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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 31, 1906)
fllE . OKZCOII DAILY JOURNAL, tEiS Although There Is a Great Scarcity of Po- tatoes in California Other States Are Com In Mc DleSCC ing to Her Assistance as Fast as Cars ArrfvfM PORTLAND. MOtiDAY EVENING, DECEMCZR i 31, ' 1809. ' ." Y TODAY'S MAR! lit ' ll-lti H AfXarBsrVM k dit ; COAL' OIL RISES A ; HALF CEDT Standard Oil Company Makes the First Change in Vatuea . ; - v . for Months, 'C-, YIS FIRMER WITH V . Y. MUCH GREATER DEMAND oultry Very Stiff ,but Eggt Art WcakeVand Lower Withjlfort Xi eral Receipte PoUto Market Holdt Well at Former Figure.1 ; irmeipai axaran seeierss wi - . I Hey easrkel to wry Sr. .. Eggs ooollnus Ae , drop. Voultry MrM very JMUf. .. , MaMlt price ' dropSto ' far celery aid ear orange 4a. ! MnnllMbd. No kope at preeeotrfor1etilone. rrMk halibut to eat M Mrtitf" I o-i th-to advanced Ve gallon, - ., ,1 WmI Biarketa Best. ' ., in quiet end elow. . m ca bau'om Oa e Balf 0eat Higher, Brat change la vainae est coai f swathe, kee. keen made kr tka bUadaxd Jhsxsear. Prices are sdvaneed He a (al ia eases ta all grades. The greet in Mty of coal ell prlcea oa the FaclSo eoaat C been . the. subject of considerable talk ( ttae,ede..ior acme ttme. - toeae cay t; aSa-Jvertrta light a ad gas companies played, havoc with Standard Oll'a reve re, but otnere are of the oplntoa .(sac waai indaxd Oil loaee la the eete'of eoal ell It e -thaa wakes ap In aleetrte light 'Bad-ethet baaodltles tkatpeopie seast have. Tka all Lsmx msu t vet ttj f aid ny baa siada a oufi u aarreia. . Bay Market Xa Tar Tin, ry Bra oaa la ebowa ta the bar market Ipts are Tery llxbt owing to tka cet Ut at eara aaa 0aaa4 uaeraBea.e td. Ia aoaia Uaa arlraa are UxWT Vni aa adraura af aoc a tna. beat aiarket U qaUt witk the toae etaaeyJ arice ancbaBaaa. , Lblnc SoIdi la ' Soar awrket ; MlUert eterk. t . Oeaaalleated la Vetate Karkaw Vltlene era vary eoBpUeatad la the potato t at thla tlnaa. Jtecelpta , Bare are very owlea to tba treat aeardty of eara. aay tba ear a aorta n a area wwae atootk ar ao ago. Tka roada are7 bad bla. too, la a factor that la keeping tba from -eaalBB to aurket: The tail. kaa about SOo.000 aacaa et nraca wi luat hew kearr tka aaDullea are It to eetlatatee that at tbla tlnaa Call- kaa abont &30,0e0o aaeka e( rlTara left m hande ot apeealatora an arewera. It la ally aenree that tna state wiu coaeume keooo aacka a day. which would allow two montha' eoDsaatBUoa ' with tba at - aapfillee If only the prodaet of the wea aaed. Tbea there are great' aap at tallaaa and other nolnta whlck would sarflriant aupplles for . at leaet aaathar a'a eoBMaptloa. Thla would ladleata t (-alirornla baa a surarleat aaaooat or aa ow ta bar owe atata to laet aatu the a rat ot T ' tarekaad la tha Xaat. ' '. ready - Calif orola" dealera have pen-baaed namaotk'a supply ta MlBeesota and wav . .A Tbla would fire eafteleat eappllaa mum tbatrade or the aooth ot aprn eoo ,11 th trat of May. Ia Colorado aad Utah a k.. Butb'i aaiDoHea are reedy to .luned to.tha OoMea auta. thaa aupplylBg trade during the naoatk of Way. Nevada na Idnao1 and Orrroa WUI Baea aappufai ani , mt to aire . wmroraia r h aap eoaea o about the trst af July. . Market Weald Oaattaaa Oaad. walla, there ta no UkelllMoe that California Juaanaera wilt be toreed to forego their poteta iipplloe at aay time dariag the preeeBt eeaaoa, atocka will not ne Bay mumuta to tmtmm r treat reactloa ta tha price. At eeae perloiU when blocks are too beeey- for a few days ' there la a rbaaee for a peculators ta tba nay cltr to break the aarket. aaa tnea ouy xae .- potatoes la at 'a low Stars thla kaa Been done ea aaraorous oreasloBa bat geaerally apeaklag there will not be a snrucleat supply eaaua the trade to aueta low valuee. Ia Oregea growsrs are holding tbelr stoats ejulto Ira. There ta Bach complaint, however, that stsea ere eery a mall thla aeaeea aad that fancy ran are the exception. It la aetlaated by a proalnaat eblpper that aot mora thaa eara of fancy potatoea reaala la thla atate a eery taall apiouat copaiaering we ewe e , Brief Votee ef the Trade. Poaltry brtcea rery stiff ' wit laadeaoata . eorniUae all around. . ' With more liberal anppHes a rery day egga are, growing weaker and tba price to standing ketwsea 80 and WHo. with aaly rractloaal sake at -tha Utter Bgure. -"A ear of oranges and a ear af eatery eaaa la from the eoatk thla asoralng. Fancy aarela - aronad IS. ' . 1 tweet potatoes inner with scarcity la aup- aliae tm the aoutk. Prices bare the seme. There was ao fresh kallbot la tba market today. Smelt price dowa tea I pound, tup. pllea aot ao keaey. ' i All naea of dressed aaata are Bra. Hope aulet wttk- dealera laaetlea. Holiday character. . Trade pay tba following prlcea. Prlesa ta aklppera are Use regnlar eommlaleaa: , , Srala, riaar aad feed. ' 0RAI1( BA0 Calcutta, tHe buying price; WHEAT Nsw club. Me; red Vaaalaa, WSci blneetem. 