The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, January 02, 1907, Page 15, Image 15

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    tiii: oivcou daily journal, Portland; Wednesday evening, January 2. 1007.
(Congress Jealous of Its Rights
and May Resent Executive
Diacuaslon Will Bring Before Coun
try Question of Changing Sched
ules 'to Enlarge Foreign Trade
Through Foreign "Agreement.'
" (Waanlngtoa Boreas of The JonrnaLl
: Washington, Jan. J. Everybody ex
PKti a tariff debate In both branches
of congress aftar tha holiday recess ta
over, Tha discussion wlU - aarra to
place ' before tha country mora widely
than haa yet been done the sharp dis
tinction ' between chanting . the tariff
in certain schedules so aa to enlarge
the foreign trade of the United States
through commerelal agreements, and
the very different method of general
tariff revision. In anticipation ot Its
.relation to- the debate, there la eager
Interest in Washington aa to the na
ture of the forthcoming report of the
special commission sent to Berllr to
ascertain-what concessions -ara possible
In order to obtain for Imports from
the 1 United-States - into Germany the
minimum . rates of that country's new
tariff law. T.;--
There la ' keen curiosity also as to
what the president will say ta the mes
sage -with which it Is understood he
will -transmit to congress this report
upon, the commerelal relatione between
Germany and tha United. StaUa."-. Mow
that It has become an open secret that
the administration lavoia the policy of
utilising some of the duties of the Ding
ley act for-the purpose of effecting
commercial agreements, it Is thought
probable that the German situation may
be made the text for recommending the
adoption of that general policy.
Secretary Root,: as head of the de
partment ' of state. Is naturally Inter
ested In that plan of tariff modifica
tion, aa the negotiation of commercial
agreements would fall under his super
vision. The secretary of, the treasury
Is interested because of the effect of
such agreements upon customs revenue.
The secretary ef agriculture la inter
ested because of the poaelble eniarge-
. mtnt ef exports of American meat and
meat products. ' The secretary of com
merce and labor Is Interested because
" the agitation will direct more than ever
before the attention ot American menu-
facturera to the availability ef foreign
. markets, pointed out In many consular
,. report. - .- .
The preeent postmaster-general.' In
"Ms capacity aa chairman of the Be-
publloan national committee, la inter
eeted because of the political effect
of the adoption by the party of this
--dtatirrct substitute for areneral . tariff
- . MlH .inn t ' .V .
'. Congress la very jealous of Its con-
t trol over the tariff, and up to this time
- muoh doubt haa been expressed whether
the legislative branch of the govern'
ment would consent to delegate te tha
i executive the authority to reduce duties
f within a limit of te per cant, as pro
' posed' tnhe Curtis bill. In return: for
reciprocal concessions sy otner eotm
tries... v.: .
- . .' T -1 ' :
wraifci HAVE
Mrk M LIFE illfllf OR YOU
I Will Make Millions Invest With Me If You Want to Share With Me You Must Come
- Quick Your Money Will Grow Into Thousands
I ran a machine ahop and brass foundry in Minneapolis, I did the repair work for the Electrical
Street Railways of St Paul and that -city. I was so successful as1 a mechanic and electrician-tn-thia
repairing tnai i waa requests- to changa every dynamo put in by the General Electric Co. I saw au
the troubles of the street railway managers. ; I found tha present system of running streetcars was
sntlrely wrong. . . . : f
. I found I oould get mfcre power, greater speed, more safety and comfort by running cars with electro-
magnets oireci man oy ins rounaaoout, mixea-up system now used by electrlo railways.
, I have always been a successful manufacturer and Inventor. I have had charaa of 209 exnert meehnn
ice at one time. All of my inventions have made great successes and enormous sums of money. ,The
-great svccessiui oaro wire Dusinoes toaay is duiii on my patents. , , ,
The btfst money being made today In the manufacturing ef harvesting machines is eery' largely baaed
on my Inventions. .
' first switch and turn-out that prevented the trolley wheel on trolley cars from con
stantly jumping the wire at eroaatnirs. - ,.
ror fourteen years X have studied how to make ears run faster, cheeper and safer than ever before.
I am dons experimenting. . . : ' "
I Have at Last the Greatest Invention of This Century
- -;.'''.." . - y' '"
' It will remodel the whole railroad business. There le not a railroad In this country but that will
iron m- inter bs compelled to adopt ray system, because It Is cheaper, faster, safer and more money
making than any other system. .. . . .
