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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 31, 1906)
fTlTZ 03EG0M 'DAILY -JOURNAL. - POUTLAND,. MONDAY EVENING, DECEMBER St XCtl -J REPORT PREPARED BY SECRETARY OF STATE FAITHFUL PRAY FOR DRIIAIil liOUROS suEn;.Mfj 6 iia!o;, i : Gn"cn'L' ACEilTS Cr , THE Fcfu. MUTUAL , LtFc IfJSUHAME CO. ..ARE KNOCKERS . v.- Rtcommendationsjof Official to Legislature. Cover Multitudes of Subjects, Among Which Are Segregation '.if Appropriations J: for the Maintenancei of Oregon , Institutions." v ..... 7 - But Friends of Dowie Say He -4 lady Burdett-Coutts Dies at l'a Dog, Devil and Judas -r.T' " Iscariot. -- sEJBipe Age of Ninety-Two mm aiTTutx.T eonvtvani vni TMM TVTM IS TOLD - ABOUT . Years. ma umtmovm of nouro trs- t VOIUA 0 BARKS t v. . i Reflommedationa embraced In Beere-1 Meenae fees, sltheugh lists have been ,.Ury of" rTTate-iHiirriar'a- blonolal. export, pornlahed and requests mad that action which will be submiitea to m uruusni. . pruwv iu ux ju-mm i legislature who that body ' convenae-l th institution or aucn actions la in !..nar 11 rover a multttufflr' of aub-l handaVoC.-lhs sttorney-generat many terta. Anions the nrlnclDal chanaeaatld 1 thousands of dollarew law nieaai'ree recommended by Xho aeo- retary. ara tha segregation of the appro- I - Deels Wita Zasuraae. prlatlona for tha maintenance, or thai -me report deals at eome 1 snath with tale Institutions, the abolition or the in,urnc- ,d the atate la urged to adopt a uniform form of fire inaur . atate agricultural eolleg fund, the building of a naw atate aaylum building, providing .aeparate apartmanta for the different sexes, the amendment of eo ' tlon of the act of 101 ao aa to make punishable by fine any neglect on the part of corporations - to nla their an nasi statements, the adoption by the atate of a uniform form of flre,lnur aace policy and th maintenance! oft he HO.eOft aurplua fund at present required of fire' Insurance eompanlea operating li- - Ore eon. The secretary further calls attention in hie report to tha fact that at nee the Inheritance tax law went Into afreet, 'l' Wav A ISA th mtmt Vtmm MMklvtM. "' from th la source a total of There are upward of 100 eatates now ' in process of settlement which eome within the provisions of this law, and . recommendation la made that the revenue ' ' , from this aource be Increaaed by redue- , ing me ezemptian: aa to eststes auojeci -..'.' to a tax from 110.000 to 16.000, and by ' . --reducing the exemption to the individual jc-frora $6,000 to $3,600. . . " ' .- ' ' Xaoreases Coat. In recommendlhir the segregation of the appropriation for atate inatltutlona. . it la abown that under the preaent omnl : bua ayatem the filing of the referendum 1 - . petition haa been the meana of lncreas , Ing the coat of maintaining theae Instl- tutlona and haa also forced persona hav ing clatma against these Institutions for . " supplies to either hold them or discount them to obtain the cash. .The report '' aaye: ' "Just how much additional expense It haa caused the atate, owing- to the ap propriation not being available, cannot . be definitely stated. Increased chargea for supplies probably average 10 per . V mam - n.4 nl.ln. will r.uit..Kla amount to tJO.OOt. which. If aa appro , piratlon Is made for their payment, will make a total of f 40.000. "In order to avoid thla condition ap plying to such a aumbsr of Institutions ;,. In the future, I would respectfully sub rest that BDoroorlatlon bills be aasre- -, gated and that aa act be passed embrao ' tug tha Institutions at Salem and a eep ". arete act for the unlveralty, agricultural aoiiege, and each of the normal schools." Beavawa Beoom mas dating. . 