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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 31, 1906)
8 THE . OREGON DAILY' JOURNAL, PORTLANDriMONB AY ' ,EVENhfT3.-CCEMBS3 ' 'lCCl t 'r i y . i MIL ELEVEHS l ! BATTLE ARRAY Multnomah and Sattl Teams to Meet In Final Came h of Season. PLAYERS ARE CONFIDENT - OF GREAT SCRIMMAGE Lineup Will Bs Nearly th Same at la Christmas ' Day .Contest, Both ,' Captains Putting Their Beat Men In , Action, - "Ths cllmaz of on of th most uo ceserul football seasons In th history of Portland, will bo reached tomorrow afternoon when the Multnomah and 8 " atilo Athletic club eleven meet on Multnomah gridiron for upremacy. No - matches played tn the west turnlah uch ' real yet decent rivalry aa' that dt V played tn the annual contest between Seattle and Multnomah. Both club ' are the chief exponents of amateur th ' letlcs on the Pacific coaat and tn con ' ducting theae matches the, managers and "' captains of the football teams, exercise . '. the most rigid caution in selecting club men whose amateur standing la unas sailable. . - ' ' .' On Christmas day Multnomah Invaded Seattle and after one of the hardest games aver seen In tha northwest de feated Captain Cutfs lUr aggregation by tha araallest score possible, J to 0. ' Aa the score was made partly through the thoughtlessness of. a Seattle player and tha extreme vigilance of captain Jordan of Multnomah, who downed the rattled Slwaah behind the goal line. Coach-Captain Cutis is still of the opln ! ion that his team is - superior , to the winged "M" eleven. The Multnomah players, while In fine . condition for the tray,- are not carried away with -tha idea of running all over .Seattle, because they know very well , that Seattle has' strength, speed and science to spare, and that if a victory ' Is achieved, it will be only accomplished ' fcy the hardeat kind of playing, and considerably harder than any that the .Portland clubmen have don this season. Kerrigan, who suffered a sever injury in Seattle, will hot be able to partlcl , pate in the game.-- Tbs quarterback po attion will be looked after by Blancbard, Walker. The Utter will o In at tackle If necessary, The reat of the team will toe prac tically the aam as on Christmas day. . Multnomah Intends to give the visi tors a suitable reception during their etay in Portland. In Seattle Manager Inglla went to a big expense In looking ; after the Multnomah boya and the com pliment will be duly returned. A ban quet has been arranged for both teams at the Portland hotel . after the game at . o'clock. Later both teams will attend the Helllg theatre in a body to . pay their respects to Florence Roberta. Tbts evening the members of the teams will be tha guests of the . Multnomah club at the interclub boxing and wreat- , ling tournament. ' - - - - The Boattle, football --ma and their renters wllliarrlvs ,U)ls after&ootu irjTT o clock. Manager Inglla arrived last night with his boxing and wrestling men who will meet tha local men to night Da, Caprio's band will f Ornish the mu sic for tha game tomorrow. The lineup aa nearly as Is known now will be as follows: --.Multnomah- A. A. C , Seattle A. A. C. Carleon-Walker-aie;r.-, . . . .Woodland- - '.' ' "" - tTegtmeler ..Horaa ...........11 O '.. .Sample ' Radar ........... L Q. ......... .. Place Pratt ... ,,..RT. ......... Cutte McMillan XT Hooper Wllder-Dowling ..RE............ Doud Jordan ...... LE ... Abbott Blancbard-R'upert .QB.. .Cole-Bagahaw Utt ' . . lionergan RH B. ...... Thomas Goodfellow Dolph I.HB (.. Barry James ,,FB. McDonald - CHEMAWA BASKETBALL TEAM IS VICTORIOUS j ' .i V (Seeda! Dispatch te The JoaraaLlj -. ' ' Ckemawa, Or.. Dec 11. The light " Themawa batketball team defeated the heary team from Oak Grove in- tha In. dlun, school gymnaisum on Saturday ; evening by a scors of 11 to 4. Tha In- . . dlans tttrew baskets almost at will and -played all around tha visitors, who did not make a single basket, but scored 2 In each half from tha foul line. The Indians made It tha first and 18 .the ., second half. Fawk played a good game' for the visitors, while Casey, Wilson , and Lane carried off tha honors for the -. home team. The lineup was as follows 04k Grove.. , Position. Chemawa. . Pawther ......... .F. ...... ..X . . Casey Pewther ..........F. ......... Sooksort Fawk a . . l C . . , . . , flortor Taylor - .'r-.. ....... O . ... Wilson i eeuinwicK ,.......u .j. ine Twenty-mlmit halves were played. Baskets war thrown by Wilson, 1; 8or- tor, ; Sooksort. 