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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 2, 1907)
THE OREGON- DAILY JOURNAL. PORTLAND. WEDNESDAY EVENING, JANUARY 2. IS37. 12 NEW TODAY. Washington St. The Quarter . Block situated t the southwest corner of Twelfth and Washington is for sale. ' For particulars see ' ' : ' Brooke & Kiernah - 91 THIRD STREET; at nxicoar stta-, set, soon cam. tJl.OOO -Snap. ' New S-roora ' houae. wood fiber plaster, fireplace, fenced, ehlckncrralt womlhou,cltzwiteri. one fourth caaErbalknce eaay term. $1.300 80-100, C-room houae, Ganten betn, near Russell: th lot la worth the mostr; $60 cash, balance eaajr terms. i:. ' ." , f 2.7SO l-room bouse, bath, aewer connections, near- school.- 3 bearing fruit trees, small barn. Borthwlck and I Mason eta. - rx S5.50--I lota, $0x116, new. modern -room house and rood barn. . This Is an exceptionally good bur; ooRtral ly located In Alblna. f 5. OOO Modern l-room house, Haw thurne addition.' 3,000 Sightly quarter block on Port land Helshta. t '- f 12,000 Reed St., I lota warehouse property, Income $46 per ro. Look at thla for Investment. V Tlie Washington & Oregon Realty Company 108 leooaA . Vboaa Xaia. t44 7.000 ACMES SVOAB aWO TSXAOW TIXM, 30,000 to acre-certtfled crulae, Humboldt county, California, all In aolld body, railroad aurveyed throufh. prop erty, havlnr an outlet at Eureka, where the terminals are now secured. NATIONAL TRUST AND ; INVESTMENT CO. ssi woBCssTzm IU9. ' . Five lots with good Improvements, yielding an Income of 1800 per month on the Inreatmant of 141.100; $20,000 down. : ., ... . . PAYNE & VAN TYKE i BX0 IXaXT IL94, , Quarter Block Seventh & Irving $30,000 INCOME $110 PER MONTH Brooke & Kief nan - 1 91 Third Street V ' i BEST BUSINESS LOCATION In Vancouver. Wash., 10x106. See " Dean Land & Investment Co in Commercial Building. f;' St. Johns Real Estate ; FINE BARGAINS V rtne bargains for sale by owner: must sell. Inquire room t, 26! H Washing ton street. - MARRIAGE LICENSES. David B rliandler, 88 Pa via street, 80; Settle M.ri,a. Stl. . . v .. - J. V, Malah. 81! Lala Adama, 21. . V . i,ne rarda. W. O. Hiril'b lla.. Waak iui;toa bulaw aoc Foortk-and Waehtnytaa ata. 1t':r ril v A 1.1. A ' . FIORIM1M. KH FLOWCRS klI.S. 124 KI1H Kf.- , ( Fall Arrm ai''a tw rent, all aiaaa. Luiuua laitcrlbg Co., k.i 8 lark at, Proper AFcwBargains Income Property WEATHER REPORT. A dtetarbeace ef moderate energy la central w Colorado, and a trough of low prcurt extends thence aorthweetward to tle north Pa elftc mic A email btgh inMiw area with a BMdvrare eeld win area ttirUM the Atlantic atataa. The barometer la also relatively high ewer California. Light rain ailxad nltb eoow Baa occurred la western Oregon and weetera Washington, and light eauw - la reported gea eralijr u the eaatrra portloa of tbeee states sad la Idaho. Montana, Nevada. Utah, Colo redo, northern Arlanus, northern Naw Mexico, western Nabraaka, tha Dakota aad Mlnnseota. Heavy ralna ara reported la ths mludls Mis. eleslppl valley, aad an unusually heavy fall of rain, amounting ta gad Inches, kaa occurred at Honolnlo la oosnecltoa with a taandoretorm. Frosts ara reported la California aa tac euutb aa Has Dlege. Indlcstlnne are for rata or enow ta western Oregoa aud weetera Waehlngtoa tonight aad Tbureday, aad for anew fluirtaa with hww. toaiiierelarea aaal of tha Caa'alo mountains, - ,. .-. .. Terns. - Stations ' Max. Baker' City, Oregon. ........ 26 Iluaioa. Msssacttueslte...... 60 (oloago, Illinois 86 Denver, Oohirado. ....... ... 12 Kanaaa tltr, Mlaaoart...... aa haw York. Naw kuak-.a... Ml Alln. rraelp. r-- 14 .01 Ml I .( Kt .00 . ''. 24 ' .4 :' .tn 1 xa ,oo : ; M ', .is . 4 t .! 1J,' .24 44 .. . Id . - .on " ll . .. 83 . ..IX) ' 84 . .00 Portland. Oreaoa. W t. Loula, lliuaourl .44 ftalt lka, Utah SO 8aa Fraarlaro, ( llf oral. . . IMt Spukaaa, Waablnf loa 24 Tarooaa. Waahingtnn (4 Walla Walla, WaabincUja.. 34 Waahlsstoa, D. J. ao Tama, Arlaona H BIRTHS. fctORRIHO.N Daoambar , to Mr. aad Mra. J. K. klorrlaoa, itoaa City eanltarluia. a slrl. PITCtiKKALO December 4. to Mr. and Mra. M. P. Ulta.rald. tSH Craaby, a rrt- - WIUKKHOI.T iMcambar t. ta Mr. and Mra. Adolpa Wiadarholt, 81. Tlueaat'a koaplui. a (IrL . . CH AM PI J X nocrmbar 90.' to Mr. and Mra. Al bert ChasipUB, a4 Tweuty-eixta atraet NorU, . a slrl. . M'CLI KS rw.mher . to Mr. and Mra. Will Mft'lure, tiood Bamarltaa hoapltaL a slrl. -ARATA December T, to Mr. and Mra. Frank u. Arata, t Kaat TweUth a treat North, a . flrl. WII UTN BY December 18. to kfr. -and Mra. Joha 8. Whltcar. Bellwood. a alrl. JC ELLA NO Vecambar XI. to Mr. and MraB. L. aMwatrMtwona, a a-'l' IOIJNO Decambar 11. to Mr. and Mra. laaae B. loans. 44 a.aat Tenth, a (IrL HANGAN December S5. to Mr. and Mra. R. Haorae. 028 Eaat rialawa, a (Irl. KANaKUDT Daceatbar 2.1. to Mr. aad Mra. . Uearss Kawodt, lt aat Tweaty-alntB, a ftrr: SINK Deeemher U, Mr. end Mra. Anguet Sink, sis UUaa aranaaa. a slrL BOOK December til, to Mr. and Mra. W. W. rk. T Kourth. a alrl. COMU ROVK Hacambaa Hu, Mr.- aad Mra. 7oks wjroTt, xxi Aaama, a dot. WrllTNEV Ureember , to Mr. and Mra. Joha D. Whitney, Roae City eanltartnm, a boy. OALkV-Dacambar 11, to Mr, aad Mra. Artkar ale. 78 nburman. a bor. , Hi N TZ Iecemhee 25. to Mr. and Mra. MIAael Illnla. A8 Mtaaourt aaenue, a (IrL,- I0KIILKB necemhar 18. to Mr. and "Mra. Peter Koeblar, 241 Ruaaell, a flrl. TALCNTINE December 11. to Mr. and Mra. John Valentin. 