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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 2, 1907)
...... i , ... r ... -. - JEJUNAL. rdliTLAND, WEDNES'JW r.VE.MIN'CV JANUARY i, PERUriA EDI' rORIAL v- n ' jVuff. (Continue from r.WO.Q Vc'V" f A V. ( LU VJ, SUSt jM i,JS h hid pnitn TV i ft VUf &n FindavThat Covernmont 1 1 c dead remains at thirty. The company's- list of in . Ted contains 24,namest. 1 T' i-J,-;' y":. ' Conductor Gaines of No, 29 is among the injured .ere. He sayjj that hesaw the headlight of No. 30 and inped thrbueh the window to escape. . He broke his Mexicans, four cash fares, an interpreter, and a negro rtcr in the'smoker. "The porter: was pulled from. the U ' . - .1 .j t-i. i . . j -tr . Commissioner Leupp Report i' Utterly Refutes Cosmopol 22 i .tan Charges. W Has Carefully KepJ tract ot ronniwn. J. a U.:-A rA. 14 ci'c tlr wr HAD NO DEALING WITH lllliri UlflUC All II If. U1.3-lL 111.1 A . JL A . 1 9 IUVIW V X- I " - - ' ' - w " - TIMBER LAND CRABBERS I urning cars'by-Uie passengers and his leg was twisted off s t the knee to Save himV:C.W r i'v '"-' V ; Jftear ry -all the Ldead are Mexican laborers known by 2 AcaM,IJn ;imbers:jV Their, names are difficult to secure, though the V L 1 wo? injurea;Mexicans-aiea n rouit to tne nospuai Senator WUl rush , Hla Oimlnal - wv Libel Suit Agalnab Mugulne That of Af muting WHb IntereaU. Whlnta Dnnil af Al JoonuL) 'Washington. IX C .Jan. I.Comrala- tha in. and many of the other injured are1 expected to die,"7 Many i!rp?5,.lta.:"JrLI 'passeneers were residents of ;the middle west, making a umr a report n tha lagtaiattoner tha i it. Z.:.JJ.1.S- r, ot ,and Klamath IR- , J , jVIE ELDER SHOT BY f.TAN J lil LOST SAV17.6S Rudolph ' Zollinger; Fired Bullet . While .in T frlniy Over , Financial Ruin. I-1 ATTACKS . ROCKEFELLER IN : ' HIS Ol'N CHURCH ! dlan rcMrvatlon which completaly exoii' rataa Senator Fulton of Or ton from any nemonal Interest In tha matter. Senator Fulton Intends to push crim inal proceeding asainst tha Coamopotl. ten, whlcq clired him with aiding Weyerhaeuser In UnJawfulljr obtaining lands. Proceedings tn the : esse ra temporarily suspended on account of District Attorney Baker's being injured in the Terra cott ranroaa wreca sun day.' i 'i;.-, ' .... Orator Renounces Oil King as Enemy of Labor at-Bap- ; . tit Men's Club. : v ' ALL; GRASS VALLEY : MINES CLOSED DOWN ' (Jeersal SpeHaf srln. : '"-CtloatVJan. J. Tha mystery which urrounded tha ahootlng of Elder Peter Ropp.' one Of John AUxartder ttowle'a closest followers and .friends. . at . Zlon City, waa cleared up when the' police Jearned that hi assailant. Rudolph ZoHlna-er.-llred the shot, while In frensy oer losing his life savings, whlrh h had .Invested In,, Zlon entar prlsee. I ". ' 7.oiilnrr. still rsvlng. was closely -ruarded ln-BM10tl BOUa."'H6 11 WtgToT he almost a maniac aa a result omit losses. ' . . 1-. I .3R is. UiMW. Dowl got TOS tO ! k i y pvttMS liia buslneaa and he ji.nrtt nhouted Zollinger after ?i.ii!n!T nn iiJh fireman at Sbiloh 1 ;n-1ANN Y.l UWEL1GHT . -.-CALLS' UPOri PRESIDENT - . - - ;-. r..- , Wt'i jibI Aiiwr of The JToarsaL) ,: v. . if.i'.n'.n, J, C.Jan..I. ;.-t;-r ui-rmo , placed himself w ' i c lir...i ;i;,yoterday Jy atL ' . , :,i;jr r', j. resident s New... root rn. There was a .n .i i linr of members of I-.-.jr- "t more thsn it be- ptv.i.t. ami . Hermann cnn'!Cuousiy. There w .--;. uit - nnment Her. WW, . but he got as : V -wai-m (rwf.rtg.Trotn President , 4 fiv-. a. aayone else mho- A . j-ya w -r - ' ' n -' (Jflsraat Spedai Serrle. ' '. : Cleveland; Ohio. Jan, Rising In the midst of a dlacilasion by local labor leaders ... and . clergymen ' before , the 600 member of tha Men's club of tha Euclid Avecae Baptist, church, known aa Rockefeller'a '.'ehnrch, Howard Dea nls. an orator, savagely denounced John D. Kocaeieuer aa the arch oppressor tf labor. Referring to. previous ad- dresses of soclsiUtto labor leadera, Den- .i. n.... V. .. -v!