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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 2, 1907)
THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL.- PORTLAND. WEDNESDAY EVENING, JANUARY 2. 1907. You Should 1 IhI kM wIiin Fa ; .' It eaa't he Bailed a hewfaaT , If (hat's all ra tar. '" . . '-' A aula waaa really kaawlajr , ' 1 I ear mt steady pari ' ': . '" If yaa pars at at ffrawlac - "'t;. " laaett eva ad teday. ' . " ,, ,- ' ,";-'-i:'V IN THE JOURNAL, . ",' - ' dailt and Sunday.- ,: - ' - - 7"rV RATE rOn Cent ier-word. More than two Insertions, Five Cents per line each day. or Thirty Cents per line per week of seven --,y "-r-: r - V- 'Six words constitute a line, but each line is charged for regard Jes of the number of words. ; ' .' ; ' ' NO ADVERTISEMENT-ACCEPTED FOR LESS THAN 15c FOR SALE FARMS. fllto 30 aert fronting M Columbia river; IS acre cleared, S ecree orcheroV; an a II bone aad bars; tlne vUw o th Columbia rivet, 820 KM, IS mile from Fort land; ISO arret In Sot atat of cultlvatloat kalf bottom land, all feared: S-rooa beus, S barn, food atone mllkheuee; S acre bearing rrbard. moat It Doles: near school. H. F. D.. 4 mile to boatlandlng aad railroad. fne gravel vo. i.-j. i, m nj acre: (It good Urma; beat of- toll. tl.lOO 24 acre S tutles from Waahongal; IS arrt cleared, 4 acre orchard, balance feature; all klnda of email fruit: email houee. S4x24; barm, SOiSO; woodakad, chlkt kouae) sed wall, all feaetd with food fence. - ,' 4S trrvt 5 aotlea from Waatjontal. Clark rnnty. Waablnctoii. 28 mllM from Portland; ISO rera la pwadow: bo etumpe or rock i 0 er bearloff orchard vartetr. balaara pae. ' tare and timber; S nranln atreama and ear "aral (uod enrliia;- 11 fenced with good new wire; 4 (nil or nor fence, moat ot H S ' aad S wire and a plaukwhlcb make It hog tlb.U S of th Urtett barn to the aountry; good S-rom nouaa. ' other 'ootlKrlW. Ina; 1 horaaa, S kead t cattle. 11 he, 21 aheap; plant of bar to winter atock; mower, rake, wagon, baggr, dlao and all klnda at farm Implementa; prlc onljr S44 per acre, (let twma, S per ccat. ' S00 tere S mllet from Waahoafal. Clark eoaatr, Waablngtoa. 28 mtlee from Portland; SO acre In One atata of eultlTatlon. aom timber, - balanc paetur eaallr cleared; S tend aprtnte; good well at door; 140 acre tU balanc allfhtly rollint; all fenced with food wire; nn 12 -room kona; aew frame barn 60x80; famtlj orchard: B. T. D. ; . 1ui.l .Kb ..4 l.n u all aeedad to fall grain and graee eeed; paraonal propertr L- vi alth aM Imm wlehft S Hi KM i pnanda: drlTlng none; tt bead of cattle. IT are milk eowa; tomo note; 125 chicken: . baaackt f oata, ISO buehela of wheat. 12) eack af apod. 60 ton of bar; all klnda of farm Implement; cream teparator; It too an looking for a So place Ineeatlrat thl before burin';' tola la a beantlful place; beat of eotl; only 46 per acre or will gl good . terma, S per cent. U.Onrv 40 ecree 4 milea from Tanconeer. on tree gravel road; Saera cleared; family - orchard; 6-room boo; felr atehle; beat of oil, a rock or graeel; keif raah. balanc S nn; thl la a enap; fine location; Mat -Bcaxwl; H. F. D. - tfj.noo 10 acre, 10 mile from Taneoa . vac. IT mile from Portland, 1H milea from nllroad (tatloai UJTel, all fenced, 60 acre cleared. AO acree mooA eaw timber. 1 EulH - from aawmill. S.O00 eorda of hardwood, bal-J a nee of land llr cleared; 70 acrea or Daer dam a wale; on coanty road, milk rout peat doort 4-room bona, fair barn; peraonal prop arty f"a wltb place; team. SS head at cattle, IT milch cow, aom hoc and chicken a, r0 tone of bay, cream ee para tor. farm Imple- ' menta; tat half caan, balanc S year, S per cent. , 4. boo 106 Acre. 30 mile from Portland. 11 mile from railroad etattoa; SO acre cleared, T acre green timber, balanc ally cleared; 60 acre aab and Tin maple a wale, all leeel: good 1 S-ory hooee. rood barn 60x100, toed rootnooa and chlrka-boe)e; mall trm near and bars, good well at door; peraonal property roe with place; good team worth $260, 10 head ot cattle. T milch cow. 11 hot. T aheep, 2M) chicken, 60 ton of bay, 200 bnebela of tata, 100 , bnebela of wheat, 606 bnebela of apnda, 2 waaona, 1 burgy, mower aad rake, a acta of liarneaa and all other farm toola that are needed oa farm; $2,200 raah, balanc S ' yeara, S par cant. $2,Tno 0 tent 12 mile from Tancmrcr. Sv mile from railroad ataUoa; 20 acre cleared, balanc anally cleared. U rma ' bona, good barn aad other - ont bnlMlnga: all leeel; all fenced; on enmity mad; near echool: R. t. D.t good team, woa and harneea; 4 cow: good orchard: anm bay, aoma grain; ehlckeaa; thl la a good bay; beat of aoll; gtr term. ;Wasbbton;ir Oregon ' Realty Co., 108 Second at., Portland. Or..- aad - S00 Main at., Vancouver, rVaak. . Pbona Mala 2404. ' FRBB nomea for tbnnaanda of people la Uik , county; land enbject t bometeed and dee art entry. Pnr partlcnlare writ Brtatoa U Roblnett, Silver Lake. Or. 0NB of tb heat reache la tern Oreroa, Improved. 