2, and Casey, I. ; Fawk 'threw four from the foul line, while Casey added six to ths score of tha In diana Both Fawk and Casey missed two times. ' Officials were: White, ref eree, ana Teabo, empire. . .; INDIANS WILL TACKLE THE DALLES ELEVEN 1 ' fflpeetal te The Joamal.) --. Chemawa. Or., Dec St, The Chemawa football team left her today for east ern Oregon, where they will play The Dalles team tomorrow. This will be a hard-fought contest and it will be hard to tell who will be the victor, a the two teams are very evenly matched and played a scoreless game her about two weeks ago. Tbs Indians are a little , lighter than their white brothers, but were a little quicker In putting their plays into execution. They have put In some hard practice since they met the Columbia st Chemawa - and their . friends her hone for a victory. CY&iti$ir Collars M atXEZJS . - full Mean. M v-tmsv eowv eaaea owios- A II B -1 I SfX.dRrV rjrWi nt iMttnnholM, tl 1 tbat iaaure purfect IK aa sever hreak. II II a.MNas.lMM Taor.a. V. II II RANT'OftO II 11 rbr.- MttkwO lilt , mm. HISTORY OF THE CHAfJPIOfJSillP Title Has Been in Dispute Since the Adoption of Queens- , berry Rules. 7? CANS. IS RIGHTFUL ; ' ' , POSSESSOR OF HONOR McAullife Was a Disputant for a Long Time, but. the Colored Boy 'Knocked Out Erne and Earned tha Award and Has Defended It- The lightwelcht ship, for which Joe Osna and "KM" Herman are to-battie at Tnn.K been an -open and much-disputed title since the adoption of the m.mhi. r Oueenaberry rules. Jack McAuliffe and tn are about Hh only claimant to the title whose superiority has not bad doubt cast .upon ic - - - McAullffe ahowed his first champion ship form when he knocked out "Pt-r- on" Billy Fraicr In 21 round. t Bo- v.ywr iooVl in-.a contest ad vertised aa for the lightweight cham-i plonshlp. The stake wu.SZOO a side, for this was before the days of "b! pursea McAuliffe won the champion ship of Canada also, and clinched his claim to the title when ha knocked out Harry Gil more at Lawrence, Massachu setts, In ts rounds, January 14, 1887. Then came the famoua International lightweight contest between McAuliffe and Jim Carney, at Revere, Massachu setts, November 1;018ST. The fight went T4 -rounds and was declared a draw. The memorable S4-round draw with Billy Myer. at North Judsorv Illi nois, February IS. 1SSS, waa McAu llffe's next Important championship con test ... In 1890 M-Aullffe went to Ban Fran. Cisco, and on March SI of that rear he fought Jimmy Carroll there, winning In 47 rounds. After defeating Austin Gib bons in six rounds, September 11. IStl. at Hoboken. New Jersey. McAuliffe did not defend hie title again until Septem ber I, 18I. when he knocked out Billy Myer at New Orleans in li rounds. McAuliffe waa never beaten for the title. At a big benefit given him In New York In 1891 he sparred six round with "Kid" ' Lavle-n and v formally turned . over - the title to the Michigan boy. Lavlgne won the championship of England, June 1 of that yesr, by knock ing out Jim Burgs in London in 17 rounds. Lavigne was then admitted to be champion lightweight of the world, and he held the title until July J, 1899, when he loet a decision to Frank Em in 10 rounds at Buffalo, . Erne held the chamnlonahlp three years, losing It when Joe Gans knocked him out In one' round at Fort Erie. May IS. 190S, acquiring the title that has not yet been wrested from him. .' MY fiAVE TIVO SETS OF , FOOTBALL RULES : ; Big Seven Will Be Asked to Amalgamate With the Inter collegiate Committee. ' (Josraal Special Service. V New .Tork. Dec. St. An action that will terminate in a climax of football rulemaking was taken Saturday when the Intercollftglate Athletic association elected a 1907 rules committee end. In structed It to communicate with the rep resentative or Yale, Princeton, Har vard,' Pennsylvania. Cornell. Annapolis ana cnicsgo, comprising the "big seven who framed the rule last yesr. Ths communication will be a proposition to amalgamate with the-association's com mlttee. If ths "big seven" refuses there will be two sets of football rule next year. ' Next fall.' If amalgamation does not take place, Tale, Princeton. Harvard. Cornell, Annapolis sad Chicago will be unable to arrange contests with other colleges, the army and navy game will be a thing of the past.1 snd two differ ent gsmes that would show up the glar- ng fault of each Other would, result. West Point Is a member of the associa tion; Annapolis is not. When the foot ball question 'rame up today it was de cided to direct the new. committee to seek amalgamation and tha following resolution passed: -"If this amalgamation be not pasaed the association rommltee of seven' shall formulate rules for member of this as sociation. "'';.. ..