If th aacrlflo had not been . so . great . Multnomah's friends would have been tempted to. cheer, too. The local crowd was large and took what waa offered In th way of foot ball and weather very coolly. Those who knew all about th gam thought Seattle played alow ball, and suggested that tb northerner were trying to kill tlm. But no such criticism could be offered In th first three minutes' play. Both teams started with th apparent determination to eat each other tip. Bagshaw kicked off, a low. quall-llk ball, to Rader, who picked it up and started toward Seattle's goal.. Cutts. who was noted there and a dosen times thereafter, smashed Into him like a runaway -engine, ' and when tb debris was cleared away Rader looked Ilk a burst plllow-dex and Cutts needed th services of a carpenter and Joiner. In tb meantime, Urlmm lay cheerily on th ball, and tt was that peaceful atti- tud of his that. Joined to the elusive forward pass, and a pitiful fumble br Multnomah won th gam for Seattle, i Th Trick? Forward JPass. ' Ths northerner got th ball on Mult nomah's IB-yard Una; th . local man could not withstand ths first two plunges, then stood solid. On the line up, a quick signal rang out; Seattle changed formation like a flash, the ball waa snapped, McDonald passed to Cutts nd It yard were made, Seattle tried to repat the trick: it failure proved its success. : A dosen hands reached for th ball, and Seattle waa Ilk to have paid' for tha sin of a twice tried arti fice. But the ball dropped, relied among th struggling feet of th play, ers over Multnomah's Una, snd th cat like Orlmm pounced on It. Klckrng th goal appeared so perfunctory that only aa.. and ai oo. - ' A SEATTLE'S MR Right Quard Sample ot 8. A. 0. Homer Tiller. 8. A. C, Wrestler snd Football Player. - .3 -the Seattle roeters saw -anything -to cheer In It. The TeViainder of th first halt was trying; th' "northerners seemed to play slow ball, and Multnomah did not ap pear to play good balL . ... .!''. : Th second - half saw hrdr-work, Seattle moved ' slowly, Multnomah fought doggedly. Ten minutes after play, which had been a 'desperate strug gle In mldfleld, Multnomah was held. and James dropped back to kick; . the pass was aa perfect si tha- punt, and wnen ute can escaped rrora iarry it was la Seattle's 10-yard Una Seattle mad no yardage against Multnomah, which seemed to be getting some time in Its stonewall, and was forced to punt; the kick waa blocked and the local men tried, bucking. Seattle stood like a rock, and then James punted, and that wa Multnomah a laet chance. In th timer that followed tha ball waa in Seattle's territory,- but that got . the local team nothing. Setaila of Game. Multnomah defended the south goal. McDonald kicked off for Seattle to Rader, who advanced It to th 17-yard line. When tackled by Cutts he fum bled the ball and Seattle fell on . it. Cutts was Injured and tlm was taken out to bandage his head.. On first down Seattle gained 4tt . yards around left end, then a forward pass to Cutts netted la yards. On- first down. Plao gained two yards around. Cutts; on second down forward pass was fumbled, but re covered by Orlmm, who scored a touch down for Seattle. Time of play, I min utes and 25 seconds. - Bagshaw kicked an aargoal. Score: 8. A. A. c. I, M. A. A. C 0. ' - ... . games Kicks Off. . James kicked off to Bagshaw, who advanced it yarda On first down Bag shaw failed to gain around right .end; thsn McDonald made 11 yards , on a straight buck. 'Barry gained four yards around right end. Bagshaw. added flv around left end and , McDonald mad first down by a gain of four yarda on a straight buck. Trott gained flv yard around left end and Bagshaw added flv around right and, but Seattl waa penalised flv yards for- offside play. forward pass miscarried and Multno mah got th ball for th first time dur ing, th gam a On first down Dolph gained thrap yards on a delayed pass and Seattle waa again - penalised flv yards for offside giving. Multnomah's first down on... Seattle' 40-yard Une, Dolph gained half a yard on a cross buck, Blanchard kicked and Lonergan caught th ball on