- ..,,.. mmw v. Jnaraal iDeeUl larrloa.1 areas Valley. CaU Jan. 1. Ivery mine tn tbla. diatrlet was closed, down today and 1.609 man are Idle, . Condi tions ara peaceable, although hundreds of atrlker ara In the streets discussing tha various phases af tha trouble. A majority of the mine managers favor tha eight-hour day but want a three years' agreement - that tha miners will make no mora trouble. -. J hey aay they fear another atrlke, this time for higher wages. It the eight-hour day la granted the Western Federation's rule will not permit them to make. such an agree ment. .'-.' "After hearing tha eloquent addresses of these men . In . behalf of organised labor. It s a wonder that these win. colUpse. If I were a member of the GRANT COUNTY HORSES same caurcn wiia onn v, Mocaeieuer and J. . Plerpont Morgan, alther they would get out Sunday or I would." - Dennis' excoriation of tha chief finan cial supporter of tha church waa re ceived with laughter and no, attempt was made to. stop him. HAVE STRANGE DISEASE (BpeeUI IHspatch Tk losraalt tng Creek, Or., Jan. 1 Two eases of an unknown disease among cattle have been reported . recently 1n Qrant county. - Thla dlBeaaa affects tha yu and often causes blindness. : One case ARRESTED AS DISTURBER Pther is frtmr-tha-TV-UUam Cartsr j. i . l , . .; v . j iace, ian ox um i,nu. i. mi oiimm OUVETTETWINGFIELTJ IS' 1 - ' (Jaarnal Bneelal r1r t Ran Franclaoo. Jan. t. Olivette Wli field, who claims to be the common law ruUlmiiHLrirti.ib..V!,l! Paopla of tha county ara U i? "J"?!' 'V qualntad with It and ara at a this morning on a harga of disturbing 2no ho to tra. , the peace. She want to Winafield's hotel for tha purpose of forcing hint to support ner. but Defor aha eouM ua nun se wa,a.rreated Is accompanied by a frothing at - the moqtb ana cause tne eye to turn white, gradually producing - blindness. This may not be a new complaint, but not ac loss to FRANiCBAKER LIVESTOCK" APPOBTIONI-D TO f CREST RESERVES ' (Jrsmtl Me. Hal olra. ni-tuQ, , - 2. Secretary of turecJk')'ilft)i,i; todvy apportioned v tt a'il horaes and , t:.000 'o iih uhwj division of the Blue -.. jiiU' t)'e-a aerva for. the comlna .r . Tp tVe w?steni division ot. this , i ;)rtVoned 7,0 cattle and t-.t -it is -nirB-ir.eee. Thif-Ta-s: f0 liir. it f - lrr cent In sheep on sc. . i.rr.t ot , ev rum ting. ...Tha secretary r iur:ioTierl 1 10 cattl and horses to v. Maury nvuUuUtn reserve. CONGa ATROCITIES- -1 SHOCK WEBRASKANS (Continued from Fag On.). of offlee.U rjeanval Rpeetel Servke.t ' Lincoln, Heb t tan. 2. The lerlalatura met today, t Among the resolutions first Offered was ohd denouncing King Leo, wio-i. noininn ana aeKing congress fta mlOB th rnnill . . . . , , . 11 : r J"'cS MXREA tlLLS ; CASSATT'S OLD PLACE ; III, il "ii-jma! ".ipftal tarvlee.l 1 :. fii'a, Ji.. 3.-Jamc McCrea, . n er iv fc-.;int hf UiePennayl. - - s sr. In the company K .1 ol' llUsbttrg, waa today - .OTcnea tne' lata J. C'iasatt. i I t-nt.or feks Mroroe. ; i'.Dra w, Tae JaBmalt Cr, Jan. :i.-.A dw t Vi r, l Wti r.a l' .,Cor . - t jnt'it . e Phi i 'jtct. April It, Conner Th parties Betitoa and have ... iMv' E. A. Vaughn Honored maactal mapatek U Tie JonraaLI Pendleton. Or.. Jan. n v a y,uh"xns again been honored by his ""OT-F-aciHioners inrouarn m . ami iaiuifiniu a memner or tha rwmj. ir-thrKtuirnaivt.t sociation to fui the unexpired term of "'"Vko resigned from the committee in orW to become secretary and treasurer oK tha assoclatlnn. Ma wllljierve nntn thBet annual meeting of the sute sssoclatton. Dr. Vaughn Is dental examiners. ( h state beard of 'I-. ;. aoe!dan In ' :r,. K ;' f:tJl lll ., Stop I rel Ut o .nd. , H. ' . . wiarrt, l. .ee naln hwab'g Raid pa, Mexico. ,,,,"rl SUI ArTtre. I New'Tork. Jsn. I. After his visit to the Santa EuUlla mining district tn Mexico, Mr. Schwab arrived her today and announced that he ha now full eon- .t. th M 0T m,n- aad other well-known sllrer claims tn th district He ha ala announced hla intention of erecting a huge smelter to treat tha ores from his mines. Most of Mr. Butjwabs proierty Is In th Chihuahua district. Week of Prayer at lis. Cran. V (Borrlal mitek t Tht Jnarairt.i . La Grande, Or.. Jan. S. The Baptist, Christian, Methodiat 1 and Presbyterlaa cnurche have united to hold a week of prayer, which began last night under the leadership of Pastor C B-' Deal. Leading eastern Oregon naatora wIU preacn during the week. mora newspaper comment ha slna ba first held - publlo Hi election 'to Hi. ofrieerf State printer u lit was tha step which took hire, from obscurity to prominence, both politically and financially, and th enor mous prof tta derived rrora tne. of rice, which he held for two terms, were hot only a fortune in themselves, but proved the basis of another fortune built .from them by shrewd investments. ; .-- Mr. Baker waa th first man elected to the office of state nrlnter to bur and install a plant nurposeTy for th atate printing. He elevated the of floe to oneH of Importance, both financially sad pa- UUcallyr-ad -with -tha --growth -of -the: financial end of tha office during Mr. Baker's 'incumbency, his power aa a pe lltk-al factor in the tat gained greater scope. . His political career became ac tive when h first assumed th duties of this office, and sine his last- term expired ha has continued to remain one of th foremost Republican politicians in Oregon.-; ' Waa Vatlv of Pregem. ';, Mr. Saker was born tn Washington county, near Linnton, June IS, lt4. on property owned by hla father, which la now Included tn Multnomah; county. H attended publlo school only at Irregular tntervala, and tha bulk of hla early edu cation was obtained whll following hi trad aa a compositor. Ha and . his brother. William, worked . together for a number. t yea re In the off lea of tha Kurat Spirit, a farm paper published by-'their father, who established the roagasine In 1162. After i serving an apprenticeship lq his father's office, Mr. Baker went to La. Oranda aad later to Astoria, where he spent some time' In the offices of the v different printing aaUbllshment an mwspapers. 'i.. - i i i ii m ii . .I, 1,7" V . I ) Infill aUrvtM 1 Napa, CaK, Jan. I. Colonl M. E. BU1 lags, a well known pioneer of Callstoga, recenjy discovered that there was still due Him from the United States gov ernment on account of clothing not drawd during the elvtl war, tn 18S. th small sum of 41 cents. Islring to see if th( auditor of th United Slitea treasury would audit and pay the claim. Interning to kep the.llttre check of t cei from the treasurer t 4 curios ity, he filed 4 claim against the govern ment lor that amount. The claim was duly referred to the audi lot of th war department B. F. Harpe. : The auditor wrote Colonel Billings to give a list or th command in which; he served SO that he might examine the records and make full settlement for everything connected with his service, The colonel forwarded tha tntormatlon desired and exactly 41 years after leaving th army received a statement showing a 'balance due of tS.3 , .... . Surprised beyond expression, the eoldnel say ha will not keep so large a cteck as a curiosity, but he challenges the world to produce another such showing of -wonderful , accuracy with which tha government : kept account with every one of th million' and mora of ma who served, la -tha war. illS CRUELTY f . .. .i ' ). Reported Frprn Plttsfcurg That ' ;' Evelyn NebitT Mother Is Agalnrt Prionerv - ! , V : J