I absolutely control the next great step forward In the railroad world in my patents.' Why? Because
steam haa tun. its limltt - Bteam cannot run a train 104 miles an hour and keep it up. The trolley and
present third-rail system cannot be depended -upon for long dletanoea. Their motors are likely to
burn out any minute. With my system I can run a train any distance In any kind of weather, without
"atitch or breakdown. SO to 100 miles sn hour with perfeot safety. By my system. If a wheel broke
or a rail broke the cars wouttt stay exactly In position on the track. They could not do .otherwise.
They could not Jump the traok at any speed. It would be Impossible to run my ears off the end of a
track Into a river where a bridge la open. My ear would stop Itself even if the laverman were aaleep. -
I know this whole system to be a success, because f have tried It for two years. During that time
millionaires have tried to get control of my eystem, but I would not let them, because ! preferred to
protect my own and small stockhblders' investments.' .
Charles T. Terkes offered me 1100,000 If I would throw my Invention on the acrac-Dlle and fbrs-et
- It Me"dld not-want to be compelled to change his old -cabin system. . ,i . ......... . u.l . ..... . .
Tom Johnson of Cleveland offered to furnish 1300,000 for my patent rights for over eighty- miles
an hour. .- ' --
Wall .street capitalists have made five different attempts to gain control over the Leffler Electrlo
System, and Wall street generally knows a good thing when they see It I could not afford to let
; these big moneyed Interests get control. - I preferred to go to the small Investors, to the people who
want to make email, but safe and euro Investments. I have therefore bound myself to this company
, and te every stockholder, that I will personally sea to it that every man and woman who makes an
Investment In thle company will get a squaredeaLhla Is asq,uaro deat-froja start to finish.-
You'IPHave to Be Quick to Get in Before Next Advance
j pattx, w. isms. ,
Inventor of the Xesfxlst Eleotro-aCagBetlo Baliway and
Signal System. Inventor ef machine to snake Barb
Wire. Zaventov ef many Improvements to Harvesting
Machines. Oonsral Manages and OonsrUtl&s; Bagtaees -of
Loftier Sleotrio System. .-. N
To prove that yos will set s aanare
I save had the following contract printed an
we ones w every ceruncaie:
tSix Thousand Dollars Worth of
; Substance) Recovered by Aid
', of Negatives. .'
" (Joernal Special Service. 1
- - New Tork, Jen. I. The peculiar prop
" ertlea of radium enabled George B.
, Pegram, Instructor of physics at Colum-
bla. university, to recover recently
1 0,000 worth of the substance which
i Dr. Robert Abbe of St Luke's hospital
i had lost
. i ' Abbe was one day using radium in
the treatment of a patient and dropped
' a tube containing to milligrams of It
on the floor. The -radium salt spread
' all over the carpet and could not be
. Abbe applied to Pegram. who is Co-
lumbla s radium expert, regram vieitea
the hospital and took with him several
i photographic plates covered with Discs
paper. These he placed on the floor
- where the radium waa believed to be.
' ' When the plates were developed be was
able te see the exsct position or toe
' radium. Hs then hsd taken up tha seo-
, tlon of carpet where the photograph had
shown the salt to be and, with the dust
under It, it was 'carried to his labara-
Pegram shook all the dust out of the
- carpet and by a simple cnemicai treat-
- ment recovered something more thsn
' (0 milligrams of a mixture of barium
' and radium bromide, which he believes
, rontalna most of the salt that was lost
The whole amount lost weighed only
about a grain. . - ":- " 1 .
"""V.'., ...'-a 'i '
(ysmsal aeeelal terete.)
. New Tork. Jan. I. "The increased
' death rate among negroes" is tbs reason
.'given by the Metropolitan Life Insur-
- anee company for refusing to accept
mere appllcatlona for policies from
' them. - The company now carries more
than f 1.000.000 worth of risks on negro
policy-holders. f Th. new order went
Into force yesterday, but the agents
assert that the reason assigned by the
- company Is not the sole one. The agents
' ssy that 1 the negroes, most of whom
have Industrial pollclea with premiums
ef from It to IS cents per week, fre-
. quently permit their policies to lapse,
but renew then after a short time.
Upon renewals the agents have made
a percentage that the company would
. have secured had the policies not Ispsed
After 'yesterday all policies held by
negroes thst are allowed to tapes will
be cancelled, notwithstanding ths fact
that there le a state law prohibiting
. Insurance " companies discriminating
' against -negroes.
