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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 2, 1907)
Tlin OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, ' PORTLAND, WEDNESDAY EVENING, JANUARY 2,1007. JAIL FILE IS USED AS INSTRUMENT OF DEATH Amazing Developments. Follow In Strange Murder Mystery of r Bridal Chamber Young Woman Is Accused of . . , ,- ; Having Slain Her Husband. '; -1 I RECORD OF CRIL1E FOR YEAR Hundred and Twenty-Three Legally Hanged and Sixty Nine Lynched. . Mrs.' "Goldls" Nell. . flunt Keeps ay Leasest Imm4 Win.) .- New York, Jul I. -Amazing develop ments are fallowing thick and fait In the j strange tnwder -i myiUry of - the bridal chamber of the Greenwlah hotel. Greenwich, Connecticut. ' Tha death of Joseph NelL a bridegroom of but a few days, wu beyond all doubt, caueed by a tiny penetrating wound running from just below the left eye In through the eye vault and piercing the brain. - Thla wound waa . cauaed by just such a weapon aa a nail file found after the crime in an umbrella which "Qoldls Nell, the bride, waa forced to laave In the hotel when ahe fled to thla olty. ', Today lira. Nell will, he taken to Greenwich to answer to a chares, of manslaughter, despite her avowals of Innocence last night in the prison ward of ' Bellevue hospital, where she ' waa . ITotnaa Xa aig-aniis. :v. - But one of the moat . . astonishing threads that waa added to the net of circumstantial evidence that la being woven around the handsome young woman waa that ahe waa a bigamist. having -been married to Nell three "months ago, when, under an lnterloou- - tory decree granted her but a few weeks ago, ahe eould not legally marry until next March.. , - For weeka the fear that her former husband might learn of . the bigamous wedding and for revenge send her . to prison, waa a phantom . that nearly erased her, and In addition to thla, ahe found that, the man who had led her Into bigamy began to beat her within a fortnight of the ceremony. Thla . led her three weeka ago, the poUoe say, to attempt , his life by pretending to make love 'to htm. and after leading j him to the center of so room, pulling aown on nia neaa an oia onanaeuer 01 tremendous weight, I . . MmiX lUe Xmplegten. Death was ceased, he said, by a small, sharp Instrument, such as a nalL. file, being driven with terrific Impact Into his face Juat below ' the left eve. ao Vthat the point of the Instrument waa guided upward by uta bonea of tha eye vault, whtoh led It. direct Into the brain. - Sheriff William Rltch. to whom the discovery of the murder, after tha flight of "Ooldle" Neil. Is due, waa positive in his assertions that the bride had killed her husband, his opinion being that the act was eommltted In a mo ment of ungovsrnable rage at discover ing that she not only wsa cheated out of her share of Ma property but that Nell apparently Intended to leave her. Kitty O'Nell. the bigamous wife of the murdered man. told a remarkable ABSOLUTE SECURITY. Carter's Little Liver Pills. Must Bear Signature) ef 5ee Pae-Sta-dle Wrapper Below. Terr assail and as easy to takaaasafaa, CARTERS m rORIUDACXL - roiDiniNCts. FDR KlUOOSXCtt. "' FCHJCXriD LIYtl. roi coxniPATiox. rCl I ALLOW SKll. rOITHICOMPUXIOI V CUR.? tICK HIADACHI . story In the- prison ward f Bellevue hospital. i Tetla Her Own Story, -.--l..'.. . This is the young- -woman's story as she told It In the prison ward: . "Poor Joe, my big boy, la dead mur dered but I never killed him, I ldved him too Well, and we bad juat gone to live at ' the new hotel, and both of ua thought that wa were going te . be happy. They' aay that I killed Joe by sUcklng a nail file Into his brain. That la a lie. If a nail file waa found Inside of his 'umbrella, somebody; else put it there for a purpose. ' . . ' 1 "I never owned that or any other nail nie. i never saw it. There la some thing behind this case that haa not as yet come oat, and aa true aa heaven ta my -Judge, I did not kill him. The per son who killed Joa will be found out when a