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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 30, 1906)
THE OREGON SUNDAY JOURNAL. ' PORTLAND. SUNDAY MOHNING, PSCE!--..- S3, 1ZZZ t a r- 7.U1STER FHESIDEHT OF ; FKOKCTIVE SOCIETY -t . -' - : j Exciting Election of the Associa tion Was Held Yesterday VMw'-'v Afternoon.- ' ' Dm of the meat enthuslastla meetings klil in lwM.nit M that Af t Ha I Trarrlers' Protective Association of I Oregon ema wioninitQii m mo ruruii - hotel yeetorday afternoon. The meeting ett tee afternoon waa rouowea oy a Dan- t.. St '. ST CI I r r x - t t . V , . .. ' ) I , ' : 1 y-r ? m. imimip iieiiMi "' .H. C. McAllister, President of Trav. I' '.elert Protective Association. t. auetiat the hotel In the evening, when ' mora) than 260 members and friends of f the association sat down to a sumptu ( ous feast. . ' . - ' The afternoon meeting was held for '. business alone, among which -was the election of officers for the ensuing year. ' The race for president furnished the most excitement and was- hotly .con tested. H. Cl McAllister was elected over Louts Allehoft. Both men had many friends among the members and the result was In doubt until the tellers announced the vot. Willi Fisher wa . elected first vice-president; Henry Houseman, second vice-president; I. 1 Mannhelmer of Seattle, third, vice- president; J. A. Frldaker of Spokane, C fourth vice-president; J. C. Gibson, fifth it vice-president. I O. Lakln was elected V secreury and treasurer over J. P. Ken s''" nedy. .. ,' ; . -The election of a board of directors resulted ss follows; K. Bhelley Morgan, Fred P. Baumgartner, A. J. McDanlels. ; h Charles Rosenfeld,. Julius Mayer . and ' r Alexander Kuns. v - ' David - M Dunne cted-s toaslmaster and proved himself a popular one. The v -.; following toasts .ware Tesponded . to: tf. "Outlook," W. -&. -Fenton; "T. Pr A.." .-Mharles lUnsom; -"Out for the Coin." - E. at.' J-MeAlllater; "The. Battle and thj Strong," Rev. Dr.Wlse; "The Trav A ellng Man as a Cltlsen,? tt:M, Cake; , "Traits That Win," Rev.., Clarence True ..' Wilson. ) " :.. ! " v - "" . '"' " '" ' ghak Agaia 04ttng Away. -' 1 ; - mrut Kwa bj Lancet Leased Wire.) 'Teheran, Persia, Dec.-!. The shsh ' - has strain-surprised his attendants wno t have been hourly watching for his death. . After a. long period of ineonsclous- ! . neas his tnsjesty once mora rallied dnr- ln' the night, became fully conscious and today Is distinctly better. Freed. From Pain After Suf ferinf Years . of Tortune : With Piles. - 'v. Toa Caa ,ave . Trial Vaokags. rrea. - George B. Bender, tS Dlversey street, Chicago, expresses his gratitude to the Pyramid Pile Cure as follows: "I have been.a-eufferer for 14 years from internat fcnd external piles. I have bought all kinds of pile cures to get re lief, but it was all In vain until I Mad your ad In the , and I sent for a sample, which you sent me. I used It. I have bought one 10c box of Pyramid Pile Cure and one box of Pyramid Oint ment 1 have used them as you directed Tksss Uttls rvraadds otlttvei Oars Pllst and today 1 bought' snotHer.(0o bos. Oentl'sraen. candidly speaking.' I must tell you the truth, that I am feeling fine after using one too box and I am free from pain at present I sincerely be- llevs It is one of the best and. grandest pile cures In the world. .1 would advise all sufferers to try the Pyramid Pile , Cure, , for It Is the bestr remedy eyerl used. It Is a sure core. . I am Very thankful for the sample you sent me. The Pyramid Pile Cure I a Oodsond to the sufferer of plies snd I know It." We wsnt every man-or woman who suffers from piles not to wait another day before writing us, whether you have the money or not. We are confident that- our treatment will cure you, no - matter what (the progress of your dls aae. If you will use It We are so anxious to our every piles sufferer that we Will send one sealed trtnl pack age of the Pyramid rPllf Cure free upon receiving your-nmo end-address. This trial treatment will reduce the swelling, relieve the congestion, Irrlta tton and Itching and soothe the ulcerous ores. If you will continue with the uae of the remedy we can asaura you a positive cure without Interruption of your diet" and without expense. ' Pyra mid Drug Co., 74 I'yramld Bldg.. Mar shall, Michigan.