VOWED TO AVENGE HER ;.. DAUGHTER'S INJURIES Mrsv, Hoinuut WIU Not Only Glv '- Oral, but Documentary Eridenccj TgsJnitVUlte'g Slayer Evelyn . Denies Stories. . . HAVE YOU PENTECOST YET? Si.t .in . t . ' ivv-r XXCon tinned rom - Page Ona) - "Halleluiah !T aatd thoaa who nave got tneir pentecoat Doming. , : i I rrra-la-la-bu-ll-hooi:' - sang ' tha 'lit. nrs who have no hop of salvation. v. . ..vv r (jearaal Special Seretee.) " i , ."Nw Tork. Jan. lie-fiuch dlrectl on. posit assertions have been made by membera and connections of the Nesblt fsmily aa to tha attitude toward Harry K. Thaw to be taken by hla mother-in-law at hla trial for killing Stanford Whit that It is Impossible for an out sider to say which Is right : Evelyn Nesblt Thaw, tha accused man's girl wife, .denounced vehemently, tha- Pitta, burg - report - that bar mother, Mrs. Charles J. olman, would - testify against th prisoner. Sk ,- - - Holman. -youngs Mrs. -Thaw's sten f a Uiar. lnaUta-1 ta t- b la- wi f -wU 1 give not only oral but documentary evidence lnjurloua to. tha defense, consisting of letters that passed between tha girl's mother . and Whit In . connection with Thaw' Ill-usage of Evelyn Nesblt 1 " Mrs. Holman. tha d lspatches ' set forth, has hated Thaw slnoe a time two 4 years before hr daughter's -wedding. because ha beat the girl brutally in a Paris hotel. '. There and then aha vowed to avenge her danghter'a hurts If ah had to wait a lifetime for her chance. Ska became Harry Thaw's most relent- leea enemy and through month tpat dragged into years she has sought an iMcoinnls retired to a seat of honor, aid then Mrs. Crawford took th atage. Dramatically, pointing to gaudy plcJ opportunity to punish the young man tura of Esther pleading for ber people. she aald the. police were becoming tnoublesome and might ; disturb the meeting at any time. If they did. It wuld be all off with the lnnera, They show that religion had not entirely freed her from recollection of choice stunts would be lefllthouOht-PMlUciJsLjni Pargainounters. r mt nusnana Tkat would be terrlbia to think nf. for looked like 10 centa He wanted me to K. ' 1 V "N. "J j . slBf I th lnners-would dl and go to bell and tha devils they ar possessed Of would take delight In torturing their insldes (Mrs.- Crawford did not specify any par ticular part of tha "Insldes" that would be tortured), while th regular army of imps commanded by - Satan In person would tattoo tha sinners' face with red- hot pitchforks. , , - f V " A Bampla dtr. "Oh. : wOw-wow-wowohniy-woe s-me- Ood-alns-wowt" half grunted and hajf groaned a handaoma young ainnetv All th Penteeost-glven and the Pen tecost-to-be-given la the audience rose tathelr -feet r--Amn!lhey "cried in chorus. "Hit him with a brick! cried a sinner.'' ; "Hush!" warned an athletlo young German, a man. apparently of more than ordinary Intelligence. He is talk Ins In the unknown tongue." ..i..w- "Oh." anawered tha ainnetv "i tnougnt be was drank- "No, Indeed, replied . th German. "He is saved. He has been kn aotlva religions worker tn the TVhitechapel dia trlet, bet be. ha been working against the onknown . tongue is aevus got Dl aean, eu we nave mra now. . ino devils will com oua of him and ha will get bis 7Pntcet." ' ;." :.--:-- hops' a - gets it good," remarked the slnner. -a ' : - "Wew-wcw-wow-Ood glv m-wow-oh heIl-wow-alvation.' . groaned the sin ner, and these groans h repeated regu larly for three hour. -' - - . . But to leave him. end return to -Mrs, Crawford, who continued to speaks not withstanding the fact that the counter attraction writhing on -th floor drew heavily from her faudletiee. ; ' "Friend who receive Pentecost go to foreign fields.", sh aatd. .. y ': Beaaey Speaks Vp. 