- . The new commltee waa also Instruct ed to secure an open rame, the elimi nation of brutal playing and different rules of olavlnr. ---; Those elected to The new association were: . E. K. Hall of Dartmouth.' Dr. James A. Bsllt of Haverford. C. W. -Saras of Oberlln. J- T. Ies of Nebraaka, W O. Le of West Point, Dr. H. L. Wil Hams of Minnesota, and W. I Dudley of Vanderbllt. . ' ; i They will submit the proposition to amala-araat this week and meet Janu ary t. The result will be known then. Th '"big even" must either go In or precipitate a football fight more dlaas trous than any former one. The "big seven" committee is composed or wai ter Camp of Tale, William T. . Reld of Harvard. Alonso stag or Chicago. Pro fessor John B. Fine of Princeton, Pro fessor L. M. Dennis of Cornell, Paul Daschle 1 of Annapolis, and Dr. Bell of Pennsylvania.. . .. , . : , m ,i . , 0 . , . SKIDOO BOWLERS DEFEAT MONTAVILLA On the Montavllla alleys yesterday one of th best match games of th se son was bowled. - Th Skldoo team won. The scores were: SKIDOO. Norman Crook . Hoover . Bmlth . -Guroey . -Totals .74 71m' 711 MONTAVILLA. 1 I 141 151 14.1 Itt IIS AVge. Ansnsngl . W. Sloan .. P. McMillan rarent . . . . . Wlebush . . . . .m ,..11S . .50 .. ..140- 141. 115 1 1(7 111 145 1-1 t-l 141 174 lit 111 Totals . ...7S 721 711 j D. McMillan got the highest slngl score, 301, and also th highest average, 174. ' Scheduled for Toaif h. . B'lly Rhodes vs. Terry Martin, II rounds, st Thornton, Rhode Island. ' Kelfleld Waicott vs. Bsrtly Connolly, It rounds, at Wt biter, Massacbasetta, . . 1 I I AVge. .....141 141 lit 148 1(4 .188 14 17 17 15 147-181 S-S .....1S1 HS 111 121 .....181 161 137 ' 161 1-S ARE FIT BATTLE- Clever Boxers Will Meet , at Tonopah for the Lightweight Championship;- - ;- EACH PERFORMER HAS MANY STANCH FRIENDS Herman Is Confident That He 'Will Be Able to Wrest the Honors Away From tha Great Cans, 'but Colored Man Thinks Otherwise. FACTS ABOUT THB BIG FIOHT." Place Casino Athlstla club. Tononshj Principals Jo Cans of Baltimore and "Kid- Herman of Chicago.. Stake Llrhtwelsht ehamnlonahih tl- ue ana siu.ouo purse. - : Ptreree Jack Welch. - ' ' (loaraal Bowttal SerrleeT Tonopab, Nev- De 11 Tralrtad to th hour and ready for their. Jfrgttla, which will decide th lightweight Cham-plonahlp-ot. the world, Jo Oan and Kid" Herman await th call to th arena of th Casino Athletic club tomor row afternoon. This mining town is in tensely excited over th bis flaht Snort ing men are arriving tn larae number rrom oan Francisco, Lo Angeles,' Salt Laka City and even aa far distant as Chicago, and th fight 1 th sol toplo or conversation in th street and all publlo places. . While both fighter have- about- an equal number , of well wishers, itf airrereni ining wnen it comes to pet ting money. Th odd are decidedly in favor of Osna. But there ar many men who believe th Chicago boy ha a first-rat chanc to win th battle, and those that fancy the chances of ths champion ar not having much trouble In placing their money. The betting I heavy among th money-spending min er who ar bar from sll over th Ne vada field, and an Immense sum is bound to change hand on the result of .th battle. .. . ;: ; ..; v ' ' '-' Herman Xas a Ohano, Prom all appearance neither fighter will have any advantage when It ceme to condition. Oan ha never been in clined to hold Herman cheaply, and he hex prepared as faithfully for this fight a h did for -hi encounter with "Battling" Nelson. : lie appears to he in the best tosibl condition, and the only question is whether he' will be able to stand a long and hard right at the 111-pound mark. - Herman, under ' the careful supervision of Manager Nate Lewis and Trainer Adam Ryan, ha been putting In the time to th best advan tage since bis arrival her, and at hi camp today the report was given- out' that he 1 In th finest rettie. Botn men haV completed their heavy work of preparation and from now until the gong- sounds they will exeroisa only enough to keep In condition and at th proper weight Herman expressss Con fidence In his ability to defeat the champlpn-. ' -. u ; Trie Casino club'- arrangements ifor the fight ar of the most perfect char acter. The new arena has cost the club over 140,-000.