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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 30, 1906)
I- If- 1 V - THE 1 OREGON SUNDAY JOURNAL. PORTLAND. SUNDAY MORNING. DECELISZI? ZX KZ1 ND HAINES LAY CLAIM TO RACE DAVEYA i r K Former Expects to Be Speaker of House and Latter to Be PresU t dent of Senate.' . VAWTER IS DAVEY'S ; STRONGEST OPPONENT flection of two Is Claimed Without : Any Proviso Attached, and Poa - aibility-of Dark- Horaa Appearing la Given No Credence. , 1 JWIth a lead now which puts head and shoulders above his three opponent! In the race for the speakership of the .' legislature, the political supporters who constitute the strength of Frank Davey ' Of Marlon county claim Ma election with '. Vote te spare when they rather In aee . fc Ion t Salem two weeka from tomor 4i row. Llkewise tho force of K. V. ' Dairies lay claim to hla election to the ! presidency of the . senate, and bolster - (' vp their assertions by snowing a total --f 11 In the ranka of the Republican Xwho will vote for him. ; .' The hoodoo number conititutea a ma- Jorlty of the Republican membera of the aenate, and. not even the fact that . It ia an unlucky omen clouds the brlght- rtess of the prospect! for their candl . date's election. In short, with the close of the week and only a fortnight re ' tnalnlng before the convening of the ' I atate legislature. Davey and . Haines I have a clear track ahead of them. Ob- Steele. Of course, may appear before ' their respective goale are reached, but f their sympathiser pay but llttTe heed .to Idle. talk. The election of the two is ; claimed without any provlsoa attached, and the possibility of a, dark horse en ' termg the raoe la viven no credence by the supporters of the two men. t ... " - Mav Va Chaaoa. " i Davey aupportera argue that there la "Tint a ghost uf a chance ror-rrtertnree rival candidates. Chapln of Multnomah, Vawter of Jackson and Jonea of Polk r 'Lincoln. Jonea, they eay, haa only two ' other votes besides hla owa; Vawter has been depending largely . upon the f central Oregon delegation, and this is - ' likely to be split at the final vote, while Chapln haa been unable to hold hla own county together in the trial heat of the race. In fact, the lack of unity tn Cha ln'a Multnomah delegation waa looked upon yesterday aa the deathknnll of his hopes,, learjng tba struggle to Davey and Vawter.-. . .' - v- . -. ... Chapia'a followers look upon the mat- teri differently, however, and aay that v- there la more than a chance that he will ' yet gather together tha bulk of Multno- ' tnah'a strength... Again; thia statement Is set aside by the assertion that there - Is a definite possibility that Chapln- will 1 lay down what few chances remain' for ' i film nd )oln tha Vawter camp.. So the political kaleidoscope Just now 'throws only two- figures clearly upon the can f as Davey and Vawter, with tha odds " s favoring tha former. v -?- j; ' V ytm.mtrr rmnl Btrena-tfe. -' ' .. t Davey'a preaent strength Ilea .In the pi pledged mea-who have rallied .to Ms , standard, nvi or ineae oeiong to atuit tioraah's1 delegation and Include J. C. Bayer, John B. Coffey. D. C. Burns, John Drlscol! and L. JL, Adams. Twoi - other are aald to have leaned Davy- wards, but In reality the exact poel ' tlon of -the remaining members of the . . delegation, outside of -these who have committed themselves, la still to be de .' termlned. Davey aupportera claim that . . the majority of them will awing to tha DEVLIN ASSERTS TAX LEVY IS Auditor Declares Increase of Ex , penses of Running City Have Been Out of Proportion. i " CAN FURNISH DATA " TO PROVE ASSERTION .Beet Danger of Establishing Rate of Taxation in Preaent Good Time ' That Would Prove Very Embar ratting