'The secretary enews tha reeommen datlon contained In his. last report for the abolition of tha state agricultural fund, stating that there la ao apparent reason why a aeparate apportionment of $26,000 should bo made for thla Insti tution. The preaent method requires th 1 atate offlclala to make two apportion ' , menta divided among II counties, which, - the report states, aocompllahes no an ' parent : good. -The secretary- bettevea that all . ht rn-niv uir -fj;rujria nuns in liiw anie j - manner, tending to simplify atate fl , . aancea. ' In recommending the building of a branch to the state Insane aaylum, the 1 secretary points out that tha main build ', lng haa reached tha point where It la , no longer deemed advisable' or safe to ; Increase its. capacity by additions. The ' amount required for thla branch and ad- 1 ditlonal betterments is plaoed at 1217, . ' 000, and the aum needed to pure ha aa and equip with buildings a site for a state Institution for the feeble-minded Is cs , tlmated at 1150.000, ..... Would amend lew.. ' . In his recommendations for corpora- , tlon control, the secretary suggests that the present law be amended so aa to pro vide that any corporation falling or re , fuaing to render an annual statement or to amend the same when required to do " so, or to pay the annual license fee. ur .' . any corporation, joint otock company or .... sasoclstton doing business In the state contrary to tha act. ahall be liable to a j-i;l"flne of $100, to be recovered, together . '., with any license fee due, by an action at law In the name of the state of Ore ' go. Under the present law delinquent lioenss fees are recoverd through ac tions brought by the district attorneya, . but the secretary finds that awing to other duties but little attention haa been paid to the collections. "In fact," ha ' adds, "since the act went Into effect. there haa not been a alngla action insti tuted for tha collection of delinquent eflclal effects of the $60,000 surplus posit required ' of Insurance companies operating In Oregon, anff the secretary saya: "In regard to the effect of the dis aster and conflagration In Ban Fran cisco upon the fir Insurance companies authorised to transact business la this state, I have to report that no loss was sustained by any policy-holder ha v Ing contracts la thla state with such companies due chiefly, I believe, to the deposit law of thla stats, which requires every foreign Insurance company to de posit with the state treasurer tha aum of $60,000 In approved securities, to be kept for the benerit and security ox per sons trsnsactlng business with them In this state." Along the same lnes, the report speaka encouragingly of the growth of -the atate life Inaurance com parties and of the mutual fire companies. the latter now covering -at a low cost about $$1,000,000 worth of' property, - ' Hora etriafeat Begulationa. -la his last report the secretary ri ommended th adoption of a law for th government of all mutual Ufa insure anc eompanlea incorporated under in lawa of Oregon, and alab fraternal or ders or societies, and providing for their organisation, regulation and control. The secretary atatea that he conaldara It unnecessary to repeat his views fa voring such atate regulation and super vision or theae societies and aaaocla tlons, and adds: , "I think It sufficient to direct your attentjbon to thla impor tant matter, so that th Interests of thoa persons compelled to carry thla class of insuranc may be safeguarded. and that- th beneficiaries may receive the benefit they are expected to eelve. also for th prevention of those sssoclatlona doing business In this state organised for ths purpos of catching the unwary and for the benefit and pe cuniary gala or th organisers.' , XCaay $fw Ootpontloaav Since the law became operative. In May. 10I. tha atate has received through th corporation tax law $431, f(t.