831 ttentenbeta arenae, a boy. LAYDON December 28, to Mr. and Mrs. Lou la Lardna, raXI Decnnd. a flrl. DtrTSoN DeeembAr 27. otMr. aad Mra. OaoTf a - W. Dotann, Bellwaod. a flrl. deaths: ANTOINkV December . Gnetaee Aatolaa, 68 reara. I ncia na a roiei, auirocauoo. tiAVIKB December 20, Phrbe A. Larlcr, M 1 year. Baat AUgbteeath aad CUntoa, fractura of akall. SMITH December M. Martha Smith, 68 reara. it a uoiaamita, paraiyata. HOP -December 27, .'beunf Ilf. 43 yeara, Second, bulmonarr tubrcaloala. i W1LC0XCN Daoembar 2r Harry B. Wttanxan, idi ewcaalle. eonTOJaioaa. BIUNAMI December 28, Onlll Blfnaat. J4 yeara. 420 Watar. atab woanda-' SAVIONOMI December 28, Olacome KaTlrnoal, Cleod Bamarltaa boapltal, f unahot woond. BrND December 20, Bertha I. Bond. 88 years, 277 Portland boulevard, Oraeea' dleeaae, ADAM8r-Ieeamber 20, Marfaret U Adama. dS ' yeara, iiki Kinventh, aemtH-rbafe eonfeatioa. Cft DBS WOOD Deecmber 2B, Ueorfla A. V - derwood. Good Kamarltaa boapltal, -.acute aepbrttla. WADDiCM-t-reeember 2. Nellie C. Waddell. 30 yeara. at. Vincent Boapltal, aeptieaemia. FUNERAL NOTICES. rKNTON In thla elty, January 1. 1B07, at 004 Alhlna aeeane, tha family reaidaace. flujh Fenton, aged 8v yeara. Frlenda and -a--otialntancaa ere reapectfnlly Invited to. at tend tha feneral aerrlcea, which will ba held .at tbe aboea reaidaace at 10 a. m. Tlniraday, Jaauary 8. Interment Roae dty eemetery. UNDERTAKERS. . Daaolnf. McBotee dt Gtlbaofh, andertakera aad enibalmera: modara In every detaU. Barcath aad Ptne. Mala aoO. Lady aaelataat. i A. B. Hematock. undertaker aad emhalmar. Kaat Tblrtaeatb dad Umatilla are. Phone Balk - Brlekaaa I'adertakhig Oo., aad ambalmkif, 408 Akler at. Phone Mala 8138. Lady aaalataat. J. t. Flnley Bona. Third and Madlaoa sta. Office af county eoraaer. Pbona. Mala 2v . - Clarke Bros., Florlata Fine floral dealfna. -889 Morrlaoa at. flowars aad : Bdward Holmaa, aaoertakar,. 320 Third at. - , i-uto rmr CEnimr. . Blaf la graves, 810. Family lota, 1100 ta $1,000. The only eemetery ta Portland which per petually malntalna and earn for lota. For full Information, apply to W. B. Mackenelc. Woev Qatar block, ally. W. M. Ladd. praildeut. ' - ; k B0SX CITY CXMKTEXT. SlnnU g raves, $IOi family lota. $28 to $78. ftuperlnteodent at eemetery, earner af rrmnrot at. and Cully roadn Phone Tabor 206. For fan In format loo ar to Frank KchlcreL 002 Corcmerdal blk. Iliona Mala 2N28. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. Moore Investment company to Wr- W, Kraemer, lots 18 and 20, block 8. Varaoa a 370 Title vtiarantee "Truat ' eomiiaay to Mary Watrln, weat 20 feet of lot 4, block A TlltM'a addltloa ... .. 800 Portland Truat Company of Orafoa to eorfs a. anani, Rita m and so, block 8. Portanonth Villa Ertcnalon.. 300 Char lea ITrfer to Charlea U. Irfee. M L 4. nbdlvuioa af 1'jlca tract la Oldeoa i-iDoetu- aonatKm land claim. In aec tloa 11. tnwnahln 1 anurh nnM t Mrf. 1.600 $.800 W.. O. Doneteoa and wife to Harrlaoa Borer, lot 10. block 2d. Alblna Tttla Ooarantee A Trnat company to Charlae A. Myera. eaat 88 I I feet of lot a, block 64, Beaayslae Tklrd addi tion 875 T. 8. McDaalel et al. ta Charles A. r Myers, lot T, Mock 4; lot 14, block , Park View Exteoaton A. B. PoweU to James P. McOllnchey, loU 13 to 16, block 0: tola 1 to 6, 10. 11, 14 to to. block 11. Portamouth Villa Annex No. 3 A. T. and Joeepblne M. Flufirtne to Mary Klenow, feu 3, 10, 11. shtck 2. Tra moat Park .i .'. :... Monro Iaveatmeat oampanV to Nlcholaa Knnla. lot B. hlnek ar Vina TBO 3,800 400 1,100 . 100 Jacob and Cathrlna Helaer to Daniel Kel ler, lot a, -block 18, Lincoln' Park D. W. Butler and , wife rS Jeremlab Worlck, lot 14, block 2. Laurel Park.. Bella A. Heoaner and hnabaad to Anna M. Bnrka, 80x160 feet commencing on . eaat line af North Twenty -Orat atreet ir0 feet aorth from aorth llae of Waahlnatnn atraet 3,000 Btenhea W.' Orecorr ta Wllhelm Bnaa zaaca im wire. noriB H or mts i ana 3. block 3, P. t. Martin tract '... Wllbelm Zln. k to Stephen W. Grrsory. " . --north ti of lots 1 aad 3, black 3, P. J. ' ' - - otbtiip trava , x A. P. Smith ta Belnhold Lehmanrt, part ' er nt 7, Block lia, carutuen' addl tloa 8.400 Portland Truat Corona ay of Oregon to. aura H. Dodo, iota 0 to 12, block I, Portamoetb Villa Extenaloa .. 000 Portland Truat (onipuiy of Orecon'tu A. w.nagley, all of block Tark.' )n Portamoiitk Villa Bxtrnalon 09 Tbonua H. Smith to Patrick Murray, lots IT aad la, block 1, Plaeaeat Lit tle llomea No. 3 10 Loukt and Hannah GoJdemlth ta Katie Ward, wt 14, block 17, Goldsmith's -addltloa jd.3M F. W. Iadbetter and wife to Boger B. 1 ainaott et aL, part of fractional black a-i, city m...... BD.Qtw Sarah t. Barrage et aL to C. I Me- . Kenna, aft acrea beginning at point la half sect Ion line running north and -eotitb tbraogh. aectloa 31, townahlp 1 north, raaga 1 eaat 1 C- L Mckianna aad wife to Topes Land -r ' eompeay, same property as aeaennea . aliove .... .... 