6Se: valley, one. BARLRT New Peed. 151 00M 00; railed, f.R0tt2S.Mt brewing. 22.00n 00. ' CORN Whole, ,WMi aracked. tSt.PB ear ton; i . , . RT1T-BI M per ewt. -' rATHNw Producers' price Ra. 1 white, 2A.00tt27.00; gray, 2.O0M.OO. FLOtR Eastern Oregon patents. - U.BO; atralgbta. . VLtb: aipert, IJ.10; valley, $3 0; araham, a, U.60; whole wheat, . A.T( rye, toe. i.VOO; bslea, 2.TB.. - MII.LilTUrra Bran, flt.00 per teat mid dlings. 12(1.00; shorts, country, tlB.OO; elty. 118 W: chop. ie.O0CI2f.00. HAX--Prodneers' price nmoiay, vruiaaieire lley, fancy, f 1J ooia.n; ordinary, ea vuet 0.00; ssatsra Oregon. , flT.onetls.ofr: mlsed.; cieTer. uw; gram, is.ooiS.goi caauap-'da.on. f . . sunw. swan oam wwuxiy. " mrrTRn : pat-b. a. b, enen. K.HViC! eonr. 'Blue. PortMnd Iwaet BUTTER City cresmarpJIHc.-wqpralda faaey. B3tstltne; storsge, SB.toi: afore. Vie. A COOS txtre fancy, candied. BoellH acJ and eaatera storage. JTHH2fle. CRfKMIt New Poll cream, flats, ItHClSo; ' TAiil America, loHiac. piLTBY Uve billed ilckee. per IT),-rancT neee, ise per i reneiera, old. Be (pee Ibi frers. lXHI14e per lb; brmlera. L14f pt lb j 0.4 dnrk., p lb daeV It. lSaAC Mr IDT WitZlQe wtm tnr- ke . I V ywm . ' , .,, i, ,i . i , lam, . id tnr vn ; nneiva, lam-j. 22c lis, lawioe per ra; eonabs. (2.00 per hlOLESALE HOUSES TO CLOSE ON NEW YEAR'S V Uiera wag no seaalon ef the land atock - exchange today none will be held tomorrow V T.) on account or new ieara. in a anlnlnt exohanire In Ban Frnn- di elaro le eloead for the aame rea eW eon.'1 All flnanrlal marketa will aM Be floaad tomorrow. Only a nominal bualnieaa axpr-cted on Klrat atraet. The wholeaata t grocer leg will a 7biif tha nrodi fie doaed all day. e hotiaae will be a lop(5 until noi. 4J dl e d e - eJe CAR SITUATION IS' - V0ftSE SAY SHIPPERS e- '"While there wae ; some lm- provement In the supply of cars d a faw wnIu ago, the situation d la daily trowing worse and ahlp e . para now ear care' are scarcer e than they have ever een before., d . The shortage l working against e all Interfcata. ' Potato man. - hop d man and train man are alike af e fee ted. and cannot - aacure the e) ' atocka' they have already pur a ehaaad although the trade Ik a anxiously awaiting their arrival, e ' ' v - - ' -. dos; pigeons, ft .00 per doe. . Dressed poultry, witte per if signer. Rose.' Waal aad Hides. -HOPt leoe crop, choice. 1314c; prima a enoice. isc;,aadlua to prime, JOitflle; Bedloa, tOHOlle. - wool IPOt clip Tallay, 0Q13s; eaatera MOHAIR New. aaealaaL - - ' BHESPHKIN8 Shearing. JSigtne each) short woot, icoaywc; meaium wool. , nun foe each kmc wool. 7&rCMl.U each. TALLOW Prime, par lb, BHaeei Ra. t and inw, awiiee. CH1TTIM BA lota. Bt6c. iBC MTa for ear lota; swell HIDK8 Dry, Ho. 1. Id lbs aad up. lu IT He per lb; dry kip. No. 1, 6 to 18 the. 14c dry calf. No. 1, under B lbs. lsc; salted hides, eteere. Bound, CO Km aad orer. 10a He; cowa. atags ana win, eoena. ettTe; lip. ' to av- ids. we; csjr, aouDd, under IB Ine, 11c sTeoa. anealted. le leee: colls, le ner U leas bone fcMee. salted, each. ll.aneil.TS: dry. eeeb, ei.evayj.wi ooir nmee, Bftqfftoc; goat salnl, SgBMnon, each, ioaiso; Angora, each, gSctjIL rraltg- aad Tegetablea. rOTATOIs Burin price, eestera Maltao. mah and rlackamaa aelect. ll.eewl.lS; fancy, f; ordinary, T&0e peceare;, ewet", te lb. I ONIONS Jobbing price New Oregna. eocQ 11.00; btiTlng price, 70(S7ac; garlic, a lb. trriie-raucy Hood Hirer Hnitaenherg ana Tallow Mewtowea. 3.60:.fenoT Willamette vak ley end soathera. Oregon, f 1.60; ordaary atock. MttTBe. - - v FKESH FRCrr Oraagea. new aaral, 1 750 l ad; Japeneee, aOc; banaaaa. Be per lb; leaone. en.00ee.00 box; limes, hteilosa. I1.2S per iv: pineeppiee. a.otta.oo per ooece; grapes. i no lee. CallferaU. l.AOftl.T&; Malaga. 17-60 per keg; peers, ll.B0ttl.To: hnckleberriee. Be; plBeaoples. tA.OO per doe; pomegranates, tl.2Sttl.6v per hoa: grape fruit, S4-73. , TEOETABI.P.S Turnlne. new. Bftiltfl ' sack: carrote. 7fU-i Il Der aark: haeta. B1.2B see aark: 4regoR jradlaHee. BOe per doe.'; cabbage. Ore- goer, aijopiiroo; beu peppare. ( per lb.; ta matoee. B2.2&: aaranloe. BOciUll OOr atrlnc aeena, 13c per lb.; esulrnower, 11.60 per doeen; pea a, lac, horseradish. SfllOc per lb.: artichokes $1.00, per doaeni equaah, eggplant. per daeen l.Vel.oO per doe; t'alll Tocti.oo per box; boachee: celery. local. llfotsla. 