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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 2, 1907)
i -a- V i 1 A GOOD EVEIJING Journal Circuhticii .;'' Yesterday Q : f . i u- I THE WZATIIER. - ' Rain or snow tonight and Tburr- '. dan southeast winds. ' 1 1 - : : Is VOL. V. NO. 233. PORTLAND. OREGON. WEDNESDAY EVENING, JANUARY 2, 1C07. SIXTEEN PAGES. i - PRICE TWO ' CENTS. ' tT1'Tcwr Vircs That Train Has Gone and That He Has AlsoReported to Be Captured by Farmers. ( Crashes Down on OccupantSr-Most of the IIUUMIO nib ItlWAIUUII LUUul j o , 1 ..' - V ?r . r (Journal Special Service.) JTopekaKan., Jan. 2. Passenger trains No. 29, west-- ) bou n d, a nd No. 30, ea s t boun d , jd tv t.h e Rock Island, : cpl- ...?r ,1ded between Vol kind and Alta 7ista this morning, and g .. according io G; W. Bourke, superintendent of the Kansas ' division, 30 personp were; killed Jnd 40 injured Bourke v..,'so reports to hcadquartersjicre. V .V'i si Ten bodies were recovered from thensTOokcrofKoT29, Mexicans an"l "one American. The smoker:' was nine crowtkd with Mexican laborers., : . ' V: V , The baggage car raised the roof of the smdkcr . and came dowrt on the occupants, crushing them.. The bag gage car, Jtwo chair ca and one tourist sleeper of No. 29 ; were burned.", , v f ".V.- , . ''t ' The trains wefcpown as the California Fast Mail and the Mexico ,FaVt Mail, and were going in opposite directions. No. 30 was due at Chicago tonight.- No. 29 left. Chicago Tuesday ijnorniug. V: - . John I-ynes, the pnerator at VoIIand has disappeared. f The oflicbl report at htadquarters here sa3Ts that he had -" order to hold No. 29 it Volland. It is alleged that he ' failed to deliver his orders to the train crew. Later he :;i sert to the chief dispatcher the. message: ' "; c . - '"Twenty-nine gone, Thave gone also." , ' 1 i ' It is reported that farmers have captured Lynes and he is beinc returned to Volland. Twelve bodies have been falcen to Alma and fromltwclvc, to fifteen more are ex- pcted to be found jn thedebris. The official estimate of 4fr tConf lnud on Pn Two.) nw mm urn lib) o u uiv i Was Former State ; Printer: and for . Nearly YearsFdremost in Po Circles of 'the State itical 'A dic'Rfifnrms DemandeffBv New Governor :) of New York to Correct Corporate Abuses. 1 Consternation Among t!ie Politicians 'J (ioiim.l pll TT(r.) tf - 'Albany; N. V.. Jn. , J. Governor f Hughs' mKK hort nd oon. rtt, tnd cud oiwtrntton today "i anion tlia worparatlon rrri-wntatlva. i' Tha novarnor vrgmm reforma of a radU cai natur to' cornrt the t)rr-n(' nr pirate ibuaea. Nt ono- pincia',.iart n Inkllnf f tha wnlnt. No one tied len irtven an opportunltr 1ur1n Ita i prprtlnn to nlslc au( lluh "aid thjtlie entlrf nyetom " af tovaniment re 7 upon honoM elo " ln. aad tirdyihe lalsltur to . mka en !mraell provision for a re- t fount of 'the votea In the NeT Ydrk 'l mevora'ty rontoet of ltf'.l. lie rrrofnm""" .