3 lulla A. Wright et al. ta George Rtenger, parr or tot , ntocg a. city, neginnimr at nortbweai ciu-r uf a brick wall of 1 . t'atier'a building, tkeace weat 87 feet thence aouib W feet, Uieaea eaat 27 feat, thaaea Berth 80 feat to place of Beginning m maw a ih,mimmaiu a- REAL" ESTATE TRANSFERS. Frank Klaraaa and wlfa to C. L He Kenna, pert e( lot 1. section 21. towa ablp 1 aurth. range 1 eaat which Ue ' eaat of right of way of u. H. A N. 0a ; M. L. Holbrou aad wife ta Daald A. ' Rojlea. lot 28, blook 8, fit. Joka Park addltlua to St. Johaa - Beubaa Weak and wlfa ta Nela Vendan, lou 18. Id and aorth H of lot 17, block - IS. Orchard liomes The Panluaula bauk to Oak Park adJl ttoa No. 2 ta 8t. Jotana rerdinand Oandorph to Uarrty 0'Brjaa Inreatmant A Truat company, lot 8, ' block 41, ilellwood S, A. Lrnfe to Kmraa Wataoa. lot 8, : Mock 61 aad. lota 1 aad 2, block 62 Iteliwood Eniue Wataoa te W. . Wataoa. land . brf Innlnf at point where eaat line of lOaai Slitevath strrt InteraocU aoetk ' line of HaiMly road la eoclloe W. townahlp 1 north, ranse 1 eaat ; Eaatera InTeatraaat coin pa ay to Wil liam Loaar, lot a. bkk . Ulto Park B. K. Bld aad wl(a to Annie L. Ore- 878 100 ' II 100 kam, aot 1, block waai irrmf- BleeilawVe'metcry aeeoelatloa to Jacob Kamm. lot 124. aectloa T. Blrerrtew 1,100 cemetery ,a Bt. B. NobfcVt al. ta Albert O. Olenfer. lota W aad 28,.bleck 3, Hlfhland Park. Grace M. Miller to D. 11. Wataoa. lot 4. bka-k ko, Woodatock tuaaa Harrla to H. B. Harrta. loU 3 and 4. block IT. Kant Portland G. C. Wiley at aL to oebaatlan aad , Johana Ubarh. tract K. Bchool tract. John 0. Camobell and wife to Paul . , IMek, lot 20, block 104, Weat IrrlBf- toa ,......-. Georxe WllHam to H. H. Wrlsht at al.. 1,000 1 1,400 8.800 lot 1. block 1, Troatdale ................ John O. Bbodea and Fife to Lores A. , Bowmaa. lot TV block IS. Cloeerdala Bxtenaloa No. 2 - - - - , ' Clara Lery and wlfa te Joha J. Hawae. . -. ttnOO feet beflnulnf at point In weat li, ne ri.mlffr atraet 60 feet weat of ttitereecOoB with weat line of Twenty.. m-at , .' a-. -' Ylrtor Land eoainany to John A. Me . Clura. lot 8, block 8. Maegly Hlfh- land ... H. L Mnrtna to AntotoetU W. Bacbef- fer, lou 8 and , block 8. Kaat Irr. UlCtOQ .,..a...o..aeeas.-e.e...e H. A. Iwla and wife to B. W. Btronf. - lota- M,-SO,-Bli-tt Mock- , - Boa- eellellle v.... Portland Trnat Company f Orcfoa to Clarcnca 11. Jooea. lot 1. block 58, Bolladny'a addltloa Jaaepk Hornanf end wife t Anna ea- 8,000 BOO 3,800 nHly. lot T, diock a. onui mfw...- C ATI, In. . J Title- Guarantee dt Trnat company to Wll- ' ltara Ulna, lot I, owes a, jiiiob a dltkB . . Merchanta' Inrearment A Treat company to r.eorire B. Clenyee, lot b. Mock 2. -"Weodlawa .vrr.r ,rv. . . . rr. -. . ... Creaceot Land company to Loirlee 7M- mler, eaat nn feet of lot ft. Mock 2. Kayatooa addltloa 00 100 878 . For ahetreete. title Inaarance ar BMrtfara loana, call on racinc line a irai emrVi 204-8-A-T Falllnc bolldlnf. .. . - Oet your Inanraned and abatfacta ta real eatate from the Title Guarantee A Trnat com pany, 240 WaahlBftoa aireet, aoroar emiaa. NOTICES. NOTICB Annual Bieetlnf of Blear Tlew Ceme- neKere of River View Cemetery aaaoctatloB will be held at the bank of Ladd At Tllton on Monday, tha fourteenth day of Jaauary. 1007, at 3:o0 D Bt. A general attendance Ta -desired. AT. owners of family lota In tha ceme tery ara members of the aaeoeiauoa aau ef titled to participate. .' . ' WILLIAM B. MACKENZIE. Clark. IF THEBB ara any debts against the tobareo and confectionery atore formerly belonging to T. C." Gates,- make H -knewn-within 4 days. Mr. Bam acott. - , .. t BXCAVATINO and grading. C. B. Pottage. 4fa) Commercial at. Phono tear Bias. MEETING NOTICES. ATTENTION NEIGHBOR SometWiir Doing" -iTO-NIGfiTI : BETTER COME WASHINGTON LODGE. NO. 46, A. K. A A. M. Stated eonrmunt cation , thla (Wedneeday) evening, 1:m o'clock. Burkhard bonding. F. C. decree. Vial tors welcome. By artier W. M. . H. RICHMOND, Secretary. THB Royal Nelgbbnra af America will give a . railroad whtat party at their hall fn tbe A b!ng toe Mdg. Thursday evening. Jaauary 8 M. W. A.. ETEBGBBBN flamn, 3,466. neett Wednesday evening, a l laky blug., lbu-d mnaa at. . . . M. W. A. Oregon Graps Camp, No. 0,870, Moa- aaya. iita and Maranall; viaitors welcome. LOST AND FOUND. FOUND A place to save hair mattresses reno vated and returned same day. 228 Front at. Vain 474. Portland Ouled-Halr Factory. H. Metxger, proprietor. LOST New pearl-handled earring set December 24. nnaer wiu pieaee leave at I.lpmaa, rvoiio m vo. pnooo un loan. IX8T Gold watch fob. Monday evening; re ward 123. Addreea C. B. Maedlrmlt, P. 0. - Bos TOO. - LOST Pearl crescent pin. Finder rstnra to journal aad receive reward. FOCND A houseboat. Apply C. Amos, foot ef nrara nr. ' HELP WANTED MALE. WANTFD AT ONCE Bteve-bolt ewtters. wages per eora; ateaay work. Apply weaters Cooperage Co., bt earns bldg.r' Portland, er Houltoa. Or. - WANTED AT 0C Bound yonng men fnr Ore- men ana oraxesies en leading -wee tern rail roads aad for new made now being com pleted; riper leu re nnncceeaary: 6 re men $Hi0 per month.- brakemen $7S: poalrloea now open; write at once foe particulars. National Railway Training aaaoclatlnn. 730 Pax ton blk., Omaha. Nehraaka; or 831 Kldga Mdg., Kanaaa City, Mlaaourl. ... WANTED Mill blackamlth. 88 HO: 8 mill wrlghta. $4; 3 mill hande, $2SA: log-deck , $2.!K: 3 enika. $75 and $40. Many other poaltlona too ntimerona to mention. . . IdlMBKBMRN'S BI BEAC, Main ornea 12 North Recnnd lt. Branch Office 206 "4 Morrison Bt. WANTED Baleamen: many make $100 to $150 per month: some ares more: stock clean; grown on reeervetlnn, far from old nrcharda; eaah advahiced weekly; choice ef territory. ' Addreae Waahlngton Nnraery company, Top penleb, Waahlngton. . .. , WANTED A Y0CN0 MAN - . Of good family to . , - I earn altoe tntalneHS; refarenees. Apply BOBENTHAL'B, 14 Third s. WANTED Competent bookkeeper and acrjonnt. ant: permanent poaltlon. . Addreae B 01, cars Jmjrnel. - t BEUNQI'IKHMFNTN WANTED We wast two good timber claims of 4,000.000 or better la heavy timber belt; will pey cask. . 