th 3 J-yard Une. Lonergan then was thrown back 11 yards on an attempted end run, but gained - immediately - flv yarda on -a straight buck. Tim was taken out, aa b waa hurt In th play. , '. Drop Kick ran Short. . -Jam then attempted a drop kick, which fell short, and was caught by Barry and advanced II yards. Seattle's ball. McDonald gained thre yards through left tackle; Trott added seven yarda on a delayed pa a On first down gained 10 yards around right end. making first down again. Dowd then gained three yardaaround lert end and McDonald added seven straight through. On first down Schutcllff failed to gain around right and and Seattl waa penal ised If yards for holding. Plac then gained flv yards around Cutta Bag shaw attempted a quarterback kick and Blanchard caught it on Multnomah's 42-yard Une. Lonergan failed to gain on a delayed pass and James punted It yards to Bagshaw, who fumbled, but Immediately recovered tha balL Seattle failed to gain on a right halt cro buck, but Schutcllff gained nine yards around right end on the next play. Mo Donald bucked th line and mad first down; Cutts than gained 11 yards On a forward paaa Th next forward pas failed, however, and Multnomah got th ball. - Lonergan gained seven yards on' a cross buck. , Dolph added two on a straight buck and James made first down. ' James" tbsn punted, but th ball was partly blocked and Cutta caught it on Seattle's 41-yard Una - . , Barry ripped Off four" yards on a crossbuck; -on th next play MacDonald rumbled the ball, but, Bagshaw tell on It, , Bagshaw then punted St yaA-ds to Blanchard,-- who advanced- five -yarda, Multnomah's ball on her own 45-yard line. Dolph gained five- yards around Dowllng and Lonergan mad six yards and first down on th next play. Blanchard galnsd half a yard around light end and on the next play tha ball wa fumbled and captured by Sample mL . - . . .l.-. -. .. in m. wiiiir v wiw iwiu. , Mrry 004 Through. Barry made- lg ysrds straight through,' Then Seattle tried another forward pass, but Lonergan got It on the SO-yard line. Lonergan made three yard straight through, but was thrown for a yard's loss, on th next play. James then, punted 40 yards, to Bag- shawwbo wss downed by Horan almost In hla tracks. - Bagshaw failed to gain on first- play.' Barry then lost two yards, being thrown by Horan, and Bag. shaw punted tt yards " to Blanchard: Then time was called and the first half was . over. Score: , rleattl 4, Mult, nomah 0. . . . ' Second atalf. James kicked Off to Bagahaw, who advanced 35 yards. McDonald failed to gain. Trott made five yards on a croas buck, and Bagahaw punted St yarda fefter he had changed his torn' Jersey for another en. -Blanchard caught th ball. James Immediately puntad 40 yards to Bagahaw, who -was downed In his tracks. McDonald failed to gain. Bagshaw gained two yarda kround left and and then punted to Lonergsn, who advanctd thre yards around right end, and James punted SO yara out of bouada Seattle fumbled a forward pass. and Loneraaa recovered It on Mult nomah'a 45-yard line. Walker gained nine yards on th first play, and Lon crgan made: ft rat down on a straight buck. Walk, gained one yard and James puntcWAO yard a Ths ball rolled back to Seattle's seven-yard line, where Bagshaw fell on It. McDonald gained one yard straight through, and Bag shaw punted 17 yards out of bounds from behind th goal Una. - s "' Jam Xloa a OoaJ. -Walker. waa thrown back a yard on th firs plsy. Lonergan also failed to gain, and James drop-kicked a field goal from th 17-yard line after 11 minute of plays , ' -( Score Seattle I, Multnomah 4. ; McDonald kicked off to Jamef. who advanced 10 yard. - Multnomah s ball on her own JS-yard line. Walker gained one and a half yard snd Jam punted 16 yards-fo Barry, who, advanced 10 yards. MacDonald gained , five yards straight through on th next play. Barry tried a straight buck, but Horan tackled hlrti eo hard that he lost to ball. Sample fell on It: Bagahaw then kicked SO yards to Lonergan, who ad vanced Ave yarda - Dolph gained flv yards straight through. Tlgtmeier was taken out at this Juncture and