Ail or any shares of tho capital
stock of the beffler xieetrlo System
will be redeemed by It- a par ot
face value up to, and Including, the
lots, day ef May. A. J. 123. upon
written notice properly given to. sel&J
itnpaay at its' executive oznoea ta
Chicago, Illinois, In a manner and
form aa provided by its by-laws, and
adopted, by a majority of the stock
holders of this Company, so that all
stock so offered for redemption,
wlt&la any gives period, may share
equally and proportionately. How
ever, the stock ef this Company la
only redeemable from funds re
ceived, or to be; received, aa royal
tua-fxeaa railroad eompanlae using
the patents of this company under
lloenae, and after proper autloe, na
aforesaid, which, may be received
front stockholders direct, or front
fuoa ef said railroad companies as
have received said stock In payment
for - transportation, or otherwise,
rmvOTZDKo, iowxtzb, no stock
shall be redeemed, antu after Kay
iota, looe, except at the option of
this company.
OKist expert ensloeers la - this eoaotry kave
rarerallj examined mr srsten and ridden es
my ear, and they hare written reports aa
what they saw and found. These enflnee.e
re jobs aricaoa. cur cnalneer or Lhlraao:
Ksrl Ja Lebmann, eoasaitlDg eaftneer ef Chl-
nro, na r. . i-apprien, rormec city SO'
Slnrar of Ulnoea colls. Mionesota.
They declare the system successful, simple
and practical and point out many other fee
tores wherala the Leffler ayaum ta aa tm-
now knowa to be la existence. Other nnDrta
diced and aclcotine experts have proaoasced
the eyitem wouierfally simple end simply
woedrrtal. - The reports will be sent te any
eoe npoa request, t
ma aomuLOT shahs
III pay yos mil race vahie
That this com Dan r will
ler evary share ef stock yon boy out of the
royalties pate try rauroaa companies saug say
To caa see you? etock as cash la paynxnt
ror I are er ireigst. aa say mas aaing my ays
tea. -' ..
Too see.' ererr read that sees my ayetem
will have te pay oar enmpany a royalty erery
yeas atmply far the rlfbt te nee it. These
railroad eompanlce woald Jaat aa anon pay ne
with these certificates as to pay cash, and the
certificate would be the same as cash to ni.
This contract means that if roe bonaht 100
shares at the present price yos woo id be able
to get t leaat tl.OuO from say railroad ailnf
mr aratem. Or yoa eeald turn the eertlacatas
ef stock la te ne and set 11,000 Is eaab when
there la roraltr moner ta ear treasury. I
don't think yon will ever want to sell, becaaae
ef . the enormous dlrldends we will pay. But
If yon should be compelled ta eU youf eer
tlOcste woald be worth Its fall f- value.
This makes it absolutely lmnoseiDie ror any
stnek holder ta be rosea sat of the company.
QVAma -
Kvery ahare et stock Is oar company Is en
the square. Kot a dollar's worth ef the stock
wlU be sold which does not represent exactly
the seme footing er etaadtag that erery other
shsre or dollar repreaenta.
The stock M FUU.X raiu ana nui.u-
what aoxBT mimu sati
who thinks this is
t em not tile only
; perract, eimpie, eneep aaa. eoauen-
lately prevent Mtllslaos. Everywl
tsj it sends sisnale ahead aad behind.
I absohitel
a ear mor
It IS not free ted by storms or any weather
condition. My signal system dose not require
either hand or mind ot mas to operate It. Me
wires r or poles are exposed where etorms can
blow them down er Interfere -wrth"-them.- If
iDxoniro aome, ccioent one sifnal Is brakes,
er otherwise put est ef commix ton, another
signal Immediately takea Its place. Erery
train, dispatcher and operator we the road can
go to sleep, and my signals will work perfectly
aad aafelr. Kres the trainman hare nothing
to do with them. There la so forgetting.
Every signal works automatically. Whoa
tratne come together too closely, heed ea er
rrom we rear, an electrlo pell ruga rigorously
w ui mtrau e ceo.
cam tnroxa absolut oosttboi.
It la all controlled by one lever. The
mas etarta. to pa and reTeraee with the eame
tercr. enow. ice. sleet, ram. areaae. sin and
eucn ouoetcncwj ue nor aisect Ula
control ef the car er train.