4 a crate: eggplant. per rrste; pumpkins, B1Q1 Me; craonerriea, aizej per DOi. , DRIED rBl'ITS Apples, evaperstsd. Tc dcT lbj eprtcota, lSV20e per lb; peaches, U'QHe pee lb; eacka. e par lb less; prunes, SO to 40, Ipse: He drop oa each 1-10 smaller site; tigs. California black. Hc per lb: California wklte, t4c per lb; dales, goldea, W 50 pee fcoi; tarda. BiOeifl.BO per IS lb' box. Oreeerlea, .Vats, Zte. BTTOAR Csllfomis Hawaiian Cube, BS.Z7W; powdered. SS.IZH; nerry. et.MH: dry rrsnnlsted. e.v2U: Btar, $4.72: coof. A, .V2; extra v. os.aiH; goldea c. HQr. V, yellow, 14.22: beet rranllateO. 14.7214. Western Cuba. B.S7H; powdered. S.12: err greuuuiiea,. a ex; r. l... ae,iatt: conr. a, 14.62 H; extra C, B4 42H; golden C. 4.12V: D. yellow. B4 2VMJ keet granulated. 4.72H; bbls. 10c;. bbls, 45c; boxes, 60s advaaoe oa each beala. (AImm arteaa are SO daya set csak eoota- HONKT B.eO per rrste. " " ' luiris- rack age braada. SALT Coarea flalf grouad. 100s. (9.00 per sou; evej, av.ou; lame, dairy, one, ais.oo: lis B12.7BI bales. tl.M; Imporred I.teerpool, If bbla.. 9s. be. 10a. 14.60418.60: LlTeroool hi in a roca, par too; oo-to rocs, au.uo; luue, .06. v ... , , rrf,. (A here prlcea apply ta aalee of lees thaa car tots.- Car tote at speclai prices subject ta flaetuatloaa.) ,v - RICH Imperial Japan, Ne.' I. Be; jto. 1 814c; htm Orleaaa, head. It; AJat, Be; Creole, ItrtKIt tmsfl white. B BO; Urge white, 13.3ft: pink. 2.e0; kayoa, 3.75; Liaise,. NUTH I'eanuta, Jam ho, BHe per Ih: 7trglnla. THe per lb: mealed. ,10e per lb: Japanese. . 6t SHc; roasts47jTHe pee lb; eoeoanata. SSetXe per ooaeai waineta, ine per lb; pineBurs, 11 -1 1 5c per lb; hickory were, loe per Ihi ebeetnute, eaetern, lSdiae per lb; Bra si I Burs, lOe per Ih; filberts, loe per lbs fancy pecaas, lQ20c; IfmAnrf lOA-llU.1- .... ' . ' Kaatrn Flak and Pravtelana.' . FKESH MBATBVtYnnt Street Hoga. fancy; V per lb: veal, extra, 8tc per lb; ordlaary. Tt44tSo pee lb; poor, Be per lb; aattoo, Jtsncy, lfltVc per lb. ; HAVlfl. BACt)J. rm Portland perk (tecat) hems, 10 to 14 lbs. lHc Ih; 14 to IB Iba. loe lb; IB ta 20 Iba. 1S4C1 lb: break teat baeoa, 20c lb: plcalca, lOe lb: -cottage, lH7c in; regular short c lee re. anatnoked. 12c Ih! amoked, 18c lb; clear backa, nnemnked, 12e 11; emoked,. 13 lb; t'aloa butts, jo to 12 lbs, no emoked. Be Ik; smoked. Be lb: cleat bellies, nn smoked, 14c lb: smoked. Die lb: shouldera, 12' ia; nicxieu loncuee, eo-W auaner DDI. . LOCAL LARD Kettle leaf. 10s. lJVle lb: Ba, ISSe lb; eO-lb tins, U'So lb; steam ren dered. 10s, 1214S lb; 6. 12Sc lb; eompottad. 10s. Bate lb. CANNED SALMON Columbia river. l ib IPS;' 22.75: tails, .ll.BO- l ib talla, 12.7(1; faacy. Mb fists. M-lb fancy flats. (1.16; fancy l ib ovals, Alaska talla. pink. 86eOc: red. 11 JO: aomlnal, 2a, toll. (2 00. I , FIHII Bock cod. 7e ner lb: flounders. Be ner o; osiioai. so per id; crane, ai.uoaxsi.oti per dosen: striped bssa, 12Hc per lb: raiflh. 10c per lb: aalmoa, Columbia river allverslda. Be; teeth end a, lue per lb; herring, ae per lb; soles, lb; shrimps, lOe per lb: perch. Be per rk cod, Jc per lb: tomcod, 7e per Ih; Be ner Ih: black sliver smelt, Be per lb: lobsters. lne per lb; fresh asckerel. Be nor lb: crawfish.. 2ie ner ' vie doscBt aturgeon. 10c per lb; black baas, 30e per lb: Columbia river amelt. Be per lb. OXHTBRS Shoalwstsr bay. per galloB, 12.23; per 1161b ssck, B4-25; Olympls. par gslloa, $2.25; per 11S-lb ssrk, B-1.00 to fS.BO. CLASIH Hardshell, per box, 12.00; rasot elama, 12.00 per box. . . Palat, Oeal Oil, Xta. Ron Pare Mealls, llwe; ataadard, UVei ael. lie. ' . . COAL OIL Pearl or Astral Caaaa. l14c nar gallon: water wblta, Iroa bbkv 14e per gallon; wooden. 17a per raUoo; headlight, ,170-deg.. caeca. 21He per gallon. ' - GASOLINE M-dcg. caaaa.- Mill Bar ealloe. BENHINR BS das, eaesa. ZSo nee gallon i iron onie. ioc per guiKnv TURPENTINE Ia caaaa. aaa ' p9t (! WOOdfffi bbla. 3c per gallon, . WHITE LEAD Tea lota. 7ie par lb; BOO lb lota. Be pec )b; lees lots. BUa per lit. WIRS) NAILS Preeeat basis at 12 M. t.lNRRBD )1L Pare raw. In a-hhl Intm BAai I bbl lot. BBe: eases. BKc ner eel-, senulue ket tle boiled, csees, BOe per gel- S-bhl lots, B4c; l-hbl h-ta. BAr DCT as L, around cake, eae ka. 120 per tea; leee thsit car Iota, S3Q per tan. . TKITCft S4ATU tOVimiTalllfT 0DB. aw Tork, Dae. Bl. Ofllclsl prlcea: , Bid. - Data. Ask. ins tont, 10854 Twos, registered Opt. do aoapon ............ ,. OpL Threes, registered .......... Opt. do coupoa ..,,.., .Opt, Smell bonds 104 H ion 121 102U . 102(J look Fours, registered loot no 1l4 nm rr-giaicreu ivxo l jni do coo pom ............... 1B2B 'l.TOtt Ml ' Psnsms 2s .... lot ; , 10B do coupon ......a. , .... i4 ,,108 District of Colombia'',,.... 1&24 IIS : r. Phlilpplne ss .j. ltaJH f.'