full investigation la made. . -l , "We had lust moved Into the Green wich hotel and had been In the room on the top floor but a little while when Joe died. We had no quarrel then and I do not know what caused his death. I waa In the hall, calling' to the dining room girl to bring up something to eat, When , he fell to the floor dead. "I did everything that .a wife would or eould do for her husband and wanted to atay there with the body, but the hotel-keeper hurried me out of town. I cannot understand now what hla mo tive waa. I did not run away from the law, and I told Dr. Thompson and others there where Z waa going to In New Tork City. Doea that look as If I waa guilty T , Herberts Are Blamed. ' "That very afternoon we moved from New Rochelle, "Where we had been living at Herbert s hotel. The Herberts are relatives . of . Joe's. Herbert'e wife la one of Joe'a slaters. All during the time we lived with the Herberts Joe waa- un der their influence, and on Friday after noon, only a few hours before wa moved to Greenwich, they got Joe to deed to his alater, for no consideration what, ever, a piece of property In Greenwich, near the town hall, that la worth 11.000. Wa left there together and on the way to Greenwich we talked -over how happy we would be away from the Herberts. ""The room Into which we went waa nice and clean and everything about the place looked new.' . Tha bed had a nice whit spread over It. and the min ute we got' Into the room Joe teased himself on the bed, ahoea and all. and said: -"Ooldle. I'm all In now. The Her berts thla afternoon got me to deed my property ever to them and I haven't anything left In the world to lire for but you. -.Ton will atlok to me, won't you, Soldier I told Joe that I waa glad ta get away from those people In New Ro chelle. as they were always making trouble for us and that we would start Ufa anew. , . - Tonad Kim Bead, ' . "Then joe told me to go to the din ing-room and get something to eat. I had a black eye that Joe had given ma a few daya ago while up at Herbert's, and I aald that I would not think of going Into the dining-room with auoh a face. He said that he wasn't hungry and was going to sleep, and' he Insisted that I get food. , "I went but Into the hallway to call the girl to bring up some food, and while I was In the hall X heard a noise and, rushing back to the room, I found Joe Irlns on the floor. His face waa covered with blood, -but1"! -did not aee any nail file or anything else in the room. Joe'a umbrella waa atandlng ever In a corner, and If a hall file was found In the umbrella somebody else put it there; I didn't. I never saw that file. ' "I screamed and shouted for my Jon. but It was of no avail. . He was dead and the blood was streaming down his lace from a wound near his eye. , 1 wsa dressed, but bad my hair loose and only tied with a ribbon. I was frantlo and Mrs. Anby wanted me to go ta her room and sleep. -... ." " V: . OVER TEN THOUSAND ' KILLED THEMSELVES Nearly Fifteen Millions Looted From Banks and Other Institutions by Embezzler on Record. Heaviest Fire Losses Italy's Prosperity. (Jotirnel RMeUl smn.t - Naples, Italy. Jan. J. The prosperity of this pountry continues, as the- budget statenient shows an unexpected surplus of more than I10.oo0.000 for the current year, with an estimated surplus of 15, 000.000 for the next. A great move ment la impending toward l.e relief of taxation and the rel)ef of local finance. At tha coming session of parliament a sum of 12J.40O,OO0 will be asked for to Improve the railways of tha oountry, - -. (Joernal Bpeettl Service.) ' Chicago, Jan. 1. The Chicago Tribune publleheo the following recorda on crime for the year 1 tot: ' - The number of legal hangtnga In llt waa 123, aa compared with 121 in 1805. The Crimea for which they were exe cuted were: - Murder 114, rape I, mur der and rape 1. , The number of lynchinga la 19. com-: pared with (t In 1905. The 11 negroes killed In Atlanta in September and the 11 killed it Scooba and Wahala, Mis sissippi, in