$6. each year showing an Increase. Th secretary saya that never In th history of th state haa there been, in the same period of time, ao great a num ber of corporations formed for busi ness undertakings, and th figure ahow that the effect of the act haa not re tarded or hindered the Industrial growth f tha state or prevented -or embarraased the development of the atate by for eign or domeatlc capital. To the eon- trarj: a aam-etary aays, ' It gives le gitimate enterprtaet av proteotldrmhar did not heretofore exlat To increaa the efficiency of th act, it is recom mended that the corporation organisa tion fee be extended to th rata of $7f per $1,000,000 capital stock or frac tion above $1,000,000, and thu PROPHETS FRIENDS DENOUNCE OVERSEER WAS ONE OF WORLD'S- qSTiar' will hajielUiiEilVrt. rr 7" t: -:. c- . u. that would othrwt ba ioet,tJLs. m "u" WJ l" w I - . t - Y , - .1 J Together by Effort of Deposed Leader. V - ' .; x , v anc polloyr similar to thoa adopted by New Tork Kew Jersey and other eastern atatea where very satisfactory reaults have been obtained. - Particular ' lajaia upon ui 111-rareBini ""4.. rh.ri.. v P.rh.m .nrf t.14 Jmal BDeclal Brvlre.t Chicago, Dec. $1. With th arrival In followers from Ixa Angeles th fight proceed with renewed vigor. Th mat ter now-becomea a four-cornered battle, for. In addition to tha deposed leader, the gray-haired first apostle, John Alex ander Dowie, Vollva and Parbam, an other factor la taking an Important part In aeeklng the control of the north shore colony. Thla la th Commercial league, composed of th business men of Zlon City. This organisation, only recently ef fected, has gone about tha matter la a bualness-llke manner, with a newspaper as their mouthpiece. Overseer Vollva haa ordered hla followers to refrain from reaaing thla paper and will begin this week th publication of a paper of hla own. .1 ; After completing this arrangement Vollva turned hla attention to threat ening Parham. , , ' ( Elder A. 8. McCullough of the Vollva faction said today: rr"I will begin a series jof special meet ings In Zlon . tabernacle -and will seek to hav aU tha faithful deliver daily prayera for tha ultimate triumph of Vollva." Voliva Denounced. ' Vollva heard aom opinions of him self at a tabernacle meeting yesterday that are calculated to reduce hla bump of aelf-eateem. He waa denounced aa a dog, robber, devil and Judaa Iscariot. Th overseer was telling 2,600 people what a good -tnan ha waa and how wicked Dowie had bean, when aom on In tha audience told him to "shut up. adding: "You are only a dog." Ushers seised the disturber by tha throat, but he managed to yell that Vollva waa Judaa Iscariot, and that ha had been picked up by Dowie. whom h had be trayed. - ' . V - ' Soon after tha disturber waa allenced an ' outburst followed Vollva's declara tion that h would distribute pampbleta exposing th various Uasonlo oaths. third dramatic sensation occurred when Vollva walked to tha front of tha plat form and asked th followers of Dowl to ahake hands with him.' They refused. declaring that they would not ahake banda wltlwth devlL OREGON BIRL MAKES GREAT -SUCCESS. IN JCIEHCE BEST AND NOBLEST WOMEN Her Generosity and Goodness. Wers Remembered by Her Sovereign and Recognised by the City of London in Remarkable .Way, : (Joaraal Special Sarle.) " - : London. Dec- 11- -Baroness Burdett Coutta la dead. Th malady against which she struggled sine . Christmas e UadeeslUp-in- glon will j proved too much for the weskneaa avoid discrimination agalnat smaller cor porations, a bill embodying these points haa been prepared and will be submitted to th legislature.. . Oert is a raster. 