- , The Pyramid Pile Cure Is sold III tO otot lti-kgcg at all druggists. ' . ' LEG AND ARM COST HARR1MAN FORTUNE .' f $ Fresno. Cal., Dec. Jl Wlllard 4 'ZlboeU, th well-knowntrottlp Dorse ' driver. w wn ivimui given a verdict ot 1140,000 dam- 4 ages against the -Southern Pa- oif to company because of Injuries reoelved la this city II months ago. He lost a leg and two arms. This verdict Is for the r largest , 4 amount (-ever awarded In an American court Zibbell was engaged to be mar- rled at the time of the accident, and the young lady Insisted, upon - ) the wedding taking place at once, and she has Since been his oon- sunt companion and nurse. - SIX LABORERS HURT BY COLLAPSING WALLS . - ; tHeerat News br LengMtla4 WtrO Ban Francisco, Deo. !. Six laborers wers Injured today by falling waiis in two parts of the city; and-hrea-of them. Salvatore Garcia. Nicholas An- tonla and Oeorge oenttll will probably die. ' Five of the injured men were digging at -the foundation of a nine-foot wall at Battery and Pine streets, where the WoodrurT construction wmptnj erecting a building when, without warn ing the well caved In and completely burled them. " " M ' Their screams oould be heard from beneath the brick, and workmen from all over tno neighborhood cam run ning to their assistance. As many as could get to the fallen wall worked for IS minutes before the first of the vic tims waa rescued, and nearly half an hour passed before all of them could be dugout.-- ' " V The second accident ooourred at Tenth and Howard streets, whsr a gang 1 engaged In wrecking the ruins of .the . old Market Street Cable com pany's power-house. George Dentil! wss at work on "top of one of the walls agalnat which an Iron girder weighing perhaps four or -five tons was leaning., He bad cut half way through th mas onry when the wall gav way to th weight of the girder and craahed down feet to th basement, carrying den til! with It . . , -- . f ' . K mmm e ssaaaisi asesi . CUPID AGAIN TRIUMPHS OVER ALL OBSTACLES " .' (Hearst New er loosest Leased Wire.) . Denver. Dec . Determined not to b thwarted by distance, by th oppo sition of stern, unreasonable parents, by lack of money or the hampering strings of youth, James H. Beard Jett his hnma In Natches. Mississippi, one day last week to come to Colorado to marry Gladys wneeier. toe in bad promised to love and be true to him under any old circumstances. The marriage of th two young peo pl from the south which occurred yes terday In Denver, Is th culmination of a childhood romance. The bride,. Gladys Wheeler, la the daughter of William Wheeler, a prominent banker and plan tation owner of Mississippi, and nlec of Charles. Wbeeler. proprietor of th St Charles hotel of New Orleans. . ' -- To separate the young people. Miss Wheeler's parents sent her to Colorado Springs, where she- was registered as a student at tjoiorauu toii ginning of th school year. Tru to th wishes t her wealthy father, ah de clined to answer any of young Beard's letters. Nothing daunted, however, he cam to Colorado Springs in person, and announced- that- she should marry him at once, or eh should never look upon his face again. They accordingly cam to Denver and were married yesterday, th announcement mad-this afurnoon GAVE WIFE AWAY BUT ' SHE CAME BACK TO HIM ' -. ' rr -1 ' -( - (Hearst New by Longest Leased Wire.) . ' New York, Dee. . "Where's your wife T". his neighbors asked Ed. Garrison at Millville, New Jarser. today. "Oh. I gave her away for a Christmas present to that young fellow KeHey," Garrison answered with difficulty. "I began to think sh liked Kelley.f. fa said. Bora neighbors wer about to condole Garrison, when h lntrruptd languidly, "Oh, it's all right I got a letter f rom ' br today saying that sh has found out she thinks a great deal mora ot m than sh thought h thought of young Kslley. She found that out In three days. Bo I wrote her sh oould com back." DEFECTIVE WIRING CAUSE OF BLAZE . Fir In th Benson block,-a-the cor ner of Fifth and Morrison