.. FOkTlAifO BAVK ITATXIIUrt, Clearlaga tndsy. ..,..!....., Clearings year Sfo........,. ' 1' ' Balaaeea today ; II. BOB IB Holiday .1 T4.24B.4B WOODMEN TO JOIN IN GRAND INITIATION ' (Speetel Dlenatrk to Tka eWael.) I Orandn, Or., Dae. II The Modern Woodman of America will hold a big Joint Initiation, ell tha ram pa In Union rounty combining, aome time In Feb-ruarr- TKItlnv fitmmnrvllle. Cove, Inland Cltx,.., Vnlon, Medical RpHnga, North Powdeif. an La Grande will all have candidate 1 -' k . . . ,.: . - . c LIVESTOCK Cattle Market Is ' Firmer ' ; ; Around by t Prices Are -V- !, About Unchanged. All LITTLE' GOOD STUFF; ' f COMING TjCf MARKET 7.K Only ia Exceptional Lots Doei the Price Go Beyond $3, on Account of Qusllty Hogs aril Sheep Art : Firm.. . ' ''I - ' ; , ,;-. Portland TJnloa ttockyards. Dee. tiUve- Stock lacalpta: I ,. .. tfoga. Cattle. Today ...........r... , 170 Waek age ............... ..' Month ago SO ". - tlB ' Sfceep. B . 4, in tear ago TS . ., Today la tba ls.t dsy of tba year, aad tha llveetock market to beamnlne to assume eon- alderable mora strength. Although cattle formed the only arrlvala during the past 44 hours, tba volume at racelpta la area that Use la vary amalL ..... ..... Demand for rattle hi oa tba lncreses. wlfl tba holidays about at a , end. there la aorae Ufa call In poultry, aad demand to moving irk a gats Into tha llveetock market. Wltk Ite generally low value tha eettla mar kst bsa absorbed practically all thla new bash. bsss, and to some extent prlcea are beginning la respond ta these euadlttoaa. Although tba general price of cattle rujea between B3.TB and S.B.1, there are a few sales a fraction above rheea llalta. So few really ftrsr-claaa, ' well finish sd cattle are being received that -M a killer waata aometklna better than tba aaaal he la forced la pay well ap ta 4a for It. These 4 cent cattle are ao very scares bl ths local market that It la lmposflble to coots that figure and do justice to the general altuatloa. Few arrlvala ta the yards ere worth more ,thas .M, and at preeeat that remalna , the eon value. An early Improvement la tha general price Is, however, snUcJpeUd. ' 1 , . ( " . Kega Are IkewlBt aHraagtb.'. ' Wltk ao arrlvala la tba local yerde during tba peat 48 bonra, the bog aiarket la showing a gain la strength, but no Changs la valuee Is showa.. Today's hoc market done aot range over In. Id, but moat aalee of best product are reported sold. Tbla la practically aa advance ef 10c from tba low price. Tba high figure waa nncnangea. Sheep remain fine with no arrlvala during the paat 24 hours. Conditions a year ago: All lines firm; valuta Bnchanged.. . . w vrriaui uveetora pnraei -Hose Beet eaatera Oregon. Se.TBaS.SS: etock- era and feeders, (a.eoaeft; Calna fata, BB.BOtJ t.80. Cattto--Beet eaatera Oregon steers. BB.TBQ 286; beet cowa and kelrera, 13.00; gteekara aud feeders.. B-1 00; bulls, f 2.00. ' Sheen .Mixed. SatSUe: wethers. lUel ewes. 6tj6Ve- . - . , SHEEP PRICE IS STIFF Oondoa ata tuam Boaae tm Wromlaf ts SS a Xee4-aawt aWoce. Cm dee. Or.. Dee. 81. Frank Arastrona of Condon- has retarned from tba John Day eoan. try. where ke porcbaaed about B.000 anaop for aprlng delivery at Ooadoa. Tha prlcea reared from B3.B0 to B4.SS per head. Mr. Armstrong recent It dlenoeed af a torca Band la Wyoming at Bl per heed. - rrenk Purer baa aoia ala Interest la three paeAa of. .hue to ble fntaa - partoarv w. - eh Barker. .Xr,.l'llter Will soon more to Portland. i r nmm 1 u H l.'i i up. , sheep bnelneea daring the paat tea yeare. Boe-anxxara ma ' - Garfield. Waah.. Dee. 81 . The farmers of tbls district are now killing their hoara lor the 1' a louse country markets. Hiram Oragg. living near this city killed one of Poland China breed that Weighed OUO pounde, aad dimid 401 pouude. The car cats waa takea to Elberton and eold lor ftz.Bw. xba hog waa S years old. VERY SLOW TRAD1N6 IS : WHEAT MARKET December Is Only One to Show a Gain Corn and Oats a Fraction Up. : BK.ATITS WHEAT TALCKS. Dae at. ree. 20. Oate. tans December .... .TH14 $ .7B f .04. ,x Mey 77 .TT .00 . .87T4 Jaiy .704 .76H At .84 Chicago. Dec. 81. On the laet day ef tba year mere waa oat utue trading ia the wheat market., Liverpool a tar ted dull, lower. The closing here waa c op for tba December aad narbanged for the otbera. Oata aiarkst was firmer with Jnlv the eentee of greateet activity. May closed He higher after aa uachanged opening. July waa active ana cioeea witn a act gala ex ,u ever the bid price af Saturday. Oau market waa aulet but atei-dy? July being aaebaDged and May t higher. The opening la all optwae was unchanged. t-roviaieei market was aww and weak with tba closing Ta to Be lower. O facta 1 Chicago nrlcea br Overberk. fltarr B Cooks aoapanyt VHUT, Ooen.. Ill eh. Low. , T2 . T : ' TB'i v ' Close, r? TB 48 4 December 72 V tn May ........... TeC T7 July TBVs ' 7s4 t?0BN. 48 - 48 44 ' 44t4, OATS. ' May July May -... S , SB U -M .'