7 i ne report snows that while a sav ing haa been made through th opera- tlon or aoma laws, th general main tenance of th stat government la cost ing more. The demanda of- the atate University at Eugene are keeping pace with the growth of the state, saya ths secretary, and It Is estimated that additional appropriation of $60,000 will be required for the next two yeara In addition to th regular annual appro priation Or 947.BU. i Th Increaaed demands for printing, due largely to th Initiative meaeurea and other causes, has Increased this ex pense, besides creating a deficit of $24 000. The appropriations made by the taat legislature were sufficient to meet the expenses . authorised by existing laws for all purposes, except for public printing, maintenance of th Oregon school for deaf mutes, return of fugi tives from justice, salaries of circuit Judges and district attorneya. publica tion of executive proclamations and re- warda fcr the apprehension of train wreckers, and tha total of such deficien cies will approximate $41,000, pf which one half la for publlo printing. un in otner hand, there has been material saving In conveying patlanta to me insan asylum. The act passed by tha laat legislature providing for th conveying or the Insane to the asylum by attendants or that institution in stead of by persons designated by th county judges has effected a conalder- sbl saving in thla item of expense. Th cost of conveying th Insane from July 1. 106. to July 1. 10. was for $14 patients, aa compared with the period embraced from January 1 to December $1, 104, $14,166.60 for $76 patlenta. , , ei -5 At midnight the New Year comes in if you are going to be on hand to greet him, how about a Dressy Rainproof Overcoat? ' . And how about the suit underneath?, . Here's everything all right and all ready all the , details of correct .dress.': ' ;, - t Our . store rwill becloserT on New Year s day and open bright and early Wednesday 1 morning- with CLEAR ANCE SALE PRICES on all our winter stock. (DP.olliinnCto lien's and Boys Outfitters, 1G3 and 168 Third Street, (; JLIoha wk Building, - v HARRIMAN'S ILLNESS ; IS NOT SERIOUS (Jral gpeelaf V.x" New Tork. pec. $1.-10. H. Ilarrlman. who haa been at hla home at Anden alne December $4 with s cold.T,a re ported better. Dr.. William O. Lyle, his physician, went up from New Tork last night, and. after seeing him. ssld: "He has a cold, but It Is not a heavy one and nothing serious is feared. The eold Is more In the nature of a slight touch of grip, which has settled in the larynx and caused an annoying cough. Mr. Harrlman la also Buffering from a common local trouble, and It la that which has required my service.' He I not confined to his bed, nor even to hla house, but Is out and ground on his grounds." Harrlman ssld throush Di' T.vln that he wa" feeling-much Improved snd ex pected to return to business Wednes day. . . . I Oxaads T ores-tars' Off liars. IRnectal IMapates to The Jonraal.) -La Grande. Or.. D?c. $1. Court Maid Marian. No. It, Foresters of America. hr el acted th following officers: Ed Wright, C R.: J. J. Vaaderpoot, Sub C. R.; C, J. Bcrlber, financial secretary; T. C. Bramwell, treasurer: Lot 8nod- grsss, recording, secreUry; Charles t.ockhert. B W.i 8am Cslev. J. W.: Clnt Van Heet. S. B. : David Crow. J. B i Jess TauU aecretiry. Osrsr tliigsr. iruaie one year; a. L.. Bigger, trustee Iwo years; H. Paulson. , trustea three yoara; A. T, HI1J, drugglstj Dr. & T. Bacoa, physician, ... , ,, . Miss Elda Walkerof Forest Grove Honored at Nebraska University. " 'Sneelal DteMleb to The Jeerssl.t Forest Grove. Or., Deo. $1. That Ore gon brains can duplicate anything In the "cultured" east haa long been dem onstrated by the young college men and women that hav crossed the . Rockies and won high positions In Institutions of higher education, and Misses Leva and V Miss Elda Walker. Elda Walker, daughters of Mr. and Mrs. Levi Walker, are the latest examples of this statement. Miss Elda Walker has recently been given a place of