802 Lum ber Exchange, DON'T work for a small saury; sea er writs Pacific Aid aaaorlatloa for a good propost ttea, 324 Lambar Eiebsngs. WANTED Twe er three fh-et-elaes, a D around machine men; aermanent nosltlnn. send waaaa. -Oregon Furniture Mfg. Co., Macadam road. . F CAMP A , V : ' - FRANK T. BERRY SAYtC :1"r 1 Through a 3-line ad in your paper (two issues) at a cost of 30. cents I have sold a $2,600 farm in Clackamas county.. Kindly send -your solicitor around for further advertising. , - - T'r v-;-1 -';-- FRANK T. BERRY . help wanted-male: WANTED A neat appearing maa for steady Boaiuua; goos waga. apply ail soaria m. MEN AND WOMEN to learn the berher trade In elant week.; graduates earn from $10 to $-' waekly; expert hiatrsctora; ratalogne free. Molar Bvatem uf Collegae, 80 North Fourth St., rortiaaa. I. WANTED 10 mora solicitors: bast pesttlos In Portland; mea ara making $4 dally; ceil . aner nooa. zui atark at, . : UBlca Hotel , $1 NORTH SIXTH BT. - Fra omalovmaot to our natrona. Weakly rates: Uuom, $1.28 up; room fsd hoard, 04.80 np. Andsrsoa, proprietor. AGENTS wanted, Oregne. California, Idaho, , Waahlngton; health and accident Inaarance; old mltahla eomnanv: aooa aoatracta: rafer- snces required. Inited Btatas Health Ac - eldeat Inaurance Co.. X0 Marquam. WB get work for oar members; special mem os. X. M..U, 1, our in sou lamniti. BOY with wheel 5v r wboleaale snoTanlr hesas. 103 North Flftk reeti apetalre. - WANTED Cooka aad helpers' heedqnartere et California Wine Depot, r. Leratl, 140 earth ar. l none rantris xiss. . 8ALE8MEN BxnerleBced special contract men; fiw ier month and eommiaaton. conaarva- tlva Mutual Life lnauranee Oo., Blka' bl.lg. BOYS or glrle can make good money eelllng man articlea tor a cripple.. 1 euirea, sxg UentenbclB avs. TWO solicitors for dty snd ontalds towns: ns investment; S4 per day salary ana commie- slon. csll T14 cnamber or uommares. AGENTS In every county: splendid artlcls. t aarirs Burns, 01 rtortn Bscona st. WANTED A good all amund baker. American fteatasranc coraer 'inira ana Mucn ats. MAT$ er boy to da choree about atore. Apply 443 Waahlngton. WANTFJD Experleneed flrat-claaa bsttarmaker. loo rourtb at. HELP WANTED FEMALE. BOMB LADIES' AGENCY. lOSVs Fourth at., corner Morrlaoa. spa fair. i . roons Main onzo. Alongslds the Y. M. O. A. Mdg. OIRIJI WANTED Opaeataca ta work aa ehlrta and oearaiie. - Leeeona fieea to taerpertencea. L Apply at Standard (actory No. 2. Qrand ara. ana bmb imtmw aiv - WANTED TO gtrla-T work evenings from b:ou to s:au; copy worn; personally eunmH pencil written application; give teiepnone; poor writers sot conaUlered. N. M. Swart, too Cbamnsr ex uemmarcs. TOGNO girl for general housework. 0TT Benny- isr sr. , v HANSEN'S LADIES' AGENCY, 84S. Waah lngton st, eng. Seventh, upstairs. Phone Mala 3003. Female help wasted. EIJEBLY-woman for - hotieework In buelneea honas in country; good plica for right party, AooH-Morrlson at., room ft. gl ICK lntalllgent girl eea make good Iweges wrapping cnewing gum. apply American Chicle Co.. 81 North Front at. - WOMAN WANTED to care for sick lady; ns nooaswors. inquire at no mamner si ooi ma roe. - I WANTRD Experienced girl paparhox-maktra. si inortn root su . . - A COMPETENT flrl tor feneral honeework snd eooaing :i goos wages, sao ttaaaaio street. STBNOGBAPHEB who owns has own typewrit- p infl uuaorsiaaua friniinR ran. oatsis caras Address u 1U4, ears Journal. WANTT?r-fr! for general heueewetk. Ap- piy ss norta iwtn at. WANTED A girl for general aoaaswork; AS- piy soa ins al. WANTED Edncat :ed woman over 20 foe re- aponalbls position .l Apply 200 Tllfbrd bldg. WANTED A strong girl for preaslag garments: one witn experience prsrerrea. Berlla Dye worss, eai neeona si. WANTED Coed girl for general housewnrk lzo lets sx., oetween wssningtoa and Alder. A COOK WANTED Apply st 51 North 34th at WANTED A girl In tailor ahop. lrH Foarth St. MALE AND FEMALE HELP. HELP wanted nnd enpplled, male or female. B. u. iraxe, ieuots waaningtoa at., racinc lSiUb WANTED A few good solicitors, male an1 cniaj seax propoaitioa ox rorrmna; food money to the right partlee. - Phone Bellwood Tl. Corner Kent 18th at. and Umatilla are. SITUATIONS WANTED MALE. ENGINEER, capable of taking full charge et machinery, making repairs and erecting; strictly sober end reliable; refersnces. O 107, ears JournaL i " WANTED Work for rasa and wife la hotel kltcbea or other light work; can give refer- Address a. 1U4, cars JouraaL EXPERIENCED buyer and manager sf cloth ing end rurnisnings would consider change; , eaetern man; gentile: gllt-edgs .references. WANTED AGENTS. r t OR 3 people te sell s One holiday, snap, 100 per cent; asm in city ana country cor gooa medicine proposition. , K. M, Clummer, 260 Third st. AGENTS wasted ta aell eerr complete tine sf nign-graoa nursery stork; ontcu Tree; eaah weekly. Addreea Capital Olty Nnraery Co., Nalern. Or. EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES. BED CKOXft EMPIX1YMENT CO. Logging camp and farm help a specialty. SO North Second at. Pbe Mala 8206. We pay all tale graph charges. HANSEN S EMPLOYMBNT OFFICE FOB MEN. 28 North Second st. - Psoas Man. 1836. PORTLAND EMPLOYMENT OFFICE 206M Morrlaoa at.. j I'bone Pacific 2R0 27 North Beemd at .Pbona raclflo i:too WANTED REAL ESTATE. 