in Lett Prospermia Timet, 11 ) That 'the Increase tn expenses of the fit y of Portland from 10S to 190t, and as estimated for 1107, are out of pro portion with the Increase In population and wealth of tha city Is tha oplniou ; tf City Auditor Devlin. Mr. Devlin was seen st his home last night, and . asked what he thought of the proposed tag levy for the city. Ha said: ;.. "The data are ait at my office In . the city hall, and the- figures I can give are only approximate. And I would like to state that no one Is Closer to the people, or feels the de- , tnands of the people for extensive city Improvements more than the ' council men. "But the proposed tax levy is very - high. As an example of the great in ' crease In city expenses In the last two or thre years, the fir department may , be mentioned. The expenses for the fir department In lAOf were S1S6.000, In round numbers. In 10 they wen . about 12(0.000. For 1907 It Is esti mated that 1409.000 will be needed, and this does not Include the proposed new flrebost, which will cost approximately ' II 10,000. -nor many other Items for the .'extension of the service that would cost about half aa much more. J I .. Increased Expenses. ' v "Tha eat (mated expense ef maintain . Ing the parka Is increased from 125.001 .' to 171.000, an Increase of oo per cent. Tha increase In tha health department , Is nearly 80 per cent, from about . I2S.O00 to 195.000. This Includes a garbage crematory and other thlnga. In tha atreet repair department tha In crease I about 60 per cent In tha en wlneer'a office about pet cent; Ik the treat cleaning department. o per cent or more. i s -"That la anough to give an Idea M the estimated Increase In certain de . rartments. There seems to me to be-a danger of establishing a rat of taxa ' turn In tha preaent good time that ", would prove vary embarrassing in less . proeperous times, should they .aver . com. 'There la' an insistent demand frem .!! sides thai the - Improvements made, but' It is a question for careful consideration wbtUier ail Improvement ranka of the Marlon ceunty candidate, but the statements made by W. I. Vaw ter, who came to Portland yesterday and opened up headquarters at the Imperial, tend to discredit tha assertions of the enthuslastlo Davey men. Mr. Vawter and hla loyal onea have begun a cam paign which will not end. they aay, un til onror the other of the candidates la well up on top and defeat Impossible. In consequence, their energies will be brought to bear upon the eight remain ing membera of Multnomah'a delega tion atill out of the fold, and itls be lieved that during the present week the settled position of these elgWt will be come known. Vawter aupportera claim to be making Inroads In Pavcy' lineup, and ao tha atruggle goea merrily on. . Whispers of Bark Bona. . . lit yeaterday afternoon thee were whlapera of that Inevitable dark horse In relation to tba speakership. From tha hotel lobby, down tha atreet and. back a rain, there waa "talk of the East ern Oregon man who In all probability will be sprung as a candidate ior ne speakership after tha others have com pleted the building of their fences and feel certain that the prlxo ia lodged In safe hands. - For sevrral days past tna political enemies of Frank Davey have v been working tb test the strength of J. F. Hendrlck of Wasco and yesterday there waa a rumor to the effect that-JtttC last attempt to gain the speakership prise would ba to unite tha forces o all of the opposing candldatea In favor of 'the Eastern Oregon-wan. : ; ' Xendrloks, rerhapaly : ' Hendrlck la credited with the warm support of Malcolm A. Moody and tha fact that ha halls from Wasco county In tha district eaat of tha Cascades, which has long, been dented the honor