80O acre. 600 aerea fin bottom ., land, etmndanc of water, at barraln. Ad - dreea 11. B. Cur ray, wnr. Baker City, Or. -.OH 4 to Join m nj developing an apple nnch near ueoo, Hiver. Aaoree r lux, jonrneL TIMBER. . WB bar raah payer for yllow pin timber land In Oregon and Weahlngton; alee for yellow fir, rproce and hemlock timber laade; win boy from on claim p If prlc aad tora tkM an right. WU1 pay eaah for good ro ' llnantehmeata. W kav bad IS yeara' t perlenca la eot timber bnalnee. and bar competent crnlaer who wlllpa ta tbt land wlthont delay. IMBODT BRADt.BT CO, " ' SOS Ck ameer af Oommarc. tTRTiriien crln, y ata. low eat price, a. Howell, 638 Cbimber of Commerr. $15 Per Acre Mr) ncree, '8 S., 14 W., en rtatol r1vr; tnt over 4.000.000 fit to quarter eectlnti, - BCHUTL.KM AN, 22TW Waahlagtoa at. , BR'TICH COTXMRU TlnfltBK LANDS Vie hare for le large and email tract . f fin timber, both on water and nil; price from $4 no, accoedlng to location; ' tell n vonr want and will be pleaaed to xikmlt Hat. Rngeoe H. fhandler. 401 He. ting) at.. Vemvanr, B. C . $ 1 Per Acrir - Itr) acre. -82 S., R. S W., mt 4,000,006 fir and etigar pli.t; greet enap. SC I1U1 f.KMA.N, Haehlngton t. . TO rlWNKR of timber claim end timber We will nny tor raah any rood timber Irlbntary : to Kehalem rlvr: . will deal with mn only; a oihera need enewer. Write, . glrlng full partlcnlara, k hi S, V, P. Stalbia, . rortUad, Otagoa.. . . . . Bf , Advertise. TIMBER. Tlmtcr Will .bay. large tracts tad alngle claim, anywhere, for caah. 84, S271 Wablngtea t-. cor. Boeond. - FOR good timber claim and bomoateeoa la - most dednbl locaUty, pbone Scott SS2S. 4.000.000 FBBT fir timber In Colombia county, Oregon. : Addrea Owner. Addxeea O 104, can jouraal. WANTED Timbered land, hti-g and email - tract; cornepnndenc anllclted. B. M. Mat teeoa eV Co.. SIS Went 4th at.. Lot A Male. - CaL A FRW good timber tract for tb mn tn vntor or logger, cheap. C C. Scnnmod, 224 Stark at.. Portland. 2,100 ACRES flneat eager pin la oothra Ore gon; will ell cheap. C. C Scbmind, 228 Stark t., Portland. ' .- , TUIBX& rellooulahment wanted - from owner only; But era tee over 8,000.000. Addrea R 104. car JournaL - atRMftQClSHMRNTS- WAWTHD Wl want twt good timber claima or ,ouo,noo or better In heavy timber belt will pay eaah. &02 Lna ber tEichangt, TS.ono.OOO FEET fir and cedar, OO.ono capacity mill: splendid location, la Washington. 0' Donne 11 A Lucas, 814 Chamber af Commerce. MINES AND INVESTMENTS. COECS 1VALENB MINING STOCK I am lwy la the market either ta buy or eu any nctiva mining atock ; loan mad oa any listed securities. T. P. SHOWN, ol McRy bldg. HORSES. VEHICLES. HARNESS HORSES and bugglet for rent by day, week . and month; aperial rat to bnaloa-nonact, Blxth and Hawthorn. Xaat 72. . WB bay, sell, rent, exebang bone, wagon, ssddle. harness. Hubert Hall, 269 4th St. rOR BALK A Moyer top baggy ta flnt-clss condition: alao elegant phnetoa front oellrerf wagon, finest made. 19 Cnlca av. FOR SALEULIVESTOCK. HORSES FOR SALE On team, weight 8.000; - one taam. weight 2,600; on young team, male. 2.000. B. W. Curb, corner 16th and Jefferson st. STABLINO 20 ttallt'to rant at corner lth - and Jefferson els. E. W. Clark. CARNEY'S Veterinary Hospital, SR9 Ollsaa tt. I' bone Mala 1484-893T. EXTRA nn frh cow tad calf ' for eel at 248 Front L, city.' FOLK fresh cow. 41T Onnd av. and Kear ney, Mootavllla. Phon East 4122. FOR SALE On freah cow. Inquire Wlngart'a . a tore, MonttvUla, Or. FRESH cow for nam. 8T8H Eaet llth at. MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS. $60 REWARD for proof that any talking ma. . rklna i equal th Edlon phonograph: com. - plot ttock; easy payment. Portland Phono graph Agency. 12S Seventh at. Mela 6886. SHERMAN, CLAY A C4V tr tb. largeet ptano dealere on th PaelAo- oaat. See thm If yon need a piano. - ' BARTER 'AND EXCHANGE. EXCHANGE dentlatry for pVHa, ahlngllng, carpentering. Call room S.ii Waahlng- JFOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS. FCSJtLE Bnf f Orpington CortereWWood atock Una. Ilarrlsoa etatloa. S block north. FITS coptet popular mualc. T6e postpaid. Ltvy'a Mule lions, 171 Fourth. . SECOND-HAND bar fixture, pnoltibln, Bfe. table, chair. - Weatem Balvag Co., 627 Weahlngton et.-"i CHRISTMAS BOOKS,' Bible and praytr-hook. Hyland Bra., 22 Yamhill bt. FOR SALB Chatham tnnbntnra and beooder. 64 day' fret trial. Oca Yf, Foott. 821 East Morrlsoa t., Portlind, SELF-CHAN0EMAKIN0 cah register for 1 cbeap. 211 First at. WB print roar nam on 60 railing tarda, proper ale and style, 86c; 2.V) business eerd. tl A, W. Schmale Co.. X Flrat, Portland, Or. SEW1NO -6IACH1NES bonght. told end ex changed, s and up, . W eater Salvag Co., 627 Weahlngton at. SHOWCASES, eaunten. fixture, bonght, tnld or exchanged. Weetera Halveg Co.. 42T Weahlngton at. Paclflo TM. t BILLIARD AND POOL tablet for rent ee for eale on eavpymenr. TUB BRUNSWICK -BALK R COM.ENDER CO. 46 Third St.. Portland. 60 SUOHTLY damaged w1nc-mchlne at Very low price: Singer, Wheeler A Wilson. Domestic. Whltn. Hoimeheld. Deris and others; to make room for new stock Wheeler ' A Wllana and Slngars S. S. Slgei, 186 Mor rleoa St., tlarquam bldg. SHOWCASES nd flxtove. new and aecond bend. ( a rleoa A Xallatrom. 