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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 30, 1906)
TIIS: 0ZGOU - SUNDAY- JOURNAL. PORTLAND, SUNDAY MORNING. DECEMBER 30, 1906. . ' t ...... o w rr ii-i I ill if ii ii n if r m o CO U IbV U n n ; n ' n 11 U K& 5 -SC- ft , e s These Health 1 - - pidity pi the liver, rheumatismj etc. The price, $2.50, ; places it within the reach of every person. By mail 25c additional. . - . ' : " 1 : : ARTIFICIAL OR CLASS EYES - 1 2,000 from which we guarantee a perfect "fit and of natural shade and appearance. We are agents for the - celebrated GERMAN REFORM EYE, .which in a wonderful degree .simulates the natural organ. Strong, durable and comfortable, - . ; crutches' -v-'-v:"":!;' From $1.50 to 80,00 pair. For temporary need we rent at a nominal charge, Rectal Dilaters $3.00 4 A cure for" constipation and nervous trouble. Pol ished hard rubber set of 4 to any address. Send for booklet which tells all about these aids to health. Electric Batteries - yu ver ave 'td.walt over thirty seconds to get our exchange, we wish . to know it to correct the trouble. WILL PRESIDE AT ',11' i ' ( ,.; ; FAMOUS TRIAL 3( . Judge Ed L Bryan, Who Will Sit ' in Trials of Federation Of ficials, Is Hsre. WAS ONCE RETAINED AS ORCHARD'S ATTORNEY Is an Oreconlan by Birth' and His - Parents Now Reside In Benton Connty Refuses to Discuss the Murder Cases. Judge Ed I Bryan of Paytt, Idaho, Is vUltlng friends la tbls city, and will tears on Monday fsr his home. At ths recent flection he was elected ju1e of the Seventh Judicial district of Idaho to succeed Frank J. Smith. - As a result of the election Judgs Bryan laMheduled to preside at the trials of Moyer, Pettlbons and Hayward. officials of the Western Federation of Judge Ed. L.-Bryan of Idaho. ; Miners, accused of complicity In the ' murder of ex-Qorernor Bteunenbeu. Before his election Judirs Bryan wae at torney for Harry Orchard, also .accused of complicity.. . . Judge Bryan refused . to discuss the famous cases, yesterday. Me stated that at ths time of Orchard's arrest bo was retained as' the prisoner's attorney, but further than that refused to discuss ths affair. ' . Weald Saf Vothlnf. ' 'It Is a matter that 'I would prefer not to -discuss," be sald "for obvious ; ' - : - . ... f ' i ' ' ' ' ; v 1 vr-s -r ' ' . t '. . .; V ! " S " x (i ; .' ; ' A-1 t y V. f J : ' W Everyone, SickdrVJcll, Should Read Our Axis Vibrators re a comfort to evry , user. hey, give with out effort strong or del icate vibrations. . Thev are .better than any '.-massage ' treatment . will promptly relieve"1 many, troubles due to. : lack of. exercise,- tor Thpr- famous "Wood lark" Home Medical ap paratus, a full set of elec trodes, footplates, cords, all 'in mahogany" box handsomely finished, full directions for use, 85.00. Every family should have one of these batteries. Nothing so efficacious in the treatment of nervous ' troubles, headaches, neu ralgia and rheumatism. No liquids to spill or cor rode. NGER BOYS WQQDM&MMKE & CO. MEE BECAUSE BOSS . LEVIES FINES President , Jeff Hayes of the Hasty Messenger dompany declares that five or ten boys In the employ of ths West ern Union TeleaTsph company called at ttfn " place of business In the1 Imperial hotel building Friday afternoon and tried to Induce his JO messengers to go on a strike. Vice-President A. Strlb llng of the Messenger Boys' union says that not a boy In the employ of the Western Union visited Mr. Hayes' place of business Friday, and that ths mes sengers walked -out simply because two of their number had been discharged. Acocrding to Mr. Hayes statement, the Western Union boys went to bis office and started to maks trouble with the messengers. The boys were Invited to Join the union, end when they refused to do so s demonstration was mads and reasons. , I havs.sjnee been elected Judge, and there is nothing that I care to say with reference to any of the cases." Ths Seventh Judicial district