- It covers a alt 149 feet square, and has seating accommo dations for M00. This meana that If th houae 1 filled, and the Indication ar that It will be, the gat receipts will total l:,600. .Th ring platform Is id eated In the center of th arena and la 24 fet square. Th platform I elevated three and, one-half feet above the floor level, and Is surrounded by a doable row of press seats." Three rows of boxes run' back from th four sides of the ring, each vox having a seating capacity of 12 persona. How th Tifktera Compar, Oans. 5 ft U In.. 70 In 14 in....... Herman. .Hela-ht I ft t in. .Reach. ......... SV4 In, ..Neck 16 in. ......Cheat -.,..40 In. 1S4 In. t in... 11 In. U4 In. ......Waist. ...........JO In, .....Bleeps ......11 In. .irorearra. ,. . .....11 In. In. ........ 20 in.......... ,..,. Wrnstr. 1 in. Thigh 20 H n, HV4 In. IH In.. Calf.... 14 In. Ankle a In. Age. ...... ...26 years 10 years., CORNELL WILL HAVE' IIEV SYSTEM OF Scholkopf and Halliday, For mer Stars, Will Assist Cap tain Cook on Gridiron. - (Jmraal Special Servtee.l . Ithaca, New Tork, Dec 11. Th Cor nell Athletic council has msde a radical chang tn the football coaching system, and hereafter . a schema of graduate coaching will be Inaugurated. Profes sional head coaching waa discarded by the unanimous vote of the council which wss sanctioned by the representative of the Alumni Football association. Henry Schoelkopf and Morris Halliday were elected field coaches for next year,, and with Captain Cook these men will con stitute the football field committee. They will be assisted by, alumni mem bers of former teams, chosen by the athletic council and the football field committee. They will also have advis ory power In the selection of a schedule of games. Schoelkopf played on th Cornell team of 100 and MOL'and later on Harvard tn 101 and 104. Halliday played fullback on Cornell In 1102, 1103, 1J04 and 105. The election was due to th trouble with Olen S. Warner, who recently re signed a head coach of th football and baseball teams, to accept a similar position at tn uarusi jnaian school Warner waa objected to all fall on th ground that he ruined Cornell' oppor tunities for a championship, .football team by not working ' his men -hard enough. ' In th Princeton gam this was most noticeable, for Cornell, after outplaying th Tigers In th opening period, tired perceptaoiy in tn second half, and thus enabled Princeton to bat ter out a victory. . Wamor claimed b , was interfered with In hi work by th Inability of many of the players to report for prac tice vry day, and whenever they were able to get down to th field they were not through with tneir class work until lata in th afternoon, arid, consequently mad It impossible for hint to get th men together. . Soothes Itching., skin. Heals' cuts or burns without a scar. Cures tolles. ec sema salt rheum, sny Itching. Doan'f Ointment. Your druggist sells L FOR . i wiliibllllW llllll I OVER Rival Jockey Club Decide That W- ItJe-Beker to . Bury -r the Hatchet. . . a NEWSPAPER WRITERS 'j V ARE TARGET OF ATTACK Scribes Who Dared Criddaa Acts of Corrigaa and American Turf Asso- elation Were Compelled to Pay Up . st tha Gate. t ' (Hearst Haws Barvlee.) ' ::a? By a.'BV A. MacDonald, ,-Kw Orleans. La., Deo. 11. Though th local turf war 1 supposed to b a thing of the , past, there yet remains ample evidence of an undying bitterness existing which will only disappear when tb men presently associated with th Crescent .City Jockey clubhand the City Park Jockey club have passed to the great beyond. Just now the City Park management has directed a fir againat ths newspaper Correspondents who es poused t fair ground- snd ths West ern Jockey club in th fight on Corri gaa and th American Turf association for th laat two' seasons. Daring th fortnightly session of racing . at City Park, which terminated a week ago. flv prominent turf writer war refused UieJ courtesies, of the course. "Thy did us"l dirt lsst year, and they can lump It now," explained on of th City Park executive a -few days ago, when th club's action first became known. Being public matltuuon, in the eye of the law. the Corrigaa people were not able to keep off the scribes from th trackrl Ide, but they did make them1 pay their 11.54 each day. Naturally, a storm de veloped, th Incident