2S0 Conch t. HOI.DEN'S RHEI MATIC CCRR Son curt for rheumatism. Hold by all druggtet. SCHOLARSHIP for 1 In Home' Bmlnee college, valued at 8no. Apply to B. B, Oliver, - Bslem, Or., R. F. D. No. 1. A f'KW tbnrnnglinred barred Plymtntb Reck chlckene. Pbon Eeet 4.17 A , REMINtlTON typewriter for eale at bargain. ' r 102, rare Journal. SAFE and fire ttcapa) fat tela Cheap, Inquire V 18th tt, V PERSONAL. MOLES, wrlnklre. unmoou tialr removed Nu charge to talk It nm. Uri. M. I. Hill, ltooia i) riledner Bldg. flioo e'erttlo liii. WKBKOOT OH Waoklng him the -leatbcri b- HOLDEN'S RHEUMATIC CURE Rite tar (at rheumatism, bold by ill druggists. GERMAN ' books, nmiiliH. novels, etc.; Qer man, Enfflleh, French. Kpenlsu. Swedish and Italian illctlonarlee; foreign book of all kinds. Bchinel Co.. Z2 First at. . - A. RK1NER. PRACTICAL k'URRIER. Expert fit lev, fan noaoileled, repaired end redyed: SO yeer' experience In. urea entire atiatactii. t oon racin jhui, uewie Diag. 8EXINP1 PILIJt can til form of narvou r mnacular weakbeaa. ror men or woman. - Prk- $1 a box. 6 box 5. with full guar antee. AOtireee or nil j. u. uiemeneon. arog giet. Second and 1 anthill etc., Portland, Or. UK. KINO CHOONU, Importer Chin root medicine: sella Chinee tea. certain enre for . aU dlaeaeea, 1V1 2d. bet. Yamhill and Taylor DK. Q. V, KHTCHUM curaa promptly private rilaeaa. kidney, nervona, ekla end epecle) reinni xrouDic. t.;aii or writ, irtric mit Third at.. cor.'TaubO. Phon Pacific S22U. BAI.M OF PI0S for nil female d ! S2S East Belmont. Pnon Eaat 4034. DOLLS' HOSPITAL Repairing . and dreaaing. Hoom s, Vk waaningtua at. . SWEDISH trained anm, Heumgfor gn taste, rare Hkenmatlam, etomeeti troabl and aer vou dleorden by band-robbing, ateam, aweat and tub hatha; both eexee. No. T Rest llth t. Tak Eaat Ankeny car. Pboa Eaat 200. Tl RKISH BATHS, 800 Oregon Ian hldg.J ladle daya. gcotlemn BlghU. klaln 1S38. MANLY vigor reetored by Dr. Roberta Narva Globnl, On month' treatment, 2 8 month, IS: sent aecnrely sealed by mIL Agent. Woodard, Clark Co Portland. Or; Sl'ITS preaaed wtill yon wait. 60c. I.ad1e sklrta preaaed. 60c. Gilbert, I0rll Sixth at, ' next to Quell. Phon Mala 2088. GENTLEMEN'S plela and fancy eewlngi Far. lore ill end ttit,- au8'4 Stark- trt. 1 BEWT magaitn club vr offered; need for Srlcea: agent wanted. Job' Book Stor. H Alder t.. Portland, Or. . PROrESSOR Q. 8. POVB of San" FnndMe, Cal., teacher of phrenology and pbykgnomy. 313 Allsky bldg. - . , REKINBO lady - give manJcnrlng, eblropody. Id and facial treatment. xie intra ex.. corner Taylor, - . DISKASKg OF WOMEN; unfortunate girl end babiea cared for; private hoaplUL Dr. Atwood, room 8. 860H Mor. at. Tel. Padua 1768. MlfS GIBSON glvea scalp treatment; damjruff. . SBStA-Morrleon-t., room 62. TOCNO aclentlfle manena civet electrical, al eoholle and medicated treatment: chlropodlat nnd manlcnrtug. 41 Kaieign mag.- HOLD ON There I an thing" that win can ruenmatlam. Ak your druggist Tor oark tool or address or can J. O. Clersaeoa, druggbrt. Portland. Or. . - - OWL RESTAURANT, 2HS Et Morrison tt- Meals lnc and up; abort order, fresh oyatere J. U Tetilaff, proprietor. T0CNO carpenter, 82 years of are. went to eorreapond wltb young lady Of aultahl age; object, matrimony. ,Addrt M 103, car JonrnaL AUTOMOBILES. Jo If. T. MERRILL Pop Toledo car. ven jpat- - e-nrera. $5 per boor,-Offlct'Beventh end Oak, Mala 626. Stand 8. E. comer Sixth and W a.blngtoo. N. B-T Merrill Catl Edel ASSAYERS. 0ARTIN CTANrDB EXTRACTION CO.. tad Mentene Aesay Office. 186 Morrleon St. ART. FREB LESSONS tn embroidery tvery day; new ramped shirtwaists, corset -covers, bolero jacket. hats, umbrella, etc The Needle craft Shop. 882 Washington tt between Park and Tenth ttt. - PROFESSOR B. MAX MEYER. -88 Alder Portrait and landerap artlat and teacher. ATTORNEYS. I a n. piogott and r. a. finch Attnrneva-et-Law. Practice In all court. 4 Mulkey bldg.. comer Second and Morrleon. BLANK-BOOK MAKERS. HOWE, DAVIS A a?iLHAM?fni lUcond bT Blank book manufactured; agenta for Joaea -Improved Loose-Leef ledgers; see tb new. cares tear, in pesx on ine mariei. BUTCHERS' SUPPLIES. BnTCTTEB SUPPLTES S. Blrkenwald Co., 804 808 Everett at. ; largest batcher enpply boast oa tbt coast. Writ for cataloga. BirrCHERS' SUPPLIES Adolnh A. Deknm, 181-1K8 First L, carrle a full Irn and com plete asortment st lowest market price. CLAIRVOYANTS AND PALMIST .CONSULT THB BERT TT WILL PROVE CHEAPEST IN THB END. FREB TEST FREB TERT Tak this advertisement t PROF. D NIBLO, S03S Wish Ins-ton at. Ha will give yon a teat of hi wonderful . CLAIRVOYANT POWERS by telling yon your nam In fall, free of charge, aad give yon advice, before yon decide to ban a read ing, and then If you think h hae tb power to read your paat, present and fntore lira, he ' will glv yon Me wonderful DEEP PSYCHIC f.l READING FOB $1. Thl week only. II tell you who you ere, where yoa com from, bow many members there are in your family, what your occupation is, nd what It aboald be; whet your ailments are, - bow to care them, whrt yon will b. most soccemfnl, ami ' why; what yonr health will be all through me; now invca weaiia row wiu powwees, ir II 7 , -wn. ft um lu . vmumrw jwi imuiit., U1 bow to overcome It; if your mine contain ore, and to what extent: now to control tbos yoa love and admire: where your lost ones en: what yon aboald Invest In ta b nc eesafal. In fact, no matter what yoa whrh to know or wtan to do, be will accomplleh It for yon or charge yoa nothing. Hourek 6 t. m, to- a p. m. , SOSVk WASHINGTON ST. - Alwav Cooeult tb Beat, ' PROF. B. K1IIMO. Greatest living arrsl dssd-tnnc elslr . voysnt of th sg; adviser on bnalne and all affaire of life; Ulla yoar full nam and what yon railed for, whom yoa will marry, how to control the on yon love, even though mil away; reanltea th eepera ted ; glv . ecret power to control; do long delay In waiting. Hour 10 to S, dally and Sunday. Permanently located In Me owa bom. 236 Fifth t-, corner Madlaoa t. - PROF. WALLACE, palmist, clairvoyant nnd " medium; reading 60e. Parlor 4. Th On - bos, 2ti&4 Morrison Bt. PROF. M IVOR TRAVIS, th reliable cUlrvoy - ant and plmlt, 84H4 Morrison t. COAL AND WOOa Telephone Mala 6668. Smithing Coal and Cost for Ship i . ' . a pertalty. ' ' v Th TOREt A BROOKES FUEL CO. (Incorporated.) Evclualn agent for K EM MERER COAL. COAL, COKE, CHARCOAL. Offlc tad Yard Front and Kearney tta THR Portland Wood A Coal On. en now doing bnatneea tn their new yard, al rhe eovner of lth and Savler treets. Fir, tea, elabwtod nd coal. ALR1NA FUEL CO. Dealer In oordwood. ma I nd gresn and dry el a b wood. R. K. and Alblna eve., 3 blncka Mat of ferry. Eaat 6J4, STEEL BRIDOB FUEL CO, De leva la real, rordwotMl and dry alahwood. Pkon But 424. ORKOON FUEL CO. All ktod of coal and wood. 364 Alder tt. I'hoee Mala 66. PORTLAND Sawdust 6 Slabwond Co.. 8oA Fnnt. ncceeeore to S'nlton Wood Co. Meln IPSA. WESTERN FEED A FUEL CO. Hons and blacksmith toale. i'bea Mala 1016. CARPET CLEANINQ. STANDARD Carpet Cleaning Oe., largest plsat oa tu cuaat. luring and Harding sta., tele phone Kaet . Carpeta eleaned. refit le.1. eewed and laid; both etrant end la teal com preeaed elr process: renovating mattrewo and feather a specialty. SANITARY carpet cleaning, suction and com pressed sir coluhlned; earefa cleaned on floor without Main 6.M4. Meln 8X10. CLEANING AND DYEINO. CliOTHES cleened end preaaed 41 per month. L'nlqu Tailoring Co.. u Stark at. B. W. TURNER, profeeelnnel dyer and cleaner. -606 Jeffereua at. Phon Mala 2616. PORTLAND Steam Cleaning and Dvlng Work. 211 kourtb at. Thou pacific 8UT. CAFES. THE OFFICE 25 Waehlogtoa et.. phon Wain 771. Samuel Vlgneux. ' CHIRt)PODISTS.; CHIROPODY and Padlcnrtng. Mr. M. D. Hill. Boom 6-10 Fleldaer Bldg, Phone Paclfle ISA. CARPENTERS AND BUILDERS. J. .A. MELTON, tb carpenter. 2A4 Foarta at. Store snd office work. -Main 1787. DRESSMAKING. TRY A sgle Dressmaking Parlor. 841 Fifth and Main. Paclflo VH2. DANCING. DANCING leaeoo, 85c; claesee or privets; waits- Ing, two atrp, turee-ecep, etc.; eteg dancing, buck . and wing, clog, reel, aklrt. Ruanrah, Highland fling, etc. Prof. Wal Wileon. old est recognised teacher, AUaky bldg.. Third and Morrleon t. - WOODWARD DANCING SCHOOL Clasa Hon- a nay, anursasy una nsturusy eve. ; oorlnl. .- fancy -aad atep dancing - taught; fencing taught; private lessons dally. Weatem Acad amy hall. Secoad and Morrison. Pacific 1U30. PROF. RINGLRR, Mbn) Rocken merer Lending cnooi; oauroom etiqntt: correct dancing; else Toeer-Sat, eve.) children Sat. p. m.; print leaaons dally. 808 Alder. Mela 1861. ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES. PACIFIC ELECTRIC CO Engtneen, con trac tors, repairers, electric, wiring, eupplle. 64 Flrat; cor. Stsrk. Mala 666. R. H. Tata, mgr. WESTERN ELECTRIC WORKS. 41 Sixth St. Contractors, electric supplies, motora and dy aamoa; w Install light end power plant. MORRISON RLECTRIO CO., 281 East Morrtsoa t. Fixture, wiring, repairing. Eaet 8128. - FURNACES. BOYNTON warm-air furnace eave fuL J. 0. - Bayer Fnrne Co., 2K6 Second. Mala 461. FENCE AND WIRE WORKS. PORTLAND WIR8 A IRON WORKS (63 Flandera at., ow. Third. Pbona Mala 2000. GASOLINE ENGINES. OASOLINB engine, ell else and styles. It lowest prices. - Relrsoa Machinery Co 16X4-6 Morrison st. . HOTELS. THB BELLBTTJE, Fourth and Salmon ate. Rooms 60c ap; rate by weak or month; oat-of-towa trade aollclted. Pacific 2106. HOTEL Portland. American plae, 63, $9 par day. BELVEDERE; European plan; 4th nnd Alder tt HARDWARE. PORTLAND HARDWARE CO. aoltelt onnortun Ity to quote price. 74 Sixth st. Pacific 466. '., INSURANCE. tSAAO L. WHITB. Ara tnaoraac. lock bldg. JAS. Mel.' WOOD, tmpmyen' liability and la. oinauai acciaeat seenruy nonaa as au aiaoa. Paoa 4T. 8i8 McKay bldg. LAND SCRIP. WANTED and for '!. All kinds. Including approvea xoresx nscrv scrip ror surveyao. nn surveyed, timber tad prairie government land. H. M. Hamilton, "The Portland." Portland. MONEY-TO LOAN. MONEY TO LOAN Oa Improved city property or for building purpose, for from 3 to 10 years, tint, with privilege to repay all or pert of loan after two yeara. Loan approved from- plan and money advanced aa building prog gages Taken np and replaced. FRED H. STRONG. Financial Agent. 