7 Payne & Van Tyne - 210 Allaky bldg. ' . Baal Batata, I arm. Invsatuisnts, Mortgages, Loans. WANT to rent 10 acres, more or leas. Im proved with t Bulldinga; ebh-ken ranch, or anltsble for one, on carllne, gc fare; will leae for from 2 to 8, yeara.- Addreea J. Urimtt, 68H Sixth at. Phone- Pacific 20. WANTED AT ONCE Honaes. lots snd nnarter mocks in wooaiswn, -vioinmnta neignrs end tllghlaml Park. McOmher A Deffenbaugh, 410 Stearns bldg. WANTED Te buy 10 scree, with complete outfit, along loiirmma prerrrren: muat te s bargain for esah. Address D 100, JournaL MY wants are many In seat side property t I - wast bnalnetai property, honaea end lots snd quarter i . m ,no .er vwi. . e, a. Oeder, 1 Grand are., north. WANTED Te rent n food dairy farm, for- nlahed, close in) or would set aa roretnan: not afraid of work. Addreea B lot. Journal. WANTED MISCELLANEOUS. UIGHEBT rash price paid fnr all klnda eeeond band gonda. Phone Main 8111. 82 N. Third. WANTED MISCELLANEOUS. ' ADVERTISING MATTER Mailed by Knral Directory Co. We heve the only claaalfled Uat ef Barnes sf Oregon sod Washington. 21 nTABK BT., PORTLAND, OB. WANTED Furniture and houeebeld goods every description bought, ''d and sxchanged, The a, aja Flret at. Mala oviie. a HALL snd ballroom, separate or together) new snd with aU eonvsnlenoas. Phone Mala 8U6. I PAY eaah roe honaahald eoads. W. Savage. HZ 11 First at, Plions Faclfle 800. " MAIN SWV0. CASH AND UilH OF IT FOB FCHMTCBC PORTLAND Al CTION BOOMS., all Slret St. . I . MAIN BOM. MAtN BOSS. EXCAVATING nnd grading. C. B. Poltaga, 4.M1 Commerclsl at. Phono Esst 81V. WB WILL BCY. BELL OR TRAPS ANY OLD THING. WKrtTKRN BALVAdB CO., OCT WMH1SUTON, . PACIFIC 7S. WANTED tTQ RgNTe WANTED TO BENT Houses, eottagoaw flata. stores offices, rooming bonase, etc Lsaa- rorila will do well to call on -PORTLAND TRUST COMPANY OF OR SOON I'hons Ex. 72. 0. R. Cor. Sd and Oak. FURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT THE WITCH HAKRL, corner of Front and Madlaon ats.. haa bees leaasd for s tana ef yeara and la being pat In flrst-claes order and Will be knows ss tbe ''Hotel Ohio." Rooma will ba rented for offices snd stngls rami, alas housekeeping, furnished aad an- rurmarted. .. - ... THE RICIIEI.lEr, 8.1H North Sixth atV-Ela- gantiy ruroiahed: a team Boat asa ssins. FL'RNISHED rooms and fnrnlabed Voosekeeplng rooms fog re at st 702 Vsneouvsr a .a. THE OBAND, 4H North Third at. fox gentlemen, i.zo per week. asa as. "RKD DRAGON" New swell rooms, ksart of city;- new rurnlturs snd esrpeta. corner Sixth -and Rtark sta. Entrance 827H Stark. NICELY fnrhlehed rooms, cheap, $3 te $8 a week, im Barents at. NICELY furnlahed moms; phone, bathv, prlrats family, lad 11th and AMar. ... NEWLY fnrnlahed pnems, naw gat, modern. central, va MortB lota ar, eorner rianaars. FCBNIRHED rooma, day, week er month; rents jeaaonalile. 183H Fourth at. pacific aaao. NICELY rdrnlahed roam Is private family Tn- qtrrrs st szi -intra at. FOR RENT HOUSEKEEPING. $1.38 WEEK UP. clean, furnlsbed noaeekaep- mg rooms, parlor, nata,1 uaadry, turn ace best, yard, pus Stanton, u car. $1.80 WEEK UP, large, clean, fnrnlabed house keeping rooms, lautiury snd nata. . iss oner- man south, Portland. , . t THB MITCHELL Housekeeping snd trsnsisnt rooma, reasonania. naves ta snd riandem. 8 OB 4 anfornlshed hooeekeeplnf-rooms for rent; new moaeru boose, zoo East blxtb at., H. THBEB famlahed hoassksenlng rooms: rsncs. gas piste, nata, bot snd cold water, free poone. ous r irai. none Mam asua. TWO alee honaekeeplng an (tea; completely fnr- nianea;- every convenience, gin. an B Her man at, . , , , . .. ., 211 1STH NICE furnlahed heasakeeolag rooma, centrally located. . Apply mornings. TWO furnlsbed bonsekeeptng $13.50. 2M Fifth st ground floor. ROOMS AND BOARD.! FOB ene or more (employed people preferred). modern, rsssoasbls. ua ssst Mprnsna. BOOM snd board for 8 mors gtrls, $180 s week. 80 Bast Sixth St., tn. in hoas Baat 261-i W A NT ED Two ehlldrsa to cars for la a good unnstiss home. Ous west atxth a treat, Vas- roover. evaaa. FOR RENT HOUSES. T-BOOM hoass an carllne, 313. C R. FlgSott, owner, lawyer, room e .Mousy eug. BENT a plane snd later buy It; ell rest ap ptiea en purennes. ansrmsa, Clay at os bixis at aternsoa sx. . FOR BENT New -modern 6-room honas, Srs) monroa mut upper AiDina. inquire eg No. 80S.- . . NEW ruodern T-room boo as, 778 Multnomah at. xa. . nice, owner. WE are ta need ef several furnished and an- roraiebed booses to satiety tbf wants of ear Crons. r-nons main oiui or ran t ju cesm of Commsres. Ko It now. . FOR BENT 6 room bouee.. between llnloa and WIU la ma avaa., $12. luanlre 087 Bast Sixth st,, nortn, or pnons Wosdlswn, 448. 8 NEW and modern 8-moea cottages ea eaat sine, witnin easy walking diatanee; eorner $18 snd Inalda bounce 17.S0 each, Weatara vrvicrai A rutja, ' aVrr L DtaU-aj, w. FOR RENT FLATS. PIANOS for rent and sale; eaay paymsnts. Bbermaa. Clay A Co.. Sixth snd Morrison sta. $10 NICE cleaa 8 -roomed Oat with bath, st iwt saac zna ana xnvuuoa ats. 'lake wood atock or Richmond car. ... HOUSES A FOR RENT FURNI. TURK FOR SALE. WB need faraltnrs st any pries Portland Ann. Una Rooms. xi 1 riret st. Main B6M. FURNISHED HOUSES. 18 PER ' MONTH s-room furnlahed cot tare! Targe yard and eblrken-hoess, water. 83$ Eaat Second, comer MIU. . ri'RNIKHED modern 6 room house. 