- U isao let; July ... 83 881 . S1K83 PORK. ' Jsnaary ..1MB ..1B4T , , 1M IBM 18TB 1430 stay ... OEAIbT tisibls bTJPPLT. Ch If age, Dee. Bl. rl.lbls: WTieet. , , r Bii.hele, ...891.000 .......114,000 Wheat Cora .......... MRS. MARTHA RINGER ADJUDGED INSANE ' (Speclnl TJlapeteh ta Tba Joornal.) ' John Day, Or., Doc Jl. c a. Caa- pary. who accidentally . took poison a raw weeka ago, wag burled yea torday. It' wag thought for aome time that be would recover. He had taken antlaep. tie tablate by mlauka. He wae former ly county aurveyor ef Grant county, and at the time of hie death waa deputy United Statee mineral aurveyor. He leaves t wife and two children. Weak ST ewt ef James Bfeafher. F. J. Dlshner ef O'Neill. Nabraaka, haa asked the police to sarertaln the praaent whereabouts of James Meagher) who formerly occupied an office at 118 railing building and reelded at ' 227 Meade atreat. Detnctire Hellyer. who waa aaaigned to the eaaa, flnda that Maasher left thla city for Astoria on April IT of this year, but since that time nothing; haa been heard of him. II la understood that Dlahnar ra dealrotia of locating Meagher on anme bualneaa matterand-iHier ..police " will maka a funtsPTlrfori to find the talaalnf man. CALL nOHEY GOES 40 PER CENT Interest Rates Rule Very High In New York During the 4' 8ession Tpday. MOST LOANS RANGE AT - TWENTY-FIVE PER CENT ReaaJJni: Advances 2 ' Points . and Jipi MET GAINS. Aaalgaaatad Sugar , ....1 UlLoulsrllls ....1 14 Fed. Smelt., pfd Locomotive .......114 Missouri Pae., Smelter UN. Y. Ceatrsl., ... TS 1 Atchison ......... .111 HeanarlvsSle .,.,. Beltlmora ta Peooie'a Uee Cenadiea ......... ,i Rwllng- test. Leathag a Rock Istoad bi. rsui .g inoninern rse. Chesapeake .......1 Caton Pacific Erie ttiu. t. Steel 'A Wabaah. pfd.,....lSI do pfd H ' MET LOSSES. Cnrtoa 00 u WIBraoklya , Kaw Tork atocka ware erratic today wltk tha monetary altustlon tha nrlnclnal feature. O the exrbsags today call loana went to 28 Ee cent and rated high all through tba day. net of tha tranaaetlona were around SB pr cent. Tha aarket waa entirely profeeelenat, the cllqne rallying to the aupport af prlcea sfter aa early break of eome extent. Toward tha clnee tha tone ruled strong, with tt. Paul t nolnta np aad Beading 2H polnta klghef thaa Maturdar'a bid. Amalgamated Ooooer waa firm and gained lu potato, tha aame rise aa aaowa ia American sugar Bennery. union Pa cific galbad lVk polnta and waa quite active considering tba holiday cnaracter af tba x en- era! market. Official Quota tloua Cooke company: ky Ovarback, Stan i DBlCSimOM. Aaial. Copper Co Asa. Locomotive, com.. Aaa. Sugar, era Am. Smelt., cost....... AUilaoer- Wa. .-. Baltimore A Ohio, com Brooklyn Bspld Cansdlaa PselSe, com.. Centre I Leetaer. com.. OhL. till A R, t. Ki 111 122Mi 141 loS 118 lea ss Chesapeake ' dkto..'!i. BB ls Erie, com., . . . 42 1 uMiieviiie at nsanvuia. Federel Smelters Missouri Psclflc 142 'bo 1 V2 17 a i 182 x S 17HU 47U, Kow Tork Ceo trst Norfolk Western, cea. r-enneyrrania Ky. ....... P. O., U A C. f5o..... Reading, eoa Rock Island, com Southern Paclne, eoa.. 1'nkm Paclflc, com V. 8. Steel Co., eoa... do preferred 1014 Wabaah, pfd.......' Total sales tor dar. B82.400 shares. Call aoaay opened at IB per cent, high at 40 per cent, lew at B ear cent and alsaad at 20 BODn)rT)R0WNEir V; CHILD RECOVERED (Special Dlapatch ta Ths JournaL) Walla Walla.. Waah., , Doe. II. The body ef Stella Jensen, ' tbe 8-year-old child who was drowned through walk ing orr a footlog over Tallow Hawk creek, near this city, Saturday after noon, was round yeaterday afternoon, Tbe child end her B-year-old brother were playing on the log and the girl fell into the roaring torrent and wae carried to her. death before the eyee of the little boy, who waa so frightened that he did not spread the alarm to the' nelghbore for two . hours. Scores of men raked the stream all Saturday night for the body of tha little girl. The body was recovered pear the ecen'e of the accident,- MRS MARTHA RINGER ; IS DECLARED INSANE (Special Dlapatch ta The Joaraal.t Pendleton. Or.. Deo,- U.-t-Mrs. Martha Ringer ef Milton has been examined be fore County Judge GUllland and ad Judged Insane. ' She wee ordered com mitted to the etate tnaane asylum at Salem and will probably be taken there today. , . .v - -- - ;., TO STOP GAMBLING P AT ENTERPRISE . V .. '' i . . r (Special Dispatch to The Joaraalt Enterpriae, Or. Dee. Sl.