of the speakership In tha house, la one of - tba chief argumenta of thoaa who believe that he may prove a strong factor In breaking Into Davey'a strength. Tha effort to bring out Hendricks at thia late data la In Itself an admission that Davey'a fight ia all ' but won. Nevertheless there are aoma who are sanguine enough to believe that It will not be aa Impossible task to taka from Davey hla Eastern Oregon following If tba Wasco man enters the race aa la now planned, and with thia support to gether with tha balance of the district east of the mountains, which la certain to go to an Eastern Oregon candidate, they argue that Hendricks' election might result 7 . V, Aboat Senator Hodson. . j.. . There was 'little mention made, yea terday of Senator Hodson and his run for the prealdent'a chair. In fact, ao far aa that position Is concerned. It la broadly atated that hla aua haa aet. Haines' grip on the place la too atrong to be broken and each day apparently adda height to tha barracks he ia build ing for himaelf. Hodson's defeat la analogoua to fail ure on tga part of Jack Mathews to control tha higher branch of the state leglalature In hla attempt to ward' off any legislation detrimental to- tha cor porate lntereata -which he represents. Had Hodson . been ; nailed Into the aeat to , which ha- aspired It la more than probable that tha proposed railroad laws, trafflo regulatlona and. amend ments to the tax laws would have found a silent death In the nraeon holes ao numerous and easy of acceas when tha occasion requires. ' But Hodson ia. de feated, so far aa present Indications can be taken,' and with his eer-back ' is ehronlcled, too. the passing of Mathews aa a dominant fadtor In the atate legla lature. At tha last session f the legis lature the former boss of Portland -politics received some hard blowa during his campaign-of lobbying, and Hodson's defeat is looked upon by those wtjo do not admire Matnews and nia wavs from a political standpoint, aa tha last straw ton tha camera .back. ' , VERY HIGH should ba made in one year. "A better method would seem , to be to take a fair share of them each year, and not try to do It all at once. " Borne uniform limit on the increase In ex penses In each department ought to ba fixed, and it might b put as high a 50 per cent. But there ought to be euch a limit "It haa been urged that large amount hav been made through Increased values In real estate, and that the prop erty owners are therefore abl to pay the tax. Tha fact Is that (0 per cent of the property owners are men who own their hornet, and only a email per centage of th property' owners have made much money In Increased real aetata. "The burden of the taxes for the city rests on th. small property ownera. and when hard times come, whan money Is scarce and Work hard to get, the bur den of an expensive city government would bear heavily on these owners 6f tha homes. raoplo too Liberal. "The people aeem verv liberal In their willingness to pay for Portland s needs. substantial Increase In the salaries of firemen and policemen la necessary In order- to keep good men In these de partments, and will have to come. Such Incresses ara recognised generally aa urgent necessities, not only by the heads of the departments where thev are needed, but by others as well. "But It should be born In mind that thee Increases ar but a verv small part of the total proposed Increase In the city expenses. The estimates of the executive heads of all tha depart ments have been' passed without paring, and hav been recommended to th city council. Theae estimates Include every thing the heads of tha department think they should have, and in paaelng them to-the city council, no reductlona have been made. . "The council