'Tn-OM," 4nterrupteeV -a wemaa known as "Beanay," who was divorced from her husband six months ago and who married again within th period prohibited by law. - T always wanted to go to India, but" Christ cam to m last night and told ma to go to Korea. Pd rather go to India, -but I know the Lord will be disappointed If I don't go to Korea. I haven't any money to pay my fare, but the Lord told ma be would pay It" : - v , : ,! , "Amen !" said tha, saved. ' , - - - "Push tha Lord along!" said tha sin-1 nera. . - . '1 eras In Loa Angeles when I re ceived tha message," resumed 1 Mrs. Crawford after tha interruption. "I got a call from tbo Lord to go to Oakland, but I had no money.. fMy huenana wanted ma to stay at home and be would-not glv ma a eent- The Lord told me I did not need money, for my fare was -already paid. And what do you thlnkf On my way to. the a tat Ion a , man eslteA me where I . was going wrx I S.r htm. He paid my fere." , P ielt, him eicng!" sou trie smntj. " l.llletHlfc. n m xnn saved. .-'"At rmk:nrd I met rVJtef Hutchinson. Wha said: -ITa urjlns Xr Afrlr and I haven't a lli'i.g -n my lisck,'", t rM! ha! ha!" uahed the sinners. '. VtUory b o a :" said tli sayeil ',; Dot PetiUcoat On ft "Now.-t had. noti lr.g to offfir Sister Hntehirsa Uiat. J knew she would A Crujada' Against v Secret Uedicines. tlone Juui Involved aanafketaxers ol. nearly all kinds, hxt ipaxed few pro eacenoisnTaort. Eacli and every one of these antan) rises nerhan deserved torn crltiaiam. t7hether their opponent hare dealt wit them juitly or not, they are prompt ly adjusting thenuelree to tha new conditions, and demonstrating to h huiiness world that in the large thing. tey hare been governed by sound (Inaneial integrity, eten If In eoma- ft Vartioolart the time were ripe for other great lndiniiloi, IE YIlTXTI HZDICOT! HTDTTSTET ia COZllmLT In fhl f fa tthalVsTk ATsaTswisnlVs flsMTsUrsj Af aaaM.a.iMAn lial VsUlfl h A TTt lTl " "9 mW av suits v A VVAAIUp. wwVIvr V WjmyJBXXU .M.ts UVVM Ifaav smsmmij war-cry again uese mediolaea, -j. : . - r It wu admitted on the Bart of oatent mediclnt maanfaeturerTi. that their formula were kept secret. They felt obliged to to thii, la order to pment imiUtora 2nm Impoeing on the public After a proprietor had epent hundreds V v. w uuuom in aavenuing a xeinoay, iuo ieo-ecy ei ma lormuia was hit only protection against othen itepping la and reaptig the reward of ,hiif tremeadoua outlay ia adTertiaing, v ' . - y . : -v-W 1, ': L The uawillingnesa of patent ediciae maaufacturera to 'meal Uie lay erred protection from the' government tie aame as any Oder citizen who procarae a patent oa aa invention or proeeea. , SUT , THIS COH SIDESA' TI03T DID K0T KZZP TIU CBITIC8. .. v V v" - . ; i . Tha aoHtaHnn v.. ..ui - vi. ia, .vi . tory oa the part of aaoh maaifactaren to emote certain iagredienta oa the i label of each package,.. r. , : "' ," ':' 5-" i It wai thought beet to include alcohol ia the lilt of obf ectlonabla' lWred- iantsv- Thia being the only objectionable ingredient oontained In Peruaa, the inuaiaciurer 01 inia Terr excellent rsnisdv nrnmntlv nhevad tha law. v . - ! ; Indeed, he Toluatarily went farther than thia,' Dr. Hartman, aftrt lerioni coaaideraUoa of the matter, haa concluded to put PLAXNXT ON THE LABEL OF ZACH B0TTUS the principal active comtitaeata of whioa Perona ia com poaed. While we do aot agree t&at the claim against secrecy, haa beea a juit one, yet from this time oa we have concladet to take Parana oat of the lift of leoxot patent madioiaaa. ;v.. ..-:.. : :. i- for his attack on her daughter. stay. ("Hooray for hlmf cam from a sinner.) If you don't want to hear. me out. go" out - I baptised a woman In Los Angeles and tha devils came oua of her. Some of them babies and ethers like mules and oats. An Bast Indian, boy came to our mission there of his own I accord. He never heard English spoken. out ne uiaea penecuy unasr inspira tion."'