Becauee before kmjr we will be aatniur my
system on all the standard, street aad inter
or be a rallwara. Jaat think what as immense
Business mat wiu ae. une eomnany atone now
employs 12.000 men te make the present elec
tric railway equipments ana cars. nnotner
Bra emptors nearly es many men. There are
also tbuutanda ef men employed making atand-
ard locomotives and equipments ail of thsee
will be bark numbers, snd wlH hare to go out
of buaineea because this Leffler electric eye-
tern will take their place and will employ
thousands mure. .
Coma and see this most remarkable larsatioa
ef the twentieth century. - -
Thle le each as opportunity aa sees sot come
to anr one once la a hundred yeara. to set is
ea the ground Soar ea e proooeUipa booad to
make million. It Is the next greet forward
step In ths railroad world.- It" means ths nltl
mete changing ef every preeent steam and
street railroad ever te tha Leffler ayatesx, sot
only becanso It ran ran faater. but It aaree
about half ia operating expenses and thousands
of Urea.
It meewe faster and cheeper treeei ana
greater nroflta to the railroad aaasagera sad
I cannot describe the system rally Here. I
have done thle la a booklet which I will eend
jo free for the eaktng. If yoa can't take but
ten Shares, get tha booklet and leera fully all
tha wonders ef tha simplest, most perfect aye.
tern ever devised. It win set yes te wonder'
lng thst some one did sot think ot this- msr-
velooe Idea before.
When I send yea this Booklet I wW alee
aead yoa the reports of some ef the ablest
slretrlcsl engineers In this country . who have
carefully examined the aystsm. They fully
Indorse It.
We save leoalsea reqneets from ae leas than
saves different responsible parties withia the
past two weeks for estimate for putting in
my rj'iias en new roans
Itraoted. : :
.'-v.-: e
Don't let tbie opportunity clip by. As soon
as the world learns what a simple, money
seeing and money-earning system thistle the
money-making Instincts of ths railway man
stars will fores them ta adopt it. This will
mean millions for The alorknrAere. The
nroflta aad dmdeada can t help but be aome-
umg woaoerrui.
Crest fortunes are ' made nowadays by
pie who make Judicious Investment ex
ssrtngs and earnings. .
Sarins money doaan't make yea rtehL- It
la making the money work 4or yen while
yos ere .working that brings wealth.
Invest your as rings ta something sure te
Bring the greatest returns. Bankers get rich
by doing thst with the money yoa deposit
with them, end they pay yoa eoly g or 4 per
cent , for the esc of year money. Why not
do as the banker does snd gst all the proem
Bare ST sack aa opportunity as may never
enme year wsy again. Such great things as
this do not coma more than once in a cen
tury. It Is no to yoa to act carefully, wisely
and intelligently. InTetigta- CVMT''cUlni I
make. Go Into It thorouahlr. Find cot for
yourself that I bare the greatest railway
system ever devised, and .don't Invest one
cent aniens yoa are nerfectlr satisfied. I
hare Just what I elslna to bars. Ask all the
questions yes want to and t will answer every
queetloa honestly and sonars ly.
1. hoasstly bailer tola stock will advance
100 per cent or mere within a year. If yoa
want to ahare la these enormous profits it will
be necessary for yoa te act NOW. This stock
will sever be lower, end la sure to advance
at least IB par coat within the next few
days. It -is on the ground floor now, but
never will ha again. Be wise In time. Be-
memner- ibis m not an tried experiment, I
mr-snd-srstsnv te now rod. T want
yoa to call and Investigate it thoroughly. I
will be glad to- chow everything about It
to you at any time. - Everything Te and will
be thoroughly 'covered by pe tents, and the
patents are an oar the abeoluts control of the
I honestly believe that a very little money
Invested In. this stock now, at the present
bottom price, will Hi -s very short time yield
such - aa Income aa will make yoa Independent
for life. It is the chance of a esntury. if
yoa miss it yoa will regret It all your life.
This company la not loaded dowa with a
aa Qxncx ajtd out
- nrcoau
a atrsa xxra
Tor every is shares, 1 43 caarh.
l"o every 100 shares, S4S0 eaab.
Any ether somber of shares, ap to
8,000 hares, at the same rate..
- vva smubs; anusixsuix raxauiarT
-'- - . - - FleAsT ... 'j
Por every is shares, 910 eaak aad
mosthly payment M each. Total, S4S.
Tor every loo stereo, flop sash and
monthly payments 900 each. Total,
460. , J.-' . ' ' .