December are not included In tble total. , . - Humbev of Murders, j Tha total number of deatha by mur der and violence of every kind during 1906, aa reported by telegraph, shows a small Increase ver 1905, being 1,850, as compared with- : : The number of double murdera la 180, and 19 of the murderers were-women. The number Of triple murders was 98., and three -of the murderers were women. There were 44 quadruple mur ders, 80 cases where Ave were killed and one case where six were killed (for" money) ; two where seven, were killed, oae where It were killed, and the 'race rlota at Atlanta and Scooba, Mississippi, caused the death of 84. - . , - - j Increase In luleides. V - The steady Increase of suicides noted during the last . few years continues. Tha number for 1901 is 10.125, which ezceeda the homicide record. . The proportion of suicides as be tween men and women haa increased In favor of men. -In the last few years about twice aa many men have commit ited suicide as women, but laat year there were nearly three times as many men, the record ahowlng T.848 men and 8.888- women. Physicians, aa usual, head the list among professional men, the number in 1908 having been 89, as compared with 84 In 1906, 88 In 1904, 86 In 1903 and 83 In 1903. The various causes of these suicides warn as fol lowaiDsspondsncy.4,51U.inaanity 1,838, domestlo infelicity 3,125. disappointment in love 1.113, unknown 416,- 11 health 388, liquor lit, business losses 58. . Baoord of Bmboealoaaeata. Tha record of embesslement, forgery, defaulting and bank wrecking shows a large increase over ltot -and la the largest total since) ,1894, being $14,734, 843, as compared) with 18,413.173 In ltot. This large tnoreaee ta principally due to the looting of bank depoaita by auoh bankera aa Stensland In Chicago, Hippie In Philadelphia. Sllveira In New Tork. . t . i In 84 of the larger cltlae 134. were killed And 414- injured In automobile ao cldenta. In 169 smeller towns 71 ware killed and 317 Injured, making a grand total of 109 killed and 861 Injured. - Hunting fatalities In all the states number 178 and the wounded 145. Total war losses the world over were 44.800 Uvea, compared with (40,000 In 1908 and 400,000 In 1904. - More than half this year's record goes to the ao- eount of the civil strife In Russia - fire losses Heavy. . The Br loaaea of ltot exceed those of any year since 1871, the year of tha Chicago conflagration. In round num bora they will approximate 3883,000,000. Thla huge loss waa largely caused by tha lira which-"followed the earthquake In San Francisco and destroyed, ' ac cording - to revised estimates, about 3-a,000,000 of property. There have been aeven other Urea during the year where the loases ware ii.eot.ooa and upward. GOLD AND IRON HEALTH IN COLUMBIA SANDS - SWIfJDLERS FOILED BY A WANT AD Federal Inspector Ntp Scheme of Counterfeiters to Se cure Million. TEN MILLION DOLLARS EXPECTED AS PROFITS Detective) In Dtagulse Taken Into Flot and Hired aa Engraver to '. Make. Bogus Note to Cheat Cat tle Growers tn Colombia. Hood River Excited' Over Re- port of Test Rush Made for Claims. - (Bperial Dtepeteh te The Jaeraell Hood River, Or., Jan. 1. A rumor having gained credence here that the company that haa been making a test of the sand In the big bar along the Columbia river Just north- of Hood River had received a favorable report on an aaalyata which it had made to determine what percentage of iron and ' gold tha aand contains, tha bar la today staked out In claims. Over 10 claima have beeq taken up and a number of Hood River residents are of the opinion, that , they . are - on tha road to riches. 