xtraordlnary high de gree, aad the honor reflects great credit upon herself and her native atate, Ore gon. Dr. Bessey of ths I'nlverslty of Nebrsska. probably the beat botanist In tha I'olted States, recently left Lincoln for an extended trip to New York and Florida and . gave Mine Elda . com plete charge of the botanical part of the Nebraska university and the supervision of th Ji)0 students who are taking this en? course alone. Miss Elda was selected In prefer ence to instructors who had been at th varsity for years. Her sister. Miss Leva Walker, will as sist in tha work. Th sisters gradunted from Pacific unlveralty In 1901. They were born In Forest Orove. Their parents hail charge of -the school when It was her and also for several years aftsr it was removed to Cheraawa. They slso.-Vr natlvea of Oregon and graduates of Pacific university. which cams with her l years, and aha passed away yesterday. . , Th baronaaa waa on of th richest woman In tha world, and among tha moat generous In th true sens of th word. 8h probably did mora than auy other woman to elevate misery and ameliorate th condition of th poor. For th good that she did ah waa. th first to be created a peeresa in her Ova right and was "tha first woman to re ceive th honorary cttisensblp of Lon don. . Hr life began in th reign of Em peror Napoleon and ah knew Intimately morBritlsh sovereigns than anyone in England. During her illness ahh was the object of solicitous regard of tnany notables. Tha crowned heads of tha world ahowed a remarkabl Interest In her condition. In 1671 she' married an American. Edward Ashmead-Bartlett, who - waa many years-her junior. Her wealth and acquaintance, allied, to hla ability, .won him a prominent position In Oreat Britain and for years be was an activ member of parliament. Th baroness waa untiring in her ef fort for woman and many of th re form movement of th world owed their life and strength to her. 8h In herited from er father. Sir Francis Burdett, a healthy hobby, that of keep ing ahead of her contemporaries In good work, and .th leaders In science, art, literature and mualo wers Indebted to her for aid that mads their way smooth. COLONY STORY A Th Following zs ih Against Them la One , Itnaa of Aatelop la th Other. Cau. Sy-hsrrnaaaV Samoa's auurpFractlo na Mutual la sa,ooo Ahead aad Two u orgoa ax out xaai WMowa Aaaoaat, rfo$. Klamath FaUa, Or.. Dec $J, to J. 11. Car Oregonlan, ... Portland. Oreaon. Pear Sir: in accordance -with the request. or your article publlahed- in the Oregonlan of December 25. I desire to exnress my opinion of th case in question, aa an out ana out aasa or aetrauaing a neip les widow Cut of her Just rights, and I would recommend that the next legisla ture pass such lawa that will not only Mak life Insurance eompanlea liable in sucn cases beyond the statute or limi tation, but mak It the duty of th In suranc Commissioner - to cancel th company's lloens to do business in mi stat ror a period of nv years. I am not very much surprised at th conduct of th Penn Mutual Life In surance Company- mi its Portland Gen eral Agents, aa f ran acrosa a very aim liar cas. whll soliciting In Klamath Falls. I lost a $6,000 policy because a prospective applicant's wlfs knsw of a similar experience with th Pnn Mutual Life loaurano Company at th death of her uncle, Jess T. Wllklna. a former owner of th Oaborn hotel on tSrand avenue, In East Portland. He applied ror tnsurano and paid tha first year a premium In cash with hla appli cation. The agent told him that should he die before the delivery of th policy the claim would be promptly paid in full. The-oolicv wss laaiied and mailed , by th company to -HOenerai Agents in roruana. i ne premium waa creaitea upon the book of th company and th polloy waa to be handed to Mr. Wllklna on hla return from Bkagway, where he went en a buslneas trip, but be never returned. He waa on .the ill-fated ateamahlp Nevada, which burned up at sea. Tha nsws came to Portland of her loes and a Hat of her passengers. As soon aa Messrs. 