. '" .-' . "Olory b to Oodr" xelatmd tha writhing alnner between hi groans. "Hooray for. a woman with Imagine tlon!" said a slanar. - .. - . "That's true, or God can strike to dead.''-aald Mm. -Crawford. "Now you sea that Ood hasn't struck me dead, ao it must be true." . . "Hooray for. Irresistible logic T whis pered a slnnar.v. , ,. , J- - ISNOW ON v - JfDVCTIONS I!f All DEPARTMENTS r G ATt BARGAINS I N r t'OTH GRLATrMRGATNS 'WsrflRT5 GRLAI7BAKGAINS TN TTfOinF Tl ?AGAINS IN UMBRE.LL till AT T?Alra v :LTX t Death of Charles O. Peck. . 1 1 (Special Dtepateh to TW tnarael.t ; 1 Bherwood, or.,isn. 2-Charles a Peck, for te years an invalid, haa died at the country home of n ia. r. taia oeorge A. uore, near Tualatin.' wants So I let: tne Lerd decide. ,1 Mr. Pei k was born at Bloomlngvllle, . luvw't wouia le-'.'-. Just what to Krle county. Ohio, May S. 1115. . Ia' gtvr " )Ud hT re, n did. He told 1171 ha came to Oregon from Miehi- ehe wtinted rn " rut b. " Mjirglea.) an- i iV; '-'T- effaror) It to i.v erd.afc aald It waa ' i ; i , i . .. - , ju,t wj,at she w.r:td." ' ' Australian Coal fop Coast. ' "How murji v'd ,h . on ilf asked ' Uearaal bwmsiI skrvNe.1 ' . a s.niier. ' - f t 8an Pranolsco, Jan. I. The first cargo.' Tenter st."hii! the saved er Australian coal arrived today on thai ' ah tne emvo-w imnga on esrtn British steamship Ellerlo . from Miar In my rrtliy, se'4 Mrs.-Crawford, bonm. For want of coal the Alaska.! with an Irdn-nt lolc at th sinners. f.S O'VIi IK " " wi,..uvij a. wvuiun ( rl" me a re1- rul '"V v.saperwoman NG lR Ins inglIoves -V- -a - w I KFE lil'lr wr'ni.. A t-A'T- va hi mill, iiivdi aw ' u ' I vii vuilMI' : I .; r A A ; " Treadwell stamp mill haa been closed down, aa tha Dunsrnulr mines ere put ting their output In reserve, v 'Further ! cargoes from Melbourne are due. , - -v'- i 1 1 i im ; .. Offloera of Xaahbwrf Lodge, v (Uperlal Dlapateh te Tke Jeornal.i Helix. , Or.. Jan. - i.The foiiowlnc officer have been elected for Nssbbur lodg No. It. A.,r. A. M., for th ensuing year: J. . Norvell. W. M-: Manueal Freidley, B. W.; O. W...PIpr, J. W.; S. T. Isaaca, treasurer; M.- A. Pergusoh. seeratary; O. f. Piper, tyler. did. Hh told by ti Lord as give to the altar. in $li ml -" din. - I told mv husband that and M lo"KeJ like Ju eenta" Twenty three." eorrece a sinner. ' "Thirty." Wilsred jrv. O iwford. "I i know whit- i'w., J ( ao tmotnsaerated gil K "Oh." ai 'he slnntr, sertekijy j "t'n it vn't a bargain ' I "No. Inlcd It ' wii n4t," r. pile "Mra. , - torrt with lnet eno o" a emll to - xh vangntcr roliav, ' "A man waa crying for maray, and I prayed for him and ha got saved. .Til suffer for ray religion. . Tha police ar after us, but they can strip ma and e tripe my back and tear out my tongnat I don't care. Ood will glv ma speech. I seal of Ood on my forehead, and I knew not sickness,-sorrow or death.-- Peace flows; Uka a river in my oul.i' ; ; .. . - i. v-1 r--iv. -.calory b to Oed. said th saved. fc i wna - to- Crawford,- added . slnr nr.. ' '; . - Mr. Crawford gava ' plao to man with artlatlo hair and a poetio mu tacbe. wha " said - bs - had Joined ' tha tongues under inspiration. . When the Inspiration cams to him b kept it to himself, for fear that If ha told any one they would Inform the devil, end his Bataalo majesty would corns along with a pitchfork and dig the inspiration out or the repentant sinners nearv Tha writhing sinner's -condition grew serious aeout tnia time ana Mrs. Craw ford massaged hla head, while "Beaney" anff-Tohn"l.aiaeseo and hlswife, the colored leadera of tha movement, knelt at his feet, In sympathy a woman fell into a trance. . Her condition awakened no apprehensions beCasse aha has bad th trance habit evar elnca n nrst joined a new sect five rear ago. The