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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 2, 1907)
Tin: cr::xoii daily- journal. Portland,- Wednesday evening, j.-.mjai-y 2. 1SC7. JO GO OilGii U SEUATE ' '.'.LVJ . egislature. Convenes ition Question Over- adows All Others. f t'nrl ftpeclal Sprites.) !, Me.. Jan. J. The state les u Maine convene today for Its the ?-nnUl session. -The .session acci 1 " the or 1 t referendum, primary election and lux ation will be other Important subjects of legislation. The movement for the popular eleo tlon of ignited States arnatora and tnodlflcanon of the oorp' atlon lawa no aa to make them more stringent are ether tnattera tentlon. . that may be given at- LEGALITY OF i:'FR0:'PTU Ml IS 01! TRIAL Silver-ton's Celebrated Dry. goods Box Case Now Turns s ; , . on This Point. MRU LI IIIIED ISSOUR Legislature Receives Folk's Mes sage Advocating Reduced Railroad Rates. mm a V i (Spedal tttipatrk 'te The Journal.) Sllverton, Or., Jan. t. The caae of City ef Sllverton Ye. J. U Brown and George Cuatter, two ; prominent who were arrested a few weeks ago on complaint - filed- with the city .recorder chargtne them with violating an ordi nance against placing an obatruetlon tn the strata, hlda fair to result In a ions and bitter, eight - -. . At the trial the defendants demanded a jury, but the recorder had not com plied with the code In furnishing a Jury Hat; hence hm Instructed the chief of police. - over the protest of defend ants' attorneys, to select six men. be fore whom the- case was heard. This jury found them guilty and the recorder made the fines $10 each and assessed the ooat and disbursements, amounting to about $69, agvlnst them. Defendants raised strenuous objects tlons to paying either the fines or dls bufsetnests, an -upon- request ef Brow a and Cuslter. County Judge John it Scott ordered the county clerk to Issue two, writs of 'review, directed to the city ' of Sllverton , and to M. . J. - Van Valkenburg, city recorder and police Judge The writs are made returnable before Circuit Judge Galloway on January- IS.rThlS stayertha ease vntll the icourt decides whether or , not the ' re corder had right to try the defend ants with that kind of a Jury, and tn the meantime the woodshed, dry goods boxes and other obstructions said to be In the street wilt remain where they are. .. - . ..' V - ' Cuslter and Brown refused to pay the fines 'Imposed-upon them, and Just about the time, the plaintiff was mak ing an effort to land the defendants In the city Jail the sheriff arrived from ealem with the necessary papers to stsy gs: if the gsTenaantsare i vice rorpcrationg on pa is or reason - Eticceesful In this action the costs of-fa-rrte return for actual amount invested. i i au 1 i I, alon V'.Ve r be - .V.Wv : x 5 il) ... yMW I 1 two writs of review, directed to the t II I j j - v II 7. T. , , . .. , , T tug prwpeedln II : Tf (Untfnr HVv:V - I . "f . . ' ' - both- caeea will be thrown upon the elty, s- I?.! (WUlla P. Frre as United The case has aroused great Interest In - jJitor. r -' ; tho sclty. and not a little feeling. - ; JIr question, which Is a peren- .. ' ' , Jla Maine, probably will over- - The HlUsboro council . haa bought , other matters to cores be- ground forparA Mliiiiflii SIS. . - a m mm mm m m , mm mm m J ' I til 11 JJf-- JT 1 I J0 -. 1-t y ;: r: AJUUUUU OCllbC UUlXUdllUll ; I " k " I MBNIII I I II I" i 1 1 1 n.i him i t- - ,i in ii ii i i iii iwii.i nr. in irrr iii i i w i 1 1 1 j I J I I III l'lf 1 1 1 J I 11 IflVUUUll &c Is in the World j p iy'B;'-' as good AS ' -: ;Vj.; -J-' : . I FOR AN ORiEGONIAN J . : LK IT OVER.' PHONE, WRITE OR CALi; I ("venial Rpeetsl Berrlee.l -Jef ieraon City, Mo.. Jan. J. The biennial session of the Missouri general assembly, which, met and organised to day, promises to be of more than or dinary interest . and importance. If only those measures recommended by Governor" Folk In his biennial message are considered and acted upon by the. lawmakers It assures an exceptionally busy