Wood lawn replaced him. ' Dolph gained six yard straight through and time was taken out for Sample, who waa Injured. Dolph then gained 14 -yards straight through and James runted 40 yards out of bounds. Sample was taken out and Oreeser put In hi place. Seattle' ball on her own lt-yard . line. . Bagshaw mad three and a half yards around left end. Barry added six around right and. McDonald mad three yards and first down. Bagshaw circled right end -for 13 yards behind Barry s splendid inter- ference. McDonald gained one yard straight through, then time waa taken out for Bagshaw and Seattle was penal ised two yarda McDonald bucked the line for II yarda Barry wa 'thrown for a loss by Dowllng. Bagshaw mad three yard around left end and then kicked out. of bounds on th 4 -yard Una Multnomah's; ball. James punted B-yara line to Bagahaw. Seattle's ball On her own S 5-yard Una Bagahaw circled right end for four yards, Barry failed tsy gain on a cross buck, and Mc Donald fumbled on - th next play. Multnomah s ball. .- . Jaaaes Kloks Ova ZJaa. James punted 4 J yards, tha ball rolled over th goal line and Bagshaw fell on "It. "Seattle kicked out from behind the it-yard Una to Jordan who advanced f yarda - Jamas puntad to th goal line and Bagshaw advanced t yards, Cutts gained yards on first play, McDonald added I and mad first down. McDon ald than gained I yards. Bagshaw added f ft yarda around left end and McDonald made t mor gnJ first down. Bagshaw circled right end again for 7 yardaTbu the ball wss brought , back and Seattl penalised It yards for holding. . Tlm hen-sailed with th ball en Beau tie's It-yard Una Th lineup: Seattle. Position. . Multnomah. . Tlgtmeier-Woodlawn .C . Carlson Orlmm ....... .1 G. R.. ....... . Horan 8ampl-aruser,.R.Q.L... ....... Rader Place U T. B,... Pratt-Walker Cutta (capt),..R- T. L.,Iii.McMUlan Schutollff ..... . U El. R.. Dowllng Dowd .' R. E. I - Jordan Bagshaw-rrrrsvrf .Q. ........ Blanchard Barry ........ .L.'H. R-. ...... Lonergan Trott R.H.JU. ........ .Dolph (McDonald ....... .F. ......... . James Length of halres, 10 minutes; referee, Mr. Shorts; umpire, ' Mr. Boyd; head linesman, ' Mr. McArthur; . timers, . Mr, Inglls and Mr. Watklns. ' . ' , Th Society Bad of tt ' -'.' With blue and whit replacing th yellow of Oregon, with aaia and snow whirling in the air. Instead of beams of sunshine, and with "Rah! Raht Seat tle!", .taking th plac of "Rah. Rah I Oregon!" the seen of Thanksgiving day waa enacted -over yesterday on th Multnomah field. - Crowd began pour ing Into th field aarly tn th afternoon and before; th gam waa called th enthusiasts nad begun to content them selves with tb bleachers, th steps, and even standing room near th side lines. Th difference in th weather from Thankaglvtng- day was echoed In th general difference of th scene. Thar was not th sam college spirit vl denoed so strongly by th colleg crowd, hut anthualaam- waa not lacking There waa not so larg a crowd in attendance, yet tt was large enough to overflow the grandstand and bleachers. - It waa not quits such a fashionable gathering, yet society waa well represented. There were not so many banners flying and ribbons and flowers worn, and yet th blue and white waa enough to show that the visitors had their supporters. In a word there was mor rain and less aunshln. yet th crowd was bright and nthusiaatlo and th gam waa cheered to Its finish. There were a number of automobiles out wearing th red and whit of th home team or th blue and whit of i th visiting team. Th driveway below tb clubhous balconies wa lined with vehicle of every description filled with eager enthusiasts who watched breath. lessly th progress of the game. Mr. and Mrs. Oay Lombard had Mrs.' Albert Sheldon and - Mr. rapat out in - tneir automobU deoo rated with th Mult nomah colors. Sol Blumsuer had hi daughter and John Plagermann In his machine - David Honeyman had his car out with his fiancee. Miss Nan Wood, and some other, friends. Among tha crowd : that filled th grandstand were noticed th following: Mr. and Mrs. Frank Ransom snd Miss Ransom, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Lewis, Dr. and