sinner did not recover possession af his facul ties until 749 o'elocW although a blonde young man Bang at intervals a hymn, which rans ' - -: Jras Deep were tha grpana that heaved ny r 1 . heart, ' I - - ' ; c. . Bitter my ighs th perfect rest. Fierce we my Wht agalaat lnbrd Bin, Firm my resolve fo aie or win; Jeaus savwd . mJ wondrouly aavea me; AH of my sins' are. washed whlta as snow. And I have frieddm, glorious freedom. For ne now seeps me wnerever l go. Tha hymn wsa Arst aung in tha un known tongue; bat aa no one joined th chorns (all the tangled - tongue were praying and' therefore' exempt from duty) the chorister- repeated .it in ordi nary isngllah, i f -.. . .-. - Owing o tli . condition of ' th. re pentant sinner the tongues did not rest for supper. All continued th service without intermission until 10:10 p. m, when th light war turned eut and th sinners .dismissed. Those who had re ceived tha Pentecost or were about to re ceive it were permitted to remain. ,;s: ' l' : Xeporter TCas V arrow Baeapa, C ' AS the erow4 waa leaving an old woman grabbed a reporter by the arm. . -saved, Brother- ah asked. "No,7 waa tha answsr. . , , "Oh. "you can. be saved.- I 'recalmut Christ while I was- asleep and ihla rli-l (pointing to a pretty young woman of about 30) wa aaved while sitting hr." remap i n unworthy," said th re porter. . , i -,.,-.,' -,. . Oh, say not so," said th young woman. "To the unworthy' nn ' aank heaven is given." Com, be aavd. Com Pe-ru-na Continues to. Have the Confidence ; ' I tt : 4ha DnentH " ". UI VIIIO, I CUJJIOs :-TTe tow offer Pernaa pnblio as a regular pnarmaoe ucal product wis Just as eal as any oomponad put the medical professioa. So straining' of medical ethics can y PAIBCIFAL ACXIYS LSQEEDlXaiS axe prominently incorporated ia the label oa the bottle, that the people may kaow that the claims made for Parana bare it tree jattitotfoju, .. , 't v'' tlfi-.y-L!? . The-only departure we shall make from medical ethics In the ooadaot ef Peruna afiairs in the future, la the fact that we shall continue to adTertiie and tell oar prodaot TO TUB PEOPLE. ' r r -; If we would agree to sell to doctors only, te adTartise for doctors only, then the medical fraternity would be obliged to recognise Peruna as being entirely withia their approTai.-- & .v - :-j ..--;? -..-fn- -....--r-- J:- BUT WE SHALL EOT DO TEJ3. ' T' ;;;'-'- T;:z-- .We aball ooatiaae to offer. Peraae to..the. people,- We shall; ftonrey to the people oar claims for Parana as a household remedy. We shall ooatiaae to supply the people with free literature, teaching them how to ase oar medicine, teaching them how to avoid disease, teaching them many things of benefit to the home.- We shall eoattaw tb,hthr- W. rHisiij, professioa like it or not i . ' rX:i'7yy'F'7tr: y'-'' f - We are proposing from thia time ea to Uk tle pnoiio ko oar cuLf irc - v Hot lthstanding that some imitators and substturt wul beiattemptng put ap something which they consider jtn as oyt as reruns, am tTjlag to V draw aaidothe veil of secrecy and allow siy t-& v? ho f.ocu to luoetr txw.i!y " MM naa,aU.VilAM WaUWWUh V" . ... ; 'i,. 5,.;....:. - I" This ought to disarm all hoaert erltlela.r7e uphowtv-, tit !;- 't? ilfdara will ooatiaae, Oa some pretext or o x tea who art er.viocn cf ii eaocoss of Peraaaweontinaetoilnd&W ct dstambtd U m such people no just complaint .