streets, at midnight last night drew a, larg crowd of people. Th fire was confined be tween th celling of the M. A. Gunst cigar store and, the floor above. Smoke spread Into the 8tewart saloon, at the rear of th cigar store, and for a tlms many persons thought that th entire block would b consumed. The alarm was turned In by F.rank Benedict . Prompt action on the part of th department held the loss to a low figure, estimated at 1500. The fire Is supposed to have been cause by de fective wiring. - 1 '- FINN'S NEGLECTED WIFE T0 SUE FOR FORTUNE ' . '' "ssaassaJassBSS '' aasw . " ' (Hearst News by Loiuteat fMsed Wirt.) Fltchburg, Mass., Dec 29. Mrs. Rose Finn nearly a life-long resident of this city, today retained counsel and-will wage a bitter fight to prove her legal right to the estate and fortune of John Finn, who was until his death on No vember t In Los Angeles, th genera! manager of the great Southern Pacific system, John Finn and his wife cam to live In this city nearly 30 years ago until he disappeared to go west It was afterward , learned he was rated ss a ton notch railroad man. In IKS he left this city, without a word to either his wlf or friends. , - . y GROUNDED STEAMER IS FLOATED AT NORFOLK iPni.liahera' Press bT Rneelal teased Wire.) Norfolk, Va.. Dec; . With the aid of four' tugboats th Old Dominion steamer Hami.ton, which grounded be low . Bewail s point, was floated at S o'clock tonight. A dens fog hung over th water when th ship went ashore. It Is not thought that th ship suffered any serious Injury. Th Hamilton took on freight and coaled at Newport News last night and was coming over her that ah might flniah coaling end salt for New York tonight but sh will not get away before morning.-' , t- " - Bailey Carrie Oonaty. (I'uMl.hers' Press by Speclsl Lessod Wire.) Dallas, Texas, Deo. !. Returns from Comanche county tonight shew that t'nlted States : Henator Bailey csrrlenW thei county easily. H rarnoa ii or tli J voting boxes Ct th eouQtr. NEW IRISH SECRETARY ft) Winston Churchill, whosV picture is herewith printed, it is said is to be the new secretary for Ireland. Ht , is cousin of the Duke , of Marlbor- ough. He has inherited his distin . guished father's Lord Randolph Churchill adaptabilities for" British politics. He is said to be an anti home ruler, and a lively time is pre dicted for him at his new post, pro vided he receives the appointment,, NEW 60CIAL LION London society has a new object of adoration in the person of Agamya Guru Paramahamsa, known as the Tiger Mahatma, chief of all the Yogi,' He has rooms in Margaret street 'and society flocks to him to hear . the riddle of ' the universe solved. ' : -; 'rf''- HERE IS WOE FOR BOSSY AND DOBBIN (Special Dlspst-h t The JosraaL) -Seattle, Dec I. Only Immediate steps, say Seattle feed dealers, can avert a ruinous hay famine In all th sound cities In th next three weeks. Lee than 5 per cent of the required quan tity of timothy and alfalfa is being brought from Ellensburg and Taklma and 20 days more will see th last of th Inferior Puget sound crop, which has been used to supply the demand. It 1 Impossible to get cars on th Northern Pacific, the road which passes through the hay country, and owners of cattle and horses see a disastrous famine ahead, in two ' weeks the price has risen from $14 to 121 a ton, and prom ises "to reach $1 In a very few days. Dealers who are used to having 600 tons In stock have now about flv tons. Already many owners have allowed their milch cows to dry up, or have sold tham for beef, and every day th suffer ing promises to become more acute, FEE SCALE RAISED " BY BUTTE LAWYERS (Special Dispatch to The Journal. -Butte, Mont., Dee. 29. The members of the Silver Bow County Bar associa tion at a special meeting decided on a sweeping rale In their seal ot prices throughout giving as helr reason' for advancing the soal the Increase in th cost of eating and general living ex pense In the past divoroe were ob tained for 2S; now th - price ranges from ITS to tl00,i the latter figure If there Is a contest. ' Appearance In the su preme court for any purpose will cost 1100.. The, attorneys added