242 Stark at. CONFIDENTIAL LOANS oa aelarlea. insure nee poilcleo, piano, furnltnre, ware boo as receipts. etc.: sny d serving person may eeenre a lib eral advanc. repaying by aaay weakly or mommy metajimeute. . NEW ERA LOAN A TRUST COMPANY, aoa Ablngton bldg. , MONEY LOANED TO SALARIED PEOPLE Just on your own name no other ecur1ty; don't borrow until yon see me; my ar.tem ta th best for railroad men. elerke, book keeper, streetcar men aad all other employee; bnel. aee etrlctly confidential. F. A, Newton, 424 Ablngtoa bldg. MONEY ADVANCED SALARIED PEOPLE and otbera upon their own names without necur Ity; ebes pest rate, easiest payments; office tn 60 principal cltle; sen yourself money bv getting our terma flrat. TOLMAN. 228 Ablngtoa bldg.. 106H Third it. WANTED Notee, mortgtget or contract oa any kind, or real tte in Oregon nd wesh ingtoo; second mortgage purchased If well eecured. H. B. Noble. 812 Commercial blk. MONEY to loan In an ma to ntt, 8 and S yean, aa low aa 6 per cent, ta Improved city prop erty. Monlton A Scobey, 601 Columbia bldg., 866 Waehlngtoa tt. , DON'T borrow money oa eelarynntll Hutton Credit Co. 612 Deknm bldg. W. 8. WARD, lawyer, AUaky bldg. Probata and mortgage bnelneaa onllclted; moderate fee; loan money ea mortgage from $200 np; tuy terma, YOUNG trlentlfle mssaeos give electrlcsl, al. robolle and medicated trestmentn: chlropodlat nd mtnlcartng. 41 Rslelgh bldg. MONEY loaned oa furniture, nlimoe end ether y securities. W. A. Hsthxwsy, mom 10, Weah lngton bldg. Phon Pacific 1832. MONEY to loan; large loans specialty! also building loans; lowest re tee: fire Insurance. William O. Beck. 812 Falling bldg. CRESCENT LOAN CO., 428 Mohawk bldg. Money to lend oa ee.v payment plan ta w a go es mere; etrlctly confidential. MONEY tn loan aa all kind of c William Holl. room S Waehlngtoa bldg. irlty. TO LOAN Some to milt oa chattel tocurtty. R. A. Frame, 814 tb Marqusm. TO LOAN $6,000 or lee na city property. S. A. Johnaon, 818 Commercial bill. A LOAN ton th eaklng salary r ebattl. Th Ien Cow" 410 lieknm bldg. , . ; MUSICAL. THE WKBRRR STUDIO Mandolin, banjo. gt tar Inatructlon; Glbaoa maadeltn. W - Wasblngtoa. , PIANO, violin, plena, tromhoe. clarinet Pre. teeeo A. Smith. 264 I 12th. Main 4708. MACHINERY. B. TRBNKMAN A CO Mining, aawmill. log. (Ing msrhtnery; hydranllc ple, rastlufl all lnU repaired. 104 North fourth. THE H. 0. ALRKR CO. Secend-hind me ed I nery, awmllls, etc. 848 Or sod ST. i A. J. PAUL. 108 First at., engines, bolleee, w. mill mtcblawy; Wkkt' Brat.' Oeotlag gg-1 BANKS. FI18T VATIOEAt, BASK OF' F0RTLAMD, ORIO0K. Designated Depoli-y and financial Agent of th United Ststee. Pre. I dent VT.A. L. Alll.IJi I Ceshier ......J. W. NEWKIftK Asalalsut Cashier W. C. ALVU11D I Kecofid Asslstaat Cash lev, v B. F. BTtiVKN A, rJ!t Av.11.K1m tn Kiinwie and the FMatarw afatee Sight Rxrkaiig. and Telegraphic Tveaafere enid on New York, Biatoa. Chicago. St. Leala, 1'aul, Omaha. Sen r'renclaco end the principal point In th Northwest: Nlxht and ilm. b. n i. i. ... ...i, 1 ... t.H tt. . 1 1 . rM n.fnrfta.tlta-y its. St. Hongkong, Vokuh, me. Coenhagen. th rial lanl. Stockholm. St. Petersburg. Moecow. Enrich. LADD TH.T0B, BAVKERaV-(EaMklUhd la 1618.) ' Traneaot a Seaeral Banking Boataee. Collection made at all point fsvor. bl term, Leture of rredlt lasoed available In Europ and U p.lnU In tb rnlted Sttea. sight Axchange and Telegraphic Tranafera eold n New York. Weabingtea. (Virago. " Loula, Ueaver, Oaiab. San Kranctsco and Most ana end British Coloojlde. Elicnaiig old on londo. Psrls. Herlln, t rsnkfort. Himgk one Y,ik..hama. Manila and llonularq. , MERCHANTS' KATIONAL BANK, PORTLAND, OREOOK. ' '. -J. FRANK WATSON President I R. L. DURHAM...., lea fteel dent B. W. H0YT ....Cashier r-UBORGE W. HOYT Amletaa Cashier TranaacU a General Banking Business. -Draft and Letter of Credit lamed Avatlbl la All Part of th World. a Specialty. - UXITZD STATES XATIOKAX BARK OF FORTLAKS. OREOOK. i Northwest CornerThlrd and Oak Streeta. ' , Tnnaact a General Banking Buelnese. IiRAFTS 1SH1ED AvsllabU In All Cltle of, the rnlted State aad Europe, Hongkong and Manila. Collection Made an Favorable Terma. C' CTAINSWORTn Caahler R. W. "M" Mcs-Preeldent....?. R. LEA BARNES 1 Asslstsut Cashier W. A. HOLT Assistant Csshier BARKERS' A LUMBERMEN'S BAXK Portland, Oregen. Corner Second and Stark It rests. Commercial and savings department. Interest paid on eavlng aeeouats. Drafts and , letter of credit Issued available te all part ot th world. l 'ELTON president 1 E. C. MEARS Cashlst FRKO H. ItOTRriirm ri Vl.-P.l.l. . 1 u r irnuiv . A.atstant Csahicr JOHN A. KEATING Second Vice-President I 'BE BANK OF OALIFOKKIA Eatabllshed Capital paid np 84.000.noo I Surplus and undivided profits. ...I0.M8 .462.32 General Banking and Exchange Bsalneaa Tnnaseted. Interest on Time Iiepoalta. ... w. SAVINua. D1CPARTMKNT Accounts msy be opened of !( and upward. ' . Purtlaad Branch Chauber of Commerce- Bnlldlng. . e . . WM. B. MACRAE ....Mnsgot I J. T.' Bl.'RTCHAELL Aeslstnnt Maryitev TRUST COMPANIES.' PORTLAND TRUST COMPANY OF OREOOK Ta Oldest Trast Cempaay ta Oregoa. - RESOURCES OVER St.T80.000. General Banking. Two per cent Interest on check ceount - leven humlreda) on dally balance of $600 or over. Lettrra of credit and exchange on ill part of the world. Bavin accounta. Tim certificate. 