being th most widely discussed topio .la local racing circle for many day. ' From what can b learned of th in side trend of the City Park policy, it appears that Edward Corrigan. who atiU control th maJerUy stock of th new club, notwithstanding report to th oontrary. told hi personal represent, tlve in the councils of th organisation. President D. J.' Barnes, to withhold complimentary press badge from th reporter who "had written mean thing about City Park-last year during the fight in their respective papers." Act ing on this Instruction. Barnes Informed the offending scribes of the necessity of "putting up" at the box office, should they deslr to attend City Park, either In th capacity of a casual spectator or a reporter. Th entire staff of on "well hated local ' newapaper waa barred through th meeting, and Its editor waa further Informed that should It print' "scurrilous or distorted matter-concerning City Park la the future. It repeaan tatives, whether they paid their way in or not, would be deprived of the pre stand and other courtesies." i l: Xm tn BCMMthm. rv In the meantime this newspaper Is planning a vlgorou campaign of retalia tion, the ultimate effect of which may be th closing up of both City Park and th fair grounds, for . the Journal la making It play along dangeroua lines. For Instance, it Is raising an outcry against ths f rensy. of the New Orleans women for racetrack gambling. During the City Park meeting, ending today, thousand of women of Indiscriminate character could be seen in a" dally ram bling revel In th grandstand. Worat of all, these women, professional follow ers of th turf, war permlted to mingle freely through all section of the grand atand. - - . Though th grandstand commissioner evil haa been a. thing of tha paat in th east for two years, it flourished at City Park, th women being encouraged to gamble through th presence of unl formed messengers In the grandstand. Edward Corrigan is blsmed -for the fight on th newspapers. What will be the result' Is hard to forete.L. As a result of City Park's discrimination against ths newspaper men. a factional quarrel has ewlsen In the Turf Writers' Association of America. Th turf wrlterho wa most -bitter of all In his attacks oa th fslr grounds during th war laat year was tendered every courtesy at the fair grounds during Its recent meeting. Tet he Is alleged to have singled out th anti-City Park writer for the Barnes ax. 'Everywhere this' latest move on th oart of the Corrigan henchmen I re- asTinvr as tne greatest oiunoer ox ine Xlldreth a Taskmaster. 'Among th Jockey Sam Hildreth Is regarded as the hardest taskmaster for whom they must ssrVe. On the other hand. Bob Tucker, the owner-plunger- bookmaker. Is styled an "easy boss." , It was little of a surprise when Hildreth let out Jockey Knripp at Oskland. Cali fornia, th very first tim "Big Bill" snotled tha Porridge through a bad ride on the back of King's Gem.; However, the news of the falling out of Bob Tucker and Dave MeDanleV-th father and mentor of Jockey "Puddln" " Mc- DanleL her at City Park laat week, oc caslonsd no end lOf talk and conjecture. Little McDanlel came down her from Washington. District of Columbia, wax ing in th frlory of a very successful season at Bennlngs. Tucker engaged him for th New Orleans . season. Everything went along very nicely until McDanlel rod Bally Preston for "Tuck" In the preliminary Derby for 1-year-old on Saturday,, December s. Tucaera Kew Tork agent, ' "Maxey Bl amen thai. nut down a 15,000 commission in th New Tork poolroom circuit on Sally, Tucker very wisely concluding that if h did not bet In th fair-grounds ring tb price would soar against his mars, and. of course, his 16,000 would go on at an InHated Quotation. - fcf a th Post. Th filly had worked well, and svery- thinc stood tn apple-pl order for a Christina holiday killing. Before going down to th post Tucker cautioned Mc Danlel to "get off abov all things." Im agine the owner's frame of mind when he observed McDanlel and Sally Pres ton standing as motionless ss ar bronsc status as Dade let go ths barrier. Bally was never In th hunt Fantastlo won ths event Afterward Tucker said his horss had outworked Fantsstlo, and with anything Ilk a fair break she would have beaten th , Berlew-O'Nell filly. Shortly afterward th McDanlel and Tucker engaged la a lengthy conference, th abrogation of th Jockey" contract being th upshot thereof. McDanlel is on of th freak