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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 31, 1906)
-V 13 THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAt, PORTLAND, IONDAY EVENING.. DECEMBER SI, 1CC3. NEW TODAY. VasIilngton St. The Quarter Block situated at ;he southwest corner of Twelfth ind Washington Is for sale. For particulars see '.; K ,- ' .' Droolic & Kiernari 91 THIRD STREET .; TCECLEEnTCUlTCOHPANY n csegm YOUR ?ise,rvice; . jrwrtlaad, Or, m. St, IMS. ; THirlnr th 19 year of It ex- . letenew the manRment of thla hank hn succeeded In conducting, an Inatltutlon merltln tha ap- prove 1 of discriminating people, : not only In methoda of handling -superficial detnlla of Its dally ffervleo, but alao In tha deeper and mora Important matter which arc tha essential element of auo ces to both bank and patron,. your account invited. rom book or uiv .,' TBATIOVS." -'.'; PORTLAND TRUST COMPANY ;;0F OREGON '.U.'K. Cor. Third and Oak "treats. ''" '.. Phon Exchanf 71. , " . . 1 ' .. - '' ' ' BEN J. I. COHEN..... , ,Prldnt . H. L. PITTOCK. . .Vie-President B. LEE PAGET i..SorUry , J. O- GOL,THA....At Secretary, T WILL BUY 1 PROPERTY on either side of the river if the price is right. Come in and tell what you have to u' sell. ; yy H. P. PALMiER S8S ratllaf BvtltUaT. . atala SSBl. Quarter Block Seventh & Irving; $30,000; INCOME $110 PER MONTH Brooke & Kiernan 91 Third Street C. L. PAR.MSH S CO. . tw Bad Oettakry Seal Batata. ' ' km Bad TUn Teavaela. :.'',''. WHJ mov fro. Luniber Exohne, on " Jnury 1. 10T, to' Room No. Ill, Mr . auam building;. Fon Mala 1222. , Will Exchange Cholc trct of 10 acre on car lln. 10 tulle east. Price 13.,0: will take Ity property lit pert payment. -.: TMM BBAXT XBTTBSTMBV OO- ' ll-;il Ablncton, 10H Third St aisa w n a aw 'a a uratat sauu ipeciars block, lohilfJ, rr. jjet nd Irving at, fine eenlel location fir Mute or other Improvement. C, it. kiorell, lil W'b Ingloo t. . ; ... . Property NEW TODAY. 8 . F0 CETJT- rJEXp SECURITY MAM OFFICE DUEDIKG .ST. earl tf dowatowa district of TrU Uad. Tar a a a batter aaojr f taretax offered Um this. Ia Teetor with, 100 or mora at lavtwd to tavtlf,t ' '':'.",';';.V; K32TB1TESTESN GUARANTEE & TRUST CCPANY- ivun sxcvAsraa buxzaxxs, ' '.'. a. Cot. Iwa ud Start Strata. Careful Investors ghoul rarest igate Tho Bara-ala at 57. JOHNS 10.00O oi. annum. Income . ll.IJt per $5.00 tOxldO, the very beat bulne tot in st. jonn. . $3,TOO lOCx.OO. factory !, n O. it. IN. ." .. f2.OOOJCxH0. factory alton rail. -.road. - . ." : . no r. raaiir st. st. joxirs. OB. BEST BUSINESS LOCATION ; In Vancouver, Wh., ttxlto. , Se DeaiKand & Investment Co .. 41J Commercial Building. : . DAHCA1NS rive we) I -located lot. Buy now and make money. Terma. fie W. B. RC8T, ItJ Portland Boulevard, Arbor Lodge Station. Phono Woodlawn lit. WEATHER REPORT. Tbe eastern Oceana lea kmmiim . h.. shifted ellghtly to the southward, end thla -riun ii . iww ever ilea wmnrmaeca, Ne rada. Thla dlalnrhanre, tlx formation or which waa noted for the tint tima weather chart, baa tmrterrone a marked trtml. epinent. eanelng inril preclpltallnn Ibronglioat aajoioing aiaie. The ftlrb area which made Ita appearance oer nortberu Mam tana reaterdajr moralng la now central over Kdmenton. Alberta. Thoufh the praeeure kaa rlaen alight Ir om Moataaa. the mamrrw t thm Igh" appeara to ba nnahal.!. ar ,mnA. Inrea eentlnelng over that region. Light enow waa i reported aa (aUIng (rem Upokane eaatward lo Xorth Dakota. A low area of great eatent M central this morning over Marquette, Michi gan. ' Thla dlatnrbauce contntla the uih condltlona of the entire eectloa of country from the Mleeleaive eolHW eaatward to S.w Cm. afMtir'irred dnrln. taai region were eonalderabUr above tbe normal. The Indication are tnm m mm .4 ..tM ivrrcaai eiairKi tonight an Tuesday. Richard Sheoard & to. . Tamp. ' Max. Mln. Preclp. .4 a .14 4 ,fi 43 S3 ' .no 4 40 , 44 . IM , .0 M , , .00 M 40 . 44 M .0 6 41 .110 4 ko .an t .u 4 M .23 4 41 .44 111 44 .0 Baker. Cltv. Oreansi ' lener, Colorndo. Kanaaa City, Mo...... rew lorg. n, i Poratello, Idaho Portland. Oragon kacramento, (al...... Kelt l-ake. t'Uk.. Dan rraaclaco. Cel.... Hpokane. Waah Tacmna. Waah... Walla Walla. Weak... Waahlngton, D. C Ynma. Aria MARRIAGE LICENSES. Herman To Borstal, 84; Susie Varwlg, 1. Bert Weat, 7S1 William aveaae; 23; Millie Scba.fer. la. Bert BrUm, tit rirat Mreet, 2S;' Nettie Plen.mlng. 21. - Adolph Jaryl. Sin Northap street, 17: Aaala Warrguea, Xi. . Wedding Carda. W. 0. Bmlth Co., Waakv lagtoa bldg.. of Powtk aad Waahlagtea eta. TONSETH CO.. n.ORIKT. fOR PLOWERS OF ALL KINDS. 123 SIXTH ST. Fnll dree aulta for rent, all alae. Tallorln Cel., tu Stark at. Lalqn. ' '. BIRTHS. CANkLKR December 24. to Mr. and Mr. Le Rrlford Caaaler, Kaat Porty-aecond. a boy. MA ROC LI EH December 27. e Mr. and Mrs. Hamtiel Margnllea, 17,1 Columbia. boy. QOOHEXOI.'OH Iierembr 22. te Mr. and Mra. Pred J. Uoodenough, 630 East Elglitoentk, a boy. LA T DON December t, te Mr. and Mr. LoaU Mrdnn. ess. Kecond, a girl. BANDERS December 2a, to Mr.' and Mra. Prank M. Bandera, 82.1 Grand avenne, a girl. 