session. The governor's meseage Governor Folk. embraced. -among other things, the fol lowing - important subjects: ""Reduced railroad rates, juro-:-1food law, reform In criminal- procedure, stat primary law. Including a primary for United States senators; prohibiting child labor tn factories, amending elec tion laws so as to more . effectually safeguard the ballot, prohibiting passes under severe penalties, except to em ployes; regulating rates of public ser. FALLIHG OUT 0F1 IBISJI LEADERS Two. Members of 'Parliament Dropped From Nationalist . Rolls. ' ' ' (Jowaal SpecUl BerTlee.r ' Dublin. Jan. t. A crisis has been precipitated in the Irish Nationalist party by the action of the executive in dropping the names of IX D. Bheehan, M, F: tor Mid Cork, and John O IXra ne 11, M. P., for South Mayo, from the membership Hat Both have given abun dant proof of their devotion to the Irian cause. Only recently O'Donnell was released from a term of imprisonment Hheehan. as president of the Irish Land and "Labor association, conducted the agitation which resulted in the present laborers' act The ostensible ground for their expulsion' is that they neglected their parliamentary duties, 'Their an swer to 'that la that they were, doing far more effective work tor Ireland In Ireland than they could have accom plished by voting In parliament for gov ernment measures In which Ireland Is not vitally concerned. ' Both are stanch supporters of William, - O'Brien, M. P., and His devolution policy, and there Is a general feeling that this is the real reason of the action against them. Sheehan has resigned his seat In parlia ment and appealed to the Nationalists of 'Mid Cork for a vindication by re election. 1-. ., ... -' William O'Brien, in "Tha Irish Peoi pie," dtnuuwf the nrrj"nntsnfffi" I ban. Dinting at misuse 01 lunds. jjoudi less any disclosures that may be made will provide Interesting reading, but when Irlshraent right Irishmen It Is the enemies 01 Ireland who profit by it aioeklasada Ml Ol-rU l eTTl,l It has been a matter of complaint for some years that tha sons of Influen tial people have been Jockeyed Into positions 'wtthout having to pass the civil service examinations. There are 40 departments or boards' under the Irish government, and a late inquiry t shows as many as per cent or the officials were placed there without hav ing to pass a qualifying examination, also from SS to to per cent of them are Protestants. Thus is exposed one of the greatest . publle scandals In - Ire- tsnd for the imt h'lf centtwy, gees 7771' -r- AND ARE GQIMO KEEP THEM, TC 9 The great unloading sale, the most sensational event ever held in Portland. Every sale of every kind outdone and the crowds that are here is the best proof of the real importance and magnitude of this underselling event. Be here early tomorrow and get "your share of the bargains. . 1 V stricter refutations for tha liquor traf fie, antl-dlscrlmtnation law, to prevent corporations selling products higher la one part of the state than another, coat of transportation added; amending law to effectually stamp, out race track gambling, putting road system on same basts as publto school system, with a state road commissioner; amending In surance -laws so as to correct abuses shown hr recent i-evelaMons;, regulat ing sale of mining stock. ; J" GERERAI LEE JEIIRfS; BEllcrill):.!OTED :. Retiring Officer Leaves Behind Excellent' Record for Long v; and Continuous Service. t ' . '" " (Jearaal Speetal flervtee. Washington. IX C. Jan. a.