Jockey. He cam eaat .two year ago with a record quit a brilliant a that of "Marvelous" Miller. Then he suffered a slump and tost out to th strong stable of James R. Keen, wher he held a lucrative oon tract. COMING EVENTS A boxing and wrestling tournament between Multnomah A. C. and Seattle A. C. thla evening at Multnomah club promises to bvpo of th most Inter esting events of Its kind ever pulled off at ths club. Th, Beattl men arrlvad . mm FAiiswcfBi.'Dia . i EARLY iimiiiiiiua nrn .:il..JAIJi)tL'..JtU Woocbiirn Grange Roasts Road 1 - System and Is Framing .? ,'. ' - Up on the Locks. ' (Special Mapatcs- ta Tk JevrSttt-- Woodburn. Dr., Deo. II. Woodbura grange, at . a very Interesting allday meeting, discussed some Important ques tions, -appointed a committee to draft resolutions la favor of free locks at Oregon City and adopted th following resolution: , .'. "Whereas, - W bailor la and deslr good roads and have a strong suspicion that w could get them If most of tbs county court of this stats would xr ela their lawful privilege under th Carnahaa law, without any necessity of resorting to th Iniquitous scheme of tn so-called - Tuttl road law for bond ing districts tor road improvement to nabl th county court to shirk thslr responsibility to msk sufficient levy ror permanent roads; and - wMmai, w bllv bonds mean bondage to those who givs thenw-- to whlchvw r In thl instanc decidedly opposed; and, further, tt la on of . our cardinal principle to pay aa w go. which we would in all oaaea b able to do If w could shut all political graft' ers up wher some of thorn ar going; therefore, b if. - . "Kesolved, That w caUfpW our country courts to quit playing politic and glv u a good.' common-sens ad mlnlatratlon of county affairs, making th necessary levy, under th law. for all the road Improvement that can honestly and economically be mad scM year, be ginning at all th business 'centers of trad In each county." ;: - A resolution indorsing ths work Of Mrs. ciara H. Waldo a regent of th Stat Agricultural college at Corvallls waa also adopted.- . ' Th following officer wer elected for th ansulng year:! J. M. W. Bonney, worthy maater; Mls Ida. Boiwy,--lecturer; Mra Carrie Bonney. aertary. Th next meeting will b.hJUaniAaril 12, at wnicn tim tn commute on open river resolutions will report. - ARSTELL TRIES TQ HAI.6 HIMSELF III JAIL 1 f, '.', ' ; .T : Under Forgery Charge, Says He - Will Never Go to Pen Kentiary. ' (Special Dlapateh te Tb Joeraal.) Tillamook, Or, Doa 11. L. J. ArstelL held -In Jail her for several week on a charg of forgery, attempted auicld by hanging. He tor hi blanket tn 1 trip and twlated It Into a rope whloh he attached to tha bar of hi cell door. When found by the sheriff h had apparently almost sot th life choked out of himself but was. In short "tim resuscitated and la now little the worse for his experience. . Sine his arrest A retell baa repeatedly aid he would ' never b taken to tha penitentiary. . ;-;. Aratell waa arrested December t on th cbarg of forging th signature of Maurice" Leech on a check - far 115. drawn on th Thayer bank. On bis pre liminary trial be pleaded guilty. It was said at th tim of hi arrest that he had in hi possession several forged check. j t ' , Aratell first appeared her, .well dressed. In the character of.' a timber cruiser. H afterward went to work In a sawmill. . Needs and demands OF DRAIN NORMAL . t : (Special TlpatcB te The Journal. V? Bosebura. Or.. Dec. 11. Professor O. C. Brown of ex he Drain normal school, who has Just visited Roseburg, aaya his institution will ask th legislature for maintenance only. This sum will aggregate $25,000. However, h doe not think th demand of th normal at Monmsuth for $116,000 wise, and doea not believe It should be granted. - , Th) Drain school, hs sstes, wa never more prosperous. They had at th be ginning of th holiday 11T students, which number will be Incressed to too by th opening of th second semester, in February. This number include th pupil In all departments. Th gradu ating class this year numbers It. lsst night and ar in fin condition for tha contests. The nroaram la: Boxing. Brown (8. A.K? ) vs. Bush (M. A. A. C). !..