Any ether ' Bomber ef shares, ap te
5,000, at the same rate.
Par value ef alt shares, 110 per share.-
Not mora tbaa I.OuO abarca te any eae per.
a. -' ; ' !'..;.'i
AU remittances mast be made la either post-
office money order, registered letter, express
mocey order or draft. ....,. ...
ir yea let this opportunity get by without
taking aU the stork yoa can possibly boy yos
wlU soon-, be ia the position of the sacs who
refused to buy Bell Telephone stock when It
ebald be had for email money end later sew
it aeU for thirty times wbst he .could bars
bought It for. . - -. -
I is st the office every say from t a. as. to
S p. m. h'ext Saturday sight on til S a' deck.
If yoa can't call, writs far booklet aad en
gineers' reports. M i
lot of -watered Block, neither la it a pro
matar'a eomnanv. It Is a etralaht, sous re
deal, directly between yoa end the company.
There le absolutely no free se out scheme
mixed up In a tangle of preferred and com
mon stock, sor ia there any ether etyle of
hacua Borne. Every shsre ef stock atande ex
actly ea s level with every ether shsre. -
only a email portion U ua euica w veiug
Bold below par. If yna desire to get In on
ths ground Boor it wlU be nereeeary for yoa
te act at once. Bamember, this la bo untried
experiment We hare a car all mad and
oa exhibition which will show any one ex
actly what our system Is. Come and see tor
yourself exactly what we have got. Ton
will And It a marvel ec simplicity end prac
ticability. Yoa will sot qoeetloB when yoa
it. that this eosiDanv will become the
owner of one ot the greateet electrical manu
facturing plants la the world. The company
has something ee esao bettee aad aaoch
farther In advance pi anyumg aiaa ever
heard ef that It la bound to stake millions
for ltt stockholders. ' -
Call, write er telegraph at enoe.
this stsrem tob stbbbt ....
kauvwats .
There are no overhead wires, no tbtrd
rail, no slot In the street, bo underground
trolley, no obstructions In the Surest.
- Caa be run faater, safer, easier aad
morel comfortably than any ether ayetem
knows. -r
It Is ehaaser to operate, naes a kalf less
fuel at power boose, te cleaner, surer and
quicker in eperetion thaa a ay ether.
Can not be stopped by elect or anew
storm, rsln, Ira, grease, dirt or any ether
similar obstructions on toe trsck.
. It cannot produce electroly! ear water
pipes or conduits "la the streets, which ka
now sack s heavy expense to cities under
the trolley.
It cannot Interfere With any other elec
tric wires, reqtnrae leas current tnaa etaar
systema, and develops greater power.
It la all controlled by one lever, and la
slwsys unnse the aaost
anywhere, end under all eondltlone.
It la scire leas, since there - are ne gear
ings, motors or thm machinery te grind,
euueak or rattle.
There are so tram-oars" of motors,
because there ere ae motors to burn cat.
. It b impossible for men or beset to get
s shock from ea electric current.
It does away entirely with toeonwtlves.
heavy motor cars, electric coglnee end ell
other almllar heavy and expenalve ma
chine. - -
a. suced of SO to 100 miles sn hour ess
be regularly reached and maintained for
any distance.
Hans winter and ssmmer alike. Mot
affected by- ice, - enow, grease, dirt, elect,
rain or any ether weather condition.
Lees thaa one quarter ef the fuel Is
- Trains ess be etsrted end stopped quicker
thsn by say other system snd without
discomfort to passengers.
Power, souses caa . be placed 900 svues
No brakee are required. The stopping la
done by reversing the current.
There ia ne flattening of the wherle and
consequent jogging of the cere. Wheels
do not grtnd on the rail to start trains,
hence no holes sad depress lone are made.
it le eaaler oa the roadbed and ears, and
practically no repair will be seeded. .
ahd UHiorrpAinc
3 Trains tp (he East Daily 3
nJ "ollmas standard and tjortst sleee
!oeare dally u ftmaka. Chicago. Spoksael
K alplngrf Sally te Kansas ty.
Uei rw.
vuicago-Poriieaa gpeelal fas
ebab-caire (see la txsel
Wv Atrles.
SO am 1:Sbss
VSJ'.'S rlX Hs'n"e. dly. t
wPnV 'Iyer for Csstern
Washlnrtaa. nr.n. b.h.
Ctmt d'Alene and
eia llnntlngtou. dallv
rnrtiaBd-Blrcs loee'..