-Having reached the 'age limit for active aervloe. Major-General Jesse M. Lee. lately In command of the district of Tlsayas, was - placed on - the retired list .today. The" vacancy caused, in - the. grade of major-general by the retirement of Gen eral Lee Is filled by tha appointment of Br1gadler3neral Bell, the chief of staff, who stood aside In favor of Gen eral Lee, his aenlor, that Lee might be able to retire as major-general. General Lee Ieavs behind him a splen did record In the service. He begaa his military career as a private In the Fiftv-ninth Indiana -Infantry ' In 18(1, and-at-ther-closa-of-tha etvll war lie was mustered out aa a captain of vol unteers. He was immediately appoint ed a captain In tha regular army. . He fought la Cuba during tha Spanish war. and was with bis regiment at tha relief of Pekln. For gallantry . In battle in China ho was brevetted lieutenant-colo nel and colonel. . . I POOR YOUifB WOLIAN NEDS STRAK6E LllLLIOHilipE Couple Had Never Seen Each Other Until a Few Hours Be- fore the Ceremony. f. far to explain why it costs proportion ately so much more to "run" Irelund than any other portion ef the United Kingdom. . And Ireland pays ; the freight - , CAGE FULL OF WILD BEASTS ATTACK THEIR TRJUXER. Panto Follows in Audience of ... Five Thousand Whd Stam pede Frorri Building. t ... . ' , ( Jeeraal Jpeelsl gervlee.!... Berlin. Jan. 2ft A wild panic caused by the revolt of a cage full of Hops and tigers, marked tha return of Bush's cir cus" of peters, the tamer, who was badly mauled by the beasts a month ago. The animals' behavior, was so threatening that the, audience of i.000 madly stam peded from the building, believing ' that Peters and bis assistant would be 'torn to pieces. . ', ;- v - Peter entered tha cage w1h his arm still ina sling and was greeted by Leo. the biggest lion, with an angry move ment of his paw. The beast was cowed for a while by two revolver shots and a prod with a, pttebforkv. 1;..:. He broke out again, however, while Peters wss putting two tlgpra through their stunts and was Joined by the other Hons, who Immediately ' began to threaten the trainers. . The audience-.. took alarm and fled from the circus - In a wild stampede. Meanwhile Peter and his- assistant made their- escape from, tha cage of the After the lions and. tigers became quiet Peters thought It necessary- to give Leo a lesson. A thick ropa was thrown over his head and eight circus men pulled on It tightening the noose round his neck. Leo roared with an ger and struggled frantically, while the other beasts fixed therr teeth In his body. Finally he wrenched his head out of the rope. More revolver shots and Jabs from pitchforks at last brought the whole troupe to submission. finei ths tf done b Wsshlr 'ploy of ber com ten and .- to the ci- .i one o! , of Ills l The flK monwfalth puilding, SixtS and Ankeny, Portland, Or. A. L, Mill, Presidetit ' - ' ; ' - , Manageri Oarnc S. Samuel, Assfstam Manager. ! ' IJnenml Ipeslal errlee.f '. Kenosha, Wis., Jan. 1. There waa a romantic marriage tn Kenosha last night, when Miss Hertha Fisher, a young woman In decidedly numoie circum-stances.'- waa married to Jasper D. Gill, aTmtlllonalre farmer and ranchowner of J Colorado. . : 1 1 . Miss Fisher had never seen her nus- band until a few hours before the .wed ding. The couple had been correspond ing for .more than a year , ana uiu ae- ctded to come to Kenosha to : see the woman. When he arrived he immedi ately proposed marriage and was ac cepted. Mr. and Mrs, U 111 left for Colo rado this afternoon. PLACER MINERS TUNNEL j. FOR ANCIENT CHANNEL (8perl,T)lpate te The Jeorosl.) Batter City. Or.. Jan.. i. Rlchafd Eak- man m wniuicnowii miner ox jciaaer county. Is running a tunnel on Clark g creek, near the old camp of Clarksvllle, to tap the- old channel that .in years gone by produced Its hundreds of thou sands of dollars. He is already In J50 feet, and expects to strike bedrock any day. Mr. Earkmiw Is associated with J. L. Rand and W. H. Packwood Sr. of this city In this mining enterprise. Clerks creek In the early days was one of tha banner placer mining camps In eastern Oregon, though" wnai . was the site of a bustling mining camp of 1,800 people Is now an alfalfa farm. It haa always been the theory that a lost channel- existed, and at the point where Meavrs. Rand. Packwood and Eak man are doing tunnel work It Is ex pected it will be fdund. . ' MeOiodtsta to IUIm Million. ', Jos mat Bwetal IktWI . -New Tork, Jan Announcement Is made that the foreign missionary de partment of