'I hi FUNERAL NOTICES. T h A --y (UNDERTAKERS. Ponnteg McEntee eV Ollhangh. enderfak.ra and emnaleiers; modern In every detail. Bsventk nd Pine. Mala 40. : Lady aealataat. ' . A. B. Hematock. ndevtaker and eoihalioee- P.set Thlrteeatb aad Umatilla aye. phon Srll. ' Rrlcken Cndertaklng Co., and embelmmg. 400 Alder el. Phone Male 4IM. Udy easlstaat. '). P. PlaUy It Bone. Third and Median ats. Office nf foanty coroner, rhone Mala . Ctark ' Bro., F lor lets Pine t f lowers aad floral dealaaa. , 2 Morrtesa st. j Edward Botmaa. anaertaker. 220 Third st. , . . BITES TIEW CEMETEBT. ' Rlngkr graves, I0. Pamily ktta. 1100 to $1,000. The. only cemetery la Portland which per peiuelly maintains and cares for lote. Per fall Information, apply to W. B. Mackenslo. Wor cester blork. eliy. W. MLadd. president. ROSE CITT CEMETEBT. SlagU graves, I0; family kite. 2S te 7S. Superintendent at cemetery, earner of Prement I. and cnllr read. Ptmee Tabor SO. For full Informatloa apply t Prank ScblegeL '02 Cear.merclal blk. Pboee Mala Vila. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. Ckarlea Crfer to 1. A. Woodyard. 1 aeres .'lng et point la west line of Kara Johaaoa donatio land claim In township 1 south, range 2 Mat. T chains S3 links nortk . of eoatkweet corner of said claim f. 2S Kortber Count lea Inveatment Traat, . -Ud . te M. B. Tkompaoa. let 1, block' St. Mnltnnmab , ,1.100 Bunnyaide Land at Improvement company -.te V. I.. Derby, lot , block 60, us er side S, ootid addition .., Wllllsm and Albertlna Hlas te H. 1. Pol fee. lot 4, blork 4, Barter Park -addition : Title Guarantee A Trust company te . lonlae , Mtrcelloe, lot t- block I, flHmce addition te St. -Jnbadn Title uusrsntee 4 Trust company to Lenta. W. Marcellus, lot It, bleak t. Sonth St. Jobna- ,. . Itonetmta Trent company to O, M. and W. W. Clsrk. lot snd ei!tb K of let 2, block , Clark Termer '. : . f . .- v . "E 10 too 226 1 REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS.; comoanv to Title tiaaranlre -6 t. ISMUDaav. HO ama of John ttohliw JW dooatl land claim beginning 11 ; rnain. north or aontneaac ourner or eectloa 3. tewnabln 1 aorta, range 1 ' "l. 0 - , Jaasa p. Jonaea and wife to Andrew C. Htnltk east ' of araat t-S fret of Ms .,aad T. block 41, CoHik addl- liV 15.600 Kot.. -u C. Wllsoa to Eaatsra Ineeatment ., , v uiuiuanr. Ltd.. K k, block IS, High land Park addllioa ... tS Will E. m4 oliie 1. Pnrdy I, (T. Hradford. lota ei and eo. Jiock a, Mualcj Ko. a ' 300 Peritand tne Plr Cemetery company to ' i: a. Bradford, kit 61. block , Lea 1 . Plr cemetery .. 0 Hnucra'sa Trust eompaay to J. A. Wit- eon. lot 4. block . Clark Terracea . . . , . J00 Job a J. Ilawte andtwire to O, M. Clark, lot 1, black , -tttrooi'e addition ..... ,006 Uooeymaa Traat company to C. Q. Wll j eon, lot and north .tllotl, bnx-b ' - . Clark Terracea to Booeyman Trnat company to Leal Unelk. , . ,. ' M and south H of lot T, block ' ', Clark Terraces ......;,...;..Vv...'. tM Booeyman Traat eomiuiny to R. J. Bur- ', Irr. hit 1, block e. Clark Terracea 160 MuUuoeaah Cemetery company . to , 4ohu ' tidr lot 1! blwk A. Multnonab reoM- ' .' " tcry t, ..,t',ii , .. a .. v ,'10 Oak Park Land company to Charlos Zlrg- 1 ler, tola 1 to T. iaclualve. block , Mk .'...', c--Park addition Ko. to Ht. Jibna : 1 Oak Park company to Thomas W. ; '" ', Morgan, lota 11. J (.-in, Block 7, ua .. Park addition No. 1 to Mt. Johns . .. . . ' 1 William J.-and kerak K. Hmltb lo Pred ' .. l H. 1wd. DU seres beginning at point , " l .'W.I 1 10 feet anoth of aortheeat ' corner or section 20, (ownahlp 1 eouth, rsnge 1 esat ................... ...l. ..- 1.S0O W, t. Pstton et al. to F. P. Halllnan, lot I. tract H. flrcenwav addition ..... 1,7 . 80 John 1. Buckley to William l. ('. Woods. kit i. block XT. -Altrina Homestead.. Marr Pbelie Montgomery' to Andrew Maler, lota 14 and IS, block , origi nal townalte of Alhlna 1.10ft Eamrm Investment company. Ltd.. to J. H. MrKentle. lot 10, block 4, William Avenue addition H. C. and Josephine B. Breedeato May McK Inner. . lota IT and 1. bbick I, auNllrlaoa of X, M la M. Patto Tract 00 B. A. and Carrie K. Ilnlbert to John W. aad Anna U Wllllta, lot 6. block 1. Lenta Mnnre Investment company to Harry P. Donovan, lot 2. hlm-k IS. Vernon ..... kargh E. and K. Chill to E. i. Johnson. lot . block 8, ktmwbrldge addition.. v. Real Estate Inreatment aaeoclallnn to P.1- 400 i.ioa Hm P, Hood, kt U. bkH'k IO, Bell- 100 100 Reel Patst. tnveatove' aaaoclatkm to W. I. ruber, lot 14. block M. Sellwnod.. T. A. Turner' and wife' to Predertrk Tlerech. kit Id. blork 30.' Alhlna ..... 1.100 Charles L. Bra baker and wife to Job T. ' BWkner and wife,4, eouth . loo feet or ; eouth of lot i, tract r, tirerto . . . Park .............. i ' 600 XN Elmmcrman te H. JI. Keehan. tat .j ';.; e acuta ont leet oi lot n, njoca ei, ' -Eaet Portland ... ....... .t.. .i 10 A. B. Turner and wf .rk -'0. fMpimer man. lot 5 and enuln nrtereet.! lot , wi ni, raK I ortiaun . t ' - m,w Joseph Simon et si, to Fraael J. Bailey. let , ioc( on, i esnon Charlee and B. i Bartel te Annie' ire Hojmea. eoutu 100 feet or west BO reel of kit 1 and nortk 4l feet of weet 60 feet of lot S. block 1. Eaat Portland. Sarah J. Henderson te Charlee and Ahble Lelgbow, 8&alo2 leet beginning at iroa pipe In eouth line of Relmont street, 8J feet eaat of eaat line of Otrneoa Park ? no Martha C. Peter et al. to W. O. Keg- ler. let a. 87. as, tiocjt ), reninan-. lar adilltlen No. 9 " R. E. Noble and wife to Clay Roberta, lota I and 6, block 26, Tolman Tract. George Kleer to Hattle 3. Klaer, com- TOO aienctng at point in eaat nne ei water etreet 76 feet nortk from Intersect!" m'lth Mieth lime of Artnnr etreet Security Savings A Trust company te i Aula - Dm. et a i . aota a. a. oioca V. Conch addition 00,001 McMlnnvill. college to D. . W. Hartley, lot 11. blork U. Sellwond ISO Henry Mflater and wife te George tt...M lute ma in i enirai DMjca In cltv .i.. SJ.OOO rrlende ckurck to lna Ayres. lot 6. block . Park view Kxrenaie ......... 