'Eaat Smb. .near Morrlacn. , Call 213 Aliaky Bldg.; pnons -eciuc UJff. FOR RENT STORES-OFFICES. OFFICE-ROOMS, nnfurnlabed rooms snd sanv ple-roome for rent, Uoodaeogh bldg. Apply s levator. DF.SIRABI.E offlcea. tncrndlng electric lights, hot and cold water, janitor and elevator service. In the new, airy Commonwealth bldg., old postofflre alts. Sixth snd Burnalds sts. Agsnt. room 411. ' . A FEW Srat-elaea offlcs-mnms left at aortheaat corner Third and.Madlaos sts. Apply No. B. . . , FOR BENT Stors Flfth-at. aide Goedaough bldg. Inqnlre at elevator la Villdlng. DKBK ROOM , for rent; free phone; $10 per month. 714 Chamber ef Commsres. STOREROOM In elty market block, 883 Third at.. $20 per month. ir c .. FOR RENT FARMS. 40 ACRES,' aorth hank ColnmMa; 27 acres la cultivation, bouse snd barn snd furniture; 8H00 sown, balance eaay payments; 1 14 miles from north bank railroad. Alexander Land -Co.. toti Sixth St., near Pins. FOR RENT 40 scree; 10 In cultivation. So In paaturs, houae, barn, sevsrsl hundred coeds of wood, cloae to railroad. Coast Baal Eatate Co.. Morrlaoa at., room 3 FOR RENT MISCELLANEOUS. HALL and ballroom, separate er together; new and with ill cixirenlrnt-ea. 1' 11 nm mm. BUSINESS CHANCES. WB have a- euetomer that has about $100,000 to Invest In liwlde property la city: another one with about $M.0u0, would lnveat ruuat anywhere lu cltv but would prefer weat of lath, eaat of 24th, aorta of Waahlngton ana BoutB or Maranall. CAB. REAL ESTATB CO, . 2iS m Bl.lg., Phone Mala lu4d. Uea. fUeos Scott 100, A BOOMING houae full of rooms re, emee te court ho nee, for SdoO If taken at once; worth much more than ws are saklng; this la meaey maker; will aland cloaaat lnveauga aios, . . V. a A 8. BEAT. ESTATB CO, , Maruuam Bl.lg., Phone Maid HH6. Res. Phons Scott 100. A SriJCNDID rhanca to get Into bnalneea Is S country town for gl.efto; general merchan. dies .lure, poatofflcs In connection, doing splendid bustiieas: this la a chance of a Ufa time; yon srs invited to Investigate this closely before bayingi ' . a A 8. RKAl, ESTATB C0j.. 2iiA Maruuam BMe.. Phone Main luid. Res. I'hons Scott 100. SPLENDID opportunity for sn architectural - arsughumss who as Invest gl.ono in a well . developed InoorporsTed coast business, . Ad dreea B 100, ears Journal. - 30 BOOMS, with good furniture, boa-ton nca tlon; n money-maker; muat sell st erica ; for aals at a ttargsla. Moms Land Oo, 140 Va First at r- 8AVB MONEY Anything tn printing see Mad den. Oild Fellows' Temple, First sod Alder ats.; npetairs. $10,ooo BTOCK general merchandise; aalee over gitm dally; win tat a. part real estate; is mliea from Portland, ' Address Y 107, cars JournaL ' . - r $480 BUYS A rooma, well fnrnlabed tn good to. callty; west side; tow rent. Bageoiana dt Blaochird, 31 Fifth St. FOR BALE Fine buttermilk bnalneea, rig- aad routes, aaaress a iui, cars journal. . $3,000 BIJY8 lodglng-hotias worth the money; well locsteal must sail., box st. sity A NICB dyeing business can be bought for $000 ir taken oerors January in; sctnai value about 31.500; doing enlendld business; will hear elohest Investigation; good rssaong for nailing. 1 1 ' d A 8. BEAT. ESTATB OO, -.' 206 Msranaa Bldg... . rhone Main lu46. Bee. Phone Scott 103. $200 BUYS a 2-rhalr barber-ahop and building. Apply 200 Bast Morrlaoa at.; selling scooant ieon at. ; Spencer. ec sicknees. r- w. FOR BALE Offtre for rent and furniture and futures for aale. cheap; goad wcatloa. In quire IrBH Third, room B. , WANTED Partner ia . good- abstract, reel es tate and Insurance business, near Portland. Or. Writs A- Bolton, 214 Duboee are Saa Franclsce. - BLACKSMITH -SHOP, toela and ehockj a good bualness snd good location. K. At. Wsrdly, Carltoa, Oregon. . . NICB new reetaurant r lotel dlnlaf -room snd kitchen outot; new nrencn range; everytnmg flret cleaa; sell cheap er trade. Inquire 21 Btark at THB BEST money making proposition ea the market lor noatiar witn a -yew nuaarea eoi lera and aervlcea. Inquire room 11, Benaoa bldg.. 01 W Morrlaoa at. - BOOMING HOUBB for asls; heat location, good lesae, 46 rooms, well furnlahed; thla In ths beat money-maker la the city, f. 88. JournaL FOB BALE Hardware store ta Portland: clean atack, good ncattos. cheap rent: lnrsn tor; I about 82.000: Address X 101, cai care journal. NICBLT farntahed 4 room houae boat for sale or rent. Call at dark green bones, , root Columbia st. ; alga "For Bala." 34.000, TEBMS Income property; win pay 10 per cent ana Better, p ivi, cere eouraai. -FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. Sellwood Hemes, .- f fW 4-room cottage. ., ' $700 4-mom hooae, 4 lots. - -. ' 31.000 Soom houae, 8 Ma. $1.060 8 room boaas (new). -erooaVffner planter, electric lights; twe blocks from car- line; rnu Kit.- -- 81. BOO 6 room modern cottage. ' v $l,eo O-roors bonss, cemaat bsasmeat and sidewalks. $2.000 T-room modern boose, corner lot. . $.too Fine algbMy lot. near golf llnka. : 3.MI0 100x100, two blocks from enrllaa. M0 100x100, buslneaa property. $lGO Lot near new woolen mills. Fire Inanrance Loans. Sellwood Townsite Co., ' , Hi P. PALMER, Mgr. -323 Falling bids. Main 8081. Or take Bellwood car, gat off at Tealne at. East lam. rnone senwosa 101. If Yon Hiss These Ycn'Jl Be v -: to Blame",':. - 88.000 A erand place, west atone of Mt Tabor, 10 roouia. atyllah snd moderp.Jirat tha place fug a swell family; ears stop at tbe poor. 81.500 2 -acre place, fronting on carllne: handeoms S-room residence, free water, choice variety of milt and berries; It's n beauty. No nss talking, yoa get the bsrgalna when yea come to Be. . The Dunn-Lawrence Co. i 149 H FIRST ST. - 38.10 O-BOOM , house, - barn, chlckaa bonss. young rruit Trees: lot looxiw; ... x atoraa from 6e"fsrsr a nice place for chickens; lots sre worth tbe saoney; aair caaa. $2. 