1 At the time the story of a favorable report became circulated most Hood River oltlsens were la bed and It- is possible that If It had been spread in- the daytime a stampede . would have been the result. -As It was, about 80 excited men rushed home to cut stakes snd gat lanterns and proceeded to the bar, where they hurriedly ataked pff claima under the direction of C. O. Ruth an experienced prospector, who not only took a claim for himself, but one for his wife also. It Is aald by old residents that the claima are Invalid, aa thev are on deeded land and cannot be held. ' - It Is said today that no announce ment haa been made by any one con nected with the company aa to the re sult of the assay, and that none will be made at present It has long been said that both gold and Iron are pres ent In paying quantities in the big sandbar if a -machine ean be perfected that will extract It. . The promoters of the present enterprise are endeavoring to do this, and ths rush for the mining claims near the snot where they are working Is said to be somewhat prema ture. Heveral years ago 8100 waa spent by parties In legal fees In trying to es tablish ownership to some of this prop erty, but they were defeated. . I Ml. AnstraJla'o New Oold Field. (Joersil g pedal Berrtce.) Melbourne, Jan. 1. Prospectors are rushing to Tarnagulla. where some large gold nuggets were recently found. The rush eclipses that of the famous Bendlgo scramble In 1847. and It Is aald that the new find far beats any dis covery yet made In this oountry. Two nnggets weighing respectively l7 and 881 ounces are on view here, ". : .; ' ' .. . . (Joernat Special Barrfe.) New Tork. Jan. 1. What la branded aa a counterfeiting scheme Of auoh stu pendous proportions that if It had suc ceeded the South American republic of Colombia would have been victimised to the extent ef $10,000,000, has been balked by one - of the cleverest sou pa in the annals ef the federal aecret service. , Simon Boehm, head of tha exporting house of Pratto A Co.. with offices In the Morton building la Nassau street, and Samuel Otero.- a young South Amer ican, who are charged with instigating ths gigantic fraud, owe their arrest solely to a Frankenstein "want ad" which set a clever detective In disguise upon their track. The -story - of r tha 'alleged swindle reads even more romantically than the similar project of Captain George Boyn ton; who proposed to finance a Venesue lan revolution through the Issue of mil lions of counterfeit Bolivars . scheme which was frustrated through a poker game In which his confederate e wife loat ao much money that aha gave tha whole plot away.. . , Answered Advertlaement, .' Early In laat September, according to the- story told to United States Cora mlsaloner Shields, after the arrest of Boehm and Otero, yeeterday, an adver tisement appeared in an evening news-1 paper signed "8. B., and asking the services of a" first-class steel plate en graver who -would be paid tha highest wagea for. work to be dona- In, Cuba Captain Flynn of the aecret aervtcg bu reau here aaw tha advertisement and wondered. Investigation ahewed him that -the offlcea of Boehm and Otero were three or four floora higher up In the Morton building, on Nassau street, than where the federal detectives have their headoiuartera. ., Disguised as an engraver, . one of Flynn'a detectives answered the adver tisement by letter, then-applied In per son for The Job. He says his services were accepted and that . the men laid bare their scheme to him after he had shown them alleged counterfeit platea of American bank notea, but which ware In reality genuine and had been lent to him by the treasury department to aid -in-hla deception. 'i ' He waa told, be said that the plan was to engrave 800,000 notea counter feiting the 100-peao notea of the repub lic of Colombia, which are worth about 820 - la American money. When the platea had been made and the spurious notes turned out there were to be $10. 