:Upm O Msm
til is Irat sm"
t-ilLUaJflT BIT BR DrVIfllQ.
?.A.(rie eud way points, eonnaetm wtm
Sy for Ihvaee aad North Beech, team
.,"','. 'b -t. ork. Weee g p. S Sally. ,
shot. aandayt Batnrilay, 19 B, as. Arrives
"a p. m.. except Bandar.
T"' ayron. Oreroa City sad IamhtB rtese ,
r.amre Bath aad Modoc. Aah-et. aork.
ST.7h,I' " daUy exeept Banday (water per
unlii' 1M " JXr eaaeavt
e.,, rat"0.. Idahe. aad way points feara
rDC' Wssh.. steamers Spokane end leek.
iS? r..B 40 a. m. er apoa arrival Trals
?,', errept aerurdar. Arrive c p. en.
iTSncT't rrldsv.
Ticket Office, Third and Ws.htagtos eta.
Telephone Mala Tit.
,J,Wi"TINGeiB, CI re Ticket Agast.
Wax. ntsXCBBar. fiesral Paeeeoaer Aswat,
$f Suirat r l" 1
OlOenta anSal-l
. Caloa Depot-.
fort land aa a.. av.i
cUoe Bxnrcec Btopa only
st most important ststkins
betwaoB rortlaad and gas
panrlsco; coouecttooa at .
sae rranclaco foe all points "
Beat ang rimith T77. 11 JO P ll:S0m
Overland Bxpreae Trains
for all local points South.
Sscrsnieuto, Baa rrancUos
aad points East aad South. 1:espm "Mia
""""g in 1 nranasta ar -
lamuie control, oodbura dalle simi
Sunday with Mount Angel
and 8IIvertoa local t.tOiW
Cottage Orova passenger
connects at Woodburo and ' ,
Albanr dallv. axcent Sun
day, with trains fur-points
on Woodburu-Sprinr field and
M m
Albaay-Lebanoa branches.. M'lD poi 11:f) an
Corvallla peeesnger.
Sheridan nasaenaer.
Poreet Orove passenger...
oreei ureve pasaenger.
1 go sal SO pn
4:IO pm ii:ju am
Itlltonam jtn.-onam
lio xii pm pm
Dallr. - MDallr except Bunder.
Per Dailae and intermediate points dally, T'S
a. m. and I li p. as. Arrive orUaad 10:10
a. m. and M p. a.
Por time end card ef Oewege euhorbaa trains
apply at City Ticket Office, er etatlna.
Tickets to Eaatera potato end - Boreas, eaa
Japfin. China. Honolula and Anatralla.
City Ticket Office corner Third ead Wsae
Ington atre-t.. Phone M'e Tlx. ' . .
City Ticket Agest, Oeo, Paaa. Asset
Astoria & Columbia
River Railroad Co.
Daloa Depot
For Maygera, Rslnler, data-
weetnort, cultos, As
toria, Warrenton, rlavel,.
se goiyy 1.11,1 1 , l. s.'JJSsan' J 4 . a :" f, .1 S'v" '.4V "(
a 4
This teffler aieetrie TraU Will Baa SO to S0O xnee as Hour Without the rosstblllty of amptn7 the Track drwlft,
I. Safe aad Bare. .
eertatnty smashed a hole In tbs bar
rooms of Kansas, but Ballard's Hore
hound Byrup bss smsshed all recoMa
aa a cure for rnushe, Rrenohltta. Jn
fuenxa and all Pulmonary d I Besses. . T.
V.' II HortOB. Ksnans, writes: "f
' lisva never found a medicine thst would
cure n rnue-rt so quickly SB Hallard a
. Horchoiir'l rvrup. I heve used jt, jof
yfi." t ;a by all druggists,
Office Open
Saturday Eve'gs
Until 9 O'clock
rjurruB emctmo sisxiisf, (inc.) cxzoaoo.
The andsrslgned Is onr risoal Agent for toe) West. Address aU inq,nlries and, orders, to , . " ''
Hv JOHNSTON Fiscal Agent
425r426 Fliedner Bldp;. PORTLAND, OREGON
Hammoad. Tort 8 teres. Oser-
kart Park. Baaalde g:00 am U:5S Bas
Astoria and BeaaSore. sxprsss
dally T:00am tiMees
All trains dslly.
1. C NATO. O. t. and P. A.. Astoria. Or.
0. A. 8TEW ART. Commercial Agent,
Aide street. Pboae Mela woe.