8 to 4 per cent; ehort-cell epeclal certifies tee, $500 or over, 2Vi to 4 per cent. Cell for Book of ''ILLUSTRATIONS.' . . Southeast Corner Third nd Osk Street.. Phoo Private Exchange T2. J EN J. I. C0I1KN.. President H. I, .riTTOCK,, Vlce-Preslfleot B. teg' PAGET. Secretsry J. O. COLTRA. Alstnt Secretary SICTJTRITT SATIKOS A TRUST OOMFAKT S68 Morrison Street, Portland. Oregon. Tranaacta a General' Banking Buelneea. SAVINGS DEPARTMENT. Intereet AUowed en Time aad Saving Accounta. Act Trustee for Estste. Draft and Lattera of Credit Available on All ....President . ..Second Vice-President GEO. K. BUHSEU. C. F. ADAMS. A. L. MILLS... KX M0RTOA0E OOARAKTEE A TRUST OOMFAKT RANK, Transact a General Banking Business. Intereet psld on Tim Deposit. PPrtmrntr pee- eet Jreat. AiksdJConjpounded Quarterly. ,. ,. CAPITAL.... . 0. W. WATERBCRT President I ,. . 8, LOGAN II AYS Asslstsnt Secntary Elk' Tempi. Seventh and Stsrk Street. Pbone Main IM. 0en Btqrdy Evening 6 t S.' NORTHWESTER OUAKAXTEE A TRUST COMPANY PortUn, Oregon Lombr Exchsng. A E. Corner Second and Stark Street (second Soor), -FISCAL AGENT FOB CORPORATIONS. Stat. . County, Municipal t'or pontine Bonde Bought and Sold. Near Enterprlsoa Organised and Financed. Btocfce and Bonds Gnsnatocd. TITLE, SUAKAXTEE A TRUST OObTT ANT t40 WASHIXOTOX STRIET. . - MOUTUAOB LOANS on PortUad Seal Estst t Lowest Bat. Title Itsmreit. Anetract Fumlabed. - ' - - t. THORBCRN ROSS. ........ .....President JNO. E. AITOHISON Seeretery GEO RGB H. HILL. . Vlcc-Preeldest T Tt BURKHART rer BONDS AND INVESTMENTS. kaaxajjjaajasBsasea M ORRIS BROTHERS Chamber f Oemmtroa Municipal. Railroad and Publla Servlcav-Corporatlo Bonde. - DOWXTXa-HOPXrXS CObWAXT taUUhd v . . STOCKS. BONDS. G BA IN Bough t Privet Wtre. ROOM 4 CHAMBER KB 7. 0. LEE COMPANY Comma wealth Bmkaragt Department Be TJ Before Buying or Selling Stock or. Bond. Can 'Always Bare Ton Money, I OUTS J. WILDEHOMg TELErHOME.JOXDS BAXK STOCKS, 1 . Member Cortland Stock Exchange. "w' Corner Sixth and Washington 'Street. Portland, Oregon. " OTcrbeclc Starr & Cooke Co. OR ATX. PBOTISTOHS, COTTOW, STOCKS AXD BOXDS. - 1 DO A STRICTLY COMMISbMOK . BU8XlISd. Conttcsone Msrket by Prtvat Wirt. Qnlck Servle. RRFERENCES ladd A Tilton, Bank er, nnd United State National Bank of Portland. MONUMENTS." NEU A KINQSLEY. 868 Flrat ., Partlaad leading marble ana granite worn. OPTICIANS. DR. B. J. MILLS Optometrist snd Eyesight Specie net. - - Boom 88-tT. 828 Wsshlngtoa Street OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIANS. DR. LtLLEBEIXB PATTERSON, gradnete xn nunaera imuiui. , . . - of '80; epeelelist on nenoue. sent and chronic dlseieea; conanltatloa and examine : tloa free OfBc 217 Fenton bklg. - Phent r.niw iiflv. r IIR ADIX A MORTHRITP. 416-16-17 Dekum bldg., Thtrd snd Weahlngton eta. Phont Main BVU. nxammetion tree. PAINTS. OIL AND GLASS. F. E. BEACH A CO. The Pioneer Paint Co.; window giaee end giamng. ion asrsx sx. Pkon 13.14. (PRINTING. Taw wonnRN PRINTERY Arttette nrlntlng 26 Ruasel bldg., fourth aad Morrlwo. Pboa Peclflc 1626. EVERYTHING IN PRINTING From circular to eetalogne and nweppra. Metro poll tea Printing Co., 11 rronx ai OGILBEE BROS., prtnbxra Cards, billhead, etc. ' Pbon Main 1866. 1454j Flrat at. PLUMBERS. FOX A CO. Senltary plumber. 231 Second, bet. Mala and Salmon. Oregon pbon Hln tool. DON NER BERG A RADKMACHER, removed t - No. 60S Burnaid at. PAINTING AND PAPERING. FOR reliable work, reaeoneble price, Bheeky Broa.. 2H2A Yamhill, near 4tb. Meln SOT2. REAL ESTATE. Payne & Van Tyne Reel eatste. laveetment. mortgsgea, waaa, BIO Allsky bldg. Pbon V 2268. PARRISII. WATKINS A CO.. Reel estste. Insurance, rental and uaa . agents. 260 Alder at. J. W. OGIT.BER. real estate and loan; entaa- Ilehed ink.. 140 rvsi ex., room 11. ' A. ft. RICHARDSON. REAL ESTATE AND MORTGAGE LOANS. Phone Main 6.T06. 622 Chamber of Commerce. ROOFING. TIN ROOFING, guttering, repairing nd general Jobbing. J. Loan. 212 Jerrerson sr.. gge. i.e. RUBBER STAMPS. P. 0. STAMP WORKS, 248 Alder t., phon Mela li'; runner etsmps, eis. siencus; nsg gage. trade check: bras sign aad pie tee. SIGN PAINTERS. FOSTER A KLE 18 ER SIGNS. W bev knllt np th lergeat sign bnalnee la tb city by (rat-claa work and keeping ear promise. Our price a re right Fifth and Everett at. Pbon Exchange 68. . W. P. BERGER A SON. M Yemhtll at. Slgna of all klnde. rbone peclBe Tt-vi. SIGNS THAT ATTRACT A. H. Boat Oa.. 2T Strk t. Phone Pcl6c 166. SEWING MACHINES. PHONE Peelf Ic dr.i ad 1 personally will call and repair Ir y"av sewtng-maenme: wot guar anteed. 8. Same, adjnater. SHI Third at. STREET PAVING. WAHIlEN Constmctloa tV. street paring, elile- welke and crossing. 114 Lumber nxenang. THR Barber Asphalt Paving Ce, f Portland. Dfflre 6VI VI orceetcr blk. TOWEL SUPPLY. CLEAN TOWELS DAILY Comb, nrnah, eoap, J I per month, rortisna istnnry a iowvi upply 0.. Klnth i4 Coach. I'boa 410. .'A. M. WRIGHT . PLATT A PLATT. . .......... .General Conneel 1664. Kead OfSos. Baa Franolso. California. Part of th World. - - TL.' XTXT.WtnTTTTTTTtir.nn Tic Peesldant- I B. fl. JL'BITE.... Secretary Asslalsnt Secretary' Saving .".V . .