300 B. M. Lombard and wife to Helen R. Parke, lot 16v bloc IT. Broadway - dltton .j. J........... ;. S. Rome end wife to H. E. Stemler, commencing et point In weet line of Al- v bin aveuue 1(a) feet north of north line of Hnmbolt street, 120x100 64 BS0 Title Guarantee A Traat company to Paul Schwars. lota IO and il, Biec -en Xeeth lrvlnoton '..:............. - too Secnad addltloa to Amine W. , E. Cochran and wife te L. P. R. Le Compte. lot 11, black S, City View Perk addltloa fob B. Hlbbard and wife to L. P. R. Le Compte. lot 12. block S, City View Perk addltloa C. and J. Blrcner to B. Clinton, lot T, t. . 10. block . Sunset Park ....... 0. W. Lane to John J. Kant. Jot 27. , 20, block 3. Point View ......... 0. W. Lena to Job J. Knot,, lot 12, block 4, Chlpmana addltloa t St. Johns Mercbsnt Investment A. Traat company to O. W. Bet rr lota 4, 6, , Joeneoa Ureea Park ...... . G. W, Beyer and wife t Ruth X. Schwa hel, lota 6 and , Johnson Creek Park. S. C. Priestly sad wife te John G. Manning, lot 1 and 2, block 1, roa ch see addltlo to Eaat Portland...... Tkomaa Colbcnufcm to Clara Colnena ton, lota S. k. 12ilS. 10. IT, block B. Grand View -n,onee miiienaon. 2Srl0O feet beginning . 10 ' : sot 1,000 1.000 1.06. 1,161 20 1 et point In eouth line of Willamette , boulevard la A. L. Miner' addltlo. . 1 S. kallowe end wife t R. V. ,Joae. lot X, blork 2. raltowa1 Terrac 1.000 Per bstrvt. -title Insurance er mertgag loans, call en Paeifle Title. A Trust eempsay, 8U4-6-4-T Palling building. Get' year taeursnc aad ahatracfe' real sststs from tlie Title Onsraatee A Traat eom paay, 240 Waahlagloa etreet, eerne necood. NOTICES. NOTICE Aannal meeting of Rlyer View Onie terr aeaoclatlou .The annnal meeting ef the member, of River View Cemetery aeaorlatloa will be hegl at tbe bank ef Ledd A Tllloa on ' Moadar. the fourteenth dsy ef Jsnusry, 1S07, t 10 p. m. A genersl attendance I de sired. All owners of family Iota In the ceme tery are member ef tbe aieociatlo sad en titled to participate. . - WlLUAXl R. MACRENEIE. Clerk. Notice to the Public P. Scheeland. the butcher, will Slatb end College eta January 1. Mala 46 aad Mate 4M. to EXCAVATING sad grading. 0. R. Pettsg.. 46 Commercial at. Phone Kaat 610. MEETINO NOTICES. SHOCI.D (Old cqnalntance be forgot 1 Re . anlo ef Scotch folk. Hogmanay aor-lal and dance. Caledonia club, Monday evening, De cember II, Drew hall. Second and Morrlannt splendid pmgrem, auM Scotch sengs, daacea nd martial maate of the Hlghleade. M. W. A. BVERGREEN Camp. (,4dd. meets Wedneeday evening, AHaky, bldg.. Third and , Morrieoa st . . , ',' , M. W. A. Oregon flrsne Csmp, No. 6,076. Merc daya. 17th and Marshall; visitor, welcome. LOST AND FOUND. FOUND A place to have balr mattresees reno vated snd returned aame dar. 23 Pront at. Mala 474. Portland Carled Hair raetnry. II. Metaeer, proprietor. ' .i , LOST Sew pearl-handled carving aet. December 24. PI odor will please lesve et Llpmsn, Wolfe A Co. er phone Eaat 164. LOST t'old watch. Ptnder pleaae rater to Journal elf flee; owner will describe; finder I known. LOMT Heart-ekaped gold locket wltk ctia:, o Waahlngton. between Soik (nd Third Sta. ' Return te 63 Bert 30th. Reward. LOST String gold beads Reward for their rotor te 647 Eaat Morrlaon Tel. Eaat 204W. LOST A bunch ef keys, one Tale lock that-1 for noatofftc be. Return to city editor. 1 1 'ai'i .fin i rOl'ND A house Uiit. Apply C. Amos, foot ef Stsrk at. LOUT Lady's ellver watrb. metal "potato", fob attached, oa Woodlew oar line. Finder pboee Woodlawa 78. Reword. . STB A V ED from North Alblna In November, aa eranre -colored eat. tlge airlpea ea aides; an ew era te "Harry Laae V eullahle reward for - Inrnrmatloa or return. Phone In ton 1234 er Esst int. HELP WANTED MALE. SAI.PMMF.N Eiperleeeed aneclel con tract men; two per month and commission. Conaerv , uri Mutual Lit. iniuraact Ve I Iks bids. HELP WANTED MALE.; tWantcjL i . ',. " A ambrtfcm boy to tear the far trade; refereacee H. MP.BEB CO., . Corner Fifth sod AMet sla. ' WANTED AT ONCB tave-boK eattara. wages f 1.40 per cord) steady work. Apple Weatara Cooperage Co ktssra bldg., Portland, , or mom ton. w. WANTED :Men te learn te opernte motloo- Dlcture machines.