North Pacific S. S. Co.
l.SOO tons, sails for Eureka, flan Fran
cisco and Loa Angeles, Thursday, Jan
uary S, at p. m., from Martin's dock,
foot Seventeenth street. Take Htxtesnth
street or "8" oars. Ticket office Hi
Third street, near Aldsr. Fhone al. 1114.
- H. TOUNO, Agent
S. S. F. A. Kilburn
Par Case Bay. trareka aad Boa sieeshaas.
Msxt Bailing from Portia ad, Irlday, Mot. Jg.
Baa Salilag from Baa rranclaon. Thai.. Nov. It,
Oak Street Dock. Phone Main 2960
Pretty Girl Sent 'to .Tomb on
Perjury Charge In Connec
' tlon With Property.
Shrewfl Tactics ot Prisoner Kept At
, torney Bubj for Four Years as De.
trrtlve Peeded Property to Her
. self, Swearing Falsely. ' ;
' (Journal Special Bervfee.1
. i. i.. a T'harred with hav
ing committed perjury that .ahe might
obtain the ehare ot an eatate belonging
. v.n is an Inmate of a
10 nor awiii, " ,w - --- -
poorhoose, and of having defrsuded sn-
othsr aunt or tns incoraa "-(
Msry 3. U MscDenlele of No. 441T
Third avenue, has been Indicted and
sent to the Tombs. "
Lawysr John B. McDonald, who is aou
lng for ths poverty stricken woman,
tells a strange story of the avarice ef
the prisoner, who la young, pretty and
dlgnlned. Ho alleges that ths girl, liv
ing In effluence, never gave a cent te
her Unfortunate relstlve, who le Basin
talned by ths Slats of Massachusetts,
on I-oPg Inland, Bnaton bay.
Air. AtcUonald has acted as a sleuth.
for four years. In this esse haa haa
made It trips to New Tork City, and
haa been to Nova Scotia and Cape
"I have come from my offices In the
Tremont building. Boston, to press the
oaae against thle woman, wno ia just
ss shrewd as she is pretty." hs said.
"1 first appeared. in this case two and
a half years ago, for Ellen Perry, one
of the heirs of Helen A. Pearce. - X am
now appearing also for Sarah A. Davis,
aunt of the prisoner.
-"Helen Pearce. Ellen Perry and Alice
J. McDanlela were sisters. HeTen Pearce
died In 101. She owned Nos. 4411,
4411 and 4417 Third avenue, but at her
death these holdings were hampered
berauss of builders' eoana.
-Mrs. Pearce aleo left about flO.vOft
In peireonsl property. She had a It
family tenement house, No. 44 Esst
Ninety-eighth street. She msde a deed
te Mary J. McDanlela, her niece, giving
her much property. I
Peed stever Recorded.
"At the eame time Mary J. McDanlela
made a deed giving It back to hsr. This
Istter deed never waa recorded. It was
found st the time, of Mrs. Pesrce's
death, and, I believe, was destroyed by
Msry J. McDanlela -
"Miss McUanlels collected me renis
after hsr aunt'e death. I shall prove
all I am charging,
"In December, 101, Mary went be
fore a referee- appointed by. the courts
anid further swore to tre allegations she
previously hsd msde.. It wss Upon this
affidavit, made te Attorney Robert
Walker of No. 71 Broadway that the
charge of perjury waa "based and the
arrest made: . r
"M cm tier a of the McDanlela family
have visited Mrs. Davis at the poor
house. The books show this.
"Furthermore, Ellen Perry wss led to
believe that -11.00 which waa given
10 her after -Mrs. Pearce' a death- wss
her share, end that the testator had left
very little."
Dispatcher from Boston state that
Mrs. Davis seems Incapable of under
standing almost any Question put to
her and appears mentally Incompetent
Miss McDanlels claims that she did
not know when shs msde her affidavit
that hsr aunt i waa living. If ahe hss
reason to believe her aunt waa dead shs
cannot be convicted of perjury. .
s .
(Special Dispatch to The loarsal.)
Tscoma, Jan. 1. -An Inter-denomina
tional missionary institute win t neld
here January 11 to 21. Among the
speakers will be: Rev. E. E. Chi vers of
New Tork, secretary of the American
Baptist Homo Missionary society; Rsv.