-r-Deputy Die- trlct Attorney Ruak haa Juat had war-, rants laaued for the arreat of A. It stone, Bylveater Millard and A. A. Hall ror gambling. It is thought quite a number of other part lea will be ar reated within a few daya on the eame charge. ' It le rumored that some heavy gamee are being played in the vicinity oi jBBMrpnao, . . -.u-.i: vv'iv. ENTERPRISE LEVIES SEVEN-MILL CITY TAX (Special Dispatch ta The Journal.) - - Enterprise, Or., Dec., 11. The city council has levied a T-mtll city tax for current expensea. The amount to be realised will be 12.100. Heretofore .the amount received from ealoon licenses haa been aufflclent to pay eurrent ex. nenaee. There Is no preaent indebted neaa.. . , , ..''.,. v.,'.. Soath Carolina Bdneators. : (Journal Bpeclal BwrTVe.) Columbia, S. C. Dee. 11 Leading ed uce tore ef South Carolina are here for the cuatomary aeriea of holiday eonven- liona. - The rxxjiea are tha Association of City School Superintendents, .,, the County Superintendents' aaeoclatlon and the South Carolina Woman'e Aaeoclatlon for the Improvement , of the Rural Z Schools. . . ' ' i' Baraa a. O. a. Ofneera. . -' (Special Dlsnalrh to The Jourasl ) Rurna, Or, Deo. II. The followlna ef ricera have been1 elected for Burna chapter. No. 40. O. E. R. Ada Allen, W. M.: Emma McKlnnevr A. M.: Sam Motherahead,' aacretary;Vphoebe Oeary, treaaureri Eathar 8 warts, -eonductreaa: Franklo Welcome, aaalstant eonductreaa; Agnee sweat, Aaan; jeva Byrd, Ruth; Julia Oreeley, Kather; Mattle Miller, Martha; Ella Veogtly, Electa; Minnie Clevenger, chaplain; Veils Welcome, or ganist; Km ma Williams., warden, Sarah karre, marshal; A. (i Welcome, sentinel. Frafarredr ttock Oaaaed da. Allen Lewis' Beet Brand. 115 118 115 78 714 2 jlMS'lM 132 14014;184 14. io4Ue3lioiU llOVtJ -'181a lli Ta 7i? 7ei IBS 100! IBS 86 86 I IU 140 14fl!l-. 6S MT4 S 7 4114 42 4& 14Sii 141 14.1 V BS 0254 B0k 2U 181 1S 1B1 ea eii..... l!Wt4 HWWilW BSU flTA 08 U 134 2 ISO v 1B4"2 BO 29 H 2 !4 024 BIS4 2 1SOI4 177.f' 4714 a7fcl 48 10414 104 l w.l BTB4 Thcrtris"no ailment t For sixteen years I have devoted my entire time and energy.. -I to the treatment of men's diseases. , : ' T - X ... - irr .1 i 1 1 f 1 '' . my. mpuirjas nave uccn pcriccxea oy actual experience, with a thorough theoretical knowledge as a basis. I am the - only physicjan thoroughly and permanently curing those func tional derangements commonly classed as "Weakness," and my successin overcoming such cases has placed me foremost among specialists treating men's diseases, and has brought me the largest practice of its kind in the West. - v; :) ; Evsry afflioted man la Invited to write me description of hie ease.-Suab ra my ' .knowledge of man'a dlaaaaea sad ao parf act ere my methods In treating them,' that I am able to effect euree In alt ordinary eaaee without awing the patient In peraon. AH corroapondenoe atrlctly eonddantlaL Thoaa vlaltlng; Portland may feerrrae to call at my office for personal consultation. - X iPay When . Cured :mJ Weakness . So-called "Weakneaa' In man la curable fully curable. It haa not been cured by tboae meaaurea com monly employed, for they are meth od a baaad upon auppoeltlon and aot upon fact. Premetureneaa and) loaa . of power tit men la due to a chronlo atata of Inflammation In the proetate gland, and not . to a disordered ner. voua condition, aa haa been euppoaed. I treat the Inflammation by a local proceaa that doea not fall to accom plish Us purpose, and with thla con dition corrected full and oomplete strength and vigor returne. STRICTURE -My treatment la ab solutely palnleea, and perfect reaulta can be depended upon In every In etanoe. - ( do ne cuttlna or dilating . whatever. , The Dr. '';';' Hoort 9 cated Case Tayl II JIM 1-7 7.J ih In Any ; DncompH- iRmiiin S TV AM i TM rOBTXAJTS. tra ona '. nons, . : tTmiCTTJlla. " Aaxooona, sxooo rozsoir, , bOaT TTTAXXTT, szraAsxs, OOsTOUIOIA, PmOSTATZO mnti SIIUIII. We Weat Bveey Kaa HOURS ST. LOUIS MEDICAL AND SURGICAL DISPENSARY Ovsm nOOVB AJn TAbTbTTT.1. ITUin, FOBTTaAn, OBBOOaT. , GREETINGS FOR NEW YEAR , ' -Continued from Page Ona.) marriage llcenaee st least It per cant he eald. ' "To do this I shaU make apo dal arrangement for fire and bargain counter salea on Friday. This Is the day when the divorce papera are laaued, and but few marriage llcenaee, and spe cial Inducements to buy the latter msy crowd down the former." Mrs. W. Wynn Jobnaon, prealdent of the Woman's club "New year s aay, like' a birthday, is one ef the mileatonea of Ufa. Though I would not omit any popular respect ahown the day, It cer tainly serves Its best purpoae in caua Ing ua to pauae, aa It were.. In Ufe'i revelry and take our beartnge anew. May- we sow more eourtesy, plant more klndneaa and bestow more pleasure, that our harveat, of love and friendship for 190T may be a source of perennial grat-iflcatlon.