thus has not only" the pressure of constituents In tha various parts of the city, but the recommenda tions of the executive heads of the dif ferent departments of thd city' govern ment to consider. Th question Is one to which too careful attention cannot be given, and I believe tha council will give It the consideration It demands,, and act with wisdom In levying the city tax." PERSONAL John A. Beck, th pioneer jeweler, who haa been confined to his residence at 414' Yairihltt- atreet for nearly two months by, Illness, waa able to visit his atore yesterday. He la alowly conval escing. w. Erneat B. Franklin, for II years with tha City at Suburban Railway company, and Its successors, rising to th posi tion of foreman In the company' ahnps, left lst night with hla family for Halt Lake City, wlwwe he will occupy the place of master mechanic for tba Utah Ufht and Hallway, eompanz, . . and ends Library Cases antLDesks $36.00 Library Case, leaded glass doors, mahogany fin ish exactly like cut...... , 923.75 CO mahogany combination Bookcase, leaded -glass can opy top, bent glass ' - door . 939.50 128.00 Combination Bookcase, golden quartered oak, bent ' glass door, .mirror " 1 top ...922.50. 131.60 Combination Bookcase. : In golden oak. 12x11 shaped bevel plate, bant , glass door 924.00 - $37.80 lAdles Desk In genuine mahogany. the design la : Colonial and it la a bargain at ............... 922.50 $22.60 Ladlee' Desk In . quar- . tered-sawed " ' golden oak. . fullJTenchleg and mirror .top ita.Du Beds ' - i- ! i eaaxaaasaaeaaaat ' .' jfs.:; r $16.00 I th price of a bed exactly like cut with 1 J-16-lnch contlnuoua post, finished Vernls Martin; our January Red Tag Sale brlnga it down to ...$9.75 $4.00 Iron Bed, angle Iron head and foot, scroll design, all colors. .$3. OO $6.00 Iron Bed. with straight uprights and braas knoba .' 9425 $17.00 Bed, finished In cream and green or dead black with gold chills 99.75 $27.60 All Brass Bed, bow foot, 1H Inch post and 3-inch knoba. .927.60 $13.60 Malleable Iron Bed, 1 1-U inch contlnuoua post, finished Verni Mar tin 98.25 $86.00 full Napoleon Bed In genutn mahogany, claw feet 960.00 $36.00 Napoleon Bed - In-, mahogany, bird's-eye maple and quarter-sawed golden oak 927.50 $38.00 Bed with roll top In bird a-eye maple, mahogany and golden - oak 924.7CS Dignified Credit, to All FIVE TRANSFERS -NET LARGE SUM Outlying Real Etat Is Sold for Nearly Quarter of Million ; Dollars. v Tlve tranafers of amaU parcela of real estate In parte of the city not In the business district for considerations ag gregating $236,000 have been reported. These alea afford an excellent Indica tion of th rapidly lncraaing value of real estate In PorUand. . At th aouthwest corner of First and Columbia atreet, the property occupied by the old St. Oeorge hotel, a three story brick building, 60 by 100 feet and a -frame -dwelling adjoining . baa been sold for $80,000 by B. J. Daly and W. B. Streeter to aoma local Investors. A lot 100 by 100 feet on the aouthwest corner of Bfttn and Johnson streets, di rectly across from tbe XTnlon depot,, haa been, purchased for 80,000 by Beno A Hallis and K. J. Daly from the Security Loan aV Trust company. . The same people' also purchased from tha King estate a lot 100 by 100 feet at the southeaat ' comer of . Washington, and King atreete for a consideration amount ing to nearly $26,000. A three-alory brick of frame building will be placed on the 'triangular tract between Washington, Alder and Six teeaUl gtreota, tr. Da4 U UUrky4 JANUARY. R E D TAG S The past year has been the most prosperous this country has ever known, and factories have not been able to fill their orders; this means that on January 1 every furniture factory will raise prices. Knowing