$lt)0.OUO.O0 C. W.'MILLEH Tle-Prldat XnUding. , ltS BROKERS. and Sold for Cask and tn Mergln. of COMMERCE. ' Pbon Meln ST. Bldg.. Sixth aad Ankeay at., Portland, Oregon. IT. w. Donahue, Manager. 103 1 SAFES. f PORTLAND 8AFR CO., ol agent for Herring. Hall-Marvia aefea and Maugenraw Steel Safe Co.'a bank tafe. The largeet aaaortment of high-grade Are and burglar-proof ealee la tb northwest. 82 Seventh et. DIEBOLD Manganese and fl re-proof safes: lock out opened; metal Sxturea; vault and latl work; jacke. J. E. Davla. 66 d. Mela 16S6. EIGHT eeeond bend nre-proof safesj and two aecond-hsnd bank safes for sals chess, tt TO Sixth t., Portland. Oregon. SHOWCASES AND FIXTURES. SHOWCASES of every description; bank, bar end atore Sxturea made to order, Tb Lntks Manufacturing Co., Portland. B. H. BIRDRALL, designer; agent M. Winter Lumber Co., T Hamilton bldg. Main 6nH6. TRANSFER AND HAULING. THE BAGGAGE OMNIBUS TRANSFER CO.. cor. Sixth end Oak ate.; baggage checked from hotel or residence direct to deetlnetlon; passenger therefore avoid rush and annoy ance at depots, l'rivats Exchange 68. SAk'KS, pianos and furniture moved, pocked ready for shipping nd shipped; all work guaranteed; large S-etorr brick era-proof wareboua for storage. OfSre 2U0 Osk -st. Olsea A Roe. Fbon Main 647. C O. PICK:' offlc 88 Pint at., between Stark and Oak at., phon 666; piano aad furniture moved and pecked for ehlpplng; com mod lone brick werehonsa with separata Iroa room, Front and Clay it. BOSE CITT VAN CO.. offlc 141 Firat at., pboa Main 62M. Furniture esd pMno-amvlnf a apeciallyi we guarantee our work. NATIONAL TRANSFER A STORAGE Co! 870 Oak at Telephone Mala 4460. Transfer ring and storing. OREGON TRANSFER CO., 184 North Sixth. I'boo Main 66. Heavy hauling and atorag. INDEPENDENT BAGGAGE A TRANSFER CO. Storage. 834 Stark al Mala 40T. FOR keck, furnltnre. wagon, tmnk ee pus Eooving, pnon axeeeien, aaax aoez. POST SPECIAL DETJVRRY. No. 200V Wash- inrnii st. none aaain vnj. TYPEWRITERS. HEADQUARTERS for aw aad rebuilt type writers or an males; se ur window; ir J on are going to bur a new typewriter see oa be foe buying; we can ear a yen money ; we bev part for repairing ell mechlaee: atat agenta for the Visible Fog; w buy ill kind J typewriter. Tb Typewriter Exchange, Inc., E. J. Klllaoo. manager, 64 Third at. WE ell Ramlngtotw. Smith-Premiers. Dens- wore, etc., lower than any other company; lnvetlgt. Underwood Typewriter Co.. 68 6th. TYPEWRITER Repair A Supply Co.. 480 Wash ington t. f hone msib sua. BMCKEN8DERFRR typewriter. $-K nd I.W; snppiiea. repairing, has m Koea, zi stark. WHOLESALE JOBBERS. M. A. GUNST A CO.. DISTRIBUTORS OF FINE CIGARS. PORTLAND. OREGON. . SI1ERK. GAZB A GRAHAM (fac.) Commission mereneeta, jnoeera or rrmta. produca, ete.j conalgnment eol Idled. 126 Front et. t EVRRDING A FARRRI.U produce-end com mission merrnanta. leu rroot at., Partlaad. Or. Pboa klala ITS. OREGON FURNITURE MANUFACTURING CO. -Msnmseinxere ox iwnixnr roe the trade. Portland. Oregon 1 ' -r- WADIIAMS A CO.. whnlemlle grocer, menn- xeeierere in commwaion mrcnBt Fourth nd 0k. at. I Fl'RNITURB mannfaetortng and epeclal orders. w. nwTru.aj - awiuiiuie J, SU1 W rOSK SI. ALLEN A LEWIS, cow mission and prodne nter- rasnia, aronx ana v eta, rortlend. Or. WHOI.KSALR emckery and glssewar.. Pral. iiegeie in., iw to iim nrth. cor. stark at. Child Labor In the Sonth.v Charleston, t.C..- Jan. 2. Tha cam palgn against child labor Is having Ita effect la the cotton mills In thla state. for It is now estimated that more than two'thtrds of the spindles have agreed to rediica the working- hours from j to , Hour a Trees, ana to tj nnttrs in 190. It has also been announced that the hours tn 1610 will be "40, but the scale of wkges will not be altered. - GiiliiLu FOR r.lANEUUERS Vessels., of Atlantio Fleet As sembling at Hampton Roads for Cuban Waters. - FIFTEEN BATTLESHIPS' , AND MANY CRUISERS Greatest Squadron Ever Gathered by United States to ria Attack and Defence of Gulf Coast Cities and Harbors. (Jooraal Special Service.) . Waahlnrtan. TV iy T. Th. ... aala of th Atlantic fleet ara anacmbllnr in nampton itoana preparatory to tail ing; for Cuban water for th annua! winter maneuvers. The practice thl rear la to be on a far more elaborate seal than ever before. Fifteen flxat- MMn,ra.,m.w aim-wrerar armflno cruUer. together with many cnilsara and smaller venaala, will participate In the txerolsot. Tha.battlabhlpa that will take part Inuluo tb Virginia, Georgia. New Jersey. Connecticut, Louisiana. MahiavMlsaoarl, Alabama, Rhode ItUnd. Illinois. Kentucky and Kearaargk Tha Washington, Tennessee and - St., Loula will head tha ilat of armored erttlnera. The Tleet la tine to an-hr abotit one week hence at Quanta namo, Cuba, In which vicinity the veatela will spend bout five weeks engaged in fleet tactics. and.olutron.