-. Boxing, Hop (B. A, C.) -vs. Dranz (M. A. A. C . Wrestling TUley (8. A. C.) vs. Frank CM. A. A. C). Wrestling, Vane (R, A. C) va, Dennla (M. A. A. C). , .Th matches will begin st 1:10 sharp and will be pulled off without delay. : - . . , . Th Portland Hunt elub members will hold an open paper cbas tomorrow morning for the Thomas Scott Brooks cup. Mr. F. O. Buf fum and Jamss Nlcol have laid out of th best courses ever selected by th local riders. Tbe start will be made to 10:10 o'clock. The riders will assemble back of th Thomp son school, . Bortbwlck and , Shaver streets.?' . , CH0YNSKI SUES GRANEY FOR SIX THOUSAND CASH ' (Josmal Special Servlee.t V ! Ban Francisco, Deo. 11. Attorney Her bert Choynskl hss filed a suit againat Edmund M. Oraney, tb wall-known ref eree, for $4,000 alleged to be due . for legal services rendered. Th suit marks the climax of a hostility that ha been rising gradually between th two men for the past three years and which broke into open warfare a th result of their conflicting testimony before the grand Jury laat month. 'I - want ta show that th so-called Honest Blacksmith' I a baa ingrate," aid Chojnakl tonight, "and that is why I am suing him. I don't really expect to get the money, but. h will lthr have t. deny that ha owe th money or plead th statat of limitations. If he makes a denial then let him look but. I wlU file a bill of particular that wUl expose secrsts that Oraney will not relish." . Eddl Oraney says: "Six thousand. Why didn't h tnak It $10,000 and glv m som sundlngt -1 don't oi Choynskl any money, -1 won't pay him any. - It I th funniest thing bav heard this year." Let him go ahead and sus his head off." - '. ; ' Football! footbani , Last gam of season, Multnomsh-rY Seattle, New Tear'a day. 1:10 p. m. Music. Tickets on ssls at Schiller's cigar stor and Row a lfartla's drug stor. X Of .quality Th repairing or replacing of . . Your Teeth Reoelves th careful attention tt merits. Our splendid office equip ment , combined with a large vol ume of bualnee anablea us t rndr a superior dental sarvto at a reasonsble cost to you. , ; tl-kt. Gold Crown.. SB and1 B6 Full Plates. 5 to SlOO PUtln Filling fl Palnlesa Extracting ........SOf ' 2taalattosi Fre of Charg. ".Wot Onaranteed. . JMy AMaadsli " Boston Dental Parlors Sm K0BBXSOW ST, Op. VOST OFFIOa. -, - YOUR GLASSES do nrxr nri u tbey'r set ex actly right, let sa make then so. Whea we lit joa, we at you BXACTLY. Loog experleaoe, every soetasarir aciaa Uflo apparatus' and Uie required kaow. kdse enabling s to correctly see tbe saaM, our owa complete workabop with every faclltty eras to ' tbe rlodlnf of special ' liaaaa i are all at yew Ola soaal bere, .awurlng service sot poa elble wltb 'otbara feaa fortunatelr I iuliirs. Aiila, do jour glaaM flf, or nearly sti . . Monsell Optical fo. O f SPICES, V o COrSxE-TEAv DAinr.OP0VDEl7, Fircn:;;jEXTriACT$ AfcWuhfciihr. FlrujfFlivrjr. CU)SS11T0DYERS ;Me;. C e'.f : sooTirasynu? has bee tnwd by Billions of tfothen for their Jbiblren while Teethln for over fifty Tears, t aootues the eh lid, aorten th anma, allari all pain, euree wind eouo, aad Is tbs beat remedy for dlarrho3a . r awBSTYivivrwrTB a atom. v. TImuS ( . . . J, LOUIS M'FADDEN GETS v FOOT NEARLY SHOT OFF 8reclal rHapateb to The 9osrnal.) Junction City, Dr., Deo. 11. Louis Mo- Fad den, aged IS, son of Councilman Mo- Faddsn of this place, met with a serious accident whll hunting, accompanied by three other boy named EMI Bailey, Louis Flint and Vern Whiting. Three of th boy wer 'standing around a- fir they had built Bailey wa sitting with hi gun across hi knees. - Th gun waa ac cidentally discharged, 1 shooting ' - the major part or McFadden'a left foot off. ' Th other boy carried McFadden to a farmhouse about $0 rods awar. wad Is on depeadable kind. : mm fix Ing through Sinter walet deep. TheylaAllr , r.i then eourd a. team .and brought him 'tUViiA vo"' s a on to Junction City, wher he received t A. STB wart. cJJInerrii surgical attentioji. at ins nana or Dre. Owen and William. Th thre larger toes wer amputated from th shattsred foot Th . two smaller toe may b avd. ' S. S. F. A. Kilburn Par Cans Bar. Bsreks sad'.Saa rrmea , (test sailing frea Portias, Friday, Rev. 1. t Bes-SalUsg fraa Baa Preset. Tssr.. Iter. Ss. CHAS. sV. STKBLSMITB, AeBt OaK Street Dock, Phone Main 2960 c TTAi::rcrrAT:c"'. a I umoiTiciiTtt 3 Trains to the East fcily 3 Tluaasb PallsM stasasrd aa tnrtM Mwe-(-eara daily ta Cnaka, Chtean, Spekaael rbrousk nKllalag aai(Gairs (seale ties) t tha JLmmt .4.11- V'm 1Mb, ' ' " Uv, , Am, CU-t. Portland Swwial tm the East via Haotlnctoa. dir. l:Nu fJ !PaB rirer for Barters waatilattos. Walla Walla. Uwlaton. 