250 6-room modara Al home; $200 cash. balance to auit purchaser. 82.6SO 8 room home: It's well ullt. h dry tubs; la feet everything modern except- Inr rnrnace; eaah, balance eaav. .Have others et all prlcee, but above are eaay snapa: win bona yon a noma in Kaat Portland Heights or Anabel on eaay payments. Ask about them If yoa want to get away from still signer rents. . F. J. STRI.NMETZ ft CO., Ths Homescllers. IDS ..Morrison St, WOOltMERB. - . Mount Scott rsrllne. , I have foe aale trts In or adjoining- this lovely enhnrb rrora fi2r np to si-zo, acctictung to 10 tlnn: very ear terma. Acreage In 4H, 5. AH-aers tracts, soltable for platting, IT. m .( up to '.i per acre; terma; buyer will double bla money on these tracts. ; I . ' I. H. HECKFR, . '. ,.' Rsel Estate Office. Woodmere. 1-4:80 p. ra. Bnndays, 10 a. m. to 4:80 p. m. FCRMBTIEI) 4 room bouse on Mosnt Scott carllne; fnilt treee. buahea, etc.; a a nan at $1,060; eaay terms Thene raclflo 1342. State Land Co, ra First st. - GOING I GOING! .ALMOST GONR! Tllton Addition going at half value; 48 hrtg - 41 LF-FT FOR SALB. eond nnlnls: Cement eldewalke, hard tire- face pavemeuts, near new High school, ene block from car. iw mini tea eaeity. gnon; below pries of nearby lots. Delay to Investi gate meane lose 10 yon, THOMPSON ft WIDEN (Rranehl. -r rVme Eaat 4X00. BOO Belmont st. FOR rfXl.E CHEAP A T-room -honse. 3 Iota. bits ot rrnlt. eowparn. ri.lcken yard. Bee owner. Bayard St., 1'enlnsulsr station William Be ben del. - BEAD. T-room honse. close ta to each room, fell lot. rXntlOO, neer sawmill, boiler works. sMp- Hrildmg. plant and O. R. ft N. R. R., fine location i or noariiing-nouee; witnin tns next few days will aell for $2,000; terms fno eaah, balance $11 per month. Bt. Jobne Title Abstract ft Trnat Co., Bt. Johns, Oregon. Tbone Eaat 6007. , SEVERAL comfortable honaes snd hits belong ing te a non-resident muat ba aold at ones et k sactiflcer terms. W- B. Mcpherson, Ths Phllsdelphla, room 12, Third and Salmon. ALPINB BBAL ESTATE CO.. snfiVk Morrison, room 3; phone Mala 10174 block with 12-room house, close In, $1t..VV 2 aorea, - g room hoass; eaay tsrmS; 12. MO. TURNER A WALKER. Real Batata, Farms snd Block Ranch ea. Exchanges, - - aoBlA, Waahlngton at. ":.'.". ' ellwool ' Morehouse ft French, 1(170 E. Uth. Phone Bellwood 74. City Tlew Psrk lota, Xif and np! Ross A tl.l 1 1 Ion hits, $100 and np: $3 down and $3 a month. Homes from $.0 to $4,000, Lota !Pt snd np, In all parte ef Bellwood, List out pcopsf ty wtU s: we will aeU It, - . , ; i . , ... FOfTSALE REAL ESTATE. JUST think. I.2n0 lota near Salem car Un no farther than St. Jnbua, at 413 per l at $1 per mouth; level and good eoil. wl houaee already there; you can t buy acre, out tbre for eatne amount; kits will ba per lot la August when ears srs runnin Apply to owner, W, Kehlt, room la Waa liie'ton bH'g, V70", Waahlugtoa. FINE little houae. barn snd chlrkes-henr - 8 lota. $1 2imi; csater addltlua; terms. Ca np Scott 2707. - v 10-ROOM colonial houae tor sale. 7B0 Mareha o, lot. euxivu, asnueoma. woll ballt. f.x ' il saoaevn conveaiencss, dmln. - . - twiHiwi, exirn on nnlau t walU, plate-glaaa windows; beautiful boa for s large family appreciating comfort; a be. gain at tha price. $10,600. Morgan. Swe. A Cuspman, Zli Ablngtoa bldg. Pnons Mai 2010.. - j .. . ARTISTIO 5-room cottage at Anabel, aearl completed; fireplace and all nxxlerny eonven encee; large bit: vary attractive place; on terms. Western Oregon Trnat eompasy - 01 Stark at, or pboas Lnlon tuoo. NEW 8-room cottage on carllne, built tor i home; large lot. fins surroundings, 11,473 terms ran be arranged. Western Oregoi i ennpany, iwx . stars, or phone Unlo ONH-ACBR tract, with small bouts, aeer ear $50. Weaters Oregon Trust company, IM Htark; or pbona Union 8800. BEAUTIFUL' A room houae, adjoining Creaton all modern, extra fins bath: lot fenced $1,500; on term!. W cetera Oregon Trust company, sui niara, or pnons union SOOO. NEW 6-room hoass In Ores ton. right on ear, full remem naaement, rarnacn, 18x14 parlor, lsr dining-room, walls nicely tinted, besntlfu bath, extra large lot: a rare barealn. and will not last long. Pries only $2.00; term, can be nrranged. Weatern Oregon Trnat . company, wi atara ac, or phone Union g0U, SEVEN-ROOM Bonss, new gad modern through- out. mil Daeemtnc, large tot, aad a choice looationi thla Is cheep st $1,876; an aansual Bargain. Weatara Oregon Truat company, 21 obara al., or pnoaa union nsuw. - BEST BUY In Portland; lota 80x100; graded eu-eeia. water; sio oown, aio par month ones setw; a oioras seata Hewthor Forty-third et.; owner ea ground. are.! o-n.Fvjg cot tare, atrlctly modara. Borealaln , bath. sink, patent toilet and lavatory, wood , fiber plaster; lot 40x120, with 180-foot alley; ?..b tr"m rarllne: $200 down, balance eo per montn. a Bargain. Home Lai and Co., aao-siese ST. S-ROOM cottage, fun lot. loss Bast Ollxaa et.. set off West svs.; fsoo l., no i pries .- rtny direct from owner. Uvtng " J -- wmuTua car, ' CHOICE onarter block 100x100, Improved. 28d '"iVr ,, ''." signify, ran view. , viieem ... BOR SALB Twe alee lots ea Bast Rtark snd eepT cornaa 31,000, inside 81.2O0. aa.oooi terms Income property; will pay 10 per cent and better. S 107, cars Journal. ' FOR SALE FARMS. ' 751 rdf. N r.i n - 31 seres garden land, half la cultivation! od buildings: miles from cite. P.L.. v par scrs,- - , - 30 seres, all Imp roved, good buildings, run. alnc water, close to. car line; 82.00W. terms. 