Mrs. Samuel Slomim, Miss Maud Hahn, Mrs. Harriet Sheldon, Miss Lisa Wood. Miss Caroline Wilson, Miss Eve lyn Wilson. Miss Dorothy Morrison. Miss Grace Warren. T. Scott Brooke, Miss Nn Robertson, Miss Helen Mao- Ewe n, Mr. Bodlne, Oaylord Cummlng, John jCsrr, Miss Helen Brlgham, Miss Laura Dunne, Robin Nelson and David Graham Of England.' Judge George H. Williams, D. D. Bronson, Chester Murphy, J. Boyer,' Joseph Knapp of Eugene Clifton McArthur, Hugh Hume, Mr. and Mrs. John Seed. Mr. snd' Mrs. It E. Judge. Miss Vlda Reed, N. E. Ayer, Mlns Effle Houghton, Mis Susie Stott, Mies Amy Heitshu snd John Shepard, Mr, snd Mrs. Frank E. Wat kins and Miss Rosalia Friendly of Eu gene, Mr. and Mr. Frank Freeman. Mia Clara Boot and Mra W. H. Boot. Jack Baker, Mr, snd Mrs. George Eastman, Dr. and Mrs. A. A. : Morrtoon, . Lloyd Breed, Miss Mab Dever. Miss Made- loins Stone, Alfred Stone.' - '." Aftr the Game. "' :' ' Th Multnomah football team enter tained the Seattl team last evening at a banquet at th Portland hotel. The main parlor, was taatlly decorated for the occasion and ths mecibnrs of both teams sat around th big table. that wa formed in the shape of a football. C. T. Seigert remembered th boys by send- Cure Hoarsenets and Sore .Throat.' A simple remedy; Free From bpiates.Xasoaaseniy. CI 3 o o Re the 2 i Nothing will cure inditfestion thr doesn't digest tha food, itself,--and give the stomach a perfect rest. v You can't reasonably expectthat any weak stomach will retfaln its - Strength and get well "when it ii compelled to 'do the full work that a sound stomach should do - - J You wouldn't expect a sick horse to get well when it is compelled to do i full day's work every day of the week. y Your stomach must have rpst. I Tti it- If tan nMitrvtn Mtarom VOUr A- W . . --. elf in order to rest your stomach. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure is a perfect dlgestant It will digest all of the food you eat regardless the condition of your Mtomach. ,...'..,'',".'. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure ; For Indigestion, Dyspepsia, Sour ci.. k an--.. 5 u..iVia Wof or - 9lUJllUia tmmtHWr ltauu , Brash, Belching of Heartburn and ; from indigestion -of -the food, - - - I had dyspepsia la Its worgt form . wag re duced In -weight to 118 pound. After Using two and one-half bottle of Kodol. I was completely cured snd restored to my uiual weight of 143 pound, r J. LUTHER JOHNSON. KODOL DIGESTS I hllH kU kWU 7 I KM u aiMk a. th. - wtal. w Sold by Slddmore Druj ing"a plenteous supply of th wealthy water and sol Biumauer or uiumausr at Hoch tendered hla usual white seal present to th victorious team. After th banquet both teams attended th Helllg tneatre in a oooy. . Th Seattl player left dr hom last night at ii:4t.. . - There war no serious Injuries yes terday, and a a result th player were abl to nJoyboth th banquet and th OREGON AGRICS WIN FROM PENDLETON MEN r serial IHanatc ta Tb. loaraaLt Pendleton, Or.. Jan. 1. In the basket ball game last night In thla city be tween the team of tha Oregon Agricui turalaVeolleg and the Pendleton high school, the O. A. C carried off tb hon ors by a soor of tl to At th open' lng of the gam th boy were swept off their feet by the swift college team, and at th end of th half th soor stood 41 to 1. In th last half th Pendleton team entered the gam with apparently mor confidence, and during tbe remainder of th playing appeared to batter advantage but th eoUage boy carried off. the honors. 