000.000 In counterfeit Colombian notea. according to tha alleged conspirators' project. From Cuba, where the platea were to be pressed on paper, the spurious money waa to be snipped Into Colombia, celved there by agents of the chief schemers and spent In the purchase of thousands of head of cattle from the big farmers In the Colombian border states. The cattle were to be shipped to Europe and there " sold ' for real money. .. The secret service bureau then de cided no more evidence waa needed. Captain Flynn boarded the elevator from hla office yesterday and, with less Inoonvenlenoe than la usual in such cases, arrested Boehm and Otero - aa "conspirators against a friendly power." ALL0TING CROWN LANDS TO RUSSIAN PEASANTS . :, i ... i ' (Jeeraal Special Bwtlee.) ' St. Petersburg. Jan. 1 Government officials are today allotlng to the peas ante Urge tracts of land at very, low prices In the reglona-of Nilnl NoraOrod. Kostroma and Vlaska, where tha famine la most acuta. The farms are partly stocked on the government loan sys tem. It- is plain, however, that this generous action on the part of the gov ernment la to detach the peasants who care little for politics from the revolu tionary movement by settling the agra rlan problem aa far aa It la eolvabie. . Jewa are now being admitted to the technical Institutions In largsr numbers than ever before, and tn soma cases they now number 40 per cent of tha whole. The minister of public Instruc tion haa prepared a bill to allow the Jewa open educational establishments on the same lines aa all Russian insti tutions. Compulsory education Is also about to be Introduced. The govern ment la doing all In lta power to re lieve the terrible distress, but tha local governors ars pilfering the suppllea and reeelllng them. lie tesding Mcialist Jn Mcn' v There is no ailment peculiar to men that I cannot cure. For sixteen years I have devoted my "entire time and energy to the treatment of men's diseases. 1 v - y My methods have been perfected by actual experience, with a thorough theoretical knowledge as a basis. I am the only physician thoroughly and permanently curing those func tional derangements commonly classed as "Weakness," and my success in overcoming such cases has placed me foremost cJ among specialists treating men s diseases, and has broughtme the largest practice of its kind in the West. ' Every afflicted man la Invited to write ma a description of his ease. Such Is my knowledge of mn's diseases and so perfect are. my methods in treating them, that I am able to effect eurea In all ordinary cases without seeing the patient in person.. All correspondence strictly confidential Those vialtlng Portland may fee) free to call 4t my office for personal consultation. ' . , v-.wv ? Vm.TATI.OaV gpeoUUa. Ths Leading You Fay; When Cured Weakness So-called "WeaMneea" lh men Is . curable fully cufable. It has not ' . been cured by these measures com monly employed, for they are meth ods based upon supposition and not upon fact. Prematureneas and loss ' of power In men Is due to a chronto state of Inflammation in the proetate gland, and not te a disordered ner vous condition, SS has been supposed. .1. I treat the.lnnathmatlnn by a local ; process that doe not fall to accom- pllsh Its purpose, and with thie-era-dltion corrected i full and complete strength and vigor returns. STRICTtTRE-My treatment ls ab - solutely painless, and perfect results can be depended upon In every In stance. 1 do no cutting or dilating .-' whatever,.. , : Contracted Disorders Every eass of contracted dlseaae I treat :1s thoroughly cured; my pa tients have no relapses. When I pronounce a esse cured there ie not a particle of infection or inflamma tion remaining, and there Is not the slightest danger that the disease will return in ite original form or work its way Into the general system. No contracted disorder is so trivial as to warrant -uncertain methods of treat ment, and I especially eollclt those cases- that "Other doctors have' been unable to cure. . , X have the largest practise beoaase t invariably falflU my pro ail sea. . ary colored Chart showing tha male anatomy and affording aa la te resting study in men's - diseases free at omoe. ; rtd Varicocele Without using knife, ligature or caustic, without pain and without de tention from business. I cure Vari cocele tn one week. If you have . eought a cure elsewhere and been disappointed, or if you fear the