Henry B. Blsssll ot India, representing
the American board or missions; a. (.tr
ier MUliksn of Now Tork, secretary of
the educational department of the Pres
byterian board of foreign missions;
Miss Ella D. MacLaurin, apeelal repre
sentative of the American Baptist Mle
elonary union; Miss Ethel D, Hubbard,
special representative of the Amerlcsn
boerd of foreign missions, and Rev. K.
D. Boper, secretary of the young peo
ple's missionary movement. About aOt
delegates will be present, who will be
entertained by members of the different
denominations. '
("pertst Manatee ts Tns JeoraaL)
Garfield, Wash., Jan. 1. Funerp.1 eer
vlcee for J. N. Dlcus, a pioneer of this
elty, were held yesterday at Col fag un
der the auspices of ths O. A. R. Mr.
Dlcus hsd been III for several weeka
and died Sunday evening, surrounded by
his wfe and si, children. Besldee his
family -hare, he Is survived by sereral
brothers and sisters living In Washing
ton. Iowa and Ohio.
Mr. Dlcus wss a veteran of the civil
trar and was fog several months In a
southern prison. He was a member of
Logan poet, a. A. R-, of 'Oarflsld.
Novej Situation Arises in Con-
nection With Building of Mil-
l j -waukee Railroad. . ,
trate first Into Monlsna, or If ths Mon
tana men penetrate first Into Idaho, or
will both aldea be required to quit aa
soon sa the exsct boundary line has
been reached. It ta expected thst some
peculiar questions will arise In con
nection with the work.'
About ISO men are et work on the
Montana side and also a number of sur
veying crsws. An open cut of about 10
feet in extent haa been started, snd this
Is to be dug out by mesne of a Bteam
shovel, which will be Installed later.
It la reported that aome good-looking
ore hss already been exposed snd pros
pectors snd miners who know the
country well etate that at leeet three
large ore bodies will be tapped as ths
tunnel progresses. All the adjacent
mineral land haa been ecqulred by the
ON EACH SIDE OF TUBElr"rod con,i,nr' bu u "t known
t .... ...... ... .' WllU
regard to mining. The location of the
ore bodies, . together with the wagon
road that has been built over tha moun
tains will be of ths greateet benefit to
miners snd prospectors.
Montana Eight-II onr Law Governs on
One End snd Idaho Laws on the
OtherOre Bodies Tapped sa
Tunnel Is Prlven Through; Hills
(Jivsrsal Special Service.)
Helena, Mont., Jan, WA novel situa
tion has arisen In connection with the
building of the Chicago, Milwaukee A
St. Paul railroad. The new trans
continental Una goes from Montana Into
Idaho by means ot a tunnel; thst Is,
a hols la being driven beneath the
raounteln that ovsrlsps the two etatea
An eight-hour law has been passed
In Montana, but none exists in Idaho.
In conssquencs the men working on the
Montana side are required to work only
eight-hour shifts, while those on the
Idaho side work 10 hoars. In sddltlon
the men en the Montana side ere paid
II. to a day, while those oa the Idaho
aide only receive IS for 10 hours' work.
The Question arlnea as to what the
result will be If the Idaho men pane-
(Jnoraal Speelal Serrtre.t
Ottawa. Jan. I. While admitting that
the government, haa great Idlfficultlei
In framing a suttabls tariff tha farmers
In this province have banded themaelvee
together to further reduce the tsx on
raw matertala They complain bitterly
that no reductlone have been made on
cotton, wool and eugar, and at a meet
ing today Mr. Dnjry. vice-president of
t tj Fawners' association, stated that
there waa a feeling throughout the
country thst a moneyed aristocracy was
being, created which waa getting o-it
of touch wlih the common p-ir !
"They were all aware.' he nM, -i ,,t
fnrmera w ho ha. I previously b-en k,i;, ,
ennirerx alive and t.lsh tariff vr
liberal." Tlie aaliatl'm l i; I,
tariff l.i ';i g. I
Mttluh taffy, flnisl flavor.
Cmtt i SrmJv.CmoiNaieifVicrt.J
. BOQTldNO.MfenM.
, y j
will be esta:lic!i:d
v .
(Xpert! rnspstrn a The leneaal
Treewater, nr., Jan. 1 -The rnn; r
for the Miiinn-Kri-ewater country j,
now aeanrel, BS '..0")f v i r M 1 !-'
the amount re.i:re.f f"r ' !"
n-e-t ff ''' ' "' ! ' - ' ''
,,,..: !!,.! 1 '
,.,, a,e ! i i
nL!l1, . f I I