--"t inninne that nave auprrvtaion over ,hllri utllmea. lid tnn crr-eimn or e tone nil powere cnirr"U 1 and mor nh-erly d'-flm-rl. I't ronornlna Jhrt rerount. Ihitm mv; v . "Thpid le no ntirMo. but that a f fun V lie n J Commie . th- pnh lle- errtiracv of tha official canvaea. Our entire yelemvof itovernment dppende upon honett electluna and a fair count. It la a matter of tha traveet concern that tha view ahnuM be largel?. even thouch arroneouely held, that one "Who haa been et-rted to offlca hae been de prived of Ma eeat through Invalid re lume." . Huchea recommenda an amendment ImpoelnaT-ttrftltatlonfi upon the amount that may be expended by a candidate to eerure an election. He uree the abo lition of the prent board of railroad cmnmleelonera. hlch haa deneraf au pcrrlKlon over all railroads tn the alate, and further recommenrte that tha com mleelon of a and electricity ba abol leUed and a new commlelon conetl- tutd a-hich aha 1) have all the powers pne'aee by tne prcitr-nt Commlexlon, reKroeil antl tun eiiprrvlstun, and mn h adlliional power ee may bo nce loj to Injure the proper manncinnt and CP Frank C. Bilker. ' former atata printer and until last aprlnajVchalrtnan of the Republican atata- oetral". committee, and who for nea'y I') years haa been foremoet In tha political circle nt the etate. died at his b'tine. 7(4 OUean street, at :1S o'clock thlrt morning, hlr. Baker's condition grew Vrspldly worse during; the night and hVhad been un conscious for many houre brecmdliig tha time that be paused tiuletl- away. At his badsldn were his Kifa. and Mrs. Abraham Tlchner and two nuraee. -Mr. Ilivkor s death was ruddn . and was due directly to heert falltirn. eupetinduccd by Brlg-ii g dleaee. II had been ill for leee then a week, and aa lata as last Monday Dr Clarence I Nichols, .who had been attending htm. believed that ha would Tecover. . . . Hearty Christmas lifner. Mr. Baker, together with relatives and friends, had parttuien t heartily or a Christmas dinner at hi home a week ago. lie alate J then that lie had never felt better. That evening an abagess formed In the Inner ear, which was only the first manifestations of a more aerl oua physical condition. Saturday his conditio became alarming, and his ail ment, which had developed Into Bright S disease, plainly a (Tec ted his heart. Sat nrday evening ha lapsed Into uaeon eclousness and remained so except for brief Intervals up to 'the time of hla death. '. ' . '.-. V c ..' - w.I I Funeral services ba conducted at tha home and wlUAa tn charge of the Masonic and Elk (orders, to both of which Mr.. Baker nslonged- Definite ar rangements will sot ba completed be fore tomorrow. pAdlng the arrival af frtonda and ralatfvea front Astoria and la Grande, bu It Is probable tha funeral win ba hU flunday: ' Mr. Baker Is survived' by a W'dow snd' t-year-oKI daughter, a brother, William, who Is employed In tha atata, printing office Halem. and hie aged father. , W. . W. KakT. - Mr. Baker's muher and aleter, Marlon, died a number f years ago. ' Was -pfot-alasat rig-are. lie. Baker has been a prominent fig ure la the state's politic ranks for a score of years, and DO o.her political worker In Oregon haa been tha subject tTWvmHvMMTWvvvv I 1 i' " ; " i i . -..- ' i ; II I J .21 1 - 1 J - I I ";' f . 1 i . ' , ' ; V . i I i I i r i t i j I . ----.7- -!!-::i:zX!.l r,)::0 FA ' ' I ' "- ' ' . ; r'r- : 1 1 . ,. "; .' ! 'I .. ...j. .. I . ,' :-.",.'. ,. , i- ...... . : : - :i v h Cv Q ' ? ' V: 7 P -H H P) : ; BBH 11 ' ' , I g - g fit I S ! K l . t I - v-r-ii IV-flKl.. .1 J 'J-flsV J--. aT k .... ....,..., IT VT a -1 - " .'" - 7. A . 1 x i 11 i I I 1 1 II.": .: If -flV II I! I II "II - If -v II II I III I laV -fezz r ii i ii -u - U ii ii L Ly-rrli Ll U: IIf iLrii by ii vy ii u ,. .. ...... ,. ... ....- ., '.... -i ..... . . I - I ' ' ' . .....- , . I I II.- I I II I I I v . ;i ' ' ,,. 