this, .we anticipated the demand and placed orders two months 'ago for our spring stock. Other years our stock begins to arrive about March 1 -but this yea t, in order to get goods at the old prices, we were forced to ship two months earlier. We have a number of cars on the road and must get rid of all odds that we may place these new "TAG SALE, and a' glance at prices of the deep cuts we have made the i (If WnrarW " Hall Racks Thia rack It one turned out by tha ahop of The Craftera and a good value at 18.10. January ' Red Tag Sale price (5.7S 130.00 Hanging Hall Rack in quartered weathered oak. Mission design ...-919.50 140.00 Hall Beat to matcn. 927.00 $28.60 Standing Hall Rack in - quartered " weathered oak. with box .' 918.76 $18.00 BUndlng Hall Rack, Mlaaton design. 11x21. ' French bevel mirror . 99.50 .$11.00 weathered oak Hall Stand, with umbrella - rack 913.50. $14.00 Hall Rack, complete with box and umbrellt atand, French bevel mirror, -10x16 98.75 $1J0 Mission Hall Rack. lOx - 17 -French bevel mirror, box and; umbrella rack.9il.50 ill . 10x10 French bevel mir ror ., 98.25 $26.00 weathered oak Hall Rack, 10x12 French bevel mirror ...... I.. 4. .915.75 - $66.00 five-piece Parlor Suit, mahogany finished . frame upholstered In valour exactly like out, for . 929.75 $18.60 three-piece Parlor Suit, upholstered in va lour, mahogany finished frame ......... 913.25 $80.00 mahogany finished Parlor Suit .In thre pieces, upholstered tn heavy Verona . ...fSM.OO $180.00 three-piece Parlor Suit, In mahogany, heavy carved back and upholstered In silk Ve- rona 9117.00 $108.00 three-piece Colonial Suit, upholstered in -gold thread tapestry 968.00 $160,000 three-piece Psrlor Suit, In gold leaf, uphol- Stered in silk damask Stoves and Ranges $55.00 Six-Hole Malleable Steel flange, 18-inch oven, an exceptional value, at ...T.. 936.50 $45.00 Six-Hole Steel Range, 18-inch oven, full nickel trimmed ........."..29.50 $27.50 Four-Hole Range, 14-inch oven, high -warming closet ...v...... f 20.00 $12.00 No. 8 Cook Stove, 16xl8-inch oven, sliding hearth. -extra long firebox.... 98-B ?;6.00 Wood Heater, cast top,- lower front draft, till nickel trimmed 94.25 ? 11.50 Wood Heater, cast top, front, bottom and imng",-full nickel trimmed ..98.75 $2.75 Airtight Heater, inside lining, tnhe draft ..I..;..... .91.50 . ; . . i- - Roger B. Slnnott, and E. 3. Daly.? who pjurchased the lot front F. W. Leadbet ter for $48,000. The lot haa a i2 foot frontage on Waahlngton street, 166 feet on Sixteenth atreet, and 60 feet on Alder street. - At the northeaat corner of First and Clay streets a lot 60 by 100 feet was recently sold to Fred Rothschild and Sam Hermann for $36,000. Wall aV Von Barstel have sold a tract on Twenty fourth and Taclflo atreeta to T. McAtee for $4,600. It waa purchased for an ia vestment .: 4-. T. SI ANY OBSERVE XM AS WITH CHINESE PUPILS Over $00 member and frienda of the Chinese 'Methodist Episcopal mission were present at the Chrlatmaa celebra tion, which waa held In the hull at 347 8tMkatreet last evening. None of (he pupils was alighted, and from tha enor mous tree loaded down with present, each received a gift. The evening's entertainment waa ar ranged by Dr. W. B. Holllnahead anil Rav. Chan Sing Kal, pastor, and was under "th direction of Miss Fertl O. Chan, pianist of th mission. Th pro groin Included scripture recitations by a group of th boy pupils, musical selec tions and dialogue. A feature of the program which elicited hearty applause waa an Irish aong by Ida and Fannie Chan, who also ronrtlbuted a vocal duet and a piano duet la response to an en chore. j - The evening entertainment through out afforded much amusement and the BEGINNINQ WEDNESDAY. JANUARY 2 goods on our floors. To do quoted will show that we mean what we say. These are store is full of bargains: ; Dressers $13.60 Dresser In quartered-sawad oak, 32x4$ French bevel mirror, claw feet, exactly Ilka cut ...... 