-' lessons very reasonable leara nneloess In short tune; graduslea ear from fM to 3S per week. 1S HUtb. near Morrlaon, room a. 1 . WANTED Salesmen; maay make 610 ,td 4100 per month! mat evea more; toc clean ' araea en reaervatlon. far from' old orchard rash advanced weekly; choice of territory ' Addreae Waahlngtua Nursery cooipaojf, Top. peuian, waaningtuo. :J -L. WANTED A aeat appearing man for steady - noaiuoai goo wages, appty si i s eerie au. WAITTED Two or three flrat-cnum, all-araand msrhlos men: permanent noettloa, good wage. Oregon Furniture Mfg. Co., Macaaeea read. DON'T work for a email aalarv:. see c Pacific Aid sssoclatlon for a food -proposi tion. 334 lumber Exchange- MEM AND WOMEN to lesr the barber trade In eight weeks; grsdnstea earn from 116 t ' t29 weekly: a inert Inatrnctora: ratakne free. Moler Kr.tera of College, tS North rourtk at., Portland. - WANTED 10 more aoltHtore: beet Pool ties In Portland; men are nuking 6 dally: ea after aeon. 21 Stark at. - .: . Union Hotel : 1 NORTH SIXTH 8T. r Pree emnlOTment to our eat roe a. -Weekly ratee: RotHa, 1.XS up: ran IN board. 4 fto np. andersoa, proprietor, AORNTS wanted. Oregon. California. Idaho, Waahlngton; health and accident Insurance; veld rrllsble company; good con tracta; refer. ' encea required. United States Heeltfc A A cldeat Inauranc Co.. 300 Marqoaaa. WH ret work for ear memhera: special mem' hers, 2. I. M. C. A Peorth end iamhllL WANTP.n At once, good amart boy from IS . to II years Nd. call at Bin W illiams .ere BOT wltk wkeel tor wholesale soavenlr house. 102 Nortk Fifth street; upetalr. WANTED Conks' and helpers' headquarter et California Wine Depot- Loratt. 146 roartb t. Pbone recuie X183. - , . BOTE or girl can make good pie. , r eelllne email articles (or crlpp P. Culver, fi sntenneia are. TWO solicitors for rttr and outside town: Investment; 64 per day aalary and eemmla- sion. csu 714 cnamoer oi commerce. . WANTED A boy about 1 yenre of age work la who leas la bona. 226 PI et. WANTED Strang bny to work 1a book bindery. The Jsmee Printing le., s-oo rirat at. - HELP WANTED FEMALE. If Ton WORK, why not ear more than - living I Ba Independent: do good. , Tbe Vlnvt . Co. already emnloya 12.000 women: tbe work eoyer 23 eouotrtee ef the world: we will entertain application." from capable women not eanrasaliir. bat helnful. dlaalfled work Address by msll only. The Vlsvl Co., room 304 8-6-7 Tllford bldg., 10th and Morrtso. WANTED Aggressive women for high-grade enllMtstloa; e excellent opportunity I offered In large Inatltuttoa: work la reened. tshle and eesv dor tbose a dan ted to solid tatloa: all letter, atrlctly confidential; atate . mil partlculare about yonrarir: salary orrereo dspenda upon yourself and will probably pay from $2.60 per day upward. Addreae n 2UO, ear. JournaL - HOMB LADIES' AOENCT. 108i Fourth at., corner Morrlaon, petair. rbon Main M30. Alongside tbe V. M. C. A. bldg. ' ' OlRIJt WANTED Operator to work ea ehirta and overalls. Lesson, eirento InetpeiKnced, ri't ot teet rectory o. and Eaet Taylor at. HANSEN'S LADIES' AGENCY. SUUj Waah lngton t.f cor. Seventh, npetalra. ra Msia 2602. Female kelp wanted. ELDERLT woman for house work In business bouse In country; good piece for right party, 8so4 Morrlsoa st., room 72. QUICK. Intelllgeat girla ca make good wsge wrspplng chewing gum. Apply., .Amwtca ' Cbk-1 Co., 61 Nortk Proat at. W A NTED Evperlenced 61 Nortk Frost at.. girf papertiox-makara. WANTED Cook for private family. 206 lstlr etreet. Bear Taylor. Apply .Co' cooking; good Wages. Haaaalo etreet. ' WANTED Hooeekeeper: good wage to right party, call zzsvt aiorriaoa si., room x. WANTED A girl la tailor -a bop. 11 H Berth rourtn at. .-. i STENOGRAPHER who owns V own typewrit er ana andereuBse printing real eetata card. Addreae G 104. care Journal. MALE AND FEMALE HELP. WANTED I or 4 people t join m la develop ing aa appie and peac ranc near uooa rtvtr. Addreea X 107, care Journal. HELP wanted and supplied, male or female. R. O. Drefce, 206 Si Wesblngton st, Psclfie 1870. WANTED-4A few good aollrltors. ' male snt female; best proposition la Portland: good money te ine rigni perries, rente Kenwood 71. Coenee Kent lAth at. and lTme.llla . SITUATIONS WANTED MALE. ELDERLT gentleman wishes the care of 6 er 6 . norsee. u. w. rew, one railing et. ENGINEER, eapeble ef taking full charge- of machinery, making reps Ira and erecting; etrlctly sober and reliable; reference. I) Itri. earn jonrnai. . . i . t WANTED Good side line for dry grocery . irsne ny reusoie city ssisemea. 1 joe, cars Journal. ' WANTED Vork for nit and wife In hotel kitchen er other light work; can give reer tncea. Addree K 104, care Jonraal. MARRIED ana Went te work on farm.. CaU lino K. narrtana et. SITUATIONS WANTED.PEMALE WANTED Poaltloa In private family eecond girl. January T. Addreea Be A 107, Journal. NEAT appearing lady wlehea nnsltloni doctor or oenttst s etace prererred. rnone Kest 4Pel. WANTED AGENTS. S OR S people to sell fine holiday soap, 106 per rent; siao in city ana country ror good medicine propoaltlo. B. M. P In tamer, 200 Third et. AGENTS wanted to eell on complete line ef high-grade nursery etork;- outfit free: cash weekly. - Addreea Capital City Nnraery Ue., ' Salem, Or. AGENTS WANTED In good paying buslaes. bii si one, pis yviiiiama avenne. EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES. RED CROSS EMPLOYMENT CO. Logging camp and farm help epeetaltr. SO North Second St. Phone Mai 62U. W pay all telegraph chargee. ; HANSEN'S EMPLOYMENT OFFICB -FOR MEN. 26 North Second at. . Phone