- ,', ; ' ; Blggwr aad Better; Bast Sldev Whitney Boise, prealdent of the Eaat Side Improvement aaeoclatlon, saya he haa reaolved to do all he can to make a greater and bigger eaat aide through ayatematlo efforta on the part of the association and East Hide ciuo. -vritn thla i accomplished, ' New' Year resolu tions will not have been In vain." Poatmaater Mlnto, whe has not yet recovered from the rush snd overwork of the holidays, aaya he has firmly re solved to give the people of Portland the best eervlce during 1B0T that they have ever had. "We of tha poatofflce force." he added, "realise the enormoua growth of the city, and this year it has certainty kept ua on the Jump, but we will recover end better service will come from this year's experience, even though Portland should double lta pres ent else." : . T. T. Davie of the Portlend high school, speaking for the city's educa tional forcea, eald: "During 1107 we shall do our work aa well ee poaalbla. The exceedingly fine work of the etu dente thle year has aet the atandard a little higher, and the teachers will be persistent In their efforte to maintain thla level." . v , - PRESIDENTS RECEPTION Vatloaal Capital Will Oreet KAgletrate at Watte Bowse. Journal Special Service, I ' Waahlngtnn, Dec SI. The capital Is preparing to oh serve New Tear' a day with all Ite traditional brilliance. Pub lic lntereet will ctehter ae uauel on the president's reception at the White peculiar to men that I cannot , ;-, ':, Contracted Disorders ' Every caae of contracted dlaeaae I treat la thoroughly cured: my pa tients have no relapaee. When- I pronounce a caae cured there la not a particle of Infection or Inflamma tion remaining, and there la not the allghteat danger that the dlaeaae will return In lta original form or work Ita way into the general ayetem. No contracted dieorder la ao trivial aa to warrant-uncertain methoda of treat ment, and I especially aoltclt thoae eaaea that ether doctore hare been unable to cure., .. . : I have the larrart praotloe leoaaae X Invariably fulfill my promiaoa. ley Colored tTaart ehowtiiw the male anatomy and afferdlag aa la twreatlna artndy is anea'a dlasaase free at etsea. - t -veja, v- Cor. Second & Morrison Sts. Private Entrance Ur jnih Morrison Street. P0RTLA1.D,V OEEGON , - I.:'- r Bundaya, II a. m. a. m. to 9 p m. We, trat'Toen -only, and ,r lens;t tfierWorld for:'a cast He Cure fifa VITAL .DKBILITY7 Or allied troubles ' that will not, readily yield to our treatment T these maladies alone we have earn estly devoted our energies, and claim advantages over other physicians in their treatment If you have treated elsewhere without success, you are especially invited to come and tee us. Wt will do by you ss we would want you to do by us if our caset were reversed. Our counsel will cost you nothing, and our . cures are reasonable and within your reach. :' Physicians having ttubborn caset to treat art cordially invited to consult us. v Hundreds right herein Port-' land tasve recently been made well end happvjui,sUldJ:hex "Tnirt-rir afflirffd fellmi i W 1 1 wr'IftvT done for them we can do for youT" Every man needing medical attention should carefully read our .specialties, which .' follow:....,.. :J ,: '-' ' '".,''''"" ' ''' 1 ': r . If your system is impaired in any way,; come and have a falk with us. . We may be able to set you right again if we can cure you we would like fo undertake1 your case.- 'For many years we have ma de a' specialty of MEN'S DISEASES, and we know we can cure you, IF your case is curabje. Experimenting and theories are things of the past. Our treatment embraces the most modern and scientific principles, founded on years of successful practice. 1 V ' ' .' ; , Our advice to all men who are affected with any of these diseases name above la to start the new year, by having their dreaded virus eradicated from your system. Your whole future depends upon your health. . Call and see us. All cordially in vited. Consultation ia free. Cures guaranteed. . , U the Ooaxtry Wke tt Afflioted to Write TO I; T TO 1:10 DAILT; 8TJNDATS. House, whloh.-will begin at 11 o'clock, when, the prealdent and Mr a. Roosevelt will greet thk vice-prealdent and mem. bers of the cabinet Then will 'come the foreign dlplomata, the membere of the supreme court, army and naval of flcers -and numerous other efflclala, un til tha general public Is reached some three hours later, . Mrs. Roosevelt will be assisted In receiving by Mrs. Long worth and some of the wlvee of cabinet officers. Mrs Fairbanks. Mrs, Shaw, Mrs. Bo naparte, Mrs. Metcalf and Mr a. Straus will receive at their homea. Mtaa Helen Cannon will be another ofllolal hoateaa. The diplomatic corps will be entertained at breakfaat t the borne of the a ec ro tary of atata. .i i WORLD'S GREETINGS::'? This Country WLU Wish Batloat