94 7.SO $76.00 Dresser, 80x40 French bevel mir ror, full awell front, eelect quartered oak 955.00 140.00 quarter-aawad golden oak Dres ser, full awell front, 80x30 bevel mir ror .- 931.50 $40.00 Draaaer In genuine mahogany, 28x34 shape French bevel mirror, full swell front, claw feet. 93e.OO $90.00 quartered oak Dresser, awell v front and. ends. $3x40 French bevel mirror .................... 963.00 PARLOR FURNITURE V-.. .996.50 number cn the program received much applause. After the Christmas gifts had been distributed, Ice cream and cake were served. s -' , ACCEPTANCE OF BRIDGE ACROSS BUTTE CREEK . . . . . ''PeeialJipatch t The JeersalJ saiem, 4Jr, Deo. 3.The Joint bridge between Marlon and Clackamas coun ties across Butts creek, haa been ac cepted by the officials of both coun ties, who metat Scott Mills to Inspect It, The bridge Is a Howe truss struc ture, covered. Its 'main ' span Is 78 feet In longth and th approaches on each aide are 80 feet. The contract price of the bridge waa $1,800. The bridge In on tha road leading from Scott Mills to Marquam. The . commission ers for Clackamas county ware T. B. Klllln and John Leweiien and Road master. M. A. McCorkle , for - Marion eunty. . . "' - , SET FREE IN BAKER TO BE TAKEN TO MALHEUR (ftpeHal Dlseateb to Tbe InareaLI Baker City, Or., Deo. 3. Freedom given four prisoners -who completed terma in the Baker county jail yester day wsa ahort-llved, aa Sheriff O'Dell of Malheur' county, with hla deputy, Frank Moffltt, awaited 'them at the prison doora and Immediately rearrested them on new charge. ' Th ma were taken to Malheur count today ' . , ; ! " ALE this 'we will have a JANUARY RED Couches 114.00 Couoh. aprlng ' edge, eak frame, with u:law foot, full eteel . conatrnotlon, - upholstered In v f lour .....v...........fl5.00:: $83.00 Gondola Couctu ball foot, beat, : oil tampered teel spring used In construction, upholstered in Ve rona ....... .; 921.00 $39.(0 Verona covered Couch, golden ; ' oak frame and full steel construc tion 917.50 $31.60 quarter-sawed ' oak frame Couch, upholstered tn . Verona va lour, atael construction.. 915,00 $60.00 Bel Davenport, upholstered ' In Chase leather and frame fin ished In golden oak and mahog- any finish ., .936.00 $80.00 Hi Davenport, golden oak frame, atael construction. ' uphol ' stared In velour ....... .925.00 $136.00 genuine ' mahogany Daven- port, upholstered in atlk ve- . lour ......v... 979.50 j $36.00- Davenport, solid oak frame . and upholstered in first tiallty leather M.. ........... . ft 73.00 $16.60 mahogany Roman Beat, upholstered tn' Ve rona ; 99.75 $18.60 Rocker In Vernla Martin, splendid value at 912.75 $16.00 A pretty Reception. Chair tn Vernls Mar tin .... .....'... 98.50 $16.00 solid mahogany Rocker, dull finish, loos cushions In atlk valour ., 98.7tx $27.60 Roman Seat, with back upholstered seat and back In Verona 916.50 $10.00 odd Side Chair In mahogany flnlah, uphol atered seat. 95.50 $23.60 high back Rocker In mahogany, flnlah, aeat back upholatered la leather ......... ....914.OO Carpet Department - $17.50 6x8-6 Axminster Rug.. .......... .913.60 - $2?00 8-3x9-4 Axminster Rug. ......... .919.20 $15.00 6x8-10 Brussels Rug ............ .910.30 $27.50 9x12 Smyrna Rug ,,...920.&6 $2.50 26x48-inch Smyrna Rug.,..... .....91.35 $22.50 8-3x10-6 Smyrna Rug . ....... ....916.25- $5.00 36x72-inch Smyrna Rug ............92.85 , $3.00 30x54-inch Smyrna Rug ...... .91.65 $3.00 27x54-inch Axminster Rug .......... 