8herman A Harmon, the General Agents of the Penn Mutual Life Insuraaoa Company, learned of Mr. Wllklna being a passenger and Waa loat with every soul on board. Instead of hastily delivering th policy to th widow In her sorrow they mailed the policy WlUtlr llcy back to the horn office Mr. th Penn Mutual Ufa Insurance Com llklna also had a paid-up policy In AMD Israel Zangwlll Says Jews Will Not Establish Themselves at Galveston. SCHIFF WILL NOT V.- FINANCE THE SCHEME Hebrew Writer Declares the Immi gration to New York of Vast Num bers of People From Russia It Very Dangerous. (Joaraal Special ferric. - e New Tork, Dec $1. A cabl to th Bun from London says: ' " In an Interview Israel Zangwlll has given an emphatic denial to th report that a schema la afoot to eatauuah a colony of Jews from . Russia In th neighborhood of Galveston. H declare there Is absolutely no foundation for the statement that Jacob Bchlff, th New Tork banker, has contributed $600, 000 toward ths expenses of such a col ony. Th American laws, h adds, for bid subsidised Immigration, which ob viously ' makes such a scheme impos sible, Continuing, h say: 'All we aret doing Is to suggest to th Jaws In Russia who are contemplating emigration that America doea not mean New Tork. Wa ara organising a de partment for assisting emigrants wttb advice. We are pressing upon our peo ple th desirability of entering- America Galveston, which v offers greater facilities than other American porta for access to th Interior', par ticularly tha west. r - There are 400.000 Jews la on square mile In New Tork. Th tendency Is for the Jews to remain there when they enter btr that route. Russian Jews, many of thera. know nothing of any other American port than New Tork. In November th enormous number of HI. 764 Jews entered New Tork aad retrained there, This Is - dangerous." LA GRANDE'S CITY TAX LEVY TWELVE MILLS Imperial DlepeMa te The Jearssl.t . La Grande, Or.. Dec-$1. The tag levy for th city of La Grand for the year 1907 has been placed at 1$ mills. Seven- mills will be for general expenses and mills special purposes. Th levy s expected to raise a revenue of $1$.70$ on th assessed valuation of th city. which la $1.0$M67. Thla la mills higher than laat year. A portion of tha Increaa waa mad for the purpos of making permanent repair on th main sewer through the city. A 7-mlll school tax has been voted for this district. pany for t-ver $400, and th company never paid th widow until four years after her husband's death. God knows she needed tha money. Her husband' ash were dissolved la th waters of th Pacific ocean and no living soul lived to tell th tale. No wonder It Is hard for a life Insurance agent to pro cure aa application for Insurance When he runs up agalnat such conduct on th part of companies,. and agents. Mrs. Wllklna. had a -legal right to recover $$.004 from th Penn Mutual Lif In suranc Company, but she lost her right by the atatut of limitation. Thla un fair treatment on th part of the Penn Mutual- Life Insurance Company and ita agents snouia oe rebuked by every hon est man In tha buainesa who believe In good practices and honest agenta and comQiinles. ,Tours very truly. -AGENT OF A NEW TORK COMPANT. AT THE THEATRES. Florence Roberts at the HeiUgv Na-tlaad's famrlta setraas, Florence Koeert. enoperted by as exeellest company ef slareie, ill areaent "The Strength of the Weak" at the HeUtg theatre, rvnrteenth sad Wsasiagtos sowets, tonight st I: IS o'clock sad tomorrow, fivw Tear's, sfUraeea, I: IS. Tomorrow algst aad Wednesday algst Mlae Bobsrta will preeeet bor lateat aocoMe," 'alalia Boas." Saata