from tZS to $50 to all their former charges. LITTLE PROGRESS IN r FORMING CONSTABULARY (Publishers' Press by Special Leased Wire.) Meridian. Miss., Dec. it. Information from Sceoba this afternoon is to the effect that but little progress has been made In th organisation of the con stabulary, th better classes declining to serve. According to reports no fur ther trouble has occurred and nothing new has ' developed concerning the whereabouts of the three whites wanted, or the negro, Tom Simpson, who pre cipitated th trouble. ... - . . ' ' ii ii " r :" " SKIPPER LOST RECKONING WENT TOO FAR NORTH . , - (Hssrst Mews by Loosest Leased Wire.) . Ban Pedro, Cat, Deo. 2. The British ship Queen Elizabeth, 147 days out -from Antwerp, arrived here lat last night Captain Fulton lost - his -reckoning slightly and went past here, but when he saw .Catallna Island,' he knew where he wa and turned east A tug went out about 40 miles and brought him In. . The ship Btandard and the schooner Alvena sailed for th north today. OREGON SCHOOL BONDS . A MIGHTY GOOD BUY t . . . ' X (Journal aperla! Service.) Boston, Dec. 2. A 120,000 block of Multnomah, Oregon, school- district bonds offered In Boston by K. H. Rol lins A Bona, bankers, IS meeting with good demand from Investors, who find the present low premiums on bonds an attractive Inducement to purchase. They are 6 per cent bond, due in-ms and 1 12. and sell at I10S.60, yielding tne purchaser '4.20 per cant income after accrued Interest, BIG FIRE RAGING IN v LOS ANGELES STORE (Hesrwt New by Unrest teased Wire.) ' ' Lo Angeles, Dec. So Fir brok out at :! o'clock last night on- the third floor of-th flv-story building occupied by the-Cohen Ooldwatar A Ca, whole sale clothiers. 7 111-220 Lo Angel street and In la short while had spread so rapidly that a general alarm waa sent in. The flremn seemed to b un able to make any Impression on th roaring flames, and by 11 o'clock every engine In the city waa pouring water Into th burning .. building. Th fir spread to aeveral adjoining buildings, but was kept in check by tons of water, and did little damage outside of th Cohen Oold water building. . - i - At 12:0 o'clock this (Sunday) morn ing th fir la still burning, but 1 amid to be under control. . Th loas will ap prolmat $500,000. Mr. Cohen estimates that hta loss will reach 1400,000 on th stock and 150,000 will cover th loss on th building, while surrounding, firms lost about 160,000. . The loss Is partly covered by Insur ance. Th origin of th fir, 1 un known. .1 BARTH0LDI ADVOCATES V INTERNAL IMPROVEMENTS (PsMlsbera' Pre by Sseelal Leased Wire.) St - Louis, Dec 1. Congressman Richard iBartholdl of St Douls declared tonight in an address before business men. bankers and large shippers of St Louts, for a national policy Issuing bond for Internal Igipjrovements, and. especial ly waterways. rry s. "Sine th civil war," he said, "every great question which -. baa divided po litical parties has been a business ques tion. W haV a right to conclude that the party, is most likely to aucoeed which Is most willing to champion th causa of general welfare by promoting th most important business policy ever before th country th policy of inter nal Improvements on a grand scale." , GUN FIGURES IN A ; - MATERNAL KIDNAPING (Special MspatcS te Tk years!.)' -' Taooma. "Wash., Deo. 2S. Mrs. T. D. Pen ton. of ' Taconia, whose S-year-old child was stolen from her last October by her divorced husband, Adolph Mick el son. yesterday recovered th Uttls girl In a sensational manner at th horn of her former husband In Chi cago. -' - According to word received from Chi cago. Mrs! Penton went with her prea- f ent husband and a man who said he waa a detective to Mlckelson's home, and while the detective held a big gun In Mlckelson's fae th mother - and stepfather took th screaming child, rushed te a cab and mad their escape. ROAD EXPERT SENT TO THE NORTHWEST ' Journal Special Service.) T " ' Washington. D. C, Dec. . . Samuel C. Lancaater. consulting engineer of th office of public roads, has been de tailed to proceed to th Pacific north west "on January II. snd remain sev eral months In Oregon and Washington lecturing on road construction and man agement H. .. ' 0 ; ' .t. Jlnsoli - tt Improving. (He nit New by Longest Lease Wire.) . St Louis, Deo. 2. The Improvement In the condition of Adolphus Busch, th brewer, . who 'has been - seriously 111 at his horn sine Wednesday night from an attack of pneumonia. Is so great to night that th physlclansln attendant Issued a bulletin Stating that all fears of a turn for th worse had been stilled. Mr.