com prises tho counties of Washington, Canyon, snd Owyhee, Idaho. It is usu ally Republican, but Judge Bryan Is a Democrat and was elected on the Demo. crstie ticket. He defested Judge Smith, the Republican nominee for reelection, by a narrow margin. ' Ths city of Cald well, where the ex-governor was' mur dered. Is the county seat of Canyon county. . . Judge Bryan la an Oregonlan by birth and lived In this state until two and a half years ago, when he moved to Idaho. His parents reside at Philomath. Benton county, a short distance from Corral Us. He Is well known In Oregon and has many friends In this elty. EFFORT TO IMPEACH ' THOMPSON WITNESS (Special' niiwtc. to Tb JoartiaL) Tacoma, Wash., Deo. 1. Only two witnesses were examined in tho Thomp son, trial today, court adjourning at noon until Monday. I Captain W. O. Elliott, of tho flreboat Snoqualmle, testified that for three years past he has frequently seen Ches ter Thompson - wandering about tho wharfs of Seattle and often lying at isolated spots on ths water front In the wet grass In utter disregard of , his health. . , . , William R. Hogle. a neighbor of ths Thompson's, gave similar testimony. - Tho attorney for tho state caused considerable excitement by announcing that an effort will be made to Impeach 10. W. Bagshaw, a student who was put on tho stand by tho defenss several days ago. The, state's attorneys then at tempted to show that he had made statements prior to testifying, that' he bad never before seen young Thompson. CI tl seas' Ticket at Arllrt-tom. Arlington. Or:, Dec SI. City prl- marlts were held hero tonight and the following nominations were-made for tho Cltlieha' ticket: Mayor. B. T. Knell; oouacilmen. A. . J. Coe, R. F. Munroe; recorder, J. K. Burdetteir -treasurer, O. IX gturgla. Tho election wUl bo held Jsnuary f. Buy Thsfn at Lo Palais Royal and aare money every time. Corsets, gloves, hosiery, under wear all greatly reduced. Closing this line out; price no object. . tit Washing ton street. - : . , ... Rubber Goods Af Speca Li Prices Hot Water Bottles 3-qt., regular $1.20. Special 73 Clinton 3-qt., regular 85c. Special 60 -Fountain Syringe 3-qt. Faultless, 3 pipes, regular $1.7.5. Special, i. $1.53 Combination- Fountain Syringe and Hot Water Bottle, 4-qt., best red rub ber with- 8 hard rubber ' pipes, regular $2.50. Special .81.83 Whirling-Spray Syringes Sp'l $2.29 Kodaks and Cameras I Ii .T j i - TV camera 81.00 I VI B I i ture making machine, . Agents Carbona. Self-Toninc Platinum. Bromide Paper We do kodak finishing work delivered in one day. No ma chine or bucket work, but by skilled men who getre sults for you. We will enlarge your, negative, make , lantern slides, transparencies or bromides. Popular prices prevail. - - . .. ' 4 ' - BATH SPONGES Every one perfectv Our entire stock at a reduction of 25 per cent from regular prices. , THE NEW WOODLARK INSTEP SUPPORTER rufrf OOTWITM ARCH SUPPORT LATfOOTWITOOirTARCHSUlPoail Is a boon to those suffering from flat feet and all foot pains. Price, per pair v. ............... . .81.50 . GO ON STRIKE ho had to eaQ the polios to disperse the crowd. . After ths trouble, he says, he dischsrged two of tho boys as ring leaders, .-wrv . "None of our boys went to Mr. Hayes plsce," said Stribllng, in response to the charge. "Wo heard that Mr. Hayes had trouble with -lis boys. . We understood that he fined tho boys for every mis. take they made, and that the fines ate up almost their whole salary each month Tho boys oomplained, accord. Ing to the news we have received, and two of them were discharged. There upon tho others walked out and declined to return to work wlass tho two were reinstated. Those iVho walked out went back to work, but I do not know any. thing about the terms. Mr. Hayes' boys do. not belong to ths union." 