- "j-;r4f'-;;.j,.,".,( .;... "v PE&TOA IS A GBEAT VXDICOT. ' ' - r '.V ; ' It has become a household word is. wSiicrrtif loaea, ? oif iUiCi is ; ; J remedy is stronjrer than ever. Every year we expect to eUu-J war tWUll. ia foreign lands until the people of all the world are supplied wita this wl aable household remedy. J ' ' ' " ' ' 1 ' . TV . WE ASE GOUKl TO DO EVJUm'UUSra Dr THE OPEE..We ere txist to tell oar customers exactly wtat they are taking, aad let them judge fat themselves how much foundation our entice have ur sneur cioims. - . All we ask of the pablio is to be as fair with as aa we are with them. i r 'VSCLADI PEHTOTA TO SEA CATASSH 1ZXEDT. Buy a bottle aad try it If it helps yon, be honest and aoknowledg that it has helped yoa. " . . a. .at. M a ei . If yoa want as to we will purmsa your ttateaent exaouy aa yoa lunua u to as. We will add ao words, take away ao woris. If yoa wish as te we will publish your portrait ia connection with it We. will aot do thia without youi wnttea reqaast, without yoar eaore ooaseat . . Peruna Has cured thousands of people oicLXPlic oaiarTn, m many pnases ana locations. At least, that ia what the people ear to as, through unsolicited tee timoniala. Peruna will care many thousand more, la spite of abrioated slanders to the eoatrary, . .. ., J "' k ' WX QUAJBAfiX XYZST BOTTLE Or FZJauaA TV wa tOJJM ItSJ TWOSZOEElfTS PSBsTZS ON THE LABZLr-. . , . We guarantee that every testimonial we ase la absolutory true ia tht exact language of thcteetifler. ' i ; We guarantee that ererr ahotograoh ouilished is the phQtograph of thi person whose aame it bears, that every word ef every testimonial was aathor Ixedby the hand that signed it. :; ... ;..'.'Y ; .:-'; We are determined to beat oar oaaonests by being fairer taaa tney ara by dealing sqnarer than they dare to. We are determined to meet ialsehoos with truth, duplicity with eaador, iasiaoerity with sincerity. ; t webowthatthaasersofPeruaawillavpreeia we oeuert that the dealers ia Peruna will applaud oar course. We expect area oar op nonents trfll he nhlls-ed in arVnnwlie finallw that Pernna ia not ortf al honest and aseful remedr.but one of thaND&ZATKT HOUSZHOLD JaXDi C1ET8 OH THE COJTTIJrZST ' ? ' ';!' N r '- IS ..1" Get Rid v y:y:p-y of Scrofala Tart Tracts of Texas Lands Sold. . (Journal gDeelal Hervl,. ' HdusUrv- Ten ian. a.- Over 109.000 acre (of land were sold hy publlo auc tion yeatereay." The purchaser have 4 . - m .. . -.L,h im lite hV tha "eVar- P" t-f "atati B--S ol tijc r.'eWs snd ears, tilsestei of th Laws trsts f land st1infniilnfor oe-TlWioe, rl .'-, (lyn P''S catarrh, jtln. cuparc-v . (his .('. " Biirtlies, ropi!ons, inflammation;' sore I .; -T t ar only so a ot tte trounnt H can sea. . .. t I;.': A . - ' H: . .7 -".--.-I -. .'.I tba w&cJe r'fctem, ' ' I V -I' !.,S as,.rT T A m T X W li 1 "raei p- iu wr.( i , . ' l-V.. ; I, II 0 . 1 H A'II Y '!' 3rm-.ver, tf. C- J. J.-At th-: t a w f r eea v.'' 'i n'.C4TJ L,,Aatrv- ll'tuiorth .wn nci.-.e,-.irw orU "J wwa.Uilia .... ' -'',SlJ l)tXOND ; '"., M. 'I-iBda'?.' a eWJnliet. rvwd . ,.nj,.,..f ru-aMUUona . j , ' 1 havv hfcl) es I a shew thnt j ' ... , , ... . It waa hard to resist' tha fate ntaadae but an avenue of eax-ape wa opened by srmpiipatia sinners. and It was laaen. .. ",,'.. . ...- . .Th tan gid tananiM wairai nn. -nW. , . " ' - myvmn n meeting yatrday. Mrs. CT " , '1 lnt when on of the mem bera learned that tha police had broken hiJTJi-T etursy night he expressed hle.oplaion of onv,., BcU , , u Fsn":g7. "T r?w'hn, V. thtfH all k vi.iu.nuiq - ugqamowi knew wa'a nl mai Twa! ri-,,Mh "" th0 the China. ton,?. ! wlt - na- are ren !"! J".!-- English. Both oi . ut tB tongues. ' . - MAN WITH .TREMENS V - SHOOTS PHYSICIAN tbdsy shot an. " Uwj wEntied rV,eredlth when the l.tW cd to fan hsva r. ... 1"? C0'T, tea filling's Be.L 7.. 7r yr:': y 'y:jih ;"'- -yy:iy .9 f . I r v. ( A Choice store space on Washington street, be tween Fourth and Fifth i". f. 1, : APPLY TO: W. R. MACKENZIE Worcester Block i. ' f V '. t . ' K 5' ! InqncKt on Terra Cotta Victims. : I Jximil fj,il -lee.) Wflilnton, V. i., Jn. J. Coroner Nevltt today bn n Inoueat on ths i r victim of th Terra Cnt train wrack," which ocourred iuldaj? night.- r I ...,,-vv