- Buseh's temperature- and respira tion hav gon to normal. : , ,,1 XaU wants Bivoro. J,r, (Special Dlspatcb to The JoernsLI T Seattle. Dec. J. Jess. M.; Hall, h young real estate broker who wes shot and seriously wounded on October 2 by his father-in-law, William Constantino, a wealthy butcher, for fancied Ill-treatment of Hall's young wife, will bring suit Monday for dlvorc from his wife, Myra Hall. - - ' , Hall yesterday started a ctvll suit for $100,000 damages against Constantino for Injur! .- tWlf Smoked Oigaxrettea. (Special Dispatch to The Josrsal.) ' Seattle, Dec 2. Th most Interest ing of th dlvorc complaints filed In the office of th clerk ot th superior court today Is one which .charges Mrs. Clarice Raddu with addlotlon to opium and cigarettes and a daah of Bohemian nronenslties. Oeorge F. Raddue, the plaintiff, further alleges that when he remonstrated with his wayward wlf sh promptly dertd him. - "' .-' eattl' JTew Fir Ohtof. ' Seattle, i Deo. Is. Harry W. Bring burat fir protection engineer, wlU be th next chief or th Beatii lire oepajx ment His appointment was mad by Mayor Moor this afternoon. Olaaiond Xaatlag La Xeatucky. ' : ' From th Nashvlll American. From present Indications ther Is no longer a doubt as to th axtatenc ot a splendid showing for diamonds In Ken tucky. For many years thos versed In such matters hav insisted mat mir stat offered flattering prospects for dia mond mining, but capitalist were timid and It bas taken a long process of rea soning to get them interested. At last the work is fairly under way 'and the results will be eagerly watched. Th plant to do the mining la now In process of Installation in Elliott county and by January 1 an Immense diamond washing pan and It accessory macninsry, duiii from South African models, will begin an exhaustive test of th 'Kentucky Klmberllt deposits, which geologists say are practically Identical with the olivine pyroxln rock In th Kunberley field In South Arrioa. - Eiuott county la th first and only place, In th United States which has mad an ITort to determine th possi bilities of diamond mining In this coun try. Moat of the finds so far hav been In alluvial deposits, and on of th best wa a 24-karat stone of fine quality picked up In Virginia some 60 years ago, but th source of those has never been found. Geologist believe that th wholesale washing operations will de termine " whether he deposits carry tru gem and In paying quantities. A Dangerous Baalae. Th Brotherhood of LoeosmtlT Koslneer ha BS.ono member. la th past 90 snaths M4 engineer hT been killed at their Boat ot doty, aad la two xar the ergsalsitloa hsa p. Id 1,120 death and . disability elalsM. At th present time the brotherhood Is rsrrrtag fnt onO.nno Inwirswe on lla member. Xrfng Teaaesse right. For twenty years W. U Rawls, i of Bells, Tenn., rought nasal catarrn. h writes: "The swelling snd, soreness In side my nose was fesrful, till I began applying Bucklen's Arnica Salve to the sore surface; this caused the soreness and swelling to disappear, never to re turn." Beat salve In exlateno. . 260 at Red Cross Pharmacy. .tT 3. CIEDv1I!Ij07FC - mm ti cwj . -" -. . t. -t . . -. ... . j . ji ; ; , t . r- Rivers and Harbors j Chairman . Cves Oregon Men High V'' . st Hopes. (BpadU Dlepatch ts Th JoaruL) Washington. IX C, Dc 1. Rpran tatlv Hermann, Pater toggle, of Coos Bay, and Orvllle Dodge, of CoqulU, called upon Chairman Burton of th hous rlvars And harbors ommltte -today and discussed th question -of de sired 'appropriations for Coos bay and the Coqullle river. ' , " ' ' As heretofore. Burton expressed fa vorable opinions concerning appropria tions tot the places and M callers today ar reasonably" certain that th rivers, and harbors bill - now being framed wlU contain an item of $100,000 for Coos bay dredging ' and adequate amounts for a survey of Coos bay and th Improvement of CoqulU river.