1 1 II1 ' i'll 1 1 BUILDERS DECLARE WORK 111 NOT STOP Contractors Who Are Erecting St. Johns City Hall Say They . . , Will Continue Operations. I Toungferdorf Bon, who , are building the city hair at flt. Johns, em phatlcally deny the reports of dissatis faction among their men employed on the structure. They state that they have had ho trouble whatever with their employes, who receive their pay regu larly each Saturday afternoon. - Toung ferdorf A Son also stats that they have not asked money of the city council with which, to carry on tho work; that they havs ample means with which to complete tho building, and that the credit of the Arm haa atood tho tests through II years of trial In tho city of Portland, v "Wo do not owe a dollar to any of our men, said Mr. Toungferdorf last even ing. "Every one of them gets his psy regularly at t o'clock Saturday after noon. Weare not losing money on the BC Johns city hall; on tho contrary, we shall maks a good profit on the con tract" - . - . .. The firm has Just completed -ttm work of repairing the upper story- of the Chamber of . Commerce building, which was destroyed by Are recently. . .. DATES FOB HEARINGS 0 IN SUPREME COURT . Salem, Or., " Dec. ' 31. The supreme court yestsrday dismissed the case of A. Bush against Charles Scott ; and others.- Ths following esses were also set for hearing: January. 15. State against Ayers and State against Thomp son) January It, State asalnet Kelllher; January 17, Sears . against Multnomah county, and Q roe beck against Orosbeck. &aTot Laws In Austria. In Austria the factory law has been 2o years In ' existence. It has been amended only In soms minor points. In 1I0S parliament enacted a law providing for the establishment of Bundsy rest of shop assistants, Old age and In validity Insurance for workmen is is being agitated. They Tell'a JritihfuFStdry of 'Sw For' the convalescent v or --cripple. Will add .years, of,;', comfort -and aid in the rsv toration of perfect health. They range in price--from 820 to"S45. We will rent them when desired at a nom inal monthly rate. - v Special We have a num ber of those comfortable out-, door wheel chairs 'used at the Lewis and Clark exposi tion. They have 6uper springs, rubber seats and are good as new, out at pxo We have every crood ' made, from the Buster Browrr, the smallest good pic- to the finest gallery ap paratus at 8300.00, for fllllMfJ fJIX WITH REGULARS Officers of Third Regiment Cele brate Christmas With Four teenth Infantry. EACH SOLDIER GETS PRESENT OF SOME KIND Two Regiments Began Friendship Eight Yearg Ago, While Crossing Pacific Ocean First American Troops to Set Foot in Philippines. . Officers of tho Third regiment, Ore gon National Ouard, and of the Four teenth Infantry, United States Army, gathered at the Third regiment's ar mory laat night and renewed that friendship which was formed ' eight years fcgo when tho two regiments were crossing the Pacific for the Philip pines, tho first American troops to set foot in tho new territory. Tbey cele brated their friendship In one of tho hspplest and Jolllest events that over entered Into their lives. Each was presented with a Christmas present that was a Joke on soma sin or foible of tho receiver's character. Governor Chamberlain was to- havs acted " as Santa Claus last night, but ho wss unabls to bo present early tn the evening and Colonel - James Jack son anted In his stead. " Colonel. Jack son filled the part admirably and car ried; off tho Jests which had been ar ranged In a hearty, cordial manner. and one which caused no 111 feeling on the part of any of the recipients. Everything wss done In good humor snd was so received.- - . Ail Ares Bepreooated. That the task was no easy one may bo Imagined when It Is known that men were present from all ages of life from the gray-haired veteran generals to the young fledgling second lieuten ants. If any were hard to please none showed It in , his actions last night There was General Stephen Jocelyn, the newly appointed commandant of the District ' of Columbia., as well as Lieutenant Titus, tho young man who was first of the allied forces to scale the wells at" Pekln. He was only a bugler at the time, but since has passed through the various courses of haxlng at Weat Point and la now a second lieutenant at Vancouver. There were others present who have rendered tho country.