6esr 4 A tee aal ' 1 Ureat Nortbera polata. daflr. T:00 Bl SlOt 11 SUaatle Bipreea for ths Bart Pertsd-Ohri. local for all , setwtra BlcgS ssd " " PwtUsd, dallv tt sal S:aw oor.cMBra miTBit Division. rev Aatorla au way solata, eeaaeetls wRB teamer air Ihraae aa VlortU Baark. Btaaaia Haaaals,, Sock. iim I . a 4aUr. .Sssdayi Sararosy. 10 . b Anrlvet s s, except ShraSay. TAMRILL BITBB BOCTB. 1.Tor Daytos. Orere City aa Yamkn) ttee pMats. ateaawrs Both aa MooM.- Aah-et. eaca, !. a, dally, a leapt gaeday 4atet see. mlftmg). Acrlrs IN p. a. sallt es sada; RNAKB BTTBK BOUTS, fr' Lewlatns, Idake,'-ssd way setoti fMsi Blperla. Waah., ataamers Spekas as Lewat. ? leave a. .. r spea arrtval Tral . aHy ereept Satarday. . Arrive B. a Sail, earent Vrlrt.T. . Ticket Office, fhtr aa Waahlagt hv Telenhnne Mats Til. , .. .. . O. W. SINORB. Cltv TVa A sea .; McML'BRaY. Oaaaral raaaeuer Asaat. EASTvu SOUTH Osioa Oepet beave. Arrrea, roruaad ma a.. s. elace Kspraas Stops only. t !; '.SMSt Importaat atatioas . - , A Jetwaea Portias as Baa rraaelaos! eoBDaetlooa at ,-. as rraBclses foe ail point - Baat as BnataT it-Biaa ll-klaa Ovarian Clpreaa Trains for aU local polnta South. ' - ' - SaerasMota. Baa rnnHn - - an potnta Baat as Boatai. T:S fa M pal Moralng tnia conaeeta at t, k a m ; . Woodbura dally axoeot 1 Buady with Moast Ansel ' 1 V and Sllvartos local. ...7:.. .: as ffJS Ootta arm nassess-er : n coanaets at Woedbora ac .. Albanr dallr. aaraot Bua- .dav. with Malna t.i anlnfa ' ' J, " Wood BoiDt laid aad . bora Sprlntl Albaor-LebBBoa branebae.. d:11 pa 11Hw aai ' i , ! poaeenyer . , Sberldaa paaaeBser.. n:Maai OSeyoi 4:10 ota tO:lSaaa Fonai orave ....1111:00 a IIIMiS yoreat Orw ve paaaeBsee..,. 115:10 yal S:Mpsi. Muallr except SsBdar. Dally. jrrrBKBON-STKCK'r TATIOW. rar Dallaa and latariaeatata puiota dally. T:S a. m. sad 4:1 a. sv Arrlvs tattead, 1:IS a. m. and :ZB b. k. ' ror time aad card ef Oewaao eBborbBsJ trekw spply at City Tfc-kat Orrle. er eterlo. -: Tickets to Eaaters solars ssd Bawa alas . Jipan. Chine. Hmolola and AaatraUa. I Ctt Ticket Office enrner Third as .Wast taytnaj trt.. Phase H" Tia 0 BTINOFfi. rat. McMTJRBAT. City Ticket Atest. ues, Paaa. I sail . TIME CARD i ! '-' r "fttm - ' ' ? TRAINS.-" portdlahdt leave. Arrtra. , I yHewataae Part eTaaaaa City , St. LaelaaBerlal for CSeealla. , Ceatralls, Oljnpla. Oray's Harbor, Sostk Baad, Taeoaae. ! Raattla, Mpokaae. Lewlatae. I Batte. BnUnn. Daaver. Ooia. ba. Kaaaaa City. ttlm land Southeast, dally...... im nvuiuwat. u I IJ . Worth Coaat Llmita. I.Msa M eleetrw iianteo. for Taessia. Seattle. rl pokan. Batte. Mln St. fasl asd tbe Baat. Polls, aal Ur. 1:0 pa fiat aS racer sobs Limited. low I ClaresMst. . Cheballa. Oe. walla. Taeoma sad Beat tie only, dally Twla City Erpreea far Taes sia, Seattle, Spokane, Beleae. entte. St. Paol. Mlaaeapaua. Ineola. St. Joseph. Eanaas City. Omaha, St. toala, with. set eheare ef eara. Dine :M pa 1:BS ynf eoBBeetlona for all potsts Baat asd Bentbaaat. oauy.... ll.aopa 1:90 TNK COMPOfrrASLK WAV 2 Overland Trains Dafly 7 Tk Orlata Llatltad. tha laat kUS "lA SIATTUB AND SPOKAMB, , rortland tlsie arkidaji - Tv snd from Spokane, t. Panl. Mtnneepolta. . nstatb aad all polata Kaat.rU Seat tie.,... S:Msa 11:41 pa Ta aad fraa St. Past. ... Mlnneapolla,. Dnrath . ed ell points Bast via Spokane t:00sa . Daily. Arrive, is;: "4 S:0sa Onst Vertaera Btaaaskl Os Benin front Seattle tor. Japes - sad China .porta aad Manila, earrylag sea. aensers and frelsbt - S. S. Minnesota. Jaaaary s,"-i":-V' S. S. Dekota, yabrnary 17. ' . XlirOlt TVBEH XAISSa, ' ,1 i Jape a Mall Steasiahl Ce.t ' . Tots Mara wlU sail frea Seattle about January 8. far Japaa Vnd. Obieae Bona. Berrying paaaeaere Tlntf freight, ; for, tii'nata, yalaa. berth, taaarra. none, ete ean OB r aaoreae x. sicksow, a . x. -Jb- urnttt stt lertlasd, OTrfaa. Fhoao Mai 0M, Astoria & Columbia ! River Railroad Co. CbM Depot "-V,. tasv. ' tttra yo Maygere, Balnter, Cist. ' kanls, W eat port, CUttos, As toria. Warrtatos. I'iaT.L llaamoad, rort Btaveaa, Uear " ' "- karr Park. SeaaMe :00ta IMS ta Aatorls sad Seaahore, eipreae iwu rn Aatavta. Or. I A .ul SmS AM afreet. v Pbooe Mais SO., .... ; North Pacific S. S. Co. STEAMSHIP i 1,600 tons, sail for Eureka, San fran clsco snd Los Angeles. Thuradny, .Jan uary 1, at S p. tn.. from Martin's lock, . foot Seventeenth street. Take Hlxteenih. .' strset or '-8" rsrs. Ticket offl.wl 111 Third strset, riesr Alder, hon M. S t ft. ' XL TOUWa. Ageat ' . IQIoot's.t WaJw laa So"T a Jel i , 5