hareh methods that most physicians employ In treating, this disease, come to me and I will cure you soundly and permanently by a gen tle and 'pal nlees method. "Dont de- Jay. ..Varicocele haa Us -dangeia .aod4 Dnngs us aisastrous results, it you will call I will be pleaeed to explain my method of curing, v- ;- SPECIFIC BLOOD POISON No dangerous minerals to drive the virus to the Interior, but harmless blood-cleansing remedies that re move the last poisonous taint. The Dr. Taylor Co. Cor. Second & Morrison Sts. Private Entrance 234 Morrison Street' PORTLAND, OREGON Hours 9 a. m. to 9 p. m. Sundays, It a. m. to 1 p. m. SILVER LONDON TOWER ' GIVEN TO BATTLESHIP JanwI flserlst srrtee.t . London,- Jan.l.!-Inrtha - Imperial In stitute today the oltlsens of London, headed by the lord mayor. Sir J. Treo lar, preeented the captain and officers of the battleship London with a silver model of the White Tower section of the Tower of London. The model, whloh la exactly to acala, was manufactured In aolid silver and the amount of labor Involved oan ,be estimated when It Is aald that It took the Goldsmiths . A Silversmiths company II months to pro duce It Supported by silver dolphins on a solid oak base the chief character istic, perhaps. Is tha extraordinary fidelity to tha original. Every crevice in tha stonework la faithfully represent ed; every age-worn disparity on ths surface of - tha four - weather-beaten walls Is given with exact details. Ao cording to the Inscription on ths base of tha model the tower waa built by Julius Cassar, but tha nucleua of the present building waa begun. In ltll by William the Conqueror. vnsarvuT scoio!sTr rom EJCXUalATIgM. O. Q. His-bee, Danville, Ilia, Writes. Pec. 1, 1901." "About two years ago I was laid op for four months with rheumatism. I"tr1ed-BnllaTd'gfrr,dw Liniment; one bottle cured me. I can cheerfnlly recommend It to-all suffering from like affliction. 16c too and 11.09 Sold by all drtisrxlata. HO- OUR FEE In Any Case . wa oni trams, TaXCTUBX, JCTSaVOCBZJS, TAmXOOCBU, i - 8X.OOS roaoi," LOST TTTAXJTT. mrn Am BLA99BB srsaAjrxs, eowoma.aT.oaA, raosTAno aits STXBTOUS 9ISKASXS. ' BSTASUSl as THAma ' nr ronnxn. Wt treat men nly, and ur thenrto lUy 'ttired. 'Wa "chtf tenge the world for a cam of BLOOD POISON, NKRVO VITAL DEBILITY or allied troubles that win not; readily yield to our treatment. To these maladies alone wa have earn estly devoted our energies, and claim advantages over other , physicians in their treatment. If you have treated elsewhere without success, you are especially invited to coma and see ua. Wa will 'do by yon as wa would want you to do by ua if our -cases were reverted. " Our counsel will coat you nothing, and our . cures arc reasonable and within your reach. Physicians having stubborn cases to treat are cordially invited to consult ua. Hundred right here In Port land have recently been made well and happy by us, and cheerfully commend our cures to their afflicted fellow-men. What we have done for them we can r do for you. Every man needing medical attention should carefully read our fpeclalneac wbicjv If your system is impaired in any way, come and have a talk with us. We may be able to tet you right again if we can. cure you we would like to undertake your ,ca$e. For many years we have ma de a specialty of MEN'S DISEASES, and we know we can cure you, IF your case is curable. Experimenting and theories are things of the past! Our treatment a mbraces the most modern and scientific principles, founded on years of successful practice."'