are selling at tit .theatre for satire .engageaiest. ''' U. of O. Seat SaleJ ' t J.V, Tha t'nlveraltr of Or roe Clea and IfanaaHa clube will glve -ese-et their loll v ealertate- ments at the Belllg theatre next rrlday alfht, Janaary 4. eoeelattng of eeilege Bonis and atanta, instrumental aiaslc sad- vasdevUe I sketches, saalated by Professor I. N. Glon, who la a great favorite thronsbout the entire state of Or roe, pomeslng a seaotlfnl bari tone wlee. Ita la will be the real wlnd-a ef the row ball aeaeea. Seat aale opens next weanessay at Doxornce Helug theatre. iJIavc yoiit pmnises wired make a Nev "Year's resolution that 1 907 shall be an ELECTRIC YEAR in ) your household as well as in your store and prepare to enjoy ' the 'convenience, the labor-saving the healthfulness, the safety, the economy and, ; the prosperity.; that attends Ihe .use of . ELECTRiaTY, . ; r Keep your place of business bright with Electric Light, and don't ; neglect ' the '.' ELECTRIC SIGN, and you will keep busy. Light is the magnet that attracts trade Resolvelo make your wife happier by giving-her the convenience of an ELEC TRIC SEWING RUCHTOE, in ELECTRIC FLATIRON and Electric cooking-and heat .ing devices," Electric appliances cost little to use, but add much to comfort. The Electrical way is the ECONOMICAL way. Call up Main 6688 for information lODAY,-'- Portland General Electric Cor .Tdepto 6m First and Alder Sts John Griffith at ileilig Thursday. -frmMrrom nvmilng st the boxefflre of the Btll'g theatre, fourteenth aad Waablngtoa streets, the advance aaat sale will opes for tse ' Football! Football! s ' Lsst game or season,' Multnomah vs. Seattle, New Tear's day, :0 p. m. Music. Tickets on sal at Sohlllnr's cigar store and Rowe A Martin's drug store. Trrrt Xmger "It.". It now loeks as though Tom Tag gart. chairman of the, national Demo-, cratlo committee, haa been repudiated by the Democrats even of hla own state. According to report, the lead, erahlp of th Democrats in both house of th Indiana legislature sooa to sat wlU b opposed by Taggart. , ATTORNEY WON'T PAY EUGENE'S CITY.LICENSE (Bpoelal Dtapstrh ts Th Jesrsal'.l -- Roseburg. Or Dec. llAlbert Abra ham, an attorney here, well known In Portland, has been brought befor th city court for practicing law without a city license. He aays h will carry th cas to the supreme court rather than piy the i the, city demands, aa h deems It aa unwarranted exaction. Maaoal Sastallatloa at Th Salle. lSp-UI nispateh te The J on nu 1.1 . The Dalles. Or.. VeC II. . Wasco Lodge No. It, A. P. A A. M., haa In stalled the following officers for the en suing yesir: Glean 8. Brown, master; Charles Praley, eenlor warden; Vincent Circle, Junior warden; George A. Llebe, treaeurer; O. - D. Doane. secretary; Thomas C. HandfSrd, senior deacon; Fred Ha If pop, junior deacon;. -J. 0. Kg. bert, senior stewsrd; James Cohen, Junior stewsrd; I). Wolff, tyler. -, , ' Cheapest arcldent Insurance Dr. Thomas' Eclectrto Oil. Btops tha pain and heals toe v wound. --Ail druggists gU U ... . i , -'! i '-.V' "( - - ' . : ' . " ' O, .- .i i f. ,:. . , V. ' ' I ' " ' ;'y' ) i i V' ' s . ' ' Note ttieFollowing i. i . i . This tompany lends money on approved real ' property. -- :. :.r v.': '. ,: ; ; ; ,' -r..-.