Mala 1826. PORTLAND EMPLOYMENT OFFICB ' JOTS 14 Morrlaon at Pbone Pacific n 27 North Second et Pbone Paclfte l WANTED REAL ESTATE. Payne & Van Tyne ' 210 Allsky bid. Resl Estate, Fatme. Inveetmenta, Mortgage, Loana. WANTED To knyc 10 acre, wltk complete ontflt, along, Columbia preferred ; mnat he a bargal for cask. Adiltrea D It, Journal. . WANTED REAL ESTATE. WANTKU te buy at oaea, elty bvalneea prop- ecty. eurbnrbaa bomse, email tracta ea the--niutsklria of the city; we want Improved and - unimproved roaldence property. Owners only need answer. X b7, - cere Journal. M. WANTED A (230 lot between I a loo are and 14th. (ioliig al. aad Mildred sre. . Pbone Btt D04X MT wsota are many la east aide property: I want business properly, hoflsee end ktta and qnsrtar blocks, eluae In aad. far eat,4..V tieoer, I urend are., aorta. .WANTED TO RENT. WANTED TO RENT Houeea, cottage, flata. etoree, offices, rooming bosses, etc. , Land- . lords will do well to call oa PORTLAND TKLUt COMPANY OP OREGON : Phone Ea. 72. S. E. Cor. 6d and Oak. WANTED MISCELLANEOUS. . ADVERTISING MATTER Mailed ky Rural Directory Co. W kv tke only claeelflod liet ot same of Oregon and , wasnington. ' ' 2M STARK ST., PORTLAND. OB. WANTED, Furniture and household goods ef .every deecrlptlon bonght. enld.and eirhenged, The 6. 233 First St. Mala U74. $ HALL and ballroom, aeparat er together; new ana wita au eonvanieace. raena Mala avo. I PAT eaab for household roods. W. Savage. 646-S4T First et. Phone Paeifle 6. ' MAIN 856. , CASH AND UiTS OP IT '....vj-' FOR FCRNITCRB. ', PORTLAND AUCTION ROOBI -f HI First Bf. t-w-- - MAIN66M.' MAIN 6066. HIG4IEST raab price paid for all klnda second nana gooas. ruone Main 3111. vt . 'inira. EXCAVATING and grading. O. R. Pottage, ow lomutereiai ec raon saac aim,. WB WILL BUT. SRLL OR TRADE ANX OLD THING. WKSTKRN SALVAGE CO., 637- ,1 kw v, afitiinuivn. raujriu iws. 6 DOZEN Plymeatk Bock , bene. Bog 82. Crelyhton, Or. FURNISHELT ROOMS FOR RENT THE RICHELIEU. 8S4 Jtortb Blitb at. Ble- gantiy lurniaaeo; atean aeat en pallia. FCBNieHBD room and fnralahed bouaekeeptag room lor rent at lex vaacoover ave.- . . THB GRAND. 46 Nortk Third at. Rooma tot gentleman, gi.xs per wees and n. . "RED DRAGON" New swell rooms, kesrt of rltyr new furniture end carpel". Corner Sixth and Stark sts- Entrance 637 H Stark. NTCELT fitrnlebed rooasa. efeeapJl e) U 1 week, in Seventh et. SUT.I.Y fumlihed room; phone, beta, privet 'family. , laa lit end aider. . KEWLT fnrnlthed rooms, new flat, modern. central, tie North lath at., earner riender. 12 14TH ST. Cleae and elegantly furnished gent I .men preferred; reference. NICELT furnished room la private family. .In quire as inira at. FOR RENT Fnralahed front room, ground floor, enlteble for 3 Udle rent reeaooable. Ill Kaat so at., aorta. FOR BBNT Furnished room snd houeekeepins room.; prices reeeonaoie. ee, tniiege er. FOR RENT HOUSEKEEPING. I1.SS WEEK UP. clean, famished hoaeekerp- mg rooma. psrior, neto, laundry, rurnac neer, yaro. auek otaatoa, u car. $1.60 WEEK UP, large, clean, fnrnhwed boos. keep Lug rooms, laundry and Data. 1S4 man aoutk, Portland, ' THB MITCHELL Honaekeeping and tranttent rooma. vcaaooaoie. Heventb and Flanders. - FURNISHED and anfumlahed eeplng t 6du0. rooma. 408 Eaat Balmo at. Phone Beat 146H SIXTH ST. Three beonekeeplag, 1 aad 2 room, te cult., ana lew ueeping-room. 8 OB 4 unfurnished keeashsspli assk aaplng-renma for .rest; 209 Eaet Jlai h at.. N. new modem bouse LITB of konaskaeplnf alao aleeylng rooma. at 247 ttk nt-i THREB faralshed novae keening rooma: rang. gaa pmie, dsib, not an com water, rre pnone. sua rirst. raon Mam osua. TWO ale koneekeeplng auttoai completely fur- nieneo; every conrenience. 10. 311 Bhsr- msn sr. .. . ROOMS AND BOARD. FOR en er more (employed people preferred) eaooera. reaaonahie. 034 Kaat Morrison. ROOM and board for S Bsor girls. $2.60 week, w r.aai inn at., norta. i-aone sen zui. WANTED Two children to cere for tn food Chrlatla bom., 60S Weat Silt etreet, Vaa- n aao. . . WANTED Poor geatlemea to room aad board moaera private home, close in. e-mlnut car errvtce. itn kssi urn at., corner w as tngtoa. Phone East 830. TOUNO men, why do yea eat la re.Unr.nts - whew yo ea get first elaaa table beard, home cook lag, for 64 per weekf Cell and tnreatignte. Aster boose, Seventh and Madleoa. FOR RENT HOUSES. T-R00ht bouse ea cartlae. tit, C. H. Ptggott. ewner. lawyer, roes 4 Mulkep bldg. BBNT plane and later bay It; all rent pur oa purcnaae. , Boermaa. may a caw aixtn A Morrieoa at, FOR RENT New modem 6-room boos., sot Monroe et., vppet Albion, inquire of owner. No. 806. . NEW modern T -room boose, 775 Multnemah at. Sv. u. Hica, owner. -ROOM house oa B. Stark and 46th .treed. sie. ney ei next souse soutn. inmtlr 83 juio sirset. FOB RENT 6 room. hens. 424. Eaat Oaack at. 6-ROOM cottage ud bar ea Improved street. war mue). eie nmil. room cottsge, newly plaatered, seat car line, I2 month. ' : , H. P. Palmer - 223 Falling bid. - FOR SALE- OR RKNT- d mora modem kens eo nr . jonn canine, tireeiey elation, tall at 1304 Willamette hen le yard. WE are In heed ef several fnrnlabed and an, rumisbed nmise to sstiary tbe went of our C irons, rnone main bil or can 730 cbam r of Commerce. Do