7 , . . ; . .V REPUBLICAN CEADER DEAD , t ,WI I.IIIMVII III - K VT befc.1 II Ufa. i .,", I f i y "Na V-'aI , llltOipilBKy Iff ,. , - . - - , - ' ... - - - - . - - - i i m ff t Pin ra T 1 WW .1- New York, Jan. 2. Stuyvegant Fish In g signed article to the World this mprnlnMyi, among other thingir r-:-T".-v '--r!'''r,""M-::"V:'-,A--'r; - ' ';.;..' . " .' f.' 'i":..vr:iC:'-- . "In point of time a treat indua trial crisis la due and there are man Indication of It being- lm- X 2 - tnineat.-Despite the unprecedented output f gold money is dear the. world over, and dear because of high prices and activity in trade.. rt ;w"i''.' ' '""- :" ', . .. . i - i v... . i .ri :.r l .1.. j .-.....:.. r a J.' Wltnin ine year mere nave uccu ucuicuuuui iuhci 91 ufiiu m unuuuun u ms riinnico ana in the lesser, calamity at Valparaiso and at its doge we have a famine in China. Looked at the world over the volume of crops of 1900 ia not above the average, despite the phenomenal yield in the United States. The 'prices of commodities are high.. , . T ",'.;. - ' '.;:''., -''", ' X ; "The New York stock exchange has ceased to be a free' market, where buyers and sellers fix prices through the ebb and flow of demand and supply, but has-become the plaything of few managers of cliques and pools to such an extent that for months past every announcement of , increased .dividends X of stock distributions has been met with a fall in pricea, . . - The tnveting publift ara-and remaia out of the markett not becaue-t-vtiiluies lu. IndHstftatsrTrr electric railways or in suburban real estate, speculation in each of which was checked months ago, nor yet because of the more recently.pricked bubbles in mining shares, but simply because of the distrust which even those, possessed of ample meana have' of the methods of corporate finance now in ' vogue in New 'York. That Europe shares this distrust of those methods is shown by the outcry against the misuse of 'American finance bills." ' ..-'.'VV.-;--- .:'v:-a.;v vf -'. - .. t . . - . ; Fish refers to the recent trend toward Hearst and Bryan aa evidence of unrest and -predicts a moral financial reformation like the religious reformation of the middle ages. ' GRflLI!5 From Hv to Ten Millions Would -'rti Ave' E eefi Cleaned Up .by ' Frisco - Clique If Left -.LX-i. Alone" a .Year.. ; XI 1 ' Uooraal Special Service.) Haa Francleco, Jan.-1. That, ifayor Schmltg, Abo Kuef and thel; assoclats grafters conelder that they hv a prac tical, grievance against tha grind . Jury, Rudolph - 8prcke)s. Francis J . Heney sn4 tietectlva. William J. Bums for In terrupting them in-their riot of boodle may be easily understood' when It la recalled that tbia Interference with the criminal disarranged plana by which they would have cleaned up from Ave to ten million dollars within a year from the' Mate of tha great lira. -The bosses were assisted In their graft plans by ex Boss Chris Buckley. Among tha Sources of boodle for tha mayor and Ruef ware tha folk) wing: There are over 2.000 saloons and proo- ably 1.000 reeorta which pay llceimeej for tha privilege of selling liquor. : At the lowest estimate 2.000 saloonkeepers have been stood up for $luo, $200. $500 and a high as 13.00. Taking $200. ae the average tb result will ahow that saloon men alone have been robbed or v Tha gambling interests pay f 100,000 a year for "protection."', itckpocltata and other criminals 