9 1.05 $5.0O36x72Mhch Axminster Ruf ......... .93.20 $2.00 27x54-inch Brussels Rug.. .....91.00 . "Doc," Anderson, accused of having run a "blind ptg.'Y and a -comrade named Arnold, who 1 accused of hav ing aided Anderson to escape the Mal heur authorities, were two of the men, and the othera were Bob Miles and Henry Cannon, alleged horsethlevea, who are accused of having stolen five horses -In Malheur and bringing them Into thia county for sale. Several montha before they were arrested here on similar chargee and aentenced to four montha' imprisonment. SILVERTON WOODMEN -BURY BROTHER TODAY " (Speeial ntapatrfe te The 7noraa1.V Sllverton, Or., Dec, 30.-The body of I. W. Moeer, who was drowned at Spo kane two week ago, waa shipped to Sllverton, and arrived this morning. It will be ' burled In the Miller cemetery, near here, tomorrow by the Woodmen of the World, of which he waa a member. He carried 84.000 insurance in the Wood men lodge. Moaer waa bora In Silver ton, and was a highly respected cltl San. , . . - . -' DIES WITH LONG-SOUGHT ' LOST LODE NEVER FOUND fftpsetat fdtvateh tn Tb fnaraal.) . Baker .City, or., Deo. 2. After 18 years of faithful work on the Connor Creek mine, which ha was determined to ptit upon Its old rich basis, Captain Joe My rick, formerly a pilot on the Wil lamette, Columbia and Snake river boate, 'v ' y only a few Library Tables $4.l . Library Table, , 30x64-lncTt i ion. Mission: pattern, wood han- -.dies, four ' drawers , and one door 920.75 ' $33.60 Exactly like - cut ahown r.bo7e; one of the pattern from , th ahop of The ' Craftera; Is . - atrlotly Mission and very low in -price at 922.75 $66.00 I.lbrsrr Table in quarter ' sewed oajc- and genuine mahog- .any, -t!x64-lnch oval top, heavy' pedestal bass 939.75 $1100 Ubrary Table In golden quar tered 01k, full French legs, top 28x41 V 912.50 " $30.00 JUIsalon Library Table, 28x41 . Inch top, finished weathered . . ......... ,. 918.75 Dining-Room Furniture A $66.00 'Buffj't 1 13x34 Frencn bevel' . . mirror, quarter-sawed eak, fin ished weathered .......939.0O $27.50 Sideboard in golden oak, 14x . 14 -French bevel mirror ... 920.00 ' $70.00 Buffet, t mirrors in back, full , awell front, claw - feet,,., quarter- ' sawed golden oak. 944.00 346.00 Weathered Oak Buffet, leaded ' glasg top, strictly Mission In de algn ., 938.50 $16.00- 6-foot Extension - Table, weathered oak ...... ...910.50 $27.60 8-foot Extension" Table, " pe--destal base, 43-Inch square-top, . weathered oak ........ .90.50 $78.60 quarter-aawed golden oak Table, extend to 10 feet, 00-Inch round top," pedesUI base, ".claw ' ' " 953.09 FIf5t and Taylor Sti. died Thursday.;'--- .', ) '". ) - .Nearly 30 year ago Captain Myrlck fSf.VZ1 ffmbon for the mining put ,n charge of the Connor Creek rP.y' . A w1".'1 t,m" mna was or almost - fabulous richness, but the vein soon pinched out and has never been located since. .Du,i?i.i, ih.V yttrn Ptalft Myrlrk ties lived in the hope that he would again be able to locate that rich lode. 2 .':f0r!" weM ,n Tan' however, and at d? ,h prop"'tjr Und 4a- TO SHOW WHAT IS IN ' THE OPHIR AT DEPTH eaaeaasMaaWeaeaeae. Sumpter, Or., pee. SiFrom Cable Cov comes the news that,' th Ophlr min I making a Una showing in the de velopment work on th large ore body In-Jfo; drift. Laet summer the com pany bulK several miles of good moun taln wagon roads and purchased a 600 foot sinking and hoisting plant, with whloh early In the spring It Is proposed to get deeper Into the ground. A Final Cut. r Every coat and suit In th honse at such greatly reduced prices that every garment should go In one day It you only cotild see them.- !U snd be con vinced. Is Palais Roj-al, 378 Washing, ton atreet .-.. . .,. - ' .. '- 1 li. A Blalock nan rtclred ever ao$ for una aogH ! 1 1 " "'jr ' ' IV'- . ...,!,- V. '. 1 " Z i' r V. '.il M.I