It now. - , FOR RENT d-room house, between Union and Wllllame area., 412. Inquire 93 T Eaat Sixth at., north, er pbone Woodlawa, 448. HOUSES FOR ' RENT FURNI TURE FOR SALE. '-.vM WR aeed faraltnr at any price. - Portland An. tie Hoome. zu rirat at. Main sew. FOR RENT STORES-OFFICES. OFFICE-ROOMS, unfurnished room kad eam- ple-rooma for rent. Ooodnoogh bldg. , Apply elevator. , DESIRARLB office, tncladlng electric light. not ana mia water, janitor and elevator service. In tbe new, airy Commonwealth bldg.. old poslofftre alia. Sixth aad Baraald ata. Agent, room .411. A FEW trat-elasa offlre-reoraa left at aortheeat corner Third aad Madleoa sta. Apply room No. 8. FOR RENT Store Flfrh-et. iHr Ooodnougb bldg. Inqalr at elevator le building. FOR RENT Store. M Flrat at.) low rent; food location for barber-euoa , or bateber. nqutre C04 Flrat at. DESK ROOM for rent; free phone; (10 per anouie. 11. v. ae did., 01 commerce. STOREROOM In elty market block, 831 Third St., eo per sMintn, r FOR RENT FARMS. FOR REST 40 cree: 10 I enltlvstlos., 26 In pasture, house, nam. acveral hundred cords of a-ond, cloee to rsllroed. t'oeet Reel Satate Co., ICNUj Morrama at., room S. . j?OR RENT FLATS. rPlAnnn tor rent and sale: eesv navmeata. tl-tnnn Clir A Co.. Biita snd ainrnson sta. FURNISHED 'HOUSES. $15 PER MONTH 4 -room furnished eottaee; . Isrge rsrd and chicken-bouse, water. 144 Best Second, ooraer alui. IX-ROtIM house: See locality; I flu room eomtileti'iy ruruianea; piano, qewing aueniue, r pwnr el, y--r FURNISHED modern 8 room bouse, Eaat ZOth, nesr Morrlsoa. Uau gu Allaky BUlg.t Paclflo-231. 1 FOR RENT MISCELLANEOUS. HALL and ballroom, separate e together; new and with au eoevenleneee. Pnooe Mala awn. BUSINESS CHANCES. ; WS have enetomer that ha about $100,000 to Invest In Iiietde' property In city; another j- on s with about $40,000, would turret moat anywhere In elty but would preterMet ef rvth, eaat of t4th, aorth of Vi aahlngton and nouca or Marabaii. . . -CAS, REAL B8TAT C0V. ' v , 2MB Uarouam Hid...' Pbone Mala load. Res. I'bon Scott 108. A ROOMING bouse full of roonera. eloee to . courthouse, for $000 If taken et once; worth ; much more 1 ban we ere ssklng; tbls Is s money msker; will stand closest luTeallga lion. . , C- A n. REAL ESTATE CO - ',' ' - SiiA Marouam Rid... Peons Mala 1046. , Be. I'bon Scott 10. A SPLENDID ehance to get Into business -fa eountry town for tl.6fti; general BMrchsn dlae nlore. iMMtofflr la connection, doing eplcndtd business; thla le easnce ef life time; you are Invltrd to Investigate this ciueeiy ho fore boring. , , t C. A S. REAL ESTATB CO, l . 3iA Marauam Bide.. Phona Mala 104. Rea. Tbon Scott lot, DR FOREST end Marconi Wlreteaa etockt email block at bargain. Poalofflce Bos 600, Boae- nurg, or. ,v . . . , SAVR MONEY Anything In printing eee Mad m.. MA t.lbw, l.Mnl. rie., mmA AM... ata. , upatair. , a FOB 8ALB Ralooa 4 valley elty oi 18.000; good paying eeiooa; gi.eno ir eol at once. Adraaa a. 103, care Journal.' - - $10.ono rrOCK general aoerrhandtee; aaloa over ino dally; wur ta pert reel eetsn; is miles from Portland. Address I 107, car '''Journal. w a $450 BUYS 6-rooms, well rurnlahed la good le caury; weer aioei saw rent, flags ma aa at Blaocaatd, 81 Flftk at, Ubilabedlfjiadte' 1, can llU.d 1 . ' eleiriir. WELL eetahlls tailoring, dolna good buslneea, 40 little money: rood tocation. Addree U 10Z. ear Journal. FOB SA I.E Orecerv .toys fa good leeatlo aa eaat aiue, , oa, aocevni, ex , suranvse. anpne FOR SALE Fine buttermilk business, rig .and eoatoa. Addreea B 10, car Journal., y A SMALL htveatmeot will make you rich; easy work, abort oure; earn rrem iu to 41 ho per evening. Foe. particulars, Newman' Motion picture Co.. 14ft '-i oixtn, assr Morrieoa Phon Paclfle 2S2S. $3,000 BUYS lodging honae. worth the miaey; well tecatea; must eeu. bo si, city. . - BUSINESS CHANCES. , ! Leek thla p Spokane acreage, fine loc.. Men. close re: will errheoge earn for rest- dene er furaltttr f 80 er 40 room, er what P bare yon 7 . .. , c F. nauiun. sza mraeio sr. A NICB1 dyeing buslneea can be boogbt for $606 Ir talcn he ror e January id; ariuai value ahont 81.500; doing epleodld huelneaa: will bear closest iavetltioa; good rsasona for ln' 206 Marquam Bid., Pbone Mala 1040. . .Bee. i'bon Scott Int. WANTED Party with $10,000, shoe niaa pre ferred: manufacturing and Jobbing; eetsn. llned trade: capital need for extension. Ad dress Ht 104, care ' Journal. - , . 12M RHYS-n 2-rbslr barher-ebop and building. Apply 2UV k-aat Morriaoa ex.; veiling accoani ox .atcauesa.' .- r. n, neww. rtjR ALt-orrc4 www tint lumunn ana flxturee for tale, cheap; good kicatlo. Ia f .... , ' H, . . . quire lea inm, iwe , WANTED Part net fa good ahatract, real es tate and Insurance bualneee, near Portund, Or. Wrll A. Hoi ton, 214 Doboce av Saa Fraacleoo. '" -v RQ0MINO-U0USB. cloee la, te rent; furnished; ; v rooms; wUI be ope rroen 9 to. it s. m. New Year's dsy: com hnmedlstely. Poons Pacific 26, 68 H Slatb, near Pine. "FOR SALE REAL ESTATE.' r CHRISTMAS comes ehce year, bat tha chance to buy lou la portiana eo ciose in and ao nicely located, for too. 86 down. 86 per month. Will probably aeres come egsln after this winter. J. J. Oeder. 