15.000 a year. French restaurants and fallen women 1310.000 a year. Tha rakeoff on city supplies is ana TAXES ft TUP IHuiiEu 10 EVER ilD l)F0i. Property Ovvners of Portland Must Pay Six teen Wills Levy for City Upon a Greatly !n- creased Vafuation ifThreeQuarters ota Million G reater Ti.nnn af Jarllinil will aar ba required to rals over one third more money by taxation man m""- ' Th. v.i,,tin nt ail vroperty within Mniiiiornah nnntv has Aeen raised and at tha same time tha Kvy haa gone up. Thua tha twa forcea-woraing h.u. k..,4 i,n tha sum which -tha property owners and taxpayers generally will be required to pay. - ' in v.... imitn n)0 of tha county valu ation of 11S0,0.M ! of arii.i,d lufreur tha county vajuay tion waa 143.S.0i0. ahowlngr that tot 1S07 the ' valuation baa been lacreaaed 117 asu.eea. it Sixteen rallf la to be tne total levy mr tlltB City XlllW si " low gw -' i ' . w - - - - Droalmatet s$2..00, an increase of I will psiy alevy of It mills up ntO Ouo Var the amount paid over hy I 000,000 tha taxpayer in lo. Ubrary-410,091) more; the-tly -e-f T r Land f:7(,000 mora, the atata tax S: more. ? " ' : The fact that the oOunelT of rortUi .1 on. Monday morning fired the levy f.-r municipal purples at 6.7 wills Is o-, tha principal, reasons for the h's.:. .i t gregate levy which has br j ', - I upon all property In the city. VTien the system- of higher Tnin tloas and lower levies waa adept"! t was believed tha levy could be ki down. However, ao great have benn th demands from all quartnra that, v.hrr. as last year the taxpayers of the cour; -paid fer a levy of 14. t mills vron .' . valuation of I141.ii0.0. tUU venr tu-- .a J. in.. . i Tims' while the - vaiuat on nrn- innn pm FS IMTHF -.....i tha levy haa climbed up A.t mills. Tnere ia no quhjh cosTae that tha market value of nearly af property tn tho county naa gon uvs eapeclally tha moat valuable portions of city property. Thla Increase of 17,sno wm o av over st0.BUO ana aireei mimeii km i ouiiaing permua ""l"r I ...7. ,.. Th. Port of Port lUMimn inu nun" " l-"i ' . i . the extent of millions. ISO wonasr mi bosses are sore. , Continued on Page Two.) WOMAN SUITOR TAKES . WIUD SHOT AT JUDGE ', jfBt Seodsl lfTlca. ' . Ht. Louis, Ma. Jan.s iltas ' Rosa Well shot at Judge Jessa F., McDonald aa the latter aat on tha bench. Just after ha bad opened court tula morning. The woman was-arrested. Mis 'Well ap parently waa Incensed at a receat ruling of Judge McDonald In a partition suit In the mstter of tua tt - f' her father.- Aur't Weil. 'Hr -aim waa tin- tpn.1v and the bullet paasiyl narraleanly (bough, close to the Judgu'a bead. Judge McDonald remained composed end or dered tha woman removed to . th sheriffs private office. Ha then con tinued tha hearing of motions. . HAVE YOU (IAD PENTECOST YE Better Hurry If You've Not for the Spirit May Soon Quit ' Giving Them Away. Havs ' yovl got your IVntecoetT . If you haven't you would better nka ar rangements to get It at once, for Mrs. 11MI Crawford, a leader of the tangld tongues sect, hai; announced that owing to thn pernicious activity of the poll.