-. ;.. , . , A r';Recelves deposits subject to check. , :"" TViays 3 per cent interest on savings accounts," in ' terest credited each six months. ' ; , vfay9 4 per cent on time certificates -for deposits: nde for indefinite periods. ,. ' Effects collections on all available points; ' Sflls exchange available everywhere, :. . ' --.Buys'and sells substantial issues of bonds. !Acts fs trustee in all real estate. Jx&nsactions re quiring such services. -. - ' ' - - Cares for escrow agreements pertaining to real . estate transfers. : '. . '.: v ,. , , ' J '"Serves -as custodian of wills and other valuable papers.;. . ;. ; . ."v.' . Takes charge of estates for those incapacitated for handling them through lack of time or for any. i other cause. , : ' . ; ' -J - Takes title to properties pending litigation, set tlement, division or other deposition. ' , .; Does a general banking and trust business. . The officers of this company can be freely . con sulted at any time concerning any phase of i its business. ' Tpose .living put of the city can corre spond . with its; relying upon full and courteous , replies in allinstan'ces, no matter what may be the nature oj the btrsines under consideration. r- v- e-- :-::(;- -v . ; Merchants' Investment - Tragedian Who Will Present Shakes peare's Richard III at Heilig Thea--tre, Thursday Night. January 3. ' eminent trasedlaa and Setor, Jobs OrlfStk. who will preaent Shakeapeera'a great tragedy, 'Blehard lit," at the above theatre next ThnrMUy njrht, January g. Mr. Grlfntn la well an4 faTorably kaowa by the theatre-goers of thla etty for hla former artlnttc aetlnc, which tnanrre a Snlahe', painstaking performance ef this celebrated clastic. - , v & Trust Company " 247 Washinjton St. ' Opens Nexf Saturday. :Y Th seat sale for the Treat Schnmasa-Beink rnecert will open next Saturday morning at the Hellls benofsee and iberj-)l be one ef the fnnseat llneaef bnrertMbat baa ever twUttd through a tbeatre lobby. Tbe coming of so famotni an aa widely beloved a woman la look tit npon aa tba great event nf ths winter, and the faet that alne her retsra to tba co. r-rt ataga ne en haa ever recelrrd aurb tre awsdooa evatlone as hare beea abnwared anna the great tiermaa contralto, adds to tba la tareat of ker enmlng. Tbe recital will take place st the Hellla es Moseaf, the Tenth, and la ander the aires ttoa jf tola pteeea-Wyna, Coman, At the Star. , ; fltbs" Is the bill tbl week-st the Stat bed Is b-lng played by the A lies stork com. tany. "Motlts't 1 a drsaMtlsstlo ef Oolds Capital $150,000.00 ":'-..;- ; ' -j . ' J. Frank Watson :7 . . 1 . , ; . . ; , . President L ! R. L.purham. . . ... . . Vice-President- ) WrHl-Jear. . w.V. . . . , . . . . .Secretary . S. C. Catching. . . v". . . . '.Assistant Secretary ' . p. W, T. Muellhaupt . . . : Cashier V )) ftnwns noT.t. "Uethe of goeietT," aad telli ef the arlatoeratle rlrelea ef Rilaala. It ll the Wfsert and seat drams tbat the Atlea tork compear saa offered alne It opened Ita eiisareswnt laat September. Tha aetreaaea will appear la the latrat fowna aad the evenery will be new ssd' appponrUta. "Uotba" la a atnry wklrh haa kees popular ikmnr given ana inn airnaanw tola week at tba Star will be. so great at the alfht stid matinee per, rormaneas that tba beat way te do Is te reserve Seats la. advance. . ' At the Grand.. Begls the new rr,rlUt by seeing fie new vand-fllle t1l . wklrh Define at the tirdml loday. The prngram is ene ef tba beat and the keadllne act premier o be wkat Is knows fca a knock-eat. Oooae and Robert, tba faatnre set, are the grtstast aerobatle aad koock-aoool daseera IA the " bsnhieas and tbalr eeeeatrle dancing la a aooree ef constant lansbter. The Relgler-Zelglrr trio are Roman-ring artists who work Is many ns.el and daring trlrka. Amy Stanley la a aonnretts and ba Oreat Karl la a b.njolat without a eiipertor. Theae ead others will be fonnd every etteraeoa snd tn-lca earb evening at the Grand. , At the Baker. 4 . e Te thnee wbe would laefh the Dakar la feed thla week, where "Tea Mllk-Whlta M"'' opened yeaterdar afternoon. Tba eler mnllral coismIx. ef Cli.rlM it.., t drew erowiled bewe .btlh afternoon and evening. There la no ovuht 'of toe great sntetaa ef Iba Baber eompanf fie . the week to eome, aa tha new bill hi ae whlra gave as sort pl.t.ore to tha eamwe r uia naier aa anr Bred Uoa ataaad tsars dariag U saaaos. I V- r i ... - r .