the Methodist ehurch has been separated from the Home Mission ary society and created an Independent body. It is planned to raise 11,000,000 for us in the come o BRAKEMAN O'BRIEN ; RUN OVER AND KILLED (Special fMspatet te The jearaal.) ' : Sllverton. Or Jan. . E. J. O'Brien, a brakeman on a freight train running between Woodburn and Springfield., was killed at Mount - Angel while attempt ing to couple ears. He was thrown un der the wheels and both legs and one arm were severed from his body. He lived about 10 minutes after the 'acci dent occurred. O'Brien was about SO years old and unmarried. Ho had been working on this road only a short time and nothing Is known of his- relatives or where his home was. Coroner Clough held an Inquest and it waa found that he cam to his death by accident while in th service of th railroad company. Undertaker W. a Jack of this city went to Mount Angel and brought the body to Sllverton for burial. GOLDEN WEDDING AT "I GRANITE CELEBRATED ' r in .i .... V . " Granite, Or.,- Jan. J. On New Tear's day Mr. and Mrs. ' Joseph Thornburg celebrated their fiftieth anniversary of theH marriage. A family reunion was held at th home of their son. Grant, and the occasion waa a Joyous one.- -' Mr. and Mrs. Thornburg were married In 1857 -at Richmond. , Indiana, and shortly afterwerd settled - at Ferry. Iowa, from which place they moved to Butler, Missouri, snd then to Granite 12 years ago, and have since made this place their home. Nine children have been born to them, of whom eight ar living. - -H , -Using Bn Graves Tooih Powder twice daily "will remo e tartar. whiten and .brighten the teeth, harden thtf gums and make brown teetli white. Most peoplt; use it twice-a-day. JAsk a dentist why. In haudy metal eaos or boitlee, flOe. D'- Cn:s' Tcsth Fsr.i :r Cs. The Bargain Store POnmillS HEW DEEADTMRIT STORE J-ENTISE BLOCK CM YAMHILL FROM 2ND TO SRoT The Bar gain Store NOW WHAT DO YOU THINK OF THIS? .: Is there another store in town that will match this offer? , , WOMEN'S ELBOW LENGTII SILK G10VES R(o Only 20 dozen 240 pairs of them and but one pair to a customer, so only 240 lucky efjJV Jft women can-share in this bargain. Full 16-button length Silk Gloves, in black nd white, , all sizes, good weight. It's one of the most sensational bargains ever offered.' No mat- ' r ter what they re worth tomorrow, as long as they last, you can buy Women's Elbow-Length Silk Gloves at our a pair. - ' .. - ? 50c Corset Cover Embroideries -All new patterns, from 12 up to 18 and 20 inches wide. all our best 50c values. For one day, yard 1. Uf t 29c VVomea's 25c and 33c Handkerchiefs Swisr embroidered, - scalloped and fancy effects, all 25c and 35c v values. . While they last, 3 for 50f , or, each ..'..' 17c Odd LotsWomen'i Underwear Heavy Jersey' Ribbed Vests Pants, in ecru and gray. thick fleeced, all 39c up to 50c values. Choice Vests and 24c ICQ Regular $2 Plain and Fancy Crepe de Chine Scarfs tfran-half price. Plain -and fancy I Tl . - . . r- , t . 1 f , I I I . L. ettects, nemmea imisn, oeauiuui ocsikhb sua cuiuis, all 2 and yards-long. Scarfs that t everybody wants, and the very kind that IlusT - you pay $2.00 ffr all over. iile-they flllV1 r last, choice , . . . r . . ,111 . . Mill Ends of the Finest 35c to 75c Silli Orflandics ytind that sell all over at 35c and up to 75c. Here tomor row at 19c a vard. Finest and most ex- M i quisite designs and colors, all full width, fl O all good lengths. -Pick oit the best 7ic J i Mill Ends 8 and lO-Inclv Em Every yard should go tomorrow at this price. Think of it 25c'io 30c Embroideries at lis..- It means two to three yards for the price of one, and if that isn't bargain big enough to crowd the store to .nnhMi we doti'ts know whit ta.-r Ip inest of Swi s and -JWainsook - trabroidenes sheer, tine. i the Haintiest of natterns. handsome onenwork effects, fast edges, all good lenirths nA widths. iiD to 10 inches and. 10-inch embroideries for is a bargain that's a wonder. Remember, all wide widths and worth up to 30c, for one '"."day" only, .choice...... Bargain Day in the Notion Section 5c papery J eedles lor Full-Count Pins, papers.. ..oif Best Sc Darning Eggs... 3t 5c card Safety Pins ...... ........ 