- It mry be necieary to dispense "' the giving of Vcntecoats for a time. nl the uplrit may never again visit ''V11 land. " . i .r... .,r Mri Crawf" I .T n hi iniii.i in. in c anin like a u ..!.. sL J , . ..,., ,c at.d .C sinners at I4S Second street yesterday of ternoon. A man who sad his nm waa McOlnnt and that he wa a painter by ooctipstlon hsd Just ' leoetved tha spirit, and h -bad . been' saved from committing murder. Whit, sitting on his ladder only a week ego he had been tempted ti buy a. great augur and bora a hols through th side ot a houe in which ha waa working. neoule In that house, Olnnla aver got that no would hav- rammed di1h (every one of tlwe,'iis poor, tn- no-nt mn. women "nd Children. The' drvll was lu his hrt. . . ,0am Jat la Tine. nlde ot a houe in g. Tier wer lit e. and If Mr. Mc ; augilr Inta action md e a horrible 7 I 'ed by land will set 1 39.000 . more I nan last year, the school dlBtitcts tlUb.uuv more, h state schools 142.000 more..' the rountv eoad fund tl35.00 mora, , th nrl count v fund S3 1.000 more, the COLORADO LEGISLATURE (Jimrnal fpeotal Br1r. ' Denver, Col-. Jan. 2. The leg11tur convened at oon today. The labor ln tereata of n" ' are arrayed fr n fight on convict an child labor. Th old flit1' on til atata debt rontrsru.t durln fhe . labor trouble of the p tnr,Jr jrears will be reopened. Oornmnr p.chtel will be Inaugurated janiiary k. W ALL -fiO F!!- RUSTS i Decision of Uuisville 'Judge Renders Pur X Food : I Lavv Meat" nspect iorr Law and Railroad Commission Law Invalid fK l.ltf linilarfi hl-v U " f ".I lvl.. evi Nt Ml- 1J I Efficacy of Religion Is Proved f JVIan Who DioVt Kill HoMse somck. b.-niha i)partiar and start, the aig1na. ' tit tuougkt waa awful, but McUliinls was prepared for i any deed. But just when ha had perfected his plan of destruction the anexpected happened. The ei-lrlt descended upotl him and sent him Joyously on hie wy to the tangled tongue, and he i uw wslilnr for. his renlivoat, , .-' Amen:" said those who-had already Ive.J their Fnterot. ; , . he giTi Plmtta WW.1"".: tr-.-f:...-, j l There m an immunity Sath prepirad for . . . . . mMt insoeo- or inn jure imw, . - tion Uw, S well ss for tha rebaMrs n der the .yHra rata b 'd,,n that la dclslon, of J udg Kvana tu Iuls.lll j-egardlng tl. amployerr Ha bllicv law, If guataxted by tha miprema cour .can readily be appd to by tiiora not Inclined to rsW ha ptira food -.4 m.ot Inmectlon aiVxtutes. Carta.lniy, tf ptstalned. It will preC nt "rcf' mt of any auch Inw iyM Beverldg pro poa in regard to ch! , labor.. - f ' . Wamlag to c trf f -Evans seeing j j1H warning to f-deral le. Is a point beyond , go In muklng laws un. clause of the conMiltn good lwver ni-l a li a member t f the t,,,u . tn wny an.l m.'.u, e 1 entlrelT fntc H'nr w'(h od ".! f"' t . . , other, hla i, ' ., , tU:ty - I i It t-,- , Strurs a -l.ttor rbat -there " h they esnnot r the commercft !.n. Evann I ihll.nn. lie I wrv. 1", SI). i'-r "J -;-,i i''. n.V-L 1 attack upon to dl.p(ilt!cn of rant to eg"ilte lae"ly unii.-r tltn g'H- regulating Interstate c"inmeis-e. In titled to roe" tlmn coml.! tion. : . Kvan., h' body of hu il. -.'o.. clared Wt the employer lln'.n, WHS pfi'i'y tefet-tlve, a'- 'Van festl un. 'vtialttiittomil, t. - , mi (t , creexl end 1mp.e. , 1 1 n r t ! r v- ,, cerS ' i cirmoii riirri' ren;irlmg i re li i . whii their on emplnv.-e. '. in y way preiniiog t pr..-. r (- ' tha carty .i of t..: , c- i- between t ' riw Created a 1M , Tu court den 1. re.) j. ,.. i . . Ion that -rijir In I . had In e.mi'-riH-l' 1 " ereet- of I" i . t; t t, ... i - IContfpued on ff !. - - - y - - . I 1 . aprtad douDl le eliWUliicl i tu ttie eratln CI (11 ana por iinlj. W4 fcV m . ( ', " t