220-acrs farm 16S la cultivation, land lies ' "3ns; on twe good country roads; laegs orch ard; $ room aard-flnlah hoass,. large -wood-' bouse, 3 bsrna and etockvardn. chlckom mnA turkey yards; creek oa place, good water at. rsntorxJaooaat -al,- -t. -malt. -pbona "In hones: Hi ' 1 . nunm as uepox; pnes goo psr acre. Team of aoreea. wagon and haraees. boggy, all klnda of farm implements; cows, chickens sad , turkeys. For aale cheap te bayeg of farm -, terms. - Or will exchange far good elty prop erty la part. ., lOO-aere farm ea the Tualatin river hank; 10 scree beaver dam; ene half hi culttva- 1 tins; -wlrs fenced snd eross fenced; good -room houae. 3 large barns aad ether aut hnllduga; good orchard, good team koreaa, 0 cows, 1 hull. 4 hogs, chirk ens, wagon a, hack. Slowa, harrowa, bars full ef hay and grain; .. F. D. matL pbona line by door; 14 mllee from dty; $6,000, terms. , - 160-sere cow ranch, ef which 100 acres ha river bottom and grass land nnd ths balance bench land, with noose, bam. orchard and ' , a creek running ncross ths place; wtthta half ' mils of ths depot; 88 miles from ths dty; esn he had for 833.60 per scrs If sold la 80 -days; after that time- pries sdvancee $8 per scrs antll sold: this Is s snap hoy for a maa ' looking for a dairy reach. T 30 Acres flrat-claaa land within a hn or . three enartere of e mile ef the new carllne . being built from Salem to Portland; t mllee from the elty: about belt Is baaeardam lend 1 I , and about 400 corns of wood 00 the same; , win ap m reirra; una 1 lowing spring the whole year tbrough the placs: price $1,000. one half rash, he la ace agreed time. ... , '-" CIjOSJS TO CITY. 39 seres, half ander eulttvattea. balance eaay cleared, laya wall; honss aad barn, good. , . well, nice erebsrd: excellent noil; only et ml lee from conrtboase, IK miles from rail, road station; a bargain; (2,860. ' 120 acres, 18 la eulttvsyon: S room honas, ' hero 40x4.1; soring water near house: s fine lot of cedar oa place; all good eotl; ea a main county read, 81 miles from Portland; B. F. D. and milk route by the door) $2,000. ', . Send fnr form list. . ,.' , r v --T- W. W. Espey tt Room 318 Commercial Building, - Comer Second snd Waahlngton. NBW YIAB 'BARGAINS.... t $$.$00 burs 00 aorea beet of land: 40 scree '. - bottom land. 18 acrea under cultivation, 4 ' acrea slaahed and needed, piece fenced and cross-fenced, comfortable fsrmhonse, good barn ooxftot good, chicken, bog snd gnat, houseet family orchard, good well and liv ing stream through place, 114 miles from school, 8H Bills from country town and 10 : miles from Vancouver: Including the follow, lng atork, etc: 8 mlk-h cows, 3 heifers, shea la, 1 brood sow. teem of msree. 1 eolt. 8 dnsen chickens, 18 sacks of potatoes. 23 seeks of carrots, - new set of harnese, hack, 3-lnrb wagon, hslf Interest In mower snd rake, plow, harrow, grubbing, outfit, aawa, axes, wedgea. etc., etc.; cook -store, heater, , carpets, hedateada. 60 Quart a of frnlt. Id) . tone of bay In ham and other things ton : numerous to mention. Don't fell to sea this .- "if yoa want a bargain; good reasons for selling. - . . ;. H acres, 4 miles ' from this' cltv: ISO acres under flne atate of cultivation, some fine 1 saw timber and several thoueand cords ef . bard snd soft wend: 6 seres In orchard nt ' 'assorted frnlta. In full bearing; 6 room house, large barn, boghouae, ehlehen-honse, gasollno - engine, wood saw aad feed grinder, living, water a-vl flne wells, So acres In clover; owner wit, rt In gl.ono worth ef persons! property. This Is the Very best well Improved place on the market In the eonnte win . cell for $! an sere before 3 years. Owner, aver 7U resra old and antlena im Mil t.i, $ will give terma to suit pnre1iaer, .' 20 acrns, n mllee from thla dty: in aorea . nnncr nne stare or cultivation, living water ana nne wens, sn ot tns ciearea land IS fine garden or track lend, hnlanrs of Is ml the finest kind of crchsrd land, email horew, good bant, chicken-bouse, etc.; 14 mile from school.-. H. F. - D. snd -tel -phone by piece. Pries $2,600. . If yon da not see veht yon want In the abnv write or esll aoer"we will take pleasure In answering any Innutrr tbst yew wlsk to maks. . ' THOMPSON A SWAN, . Cltlsena' Bank Mdg.. Blxlh st.. Vancouver, , . Washington. ' References: '- Vancouver National Bank. ' A COt'PLl AS? ' rflDTTVl TAKE TOUR CHOICE. ' The last chance to get a nicely Improved 4o acrea. all In entrvatioo, nn the Heotlon Una road, fronting right on proposed electric car line; baa good Buildings, well fenced, anlendld water, choice frnlt; price only $7,000. ... . . Yon will never1 far a chance for a placs aa rood sa Oils and rinse la fnr tha money. ' Will exchange tn part for city property AC J take food mortgage securities. 40 seres on good public highway, 4 miles from Estaceda, rnral mall rente, partly com pleted B-toom residence, good spring, living water, T acres fenced and cleared, 10 acres bottom land nearly cleared; owner has sud denly been celled esst on - account of alrfc -relatives; offors to. e-H ths placs at a Sgcrl floe; If he cannot get mora than $1,000, will let It go; must be cash. Apply to " 1 1 TUB DCNN-LA WnRNCR COMPANY. HIIVS Flret atreet. 10 At RE tract at Wood burn, nnlmprnved;' dry. none, wi'i ti.ii" eei, or Irene tor lot In Alhlna. II. J. Harrier, 41 Grand ave, oe phone Eaat 6riT. Prnaag ea alaee were asa. ir acted at 3 ceata.