1 Urtud are., north. - I ACRES near Bcarerton, Frank tract; only $2,000. Grand are., north. . Joining Meter A J. 1. Oeder, 1 BE AUTirV'L reel den oee oa either eaat or weet side at very reaeonaoie price. spams Agency. 8061, Stark. QUARTER blocks hi tbe neighborhood ef IBtb ana a.eemey ex ew w. . m aw gvm money. Sphinx Ag.nry, Uj Btark at. CHOICE bousa and lot 60x100, William ., peer UOing, leruia, oo.wu, . vaej paymonTo. 837 ft Waahlngton St.. rooxa 68. Mala 4347. GOING! OOINGI ALMOST GONE! TIltoB Addltloa going st hslf vtloe; 48 lot i sold In taat 80 day. . . fi.V ''.' LEFT FOB SALS. .. ' Good poind: Cement aldewalka. hard-eur-face pavements, neer new High erhool, on block from csr."d minute to city, $900; below price of nearby kit. Delay to Inveatl gat roeane loee to you. in'IMrno.1 ax vmuejo to'.noiF, Phon Esst 4HO0." 800 Belmont at. $2,60060x120, 6-ROOM mortem hone... plenty or Trait, tawn; 11 xcei iroa. iuua, -as, Rneacll atreet. J- 7-rom bouse. U blork,' all kind ef fruit; lath end P.. Madison. $1,60070x86 feet. 6-room houne. It la ate' walk of ronrtbouee, west side. , .. WILLIAMS ATARMER, -. Boom 80, Waehlngtoa bldg. ' .. :.;'.'-'v;.-Sellwooil. Homes ,: ; $.W)e4-roeoi cottage. i $700 4-room bonae. 4 lot. $1.000 8-roma bonae, I lota. ' , ' tl.OAO 8 room bmiae (new).' ' woodflbet I ileeter. electrje lights; two block from car Ine: full lot. 81.600 6-mom moder eettege. Il.tfio room booee, cement basemnrt nd Idewslkt. v 62.000 T-reom modern kouse, comer lot. ' $:;on Pro sightly kit. neer golf links. . y fNaV-.oiii10i, two blocks from csrllne. . ir.nn IO0UOO, tnialneaa property. ' $160 Let nesr new woolen mills. - - ' Fire Insnraace bonne.- ' ;-' Sellwcod . TcWasite Co., H. P. PALMER, lgp.' . ' 222 Palling bldg. -Main SMI. -s. or take Keiiwood car. get orr at Teniae - Kaat 18th. - rnone scuwond 11. CHOICE LOT n Improve atreet; eeat aide; waiting aistnnrs, gwu. ttatnera a smith, 18.1(4, Fourth at. . ( - 100x260 FEET; enosl'to lota: 2 blocks from ratline; ou. riattieid m Bmlth, lsevt 4th at. TWO corner lota; beet I Kenllwnrth; block from rsrltnei s76 cssh. C D. Stringer,; roriy-OTBt bbii noiseie sts. I.'.rt" EXTRA BAHtIA IN. ..... . . T ktg 40x1ia,, cleared., all together . I one tract, for $.XJ,-rloee te 10-room echonl at Lenta) 6ne local loo; water free; 6c fere to ny part ef Portland: terms. 0, IL Addltoa, ewner, , Lenta, Oregon. . ROOM' atrtctlr haw modem honae. full lot ,J block.. csrllne, end good store, 30 minute ot city, siinatea snjnng nice nomee, will be sold ea - eaay payments, like rent: price 1X400. 3. PRANK PORTER, 222 Waablngtoo at., corner Flrat. Bnatalr. FOR SALE CHEAP A 7 room hoaae. t Ma. lot of frail, . cow ham, chicken-yard. See owner, 1N34 Bayard St., Peolnaulaf atatloo. WUilam Bcbeadei. $1,1 W WIU bay a nlcs little, horns In Monta- viiia.- u, , eiocg from r.r. four rooma: lot oonioo. - I T - ,."' will -buy 0. scree, 2Uj mllea from railroad; 29 acres la cultivation; awsU hoa-s and bar;, eaay terma. -taw-..., 1 - f. T. BERRY, '' '' ;V Notlh llxtk st. p.dfl tt Iftitj-- FOR SALE RHAL EST ATA i'i ' OHOICB, 10(J feet o I'nlo , ketnjf tka I eon nasi coder or xhiuo gtna--autng, pia Cbolc eorncr wltk 4 stores, bringing $1,004 -per aunuin; win bring $l.7u0 set annua I -August; price lll.oixi. ) , Choice 60 feet ea Law ave. neer Holladay far $3,800. ... - Ckelce luootn. property b-teglaf I1 00 per anum. fortJiiOoo. -r-" ., k - ' f ..lioiise InoA-wth Portlaad, ' rent AS4P pee month; price $3.ioo. . . f ' -room bona aud tot. Union Bear Hullaaiyr prKe 6J.600. ' , . 7d scree,-U mile -weet ef'I lnutoa reel na northcra I'aciflo bridge, $7.60. ' kna la Highland Park at $la $4 Wl J $5 per mouth. 7 l,fiO lota near Balvta Ilea. 6 ml lea free elty, i J fl5 per lot. at 61 par month, with tourer J already eetabllshrd on tbe tract: you ca i puy una out there for twice the money. H to In Palatine fill fof 6376. f kio Teat aquare at the. nertheaat eri f Oregon tod. Third; price $4,600. , e l acrso nesr r icm UBe. 4 IF from catj,' for $2,600. .' . Apply, to owner, 1 " ' W. REIDT, ;';; Room if With tng too bldg., 1 Feartk ' Waahingtop ate. '.'.' .. . , "' enff-xirurT. .im i. Su, e.Mk Hsvata.. cheap; ournea dlTtOO, inside $L J Tbun Eaat 24U. . , , 2 PINR homes la Holladay Park. $4,000 j . $4,000; these an At. MoOmber A lti . hsugb,- 41U Stearns .bldg. I $3ii0 ROOMS. ' GerSeld are. aeer Pur tb ..liouierard: large lot; terms. McOmbsri . Def fenbaugb. 410 Stearna bldg. I $13,000 CAN be lnveated -bere tt will bd a net Income of S per cent, and prop.! wiu increase in vame rapidly, aleum xietreniiaugh. 410 Btearns bldg. 3. KIO , ROOMS, sew.' morirra tn respect. Eaat Main sear Kaat loth. Omher A Deffeoheugh, 410 Stearna Wdf.l I11O04 ROOMS. Tahor Helahtn. U .ler uis. UcOmbcr A Deffeabeugh, 410 St bllg. . ' ARTIHTIU 6-room cottage at Anabel, Be cowipicrca: rircpiai-e and all atodera rontv. encea: large lot; very attractive place; 44. en terma. Western Oregon - Tni-t coe ie. avi Btar ex., or pneoe bnlea 3ev, NEW 6-mom eottaxe ea . canine. hiJ .hornet large lot. fine urroundlnea terms can be arm tired. Weateca Tni.t- company, av I btark, or phea ONE-ACRW rrect. with (mail house. 1 . 