--Th4 maneuvers are to be oa a scale a much larger than ever before as to mark a now epoch In tha history of the United States nary, ----r - Plans for the theoretical defense of the gulf and southern coasts will be worked ouL . Following the completion of thle practice the fleet will assemble at Guantanamo. where there will be man-arms practice oA the new rango, and landing exercises. Then will come the annual target practice 'alone tha Florida coast which will occupy several weeks. The fleet will remain In south era waters until after -the middle ef April, when It will proceed north to par ticipate In the great naval demonstra tion which Is to b--a-featurao th KANSAS CROPS AHEAD OF ALL PREVIOUS MARKS ' ' (Journal Special Service.) ' . Topeka. Ka., Jan. 2. The report of V, lfAH C I", V. . . .. . - Kansas state board ' of agriculture. BhOWB that the emn in .thl. -,.. ing the past year beat alV previous, rec-? --xnouga. xne corn yieiaea tame J.000,000 bushels lets than the previous year Its value area far ihun ih.t n any crop previously raised In the state. xu vxuuea ox inrra produce and live stock are estimated at $424,222,767, or more than $15,000,000 In exceaa of th preceding year. The -total yield of wheat Is estimated at 3,292.tS busheU. The all-round increase amounts to 42 per cent. -, AT THE THEATRES. Last Tlniej Florence Roberts. Florence Robert will glv th la at irf..nn- anc of her present engagement at the H. llig theatre, Foorteenth and Washington etreets, to night at 8:16 o'clock, mbeabo ,rUI present her latest euccese "Maria Roee." "Richard HI" Tomorrow XUrJit. The emlneat tragedian and actor, Jubu Urlf. fhh, aupported br a capable couinaiur of nlev- ere, will present, 8hakeapear's greet trsgedr. -nicnsru ill." at tn ilolllg theatre tomorrow (Thnrsdav) night, beats era now Benin et the box office turn tboatre, Fourteenth and Waeh- ugxoa aireew. "Kerry Cow" Next Week. ' Tb clever actor, Jkllea Dooow. will nreoent Jo Murpby'a fsmoue eucceee. "Kerry Cie-,' at in ueuig taeau aext Tuesday and Wednesday nights, January 8 and . Tuesday night will be uutler the auspices ot the Ancient Order of tllbernlaa society of tola city. Satire and Fun at Baker. Th Baker atock company la presenting uni. thing good to th tbeetra-gnlng public thl week In toe "Milk Whit Flag,' a military oatir by Char lea Hoyt. Th play Is a takeoff oa tb national guard organisation, nnd ahonnda la fun and laughter-prod iielng situation. J be ess tames and staging of tb production ara something new, eves In the , history of the Beker etock cumpeny, which I mHed for It fallhfulneea to detail aad elaborateness la this regard. Th fidelity of presentation ronnde out the play aa one of the winner In a long list which ha been staged by the Baker the atre thl aeseon. "TJio Old Clothe Man." The Old Clothe Men" le enjoying at lea at a week of remarkable proeperlty at th em pire, be plsy for a long time hss made tha decided hit that thl new and startling eonsedy drama baa, and tha popular aptown theatre ran. not accommodate tb crowds that want ta eea It. There will be but one asore matlne Ba tor day, and th last performance Saturday night. Don't miss Jsmes Kyrle MecCurdy la ''The Old Cloth Man" tt th Kmplr. Tilly Olson" Net Week. And Bow come tb new Swedish comedy Tilly Otseo," which will open at th empire for a week'e ran next Sunday matlae. It i wltb a- pretty and witty Swedish girl new t th way ef tb sou n try, and. kow her many amusing and nn vary stsrtlkng adventnrea, bt-fora she become lultleted. - Thl wilt be. Tilly Obwa't flrat appearance bar. "Old Heidelberg fiext Week. Tha enncuncement th Baksr enmpany will i ..iii, , , , ,i , . , i . . ,. i, ... viu yrr , wai wrs wn. . n. greeted with much y by all patrons of thl popular atock . organisation. Old Heidelberg la on of the big offering of th eeoene, end will sverv ur l B.naif eMiiiiww. . oesia vsa ve eo- cured now at tb bog offlc. Hoyt's "A Milk White Hsf. Tb Baker (fork enmpany I offering one of th big aeaene kit thl wiek end fetrle etanding eople tap at every performeere, 1 h piece la almply a a Team of mughter frm be. ginning to end. Life, ginger; tun and mn.le are the feature, with the clever-st ever nttrrcd. Yon will enrrly mie snmeirtln If you do aot ee Hoyt "A Milk White Hag ' It the Baker thl week. ' At tho Grand. An acrobatic dance eech ha no q-il ta ffTd this week at the lirend bv th t . -i of Conk nd Borhert. They have mre ai' i-r ad steam then eny other two darn ing chili -a In the knelnee. Th flu tab ef the at la ui al. and brlnge down th bona. A d n,,-,. s.tcb ee le new In eeery pen; n' .r I p,.,m- i bv Knril aad hussa. Trie .V i- sr. a. r i .i. end mwlhemetl'-lane. There na s-x,g ai.,,,,a and musical exm rts. and In u. reepe. t I. entertslnnHiit leklug. At thn far. Do not fall te th big society d ae.s st th Stsr this wees. To Aii'n ai.-s. ,..,,.. , -le preeentll'g ''Mulha." . ' Oulda ln.uvwlal ye. Th- anna ... I i U...-I- mtA K.trla. ftod th. rt ,t t nd nnoaMal. Hie plsy is t -.l H I ., , the Women e-tpeelrtlly have g.,', t,i .....r . hae th"ir of . i - . There will be hmtlse-e tlor-,1.,. ho . , i Boeder. ad th" d-iuai d f'V I. . , . i that tiieT aliowid He Se. I' ,!)'..'. . gait Itrscll'- Bill k "1. Ii '. ' IWIIIPS