1 A gam la scheduled to tak pise at Weston tonight between the Weston normal team and th O. A. C. ' MULTNOMAH FIVE 10 1 PLAY PACIFIC TEAM .t . . On Friday evening next Pacific col lege, of Newberg. will plsy th M. A. A. C baaket ball team at th club gym nasium. Thla is th third gam to be played by both team In th state chain plonahlp series, and considerable Inter- cat is being displayed aa to tne out' come. - s ' Th Newberg players are credited with being a fast five, and under the able coaching of Arthur Wilson, should gtv a good account of themselves In the coming gam. ' - Mr. Henderson, of th Portland high school, has-been selected by th central committee to act a official. ' STANFORD PLAYS TIE GAME WITH VANCOUVER ' V : . " " fBeeelal rMnateh ta The Joorant.l " ' i Vancouver, B. C, Jan. 1 In the final match for th Rugby championship of th Pacifle coaat Vancouver and-.Stan- ford teams played a draw yea terda, aft ernoon, scoring On try (thre points) each. Th match was played on a sndw covered field and was witnessed by 1,000 people. Stanford played an aggressive game, but laoked knowledge of th fin points. Th. California; boy left this morning for Seattle, where a match will be played with Victoria on Saturday. . . . i .-'.,.. . New York Poultry Show. , New Tork. Jan. t. Th shrill wole of song bird mingled with the clamor ous cackle of thousands of fowl, the mewing of cat and th various noises of other varieties of pat stock In Madi son Square Garden today st the open ing of th eighteenth annual exhibition of th New Tork Poultry. Pigeon and Pet Stock . - association. . Competent Judges declare that In number, vsrlety snd.elaaa th exhibits that fill the big garden .have never been equaled In this or any pther city, ? t ... i i . The Southwestern Athletic1 asaocla- tlotv which I composed of a number of colleges of Texas, Oklahoma and Mis souri, meets at Fort Worth today to elect officer and vote upon several bropoaed ( changes in' th constitution and by-taws. On of the questions to be acted upon Ms th eligibility of. post graduate men to participate In athletics of their respective college. .. A larg and hlah rlna entry list la reported for the annual' shew of th Pin Tree Kennel club, of Portland, Main. Th show opens today and con tinues over tomorrow. t. Feel lanruld. Weak, rnn-down? Mead- ichef Stomach "ofT'T Jut a plain case of laav liver. Burdock Blood Hit ter tones liver snd stomach, promotes digestion,, purifies th blood. 1 ' ' - - - m rrfrred Stoea Oaaaed Goods. " " AJiaa 4k LawU' Jdsat Brand. tomacii Gas, Nausea, oastnus. all troubles r arising and non-assimilation - r - :t - ' - -';x.': . Att'y At Law. Cleburne. Tex. WHAT YOU EAT MAKES THS mucr f a a.ixwiM I T4MAOHVWCrr- 1 40..niiM.l.l. I Co. and Woodard. Clarke ft . Y. M. Ci I 30 Teachers r 50 C Winter Term Opens Jar CUsa. ,- ; riL r. ......... ..jf-.y Algebra Architectural . '- '--.- ........ . Arithmetio Automobll. Bookkeeping carpentry .,.,.... Chemistry . . ............. . , . 7 H.O Civil Service Classes ' R.O Commercial Law 2.0 Com. Corr. and Eng. Comp.'... - 2.0 Commercial Showcard Writing Electricity . .... . .. .-.--,.w..'Tv.0.01 flBngliah Grammar - , .. .. .... . r, - &O I Gasoline Motors ............ Geometry i ........... ........ ,3.4V Macnin lMaign ............... B.4 Manual Training ..4.,.. ' 5. Mechaaieal Drawing .... 6.4 Mechanics .................,.'. 3.0, Modern Offlo Methods'... ... 1 - T.O(l Mineralogy snd Assaying......' 8. Oil Mining, Practical R.O Penmanship v 3.04 Practical Lumbering - is i;-i.--T.04 Pharmacy S.Oi Plan Reading and Estimating.. 1 5.04 Plumbing IO. 0 Reading and Spelling ......... jf.Ot Heal estate W. .'. 7.04 8.04 5.04 6.04 S.0 10.04 3.0 Rhetoric .... Shorthand Surveying Spanish ............ ,....,...'. Telegraphy Typewriting ........ ..., niuiiuiinirr ...... ...... . 5.0' 3.4. 6.0. Vocal Musie Wood Turning Send for sneclal circular r tnnul ' for particulars of Educational Direct Oth r Asaoolatloa rlvllarea. 1 Gymhaalum. swimming pool, hands ball court, running track, reading-room' concert a, lecturea Over -100 dlfferen. line Af wnrlr , - r..,.. e-A 4llnafe.-. I catalog furnished on request. T. M. C A. Building. Fourth and Tm hill Streets. . f DentalWorl; Of quality Is on dependable Th repaying or replacing Of Your-Teef? ' Receive th careful' attetttlot merit a Our splendid office f ment oomblned wit 8 a large ume of business enables ur render a superior dentsl set. at a reasonable cost to yoa. 4 IJ-kt Qold Crowns :. pdt Full PUtea....,...J t0 Plstln Fillings ,.T.....T.4 rsmisss Extracting .;.,..k.S' axamlnaUon Fre f Charr "V, Woh.'OnarBUd, . i. '; ' tady- Atuaoaaa, ' Boston Dental Par 1V KOsUUaOBT BT.- - 4 . 1 K -'l