8060. Western ' Ore eon Trust . SMcaaa. - M.BI B. OB- BBBDt VUHW OWUV, BEAUTIFUL 4-room house, adjoining P au mooera, extra , line beta; Jot ' $1,600; on term. : Western Oreroa company, 201 Start, or phone L a loo 3801- NEW 6-room house la Create, right oa car,) i. 1 ccjnenc near men t. ruraece. mi4 parlor, dining-room, walla nicely tinted, be. bsth, extra large lot; rare harralt wUI not bet king. ,rtlc only $3,600; can be arranged. Woetera Oregoa oompany. i stark at., or phon Untoa "STEVEN-ROOM bonae, new and modem eot. mil bassmtnt. l rira lot. and I location;, thla Is cheap at $1,876: aa hergala. Western Oregoa Trnat come oiara at er pooae union sauv. . 410.SOO u BLOCK ' with boueea. good income, A-l kw-atloo ; a good law , at coroner m uerrenneugD, 410 ntear- T-reom koaae. cloeeia to eeek '- t : lot. 60x100, neer eawmlll, holler wr . 1 canning plant ana u. at. ri. n location for boardlng-noaee; wlthla few days will sell for it 000; tsi cash, balance 811 per month. St. Jobii Abstract A Trust Co., ot, Jokaa, Phdtoe Eaat 607. ... $3.000 10 - ROOMS. 8 4 lots, .Bse B-mirat ear aervtcs: souo cash nan. McOmber A Deffenhaagb, 410 8 tear a. BT OWNER-Twe new bom as. 80S S ax. rnone labor ail. 12.2604 ROOMS, near Beat 86tk aod t, 1 Mcumner ueireebeuga. io atearaa TURNER A WALKER, e Saal-SsUts, Farme 'and Slack Baa' . - Kxcbange. . eosvk waaotngtoa ex. - . a . Sellwood. Mwehouae A French. 167) St ) u. 1 Phone Bellwood T4. " Ctty View Park lots. 6375 4x4 . Addltloa lota, $100 and np; $8 down month. Homes from $AO0 to $0,000. $300 and on. la all part ef SeUwood. . .your property with ua? wa will sell It, '; -1 SACRIFICED at half price cost. beeuxl. noma rnrtiano. Be qulcs. Address W i Hoble, Athlaad, Or. ,., ...... ., ' I JUST TIHNKLt lot for $7 at $8 per a neer osbfui aaoror una ana BOX as tar I Johns, with suite- a few homes aleaaAs aasj . (isuoa. 1 on csb not pay other nraoorty buib locoing: tor twice xn. money. . .. , . WILLIAM RBIDT. t Washington bid., 870Uj Weahtagte C 'r $1.60 MONTA VILLA. T roea lot'' $0x100, $300 caah. balance 820 nor month: the bonis cooin. nox oe otiiit'ior me once aaked. M timber A Detfcnbangb, 410 Btoern bldg. Me. ' SEVERAL eonlfortahle boase and lot belcal lag to Bon-rest rteat mast be aold et baee at , a aacnnce; terms. W. B. MoPherron. If PhlUdslphla. room 12, Third aad talmea. $2.000 BEAUTIFUL 6-room kenee, tost cev pieteo. stricxiy mooera, sh Bast Ma's; ow down, $20 monthly; select Mlgbkorbesd. Owner, ksst 628. - . . . . 1 li FOR SALS CHEAP A T-roem koaea, t lett, avis 01 iruii, cowoarn. cnicBBn-yare). eee . owner. 1N24 Bayard et., Paulsen lar ataOoa. William ScheadeL . . . A FIVE HttlM bimib. Koea . Ii 1 1 I . fc t lota,' 11.200; Ccstsr addlUoa; terma. Call Utloa; terma. Call 4 : - ' t; $et koaae ea ave kenee at $64$ Born SIVI. TART the new year rlrbt: toe installment nian: we aava nd up; sasy par man ta, Aylswort A Eptaa, w. mum,ij BICTV, (.BOB IIWT OIIM . ALPINE REAL ESTATB CO., B0Gu Morrtsen, iovb pooae bibib jet fM7 eeecK witg 12-room kouse, eloss in. $11.600.. 2 acrse, 6-room house; aaay .terms; $2,260. - 10-ROOM colonial bonae for sale, 70S Marshall st., lot euxitffj, aanoeome. wan naut, roar year eld, all Bonders eoavenleneee, dhtlag room legsBtly paneled, extra oil finish ea ' Wall, plate-glass windows; besntlful heme for lsrg family appreciating omfort bar aaln at tbe price. 10,600. Morsea, Sweet 0 Chapman, 218 Ablngtoo bldg. rbon Mam 3016. , - . .-. , BEST BUT la Portland: lota 60x100; graded . atresia, water: $! down, $10 per month; ' price $400; 2 block sooth Hewthor.v. - Forty. third at.) owaer on ground. LOTS -Houses, acreage oa eaay terma. Plane Tabor 67Q. Ayltworth A Eptoa, 46 Base Lias. LOT 62xno on St. John- carl Ine; ei h. had Cheap, 730 Cbambcr of Com meres.. - $600 will handle a comfortable home la Bunny, aide; cluae to car. Tao Chamber ef Commerce,. x-4f FOR SALE-FARMS .preeVey llmlle. . Td''j ,r l.nOU--One cm fine eardeo la. A i,h! room hoesa and er running aprlng, t aV I ' from center ef Portland; very eaay tdtUe m ft beayerdam, tl.600 worth Imnroremes nines iron, i-oTtiana; a regular gd I , $4,836 Beautiful 64-a ere wain . farm, 1 mile to New her collerei-fjt-A oil: 11 caah. balance nee ee $.1,02647 cree beanilfully at. J ret '' Willamette and boat landing: .l.00t-' iiooi,iiiimii., nanny to oenot Snd, i'r good farms, small or lame, a.e r. rvino. am morrtaoa hi -4 P Ml ere looklne fna. a Spa mXmmU atpek ranch, call oa Sphinx As.-n, Jk Stark at.; we bar. an me wry eaceUelr a-bEa 'hnBLaa tor thouaanda' of mmmU rountyi lano aunjecx re nemearea art. t art entrr. Foe MHlmlm k. .1 ,M ,w - ' A Reataett. Bllver Lak.. Of, ONE of tb best randies lmprove.1. So acre.. VV, ;'... it' land, abundance of wif drraa II. E. Carrey $6.000 13.1 AC II Kit. ei nil! cmnir rursi ml water: 40 seres frail,- F.aat 77X7. helareM T er eaU B. C SeberUNii 19 , HAPPT AND PROSPPROrK& nit 4 ' VOU. a -"V flv-V , IJ i 8l.6fVi.frtI fin garde land? JZ f . w V ' colleger the cues pest rarm In OrereB, a . $H.O0O One of the moat beentW.dV , rarma Inside ot 14 miles of PortldU I $8 per sere f 315-acre model If M of th beat In Oregoa; provra bf f Icount thst tbls place earned Met . peer for the Iset f years. I ' - aer, fc, tflO-it mm At 0 A. ... i p-'. -. ,,'. re ; ii A.1' ' , a. ' ' . t . i , TC r.