- excellent service In time of , wsr, but they are too numerous to mention. Many of the boys of the Third were in tho fights in the Islands, where they have made reputations for' themselves and their state that ore familiar to all who lived In Oregon In the stirring times of 1891 and ltll. There were men present who had been reared In tho south, and when tho Third Regiment orchestra played tho stirring strains of "Dixie. the terrible yell that meant something in tho 10s made every one present feel glsd thst "Dixie" wss enrolled under the '"Star Spangled Banner." There were many, .things that re called - to the speetator thoustata of other day s but to the men themselves fin Invalid Chair tires, rattan.. practically as worth easily $40.' We are1 closing each. SOME USEFUL HOMEOPATHIC SPECIALTIES Arnica Oil An ' excellent external application for rheumatic pains, sprains, contusions, Ttc ' i 1 ounce........ 20 2 ounces. ...... .40 - Calendula Cerate For all lacerated woundsvrequiring bandaging and extensive suppuration 1 ounce .25 ,. 2 ounces. .... . . .40i : Byronia and Rhus Plasters An excellent plaster to be applied locally in rheumastic, sciatica, etc., ea.25 Fluid Calendula One of the finest homeopathic dress ings for wounds, burns, bruises, chapped hands, sore lips, etc. " V:,; . . ; , , 2 ounces....... 25L 4 ounces...... 40 Non-Alcoholic Passiflora For sleeplessness, hysteria, etc. ;.-Positfvely non-injurious, as it contains no opiates . ounce. . . . .J. .35 ... 2 olinces.V. ; .-. . .50 Pettit'a Pills A valuable remedy-for constipation, : etc ............... . . . . . . . . . ........J..... 25, 50 f Woodlark Cough and Croup Drops Greatest homeo pathic remedy for' Coughs croup, etc. " Per bottle 25 Phytoline A positive non-injurious preparation for reducing weight.Pei Panacea Ointment For burns, bruises.'pimples, fever sores, piles, ulcers, chapped hands, barber's itch, boils and sores of all kinds. Per box. . . . . . . ;TT.'r. .'. .25 Luytie'i Dyspepsia Tablets For indigestion, heart burn, weak stomach, nausea and all symptoms of dys pepsia. Per bottle. .25f- All Luytie's Specifics carried in stock. the evening was one of pleasure stone snd they made the most of IC The or chestra played 'There'll Be a Hot Time," but there was no need for it. The members were warming up under the Influence of their own good feel ings and they drowned out the Instru ments with their, voice ss theyu-aught up the well known lines of the popu lar, song. When Colonel McDonnell presented "Santa Claus" Jackson with a miniature bottle of champagne, the famllar "America" was sung by every body, only they changed the words to "For He's a Jolly Good Fellow." was all through the evening. Everybody tried to make everybody else happy, and they did. ' Tho fun commenced at I o'clock and lasted un til after midnight. There were fully 100 officers present snd they Included Colonel McDonnell snd officers of the .Third, who acted aarhoats for the oc casion: Colons! Irons of the Fourteenth U. 8. A., and officers; General Stephen Jocelyn, commandant of the District of the Columbia; Qeneral William E. Fin ser, adjutant general of the Oregon national guard; Captain Welch and of ficers of the United States artillery corps ststioned at Vancouver. Gover nor Chamberlain appeared later tn the evening with his stsff. Members of the county court, together with the county commissioners, wera also guests. MILLSITE AND MORE TIMBER LAND BOUGHT (BpeeUI Dlapatek to Toe Joorsat.) Sllvetton, Or., Dee. 21. The Silver ton Lumber company has leased a SO- aero traet Just outslda tho city limits. owned by Dr. M. & DeGuIre, and will erect alargo mill at once. Ths com puny has slso closed a deal for 160 acres or: timber, owned by j. woirord co. Tho consideration Is said to bo 112.000. Work has already commenced 'on the mill, end It is expected to hsvs it in operation by Juno 1, employing 100 men. They will build a railroad from ths city to their timber on tho Ablqua, a dis tance of 10 miles. NONE TO TELL THINGS TO EXCEPT HIS DOG Special Dlapatrk to The Jeeraal.) Walla Walla. Waah., Dec 21. "No body but my dog. These were the last conscious words of . Richard Olsen. sn sged sheepherder, who died In- a hospi tal of pneumonia thla morning. In reply to a question of a nurse inquiring If hs hsd any relatives or close friends to notify ir anything happened, oisnu wss a Norwegian and had worked In this country as a sheepherder It years. He was very reserved and concentrated all tho affection of his nature in his Intelligent aniie assistant. Bole for Hospitality. From the Youth's Companion. Ins Washington. Ueorgla, the first town in America named for the father of his country, lived General Robert Toombs, one of tho brilliant lights of hospitality in a country where social instinct' Is second nature. ' ' A committee onoo waited on General Toombs to consult him about erecting a hotel In tho town. "We have no need of one." said Gen eral Toombs simply. "When respectable people come here they can stay at my houae. ' If they are not respectable wo do ot want them at all.'. . -V Better Wages for Oarmea. ' Tke Bnrtoa trutler end elevated railway mi will iveelTD a voleniar torrneae la was the Srat of the year. Tlx larreaao wilt amount tn lieoooo asBsally, aad . sits will besoflteo. ,, on the Road to '......' . .... 1 -- - . . - : i . them and delicate work and.we guarantee satisfaction in every case or money back. Private fitting rooms, well . lighted and the largest stock df hernia appliances on , this coast, v What's the se of limping around with 1 enlarged or varicose veins when our ELASTIC STOCKINGS will give quick relief? Sprains, strains, enlarged joints, weak ankles or wrists, easily dislocated joints are relieved or cured by wearing a prop- , erly fitted garment We have sold thousands and always with satisfac tion and comfort to the wearer. Our prices include postage to any ad dress in the United States or Canada PRICE LIST 'Wristlets, silk . f ,81.00 Anklets .82.00 Knee Caps ................$2.00 Garter Legging ............ $2.00 Garter Hose ,83.00 - Knee I lose .... . . . . . . . .". . . . 85.00 Thigh Hose ............. .810.00 Send for -self-measurement blank. SLUMBER SOCKS 1 All sizes, per pair. . . .. .15 2 pairs for. . . .'. .25 ; Te a pair to bed with you and be comfortable.: FOURTH MID WASHINGTON Begin With .'.'..-.. - - '. . ' Have your premises wired make a New Year's resolution 1907 shall be an ELECTRIC YEAR in your household as .well as in your store, and prepare to enjoy the conveniences the labor-saving; the healthfulness the safety, the economy and the prosperity that attends the use of ELECTRIOTYo - Keep your place of business, bright with Electric Light, and don't neglect' the ELECTRIC SIGN, and you' will keep fctisy. Light is the magnet that attracts trade, Resolve to make your wife happier by giving her the convenience of an ELEC TRIC SEWING MACHINE, an ELECTRIC FLATIRON and Electric cooking and heat ing devices. Electric appliances cost little to use, but add much" to comfort The Electrical way is the ECONOfflCAL way. Call up Hain 6688 for information TODAY. t . a r IfeSiSSiS First zzl " ' f' Health Abdominal Supporter! "Woodlark,- silk .fin ished. Absolutely the best. We guarantee a perfect and comforta ble fit .83.00 Trusses ; Don't risk your life, with an ..improperly fitted . Truss or one which does not, assist-, nature in effecting: a cure., W .fit trusses correctly. Skilled men and women at tend to this very responsible - . : We are always ready and anxious . to open monthly accounts with re sponsible folks. We take Canadian' money at full value. Electric Lifl&t a set . 7J I ) ' V A if.---