? - : v- Our advice to all men who are affected with any of these diseases name above is to start the new year by having their dreaded virus eradicated from your system. Your whole future depends upon your health; Call and sea us. All cordially in- vited. Consultation is free. : Cures truaranteed. ' . We Waa a very acaa lathe Country Who Is Affile te Write aa Aboat BO Atlaaen. - - v HOURS TO lY'T TO 1:10 DAILTj SUNDAYS, t TO 11 ' ' " ST. LOUIS MEDICAL AND SURGICAL DISPENSARY 'coansnooio asts taickiu ituits, rosTiVAjrs, osaoo. . ADMITS GUILT III THREE MURDERS Confronted With Bones of Vic tlm. School Teacher Makes Full Confession. . THREE WOMEN KILLED IN PAST EIGHT YEARS Widow Waa First to Bo BUln, Then a Telephone Girl and tbe Laat aa Elflvra-Year-Old School , Girl Prison Kept Silent for Months. ' (Joeraal Speetst Service.) .Berlin, Jan. 1.' Confronted with tha bonea of one of hla vtotime, a school teacher named Mueller '. of Duernbers haa eon fas sad to three murders. The murdera had remained a mystery until tha dramatic confession waa ex torted from Mueller In thla dramatic way. The first was committed eight years ago, when a widow was tha vic tim; tha second, the murder of a-tele-OTione girl, took place threa yeara ago, and the third a month ago, when s school girl, 11 years old, was killed. Suspicion fell upon Mueller after the third murder; and he was arrested After the Oerman custom, the examin ing magistrate tried to make him con fess by dally questionings, threats and persuasions, but the teaoher remained stubbornly silent. At last the magistrate ,had the re mains of tha murdered widow exhumed and suddenly confronted Mueller with the-skeleton, Theae." he exclaimed, "are tha remains of the poor woman you murdered eight years ago." ' - Bursting Into tears. Mueller confessed that he murdered the widow and than. questioned further by the magistrate, he admitted having committed the two other crimes. The story he told sup piled the police with evidence material ta hla conviction, ' SCHEME 10 KEEP MM Milt IT IS MADE Forest Grove Man Sends Ore gon-Framed House to Hit . Nebraska Ranch. (SpeeUt Instate ta Tae fosraaL) Forest drove. Or, Jan. I. Of the multitudinous schsmes for ' keeping money at home that. of A. O. Hoffman, a merchant of Forest Grove, would prob ably take the highest prise la any pat-rontse-your-own-home-lndustry show In Oregon. Mr. Hoffman has just shipped back to his old Nebraska home a house completely framed, from Joists to raft era, and en Its arrival all that will be necessary will be ta throw It together. Mr. Hoffman formerly conducted a bank at Arnold, Nebraska, and owns property outalde of the precinct. It waa on this prdperty that ha wished to erect jk mansion, but he waa reluc tant to send "the money out of Oregon. He hit upon the- proper scheme. He engaged S. B. Starrett. a local archi tect, to draft the plans, tha bill of lum bar waa secured from a local mill, and a local carpenter framed tha Joists, studding, windows, rafters and every other piece of timber that will go Intj the Nebraska dwelling. I S) I , -V - e. t . . . , - ALARMING DECAY OF FARMING IN ENGLAND (Journal gpedal Service. London. Jan. I. At a meeting ef the Royal Agricultural aoclety today Lord Tredegar, who presided, stated that the decay of English agriculture was due to .three causes. First, there was ths fact of foreign governments maintain ing atate ,departmenta - for the assist ance of sgrloultura organised on an ex tensive scale and amply supplied with funds, while Great- Britain did little or nottnng. - eecono, mere wag the ract that foreign food ran be brought to the Brltlah consumer cheaper than food pro duced on British soil, so that the Brit ish farmer Is actually at a disadvantage, having to pay higher taxes and rales than the foreigner, and Into the barf aln more for the cost of moving hi to the market Third, there ih fact that everywhere abroad the termer I 4 t 4 i3 THtv aoefV OBACK SO Ouick- - I BaetIHOCOROereM aad hattoahalaa. I UK saaere serrese at see rea. ia,.iHaa,aakM vaev,a.v. arean- n -Deer- WHaaa TV as. v;i:islov's 1 scoti::::3 st:;: baeeeaaedlTa''Woisf rrr f"r. CUlldrea waile Teetsiee t"t F i'T It snotnaa tee ekii.t. e'f-na i i p. i n, eurea wi, ie.l for S terrace II peio. eurea wln4 euiio, Sa4 IS I. I" IT PITIIftTTWM. eimiti rrv-rs a n r uv. emexrevva-a -ai'" 1 err-, 1 HI i wm a . r. - t I in.. i I 1 . , .t , ... i - i Hat.- I .... i t r'--'c"-' h' l 1 rt.-.i.-d to frame S UU BfcrlcuH'irii"" .1 ;