Sappy ' ;.r Baw Tear. IJoaraal SpeeUi Serrlee.t ' Wsahlntton. Dec. 11. Following a custom eatabllahed several years ago, the naval obaervatory will tonight eend S series of New Tear greetlnga around the world. This Is (done by prearranga mcnt with' the telegraph and cable com- panlea, and it la eatlmated that tha mes sages will complete the telegraphic cir cuit of the world in ebout 10 seconds' time. , Four messages will be enf to "an nounce the exact Instant of the begin ning ef the new year In each of the four great atandard time sone of tho United Statee. namely, eastern, central.' mountain and Pacific. The first series wilt begin et 11:86 p. m., TBtn mertdisn time tonigut, and end st midnight, eaatefn atanflard time. The othera will follow at Intarvala of one hour, ending at 1, S and,.! m. of our time, corresponding respectively .to midnight of central, mountain and Pa cific etendard time. Y , -TRADE IS LOST Business in Vehicle's in Austrtlia , Fallt Off OretUy. , The eollapae of the-Awitfaltan trade In American built vehicles Is one of many elmtlar warnlnss which Amsrlcnh ronsular reports bring toj home manu facturers. . Speclai Agent Burrllt. quoting bual neaa men ef Adelaide, says thst the dif ficulty cornea from tack ef confidence. In the durability and strength ef the American made vehicle. South Australia demanda a .vehicle cure. . e e .'.''rPaV TATtOB, - Jatoiif tpeciaUa. Fee In Any On Icated Case ' Varicocele Without UsftvgTinlfe, ligature or cauatlc without pain and without de tontlon from bualneaa, I cure Varl- , cocole -In one week. If you have sought a cure elsewhere and been dlaappolnted, or If you , fear tha harsh methods that moat phyelolane employ In treating thla. dlaeaae, come to. me .and. I-will cure you aoundly. and permanently by a geiw. tie and palnlesa method. Don't da-, lay. - Varicocele haa lta dangera and ' brlnga Ita dlaaatroua reaulta. If yon will call I will be pleased to explain my method oCeurrn . - SPECIFIC BLOOD POISOM No dangaroua minerals to drive the virus to the interior, but. harmlaaa blood-elaajoerng remediate that re move the laat polaonoua taint. , '' ' ' f to 1 p. ta. cure them to ttay cured. We" chsl- T of BLOOD POISON, NERVO- we Aboat JUt Ailment. TO la. , that will stand constant hard uaage for aeveral years, snd any that cannot meet thla requirement is condemned. The coat of the article le evidently a sec ondary consideration, for carriages of hll deacrlptlona popular on the market command . large prlcea compared with the fl euree quoted on American goods. . . Buggies manufactured In the United Stataa have been exported to , South' Auairaiie in xainy large quantltlea, and because of their attractive design and. appearance attained considerable nonut larlty. It waa not long, however, before the abaenca of proDer aeaeonlne- became apparent- This struck a fatal blow te the trade In American vehlclea, . It Is evident that a vital m la take wae made at the beginning In exporting to thla market from the .United Statee cheap, lightly constructed, unseasoned vehicles, unaulted to the extreme dry heat of thla' climate, and defective In other Imnnrtant n.rtl.iil.M . Wi. -, u the trade In American vehicles, imported In a flnlahed condition, earn ever be re stored to a paying baals Is problemati cal. . . .. The first, and perhape the greateet obatacle, ia the atrong prejudice against ny venicie manufactured In and ported from the United Btatea. In the aecond place the demands of the South r . w. i Auatrallan trade have reaulted In the eatabltahment of several carriage fac tories, more or lose extensive, and falrlv wellequipped ' to turn out acceptable work, f ;. . ;. .. ,. Theee factorloe guarantee their out put for at leaat one year.' which rusr- snty carries no risk, for. crofltlna bv Htwrntlure ef cheaply made, liahtlv eon8tructed vaniciee -to retain tbelr hold on the market, the South Aua trallan manufacturer, uslne the ma.. terlal beat nutted for thla climate, build heavy, durable -article and chares therefor a price utTOrUrrtiy n,n to tK. sure a reasonable proffl. In the maktnc of these Auatrallan vehlclea, however. very many American ma de parts , are used. - Officers ef BawUaa Vest. - - (Spertsl Mspsirh ts The Jeereel.) Ileppnar, Or., Deo. Jl Rawllne Poet. G. A. H., of thla elty. haa elected the following offlcera for the ensuing years. M. M. Brlerly, eommander: W. Y.' Wo. Nutt, senior vice-commander; . JL Bexan, Junior vice-commander; T. J. ('arle, adjutant; A. Rood, qtiartermaa- tor; Sllna A. Harris, surgeon; .; B. J Hoadley. chaplain: If. U Mlkaaeit nf. fleer of tha day; A. J, Stevenson, of ficer of the award. . aaa aaaay Waa AAa I u." a fewsaal that wtu tatareas) awa, f . , i - ' , ' ' '' t .' f . " t