- Burton expects to report his blU In th hous about January IS, and as his, eoramltte Is axerclslng ztrm car In Its preparation It Is believed the - bill will paa th hous practically as re ported. ; --;.;- j CLAIM PRESIDENT IS PROSECUTING MINERS (Pabllahar' Pna by Special Leased Wire.) Denver, Dec. It "The prosecution of Moyer, Haywood and Petti bone la not confined ' to th mln-ownra' associa tions of th weat' Th faet that In th recent . political . campaign ' Rooaavelt commissioned on of his potftloal family to leave the nation's capital and lnvad th stat of Idaho and lift bis vole In behalf of Governor Gooding, the polit ical tool and chattel of th Standard Oil company. Is convincing evidence that the conspirators hav entrenohed them selves bebiud th Rooaevelt thron and ar using th administration at Washington- as an ally to bring about th Judlolal murder of man who soaraed to prossrat themselves In submission to the anarchy of corporate deapota" Th president of th United State Is thus scored In th report of th execu tive board of th Western Federation of, Miners which hag Just adjourned after a meeting of aeveral days. ' SCHOONER BEULAH HAS CLOSE CALL IN GALE t (Hearst !few by Longest Leased Wire.) H San Francisco, Deo. 19. In A heavy southeast gals, which was- noountred on December 10, . th schooner Beulah all from being battered to pieces, Th gai : lasted for two days anA .th mountainous seas - swept the vessel' for end. aft Th deck '.was swept clear of vrythlng movable. and two lifeboats war badly crushed, Th Beulah arrived from Coos bay with a cargo of lumber. On th out ward voyage aha waa bound for Grays Harbor, but a series of gales wer en countered, which compelled Captain Skinner to run Into oo bay for shel ter. Sh received orders to load at that port for San Francisco. t The old bark Agate, which became waterlogged In a fearful- gale and wa compelled to put back to the Columbia liver, arrived her this morning In tow of th tug Baroaort Th vessel leaked so badly on th trip down that " th pump had to work day and night When the vessel arrived her ther wer seven and a half feet ot water In th bold. TWENTY-SIX KILLED - , . v IN RIOTS AT LODZ (Besrat News by Longest Leased Wtra.) -Loda. Dec' It. During rlota her to day and last night IS parsons wer killed. Score hav - been . wounded, many fatally. Th city is helpless In the reign of terror, led by Socialists. . Sanguinary encountere ar incessant Natlonellat workmen ar murdered like dogs. Agitators are urging the So cialists to continue th harvest of death. -y 1. . This' amount we have saved our patrons the past year by being out of the high rent district - Their apprecia tion of this great ronage. ana xor me coming yeaiv we wui oe oeuer aoie to care for the many wants of all. We will add man thousand dollars of high-grade and up-to-date .furnish-: ings for the spring trade, and yant you to come; and see for yourselves ; the advantage and saving we offer. Our store covers quar ter block, giving 24,000 square feet floor space. Three and a half blocks east of the . Morrison bridge in easy Htcsa to the entire city. i i m j ' n Exclusive Novelties Correct Styles, finely 0 tailored, and perfect fitting Vests for Busi ness or Dress Wear : mm New Figured C& Plain Grays V 'S for Tuxedo Wear ? v v lllii 269-271 F.IOIUUSOri ST. ' ':-sl isn SeButter-NutM unless it bears this labfil. r ....t,.. -.1 :;;. '. Q ' v If, after Jngsoconstony tt the euperiorltyie Id H Utter-mux prcu, you us ror n your jrytcrn, niaac " sure that It's BUTTER-NUT you get. As greater profits are made on other breads, substitution is coxnmonly'prac - tlced we warn you against imposition. Before the loaf Is wrapped see that it bears the label as reproduced above - ' : '"y ' . v ' : :. Cy., Butter-Nut Bread is 5c Lverywhere y Mil saving is shown by -W A rl w I r.HIg7 WPf, .. 111 1111 L I I II ... I -CT m . -. - v ' - s sti l -, a i mn w . mm s 11 t Wtt their liberal pat- X s ' L-