3 8c boxes Hairpins ,,Tr.. ........ 5f -25 Jar Eastman's - COLD CREAM...:... VC 2 5c Pearl Buttons, dozen ....... 10c Hair Curlers cut to ....K 10c Needle Cases go at.., ...... .'.5 And These Never-to-be-Forgotten Offers' Prove How De- cisively We Undersell All Competition 10c and 1 5c Trimming : Braids, -1 '-'- ' Op yard; V ; :. . ..;V..awV Men's Hose, pair 20c Black -Wool . .lie 8c Turkey Red-- i Figured Calico. . .tAX Regular 50c Window.ll Shades.......... Regular 25c a Cuticura Soap. ... Opaque 22c 17c lc ;i0c Knitting -Yarns, skein........ 'Women's $1.00 to $2.00 Untrimmed 0n Hats; ... . . . . . . . rLOL Women's "25c Embroid ered -Turnovers O go at; ..... J Odds and Ends of $1.00 Hand . : . Cr Bans. .. ......... Out Men's 50c fin . est Neckties. .... 21c :3c Odd lots 10c and 12c Handkerchiefs. 25c bottle Gilt t n Edge PolishV.... 1 L Women's $2:50 and $3.00 Waisfcjgq . 98C Women-? $2.50 and $3.00 Dress N (PI OQ Shoes........ tDI.O Men's and "Women's $2 lfc...'..:..89c AND THOUSANDS OF OTHER BARGAINS JUST AS GREAT MOMTEFEERO'S PARLIAMENT COMPLETE SUCCESS" First'; Experimant In Constitu tional Government Results ; Satisfactorily. j , ; ,, ; '.;Cu':L (Jnomal f seelat Srrlc. - Berlin, Jan.. JMontenegro's- Srst parliament Is a complete political suc cess. It haa now had a year of consti tutional g-oyernment which was granted last December by Prince Nlcholaa, who, up till then, and been absolute monarch, ruling his mountainous little state with autocratic- sway. '- . ' ' Prince Nicholas gave his country a constitution and estab'vhed a parlia ment quit of his own free will, and has always acted In accordance with Its wishes. No parliament ot had a more docile monarch to deal with, : Tha flrat thing tha Montenegro par liament did waa to Tote '"No confidence" In tba government Accordingly the cabinet had to resign. Prince Nicholas aocepted Its resignation, without demur sod sent the following message to par llaroSntt - 'Tou hare aent away my gov eminent; pleaee let me know whom you wish ma to entrust with the formation of tha new cabinet" ; . The choice fell apon M. Ivanovlton; so that -"vanovlteh was . accordingly asked by the prince to form a. caMnet Tha parliament contains several Mo hammedans. Turks snd Albanlana, who cannot take part In the debates, ss they do not speak a word of the language; but they lend dignity and picturesque ness to the house. v Stirling Made Auditor. .. ' (Jnnreal SoerU flerN"e. , Omaha. Neb., Jan. J. -The appoint ment of H. J. Stirling, auditor of the Oregon Railway Navigation company, to the position of auditor' of the Union Pacific is announced in a circular signed by E. H. . llarrlraan. ' esssjssseaaaMseassBaeHsssaJSMsaBesBBasaBMaBBSMsaBBw I y Lion Attack Trainer, ' (JFreraal "pwll Wrle. Toledo. O.. Jan. 2. While performing a Hon aet, Henry Rayar trainer with the Boston animal clrcua, was attacked by one of the lions, and, while he lay on the floor, had both his sides, his shoulder and breast lacerated. It Is feared his injuries wlll u-?'Vf k LgHimate Sale Our first class stock of Men's and B07S Suits, Over coats, Hats, Pants, Shirts, Underwear ahd a general line of Shoes is cut in prices much lower than any Other sale in this city. A change in business forces us to offer some of the goods even at less than cost. JOHN DELXAR KNOWN FOR 15 YEARS AT. THE CORNER - OP FIRST AND YAMHILL y , ' ' '''"' ' ; '' ' x 1 a ' We are giving up the branch store. Corner Thifd and Davis. 'The whole stock must go at a- great, . sacruice. V S : ... ' t ( f These $3.50 Air Tijjlil HEATERS For a Few Days I'ore 02 Frf- i nib 13 d iiauuit.u. j 5 Sale to Close Cut We tnalce our own stoves, thus ravlr customers all middlemen's profits, an I if you buy one or a hundred the y .cr. ( r each will be the same. Corns end See Us t!:: T: Factory and Salesroom 271 I'irst : ; Near Jefferson. -TV